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This article evaluates the implementation of Proposition O, a stormwater cleanup measure, in Los Angeles, California. The measure was intended to create new funding to help the city comply with the Total Maximum Daily Load requirements under the federal Clean Water Act. Funding water quality objectives through a bond measure was necessary because the city had insufficient revenues to deploy new projects in its budget. The bond initiative required a supermajority vote (two-thirds of the voters), hence the public had to be convinced that such funding both was necessary and would be effective. The bond act language included project solicitation from the public, as well as multiple benefit objectives. Accordingly, nonprofit organizations mobilized to present projects that included creating new parks, using schoolyards for flood control and groundwater recharge, and replacing parking lots with permeable surfaces, among others. Yet few, if any, of these projects were retained for funding, as the city itself also had a list of priorities and higher technical expertise in justifying them as delivering water quality improvements. Our case study of the implementation of Proposition O points to the potentially different priorities for the renovation of urban infrastructure that are held by nonprofit organizations and city agencies and the importance of structuring public processes clearly so that there are no misimpressions about funding and implementation responsibilities that can lead to disillusionment with government, especially under conditions of fiscal constraints.  相似文献   

Los Angeles has a long history of importing water; however, drought, climate change, and environmental mitigation have forced the City to focus on developing more local water sources (target of 50% local supply by 2035). This study aims to improve understanding of water cycling in Los Angeles, including the impacts of imported water and water conservation policies. We evaluate the influence of local water restrictions on discharge records for 12 years in the Ballona Creek (urban) and Topanga Creek (natural) watersheds. Results show imported water has significantly altered the timing and volume of streamflow in the urban Ballona watershed, resulting in runoff ratios above one (more streamflow than precipitation). Further analysis comparing pre‐ vs. during‐mandatory water conservation periods shows there is a significant decrease in dry season streamflow during‐conservation in Ballona, indicating that prior to conservation efforts, heavy irrigation and other outdoor water use practices were contributing to streamflow. The difference between summer streamflow pre‐ vs. during‐conservation is enough to serve 160,000 customers in Los Angeles. If Los Angeles returns to more watering days, educating the public on proper irrigation rates is critical for ensuring efficient irrigation and conserving water; however, if water restrictions remain in place, the City must take the new flow volumes into account for complying with water quality standards in the region.  相似文献   

Proactive Management of Air Quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Traditional air resource management systems have difficulty in addressing global issues, sustainable development, direct citizen participation, and integration with broad economic interests. As reactive management systems, they tend to be compliance-driven, static, and rigid. In contrast, proactive management systems are principle-driven, innovative, and flexible. Bridge scientists play a key role in supporting the transformation of raw data into wise action. Decision-makers need to integrate social values with knowledge about emissions, atmospheric processes, and potential environmental effects using the primary tools of measurements, monitoring, and modeling. The Alberta Clean Air Strategic Alliance, a unique partnership of governments, industry, and public interest groups formed in 1994, operates a comprehensive air management system that is capable of addressing air issues of greater complexity and uncertainty. Its success is measured by the satisfaction of its diverse stakeholders and by the number and scope of its initiatives.  相似文献   

室内空气品质评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍国内外有关室内空气品质的评价方法,着重介绍CFD和多区域两类模拟方法。  相似文献   

我国空气质量监督方式尚不统一,出现了三套数据的可比性问题。本文通过对这三种运行方式的经济技术特点分析,提出淘汰“五日法”、规范“24小时”法、发展自动连续监测和遥感监测的建议。  相似文献   

王东梅  王文勇 《四川环境》2007,26(1):103-105
本文提出了进行室内空气品质评价的一个系统,其中的评价方法选用综合评价方法。  相似文献   

2021年9月,世界卫生组织发布了《全球空气质量指导值(2021)》,在国际上引起了政府、社会组织和公众的广泛关注。本文梳理了全球空气质量指导值2021版相较于2005版的主要更新内容,以及全球空气质量指导值与我国环境空气质量标准之间的差异。基于我国2017年以来地级及以上城市的空气质量监测数据,比较了使用我国环境空气质量标准和全球空气质量指导值对我国空气质量进行评价的结果差异。同时,分析了全球不同国家空气质量现状和全球空气质量指导值要求的差距,以及我国空气质量在全球国家中的位次。评价结果显示:如果将2021版指导值作为评价标准,则2021年我国地级及以上城市日评价值达标比例仅为19.8%,所有城市的年评价指标均不能达标;我国PM2.5和O3暴露水平在全球203个国家中均处于世界中后水平。本文建议结合全球空气质量指导值的新要点,适时启动我国环境空气质量标准修订及相关大气环境质量管理制度的研究工作,引导我国城市空气质量持续改善。  相似文献   

灰色综合评判法与大气环境质量评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丁进宝  贺青 《四川环境》1993,12(3):46-51
依据灰色理论中白化函数的构造原则和聚类原理,提出了灰色综合评判法,并以大气环境质量评价为例作了说明。该法以等斜率方式构造白化函数,拓展了白化函数中污染物浓度的取值范围,有较高的信息利用率。评价结果能同时给出各评价对象所属的污染级别和各评价对象之间环境质量的优劣,具有较强的实用性。  相似文献   

本文提出了应用模糊积分进行大气环境质量综合评价的具体方法和步骤,并用这一方法进行大气环境质量评价,取得了令人满意的结果。该方法的优点是简便实用,评价结果可靠。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市空气质量变化趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对乌鲁木齐市2001-2005年空气中SO2、NO2、PM10、降尘等大气污染物监测数据进行分析,介绍了乌鲁木齐市大气环境污染特征,并结合当地能源结构、地理位置、气候特征、城市环境综合发展水平,指出影响乌鲁木齐市空气质量的主要因素,为防治或减轻乌鲁木齐市的空气污染提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

美国空气质量许可证制度是美国控制污染的一项重要的环保措施,经过几十年的实践已经形成了完善的框架和丰富的内涵,可为我国在建构和完善排污许可证制度的过程中作一借鉴。美国的空气质量许可证制度有周密细致的法律法规和先进成熟的科学技术作为支持,在理论上其性质定位为一种事先的全面的许可,在实践上许可证的执行强调企业的责任和技术的更新,并引入排污削减指标的交易政策把环保事业推向市场,这些都是我国的排污许可证制度所值得研究和学习的。  相似文献   

Problems of deteriorating water quality and the prospects of large invest ments for treatment facilities have motivated government decision makers to seek more cost-effective means to manage water quality. The most preferred policy advocated by economists is based on economic incentives. But the response of water quality managers to a particular incentive system cannot be predicted a priori . Before any incentive system is implemented, its effectiveness must be evaluated. Mathematical programming models have been used for this purpose. Experimental economics provides an alternative mechanism for testing the effectiveness of such a system. It can also help identify the necessary parameters of incentive-based systems. The objective of this paper is to describe the results of an experiment for evaluating the effectiveness of managing water quality under two different policies: a command and control policy; and a transferable discharge permit (TDP) policy. A review of previous research on the effectiveness of TDP systems is provided along with arguments supporting the use of experimental economics to investigate these problems. The particular experiments developed for this research along with the experimental procedures are described. Key results and observations from the experiments are presented.  相似文献   

城市交通环境空气质量评价的灰色层次方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文分析了城市交通环境空气影响因素,提出了一套评价指标体系,并应用灰色理论和层次分析法建立了环境空气质量评价的灰色层次评估法。  相似文献   

区域环境管理与合作有助于从区域的角度出发解决由于跨界污染引发的利益冲突和纠纷;同时由于有效的区域管理和合作有可能基于区域间污染治理成本的差异,制定最小成本的污染防治战略,可以因此推动整个区域的协调发展。2010年以来,中国大气污染防治已经开始向区域管理转化,并开始步入跨地区合作的新阶段。但这种转型,尚缺乏有效的制度安排和政策手段的支撑。已有的区域环境管理合作实践所存在的诸多不足和障碍主要源于缺乏不同主体进行有效合作的激励机制,一方面由于各地区所处的经济发展阶段、地方环境保护意识等方面存在差异,往往很难促成真正的整合管理与合作;另一方面体现在相应的责任-利益协调机制缺失,致使跨地区合作难以常规化和长效化。因此,构建合理的区域大气环境管理与合作机制至关重要。本文分析和讨论了区域环境管理与合作中的关键问题,并在此基础上提出构建区域环境管理与合作机制的几点思考。  相似文献   

成都市扬尘对大气环境影响初探   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
何建  肖保平 《四川环境》2002,21(3):68-71
本文论述了成都市扬尘污染现状并统计了成都市扬尘排放量,说明成都市扬尘污染相当严重,已成为影响大气质量的主要因素之一。加强扬尘管理和治理应成为大气环境管理和治理的一项重要内容。  相似文献   

目前,环境空气自动监测已成为我国城市环境空气监测的主要技术手段,我国已有百余个城市拥有这类监测系统。由于此类系统监测具有实时在线的特点,因此数据量很大,本文针对环境空气自动监测系统日常运行中获取的大量数据进行三级审核的特点,提出了如何加强环境空气自动监测系统中日常监测数据的审核工作。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了德国黑森州空气质量自动监测网及其管理和数据质量控制情况。  相似文献   

秦皇岛市从1998年5月29日至1999年2月25日空气污染指数平均为84.92,首要污染物是总悬浮微粒(TSP),空气质量Ⅱ级,属良好范围,在北方城市中仅次于大连和烟台。影响秦皇岛市空气质量的不利因素有煤炭运输规模大、建筑工地及城市卫生管理不严、绿地分布不合理、集中供热规模偏小等。为此,应继续治理煤尘,实行热电连产,改进绿化,加强管理。  相似文献   

几种神经网络模型在空气质量评价中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人工神经网络是一种利用计算机模拟人脑神经组织的运算模型。作为一种新的研究方法。神经网络在一定程度上可以弥补传统评价方法需要构建隶属函数、无法精确描述级别区间内的变化特征以及设计过程具有一定人为偏好的不足。本文选用BP网络、径向基函数网络、LVQ网络和Elman网络这4种典型的神经网络模型进行实例研究。把国内8个城市的污染物排放数据代入训练好的网络模型,进行空气质量评价,得出的结论对提高神经网络评价结果的准确性和可靠性有一定参考作用。  相似文献   

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