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To examine water circulation patterns of coastal water, 72 seaweed (Sargasso) samples and 27 coastal water samples were collected from coastal areas of the Noto Peninsula, Japan, during the period from December 1998 to June 2002. The (228)Ra and (226)Ra activities of those samples were measured by low-background gamma-ray spectrometry. There was a wide range of activities of (228)Ra (0.5-2Bq/kg-fresh) and (226)Ra (0.5-1.2Bq/kg-fresh) in the Sargasso samples. The (228)Ra/(226)Ra activity ratio of Sargasso samples exhibited seasonal variation with minimum values in June ((228)Ra/(226)Ra= approximately 1) and maximum values in December (1.5-2.5), which was mainly governed by changes in (228)Ra activity. It is also notable that the seasonal variation of the (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratio of Sargasso is in approximate agreement with that of the ambient coastal water. Sargasso samples appear to have retained the (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratio of the ambient coastal waters, and the temporal variations in that ratio provide insight into seasonal changes in water circulation in the Noto Peninsula coastal area.  相似文献   

To examine water circulation patterns of coastal water, 72 seaweed (Sargasso) samples and 27 coastal water samples were collected from coastal areas of the Noto Peninsula, Japan, during the period from December 1998 to June 2002. The (228)Ra and (226)Ra activities of those samples were measured by low-background gamma-ray spectrometry. There was a wide range of activities of (228)Ra (0.5-2Bq/kg-fresh) and (226)Ra (0.5-1.2Bq/kg-fresh) in the Sargasso samples. The (228)Ra/(226)Ra activity ratio of Sargasso samples exhibited seasonal variation with minimum values in June ((228)Ra/(226)Ra= approximately 1) and maximum values in December (1.5-2.5), which was mainly governed by changes in (228)Ra activity. It is also notable that the seasonal variation of the (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratio of Sargasso is in approximate agreement with that of the ambient coastal water. Sargasso samples appear to have retained the (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratio of the ambient coastal waters, and the temporal variations in that ratio provide insight into seasonal changes in water circulation in the Noto Peninsula coastal area.  相似文献   

A radiochemical method for simultaneous separation of 226Ra and 228Ra from natural waters by precipitating the radionuclides in the form of chromates that have low solubility in weak acetic acid has been described. For analytical purposes the change into soluble state was achieved through high-temperature melting the radium chromates precipitate with sodium and potassium carbonates at certain ratios. The chemical yield for radium-226 amounted to 87.1 ± 1.4% at the efficiency of counting 92.8 ± 0.7%. Calculated in series of 20 parallel determinations, reproducibility of the method was 7%. The chemical yield in separating radium-228 made up 63.8 ± 1.1%.  相似文献   

We investigated the horizontal distributions of (228)Ra and (226)Ra in surface waters of the northwestern North Pacific Ocean and Okhotsk Sea. Ratios of (228)Ra/(226)Ra were relatively large in the Tsugaru Current (0.6-0.8) and Okhotsk Sea (0.4-0.5), and small in the Western Subarctic Gyre (<0.2) and the Oyashio (0.25-0.3). (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratios in western Subarctic Water (SAW) rose slightly upon mixing with Okhotsk Water (OKW), before becoming the Oyashio Water (OYW). Also, ratios in the OYW increased during mixing with Tsugaru Current Water (TCW). Estimating from (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratios and (226)Ra activities with a simple two-end members-mixing model, we assumed that approximately 23% of the OYW originated from the OKW and the coastal region off northern Honshu (Japan) was strongly influenced by the TCW. From a diagram of (228)Ra activities against salinity, we could roughly divide surface seawater in the study area into the five water masses, which were SAW, OYW, OKW, TCW, and Subtropical Water (STW).  相似文献   

A fast procedure based on sorption of Ra on MnO2 coated polyamide discs is presented for determination of radium isotopes (i.e. 228Ra, 226Ra, 224Ra) in aqueous samples. The sample discs can be used directly for low-level alpha-spectrometry without the need for further separation and preparation methods to produce planar sample sources. While the activity of alpha-emitting 224Ra and 226Ra can be determined during a first measurement, beta-emitting 228Ra is obtained via ingrowth of the progeny 228Th on the same sample disc after a standing time of about six months. Calculations are presented for optimizing the analytical accuracy as well as for predicting the sorption yield or chemical recovery of radium on the sample disc as a function of exposure time because the sorption uptake proceeds with first-order kinetics. The analyses can be carried out on small samples of 0.5-11 and, for long counting times of one week and use of high-purity silicon surface barrier detectors, a detection limit of 0.15 mBq l-1 is obtained for 226Ra. Since the half-life of 224Ra is only 3.7 d and since 228Th (as a measure for 228Ra) is built up only partially on the sample disc, a slightly higher detection limit of 0.24 mBq l-1 results for the latter isotopes. The procedure is therefore sufficiently sensitive to allow the investigation of Ra isotope relationships in aquifers at typical environmental levels.  相似文献   

Ground and river waters of the upper Rhine valley (Alsace, France) were investigated for chemical composition of the major elements, Sr isotopes and radionuclides from the U and Th series. In particular, the isotope ratios and concentrations of Ra and Sr were used as geochemical tracers to distinguish between different types of water and their interactions. The bulk chemical analyses suggest that the surface waters in the Rhine valley can be described as mixtures between Ca-Na-HCO3-rich ground water and less mineralized slightly acidic river waters which have migrated through crystalline (mainly granitic) basement rocks of the Vosges mountains. Mixing of these waters yields positive correlation between bulk Sr, U, Ca and HCO3, indicating that carbonate-rich sediments are the main source of U and (non-radiogenic) Sr in the Rhine valley aquifers. The combination of the Ra and Sr isotope systems (228Ra/226Ra, 87Sr/86Sr) shows, however, that probably three sources contribute to the surface river waters in the upper Rhine valley, i.e. (i) a highly radiogenic crystalline component, (ii) a ground water source and, (iii) a third component from infiltrating Rhine water along the flow path of the parallel running river Ill in the northerly direction. The Sr and Ra isotope systems were also used to calculate small-scale mixing fractions of tributaries along the flow path of the Ill. Mixing ratios of non-pure end-member waters were determined using three isotope diagrams (i.e. 224Ra/226Ra vs. 228Ra/226Ra) and the results obtained with the Ra isotope system were found to be consistent with the data using Sr isotope relationships (i.e. 87Sr/86Sr vs. 1/Sr).  相似文献   

Several types of bottled drinking water originating from three different areas in Egypt are studied through measurement of radium activity, assessment of related annual dose for adults and finally to define the role of water quality on radium levels. The mean levels of (226)Ra activity range from 0.44 to 0.92 Bq/L and the mean levels of (228)Ra from 0.30 to 0.78 Bq/L, with related (226)Ra/(228)Ra ratios ranging from 2.61 to 0.56. Water types originating from the Eastern Nile Delta area are characterized by low (226)Ra levels and relatively high (228)Ra activity, presumably due to the muddy agricultural nature of this area, which is subject to water from several surface resources for irrigation. In general, the mean activity levels for both (226)Ra and (228)Ra are within those in drinking water in several other countries and the annual ingested dose is comparable with the typical range reported by UNSCEAR. Also, the effect of TDS, pH, calcium, bicarbonate, sulphate and chloride ion concentrations on radium levels is studied and discussed.  相似文献   

Activity concentrations of the long-lived natural radionuclides 226Ra, 228Ra, 210Pb, 40K and of 7Be in surface air were measured twice monthly at a semi-rural location 10 km north of Munich (FRG) for at least three years. For the time interval 1983–1985, all values were found to be distributed log-normally, with geometric means (in μBq m−3) of 1·2 for 226Ra, 0·5 for 228Ra, 580 for 210Pb, 12 for 40K and 3500 for 7Be. Reflecting their common origin, the activity concentrations of 226Ra and 40K are correlated with surface air dust concentrations (geometric mean 59 μg m−3). Seasonal variations of 210Pb and 7Be air activity concentrations are established for the time interval 1978–1985.The contribution of local soil activity to the air activity concentrations of these radionuclides and of natural uranium is discussed. Resuspension factors are found to be of the order of 10−9m−1.  相似文献   

Plutonium isotopes, 239Pu and 240Pu, were measured in liver samples from Surume squid using a sector-field high resolution ICP-MS after radiochemical purification. Surume squid samples were obtained from nine landing ports in Japanese inshore during fishery season from September to December 2002. Concentrations of 239Pu and 240Pu ranged from 1.5 to 28 mBq kg(-1) and 1.1 to 24 mBq kg(-1), respectively. Plutonium (239,240Pu) concentrations in liver were several thousand times higher than levels found in seawater. The concentration factor (CF) compared to seawater for 239,240Pu and 13 other elements ranged from 10(0) to 10(7). The CF values for 239,240Pu, V and Th were 10(2)-10(4). Pu had an intermediate CF between conservative and scavenged elements. 240Pu/239Pu atomic ratios in the squid liver ranged from 0.177 to 0.237 which were slightly higher than 0.178+/-0.014 for global fallout. The variations of 240Pu/239Pu atomic ratios in ocean currents with different source functions are important for interpreting high 240Pu/239Pu atomic ratios in Surume squid liver. It seems likely that Pu with high 240Pu/239Pu atomic ratio is continuously transported through the solubilization and seawater transport from the North Equatorial Current to Kuroshio and its branch, Tsushima Current. By assuming that Pu found in Surume squid liver is a mixture of global fallout Pu (0.178) and close-in fallout Pu with high 240Pu/239Pu atomic ratio (0.30-0.36) around Bikini Atoll, Pu contribution from Bikini close-in fallout Pu accounts for close to 35% of the whole plutonium in Surume squid liver. These results highlight that Surume squid is a useful organism for evaluating environmental Pu levels of larger sea area and facilitate the development of models to understand oceanic transport of close-in fallout Pu from Bikini Atoll.  相似文献   

The level of natural radiation in some regions of Ramsar, a northern coastal city of Iran, is known to be among the highest levels of natural radiation in the world. 226Ra existing in high concentrations in the soil of this region is washed by underground water and transferred to the surface. In this way, 226Ra enters the food chain of residents and substitutes within the hard body tissues of humans. 226Ra is one of the so-called bone seekers as its metabolic processes in the human body are similar to calcium and remains in hard tissues of body because of its long half-life, and being an alpha emitter causes dangerous effects on human health. The purpose of this study is to determine the concentration of 226Ra in the teeth of residents of these high-level natural radiation areas, compared with a control group. Thirteen teeth in five groups were studied as the case group and thirteen teeth in five corresponding control groups were inspected. The mean values of the activity of 226Ra in the case group and in the control group were 0.32 and 0.18mBqg(-1), respectively.  相似文献   

This paper calculates the economic value of coastal zones as nutrient filters by using the replacement cost method, which implies that the value is calculated as the savings in costs from reaching politically determined future nutrient target. It is shown that the magnitude of this value depends on the cost of other abatement measures besides nutrient filters of coastal zones, the stringency and timing of the nutrient target, discount rate, and spatial and temporal dispersions of cleaning impacts. The application to the Baltic Sea indicates that the value can amount to approximately 600 billions of SEK (1 Euro = 9.01 SEK, June 3, 2012), which corresponds to 1.9 % of the Baltic Sea region’s total gross domestic product. The largest gains are obtained by Poland because this country faces the largest financial burdens of meeting targets.  相似文献   

The level of dissolved oil residues as well as the oxygenated petroleum hydrocarbons in the seawater of the affected area of Jeddah coast, Red Sea was estimated. The dissolved/dispersed petroleum hydrocarbons concentration was found minimal. The minimum level may be attributed to the action of the weathering processes.Selected samples of the dichloromethane extracts of seawater were fractionated, using silica gel columns, into four fractions eluted with solvents of increasing polarity. The fluorescence intensity of these fractions was measured at three different pairs of excitation and emission wavelengths using ultraviolet fluorescence spectrofluorophotometry (UVF). The total fluorescence intensity of the fractions at 280 nm excitation, 327 nm emission wavelengths and 310 nm excitation, 360 nm emission wavelengths exceeds the fluorescence intensity of the whole extract by more than two orders of magnitude. The estimation of higher molecular mass oxygenated compounds in the fourth fractions, read at 380 nm excitation, 430 nm emission wavelengths, indicates rather low concentrations of <1 microg l(-1) hydroxypyrene equivalents. However, the polar fractions (eluted with acetone) account for more than 25% of the total fluorescence intensity of all fractions combined at each pair of wavelengths. The characterization of the products causing the fluorescence particularly the high molecular mass compounds still presents difficulties.Preliminary GC/MS results revealed some evidence for petroleum hydrocarbon oxidation products. Alkyl isobenzofuranones have been found in some seawater extracts. This is an ongoing project to characterize and identify additional compounds from these extracts.  相似文献   

Five years after the 1997 Nakhodka oil spill in the Sea of Japan, seven bacterial strains capable of utilizing the heavy oil spilled from the Nakhodka Russian oil tanker were isolated from three coastal areas (namely Katano Seashore of Fukui Prefecture, Osawa and Atake seashores of Ishikawa Prefecture) and the Nakhodka Russian oil tanker after a 5-year bioremediation process. All bacterial strains isolated could utilize long-chain-length alkanes efficiently, but not aromatic, and all of them were able to grow well on heavy oil. Using 16S rDNA sequencing, most of the strains were affiliated to Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Comparing between the year 1997 (at the beginning of bioremediation process) and the year 2001 (after 5 years of bioremediation), there was no significant change in morphology and size of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria during the 5-year bioremediation. Scanning and transmission electron microscopic observations revealed that a large number of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria still existed in the sites consisting of a variety of morphological forms of bacteria, such as coccus (Streptococcus and Staphylococcus) and bacillus (Streptobacillus). On the application of bioremediation processes on the laboratory-scale, laboratory microcosm experiments (containing seawater, beach sand, and heavy oil) under aerobic condition by two different treatments (i.e., placed the inside building and the outside building) were established for bioremediation of heavy oil to investigate the significance of the role of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria on them. There was no significant bacterial activity differentiation in the two treatments, and removal of heavy oil by hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria in the outside building was slightly greater than that in the inside building. The values of pH, Eh, EC, and dissolved oxygen (DO) in two treatments indicated that the bioremediation process took place under aerobic conditions (DO: 1-6 mg/l; Eh: 12-300 mV) and neutral-alkaline conditions (pH 6.4-8) with NaCl concentrations of 3-15% (ECs of 45-200 mS/cm).  相似文献   

Enrichment of natural radionuclides of thorium, radium and beryllium in several kinds of marine organisms was investigated near the Pacific coast of Miyagi Pref., Japan. The radioactivity of 7Be, 210Pb, 234Th, 238U, 228Ra and 137Cs was measured using gamma spectrometry. High concentrations of 234Th were observed in ascidian livers (50-400 Bq/kg dry) and excrement (2000-2900 Bq/kg dry), although the parent 238U concentrations were less than 3 Bq/kg dry. Such extreme disequilibrium between 238U and 234Th activity was observed in other organisms (barnacles, mussels and brown algae). Relatively high concentrations of 228Ra were detected in ascidian livers and were observed to decrease according to its half-life (5.75 year), suggesting disequilibrium with its parent 232Th. High concentrations (about 1900-5000 Bq/kg dry) of 7Be were detected in ascidian liver. Possible mechanisms for the observed biomagnification and bioaccumulation of these radionuclides in the organisms analyzed were proposed.  相似文献   

Monthly depositional fluxes of (210)Pb and (7)Be at Tatsunokuchi, Japan which faces the Japan Sea were studied over a 12-year period from 1991 to 2002. The data were compared with the spatial variability of these fluxes at Taejon in Korea and at 11 other sites in Japan from Ishigaki of the southern islands of Okinawa to Wakkanai of the northern end of Hokkaido over a 2-year period from 2000 to 2001. The monthly depositions of both (210)Pb and (7)Be at Tatsunokuchi revealed very similar seasonal variations with a single peak; both depositions were high in winter and low in summer. This phenomenon was found to be not transient but stationary. The deposition of these nuclides was much greater on the Japan Sea side of Japan than on the Pacific Ocean side. The cause for high deposition of (210)Pb and (7)Be in winter might be explained by a combination of a series of the following processes: blowing out of air masses with a high (210)Pb concentration near the surface layer over the continent by strong winter monsoons, additional flow of cold air masses with high (7)Be concentration at high latitude, well-mixing with generation of ascending current and convection clouds over the Japan Sea, and heavy snowfalls accompanying them.  相似文献   

The Bohai Sea costal area is one of the most developed zones of China and the sewage water from populous and developed cities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Qinhuangdao and Dalian is discharged into the Bohai Sea. Additionally, its semi-enclosed characteristic restricts water exchange, which leads to high accumulation of pollutants in the environment. This overview presents the residues of 6 classes of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), including PAHs, DDTs, HCHs, PCBs and PCDD/Fs, in the sediments and mollusks of the Bohai Sea through analyzing previous literatures. In the sediments, the highest PAH concentrations were detected in the vicinities of Qinhuangdao, while the northeast corner of the Bohai Bay possessed the highest levels of DDTs and PCBs. The investigations on HCHs and PCDD/Fs distributions on the whole sea scale have not been reported. In mollusks, PAH concentrations were in the same order of magnitude in the whole Bohai Sea, so were DDTs, HCHs and PCBs, while the outlier maximum values of PCDDs and PCDFs occurred in Yingkou. In general, the POPs residues in mollusks collected from Shandong Province were higher than the other areas. The compositions of DDTs, HCHs and PCBs in sediments indicated their recent usage. By comparing POP concentrations in sediments with the recommended criterions, it was shown that some individual PAH compounds occasionally associated with adverse biological effects in the vicinities of the Liaodong Bay and Qinhuangdao, and the Liaohe River Estuary were heavily contaminated with DDTs, but PCBs were all below the thresholds. In order to reveal the transference and transformation of POPs in the environment, further studies concerning with their behavior, fate and bioaccumulation in the different trophic levels should be programmed. Moreover, laws and regulations should be enforced to ban the illegal usage of POPs-containing pesticides to guarantee health of the environment and human.  相似文献   

Using a sector-field ICP-MS the vertical distributions of the 99Tc concentration and 99Tc/137Cs activity ratio were measured in the coastal waters off Aomori Prefecture, Japan, where a spent-nuclear-fuel reprocessing plant has begun test operation. The 99Tc concentrations in surface water ranged from 1.8 to 2.4 mBq/m3, no greater than the estimated background level. Relatively high 99Tc/137Cs activity ratios (10-12 × 10−4) would be caused by the inflow of the high-99Tc/137Cs water mass from the Japan Sea. There is no observable contamination from the reprocessing plant in the investigated area. The 99Tc concentration and the 99Tc/137Cs activity ratio in water column showed gradual decreases with depth. Our results implied that 99Tc behaves in a more conservative manner than 137Cs in marine environments.  相似文献   

A particle-tracking method has been used to simulate the dispersion of non-conservative radionuclides in the sea. Three dimensional turbulent diffusion and the interactions between water, suspended matter and bottom sediments are simulated using a stochastic method. Kinetic transfer coefficients, as in finite difference models, are used to describe the transfers between the liquid and solid phases. Deposition of suspended matter and erosion of sediment are also included in the model. The method has been applied to simulate the dispersion of 137Cs and (239,240)Pu in the English Channel and the results have been compared with those of a finite difference model. The results from both techniques are, in general, in good agreement.  相似文献   

Discharges of most radionuclides into the Irish Sea from the BNFL site at Sellafield have decreased over the past 20 years or so. For a few radionuclides, however, discharges have peaked more recently. Notably, operation of the Enhanced Actinide Removal Plant (EARP) since 1994 has led to an increase in discharges of (99)Tc, as a result of the treatment of previously stored waste, with consequent increases in (99)Tc activity concentrations in a number of marine species, particularly in crustaceans such as lobsters. Previous research has considered the significance of factors such as sex and body weight on radionuclide concentrations. The current project set out to investigate whether seasonal variations in radionuclide concentrations in crabs and lobsters occur, with particular emphasis on the dynamics of (99)Tc and (137)Cs. Organisms were obtained from a site off the Isle of Man, where radionuclide concentrations were measurable but the site was sufficiently distant from Sellafield that the radionuclides were well mixed in the water column and not likely to be influenced by the pulsed nature of discharges of (99)Tc. Crab and lobster samples were collected monthly, between February 2000 and February 2001. Fifteen or 16 individuals (evenly split as male and female) of each species were collected on each occasion. Seawater samples were also collected over the 12-month period. Activity concentrations of (99)Tc in the edible meat fraction (both brown and white meat) ranged from 0.23 to 2.46 Bq kg(-1) (fresh weight (fw)) in crabs and 124 to 216 Bq kg(-1) (fw) in lobsters, with no observed seasonal variations. Activity concentrations of (137)Cs in both crab and lobster were lower, ranging from <0.16 to 0.85 Bq kg(-1) for crab meat (fw) and <0.3 to 3.3 Bq kg(-1) for lobster meat (fw). A statistically significant increase in activity concentrations of (137)Cs in the meat was observed in the summer months for both crab and lobster. The cause has not been investigated but may be related to the laying down of energy reserves during the active feeding period over the summer. At all times, uptake of (99)Tc is higher in the brown meat fraction of both crabs and lobsters, whilst (137)Cs is more uniformly distributed. These results are used to discuss the implications for sampling and monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

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