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Reservoirs in Taiwan are inundated with nutrients that result in algal growth, and thus also reservoir eutrophication. Controlling the phosphorus load has always been the most crucial issue for maintaining reservoir water quality. Numerous agricultural activities, especially the production of tea in riparian areas, are conducted in watersheds in Taiwan. Nutrients from such activities, including phosphorus, are typically flushed into rivers during flooding, when over 90 % of the yearly total amount of phosphorous enters reservoirs. Excessive or enhanced soil erosion from rainstorms can dramatically increase the river sediment load and the amount of particulate phosphorus flushed into rivers. When flow rates are high, particulate phosphorus is the dominant form of phosphorus, but sediment and discharge measurements are difficult during flooding, which makes estimating phosphorus flux in rivers difficult. This study determines total amounts of phosphorus transport by measuring flood discharge and phosphorous levels during flooding. Changes in particulate phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, and their adsorption behavior during a 24-h period are analyzed owing to the fact that the time for particulate phosphorus adsorption and desorption approaching equilibrium is about 16 h. Erosion of the reservoir watershed was caused by adsorption and desorption of suspended solids in the river, a process which can be summarily described using the Lagmuir isotherm. A method for estimating the phosphorus flux in the Daiyujay Creek during Typhoon Bilis in 2006 is presented in this study. Both sediment and phosphorus are affected by the drastic discharge during flooding. Water quality data were collected during two flood events, flood in June 9, 2006 and Typhoon Bilis, to show the concentrations of suspended solids and total phosphorus during floods are much higher than normal stages. Therefore, the drastic changes of total phosphorus, particulate phosphorus, and dissolved phosphorus in rivers during flooding should be monitored to evaluate the loading of phosphorus more precisely. The results show that monitoring and controlling phosphorus transport during flooding can help prevent the eutrophication of a reservoir.  相似文献   

Negligence to consider the spatial variability of rainfall could result in serious errors in model outputs. The objective of this study was to examine the uncertainty of both runoff and pollutant transport predictions due to the input errors of rainfall. This study used synthetic data to represent the “true” rainfall pattern, instead of interpolated precipitation. It was conducted on a synthetic case area having a total area of 20 km2 with ten subbasins. Each subbasin has one rainfall gauge with synthetic precipitation records. Six rainfall storms with varied spatial distribution were generated. The average rainfall was obtained from all of the ten gauges by the arithmetic average method. The input errors of rainfall were induced by the difference between the actual rainfall pattern and estimated average rainfall. The results show that spatial variability of rainfall can cause uncertainty in modeling outputs of hydrologic, which would be transport to pollutant export predictions, when uniformity of rainfall is assumed. Since rainfall is essential information for predicting watershed responses, it is important to consider the properties of rainfall, particularly spatial rainfall variability, in the application of hydrologic and water quality models.  相似文献   

River water quality was evaluated with respect to eutrophication and land use during spring snowmelt and summer base flow periods in Abashiri (mixed cropland-livestock farming) and Okoppe (grassland-based dairy cattle farming), eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Water from rivers and tributaries was sampled during snowmelt and summer base flow periods in 2005, and river flow was measured. Total N (TN), NO3–N, and Si concentrations were determined using standard methods. Total catchment and upland areas for each sampling site were determined with ArcGIS hydrology modeling software and 1:25,000-scale digital topographic maps. Specific discharge was significantly higher during snowmelt than during base flow. In both areas, TN concentrations increased, whereas Si concentrations decreased, with increased specific discharge, and were significantly higher during snowmelt. The Si:TN mole ratio decreased to below or close to the threshold value for eutrophication (2.7) in one-third of sites during snowmelt. River NO3–N concentrations during base flow were significantly and positively correlated with the proportion of upland fields in the catchment in both the Abashiri (r = 0.88, P < 0.001) and Okoppe (r = 0.43, P < 0.01) areas. However, the regression slope, defined as the impact factor (IF) of water quality, was much higher in Abashiri (0.025) than in Okoppe (0.0094). The correlations were also significantly positive during snowmelt in both areas, but IF was four to eight times higher during snowmelt than during base flow. Higher discharge of N from upland fields and grasslands during snowmelt and the resulting eutrophication in estuaries suggest that nutrient discharge during snowmelt should be taken into account when assessing and monitoring the annual loss of nutrients from agricultural fields.  相似文献   

In 1991 we compared eggs, down and body feathers of chicks of Common Terns, Herring Gulls and Black-headed Gulls in their utility to assess contamination with mercury. Like eggs feathers distinctly show interspecific and intersite differences in contamination. Highest levels were found in Common Terns, lowest in Black-headed Gulls. Chicks hatched at the Elbe had much higher mercury levels than those in other areas of the German North Sea coast. Conversion ratios between tissues have to be used with caution.  相似文献   

In sparsely monitored basins, accurate mapping of the spatial variability of groundwater level requires the interpolation of scattered data. This paper presents a comparison of deterministic interpolation methods, i.e. inverse distance weight (IDW) and minimum curvature (MC), with stochastic methods, i.e. ordinary kriging (OK), universal kriging (UK) and kriging with Delaunay triangulation (DK). The study area is the Mires Basin of Mesara Valley in Crete (Greece). This sparsely sampled basin has limited groundwater resources which are vital for the island’s economy; spatial variations of the groundwater level are important for developing management and monitoring strategies. We evaluate the performance of the interpolation methods with respect to different statistical measures. The Spartan variogram family is applied for the first time to hydrological data and is shown to be optimal with respect to stochastic interpolation of this dataset. The three stochastic methods (OK, DK and UK) perform overall better than the deterministic counterparts (IDW and MC). DK, which is herein for the first time applied to hydrological data, yields the most accurate cross-validation estimate for the lowest value in the dataset. OK and UK lead to smooth isolevel contours, whilst DK and IDW generate more edges. The stochastic methods deliver estimates of prediction uncertainty which becomes highest near the southeastern border of the basin.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess the variability in soil properties affecting salinity and alkalinity, and to analyze spatial distribution patterns of salinity (EC) and alkalinity (ESP) in the plain, which was used irrigation agriculture with low quality waters. Soil samples were collected from 0–30cm, 30–60cm, 60–90cm and 90–120cm soil depths at 60 sampling sites. Soil pH had the minimum variability, and hydraulic conductivity (Ks) had the maximum variability at all depths. The mean values of pH, EC, ESP and Ks increased while the mean values of CEC decreased with soil depth. Values pH, EC and ESP were generally high in the east and northeastern sides. Soil properties indicated moderate to strong spatial dependence. ESP and pH were moderately spatially dependent for three of the four depths, EC exhibited moderate spatial dependence for one of the four depths, CEC had a moderate spatial dependence at all depths, and Ks exhibited a strong spatial dependence. EC, CEC, and ESP were considerably variable in small distances. The spatial variability in small distances of EC, CEC, pH and ESP generally increased with depth. All geostatistical range values were greater than 1230m. It was inferred that the strong spatial dependency of soil properties would be resulted in extrinsic factors such as ground water level, drainage, irrigation systems and microtopography.  相似文献   

Agricultural NH3 emissions affect air quality and influence the nitrogen cycle. In the subject study, NH3 emissions from a broiler farm and the resulting atmospheric concentrations in the immediate vicinity during three growing cycles have been quantified. Additionally, vegetation along a transect in an adjacent woodland was analysed. The emissions were as high as 10 kg NH3 h−1 and the atmospheric concentrations ranged between 33 and 124 μg NH3 m−3 per week in the immediate vicinity. Measurements of the atmospheric concentrations over 7 weeks showed a substantial decline of mean concentrations (based on a 3-week average) from ∼13 to <3 μg NH3 m−3, at 45- and 415-m distance from the farm. Vegetation surveys showed that nitrophilous species flourished when they grew closest to the farm (their occurrence sank proportionately with distance). A clearly visible damage of pine trees was observed within 200 m of the farm; this illustrated the significant impact of NH3 emissions from agricultural sources on the sensitive ecosystem.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of the hydrography along the southeast Arabian Sea is described using data collected onboard FORV Sagar Sampada in September–October 2003 (later phase of Southwest monsoon, SWM) and March–April 2004 (Spring inter monsoon, SIM). During the later phase of the SWM, upwelling was in the withdrawal phase and the frontal structure was clearer in the northern sections (13 and 15°N lat) indicating strong upwelling in the area. The driving force of upwelling is identified as the combination of alongshore wind stress and remote forcing with a latitudinal variability. Although a more prominent upwelling was found in the north, a maximum surface Chlorophyll-a was found in the south (10°N). During the SIM, the area was characterized by oligotrophic water with relatively high Sea Surface Temperature (>29°C) and low salinity (33.8 to 35.4). During March, the surface hydrography was found to be controlled mainly by the intrusion of low-saline waters from the south, while during September by the high saline water from the north. The presence of various water masses [Arabian Sea High Salinity Water (ASHSW), Persian Gulf Water (PGW), Red Sea Water (RSW)] and their seasonal variations in the region is discussed and their decreasing influence towards the south is noted during both periods of observation. During the SWM, the dynamic topography showed the equator-ward flow of the West India Coastal Current (WICC) at the surface and a pole-ward coastal under current at sub-thermocline depth. During the SIM, surface circulation revealed the WICC flowing pole-ward north of 13°N, but equator-ward flow in the south, with a clockwise circulation around the Lakshadweep High.  相似文献   

Stable nitrogen isotope ratios of five mussel species from littoral and pelagic areas were investigated with different trophic states in the eutrophic Lake Taihu, the third largest lake in China. Interpopulation variability for these mussels was relatively small in foot tissues because of the slow turnover time. Seasonal and spatial variations among the δ 15N values of mussels might be due in part to the natural variation in δ 15N values of potential food sources and the variation in the amount of human pollutions discharged into various locations of the lake. Although the increase of mussel δ 15N values was accompanied by the increase of nutrient concentrations in most situations in this study, statistically significant correlations were only 22% of the total correlations in this survey, which might be attributed to the different time-scale variations in nutrient concentrations and isotope signatures and the unknown details of the trophic pathways and metabolism for incorporation of these nutrients.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of various criteria air pollutants,like SO2, NO2, O3, and TSP were studied atShahdara National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring stationin Delhi (India) in July 1999. The minimum pollutantconcentrations were observed during morning hours,whereas the highest concentrations were found during thelate night hours, which seem to be related with thevehicular emission. Pre-monsoon daily ambient airquality spatial pattern was compared with the spatialpattern during initial and subsequent rain shower ofmonsoon. These spatial patterns were found to beessentially the same before and during rain, however asignificant decrease in SO2, NO2 and TSPconcentrations (40-45%) was observed after initial andsubsequent rains of the monsoon, demonstrating theimportance of rainfall in the scavenging of thesecriteria air pollutants.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of inter-annual variability and serial correlation on the statistical power of monitoring schemes to detect trends in biomass of bream (Abramis brama) in Lake Veluwemeer (The Netherlands). In order to distinguish between 'true' system variability and sampling variability we simulated the development of the bream population, using estimates for population structure and growth, and compared the resulting inter-annual variabilities and serial correlations with those from field data. In all cases the inter-annual variability in the field data was larger than in simulated data (e.g. for total biomass of all assessed bream sigma = 0.45 in field data, and sigma = 0.03-0.14 in simulated data) indicating that sampling variability decreased statistical power for detecting trends. Moreover, sampling variability obscured the inter-annual dependency (and thus the serial correlation) of biomass, which was expected because in this long-lived population biomass changes are buffered by the many year classes present. We did find the expected serial correlation in our simulation results and concluded that good survey data of long-lived fish populations should show low sampling variability and considerable inter-annual serial correlation. Since serial correlation decreases the power for detecting trends, this means that even when sampling variability would be greatly reduced, the number of sampling years to detect a change of 15%.year(-1) in bream populations (corresponding to a halving or doubling in a six-year period) would in most cases be more than six. This would imply that the six-year reporting periods that are required by the Water Framework Directive of the European Union are too short for the existing fish monitoring schemes.  相似文献   

To investigate the distribution and source pathways of environmentally critical trace metals in coastal Antarctica, trace elemental concentrations were analyzed in 36 surface snow samples along a coast to inland transect in the Ingrid Christensen Coast of East Antarctica. The samples were collected and analyzed using the clean protocols and an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. Within the coastal ice-free and ice-covered region, marine elements (Na, Ca, Mg, K, Li, and Sr) revealed enhanced concentrations as compared with inland sites. Along with the sea-salt elements, the coastal ice-free sites were also characterized by enhanced concentrations of Al, Fe, Mn, V, Cr, and Zn. The crustal enrichment factors (Efc) confirm a dominant crustal source for Fe and Al and a significant source for Cr, V, Co, and Ba, which clearly reflects the influence of petrological characteristics of the Larsemann Hills on the trace elemental composition of surface snow. The Efc of elements revealed that Zn, Cu, Mo, Cd, As, Se, Sb, and Pb are highly enriched compared with the known natural sources, suggesting an anthropogenic origin for these elements. Evaluation of the contributions to surface snow from the different sources suggests that while contribution from natural sources is relatively significant, local contamination from the increasing research station and logistic activities within the proximity of study area cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

Based on meteorological data from 1978 to 2007, we investigated the annual, seasonal, and fixed hourly variations of Shanghai urban heat island (UHI) in urban and suburban areas and spatial distribution of UHI. The results demonstrated a remarkable interannual increase of UHI intensity in Shanghai. The UHI was the strongest in autumn and the weakest in summer, as a consequence of the prevailing weather conditions. Similar to previous studies of other cities, the UHI in Shanghai was stronger in the nighttime than in the daytime. The SW–NE cross section followed the general cross section of the typical UHI described by Oke (1987) who defines its characteristic parts as “cliff”, “plateau”, and “peak”. Analysis of the association of UHI and urbanization indicated that the UHI increased with the expansion of population and rapid increase of gross domestic product. The continuous increase of power consumption and area of paved road and decrease of area of cropland caused the growth of UHI intensity. Green land had a positive effect on mitigation of heat island based on an inversed U-shaped curve with UHI intensity.  相似文献   

Fractions and leaching characteristics of mercury in coal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A huge amount of coal is always stored in open spaces in coal-fired power plants before combustion. Mercury released from coal by rain or flowing water is an environmental risk and can cause contamination of the soil around the storage area. To better understand mercury pollution and to control mercury emission before combustion, it is necessary to determine the mobility and leaching characteristics of mercury from coal. In this study, we collected ten coal samples from one coal-fired power plant and proposed a sequential extraction procedure to get five fractions of mercury for evaluation. Elemental Hg was found as the most dominant fraction, and sulfate Hg was shown to be the second largest fraction. The mercury in the organic and the soluble fractions were not the major fractions, but they should still be considered because of their high mobility.  相似文献   

Seawater may be contaminated by harmful substances, including toxic elements released by human activities. The present study evaluates the total mercury and methylmercury concentrations and their correlations to fish body size in longtail tuna and short-bodied mackerel from Chendring, Kuantan, at east coast and Kuala Perlis at west costs of Peninsular Malaysia during May to November 2007. Total mercury and methylmercury in muscle tissue of 69 samples of longtail tuna and short-bodied mackerel, ranged from 0.180 to 1.460 μg/g and 0.0.169–0.973 μg/g and 0.251–1.470 μg/g and 0.202–1.352, whereas the methylmercury to total mercury ratio ranged from 70% to 83%, respectively. Samples of both species from the east coast showed higher levels of mercury compared to those from west coast. In all of the locations, significant positive correlations were found between fish body weight and mercury content (R2?> 0.470). The estimated weekly intake of total mercury and methylmercury from the consumption 66.33 g/week of short-bodied mackerel and 18.34 g/week of longtail tuna (based on local dietry survey) was found to be lower than the maximum limit of 5 and 1.5 μg/kg bodyweight established by FAO/WHO and codex, respectively.  相似文献   

For 2 years, a baseline investigation was carried out to collect reference information of the present environmental status in the Fehmarn Belt and adjacent area. The temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton was monitored by a combination of monitoring buoys, pigment analysis and fast screening microscopy. The overall phytoplankton succession in the Fehmarn Belt area was found to be influenced primarily by the seasonal changes, where various diatoms dominated the spring and autumn blooms and flagellates like Chrysochromulina sp., Dictyocha speculum and various dinoflagellates were occasionally abundant in late spring and summer. The phytoplankton groups were remarkably uniform horizontally in the investigation area while large differences in both biomasses and composition of individual phytoplankton groups were seen vertically in the water column, especially in the summer periods, in which the two-layer exchange flow between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea is showing a particularly strong stratification in the Fehmarn Belt. The chlorophyll a concentrations ranged continuously from 1 to 3 μg/L at the three permanent buoy stations during the 2 years of monitoring, except for the spring and autumn blooms where chlorophyll a increased up to 18 μg/L in the spring of 2010 and up to 8 μg/L in the autumn of 2009. Recurrent blooms of filamentous cyanobacteria are common during the summer period in the Baltic Sea and adjacent areas, but excessive blooms of cyanobacteria did not occur in 2009 and 2010 in the Fehmarn Belt area. The combination of the HPLC pigment analysis method and monitoring buoys continuously measuring fluorescence at selected stations with fast screening of samples in the microscope proved advantageous for obtaining information on both the phytoplankton succession and dynamic and, at the same time, getting information on duration and intensity of the blooms as well as specific information on the dominant species present both temporally and spatially in the large Fehmarn Belt area.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variability in wetland water-quality variables were examined for twenty-one wetlands in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area and eighteen wetlands in adjacent Wright County. Wetland water quality was significantly affected by contact with the sediment (surface water vs. groundwater), season, degree of hydrologic isolation, wetland class, and predominant land-use in the surrounding watershed (p<0.05). Between years, only nitrate and particulate nitrogen concentrations varied significantly in Wright County wetland surface waters. For eight water-quality variables, the power of a paired before-and-after comparison design was greater than the power of a completely randomized design. The reverse was true for four other water-quality variables. The power of statistical tests for different classes of water-quality variables could be ranked according to the predominant factors influencing these: climate factors>edaphic factors>detritivory>land-use factors>biotic-redox or other multiple factors.For two wetlands sampled intensively, soluble reactive phosphate and total dissolved phosphorus were the most spatially variable (c.v.=76–249%), while temperature, color, dissolved organic carbon, and DO were least variable (c.v.=6–43%). Geostatistical analyses demonstrated that the average distance across which water-quality variables were spatially correlated (variogram range) was 61–112% of the mean radius of each wetland. Within the shallower of the two wetlands, nitrogen speciation was explained as a function of dissolved oxygen, while deeper marsh water-quality variables were explained as a function of water depth or distance from the wetland edge. Compositing water-quality samples produced unbiased estimates of individual sample means for all water quality variables examined except for ammonium.  相似文献   

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