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EffectofSO_2-pollutedrapeplantongrowthandreproductionoftheturnipaphid,Lipaphiserysimi(Kaltenbach)¥WuKunjun;GongPeiyu;LiXiuzhe?..  相似文献   

Effectsofsulfurdioxideongrowth,gasexchangerateandleafsulfurcontentofmassionpineseedlingsYangLiangUnitedGraduateSchool,TokyoUn...  相似文献   

iththeintroductionofagriculturalandindustrialdevelopmentandimprovementofhumanlife ,environmentalpollutionbecomesmoreandmoreofconcernforpeople.MeHgisoneoforganiclipidsoluble ,heavymetallicpollutants.Althoughitsbiologicaleffectswerestudiedinmanyfieldsbyre…  相似文献   

Allelochemicals sustained-release microspheres (ACs-SMs) exhibited great inhibition effect on algae,however,few studies have focused on ACs-SMs toxicity on invertebrate.In this study,the effects of single high-concentration ACs (15 mg/L,SH-ACs),repeated low-concentration ACs (3×5 mg/L,RL-ACs) and ACs-SMs containing 15 mg/L ACs exposure on the ingestion,incorporation,and digestion of Daphnia magna Straus (DS) were investigated by stable isotope15N labeling method.Meanwhile,the diversit...  相似文献   

--Hainan Island, located at the southern end of China, hasless than 0.4% of land area but contains 13% of plant and animalspecies in China. During the last four decades many primary forestshave been converted to shrub land, grassland, and tree planation(e.g., eucalyptus forest). As a result, area of primary tropicalforest has been reduced from 25.8% in the 1950s to 4% in the 1990s.To assess impacts of land conversion on plant and bird speciesdiversity, a series of samples in primary forest and four types ofconverted lands were took. The land conversion had tremendouslyreduced both plant and bird species diversity. Specifically, plantspecies richness per site was 83.7 in primary forest, 28.3 in shrubland, 12.5 in grassland, 14.4 in eucalyptus forest, and 21.4 inAcacia forest. Bird species richness showed a similar trend 22.0in primary forest, 14.5 in shrub land, 2.5 in grassland, 4.9 ineucalyptus forest, and 9.0 in Acacia forest. The Shannon speciesdiversity indices for plants in the five types of land cover were3.69, 1.99, 0.97, 1.47 and 2.07, respectively. Similarly, the Shannon indices for bird species diversity were the highest in primary forest, and lowest in grassland, and intermediate in shrubland and eucalyptus forest.  相似文献   

1IntroductionLandcoverchangehasanincreasingimpactonforestecosystemsworldwide.Thedestructionofnativehabitatsisrecognizedasoneo...  相似文献   

In risk assessment models, solid–solution partition coefficient, Kd, and plant uptake factor, PUF, are often employed to depict the fate and transport of trace elements in soils. The trustworthiness of risk assessments depends on the reliability of the parameters used. In this study, we examined Kd and PUF for As, Cd and Pb based on soils and plant tissues obtained from 70 crop production fields in California. We also examined the California portion of a nationwide survey of trace elements in cropland soils conducted by the Soil Survey, Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA. Results showed that the Kd and PUF for cropland soils are probabilistic in nature and follow log-normal distributions. The trace element concentration of the soil solution did not appear to be a more appropriate estimator of PUF than the total soil element content. The Kd used in the CDFA (California Department of Food and Agriculture) study had a much wider range than that could occur in California croplands while the PUF used in the CDFA risk assessment was comparable to patterns observed in the field measurements.  相似文献   

In this paper, laser additive manufacturing (LAM) of Fe–TiC composite coating on AISI 1030 carbon steel is investigated using a numerical and experimental method. In order to have a desired result using LAM, it is crucial to understand the effects of the process parameters’ values on the TiC morphology and microstructure. For this purpose, the LAM process is numerically simulated in order to calculate cooling rate and peak temperature. Experimental data and numerical results are in good agreement in terms of the phase development. Results show that cooling rate plays a crucial role in phase transformation in the clad, however, final microstructure strongly depends on the cooling rate and powder's chemical composition. Two main carbide morphologies (i.e. dendritic and particulate) are studied and relevant cooling rates are detected. Based on this paper and developed map, it is possible to control the cooling rate in order to achieve specific carbide morphologies in the clad. In this study, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) are used to characterize clads’ microstructure.  相似文献   

EfectofacidicdepositiononproductivityofforestecosystemandestimationofitseconomiclosesinsouthernsuburbsofChongqing,ChinaWuGang...  相似文献   

The effects of silver nanoparticles(AgNPs) on reactor performance, extracellular polymeric substances composition and microbial community structure and function in integrated fixed-film activated sludge–sequencing batch reactors(IFAS–SBRs) were investigated.Results showed that the addition of AgNPs from 0.1 to 10 mg/L exhibited no significant effects on nutrient removal. The average overall removal of COD, NH4+–N and PO43-–P was96.6%, 99.9% and 98.8%, respectively. The introduction of AgNPs caused an increase in extracellular polymeric substances content for the sludge and biofilm of IFAS–SBRs. The release of Ag+from Ag NPs and lactate dehydrogenase test implied the low toxicity of AgNPs to IFAS–SBRs. High-throughput sequencing revealed that microbial community structure showed significant shifts at phylum and genus levels after long-term exposure to AgNPs,but core functional groups responsible for nutrient removal remained at high abundance.Bacterial function prediction indicated that the metabolic categories showed no significant shifts under AgNPs stress, therefore good process performance could still be achieved.  相似文献   

The effects of biosolids,ZnO,and ZnO/biosolids on soil microorganism and the environmental fate of coexisting racemic–quizalofop–ethyl(rac-QE) were investigated.Microbial biomass carbon in native soil,soil/biosolids decreased by 62% and 52% in the presence of ZnO(2‰,weight ratio).The soil bacterial community structure differed significantly among native soil,soil/biosolids,soil/ZnO,and soil/biosolids/ZnO based on a principal co-ordinate analysis(PCo A) of OTUs and one-way ANOVA test of bacterial...  相似文献   

IntroductionIPCC (IntergovernmentalPanelonClimateChange ,1990 ;1992 ;1995)hasnotedthathumanactivitiesaresubstantiallyincreasingtheemissionsof“greenhousegases”suchascarbondioxide (CO2 ) ,methane ,chlorofluorocarbonsandnitreousoxideintotheatmosphere .Theseincreaseswil…  相似文献   

Manure odor, which results in the increasing complaints and lawsuits, has increased the tension among swine producers and surrounding residents. The effects of Lactobacillus plantarum and different rates of soluble carbohydrates additions to swine manure on odorous compounds, chemical compounds and indigenous flora were evaluated. Additions were calculated on dried manure weight basis. Variables monitored included ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), odor offensiveness, pH, ammonium nitrogen(NH4^+-N), volatile fatty acids (VFAs), urease and indigenous flora. The results indicated that the combination of L. plantarum and soluble carbohydrates dramatically reduced manure pH. Lower pH resulted in the reduction of NH3 volatilization (34.6%-92.4%, P〈0.01), the increases of H2S (P〈 0.05) and NH4^+-N (5.3%-17.5%, P〈0.05). In addition, L. plantarum and soluble carbohydrates additions significantly reduced odor offensiveness, those VFAs related to malodor indicators(valeric acids, 12.3%-47.7%, P〈 0.05; iso-valeric, 3.5%-23.8%) and the main microorganisms responsible for odor production, with the number of Eubacteria in swine manure reducing by 4.9%, 11.6%, 17.4%, 34.1% and 32.2% respectively.  相似文献   

Boreal peatlands represent a large global carbon pool.The relationships between carbon mineralization,soil temperature and moisture in the permafrost peatlands of the Great Hing'an Mountains,China,were examined.The CO2 emissions were measured during laboratory incubations of samples from four sites under different temperatures(5,10,15,and 20°C) and moisture contents(0%,30%,60%,100% water holding capacity(WHC) and completely water saturated).Total carbon mineralization ranged from 15.51 to 112.92 mg C under the treatments for all sites.Carbon mineralization rates decreased with soil depth,increased with temperature,and reached the highest at 60% WHC at the same temperature.The calculated temperature coefficient(Q10) values ranged from 1.84 to 2.51 with the soil depths and moisture.However,the values were not significantly affected by soil moisture and depth for all sites due to the different peat properties(P 0.05).We found that the carbon mineralization could be successfully predicted as a two-compartment function with temperature and moisture(R2 0.96) and total carbon mineralization was significantly affected by temperature and moisture(P 0.05).Thus,temperature and moisture would play important roles in carbon mineralization of permafrost peatlands in the Great Hing'an Mountains,indicating that the permafrost peatlands would be sensitive to the environment change,and the permafrost peatlands would be potentially mineralized under future climate change.  相似文献   

The cyanobacteria-bloom in raw waters frequently causes an unpredictable chemical dosing of preoxidation and coagulation for an effective removal of algal cells in water treatment plants. This study investigated the effects of preoxidation with NaOCl and ClO_2 on the coagulation-flotation effectiveness in the removal of two commonly blooming cyanobacteria species, Microcystis aeruginosa(MA) and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii(CR), and their corresponding trihalomethane(THM) formation potential. The results showed that dual dosing with NaOCl plus ClO_2 was more effective in enhancing the deformation of cyanobacterial cells compared to single dosing with Na OCl, especially for CR-rich water.Both preoxidation approaches for CR-rich water effectively reduced the CR cell count with less remained dissolved organic carbon(DOC), which benefited subsequent coagulation–flotation. However, preoxidation led to an adverse release of algogenic organic matter(AOM) in the case of MA-rich water. The release of AOM resulted in a poor removal in MA cells and a large amount of THM formation after oxidation-assisted coagulation-flotation process. The reduction in THM formation potential of CR-rich waters is responsible for effective algae and DOC removal by alum coagulation. It is concluded that the species-specific characteristic of cyanobacteria and their AOM released during chlorination significantly influences the performance of coagulation–flotation for AOM removal and corresponding THM formation.  相似文献   

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