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In a series of studies to develop an effective high speed plankton sampler, hydrodynamic research was carried out on a modified model of the Clarke Jet Net. A theoretical analysis of the motion of the sampler was made using an IBM 7040 computer, and test tows were made in an experimental ship tank and at sea. To maintain the roll angle of the sampler at approximately zero, a v-shape bridle was applied. A pair of towing holes should be selected for the particular range of towing velocity. The calculated longitudinal stability seemed good in all the cases examined. Towing tests in the ship tank at 2 to 3 m/sec revealed sufficient stability. The motion of the sampler at speeds higher than 3 m/sec can be assumed from hydrodynamic coefficients derived from the ship tank experiment. Towing-cable characteristics, assumed by computation, indicated that about 500 m at 6 kt and 1,000 m at 12 kt should be paid out to lower the sampler down to 100 m. The effect of the sampler on the cable is found only adjacent to it and is almost negligible beyond 50 m from it in depth. Results of sea tests at 6 and 9 kt confirmed the stability of the sampler. Examination of the catch suggested that the present model can be used, with some modifications, for the quantitative and qualitative sampling of large zooplankton.Contribution No. 231 from the Seikai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory, Nagasaki.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of the 10 foot Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl as a quantitative sampler of the micronektonic standing crop. The use of this gear without an opening-closing mechanism made it necessary to sample by means of oblique hauls. This study, which includes not less than 1500 hauls, is directed towards introducing some degree of uniformity in operating this device so that valid comparisons can be made between catches from oblique hauls made at similar depths, as well as oblique hauls made at different depths. It is emphasized that information must be obtained on the tow path using depth-time and depth-distance recorders simultaneously. As the maximum depth depends largely upon variations in towing speed, it is important to be able to control ship speed carefully. As net speed is a significant factor in avoidance and escapement, care should be taken to sample each layer in an identical manner. The procedure defined here mainly involves (a) modifications of the depressor; (b) application of the winch brake after all the cable has been paid out, during the time required for the trawl to attain maximum depth; (c) paying out and hauling in at high speed by the winch. Resulting hauls show a nearly oblique tow path. Sampling velocities of the net are the same for all water layers: slow during descent, fast during ascent. This allows valid comparisons to be made between a series of hauls. Nevertheless, future progress in quantitative sampling depends largely upon technical improvements, and the evolution of new devices and approaches.  相似文献   

A sampler is described which can be used for the collection of microbiological, phytoplanktological, and chemical sea-water samples. The sampler consist of a polyvinylchloride (PVC) frame on which a sterile silicone-rubber container (500 ml) is assembled. The sampler is fitted with a couple of reversing thermometers. All materials used, including the hydrographic cable and the messenger, have been tested for toxicity. The container, actuated by the messenger, fills and then is closed by a stop-cock to prevent any contamination with upper-level sea water during hauling aboard. The reversing thermometers reverse only when the sample has been taken properly. Thus, the thermometers guarantee good functioning of the sampler and supply also information on the exact depth at which the sample was collected. The device can operate at any depth and several devices can be operated in one cast. During normal operation, contamination due to microorganisms attached to the frame and container is negligible.This work was performed under the association contract Euratom-CNEN.  相似文献   

Data upon water exit-velocity in an encased high-speed plankton sampler were obtained during field use and analysed; the results show that reduction in size of mouth opening allows complete avoidance of clogging under normal working conditions in temperate waters. Reduction of mouth opening has the further effect of increasing the filtration coefficient in such a way that the sampler apparentlyfilters more than the theoretical quantity of water that would be expected from the mouth area. Unobstructed flow through the net probably reduces avoidance by fast-moving plankters.  相似文献   

The need for new instruments and systems for environment monitoring encouraged the development of a network of coastal platforms combining a high versatility with ease of use and affordability. Almost every instrument can be fitted on the platforms, thanks to the large amount of available power provided by both solar panels and wind generators. All the platforms host a pumping system that pumps water from five depths into a measurement chamber where a multiparametric probe is fitted and from where other devices (e.g. samplers or analysers) can draw samples. In situ temperature measurements are provided at the same pumping depths. A colorimetric nutrient analyser and a meteorological station complete the basic equipment. On one of the platforms, a remotely controlled water sampler and an ADCP are also fitted. The data-acquisition and transmission system enables the platform to be controlled remotely using a special macro-commands set. Several examples of use are presented.  相似文献   

The need for new instruments and systems for environment monitoring encouraged the development of a network of coastal platforms combining a high versatility with ease of use and affordability. Almost every instrument can be fitted on the platforms, thanks to the large amount of available power provided by both solar panels and wind generators. All the platforms host a pumping system that pumps water from five depths into a measurement chamber where a multiparametric probe is fitted and from where other devices (e.g. samplers or analysers) can draw samples. In situ temperature measurements are provided at the same pumping depths. A colorimetric nutrient analyser and a meteorological station complete the basic equipment. On one of the platforms, a remotely controlled water sampler and an ADCP are also fitted. The data-acquisition and transmission system enables the platform to be controlled remotely using a special macro-commands set. Several examples of use are presented.  相似文献   

W. Dimmler  H. Klindt 《Marine Biology》1990,107(2):345-348
This paper describes a modified modern version of the original rectangular midwater trawl (RMT) manufactured by the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences (IOS). The shipboard acoustic transducer and the underwater RMT-monitor were replaced by an electronic interface box was while the data transfer, realized by a single-conductor cable. Using frequency shift keying (FSK) signal transmission, a PC-controlled system onboard handles data acquisition and control as well as real time monitoring of the haul. The volume of water filtered by the net is calculated based on the online readings of a net-angle sensor. The new RMT-system was successfully used in the Antarctic during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) from October 1988 to March 1989. Fifty-seven tows to a maximum depth of 1000 m in open waters and in ice covered areas were performed.  相似文献   

R. Kölmel 《Marine Biology》1974,25(2):163-168
During 1972 and 1973, quantitative meiofauna samples were taken by subsampling out of a bottom sampler from some parts of the Kiel Bight. A new method has been developed to operate in very soft and muddy sediments with high organic and water contents. The construction of the new instrument is described. It consists of a bottomless plexiglass box, the cover and front of which may easily be removed. It does not cause compression of the sampled sediment, and hardly disturbs it. The semi-liquid surface of the sediment is kept in place by the use of a “sledge” and a strip of cellophane tape inside the sampler. Some preliminary results from one station show a meiofauna maximum (mainly nematodes) in the subsurface layer of the sediment, but this varied from one month to the next. The water content of the sediment at another station was as high as 300%.  相似文献   

The North Inlet Marsh-Estuarine System Model (NIMES) is a 19-compartment real-time deterministic ecosystem simulation model of intrasystem carbon flow and exchange between an estuary and adjacent coastal water. A complete sensitivity analysis of this model with regard to POM, DOM and nekton annual exchange and annual system net productivity was completed and the functional relationship between these system behaviors and the perturbed parameters were determined by regression techniques. Simulated POM annual exchange between the estuary and the sea was largely controlled by offshore POM concentration, water column respiration and the gross productivity of the marsh and water column flora. Simulated DOM annual estuarine-oceanic exchange was most sensitive to perturbations in the gross productivity and biomass changes in marsh flora and water column microbial DOM uptake. Simulated nekton exchange reflected a sensitivity to migratory behavior and subtidal benthic biomass changes. System annual net productivity as simulated by the model showed a high sensitivity to all model processes which affected component primary production and respiration. From this sensitivity analysis, a scheme is developed to evaluate research needs for further model development for the North Inlet ecosystem.  相似文献   

Four variants of the Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) have been constructed to sample a broad size spectrum of oceanic animals from microzooplankton to micronekton. The systems differ in mouth opening dimensions (ranging from 1/4 to 20 m2), the number of nets carried (from 5 to 20), and the mesh size of the netting (from 64 m to 3.0 mm). A new electronics package enables an operator to send commands down a single conductor, armored cable to open/close the nets and provides 12-bit resolution for the environmental (temperature, depth, conductivity) and net operation data (flow, net-frame angle, net-bar release), which are transmitted up the cable to the deck unit at 2-s intervals. A microcomputer system, interfaced to the deck unit, calculates salinity, volume filtered by a net, net trajectory velocity, and vertical velocity. The data are printed out and stored on disc, and profiles of temperature and salinity versus depth are plotted during the course of the tow. Analysis of the relationship between the geometry of the MOCNESS under tow and the past and present methods used to estimate the water filtered by a net revealed that significant bias is introduced when the ascent or descent angle of a net is disregarded. The bias is a function of the ratio of vertical velocity to net trajectory velocity and results in an underestimate of volume filtered while shooting a net and an overestimate while hauling.  相似文献   

J. Overnell 《Marine Biology》1976,36(4):335-342
The orientation of the opportunist, sublittoral barnacle Balanus trigonus is investigated. Water movement is the primary orientation stimulus for this species, but this effect may be modified by the influence of light acting in opposition to it. The barnacles orientate at right angles to the axis of wave-surge movement, and observations of feeding behaviour showed that in this position the cirral net could be swivelled 90° each way to make best use of both the advancing, and the reversing, water flow. In a steady unidirectional tidal current the barnacles aligned themselves so as to beat with the water flow, and observation suggests that stroking with the flow is more efficient than forcing the cirral net against the motion of the water. It is suggested that, for an opportunist short-lived species such as B. trigonus which is subjected to high predation rates, there is considerable selection pressure for rapid growth and early sexual maturity. To achieve this in a filterfeeding organism for which food is limiting, food collection must be as efficient as possible. B. trigonus has adopted a system of orientation to a variety of water movement regimes that allows efficient food collection over a wide range of conditions.  相似文献   

The UCD/CIT model was modified to include a process analysis (PA) scheme for gas and particulate matter (PM) to study the formation of secondary nitrate aerosol during a stagnant wintertime air pollution episode during the California Regional PM2.5/PM10 Air Quality Study (CRPAQS) where detailed measurements of PM components are available at a few sites. Secondary nitrate is formed in the urban areas from near the ground to a few hundred meters above the surface during the day with a maximum modeled net increase rate of 4 μg·m-3·d-1 during the study episode. The secondary nitrate formation rate in rural areas is lower due to lower NO2. In the afternoon hours, near-surface temperature can be high enough to evaporate the particulate nitrate. In the nighttime hours, both the gas phase N2O5 reactions with water vapor and the N2O5 heterogeneous reactions with particle-bound water are important for secondary nitrate formation. The N2O5 reactions are most import near the surface to a few hundred meters above surface with a maximum modeled net secondary nitrate increase rate of 1 μg·m-3·d-1 and are more significant in the rural areas where the O3 concentrations are high at night. In general, vertical transport during the day moves the nitrate formed near the surface to higher elevations. During the stagnant days, process analysis indicates that the nitrate concentration in the upper air builds up and leads to a net downward flux of nitrate through vertical diffusion and a rapid increase of surface nitrate concentration.  相似文献   

The sampler is operated by hydrostatic pressure and consists of a stainless steel cylinder to which is attached a membrane filter holder. A glass inlet tube is broken by a messenger and a predetermined volume of water is filtered. Valves protect the membrane from flow-back and release the pressure as the sampler returns to the surface. The sampler works satisfactorily at 15 m and is strong enough to be used down to 6000 m. The filling rate is controlled by a jet behind the filter holder.  相似文献   

We examined seasonal patterns of abundance for the intertidal amphipod Calliopius laeviusculus (Amphipoda: Gammaridae). Amphipods were sampled with an epibenthic sled during the daytime high tide period from 18 May to 8 August 1988. Amphipod density increased from May to June and reached maxima in both late June and early August. Amphipod density was unrelated to any abiotic component measured in the intertidal community. These variables included sampling location, wave height, water column height, water temperature, salinity and cloud cover. Changes in abundance were related with sampling date and with the onset of capelin (Mallotus villosus) spawning activity in the intertidal. Capelin eggs are an important food item for amphipods. The accuracy of density estimates obtained with the epibenthic sled was assessed through comparison with densities obtained with a more efficient quadrat sampler. Sled samples consistently sampled ca. 1% of the amphipod population. We found that a large portion of the amphipod population burrowed into the sediment and was not effectively sampled by the sled. Sled sampler precision was roughly equivalent to that of quadrats with D (precision) ranging from 0.26 to 0.42 for sled samples and D=0.29 for quadrat samples. Although sample collection with the epibenthic sled was achieved more quickly and under a wider range of weather conditions than was possible with the quadrat sampler, the serious underestimate of amphipod density based on sled samples alone indicates that both sled and quadrat samples, obtained in concert, are required to obtain accurate measures of daily variation in C. laeviusculus abundance.Contribution to the program of GIROQ (Groupe interuniversitaire de recherches oceanographique du Quebec)  相似文献   

The existing gas sampler is deficient in regard to its efficiency, handling and ability. In order to solve these problems, a new gas sampler was developed and its function was investigated. The sampler is a vessel made of aluminium and contains a polyester bag inside the vessel. The vacuum method is employed for taking the gas. The maximum capacity of the gas volume that can be taken is about 15 liters and sampling time can be from 15 sec to 10 min per sample. In addition, many odor surveys were carried out and the practicality of the new sampler was investigated. It was concluded that the new sampler was easy to handle and was more efficient than the existing gas sampler.  相似文献   

区域能源碳足迹计算模型比较研究——以湖北省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能源消费排放是最主要的碳排放来源,研究能源碳足迹重要理论和现实意义。如何准确计算和表征能源碳足迹的大小成为该研究领域的重要问题。在文献回顾的基础上,文章总结了3种目前应用较广泛的计算区域能源消费碳足迹的方法和模型,它们分别是碳汇法、净初级生产力改进模型和净生态系统生产力改进模型。分别介绍了其计算公式、输入参数和计算过程。以湖北省1998-2009年能源消费碳足迹的计算为例,分别用这几种方法计算了能源消费碳足迹的总量和人均碳足迹。得到的主要结论有:研究区域能源消费碳排放量增长较快,3种方法和模型计算得到的碳足迹总量和人均量从时间序列上看,整体变化趋势一致,碳足迹亦呈现快速增长。但3种模型计算出的碳足迹大小差异较大,碳汇法模型足迹最大,净生态系统生产力改进模型次之,净初级生产力改进模型结果最小,并且碳汇法的计算结果明显大于其他两种模型。计算结果差异的原因在于,传统碳汇法模型只考虑林地的碳吸收能力,忽略了区域其他用地类型的碳吸收能力。净初级生产力改进模型考虑了各种用地类型的吸收能力,但从生态系统来说忽略了异氧呼吸的碳释放,高估了区域的碳吸收能力。几种模型都运用了固定值或者平均统计量,未能考虑地域差异,同时未考虑各统计量随时间和气候等变化而变化的可能,存在一定的不合理性,这也是今后研究值得深人研究的方向。  相似文献   

构建了东苕溪流域水稻地表水暴露场景,对国外已广泛应用的稻田-地表水暴露评价模型(RICEWQ—EX—AMS)进行二次开发,并应用构建的场景和开发的模型对东苕溪流域稻田常用农药品种进行水生生态风险评价和健康风险评价。结果表明,在所评价的10种东苕溪流域常用农药品种中,除草剂氟乐灵对藻具有急性高风险,杀虫剂硫丹对鱼既具有急性高风险,又具有慢性风险,阿维菌素对泾具有急性高风险,氟铃脲对涵既具有急性高风险,又具有慢性风险,其余品种对鱼、溢和藻的急慢性风险均较低。运用传统评价法和风险评价模型计算法得出了相一致的结论,即所评价的10个农药品种对人体健康均无风险,该评价结果与所评价农药的实际风险表现较吻合。认为所构建的场景、模型能较好地用于东苕溪流域稻田农药品种的风险评价。  相似文献   

The net uptake of zinc, cadmium, lead and copper by the common mussel Mytilus edulis (L.) exposed to different conditions was investigated with a view to using this species as an indicator of contamination of the marine environment by these metals. The variables studied were season, position of the mussel in the water column, water salinity, water temperature, and the simultaneous presence of all four metals. Each of these 5 variables affected the net uptake of some or all of the metals studied under some conditions. Seasonal variation in concentrations of zinc, cadmium and copper was found in samples collected at three separate locations. The relationship of seasonal variation to tissue weight and absorption route of the metals is discussed. Near to freshwater inputs of trace metals, the concentrations of zinc, cadmium and lead in mussels were found to vary according to the depth at which the mussels were collected; in summer when freshwater run-off is less, this effect was absent. Low salinities did not affect the net uptake of zinc by mussels, but increased the net uptake of cadmium and decreased that of lead. Low temperatures had no effect on the net uptake of zinc or lead; the net uptake of cadmium was unaffected by low temperatures at high salinities but was decreased by low temperatures at low salinities. The presence of the other metals had no effect on the individual net uptake of either zinc, cadmium or lead. A sampling programme was devised to eliminate the effects of these environmental variables and to allow the use of M. edulis as an indicator of zinc, cadmium and lead in marine and estuarine environments. In contrast to the other metals, the net uptake of copper by the mussel was extremely erratic, and was affected by salinity and temperature changes and by the presence of the other metals and changes in their relative concentrations. The effects of other metals on the net uptake of copper cannot be easily eliminated or allowed for; it is, therefore, suggested that the mussel should not be used as an indicator of copper in the marine environment.  相似文献   

In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the importance of water flow for skeletal growth (rate) becomes higher with increasing irradiance levels (i.e. a synergistic effect) and that such effect is mediated by a water flow modulated effect on net photosynthesis. Four series of nine nubbins of G. fascicularis were grown at either high (600 μE m−2 s−1) or intermediate (300 μE m−2 s−1) irradiance in combination with either high (15–25 cm s−1) or low (5–10 cm s−1) flow. Growth was measured as buoyant weight and surface area. Photosynthetic rates were measured at each coral’s specific experimental irradiance and flow speed. Additionally, the instantaneous effect of water flow on net photosynthetic rate was determined in short-term incubations in a respirometric flowcell. A significant interaction was found between irradiance and water flow for the increase in buoyant weight, the increase in surface area, and specific skeletal growth rate, indicating that flow velocity becomes more important for coral growth with increasing irradiance levels. Enhancement of coral growth with increasing water flow can be explained by increased net photosynthetic rates. Additionally, the need for costly photo-protective mechanisms at low flow regimes could explain the differences in growth with flow.  相似文献   

Water footprint is an indicator showing the consumption impact on environment with water equivalent, which allows a detailed quantification of water use directly and indirectly in sectors for the domestic and abroad final consumption. This paper presents a framework of calculating national water footprint (NWF) with input–output method on China 2002. The results indicated that the NWF of China was 381 m3/cap yr in 2002. A new indicator termed as national water footprint intensity (NWFI) is also derived from NWF to evaluate the water consumption intensities of different sectors. Then the evaluation of virtual water trade in sectors is followed, the results of which give a detailed quantification of net virtual water import of sectors, verifying that China is a net virtual water exporter concerning the whole national sectors, which is different from the previous studies. Finally, it is suggested that the sectors with high NWFI and volume of net virtual water export should be regarded as the priority of Chinese water-saving strategy.  相似文献   

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