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Some soils develop severe and persistent water repellency following contamination with crude oil. This study was conducted to characterize and compare the spatial distribution of soil water repellency and residual oil contamination at 12 such sites. The molarity of ethanol droplet (MED) test was used to assess soil water repellency and the content of dichloromethane-extractable organics (DEO) was used to quantify residual oil in soil. We found a relatively strong positive correlation between MED and DEO in soil (r2 = 0.74). Both variables tended to decrease abruptly with depth at 11 of the 12 study sites. Dichloromethane-extractable organics similarly decreased with depth in control adjacent soil (MED = 0 M), but from an average concentration one to two orders of magnitude lower than in water-repellent soil. Using data from corresponding control adjacent and water-repellent soils, we determined that approximately 29 and 10% of measured total organic carbon in water-repellent A- and B-horizon soil, respectively, consists of dichloromethane-insoluble organic carbon of petroleum origin. We propose that this fraction contains most of the causative agents of soil water repellency at the studied sites.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the effect of compost application on soil respiration and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) output of nutrient-depleted forest soils. An amount of 6.3 kg m(-2) mature compost was applied to the forest floor of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.), and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands at Soiling and Unterlüss, Germany. Cumulative soil respiration significantly increased by 499 g C m(-2) in the spruce stand at Unterlüss and by 274 g C m(-2) in the beech stand at Soiling following compost application whereas soil respiration of the other four stands was not affected. The increases in soil respiration of the two stands were explained by improved microbial decomposition of soil organic matter. The DOC concentrations and fluxes in throughfall and seepage water at 10- and 100-cm depths were determined from August 1997 to March 2000. In the control plots, cumulative DOC outputs at 10 cm ranged between 57 and 95 g C m(-2), with the highest rates in the pine stands. Compost treatment significantly increased cumulative DOC outputs by 31 to 69 g C m(-2) at 10 cm and by 0.3 to 6.6 g C m(-2) at 100 cm. The mineral soils between the 10- and 100-cm depths acted as significant sinks for DOC, as shown by much lower cumulative outputs at 100 cm of 3 to 11 g C m(-2) in the control and 6 to 16 g C m(-2) in the compost plots. Our results suggest that a single, moderate application of mature compost to nutrient-depleted forest soils has little effect on C losses to the atmosphere and ground water.  相似文献   

Compost stability and maturity are important parameters of compost quality. To date, nearly all compost characterization has been performed using samples freshly collected because sample storage can affect compost stability and maturity evaluation. However, sample preservation is sometimes necessary, especially for scientific research purposes. There is little information available on the effects of sample storage on compost stability and maturity. Samples of biosolids compost with different levels of stability and maturity were collected from four compost facilities in Florida (referred to as Register, Winslow, Sunset, and Meadow). Comparisons of CO2 evolution, seed germination rate, and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) were made between fresh samples with short storage at 4 degrees C for less than 1 wk and air-dried or frozen compost samples stored for 1 yr. The effects of storage (air-dry or frozen) on the measured parameters depended on compost stability and maturity and on the compost material source. Frozen storage reduced the peak CO2 evolution of Register samples by 12 to 29%, while accumulated CO2 evolution was reduced by 43 to 64% and 110 to 277% with air-dry and frozen storage, respectively. The storage effect on CO2 evolution with more stable compost was inconsistent. Storage did not affect compost phytotoxicity, except for samples from the Sunset facility. Air-drying reduced the WSOC by up to 35%, and freezing increased it by up to 34%, while both storage methods had no significant effect on samples of low WSOC. Despite all these variations, WSOC had a significant and consistent relation to CO2 evolution and seed germination rates with R2 of 0.78 and 0.57, respectively, regardless of storage methods.  相似文献   

Extracted organic C and microbial biomass were evaluated as stability parameters in 3 different ligno-cellulosic waste composts. Organic C was extracted by both water and alkali and further separated in humic-like carbon (HLC) and nonhumic carbon (NHC). Conventional humification parameters, such as humification index and degree of humification were calculated from NHC and HLC. Microbial biomass carbon (B(C)) was determined as an indicator of the degree of biochemical transformation, whereas ninhydrin reactive N (B(NIN)) was measured to obtain the stability parameter B(NIN)/N(TOT) (N(TOT), total N). The water-extracted organic C did not provide reliable information on the transformations underwent by the ligno-cellulosic wastes during composting, since its content remained almost unaltered during the whole process. In contrast, parameters based on the alkali-extracted organic C and microbial biomass clearly reflected organic matter (OM) changes during the process. There was an increase in the net amount of HLC in the alkali extracts throughout composting, especially in the first 7 to 12 wk of the process, as well as a relative enrichment of HLC with respect to NHC. Values of humification index and degree of humification in end products were consistent with an adequate level of compost stability. The stability parameter B(NIN)/N(TOT) showed to be a reliable indicator of stability in ligno-cellulosic wastes. Parameters based on the alkali-extracted C and microbial biomass clearly reflected the transformation of the OM during composting and can be used as stability parameters in ligno-cellulosic waste composts.  相似文献   

Use of organic by-products as soil amendments in agricultural production exemplifies a strategy for converting wastes to resources. The overall objective of this research was to evaluate the short- and intermediate-term effects of repeatedly amending sandy soil with paper mill residuals (PMR) and composted PMR in a vegetable rotation in Wisconsin's Central Sands. Specifically, we investigated the effects of PMR and composted PMR on total soil C and related these to changes in water-holding capacity and plant-available water (PAW). Amendment effects on irrigation requirements were estimated with a simple soil water balance model. The experimental design was replicated five times as a randomized complete block with four organic amendments: raw PMR, PMR composted alone (PMRC), PMR composted with bark (PMRB), and peat applied at two rates and a non-amended control. All amended treatments significantly increased total soil C relative to the nonamended control following applications in 1998 and 1999. One year following the second serial amendment, all PMR treatments increased PAW by 5 to 45% relative to the control. There was a significant positive linear relationship between total soil C and PAW. All amended treatments reduced the average amount of irrigation water required for potato production by 4 to 30% and the number of irrigation events by 10 to 90%. There was a clear trend of greater reduction in irrigation requirements with more carbon added. The cumulative effects of repeated additions of PMRB suggest that certain composts might sustain elevated PAW and reduce irrigation requirements beyond one year.  相似文献   

The half-lives of some persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in environmental compartments such as soil and air can be as long as decades. In spite of the hydrophobicity of many POPs, the literature contains reports of their uptake by, and translocation through, a variety of plants. Both these observations prompt the investigation of whether a vegetation-based environmental compartment such as compost contains significant residues of POPs. Previous reports imply that residues of technical chlordane will be found in compost. Due to its physicochemical properties, technical chlordane provides insights into the fate of POPs in the environment, which are not accessible through determinations of other pollutants in this group. Accordingly, we undertook the first comprehensive examination of technical chlordane residues in a variety of composts, specifically, 13 commercial and 39 municipal compost products, to both characterize and quantify the magnitude of this point source of contamination. Using chiral gas chromatography interfaced to ion trap mass spectrometry, the concentration and the compositional and enantiomeric profiles of chlordane components were determined. Of the 13 commercial products, 9 contained detectable chlordane concentrations, ranging from 4.7 to 292 microg/kg (dry wt.), while all 39 municipal products contained chlordane residues ranging from 13.9 to 415 microg/kg (dry wt.). The residue concentrations and profiles suggest possible feedstock sources for the chlordane in the finished compost product. The data also support the conclusion that some composts contribute to anthropogenic cycling of POPs through the biosphere.  相似文献   

Composting and the application of compost to the soil follow the principle of recycling and sustainability. Compost can also have a positive effect on physical, chemical, and biological soil parameters. However, little is known about the origin, concentration, and transformation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in compost. We therefore compiled literature data on some priority POPs in compost and its main feedstock materials from more than 60 reports. Our data evaluation suggests the following findings. First, median concentrations of Sigma 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), Sigma 6 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and Sigma 17 polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and -furans (PCDD/Fs) were higher in green waste (1803, 15.6 microg/kg dry wt., and 2.5 ng international toxicity equivalent [I-TEQ]/kg dry wt.) than in organic household waste (635, 14.6 microg/kg dry wt., and 2.2 ng I-TEQ/kg dry wt.) and kitchen waste (not available [NA], 14.9 microg/kg dry wt., 0.4 ng I-TEQ/kg dry wt.). The POP concentrations in foliage were up to 12 times higher than in other feedstock materials. Second, in contrast, compost from organic household waste and green waste contained similar amounts of Sigma 16 PAHs, Sigma 6 PCBs, and Sigma 17 PCDD/Fs (1915, 39.8 microg/kg dry wt., and 9.5 ng I-TEQ/kg dry wt., and 1715, 30.6 microg/kg dry wt., and 8.5 ng I-TEQ/kg dry wt., respectively). Third, concentrations of three-ring PAHs were reduced during the composting process, whereas five- to six-ring PAHs and Sigma 6 PCBs increased by roughly a factor of two due to mass reduction during composting. Sigma 17 PCDD/Fs had accumulated by up to a factor of 14. Fourth, urban feedstock and compost had higher POP concentrations than rural material. Fifth, the highest concentrations of POPs were usually observed in summer samples. Finally, median compost concentrations of POPs were greater by up to one order of magnitude than in arable soils, as the primary recipients of compost, but were well within the range of many urban soils. In conclusion, this work provides a basis for the further improvement of composting and for future risk assessments of compost application.  相似文献   

Interaction of Cu with dissolved organic matter (DOM) is an important physicochemical process affecting Cu mobility in soils. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of DOM from anaerobically digested dewatered sludge and sludge compost on the sorption of Cu on an acidic sandy loam and a calcareous clay loam. In the presence of DOM, Cu sorption capacity decreased markedly for both soils, especially for the calcareous soil. The Cu sorption isotherms could be well described by the Freundlich equation (r2 = 0.99), and the binding intensity parameter of soils in the presence of sludge DOM was lower than compost DOM. An increase in DOM concentration significantly reduced the sorption of Cu by both soils. Within the Cu and DOM concentration range studied, the decrease in Cu sorption caused by sludge DOM was consistently greater than that of compost DOM. This might be attributed to the greater amount of hydrophobic fraction of DOM in the compost. Moreover, the reduction of Cu sorption caused by DOM was more obvious in the soil with higher pH. In addition, the sorption of Cu increased with an increase in pH for both soils without the addition of DOM, while Cu sorption in the presence of DOM was unexpectedly decreased with an increase in pH at a pH >6.8. This implied that DOM produced by sludge or other C-enriched organic wastes heavily applied on calcareous soils might facilitate the leaching loss of Cu because of the formation of soluble DOM-metal complexes.  相似文献   

Composting has emerged as a valuable route for the disposal of urban waste, with the prospect of applying composts on arable fields as organic amendments. Proper management of urban waste composts (UWCs) requires a capacity to predict their effects on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in the field, an issue in which simulation models are expected to play a prominent role. However, the parameterization of soil organic amendments within such models generally requires laboratory incubation data. Here, we evaluated the benefit of using a biochemical index based on Van Soest organic matter fractions to parameterize a deterministic model of soil C and N dynamics, NCSOIL, as compared with a standard alternative based on laboratory incubation data. The data included C mineralization and inorganic N dynamics in samples of a silt loam soil (Typic Hapludalf) mixed with various types of UWC and farmyard manure. NCSOIL successfully predicted the various nitrogen mineralization-immobilization patterns observed, but underestimated CO(2) release by 10 to 30% with the less stable amendments. The parameterization based on the biochemical index achieved a prediction error significantly larger than the standard parameterization in only 10% of the tested cases, and provided an acceptable fit to experimental data. The decomposition rates and C to N ratios of compost organic matter varied chiefly according to the type of waste processed. However, 62 to 66% of their variance could be explained by the biochemical index. We thus suggest using the latter to parameterize organic amendments in C and N models as a substitute for time-consuming laboratory incubations.  相似文献   

Environmentally sound management of the use of composts in agriculture relies on matching the rate of release of available N from compost-amended soils to the crop demand. To develop such management it is necessary to (i) characterize the properties of composts that control their rates of decomposition and release of N and (ii) determine the optimal amount of composts that should be applied annually to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Carbon and N mineralization were measured under controlled conditions to determine compost decomposition rate parameters, and the NCSOIL model was used to derive the organic wastes parameters that control the rates of N and C transformations in the soil. We also characterized the effect of a drying period to estimate the effects of the dry season on C and N dynamics in the soil. The optimized compost parameters were then used to predict mineral N concentration dynamics in a soil-wheat system after successive annual applications of compost. Sewage sludge compost (SSC) and cattle manure compost (CMC) mineralization characteristics showed similar partitioning into two components of differing ease of decomposition. The labile component accounted for 16 to 20% of total C and 11 to 14% of total N, and it decomposed at a rate of 2.4 x 10(-2) d(-1), whereas the resistant pool had a decomposition rate constant of 1.2 to 1.4 x 10(-4) d(-1). The main differences between the two composts resulted from their total C and N and inorganic N contents, which were determined analytically. The long-term effect of a drying period on C and N mineralization was negligible. Use of these optimization results in a simulation of compost mineralization under a wheat crop, with a modified plant-effect version of the NCSOIL model, enabled us to evaluate the effects of the following factors on the C and N dynamics in soil: (i) soil temperature, (ii) mineral N uptake by plants, and (iii) release of very labile organic C in root exudates. This labile organic C enhanced N immobilization following application, and so decreased the N available for uptake by plants.  相似文献   

The agricultural practice of amending soils with composted municipal solid waste (MSW) adds significant amounts of organic matter and trace metals, including Cd. Under these conditions, soluble organic complexes of Cd formed in the compost may be more significant than previously thought, due to Cd bioavailability and mobility in the soil environment. To study the relative importance of different types of organic ligands in MSW compost for the binding of Cd, six fractions of the dissolved organic matter (DOM) in addition to humic acid (HA) and fulvic acid (FA) were extracted and their complexation of Cd quantified at pH 7 using an ion-selective electrode (ISE). The highest complexing capacities (CC) for Cd were found for the most humified ligands: HA (2386 micromol Cd g(-1) C of ligand), predialyzed FA (2468 micromol Cd g(-1) C), and HoA, a fulvic-type, easily soluble fraction (1042 micromol Cd g(-1) C). The differences in CC for Cd of the various organic ligands were not directly related to total acid-titratable or carboxylic groups, indicating the importance of sterical issues and other functional groups. The strength of association between Cd and the organic ligands was characterized by calculating stability constants for binding at the strongest sites (pK(int)) and modeling the distribution of binding site strengths. The pK(int) values of the DOM fractions ranged between 6.93 (HiN: polysaccharides) and 8.11 (HiB: proteins and aminosugars), compared with 10.05 for HA and 7.98 for FA. Hence, the highly complex and only partially soluble organic molecules from compost such as HA and FA demonstrated the highest capacity to sequester Cd. However, strong Cd binding of organic ligands containing N-functional groups (HiB) in addition to a high CC of soluble, humified ligands like HoA indicated the relevance of these fractions for the organic complexation of Cd in solution.  相似文献   

Disposal of the municipal organic solid waste is a serious problem worldwide. Composting is one of the most preferred methods of solid waste management practice, principally due to the high percentage of organic material in the waste composition. Composting has advantages over land-filling and incineration in Mauritius because of lower operational costs, less environmental pollution, beneficial use of the end product, high humidity and organic content of household waste. Vermicomposting is a comparatively enhanced method in composting, and involves the stabilization of organic solid waste through earthworm consumption that converts the waste into earthworm castings. In both composting and vermicomposting processes, the presence of heavy metals and different toxics substances limits its land use without processing. The production and application of compost potentially contaminate the environment with heavy metals. There is a high-degree of consensus in the past and present literatures that composting increases metal concentrations but whether similar changes in metal concentration and availability occur during vermicomposting has not been fully resolved. This review deals with various total metal contents present in composting compared to that present in vermicomposting of organic solid wastes from past and present years.  相似文献   

Decomposition of soil organic carbon (SOC) is a critical component of the global carbon cycle, and accurate estimates of SOC decomposition are important for forest carbon modeling and ultimately for decision making relative to carbon sequestration and mitigation of global climate change. We determined the major pools of SOC in four sites representing major forest types in China: temperate forests at Changbai Mountain (CBM) and Qilian Mountain (QLM), and sub-tropical forests at Yujiang (YJ) and Liping (LP) counties. A 90-day laboratory incubation was conducted to measure CO(2) evolution from forest soils from each site, and data from the incubation study were fitted to a three-pool first-order model that separated mineralizable soil organic carbon into active (C(a)), slow (C(s)) and resistant (C(r)) carbon pools. Results indicate that: (1) the rate of SOC decomposition in the sub-tropical zone was faster than that in the temperature zone, (2) The C(a) pool comprised approximately 1-3% of SOC with an average mean residence time (MRT) of 219 days. The C(s) pool comprised approximately 25-65% with an average MRT of 78 yr. The C(r) pool accounted for approximately 35-80% of SOC, (3) The YJ site in the sub-tropical zone had the greatest C(a) pool and the lowest MRT, while the QLM in the temperature zone had the greatest MRT for both the C(a) and C(s) pools. The results suggest a higher capacity for long-term C sequestration as SOC in temperature forests than in sub-tropical forests.  相似文献   

The flux of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in soil facilitates transport of nutrients and contaminants in soil. There is little information on DOC fluxes and the relationship between DOC concentration and water flux in agricultural soils. The DOC fluxes and concentrations were measured during 2.5 yr using 30 automatic equilibrium tension plate lysimeters (AETPLs) at 0.4 m and 30 AETPLs at 1.20-m depth in a bare luvisol, previously used as an arable soil. Average annual DOC fluxes of the 30 AETPLS were 4.9 g C m(-2) y(-1) at 0.4 m and 2.4 g C m(-2) y(-1) at 1.2 m depth. The average leachate DOC concentrations were 17 mg C L(-1) (0.4 m) and 9 mg C L(-1) (1.2 m). The DOC concentrations were unrelated to soil moisture content or average temperature and rarely dropped below 9 mg C L(-1) (0.4 m) and 5 mg C L(-1) (1.2 m). The variability in cumulative DOC fluxes among the plates was positively related to leachate volume and not to average DOC concentrations at both depths. This suggests that water fluxes are the main determinants of spatial variability in DOC fluxes. However, the largest DOC concentrations were inversely proportional to the mean water velocity between succeeding sampling periods, suggesting that the maximal net DOC mobilization rate in the topsoil is limited. Elevated DOC concentrations, up to 90 mg C L(-1), were only observed at low water velocities, reducing the risks of DOC-facilitated transport of contaminants to groundwater. The study emphasizes that water flux and velocity are important parameters for DOC fluxes and concentrations.  相似文献   

Transport models in which the liquid phase is partitioned between conducting and nonconducting regions allow the possibility that degradation and sorption are different in these regions. However, there is little information on biological or chemical differences between conducting and nonconducting regions of the soil matrix. Previous work by the authors on Br transport through unsaturated, intact soil cores of Dundee silty clay loam (fine-silty, mixed, active, thermic Typic Endoaqualf) indicated non-equilibrium conditions that could be well-described by a two-region model. Fitted parameters indicated little solute transfer between flow regions, suggesting that dye movement in unsaturated soil might delineate conducting and nonconducting regions of this soil. Steady-state, unsaturated flow was established in intact cores (10 by 30 cm) of the Dundee soil, then Br and erioglaucine dye were displaced through these cores. The soil cores were then sectioned into 5-cm segments and stained soil was separated from unstained soil. Microbial biomass C, organic C, and dye sorption K(D) (= g(sorbed) kg(-1)soil/g L(-1)) values for stained and unstained soil were determined. Stained soil had higher microbial biomass C but generally lower organic C and lower affinity for dye sorption than unstained soil from the same depth increment. Fraction of immobile water, dispersion, and mass transfer between conducting and nonconducting regions were consistent with previous results.  相似文献   

A composting process was conducted under optimal conditions for 150 d, obtaining three biomasses at different levels of maturity: raw material (RM), fresh compost obtained after 11 d of composting (FC), and evolved compost (EC) obtained after 150 d of composting. During the composting process, HAs were extracted and fully characterized by mass balance, DRIFT, and 1H and 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Each compost sample was incubated for 180 d in an artificial soil, after which HA extraction was repeated and characterized. To compare composts containing different amounts of labile organic matter (OM), an equal amount of unhydrolyzable OM was added to the soils. Our results indicated that compost HAs consist of a biologically and chemically stable fraction (i.e., the unhydrolyzable HA [U-HA]) and a labile fraction, whose relative contents depended on the composting duration. Humic acid from more EC contained a higher amount of recalcitrant fraction (aromatic carbon) and a lesser amount of labile fraction (aliphatic carbon) than HA from RM and FC. These results suggest that the humification process during composting preserves the more recalcitrant fraction of the compost-alkali soluble/acid insoluble fraction (HA-fraction). Incubation of composts in soil showed that due to the higher labile fraction content, HAs from raw material were more degraded than those from EC. The abundance of labile carbon of soil amended with less-evolved compost (RM and FC) allowed the more recalcitrant fractions of U-HA to be more preserved than in EC. These results suggest that less-evolved compost could contribute more than well evolved compost to the stable soil OM.  相似文献   

Composting and compost application in China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The current situation of municipal solid waste (MSW) and sewage sludge production (in terms of volume as well as composition) in China is introduced. Composting and compost application in China are reviewed. In China, the production of municipal solid waste and sewage sludge is changing rapidly along with economic development. Composting is mainly applied for treating MSW, about 20% of the total amount of MSW being disposed. MSW composting is mainly co-composted with night soil or sewage sludge. Compost is used in agriculture, forestry and horticulture. Compost application is the key factor influencing the composting development in China. To promote composting and compost application in China, a state-wide survey on the production, composition and physical and chemical properties of MSW and sewage sludge should be carried out. More effort should be made to develop low cost and high efficient composting technologies according to China's conditions. The environmental impact of compost application should also be given more attention.  相似文献   

A well-drained soil in N-fertilized dairy pasture was amended with particulate organic carbon (POC), either sawdust or coarse woody mulch, and sampled every 4 wk for a year to test the hypothesis that the addition of POC would increase denitrification activity by increasing the number of microsites where denitrification occurred. Overall mean denitrifying enzyme activity (DEA), on a gravimetric basis, was 100% greater for the woody mulch treatment and 50% greater for the sawdust treatment compared with controls, indicating the denitrifying potential of the soil was enhanced. Despite differences in DEA, no difference in denitrification rate, as measured by the acetylene block technique, was detected among treatments, with an average annual N loss of ~22 kg N ha yr Soil water content overall was driving denitrification in this well-drained soil as regression of the natural log of volumetric soil water content (VWC) against denitrification rate was highly significant ( = 0.74, < 0.001). Addition of the amendments, however, had significant effects on the availability of both C and N. An additional 20 to 40 kg N ha was stored in POC-amended treatments as a result of increases in the microbial biomass. Basal respiration, as a measure of available C, was 400% greater than controls in the sawdust treatment and 250% greater than controls in the mulch. Net N mineralization, however, was significantly lower in the sawdust treatment, resulting in significantly lower nitrate N levels than in the control. We attribute the lack of measured response in denitrification rate to the high temporal variability in denitrification and suggest that diffusion of nitrate may ultimately have limited denitrification in the amended treatments. Our data indicate that manipulation of denitrification by addition of POC may be possible, particularly when nitrate levels are high, but quantifying differences in the rate of denitrification is difficult because of the temporal nature of the process (particularly the complex interaction of N availability and soil water content).  相似文献   

Seven mixtures from four organic residues—an aerobic sewage sludge, a city refuse, a peat residue, and a grape debris—were composted, and the changes undergone by their different carbon fractions during their composting and maturation were studied. In most cases a decrease in carbon fractions during the composting and maturation processes was observed. The extractable carbon, however, increased during maturation. Organic matter mineralization was greater in the composts with city refuse than in those with sewage sludge. The samples with peat residue showed the lowest decreases in carbon fractions. During maturation, an increase of humiclike fraction was observed, which was reflected by a decrease in the soluble carbon-precipitated carbon ratio at pH 2. Water-soluble carbon was the carbon fraction most easily degradable by microorganisms, and its amount correlated significantly with composting time in all the samples.  相似文献   

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