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Multimetric indices are often used to monitor aquatic-resource conditions. We used existing fish-collection data from streams to develop an Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI), which is a multimetric index, for the Ouachita Mountains ecoregion in Arkansas, U.S.A. Each fish-collection site was categorized as reference or non-reference. We examined 62 candidate IBI metrics, and selected 12 non-redundant metrics that differentiated best between reference and non-reference sites. The selected metrics were: Percent (of individuals) as Black Bass; Percent as Benthic Feeders; Percent as Centrarchids; Percent as Cyprinids; Percent as Ictalurids; Percent as Mineral, Site-Prep Spawners; Percent as Mineral, Site-Prep, Parental-Care Spawners; Percent as Simple, Mineral Substrate Spawners; Percent as Miscellaneous, Site-Prep, Parental-Care Spawners; Total Number of Centrarchid Species; Total Number of Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) Ouachita Mountains Indicator Species; and Total Number of ADEQ Ouachita Mountains Key Species. We standardized each metric to score from 0 to 10 by using linear equations and threshold limits. Some selected IBI metrics had their scoring criteria adjusted to account for watershed size (i.e., stream size). We standardized the IBI to score from 0 to 100. In addition, we determined that our Percent as Black Bass and Percent as Benthic Feeders metrics contributed most to IBI scores in reference conditions, but their contributions decreased with decreasing stream conditions. Reproductive metrics contributed most in degraded stream conditions. Furthermore, we identified relations between IBI metrics and water-quality and land-use variables; some relations were counterintuitive. Unexpected relations may be random observations explained by limited ranges of land-use and water-quality variables. When select water-quality and land-use variables were included in a principal component analysis, a composite Land Use Intensity variable explained most of the model variance. Although the IBI has not been independently validated, the PCA, as well as other superficial analyses, indicated that the IBI should be able to differentiate stream conditions.  相似文献   

Five local ecological types based on vegetative communities and two landscape types based on groups of communities, were identified by integrating landform, soil, and vegetation components using multivariate techniques. Elevation and several topographic and soil variables were highly correlated with types of both scales. Landscape ecological types based only on landform and soil variables without vegetation did not correspond with types developed using vegetation. Models developed from these relationships could allow classification and mapping of extensive areas using geographic information systems.  相似文献   

Streamflow values are commonly synthesized for locations where flow measurement stations are lacking or where only intermittent measurements are available. In an Appalachian Mountains dataset comprised of 29 watersheds, the most appropriate among geomorphic, geologic, and hydrogeologic datasets were selected for use in prediction of streamflow at watershed scale. A statistical model was developed using principal components analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) for. Using CA on variables derived from the PCA, an optimum set of variables was derived for predicting streamflow. Results indicate there are two categories of watersheds in the study area. The first is strongly correlated with climatic variables (precipitation, temperature, elevation, and groundwater recharge). The second is strongly correlated with two geomorphic variables (watershed slope and percentage of forested area). The spatial distribution of cluster classifications shows that watersheds dominated by the climatic component are located along the Allegheny Front while watersheds dominated by the geomorphic component are located in the Allegheny Plateau and Valley and Ridge physiographic provinces. These variations between the Allegheny Plateau and Valley and Ridge physiographic provinces suggest that, to accurately model streamflow, modeling needs be done based on natural physiographic boundaries rather than political boundaries. In this physiographic setting, elevation seems to be a major control.  相似文献   

Because moderate to over-abundant white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) herbivory impacts biodiversity and can alter community function, ecological benchmarks of herbivory impact are needed to assess deer impacts. We evaluated spatial patterns of deer herbivory and their relation to herbivory assessment by evaluating woody vegetation along 20 transects at each of 30 sites spread across a wide range of deer herd densities and vegetative condition throughout the biodiverse Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, USA. Surprisingly, herbivory patterns and the availability of woody forage generally were unchanged among physiographic regions and land use diversity classes. However, some relationships between browsing pattern and vegetation varied with scale. The total quantity of vegetation browsed on a given site and at the transect scale were related positively to the availability of forage, as the proportion of stems browsed decreased as stem density increased. However, this was only true when all stems were considered equally. When stem densities by species were weighted for deer preference, the proportion of stems browsed had no relationship or increased with stem density. Compared to the value from all transects sampled, on average, the mean of ≥?3 transects within a site was within 0.1 of the browsing ratio and stem densities were within 0.5 stems m?2. Our results suggest that one transect per square kilometer with a minimum of three transects may be sufficient for most browsing intensity survey requirements to assess herbivory impacts in the Appalachian region of Virginia. Still, inclusion of spatial factors to help partition variation of deer herbivory potentially may allow for improved precision and accuracy in the design of field herbivory impact assessment methods and improve their application across various landscape contexts.  相似文献   

Dissolved copper and selected water chemistry parameters were monitored for 11 months in Chesapeake Bay, U.S.A. Dissolved copper concentrations in four recreational marinas, a large harbor, two major river systems, and a heavily used shipping canal ranged from below detectable levels to 80 g L-1 (\-X=11.7 g L-1). Dissolved copper was detected >91% of the time at five locations. Lowest copper concentrations were found in Potomac River, Baltimore Harbor, Pier One Marina, and C & D Canal (\-X=6–10 g L-1; slightly higher levels of dissolved copper were found in Choptank River (\-X=12 g L-1). Highest levels of copper were detected in Port Annapolis, Hartge, and Piney Narrows Marinas (\-X=13–18 g L-1), with the highest values observed in the study (70 and 80 g L-1) found in two of these marinas. Copper in the three marinas with highest dissolved copper levels could have been toxic to some of the more sensitive aquatic species. Intensive study of one marina indicated that a likely source of dissolved copper was the recreational boats housed in the marina.  相似文献   

A landscape ecosystem classification is described for the 43 800 ha Foothills section (elevation 305 to 610 m) of the southern unit of the Cherokee National Forest. Vegetative cover, landform, and soils data were obtained from sixty 0.04 ha plots located in stands representing late successional stages. Vegetation data were grouped by dominant cover type utilizing agglomerative, hierarchical clustering and detrended correspondence analysis. Detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA) and stepwise discriminant analysis (SDA) were used to identify patterns in species composition explained by environmental variables.Four community types were identified: (1) Tsuga canadensis-Acer saccharum-Fagus grandifolia-Fraxinus americana, (2) Tsuga canadensis-Rhododendron maximum, (3) Quercus prinus, and (4) Quercus prinus-Quercus coccinea-Acer rubrum. A recently developed Landform Index that quantifies slope type and degree of protection by adjacent land masses was identified through DCCA and SDA as the most important predictor of community types. The strength of the correlations between elevation and several soil thickness variables with DCCA axis 1 indicated that vegetation varies along an interpreted moisture gradient. No ecological meaning was attributed to the second axis.  相似文献   

Aldehydes are an airborne byproduct of many industrialprocesses, vehicle transportation, and emissions fromnumerous natural sources. To characterize aldehydeconcentrations in ambient air of the Savannah, Georgiaarea, air samples for 3 aldehydes (formaldehyde,acetaldehyde, and propionaldehyde) were collected atfive sites on a monthly basis over a 12-month periodfrom December of 1995 through November 1996. Four ofthe sites were in central Savannah and the fifth sitewas located in a rural area about 56 km south ofSavannah. During each 24-hr sampling episode, sampleswere collected in two 12-hr periods approximatingdaylight and nighttime hours, following U.S. EPAMethod TO-11. Formaldehyde concentrations ranged from0.17 to 6.80 g m-3, acetaldehydeconcentrations ranged from 0.07 to7.60 g m-3, and propionaldehyde levels rangedfrom 0.02 to 9.10 g m-3. On average, thefour sites in Savannah had higher aldehydeconcentrations than the rural site (2.0 versus1.2 g m-3 for formaldehyde, 2.3 versus1.7 g m-3 for acetaldehyde, and 1.2 versus1.0 g m-3 for propionaldehyde). The daytimeconcentrations for formaldehyde and acetaldehyde werehigher than the nighttime levels. The data from allthe sites were within published worldwide backgroundvalues for aldehydes.  相似文献   

Background Mercury Concentrations in River Water in Maine, U.S.A.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mercury concentrations in 58 rivers in Maine was measured to range from below detection up to 7.01 ng L-1 and averaged 1.80±1.29 ng L-1. The concentration gradient for mercury in rivers across the state was not uniform. Mercury strongly correlated with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and aluminum, and less strongly with copper, lead, and zinc. Mercuryexhibited significant differences in correlations with chemical variables and local geology when partitioned by flow state (high or low). Mercury concentrations were greatest in rivers flowingacross either wacke-type bedrock at low metamorphic grade, or glacial-till deposits. Elevated concentrations of mercury formed a locus in northern Maine under both high and low-flow states while in southwestern Maine a locus formed only during high-flowstates. These regional differences were statistically significantwhen compared by geographical location. We suggest that there is a bedrock source of mercury in northeastern Maine that is dilutedduring periods of high runoff. The elevated concentrations detected under high-flow states, as noted in southwestern Maine, may reflect mercury released from storage in association withDOC during periods of high runoff. The association of mercury with flow state indicates that watershed processes and local geology can modulate the concentration of mercury in rivers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this studywas to determine status and long-term trends of dissolved oxygen concentrations (DO) in Corpus Christi Bay, Texas, U.S.A. A 20-year record of randomized stations was used to determine the trend of surface water DO, salinity, and temperature over space and time. A 13-year record of two fixed stations was used to determine the temporal nutrient trends. A 10-year record of fixed stations in the southeastern region of Corpus Christi Bay was used to determine the status of disturbance caused by low DO in bottom waters. From 1982 to 2002, there was a significant decrease in surface water DO at a rate of 0.06 mg L−1 yr−1 and a significant increase in surface water temperature at a rate of 0.07°C yr−1. The southeastern region of Corpus Christi Bay had the lowest average DO, and during July and August, DO are steadily declining at a rate of 0.09 mg L−1 yr−1. It is not likely that eutrophication is causing hypoxia, because freshwater inflow rates have significantly decreased since 1941 and nutrient levels have not changed from 1987 to 2000. Even though long-term trends indicate that average surface DO is decreasing, disturbance by hypoxia appears to be stable, but this may be due to just eight years of data. In fact, if the current trend continues, surface water DO will not meet exceptional aquatic life standards (≤5 mgL−1) in 2032.  相似文献   

In 1991 and 1992 we determined the levels of metals, arsenic, boron, and selenium in the Neosho River drainage in southeastern Kansas, the primary habitat for the threatened Neosho madtom (Noturus placidus). We evaluated concentrations in sediments, mussels (Quadrula pustulosa and Q. metanevra), and fish(Percina phoxocephala, Cyprinus carpio,and Ictiobus bubalus) from three sites on theNeosho River and one site on the Cottonwood River. We also evaluated contaminant concentrations in C. carpio composite samples collected by theKansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)at two additional locations on the Neosho River in1990–92. Sediments were contaminated by lead. Concentrations of selenium, boron, and most metalsin mussels were low to normal for biota. Arseniclevels in mussels and fish suggest low-levelcontamination of biota. Aluminum, barium, manganeseand strontium concentrations were much higher inmussels than in fish. Five fish composite sampleshad cadmium concentrations that indicate chronicdeleterious effects on biota. Lead concentrationsin six fish samples were elevated. Mercuryconcentrations in most large fish compositesexceeded concentration for protection of animalsthat might consume them. We believe that reductionsin cadmium, lead, and mercury contamination, inparticular, would benefit aquatic life in theriver.  相似文献   

The Great Basin Desert lies between the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the west and the Rocky Mountains to the east. Nearly 60% of the area’s deserts and mountains (roughly 30 million ha) are managed by the U. S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management. This area is characterized by low annual precipitation, diverse desert plant communities, and local economies that depend on the products (livestock grazing, recreation, mining, etc.) produced by these lands. The ecological and economic stability of the Great Basin is increasingly at risk due to the expansion of fire-prone invasive species and increase in wildfires. To stem this loss of productivity and diversity in the Great Basin, the BLM initiated the “Great Basin Restoration Initiative” in 1999 after nearly 0.7 million ha of the Great Basin burned in wildfires. The objective of the Great Basin Restoration Initiative is to restore plant community diversity and structure by improving resiliency to disturbance and resistance to invasive species over the long-term. To accomplish this objective, a strategic plan has been developed that emphasizes local participation and reliance on appropriate science to ensure that restoration is accomplished in an economical and ecologically appropriate manner. If restoration in the Great Basin is not successful, desertification and the associated loss of economic stability and ecological integrity will continue to threaten the sustainability of natural resources and people in the Great Basin.  相似文献   

Shifts in biological communities are occurring at rapid rates as human activities induced global climate change increases. Understanding the effects of the change on biodiversity is important to reduce loss of biodiversity and mass extinction, and to insure the long-term persistence of natural resources and natures’ services. Especially in remote landscapes of developing countries, precise knowledge about on-going processes is scarce. Here we apply satellite imagery to assess spatio-temporal land use and land cover change (LULCC) in the Bale Mountains for a period of four decades. This study aims to identify the main drivers of change in vegetation patterns and to discuss the implications of LULCC on spatial arrangements and trajectories of floral communities. Remote sensing data acquired from Landsat MSS, Landsat ETM + and SPOT for four time steps (1973, 1987, 2000, and 2008) were analyzed using 11 LULC units defined based on the dominant plant taxa and cover types of the habitat. Change detection matrices revealed that over the last 40?years, the area has changed from a quite natural to a more cultural landscape. Within a representative subset of the study area (7,957.5?km?2), agricultural fields have increased from 1.71% to 9.34% of the total study area since 1973. Natural habitats such as upper montane forest, afroalpine grasslands, afromontane dwarf shrubs and herbaceous formations, and water bodies also increased. Conversely, afromontane grasslands have decreased in size by more than half (going from 19.3% to 8.77%). Closed Erica forest also shrank from 15.0% to 12.37%, and isolated Erica shrubs have decreased from 6.86% to 5.55%, and afroalpine dwarf shrubs and herbaceous formations reduced from 5.2% to 1.56%. Despite fluctuations the afromontane rainforest (Harenna forest), located south of the Bale Mountains, has remained relatively stable. In conclusion this study documents a rapid and ecosystem-specific change of this biodiversity hotspot due to intensified human activities (e.g., deforestation, agriculture, infrastructure expansion). Specifically, the ecotone between the afromontane and the afroalpine area represent a “hotspot of biodiversity loss” today. Taking into consideration the projections of regional climate warming and modified precipitation regimes, LULCC can be expected to become even more intensive in the near future. This is likely to impose unprecedented pressures on the largely endemic biota of the area.  相似文献   

This article measures the effect of an increase in productivityattributable to an increase in soil organic carbon associated with theincrease in the use of conservation practices in agriculture in theUnited States. Both the direct and indirect effects are calibrated. Theanalytical approach used consists of a dynamic computable generalequilibrium model composed of 14 producing sectors, 10 consumingsectors, seven household categories classified by income, and agovernment. The results suggest that the impact of a change inproductivity is an increase in output over a six year period starting in1998 in field crops. The most significant impact is felt in thelivestock sector. This is because field crops are a major input in theproduction of livestock. The food processing sector also exhibits arelatively large increase because of the increase in inputs of both fieldcrops and livestock. Manufacturing output increases primarily becauseoverall investment rises and most investment utilizes manufacturinggoods. The other producing sectors are generally unaffected by theincrease in agricultural production due to an increase in soil organiccarbon. Coincident with the increase in the production of field cropsis a relatively large decrease in the price of field crops. Othernoticeable price reductions occur in the livestock sector and the foodprocessing sector. For the consuming sectors, the consumption offood and alcohol and tobacco increase but consumption in all of theother sectors remains basically unchanged. Prices in the food andalcohol and tobacco sectors decline by about 1% while theprices in the other sectors remain static. Household welfare increasesin the aggregate by only 0.1% with this increase occurringuniformly across all household categories. Revenue received by thegovernment increases a modest 2% in response to an increase inoutput and, hence, an increase in taxes paid. The results indicate thatthere are significant production benefits for several sectors that can berealized by an increase in the use of conservation practices inagricultural production which, in turn, enhances soil organic carbon.There are a number of policy options available to promote the use ofconservation practices. These include education and technicalassistance, financial assistance, research and development, landretirement, and regulation and taxes.  相似文献   

Within the European intensive forest monitoring programme, the native vegetation on permanent Level II plots has been monitored for visible ozone injuries. The main purpose of the programme is to assess the potential risks for the forest vegetation and the natural ecosystems at the intensive monitoring plots. During the first years of the programme the surveys were qualitative, reporting only the number and the name of the symptomatic species in selected Light Exposed Sampling Site. In 2003 a new plot design was tested, based on the distribution of a number of miniplots along the edge of the forest, so as to obtain quantitative findings about the occurrence and distribution of the symptoms. The problems that still persist are related to: (i) the forest edge assessed for ozone symptoms may have a different floristic composition from the Level II plot itself; (ii) the anthropic pressure and the disturbances affecting the forest edge alters the floristic composition; (iii) the variability of the plant composition in the forest edge, which makes comparability difficult between different sites; and (iv) the evaluation of symptoms in several species that have not yet been experimentally tested. Further difficulties are due to the fact that symptoms observed in the field are often aspecific and cannot, therefore, be attributed solely to the phytotoxic action of ozone. To improve the effectiveness of the European programme, it is necessary: (i) to individualise and select common sensitive plant species for homogeneous ecological regions; (ii) to enhance experimental activities to test the sensitivity of a large number of plant species.  相似文献   

Primary production, respiration, and net ecosystem metabolism (NEM) are useful indicators of ecosystem level trophic conditions within estuaries. In this study, dissolved oxygen data collected every half hour between January 1996 to December 1998 by the National Estuarine Research Reserve System Wide Monitoring Program were used to calculate primary production, respiration, and net ecosystem metabolism. Data from two sites at each of 14 Reserves were analyzed. On average, three quarters of the data available could be used to calculate metabolic rates. Data from two of the Reserves were used to evaluate the assumption of homogeneity of water masses moving past the oxygen sensor. Temperature was the single most important factor controlling metabolic rates at individual sites, although salinity was also important at about half the sites. On an annual basis, respiration exceeded gross primary production demonstrating that all but 4 of the 28 sites were heterotrophic.  相似文献   

Ground level ozone is responsible for the formation ofsmog, and for a variety of adverse effects on bothhuman and plant life. High concentrations of groundlevel ozone occur during the summer months. This paperdescribes the development of a model to forecast themaximum daily concentration of ozone as a function ofthe maximum surface temperature, for ozonenon-attainment regions in Ohio. The model wasdeveloped by statistical analysis of existing data.Site-specific models were developed initially. Theverification and evaluation of the performancecriteria of the model at each site were explored bycomparing the model with an independent datasetcollected from that site. A generalized statewidemodel was developed from the site-specific models. Theperformance criteria of this model were verified andevaluated by employing the same independent datasetsemployed for the site-specific models. An exceedencemodel to predict the occurrence of ozone exceedencesover 100 ppb has also been presented.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess the condition of estuaries in the EMAP Carolinian Province (Cape Henry, VA - St. Lucie Inlet, FL). Synoptic measures of sediment contamination, toxicity, and macroinfaunal condition were made at 82 and 86 stations in 1994 and 1995, respectively, in accordance with a probabilistic sampling design. These data were used to estimate percentages of degraded vs. undegraded estuarine area from the perspective of sediment quality. Each year a sizable portion of the province (36% in 1994, 51 % in 1995) showed some evidence of either degraded benthic assemblages, contaminated sediments in excess of bioeffect guidelines, or significant sediment toxicity (based on Ampelisca abdita and Microtox® assays). However, co-occurrences of a degraded benthos and adverse exposure conditions (sediment contamination and/or toxicity) were much less extensive – 17% of the province in 1994 and 25% in 1995. Each year only four sites, representing 5% of the province in 1994 and 8% in 1995, had degraded infauna accompanied by both sediment contamination and toxicity, suggesting that strong contaminant-induced effects on the benthos (based on such combined weight-of-evidence) were limited to a fairly small percentage of estuarine area province-wide. PCBs and pesticides (lindane, dieldrin, DDT and derivatives) were the most dominant contaminants over the two-year period. The broad-scale sampling design of EMAP was not intended to support detailed characterizations of potential pollutant impacts within individual estuaries. Thus, some estuaries classified as undegraded may include additional degraded portions outside the immediate vicinity of randomly sampled sites. Such localized impacts (not accounted for in the above estimates) were detected in this study at additional nonrandom supplemental sites near potential contaminant sources.  相似文献   

A classification of U.S. estuaries is presented based on estuarine characteristics that have been identified as important for quantifying stressor-response relationships in coastal systems. Estuaries within a class have similar physical and hydrologic characteristics and would be expected to demonstrate similar biological responses to stressor loads from the adjacent watersheds. Nine classes of estuaries were identified by applying cluster analysis to a database for 138 U.S. estuarine drainage areas. The database included physical measures of estuarine areas, depth and volume, as well as hydrologic parameters (i.e., tide height, tidal prism volume, freshwater inflow rates, salinity, and temperature). The ability of an estuary to dilute or flush pollutants can be estimated using physical and hydrologic properties such as volume, bathymetry, freshwater inflow and tidal exchange rates which influence residence time and affect pollutant loading rates. Thus, physical and hydrologic characteristics can be used to estimate the susceptibility of estuaries to pollutant effects. This classification of estuaries can be used by natural resource managers to describe and inventory coastal systems, understand stressor impacts, predict which systems are most sensitive to stressors, and manage and protect coastal resources.  相似文献   

浅谈美国环境监测质量保证与质量控制   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
介绍了美国环境监测质量保证(QA)/质量控制(QC)体系及其基本程序,着重对其监测项目QA/QC规划做了详细介绍。目的使其对我国环境监测QA/QC体系的完善起到一定的借鉴和指导作用。  相似文献   

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