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During ETEX Meteo-France applied part of its emergency response system for critical events developped in the framework of the World Meteorological Organization environmental emergency response program. The atmospheric transport model used to forecast the evolution of a passive tracer is an eulerian model called MEDIA. In real time this model is driven by meteorological data from ARPEGE, the operational numerical weather prediction model available at the Meteo-France operation center. The overall evaluation of the results show that the model can reproduce the cloud displacement, but there exists a stretching in the transport direction. In the ATMES-II phase, the results are closer to the observations when meteorological data from the European Center for Medium range Weather Forecast are used. A simulation using analyzed meteorological data from ARPEGE every 6 h slightly improve the results comparing with the real-time experiment. All the simulations we performed reveal that the quality of the atmospheric transport model is strongly dependent on the quality of the driving numerical weather prediction model.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a series of numerical experiments designed to evaluate operational long-range dispersion model simulations, and to investigate the effect of different temporal and spatial resolution of meteorological data from numerical weather prediction models on these simulations. Results of Lagrangian particle dispersion simulations of the first tracer release of the European Tracer Experiment (ETEX) are presented and compared with measured tracer concentrations. The use of analyzed data of higher resolution from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model produced significantly better agreement between the concentrations predicted with the dispersion model and the ETEX measurements than the use of lower resolution Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System (NOGAPS) forecast data. Numerical experiments were performed in which the ECMWF model data with lower vertical resolution (4 instead of 7 levels below 500 mb), lower temporal resolution (12 h instead of 6 h intervals), and lower horizontal resolution (2.5° instead of 0.5°) were used. Degrading the horizontal or temporal resolution of the ECMWF data resulted in decreased accuracy of the dispersion simulations. These results indicate that flow features resolved by the numerical weather prediction model data at approximately 45 km horizontal grid spacing and 6 h time intervals, but not resolved at 225 km spacing and 12 h intervals, made an important contribution to the long-range dispersion.  相似文献   

This paper describes the statistical methodology applied to evaluate the performance of the long-range dispersion models that were used in the modelling activities of ETEX (European Tracer EXperiment). The availability of a large number of models makes this exercise rather unique. These models are used for the practical purpose to quantify the contamination effects over a vast area, following a hypothetical accidental release of harmful material. This makes the quality judgement that could be attributed to the results of each model particularly important.The statistical indicators considered to be the most effective for the evaluation of long-range dispersion models are introduced and commented, with specific examples in the frame of ETEX simulations. The importance of using several indices and critically interpreting the results is discussed.  相似文献   

During the first European Tracer Experiment (ETEX) tracer gas was released from a site in Brittany, France, and subsequently observed over a range of 2000 km. Hourly measurements were taken at the National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) located at Risø, Denmark, using two measurement techniques. At this location, the observed concentration time series shows a double-peak structure occurring between two and three days after the release. By using the Danish Emergency Response Model of the Atmosphere (DERMA), which is developed at the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), simulations of the dispersion of the tracer gas have been performed. Using numerical weather-prediction data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) by DERMA, the arrival time of the tracer is quite well predicted, so also is the duration of the passage of the plume, but the double-peak structure is not reproduced. However, using higher-resolution data from the DMI version of the HIgh Resolution Limited Area Model (DMI-HIRLAM), DERMA reproduces the observed structure very well. The double-peak structure is caused by the influence of a mesoscale anti-cyclonic eddy on the tracer gas plume about one day earlier.  相似文献   

As part of the European Tracer Experiment (ETEX) two successful atmospheric experiments were carried out in October and November, 1994. Perfluorocarbon (PFC) tracers were released into the atmosphere in Monterfil, Brittany, and air samples were taken at 168 stations in 17 European countries for 72 h after the release. Upper air tracer measurements were made from three aircraft. During the first experiment a westerly air flow transported the tracer plume north-eastwards across Europe. During the second release the flow was eastwards. The results from the ground sampling network allowed the determination of the cloud evolution as far as Sweden, Poland and Bulgaria. This demonstrated that the PFT technique can be successfully applied in long-range tracer experiments up to 2000 km. Typical background concentrations of the tracer used are around 5–7 fl ?-1 in ambient air. Concentrations in the plume ranged from 10 to above 200 fl/?-1. The tracer release characteristics, the tracer concentrations at the ground and in upper air, the routine and additional meteorological observations at the ground level and in upper air, trajectories derived from constant-level balloons and the meteorological input fields for long-range transport models are assembled in the ETEX database. The ETEX database is accessible via the Internet. Here, an overview is given of the design of the experiment, the methods used and the data obtained.  相似文献   

A comprehensive validation of FLEXPART, a recently developed Lagrangian particle dispersion model based on meteorological data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, is described in this paper. Measurement data from three large-scale tracer experiments, the Cross-Appalachian Tracer Experiment (CAPTEX), the Across North America Tracer Experiment (ANATEX) and the European Tracer Experiment (ETEX) are used for this purpose. The evaluation is based entirely on comparisons of model results and measurements paired in space and time. It is found that some of the statistical parameters often used for model validation are extremely sensitive to small measurement errors and should not be used in future studies. 40 cases of tracer dispersion are studied, allowing a validation of the model performance under a variety of different meteorological conditions. The model usually performs very well under undisturbed meteorological conditions, but it is less skilful in the presence of fronts. The two ETEX cases reveal the full range of the model’s skill, with the first one being among the best cases studied, and the second one being, by far, the worst. The model performance in terms of the statistical parameters used stays rather constant with time over the periods (up to 117 h) studied here. It is shown that the method used to estimate the concentrations at the receptor locations has a significant effect on the evaluation results. The vertical wind component sometimes has a large influence on the model results, but on the average only a slight improvement over simulations which neglect the vertical wind can be demonstrated. Subgrid variability of mixing heights is important and must be accounted for.  相似文献   

The Eulerian atmospheric tracer transport model MATCH (Multiscale Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry model) has been extended with a Lagrangian particle model treating the initial dispersion of pollutants from point sources. The model has been implemented at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute in an emergency response system for nuclear accidents and can be activated on short notice to provide forecast concentration and deposition fields.The model has been used to simulate the transport of the inert tracer released during the ETEX experiment and the transport and deposition of 137Cs from the Chernobyl accident. Visual inspection of the results as well as statistical analysis shows that the extent, time of arrival and duration of the tracer cloud, is in good agreement with the observations for both cases, with a tendency towards over-prediction for the first ETEX release. For the Chernobyl case the simulated deposition pattern over Scandinavia and over Europe as a whole agrees with observations when observed precipitation is used in the simulation. When model calculated precipitation is used, the quality of the simulation is reduced significantly and the model fails to predict major features of the observed deposition field.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Export to the deep sea has been found to be a relevant pathway for highly hydrophobic chemicals. The objective of this study is to investigate the influence of this process on the potential for long-range transport (LRT) of such chemicals. METHODS: The spatial range as a measure of potential for LRT is calculated for seven PCB congeners with the multimedia fate and transport model ChemRange. Spatial ranges for cases with and without deep sea export are compared. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Export to the deep sea leads to increased transfer from the air to the surface ocean and, thereby, to lower spatial ranges for PCB congeners whose net deposition rate constant is similar to or greater than the atmospheric degradation rate constant. This is fulfilled for the PCB congeners 101, 153, 180, and 194. The spatial ranges of the congeners 8, 28, and 52, in contrast, are not affected by deep sea export. With export to the deep sea included in the model, the spatial ranges of the heavier congener are similar to those of the lighter ones, while the intermediate congeners 101 and 153 have the highest potential for long-range transport. CONCLUSIONS: Transfer to the deep ocean affects the mass balance and the potential for LRT of highly hydrophobic chemicals and should be included in multimedia fate models containing a compartment for ocean water.  相似文献   

A multi-dimensional and multi-species reactive transport model was developed to aid in the analysis of natural attenuation design at chlorinated solvent sites. The model can simulate several simultaneously occurring attenuation processes including aerobic and anaerobic biological degradation processes. The developed model was applied to analyze field-scale transport and biodegradation processes occurring at the Area-6 site in Dover Air Force Base, Delaware. The model was calibrated to field data collected at this site. The calibrated model reproduced the general groundwater flow patterns, and also, it successfully recreated the observed distribution of tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), dichloroethylene (DCE), vinyl chloride (VC) and chloride plumes. Field-scale decay rates of these contaminant plumes were also estimated. The decay rates are within the range of values that were previously estimated based on lab-scale microcosm and field-scale transect analyses. Model simulation results indicated that the anaerobic degradation rate of TCE, source loading rate, and groundwater transport rate are the important model parameters. Sensitivity analysis of the model indicated that the shape and extent of the predicted TCE plume is most sensitive to transmissivity values. The total mass of the predicted TCE plume is most sensitive to TCE anaerobic degradation rates. The numerical model developed in this study is a useful engineering tool for integrating field-scale natural attenuation data within a rational modeling framework. The model results can be used for quantifying the relative importance of various simultaneously occurring natural attenuation processes.  相似文献   

The Norwegian Meteorological Institute (DNMI) has developed and implemented for operational use a real-time dispersion model Severe Nuclear Accident Program (SNAP) with capability for predicting concentrations and depositions of the radioactive debris from large accidental releases. SNAP has been closely linked to DNMI’s operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) models.How good are these predictions? Participation in ETEX has partly answered this question. DNMI used SNAP with LAM50S giving meteorological input for these real-time dispersion calculations. LAM50S Limited Area Model with 50 km grid squareswas DNMI’s operational NWP model in 1994 when ETEX took place.In this article we report on how SNAP performed in the first of the ETEX releases in near-real-time mode, using LAM50S—and in hindcast mode for ATMES II, using “ECMWF 1995: ETEX Data set (ATMES II)”as meteorological input data. These two input data sets came from NWP models with quite different characteristics but with similar resolution in time and space.The results from these dispersion simulations matched closely. Deviations early in the simulation period shrank to insignificant differences later on. Since both input data sets were based on “weather analysis” and had similar resolution in space and time, SNAP described the dispersion of the released material very similar in these two simulations.  相似文献   

The Danish Emergency Response Model of the Atmosphere (DERMA) is described and applied to the first ETEX experiment. By using analysed low-resolution numerical weather-prediction data from the global model of the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) as well as higher-resolution data from two versions of the High Resolution Limited Area Model (HIRLAM), which are operational at the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), the sensitivity of DERMA to the resolution of meteorological data is analysed by comparing DERMA results with concentration measurements. Furthermore, the sensitivity to boundary-layer height and diffusion parameters is studied. These parameters include the critical bulk Richardson number, which is used to estimate the atmospheric boundary-layer height, the horizontal eddy diffusivity and the Lagrangian turbulence time scale. The parameters, which provide the best performance of DERMA, are 0.25 for the critical bulk Richardson number, 6×103 m2 s-1 for the horizontal eddy diffusivity, and 3 h for the Lagrangian time scale. DERMA is much more sensitive to boundary-layer parameters when using high-resolution DMI-HIRLAM data than when using data of lower resolution from the ECMWF. Finally, the bulk Richardson number method of boundary-layer height calculation applied to DMI-HIRLAM data is verified directly against routine radiosondes released under the tracer gas plume. The boundary-layer height estimates based on analysed NWP model data agree well with observations, and the agreement deteriorates as a function of forecast length.  相似文献   

The sites at Bangombé and Okélobondo (Oklo) in Gabon provide a unique opportunity to study the behaviour of products from natural nuclear reactions in the vicinity of reactor zones which were active around two billion years ago. The Commission of the European Communities initiated the Oklo Natural Analogue Programme. One of the principal aims was to study indications of present time migration of elements from the reactor zones under ambient conditions. The hydrogeological and hydrochemical data from the Oklo sites were modelled in order to better understand the geochemical behaviour of radionuclides in the natural system, by using independent models and by comparing the modelling outcome. Two modelling approaches were used: M3 code (hydrochemical mixing and mass balance model), developed by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) and HYTEC (reactive transport model) developed by Ecole des Mines de Paris.Two different reactor zones were studied: Bangombé, a shallow site, the reactor being at 11 m depth, and OK84 at Okélobondo, situated at about 450 m depth, more comparable with a real repository location. This allowed the validation of modelling tools in two different sedimentary environments: one shallow, with a more homogeneous layering situated in an area of meteoric alteration, and the other offering the opportunity to study radionuclide migration from the reaction zone over a distance of 450 m through very heterogeneous sedimentary layers.The modeling results indicate that the chemical reactions retarding radionuclide transport are very different at the two sites. At Bangombé, the decomposition of organic material consumes oxygen and at Okélobondo the oxygen is consumed by inorganic reactions resulting, in both cases, in uranium retardation. Both modelling approaches (statistic with M3 code and deterministic with HYTEC code) could describe this situation.The goal of this exercise is to test codes which can help to describe and understand the processes taking place at the sites, validate the models with in situ data, and thus build confidence in the tools used for future site characterization. Ultimately, this allows identifying and selecting processes and parameters that can be used as input into repository performance assessment calculations and modelling exercises.  相似文献   

The flooding of abandoned mines in the Lorraine Iron Basin (LIB) over the past 25 years has degraded the quality of the groundwater tapped for drinking water. High concentrations of dissolved sulphate have made the water unsuitable for human consumption. This problematic issue has led to the development of numerical tools to support water-resource management in mining contexts. Here we examine two modelling approaches using different numerical tools that we tested on the Saizerais flooded iron-ore mine (Lorraine, France). A first approach considers the Saizerais Mine as a network of two chemical reactors (NCR). The second approach is based on a physically distributed pipe network model (PNM) built with EPANET 2 software. This approach considers the mine as a network of pipes defined by their geometric and chemical parameters. Each reactor in the NCR model includes a detailed chemical model built to simulate quality evolution in the flooded mine water. However, in order to obtain a robust PNM, we simplified the detailed chemical model into a specific sulphate dissolution-precipitation model that is included as sulphate source/sink in both a NCR model and a pipe network model. Both the NCR model and the PNM, based on different numerical techniques, give good post-calibration agreement between the simulated and measured sulphate concentrations in the drinking-water well and overflow drift. The NCR model incorporating the detailed chemical model is useful when a detailed chemical behaviour at the overflow is needed. The PNM incorporating the simplified sulphate dissolution-precipitation model provides better information of the physics controlling the effect of flow and low flow zones, and the time of solid sulphate removal whereas the NCR model will underestimate clean-up time due to the complete mixing assumption. In conclusion, the detailed NCR model will give a first assessment of chemical processes at overflow, and in a second time, the PNM model will provide more detailed information on flow and chemical behaviour (dissolved sulphate concentrations, remaining mass of solid sulphate) in the network. Nevertheless, both modelling methods require hydrological and chemical parameters (recharge flow rate, outflows, volume of mine voids, mass of solids, kinetic constants of the dissolution-precipitation reactions), which are commonly not available for a mine and therefore call for calibration data.  相似文献   

PCDD/Fs are hydrophobic organic substances and strongly sorbing to soil particles. Once adsorbed to soil particles they are believed to be virtually immobile. However, research in the last decades confirmed that strong sorbing contaminants may reach the groundwater via colloid-facilitated transport. This pathway has not been investigated before in Vietnam. Ma Da area, 100 km north of Ho Chi Minh City, was repeatedly sprayed during the Vietnam War (1962–1971) with herbicides like Agent Orange containing, beside others, the teratogenic contaminant 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). 11 surface soil samples and 12 water samples were collected in Ma Da area for analysis of PCDD/Fs in solids. Soil TCDD concentrations ranged from 1–41 ppt with a mean of 8.8 ppt and a mean I-TEQ of 9.7 ppt. Two surface water samples showed colloid bound TCDD (7 and 19 ppt). Groundwater samples showed elevated colloid bound PCDD concentrations (mean 770 ng/kg), mainly octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Groundwater colloids separated by filtration did not show any TCDD. The results support that TCDD/Fs can be relocated from the top soil to the groundwater by colloidal pathway. They did not provide evidence that the dioxins bound to groundwater colloids are leftovers from the Second Indochinese War. However, this study reinforces that the colloidal transport pathway has to be included investigating the relocation of strong sorbing organic contaminants.  相似文献   

自2012年以来,中国建立了废弃电器电子产品处理基金制度,通过补贴支持废弃电器电子产品的规范处理。相关政策明确要求加强废弃电器电子产品拆解处理的环保核查和数量审核,防止补贴资金骗补行为的发生。介绍了中国目前废弃电器电子产品基金审核的方式及存在的问题,并提出了构建物联网、应用射频识别(RFID)技术的解决方案,可以实现废弃电器电子产品的实际拆解过程与虚拟数据信息管理系统的无缝对接,从而有效改进基金审核的效果。  相似文献   

Substance Flow Analysis (SFA) is an important instrument that allows for the undertaking of environmental management for a specific contaminant. 'Control Analysis' is a tool that assesses the effect on a target flow of changes in flows forming part of a control basis set. The purpose of the present study was to perform a modeling of the annual PCDD/F flows in Tarragona Province and to apply the model for human health risk assessment. The validation of the model has been evaluated by comparing estimated fluxes with experimental values. Eleven subsystems, as well as a set of 88 flows of the system in Tarragona Province were considered. The total PCDD/F accumulation in Tarragona Province was between 62.6 and 159.5 g I-TEQ/y. Accumulation in sediments (27.9-74.6 g I-TEQ/y) and soils (35.0-80.8 g I-TEQ/y) are the two principal modes of deposition. Estimated flow in human adipose tissue means a mean intake of PCDD/F (via ingestion and inhalation) of 243 pg I-TEQ/person/day. The food chain pathway accounts for 99% of the total daily intake. As a result of the simulation, a 100% decrease in industrial emissions would cause a 1.7% reduction in the PCDD/F accumulation in humans. In turn, a 100% reduction of PCDD/Fs in the industrial waste waters would cause only an insignificant 0.1% decrease in the accumulation of PCDD/Fs in humans.  相似文献   

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