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The sex ratios of deep-sea harpacticoids have been thought to be greatly skewed toward females. The representation of males is notably more equitable (approximately 1:2) at three deep-sea sites (San Diego Trough: 32°52.4N, 117°45.5W, 1 050 m, January 1987; Porcupine Seabight: 51°36.85N, 12°57.30W, 1 369 m, August 1984; northwest Atlantic, 40°27N, 62°20W, 4 820 m, July 1982, June 1983). This ratio conceals extensive variation at the species level. For some species, males are unknown. For other species, males are more numerous than females. Sampling bias against males can occur and may explain the more extreme reports of male rareness in the literature.  相似文献   

Summary We tested the hypothesis that song attracts females and repels males in the European starling. We broadcast recorded song from speakers attached to nestboxes, while paired boxes with silent speakers served as controls. As predicted, females were attracted to the song boxes. Contrary to prediction, males were also attracted to the `song' boxes. Singing by male starlings may be costly because it attracts competitors for limited nesting sites, but the cost cannot be avoided due to the need to attract a mate. In a second experiment simple song (composed of 20 different phrase types) and complex song (40 phrase types) were played simultaneously. More males were captured at boxes where simple song was played. Song complexity may function as an indicator of male quality and be used by male starlings to assess potential competitors.  相似文献   

Summary The primary sex ratio and the selective factors associated with it were investigated in the aphid Pemphigus spyrothecae. The sexuparae gave birth to an average of 1.99 ± 0.01 (1–2) males and 5.06 ± 0.09 (2–6) females [± SE (range), n = 147]. The average weight of individual males was 16.2±0.86 (13–18) g (n = 5) and of females 40.7 ± 0.71 (38–46) g (n = 15). The overall investment ratio by the mother sexuparae was therefore 1:6.4, equivalent to a proportionate investment in sons of 0.135 (interquartiel range: 0.117–0.165). There was a highly significant correlation between the size of the sexupara and the number of her daughters: the number of sons was independent of sexupara size. Field observations and laboratory experiments showed that the sexuparae aggregate on poplar bark before giving birth to the sexuals: they appear to behave in such a way that there is always at least one other sexupara in the crevice with them. The average number of sexuparae forming a foundress group, within which offspring could potentially mate with each other, was 2.48±0.19 (1–9) (n = 80). The life-time activity patterns of the sexuals (which moult four times but do not feed) was described. Both sexes are active shortly after birth; they are then immobile for a long period but become very active again after emerging as adults (after about 42 h in males, 51 h in females). Each male can mate with up to 14 females. The females are receptive to a second male for only a relatively short period (ca. 15–20 min) after their first mating. There is considerable competition between males during mating (just as intense between clonal sibs as non-sibs) and evidence for post-copulatory mate-guarding by the males. There is no evidence that females prefer to mate with non-sibs rather than sibs. The observed sex ratios and the mating behaviour of the aphids are discussed in relation to models of local mate competition assuming variable female fecundity, as developed by Frank (1987a, b) and Yamaguchi (1985) (the constant male hypothesis) and by Stubblefield and Seger (1990).  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that, contrary to what was believed previously, most Loligo spp. females spawn multiple times and do not die immediately following a single spawning event. The present study used sustained focal observations of male/female pairs of the opalescent inshore squid Loligo opalescens Berry to examine the structure and behavior of near-bottom spawning groups. The study was carried out in a small area (10 km2) of Monterey Bay, California (36°36.1N; 121°53.4W), at depths of 25–45 m, using video cameras mounted on remotely operated vehicles. Behavioral observations were made primarily during daylight hours over known spawning beds in April and November 2000, and August 2001. Squid formed large aggregations in the water column where pairing occurred. Most commonly, only small numbers of active spawners were found at the substrate depositing egg capsules, and the mean operational sex ratio in the spawning groups was 1.87 males:1 female (range=1.0–8.5), although the ratio fluctuated rapidly as roving lone males joined and departed from the small spawning groups. On average, females (n=40) deposited 2.67 capsules (range 2–7) per focal observation at an average interval of 8.47 min between depositions (n=67). Following deposition of the capsules, females broke away from their consort males and jetted upwards to rejoin large schools located many meters above the substrate. Egg-capsule deposition was often interrupted by lone males seeking a mate, or by the approach of predators including fish and marine mammals. The results suggest that most of the communal egg beds in southern Monterey Bay are built up slowly through daily intermittent spawning, not in large big bang reproductive events as often depicted for L. opalescens.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

Summary Highly male-biased investment ratios (1:2.86, F:M, biomass wet weight) were found among reproductives reared by 32 Bombus terricola colonies set out in the field and 35 B. melanopygus colonies held in laboratory confinement. The numerical sex ratios were almost identical for the two species (1 queen to 6.1 males). Most of the males were produced early in the season by small weak colonies. It is argued that in a population where some colonies are orphaned and rear only males, female-biased sex ratios are expected among the surviving queen-producing colonies.  相似文献   

Conditional lekking in ruff (Philomachus pugnax)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary In our study of ruff, a lekking shorebird, we found that the lek ratio — the proportion of the total population of males occurring on leks was low, averaging 12% over the breeding season (Fig. 1D). Off-lek males spent approximately the same proportion of time as lek males in displaying to females (Fig. 4). We defined three spacing tacties that male ruffs use to position themselves to court females: Following — directly pursuing females, and two types of lekking behavior, Intercepting — waiting for females at resource-rich sites, and True Lekking — waiting for females at places without any resources other than the males themselves. Males switched among these tactics, causing the lek ratio to vary over the season (Fig. 1 D). Lek ratio increased when the number of females present in the study area plummeted at the end of May, and was positively correlated throughout the season with the copulation rate of the preceding day, suggesting that males were tracking the behavior, as well as the number, of females available (Table 1, Fig. 1). Early in the season, males off leks spent most of their time feeding (Fig. 4), and lek ratio was positively correlated with temperature (Table 1), suggesting that some males may have been unable to lek during cold weather. Males on leks mated at significantly higher rates than Followers (Table 4). On average, males at our interception lek were less site faithful and less peristent than males at true leks, and the interception lek itself disappeared after females stopped coming to use its adjacent resource (Table 2, Fig. 5). The most successful individuals in our population were the True Lekking males, rather than the Interceptors.In addition to the conditinal lekking tactics described here, ruff display a dimorphism in behaviorat leks. Independent males defend small courts on leks, while Satellite males share courts and mutually display with independents Both independents and satellites may use all three conditional tactics. We propose that satellites evolved as specialized. Followers, adept at tracking the movements of females among leks.  相似文献   

Summary Data are presented from a 15-month study on triadic male-infant interactions (agonistic buffering) among wild Barbary macaques, and the agonistic buffering hypothesis reevaluated. The sociometrics of triadic interactions derived from the distribution of 535 interactions among individually known adult and subadult males showed that there were significant individual male differences in the frequency of initating and/or receiving triadic interactions, but there were no such differences between the high and low ranking male subgroups (Tables 2–4).Males did not choose each other equally for triadic encounters. Each male had a different set of three other males (out of 11 possible) that he preferred to approach for a triadic encounter; and each male received triadic approaches essentially from only three males (Tables 4 and 5). Each male showed a specific preference for which infant to select for participation in the triad, and in fact, males who preferred one another for triads also preferred to use the same infant in these encounters. These males that preferred each other and the same infant both had a special care-taking relationship with that preferred infant (Tables 6–7).Possessing an infant per se seemed to be irrelevant in whether a male would approach or be approached for a triad. In 78% of all triads, males separated immediately after termination of the triad. When the agonistic buffering hypothesis is reexamined against the data in this study, it appears that it cannot adequately accommodate the thesis that it serves to regulate dominant/subordinate relations among males. Rather males choose to participate with each other in agonistic buffering because, and by means of, a shared, common, and special care-taking relationship with the same infant. The indiscriminate use of the terminology agonistic buffering to describe multiple-male/infant interactions in this species should be dropped.  相似文献   

In East Africa, spotted hyenas live in large clans in a highly structured society dominated by females. A clan is a fission-fusion society where members are often solitary or in small groups. Spotted hyenas have a ritualized greeting during which two individuals stand parallel and face in opposite directions. Both individuals usually lift their hind leg and sniff or lick the anogenital region of the other. The unique aspect of greetings between individuals is the prominent role of the erect penis in animals of both sex. Female spotted hyenas have fused outer labiae and a pseudo-penis formed by the clitoris which closely resembles the male penis and can be erected. During greetings subordinates signalled submission with gestures which were not necessarily reciprocated by the dominant participant. Asymmetries were most pronounced in greetings between adult females where the probability of asymmetries increased with the divergence in rank between partners. Greetings between adult females and males were uncommon and restricted to males above median rank, principally the alpha male. Models of primate affiliative behavior assume that benefits derived from social relationships with different individuals are not equal and that individuals are selected to maximize the benefits they receive from social relationships with others. The observed distribution of greetings between partners of different rank matched the predictions of these models. An examination of non-adaptive hypotheses on the evolution of the pseudo-penis demonstrated that the conventional scenario linking (initial) virilization of female genitalia with selection for female dominance does not explain either the initial virilization, nor the evolution of the pseudo-penis to its current form and use. We sketch a new scenario that links (1) initial virilization to the occurrence of neonatal siblicide amongst members of a twin litter, and (2) costs of maintenance, pseudo-penile control over copulation and male submission. Our analysis confirms previous adaptive hypotheses on the function of the pseudo-penis in greetings and suggests new hypotheses to account for hitherto unexplained features. Correspondence to: M.L. East  相似文献   

Summary Nonmigratory populations of Whitecrowned Sparrows in coastal California exhibit dialects in territorial male songs that are stable in space and time. By field playback experiments, we tested a prediction from the hypothesis that male aggressive interactions prohibit mixing of song dialects. Playback of the home dialect Clear song to territorial males singing the Clear dialect resulted in less response than that given to playback of the neighboring Buzzy dialect. Response to both Buzzy and Clear dialect songs by target Clear males, however, was greater than that given to the Bodega dialect recorded 55 km away (Figs. 2 and 3). We conclude that these results are consistent with the hypothesis that male-male aggressive interactions play an important role in reducing dialect mixing.  相似文献   

In polygynous mammals, high-quality females may increase their fitness by providing superior care to their offspring. Based on the agonistic interactions of female reindeer in an experimental herd during two consecutive years (1997 and 1998), we tested whether maternal social rank influenced: (1) winter body-mass change of females, (2) preparturition reproductive effort (measured as fecundity, the birth mass and the birth date of their calves), (3) preweaning maternal effort (measured as calves preweaning mortality, early preweaning and late preweaning growth rate and September body mass of calves), and (4) postweaning maternal effort (measured as calves body-mass change during their first winter). In the models, we included September females body mass as a covariate to separate the effects of maternal rank and body mass. We also tested whether the effect of social rank on maternal efforts was dependent on offspring sex. High-ranked females gained body mass whereas low-ranked females lost weight during the winter. Fecundity was higher and date of birth was earlier in high-ranked females than in subordinates, whereas no effect of females rank on birth mass of calves was found. Early preweaning growth rate and September body mass of calves increased with increasing females social rank, whereas late preweaning daily growth rate of calves was not influenced by females rank. Calves preweaning mortality was only influenced by year, which also explained most of the variance in the winter body-mass change of calves. The effects of females rank on the reproductive-efforts parameters studied were not specific to offspring sex. These findings suggest that females rank influences reproductive effort during the preparturition, as well as the preweaning, period, the effect being sex independent.Communicated by R. Gibson  相似文献   

Summary The mating systems of many species comprise at least 2 alternative male mating tactics — broadly termed Dominant and Satellite tactics here. But, there exists no satisfactory conceptual framework in which to explain their co-occurrence and persistence.A Dominant male's ability to copulate is a positive, but decelerating, function of either his territory's attractiveness or his own attractiveness to females. This Diminishing Returns Effect affords mating opportunities for Satellite males associated with the most attractive sites (or males). A graphical Satellite Threshold Model, analogous to the Polygyny Threshold Model (Orians 1969), is developed to predict quantitatively the presence or absence of Satellite male tactics.Five predictions of the Model are supported quantitatively by data from dragonfly and anuran social systems and, more generally, by evidence from a wide variety of species.The Model should apply both to circumstances in which males are able to alternate between tactics and the instances in which males make an irrevocable tactical decision.  相似文献   

Behavioral precursors of 12 divorces were examined in 30 color-banded pairs of common murres (Uria aalge) over six breeding seasons. Common murres are long-lived seabirds that typically return each year to the same mate and nest site in dense colonies. At least one parent is present continuously from egg lay to chick fledging. Murres, therefore, have considerable opportunities to compare their mates parental behavior with that of several familiar neighbors. Previous reproductive success was lower for divorcing birds than for reuniting pairs. As predicted by the better option hypothesis, there were clear choosers (seven females and five males) that initiated divorce by moving to a new birds site or by courting a new partner at their current site. Choosers improved their reproductive success after the divorce, whereas their previous partners, the victims did not. Yearly divorce rates (average 8.2% per year) were significantly correlated with yearly mortality rates. Divorces appear to be opportunistic: pairs divorced after varying numbers of reproductive failures with the immediate precursor usually being the disappearance (death) of a murre from a successful neighboring site. In contrast to the delays experienced by victims, choosers formed new pairs quickly and laid their eggs no later than reuniting pairs. Prior to the divorce, victims fed their chicks less often than choosers, and some engaged in other behaviors that compromised egg or chick survival. These observations suggest that deficiencies in parental behavior were precursors to the divorce. This report is one of the first cases where reproductive failure of divorcing pairs has been linked to deficits in the parental behavior of the subsequent divorce victim.Communicated by C. Brown  相似文献   

Summary In many insects nutrients transferred by the male to the female at mating are later incorporated into both the eggs and soma of the mated females. Accordingly, it has been suggested that female insects can use these male-derived nutrients both for somatic maintenance and to increase both the number and quality of their offspring. Moreover, much discussion is presently devoted to whether the male nuptial gift represents paternal investment, defined as any increase in given male's total surviving progeny by increasing the reproductive output by a given female, or mating effort which obtains if a male gains by increasing the proportion of eggs he fertilizes from a given female (Parker and Simmons 1989). If the male nuptial gift represents parental investment it should be expected to benefit predominantly the offspring sired by the donor, whereas the physiological fate of the male nuptial gift is somewhat irrelevant under the mating effort explanation. In this paper we test these issues by studying the lifetime fecundity, egg weights and longevity of two groups of females of the polyandrous green-veined white butterfly, Pieris napi, one group of which was allowed to mate only once and the other of which was allowed to mate at liberty, the latter group of females mating on average 2.28 times. Moreover, to test the incorporation rate of male-derived nutrients, we performed a second set of experiments where females were allowed to mate with radioactively labelled males. The results showed that polyandrous females had higher lifetime fecundity compared to monandrous females, laying on average 1.61 as many eggs, and that the difference in cumulative fecundity between the two groups was statistically significant from the 5th day of egg-laying onwards. Polyandrous females also lived longer and maintained egg weight at a high level for longer than monandrous females. Largely concomitant with egg-laying rate, incorporation rate of male-derived nutrients peaked 3–4 days after mating, subsequently tapering off to stabilize at about 40% of the maximum. Given the opportunity, female P. napi remated after 3–5 days, the duration of the refractory period being positively correlated with ejaculate mass. Hence, although the nutrient investment of the first male to mate with a female subsidizes the progeny of later-mating males, the male nuptial gift in P. napi clearly qualifies as both paternal investment and mating effort. Correspondence to: C. Wiklund  相似文献   

Free-ranging adult male baboons give loud two-syllable wahoo calls during dawn choruses, interactions between groups, when chasing females, and in aggressive interactions with other males. Previous research has shown that the rate and duration of these contest wahoos are correlated with a males competitive ability: high-ranking males call more often, call at faster rates, and call for longer bouts than do low-ranking males. Here we report that acoustic features of wahoos also reveal information about male competitive ability. High-ranking males give wahoos with higher fundamental frequencies (F0) and longer hoo syllables. Within-subject analyses revealed that, as males fall in rank, the hoo syllables tend to shorten within a period of months. As males age and continue to fall in rank, F0 declines, hoo syllables shorten, and formant dispersion decreases. Independent of age and rank, within bouts of calling F0 declines and hoo syllables become shorter. Because wahoos are often given while males are running or leaping through trees, variation in these acoustic features may function as an indicator of a males stamina. The acoustic features of contest wahoos thus potentially allow listeners to assess a males competitive ability.Communicated by C. Nunn  相似文献   

The diel distribution of feeding activity during the spawning season was compared for territorial male and female cunners Tautogolabrus adspersus in Conception Bay, Newfoundland, Canada between June and August, 1978. Territorial males feed significantly less often than females and concentrate their feeding activities in the morning, whereas females feed as frequently in the afternoon as in the morning. Based on the contents of alimentary tracts, territorial males, non-territorial males, and females have different diets. Since these three groups share the same habitat, the observed dietary differences probably reflect differences in their foraging behaviour. The relevance of these findings to the concept of time minimizer and energy maximizer is discussed.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that carbon, hydrogen and sulphur isotope ratios both, in the total peat (13Ctp=–25.52 to –28.27, Dtp=–78.67 and –109.24, 34S=4.35 to 19.87), and in cellulose from the peat (13Cnc=–25.06 to –27.33 and Dnc=–92.43 to –118.02) are not affected by postdepositional changes. Therefore, the original isotope composition of plants are in general preserved in the peat and represent an archive of the past environmental variations. These can be supported by (i) good correlations between 13Ctp and 13Cnc, and between Dtp and Dnc, (ii) high horizontal homogeneity of 13Ctp and 13Cnc in the scale of one peat-bog – the same major factor(s) control(s) C isotopic ratios, (iii) no correlation between organic sulphur concentrations and 34S value –34S results from variations in the water level.This revised version was published online January 2005 with corrections to the title.  相似文献   

Soil and water samples were collected from the Susaki area of Korinthos and analysed for heavy metals in order to evaluate their environmental impact. The geology of the studied area includes ultrabasic rocks and Neogene and Quaternary deposits whereas magnesite veins are found within the ultrabasic rocks. In the north part of the studied area post volcanic emissions of H2S, CO2 and H2O vapor continue to the present day. All the samples were analysed for heavy metals by the ICP method. The element ranges (in g g–1) for soil samples are: Cu 11–63, Pb 5–256, Zn 21–604, Ni 183–2665, Co 12–124, Mn 456–1434, As 5–104, Sr 44–730, V 21–84, Cr 163–2346, Ba 48–218, Zr 3–41, Y 3–13. The metals Pb, Zn, Ni, Co, Cr, Fe, Cu, Mn, As and Sr are enriched in the Susaki soils. The element ranges for water samples are: Cu 65–103ppb, Pb<10ppb, Zn<5ppb, Ni 21–163ppb, Co 2–12ppb, As<30ppb, Cr<20ppb, Ba 36–785ppb, Sb<10ppb, W<10ppb, Bi<30ppb, Mn 0.0–0.9 g g–1, Fe 0.01–0.22 g g–1, Na 843–3076 g g–1, K 98–278 g g–1, Si 39–65 g g–1, P 0.1–0.2 g g–1. There is a natural pollution of soils with elevated concentrations of Ni, Co, Mn, Fe and Cr due to the presence of ultrabasic rocks. Another natural case of As pollution of soils is due to the volcanic activity and the geothermal field in the area. The geochemical data of ground waters and also the 18, D data showed a mixing in different proportions between sea water and meteoric water.  相似文献   

On the evolution of male workers in the Hymenoptera   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The effects of brood sex-ratio (investment ratio) and the presence of laying workers on relatedness in the Hymenoptera are analyzed. It is shown that the conditions of brood composition that generate degrees of relatedness favorable to the evolution of eusocial type helping behavior among females will select against such helping behavior among males, and vice versa (see Fig. 1). Thus, societies in the Hymenoptera can be expected to have male workers or female workers, but not both. It is argued that the conditions leading to degrees of relatedness favorable to male helping are quite restrictive and unlikely to be met in haplodiploid species.The presence of laying workers is shown to lead to biasses in relatedness such that females may be selected to be workers even when the sex-ratio is male-biassed. This result sheds new light on a possible pathway to eusociality in the Hymenoptera. It is argued that offspring parasitism of the natal nest may have been important in the evolution of eusociality.  相似文献   

V. Simon 《Marine Biology》1986,92(3):431-442
Low primary-productivity levels in high-nutrient environments of the Southern Ocean are not yet well understood. An accurate knowledge of nutrient assimilation by phytoplankton, at the base of the pelagic food-web, therefore appears to be essential. A study of the mesoscale hydrological structure and chemical observations in the upper layers of the Indian sector of the Antarctic Ocean (Cruise MD-25 FIBEX of M.S. Marion Dufresne, January–February 1981) permitted us to develop a method for estimating nutrient consumption by phytoplankton. After strong vertical mixing in winter, the homogeneous Antarctic Surface Water (ASW) is, in summer, divided into two parts by a well-formed pycnocline. In the upper layer, corresponding approximately to the photic zone, we observed nutrient depletion resulting from photosynthetic activity, while the underlaying thermal minimum layer displayed unaltered winter characteristics, including nutrient concentrations typical of winter surface-water conditions. Taking into account the nutrient depletion in summer, we calculated the assimilation ratios for Antarctic phytoplankton as follows: ([NO 3 - lower]-[NO 3 - upper]):([PO 4 upper])=N:P=11.2±2.4 and N:Si=0.27±0.05. These ratios are lower than the classical Redfield ratios (N:P=16 and N:Si=1), but are in good agreement with the elementary composition of phytoplankton samples collected during the same cruise. Moreover, they agree with previously published data on stoechiometric determinations of particulate matter in surface-water samples. Besides, in the transition layer between the lower layer and Warm Deep Water (WDW), the calculated mineralization ratios were slightly higher than the assimilation ratios: N:P=14.6 and N:Si=0.37. From these ratios, it would appear that, in these surface layers of the Southern Ocean (down to 250 m), assimilation-regeneration mechanisms operate in such a way that phosphate and silicate contents decrease much more than nitrate content during the northward drift of the surface waters. The determination of assimilation ratios taking into account the nutrient depletion of the upper layer allowed us to evaluate the carbon net-production which integrates time-space variations in the photic layer over the whole early summer period. We estimated a production rate (0.4 g C m-2 d-1) of the same order of magnitude as the mean value obtained by the 14C method (0.2 g C m-2 d-1). The theoretic silicium consumption by phytoplankton along a meridian transect, calculated using an estimated assimilation ratio of C:Si=1,85, indicates that the marked south-north decrease in silicate concentration in the Antarctic Surface Water would mainly result from biological activity. The silicate concentrations thus calculated were in good agreement with concentrations measured along a previous transect across the Southern Ocean.
Le système assimilation-régénération des sels nutritifs dans les eaux superficielles de l'océan Austral

Some organisms living in coastal bays in Newfoundland and Labrador have to contend with sub-zero temperatures for most of the year. The goal of this study was to examine the lipid composition of the food web in such an environment in order to obtain information on essential nutrients and trophic relations. In August 2000, plankton, 16 species of macroinvertebrates, and sediments were collected in a shallow, sheltered bay, Gilbert Bay, southern Labrador (52°35N; 55°50W). Plankton had higher proportions of 3 fatty acids (39±5%) and lower proportions of bacterial fatty acids (5±2%), while sediments had 12±5% 3 fatty acids and 15±9% bacterial fatty acids. Plankton 3 fatty acids levels and sediment bacterial fatty acid levels were higher than in equivalent samples previously collected further south, in Newfoundland. Benthic macroinvertebrates contained 0.5±0.4% of their wet weight as lipid, of which 45±15% was triacylglycerol. Levels of 3 fatty acids were high and relatively constant across phyla, accounting for 36±11% of the total fatty acids. Compared to other invertebrates, echinoderms had a unique fatty acid composition, which was characterized by high levels of 20:4-6 (9±6%), bacterial fatty acids (8±4%), and 20:1+22:1 monoenoic fatty acids (13±6%). Baseline lipid data from plankton and macroinvertebrates showed constantly high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, indicating their physiological importance at low temperatures.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

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