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Green lacewings in the carnea group of Chrysoperla engage in species-specific heterosexual duets using low-frequency substrate-borne signals. Within each species, both sexes sing nearly identical songs. Songs are the principal barriers to hybridization between sympatric species in the complex. Here, we investigated the responsiveness of males and females of Chrysoperla plorabunda to synthesized, prerecorded songs that differed from the species mean in the period between repeated volleys of abdominal vibration. We tested 15–16 males and 15–16 females using playbacks of two signals that gradually increased or decreased in volley period, starting at the species mean. We found that (1) duets during courtship are accurate, interactive, and adjustable by each participant; (2) in staged duets, both sexes respond best to song tempos near the mean volley period of their population, but can nonetheless maintain duets with signals of nearly twice, or half, the normal volley period; (3) individuals fine-tune their adjustments to signals of different volley periods by changing their own volley duration and latent period, or less often by inserting extra volleys or skipping every other volley; (4) males are significantly better at matching signals of changing tempo than females; and (5) the range of song responsiveness of C. plorabunda does not overlap the natural range of volley periods found in Chrysoperla adamsi, an acoustically similar sibling species, thus reaffirming strong behavioral isolation. In sum, the precise, almost unbreakable heterosexual duets characteristic of song species of the carnea group result from tight mutual feedback between partners. Effective reproductive isolation between species can be based on song differences alone.  相似文献   

Sharing song types with immediate neighbors is widespread in birds with song repertoires, and sharing songs may confer a selective advantage in some cases. Levels of song sharing vary between different geographical populations of several bird species, and ecological differences often correlate with differences in singing behavior; in particular, males in migratory subspecies often share fewer songs than males in resident subspecies. The song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) appears to fit this pattern: resident song sparrows in western North America generally share 20–40% of their repertoire (of about eight songs) with each neighbor, while migratory subspecies from eastern North America often share 10% or less. We compared song sharing in two populations within a single subspecies of song sparrow (M. m. morphna) in Washington State. These populations, separated by only 120 km, nonetheless differ in migratory tendencies and several other ecological and life history variables. We recorded complete song repertoires from 11 male song sparrows in a high-elevation, migrating population at Gold Creek in west-central Washington, and compared them to two samples (n = 15 and n = 36) from a coastal, resident population at Discovery Park, Seattle, Washington. Despite major differences in habitat, population density, and migratory tendencies, song sharing among Gold Creek males was as high as that among Discovery Park males. In both populations, sharing was highest between immediate neighbors, and declined with distance. We conclude that at the within-subspecies level, neither migration nor population density affect song sharing in song sparrows, a song repertoire species. Received: 26 November 1998 / Received in revised form: 1 May 1999 / Accepted: 29 May 1999  相似文献   

In many songbirds, individuals have repertoires of multiple song types, some of which may be shared with others in the local area. Hypotheses about the evolution of song repertoires differ as to whether selection acts primarily on repertoire size itself or the ability to match songs of neighbours. We used a 16-channel acoustic location system to record neighbourhoods of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia melodia) during the dawn chorus. We asked whether males sing all songs with similar frequency as predicted by the Repertoire Size Hypothesis, whether males preferentially sing highly shared songs as predicted by the General Sharing Hypothesis, or whether use of highly shared songs is associated with phenotype as predicted by the Conditional Sharing Hypothesis. Contrary to the Repertoire Size Hypothesis, most males did not sing all songs equally often. Contrary to the General Sharing Hypothesis, we found no general tendency to overproduce highly shared songs. The degree to which males overproduced highly shared songs was repeatable across days, indicating consistent individual differences, and varied across neighbourhoods. Moreover, and consistent with the Conditional Sharing Hypothesis, older males were more likely to overproduce highly shared songs. If highly shared song is a conventional signal of aggression, with the threat of receiver retaliation maintaining honesty, older males may be more willing or able to risk conflict. Alternatively, males may learn which songs are effective signals for an area. Finally, age-related variation in vocal performance may shape the adaptive value of highly shared song.  相似文献   

Female choice for complex song in the European starling: a field experiment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Male European starlings Sturnus vulgaris sing long complex songs that appear to be important in the courtship of females but which also influence competitive interactions between males. We tested the hypothesis that females choose mates on the basis of the complexity of their songs, rather than on the quality of the territories the males defended. In order to determine whether certain territories were preferred over others, the first set of birds to settle in the experimental nest-boxes was removed and a second set allowed to settle. Consistent preferences for certain nest-boxes were indicated by correlations between the settlement patterns of the first and second sets of birds. However, males with the most complex song did not necessarily occupy the most preferred nest sites. Males with more complex song acquired mates faster. This relationship remained significant when nest-site preference was statistically controlled, indicating that female starlings chose males with complex song rather than those that defended preferred nest sites. A number of morphological variables were also found to be uncorrelated with female choice. Song complexity in European starlings increases with age, and the evolution of song complexity in this species is consistent with an age-indicator model of sexual selection. Males with larger repertoires were also in better condition, indicating that females obtain high-quality mates by choosing on the basis of male song. Received: 29 April 1995/Accepted after revision: 9 September 1995  相似文献   

Many animals use multiple signals in sexual communication, but our understanding of the interactions between multiple signals, particularly in inexperienced breeders, is limited. In birds, delayed plumage maturation (DPM) is well documented; young birds appear duller than adults, despite reaching sexual maturity. Age-related changes in song structure are also common in songbirds, though the extent to which songs of yearling males differ from those of adults (delayed song maturation, DSM) and its prevalence in species with DPM is unknown. We tested for DSM in the mate-attraction (repeat) song of a species with dramatic DPM, the American redstart (Setophaga ruticilla). Repeat song structure of territorial yearling and adult males differed significantly, based on discriminant analysis of nine non-collinear song features. Combined with previous evidence of delayed maturation in territorial (serial) song, we provide the first evidence for DSM in different song types used in different behavioral contexts during the breeding season of a migratory songbird. Within adults, variation in repeat song was associated with pairing, earlier onset of breeding, and number of offspring sired, suggesting a potential benefit for expressing more adult-like song. We found no relationship between the expression of adult-like repeat song and plumage in either age class. These results indicate that delayed maturation of repeat song in yearling redstarts is not due to a generalized delay in signal development, and suggest further work is needed to determine whether mate attraction (for both yearling and adult males) provides greater pressure to sound more “adult-like” than to look more “adult-like”.  相似文献   

Male territorial song birds are usually spaced far apart and most often hear conspecific song after it has been degraded by propagation through the environment. Their ability to use the degradation of songs to assess the distance of a singing rival without approaching (called ranging) presumably increases the efficiency of defending a territory. In order to assess degradation in a song the receiver needs to compare the characteristics of the received song to its characteristics at the source or at different distances. Earlier experiments on ranging in species with song repertoires have suggested that prior familiarity with the particular song type is necessary for ranging. Here I show that male Carolina wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus) can use either temporal or spectral characteristics for ranging song types which they were unlikely to have heard previously. Playbacks consisting of only one song prevented subjects' close-range experience with the loudspeaker, and flights beyond the loudspeaker provided direct evidence for over-assessment of distance when songs were degraded. Because ranging of songs was not affected by the degree of familiarity with the song type, this experiment provides no evidence that song repertoires hinder ranging in Carolina wrens, as suggested by Morton's ranging hypothesis. Instead, at least approximate ranging of songs is evidently possible by assessment of degradation in general features of a species' songs. Received: 9 August 1996 / Accepted after revision: 15 February 1997  相似文献   

A growing number of studies show that learning about male mating signals can shape the way females discriminate among males and may influence the evolution of both female preferences and the male traits under selection. Female songbirds commonly prefer local songs over foreign songs from a different population. In some species, however, the extent of variation among songs sung by different males within a population is as great as the variation observed between populations, raising the question of how females are able to discriminate local from foreign songs. Here, we report that laboratory-reared female swamp sparrows (Melospiza georgiana) not only show a preference for the particular song types with which they were tutored as compared with both foreign songs and unfamiliar local songs but also show preference for unfamiliar local songs over unfamiliar foreign songs. An acoustic analysis comparing tutor songs and those presented as unfamiliar local and foreign songs suggests that female swamp sparrows might be attuned to the specifics of local note phonology when assessing the attractiveness of unfamiliar songs. Our results demonstrate that early auditory experience influences response to geographic song variation in female swamp sparrows, and suggest the possibility that female songbirds may generalize what they learn from songs early in life to novel songs heard in adulthood. Additional work is needed to evaluate the contribution of unlearned predispositions for local song.  相似文献   

Grasshoppers of the Chorthippus albomarginatus-group, which is outstanding with respect to its complex courtship song, were studied at fifteen localities in the Ukraine and Moldova. The analysis of the courtship songs revealed two species: C. albomarginatus in north-eastern Ukraine and Chorthippus oschei in the south-western Ukraine and Moldova. In a belt about 200 km wide, not only were one or the other pure species found, but also males with intermediate song characters. C. albomarginatus and C. oschei were hybridised in the laboratory, and F1 hybrid males as well as F2 hybrid males produced intermediate song patterns, quite similar to those recorded in the field. We defined a "hybrid song score" for intermediate songs. The score showed a bimodal distribution with most songs resembling one or other parental type, but with only a few intermediates. At several localities, where hybrids with songs similar to one of the parental species dominated, some individual males sang more similarly to the other species. In one locality, two hybrid populations only 3 km apart had different parental types. Hybrid songs can contain novel elements, even more complex than the parental ones, which may offer a new starting point for sexual selection. We suggest that genetic introgression occurs between the two sibling species C. albomarginatus and C. oschei within a wide hybrid zone stretching over a distance of several hundred kilometres, but with a patchy spatial distribution. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article if you access the article at . A link in the frame on the left on that page takes you directly to the supplementary material. Communicated by D. Gwynne  相似文献   

One hypothesis for the function of song repertoires is that males learn multiple song types so that they may share songs with neighbors, allowing them to match during territorial interactions. In at least one song sparrow population, in Washington, territorial males share a high proportion of song types with their neighbors and use these shared songs in matching. We recorded song sparrows in Pennsylvania and quantified sharing of whole songs and song segments. We found that song sharing is an order of magnitude less common in the Pennsylvania population. We found sharing of song segments to be significantly more common than the sharing of whole songs in three of the five fields we examined, while we found no significant differences between whole and partial song sharing in the remaining two fields. Finally, we found no evidence that sharing is greater between birds in the same field compared to birds in different fields. Taken with the data from Washington song sparrows, these results provide evidence for intraspecific geographic variation in the organization of song repertoires, and suggest that song sharing has not been a strong selective force in the evolution of song repertoires in song sparrows as a species. Furthermore, Washington and Pennsylvania song sparrows differ in how they learn song, in that Washington birds copy whole songs, while Pennsylvania birds appear to copy and recombine song segments, as has been found in laboratory studies of song learning. Thus both song learning and the function of song repertoires differ between populations of song sparrows. Such intraspecific geographic variation offers a unique opportunity to explore the ecological and historical factors which have influenced the evolution of song. Received: 30 June 1997 / Accepted after revision: 8 March 1998  相似文献   

Developmental stress has recently been shown to have adverse effects upon adult male song structure in birds, which may well act as an honest signal of male quality to discriminating females. However, it still remains to be shown if females can discriminate between the songs of stressed and non-stressed males. Here we use a novel experimental design using an active choice paradigm to investigate preferences in captive female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Nine females were exposed to ten pairs of songs by previously stressed and non-stressed birds that had learned their song from the same tutor. Song pairs differed significantly in terms of song complexity, with songs of stressed males exhibiting lower numbers of syllables and fewer different syllables in a phrase. Song rate and peak frequency did not differ between stressed and non-stressed males. Females showed a significant preference for non-stressed songs in terms of directed perching activity and time spent on perches. Our results therefore indicate that developmental stress affects not only the structure of male song, but that such structural differences are biologically relevant to female mate choice decisions.  相似文献   

One explanation for why female songbirds attend to male song is that the quality of a male's song is associated with the quality of his developmental history. We tested this hypothesis by playing back to female swamp sparrows (Melospiza georgiana) songs recorded from males of either inferior or superior developmental histories, as assessed by their rates of mass gain during the first 18 days post-hatching. Females showed significantly higher levels of courtship display in response to songs of males with superior growth than to songs of males with inferior growth. Out of nine song traits measured, only song duration correlated with variation in female response; duration was also the only trait that differed significantly in univariate comparisons between the superior growth songs and the inferior growth songs. In a multivariate analysis, however, inferior growth songs were best discriminated from superior growth songs by combining three song traits: trill rate, stereotypy, and the number of notes per syllable. We suggest that early developmental stress degrades song in many small ways, and that it is the cumulative effect of the resulting deficits that explains lower female response.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in animal signalling behaviour has been well documented and has contributed much to our understanding of male signals. In contrast, we know little about seasonal variation in female signals or signals produced jointly by males and females, such as the vocal duets of birds. Here, we examine how singing behaviour changes in relation to time of year and breeding stage in rufous-and-white wrens (Thryothorus rufalbus), neotropical songbirds where both males and females sing and where breeding partners coordinate songs to produce vocal duets. We recorded a colour-marked population of birds over an extended time period encompassing multiple breeding stages. Across all time frames and breeding stages, males sang at higher rates than females and male solos were more common than duets or female solos. Males and females showed divergent seasonal patterns of singing. Females sang more often early in the year, during the pre-breeding season, and female song tapered off as the breeding season progressed. Duetting followed a parallel pattern, which resulted from females showing less duet responsiveness to their partner’s songs later in the year. Male independent song rate peaked at the onset of the rainy season – a time when females become fertile – and males showed the highest level of duet responsiveness during this period. Our results suggest that early in the year, duets appear to be cooperative displays, functioning in joint territory defence and/or the coordination of breeding activities. When females are fertile, however, increased duet responsiveness by males is consistent with mate or paternity guarding.  相似文献   

Many nocturnal katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) produce intense calling songs, and some bat species use these songs to detect and locate prey. One Nearctic katydid species, Neoconocephalus ensiger, ceases or pauses singing in response to bat echolocation calls. We tested the hypothesis that song cessation is an effective defence against gleaning bats (i.e., bats that take prey from surfaces). We observed Myotis septentrionalis, a sympatric bat species that uses prey-generated sounds when gleaning, attack and feed on singing N. ensiger in an outdoor flight room. These bats demonstrated a preference for the calling song of N. ensiger over a novel cricket calling song when they were broadcast from a speaker in the flight room. Bats attacked speakers broadcasting N. ensiger calling song as long as the song was continuous and aborted their attack if the sound stopped as they approached, regardless of whether a katydid was present as a physical target on the speaker. Echolocation calls were recorded during attacks and no significant differences were found between continuous and interrupted song approaches for four call parameters, suggesting that M. septentrionalis may not use echolocation to locate silent prey. Therefore, song cessation by katydids in response to ultrasound is an effective defence against gleaning bats.  相似文献   

The fee-bee song of male black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) is considered a single-type song that singers transpose up and down a continuous frequency range. While the ability to shift song pitch in this species provides a mechanism for song matching as an aversive signal in male-male territorial song contests, the functional significance of this behaviour during the solo performances of males during the dawn chorus is unclear. We analysed the dawn chorus songs and singing behaviour of males whose winter-flock dominance status we determined. We used correlation analysis to show that pitch shifts were accompanied by changes to other fine structural characteristics in song, including temporal and relative amplitude parameters. We also found that songs of socially dominant males and songs of their most subordinate flockmates could be distinguished using these methods by the way they performed a between-note frequency measure accompanying pitch shifts. That is, a ratio measure of the internote frequency interval remained constant for songs of high-ranking birds despite changes in absolute pitch, while low-ranking males sang a smaller ratio as they shifted to higher absolute pitches. These findings identify previously unrecognised variation in the songs of black-capped chickadees. More importantly, they indicate a mechanism by which pitch shifting during the dawn chorus of black-capped chickadees could provide a reliable indicator of relative male quality.Communicated by I. Hartley  相似文献   

In many animal species, individuals compete for resources but avoid escalated conflicts by threat displays, i.e. a mutual signalling behaviour that enables the opponents to predict the outcome of the conflict without the necessity of actual fighting. For example, territory holders may use acoustic signals to communicate not only their own identity and the borders of their territory but also their competitive quality, fighting ability and motivation. Here, we show that male sac-winged bats, Saccopteryx bilineata, adjust their vocal territorial displays according to the fundamental frequency of territorial songs of their opponents. In playback experiments with territorial males, low-frequency stimuli elicited a higher territorial song rate and length than high-frequency stimuli. Male S. bilineata that sing more often and with lower fundamental frequencies have been shown to sire more offspring than their competitors. Fundamental frequency of territorial songs, hence, may reveal male quality and, consequently, the resulting threat posed to competing males. We argue that this is reflected in the increased response of competitors to low-frequency territorial songs shown here. Such competitive signalling behaviour has been shown in a few mammal species like red deer and baboons but, thus far, not in bats. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Evolution of the mate recognition system (MRS) can play a central role in animal speciation. One dramatic consequence of changes in the MRS is the failure of individuals from divergent lineages to successfully court and mate, thereby reducing gene flow between these groups. Here, we test the role of an acoustic mating signal on mate choice in a Hawaiian cricket genus (Gryllidae: Laupala). Speciation in Laupala is proceeding at an extremely rapid rate, apparently driven by divergence in aspects of the mate recognition system, most conspicuously the pulse rate of male calling song. Previous studies demonstrate that females prefer the pulse rate of a conspecific male’s song when perceived at long range, in laboratory phonotaxis trials. In this study, we examined mate choice in two species that differ dramatically in pulse rate: Laupala paranigra and Laupala kohalensis. We tested the female’s preference in both species for pulse rates at close range, by providing females an opportunity to mate with hybrid males producing a range of intermediate pulse rates. Results of our study demonstrate that while strong behavioral barriers exist between these two species, variation in the pulse rate of male calling song did not predict female mate choice at close range. These results suggest a more complex architecture to mate recognition in Laupala than previously hypothesized.  相似文献   

Summary Songs of male song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) and swamp sparrows (M. georgiana) isolated before hatching from conspecific song were played to males and females of both species. Isolate songs of these sparrows resemble natural conspecific song in several aspects of gross structure, but differ from natural song in note structure. Male territory owners of both species responded more to conspecific isolate song than to heterospecific normal song. Captive females of both species, previously treated with estradiol, courted in response to isolate song but not to heterospecific song. We conclude that there is sufficient speciesspecific information in isolate song of both species to allow a degree of normal function. To assess the importance of the structural refinements added through learning, we compared response to isolate and natural conspecific songs. Male territory owners and captive females responded more to natural than to isolate songs in both species. Learning thus significantly increases the potency of song in both intersexual and intrasexual communication.  相似文献   

In most species of song birds, males develop song repertoires of several different songs. Among this variety, different songs may be used differently in communication and, thus, may have different functions. Here we studied vocal responses to playback of structurally different songs in male territorial nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos). Nightingales have enormous vocal repertoires of about 200 song types. Among these songs, one category, whistle songs, sticks out syntactically and acoustically. Here we tested whether or not male nightingales match whistle songs with whistle songs and, if so, whether they also match the pitch of the broadcast whistles. Furthermore, we also tested if nightingales treat whistle songs as a separate category of songs. We conducted interactive playback experiments on nocturnal song in which each male received three playback treatments that differed in the number of whistle songs broadcast. Males responded differently during playbacks by singing significantly more whistle songs when the playback tapes contained many whistle songs than when they contained no whistle songs. Males also frequently matched the pitch of the broadcast whistle songs. In contrast to responses during playback, after the playback terminated males sang more whistle songs when no whistle songs were broadcast than when many whistle songs were broadcast. These findings suggest that whistle songs have a specific signal value and that nightingales treat them as a special song category. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer Link server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00265-002-0511-1.  相似文献   

Social experience can elicit phenotypically plastic changes in mate choice, but little is known about the degree to which social information from one modality can influence mating decisions based on information from a different modality. I used the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus to test whether experience of chemical cues mimicking a high density of sexually mature males causes changes in mate choice based on acoustic signals. T. oceanicus males produce long-range calling songs to attract females for mating, but they also produce waxy, non-volatile hydrocarbons on their cuticle (CHCs) which, when deposited on a substrate, can be detected by females and may provide demographic information. I manipulated female experience of substrate-bound male CHCs and then performed acoustic mate choice trials. When CHCs were present on the substrate during trials, females showed greater motivation to respond to male calling song. This effect diminished with repeated exposure to male songs, demonstrating that the importance of olfactory cues in altering acoustic mate choice decreased with increasing exposure to acoustic signals. However, the temporal nature of CHC experience mattered: previous experience of CHCs did not alter subsequent female choice for male calling song traits. Exposure to male song increased the threshold of mate acceptance over time, and individuals varied considerably in overall levels of responsiveness. Taken together, the results demonstrate that mate choice is dependent on social context mediated by multiple modalities in T. oceanicus, but they do not support the idea that prior experience of social cues in one modality necessarily influences later mating decisions based on other signalling modalities.  相似文献   

The ability of territorial males to discriminate between songs of their neighbors and songs of strangers has been demonstrated in 27 species of songbirds. Such experiments test only the ability of a subject to discriminate between two classes of stimuli, familiar (neighbors) and unfamiliar (strangers) songs. Individual recognition of neighbors is a finer, more complex type of discrimination. The ability of territorial males to recognize individual neighbors by song has been documented in 12 species of oscine passerines (Passeriformes, Passeri), but has never been demonstrated in suboscine passerines (Tyranni). We investigated recognition of songs of individual neighbors in a suboscine, the alder flycatcher (Empidonax alnorum). We performed a series of song playback experiments and recorded responses of territorial males to songs of neighbors and songs of strangers broadcast from two locations, the neighbor boundary and an opposite boundary. Subjects responded more aggressively to songs of a neighbor when played from the opposite boundary than when played from the neighbor boundary. They responded with equal aggression to songs of strangers regardless of location of playback. The difference in response to neighbor songs between speaker locations and the lack of a difference in response to stranger songs indicate that territorial males associate a particular song with a particular location (territory), and thus recognize individual neighbors.Communicated by I. Hartley  相似文献   

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