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Water is a precious yet non-renewable resource. Yet in Africa, the same water can be a source of life and death. Water is not only the most basic of need but also at the centre of sustainable development and essential for poverty eradication. Water is intimately linked to health, agriculture, energy and biodiversity. Without progress on water, reaching other Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will be difficult if not impossible. The fight against poverty will remain a pipe dream.A lot of activities have been undertaken with the aim of highlighting the importance of water, linking water with sustainable development and indeed developing strategies for resolving the ever-increasing problems of water. These include the adoption of the Africa Water Vision in The Hague, Netherlands in March, 2000.In order to address the many problems of water in Africa especially related to the coordination of the increasing number of initiatives in the Water sector in Africa, the African Water Task Force (AWTF) was established.As part of developing solutions to the African water crisis, the AWTF held a regional conference in Accra Ghana. Some of the emerging issues from the Accra Conference are highlighted in the Accra declaration.This paper highlights the linkages between water and sustainable development, water and poverty and the many facets that relate to water. It mainly addresses issues of water from the African perspective. A number of key events that have taken place and which have served as a basis for many policy pronouncements have been given.The last section concentrates on what happened to water at the World Summit for Sustainable Development (WSSD) held in Johannesburg in September 2002.  相似文献   

水既是母体性的重要战略环境.还是父体性的重要战略资源。其双重特征和叠加功用决定了水对人类的生存发展具有至高无上的战略性。我们有充分的论据认为。在水的双重特性中水环境比水资源更加重要.在水发展序列中水环境发展重于水资源发展。中国决策层已经在水资源方面提出了建构“节水型”社会的发展要求,但还没有从水环境的视角确立建构“洁水型”社会的发展战略。21世纪的现代水科学发展观要求我们必须在洁水优先和兼顾节水的发展理念引领下。建构洁水与节水相结合的杜会发展模式。寻求21世纪中国新型的水利科学发展道路。只有如此.才能真正建构起能够切实保障中国水利安全的战略发展框架。  相似文献   

在相关理论分析和Weber模型的基础上。拓展建立了面向水资源可持续发展的水资源最优配置模型。引入了基于政府管制的影响作用、沿河流域的水用户的实际消耗水量、实际排放水量、河流中可供使用水量及所排放污水水质水平等5个变量函数.通过政府管制下的水质和水量的河道内流量需求等环境约束条件.确保水资源利用始终满足最小基流水量。通过求量优解,计算得出在环境约束下达到最优配置时各个变量函数与对下游地区外部性之间的相关性。接着。本文对陕北黄土高原沿Y河的35家企业进行了实际调查.收集了2个年度共8个季度的观测值,应用计量经济Pand Data模型。对35个节点、8个季度的共280个数据作为混合样本进行经济计量分析。验证了相关结论。最后。还提出一些制定环境约束条件以及水用户间建立水资源环境生态补偿金机制等政策建议。  相似文献   

中国水资源管理博弈特征分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
随着中国水资源匮乏和水污染态势日益严峻.建立一个面向效率和公平的水资源管理机制的需求日益凸现。本文在比较传统行政模式和市场模式下水权管理不同特征的基础上,分别从静态和动态两个角度.从水量和水质两个维度分析了两种模式下的水用户博弈特征。结果表明:政府管制会出现“政府失灵”。无法实现政府和水用户之间的激励相容;在完全市场机制配置情况下,由于个人和集体理性的不一致,会导致水资源被过度污染、治污的公共产品提供不足等“市场失灵”,基于不同模式下各自的利与弊,无论哪一种单纯的管理模式都不能满足水资源的可持续发展要求。认为中国水资源管理需要把水量和水质、政府管制与市场机制两种配置方式的优势相结合,提出了一种准市场水权交易机制分析框架。  相似文献   

Along with the economic development and the acceleration of urbanization, urban construction land expands rapidly in China, and has resulted in a series of socio-economic problems. This article summarized the major points of controlling the unchecked and rash expansion of construction land in the academic circle, and analyzed the problems of regulating the expansion of construction land from three aspects. First, this article analyzed the relationships between socio-economic development and urbaniza- tion from the historical viewpoints, and pointed out that the expan- sion of construction land is a historical phenomenon which will be surely appeared in the development of human race. Second, the authors utilized two-sector model to analyze the importance of urbanization in the socio-economic development from the academic angles. At last, the authors utilize four-quadrant model and bidrent curve model to analyze the influence that brought by the strict control of construction land expansion. Through analysis, this article drew some conclusions. First, the expansion of construction land is a phenomenon which will surely appear in the social development. It is impossible to accomplish the national modernization on the basis of dualistic structure between urban and rural areas. Second, under the function of rent gradient gap, strict control of construction land expansion will not only obtain the anticipated effects, but also cause a series of socio-economic problems, such as land-levying contradiction, the appearance of limited property right house, and being dependant on lease instead of expropriation. Third, unreasonable policies and governmental behaviors are the roots of the unchecked and rash expansion of urban construction land. Based on these conclusions, this article proposed that three transformations should be realized to regulate the unchecked and rash expansion of construction land: transfers from quantity regulation to quality regulation, from direct regulation to indirect regulation, and from single-measure regulation to multi-measures regulation.  相似文献   

我国农业可持续发展的水问题及对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着我国人口增长和经济发展,水资源问题日益突出,农业用水问题成为农业可持续发展中的焦点问题.文章从探讨我国水资源与农业可持续发展的关系入手,分析了我国水资源严峻的现实及其存在的主要问题,并提出了解决我国农业可持续发展中水问题的对策建议;加强管理,建立系统的管理体制;依靠科技,提高水资源利用率;增加投入,打好水资源高效利用的基础;实施虚拟水贸易,缓解水资源短.  相似文献   

农田非点源污染带给我国水环境的污染负荷越来越大,现行的水资源保护标准体系尚不完善,且明显缺位,难以对农田水环境污染进行定量化管理和控制。本文分析了建立农田水污染物排放标准的必要性,阐述了建立该标准应遵循的原则,构建了将农田管理与污染物排放相协调的农田水污染控制标准框架与体系,探索该标准在实践过程中的推行机制,为该标准制定和实施进行了前瞻性研究。  相似文献   

政府环境监管与企业污染的博弈分析及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业不考虑环境成本追求利润造成了严重环境污染,利用市场机制很难解决此类外部性问题,政府规制介入成为必然. 政府环境管制政策的制定和执行实际上是相关主体之间的博弈过程,可以用博弈方法来研究政府环境管制政策的效果.现有博弈分析中存在忽视环境污染给政府和企业分别带来政治成本与声誉成本的重大缺陷,造成理论不能解释现实世界.本文在引入上述成本的基础上运用博弈分析方法对政府环境监管与企业污染治理的互动决策进行深入探讨,结果表明: 减少政府因企业污染带来的收益、降低政府监管成本、加大对企业污染的处罚等有助于环境质量的改善.而且,建立以增加企业污染的声誉成本以及提高地方政府纵容污染的政治成本等非物质成本的制度建设是改善环境质量的重要方向.  相似文献   

The protection of drinking water sources is vital to urban development and public health. In this study, the current situation of the mandatory protection area for drinking water source in the Pearl River Delta region was investigated using a method combining Google Earth with the field survey. The gaps between management practices and legislation requirements were analyzed. Finally, several countermeasures for water resource protection were proposed as follows: to promote delineation in a more scientific way, to safeguard the sanctity of the law, to make better plan on water saving, and to encourage public participation in supervision and management.  相似文献   

城市绿地生态系统合理供水辨识分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市绿地因具有美化环境、降低空气污染、控制城市热岛等作用而日益得到重视。合理的城市生态供水不仅有益于植被的正常生长,对城市水资源合理配置同样具有积极意义。为统筹城市生态与国民经济发展,保证绿地健康,需要合理的绿地供水管理。本文以土壤含水量为标准,根据田间持水量、临界土壤含水量和凋萎系数三个土壤含水量值划分不同等级的绿地需水量,将供水量分为四个等级,建立了城市绿地供水合理性评价模型,为有效辨识供水合理性提供了参照依据。以2009年北京市城市绿地供水为例,进行了供水合理性分析,结果表明,从全年来看,供水基本合理,虽然绿地蒸散发受到一定抑制,但不影响植被生长;从逐月供水来看,个别月份存在供水过少或过多现象,影响植被生长,且不利于水资源合理利用。  相似文献   

关于我国水价、水权和水市场改革的评论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在市场经济条件下,如何让市场在水资源配置领域发挥作用,是水管理改革面临的重要问题。引入经济手段管理水资源。已经成为当代中国水管理改革的重要内容。水资源管理的经济手段主要包括水价、水权和水市场,本文逐一对兰个方面的改革进展进行回顾和评价,揭示我国水价、水权和水市场的制度变迁轨迹。随着我国水价和水权制度的推进,水权市场的事例会越来越多涌现。尽管水市场在长期将有较大的发展。但是由于水市场线入涉及到一系列复杂的经济、社会和生态问题。决定了短期内水市场的发展空间相对有限。  相似文献   

丽江古城的旅游发展与水污染研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许多发展中国家和地区视旅游业为增加收入和多样化产业结构的捷径。本文中,丽江古城利用淡水资源作为景观用水发展旅游业。近年来。其旅游业快速发展并保持旺盛的增长态势,这种发展情况对优质淡水资源的需求越来越大,在此过程中,古城内水体水质却在下降。对水质恶化的原因和所造成的影响进行详细调查是根本解决目前这种水资源不可持续利用方式的前提和依据。调查结果表明。水质恶化主要是由于古城旅游业发展过程中的不合理因素,如商铺、餐饮店和客栈数量的惫剧增加以及管理失效造成的,并对当地经济、居民生活质量和环境质量产生了负面影响。然后,提出了三条水资源管理措施以应对目前的水污染,促进丽江古城旅游业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The paper examines the linkages between water depletion, continuous population growth and economic development viewed primarily as agricultural development. This is done within a framework of a dynamic simulation model of ecological-economic type over extended periods of time. It is found that intensive agriculture, driven by an increase in the cropping intensity as a result of increase in area under paddy crop, has led to an increased gap between the demand for and supply of water resources, in particular subsurface resources. The consequent fall in water table may lead to constraints in the use of water. This has strong inequity implications in the resource use as well as threats to future of agricultural development in the region. It is revealed that a mix of interventions based on price solutions, non-price solutions and institutional set up are decisive in bringing a sustainable development and use of resource. The paper concludes with emphasising the role of state/government in achieving the desired goal.  相似文献   

Concentrations of nitrate and trace elements such as arsenic,cadmium,chromium,copper,manganese,nickel,lead,selenium,antimony and mercury in 18 different brands of bottled water were investigated.For comparison,samples of tap and well water from three different places of Tehran were also analyzed.UV/VIS spectrophotometer and Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometer were used for the analysis of nitrate and trace elements,respectively.Results obtained were compared to Iranian,World Health Organization(WHO)and Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)guideline for drinking water.Nitrate concentration in bottled,tap and well water samples were in maximum safe nitrate concentration of Iranian and WHO standards.However,70%of bottled water samples and one sample of tap water were below the standard level proposed by EPA and probably remedial action should be taken.Concentration levels of all analyzed elements investigated in all examined water samples were below the maximum contaminant level prescribed by Iranian,WHO and EPA regulations.  相似文献   


The article puts forward the process and means of regional water and land balance research, and then from two scenarios which are the balances under natural regulation and human intervention, calculated and analysed the balance between water and land on Ningxia Plain. For the balance under natural regulation named farmland water balance, using farmland water resource balance equation, the research estimated the monthly farmland water balance of 8 major crops for all of the 12 counties on Ningxia Plain in the period of 1960–2001; for the balance under human intervention, the research estimated land-use water balance equation of the counties in 2000, and calculated the balance between land use and water resources including irrigating water of all the 12 counties on Ningxia Plain. Results showed that ①precipitation can not meet the water demand of the crops for growth and development on Ningxia Plain, and water shortage is the primary character of farmland water balance under natural regulation, ②the diversity of water and land balance of different counties is distinctly influenced by the crop structure, water quantity for irrigation and irrigation level. ③Irrigation water could meet the crop water demand on Ningxia Plain in 2000, but there was not much space to expand irrigating cultivated land.  相似文献   

The article puts forward the process and means of regional water and land balance research, and then from two scenarios which are the balances under natural regulation and human intervention, calculated and analysed the balance between water and land on Ningxia Plain. For the balance under natural regulation named farmland water balance, using farmland water resource balance equation, the research estimated the monthly farmland" water balance of 8 major crops for all of the 12 counties on Ningxia Plain in the period of 1960-2001; for the balance under human intervention, the research estimated land-use water balance equation of the counties in 2000, and calculated the balance between land use and water resources including irrigating water of all the 12 counties on Ningxia Plain. Results showed that ①precipitation can not meet the water demand of the crops for growth and development on Ningxia Plain, and water shortage is the primary character of farmland water balance under natural regulation. ②the diversity of water and land balance of different counties is distinctly influenced by the crop structure, water quantity for irrigation and irrigation level. ③Irrigation water could meet the crop water demand on Ningxia Plain in 2000, but there was not much space to expand irrigating cultivated land.  相似文献   

Started with the discussions on the value orientation of urban water supply industry marketization,the article points out that the current urban water supply industry marketization reform is inconsistent with the goal of public water service equalization to some extent.The article also analyzes the problems emerged in urban water supply industry marketization reform and various reasons in view of efficiency and fairness.An efficiency and fairness oriented management model is built in this article to illustrate how the government should conciliate interests of various communities involved in the process of marketization reform of the urban water supply industry so as to actualize the coordination of efficiency and fairness.At the end,an assumption on urban water price is put forward to help achieve the public water service equalization.  相似文献   

Tourism development results in water pollution not only in water-scarce areas, but also in areas with relatively abundant water resources, such as Lijiang Ancient Town (LAT). In this article, LAT is described for its use of the freshwater resource, on account of its attractive landscaping. Tourism here has grown rapidly in recent years and at the same time the water quality has deteriorated sharply. Several investigations have been made, with the aim of finding out the causes and consequences of water quality deterioration because of tourism development. The results show that the present mode of water utilization is not sustainable, and some of the local residents have already complained about water quality degradation. Increasing numbers of tourists, relative service infrastructures, such as, shops, restaurants, and hotels, and in addition, insufficient management measures, result in the decline of water quality. Countermeasures on water management approaches are suggested to deal with the current water pollution, and make tourism development sustainable..  相似文献   

水源地是城市水资源可持续供给的重要空间载体。伴随城市化的快建发展,城市水资源供求压力日起紧张,城市水源地在保障城市水资源可持续供给方面的作用日益突出。本文从城市化过程中的水资源需求变化出发,揭示水源地在城市可持续发展中的战略地位,评析我国水桓交易的理论研究进展,在此基础上提出我国城市水源地建设保护过程中水权交易的走势判断。  相似文献   

我国实施西部大开发战略后,西部水资源开发利用问题变得越来越突出.为了弄清楚西部水资源开发利用存在的风险现状,本文在风险概念的基础上探讨了水资源开发利用风险概念和影响因素,并构建了西部水资源开发利用风险评价指标体系.根据水资源系统表现出多模态、突跳和发散的基本突变特征,论述了运用突变理论评价水资源开发利用风险具有一定的可行性,将突变理论引入到水资源开发利用风险评价中,对西部水资源开发利用风险进行评价.首先对各项风险评价指标按照重要性排序,并对各指标值进行无量纲化;然后利用突变模型的归一公式和突变模型的评价准则进行递归运算,最后求出各层指标相对风险值(突变隶属度),将评价结果与风险等级对照,综合判断和分析各层各项指标相对风险状况.计算结果表明:在西部12个省份中,各层指标的风险值差异显著,但是水资源开发利用综合风险值分布在0 66-0.92之间,总体上属于中高度风险水平,12省份风险从小到大排序为:西藏→陕西→重庆→四川→青海→云南→贵州→广西→内蒙→甘肃→新疆→宁夏,这一结果与西部12省份水资源开发利用实际状况相符,可以为西部大开发过程水资源合理有效利用和管理提供风险决策参考依据.  相似文献   

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