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Public elevators are an essential requirement in modern high-rise buildings. However, the confined, crowded interior of an elevator provides an ideal breeding ground for all manners of biological aerosols. Consequently, when using an elevator at a university in Taiwan as the research target, this study performs an experimental investigation into the effectiveness of hand-sprayed gaseous chlorine dioxide as a disinfection agent. The air quality before and after disinfection is evaluated by measuring the bioaerosol concentrations of bacteria and fungi, respectively. The average background levels of bacteria and fungi before disinfection are found to be 635.7?±?469.6 and 1296.8?±?966.6 colony-forming unit (CFU)/m3, respectively. Following disinfection, the bacteria and fungi concentrations reduced by an average of 35 and 25 %, respectively. The multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) results showed that the residual bacteria and fungi concentration levels were determined primarily by the number of individuals within the elevator and the elapsed time following disinfection. In general, the present results show that given a maximum of five individuals within the elevator, a disinfection schedule of once every 40 min is sufficient to reduce the bioaerosol concentrations of bacteria and fungi to the levels specified by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  相似文献   

Air quality forecasting is an important issue in environmental research, due to the effects that air pollutants have on population health. To deal with this topic, in this work an integrated modelling system has been developed to forecast daily maximum eight hours ozone concentrations and daily mean PM10 concentrations, up to two days in advance, over an urban area. The presented approach involves two steps. In the first step, artificial neural networks are identified and applied to get point-wise forecasting. In the second step, the forecasts obtained at the monitoring station locations are spatially interpolated all over the domain using the cokriging technique, which allows to improve the spatial interpolation in the absence of densely sampled data. The integrated modelling system has been then applied to a case study over Northern Italy, performing a validation over space and time for the year 2004 and analyzing if the limit values for the protection of human health set by the European Commission are respected. The presented approach represents a fast and reliable way to provide decision makers and the general public with air quality forecasting, and to support prevention and precautionary measures.  相似文献   

The Brindisi area is characterized by the presence of industries with high environmental impact, located along its eastern border. Epidemiological studies have revealed several critical situations: two short-term (2003-2005) epidemiological studies have shown that PM(10) and NO(2) are adversely associated with daily hospital admissions: one of the two pointed to the associations with wind blowing from the southern, eastern and western sectors. This study aims to expand the time span of available air quality data in order to provide a more complete and extensive epidemiological study. Multi-year series (from 1992 to 2007) of SO(2), NO(2), and TSP concentration data are presented and analyzed. Data show a significant downward trend of SO(2) from 1992 to 2007, while for the TSP series, the downward trend is limited to the period 1992-1994. Marked seasonal trends are evident for all three pollutants, especially for NO(2) and TSP. The NO(2) series shows higher levels in winter. Inversely, the TSP series shows its maximum values during the summer months, associated with a moderate correlation with temperature and a poor correlation with other pollutants. Analysis of the series for wind sectors revealed the influence of the industrial site and of the harbor. The concentration series exhibit high concentration values and stronger correlations between them and with meteorology for wind blowing from the eastern sectors. Overall analysis supports the hypothesis of a different origin for TSP during the year and for different wind regimes and therefore possible size and chemical differences in TSP, which should be further investigated due to their health implications.  相似文献   

An assessment of air quality in the vicinity of a selected school has been carried out by monitoring the concentrations of primary pollutants. The results has shown that during the school hours, the measured pollutants emitted from the cars next to the selected school, such as CO and NO(2), are always under the allowable limits for Kuwaiti air quality standards. On the other hand, the concentrations of non methane hydrocarbon pollutant (nm-HC), some of which are considered to be cancergenic, are found to be above the Kuwaiti standard most of the times. A traffic counter is used to record the number of cars in the main road next to the school in 15 min intervals for 10 days during the monitoring period for air quality. Statistical analysis is performed to develop a relation for prediction of the necessary reduction in traffic, based on CO concentrations, during morning and afternoon periods on working days. A computer dispersion model (CALINE4) is also used to assess the CO concentrations based on recorded flow of traffic and emission inventory with the prevailing meteorological conditions existed at the specified time. After the validation of model, different scenarios have been evaluated to provide an acceptable solution to resolve the traffic congestion problem near the schools in the early morning hours with substantial reduction in pollution levels. The optimal solution for CO concentration reduction by managing smooth traffic flow is to reduce the traffic intensity by half in early morning and afternoon rush hours. The results of the predicted CO concentration in the vicinity of the school for the model and the statistical analysis has shown reduction of 30% and 42% respectively, for approximately 50% decrease in the car use. On the other hand the predicted CO concentration for the model and the statistics reached 24% and 33% respectively when 50% of students opted for buses instead of using private cars.  相似文献   

The results of a biomonitoring study carried out in the Municipality of Colle di Val d'Elsa (central Italy), using the diversity of epiphytic lichens and the accumulation of selected elements in thalli of the lichen Evernia prunastri transplanted in two urban sites are reported. The results indicate that the survey area suffers from different types of pollution. The main air pollutants are NO X and Pb. Vehicular traffic and domestic heating are the main sources of the former, and traffic and a crystal factory of the latter. Furthermore, most study area is eutrophicated due to diffuse agricultural activities and the presence of pig and sheep stockfarms.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, an increased tendency to consume meals at dining facilities outside the home has been highlighted; moreover, meals supplied in food businesses have been involved in many foodborne disease outbreaks. Therefore, microbial air contamination in food processing facilities could be a concern and an increase of microbial loads could represent a risk factor, especially for the potential contamination of foods due to undesirable spoiling and pathogenic bacteria. In this paper, the results of an 11-year microbiological monitoring of air quality in a university canteen are reported. The study, which started in the year 2000, was performed within a hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) plan implementation of a canteen that produces about 1,000 meals a day in order to verify the effectiveness of corrective actions on the indoor air quality. The primary food preparation room, the kitchen, and three cold rooms underwent air sampling by using a calibrated impaction sampler. Our investigation detected a general and progressive improvement in the air quality of the canteen since the beginning of the study, thus suggesting the appropriateness of the corrective action undertaken during the HACCP implementation program.  相似文献   

Bioaerosols are a type of suspended sediments that contribute to poor air quality in Taiwan. Bioaerosols include allergens such as: fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes, arthropods and protozoa, as well as microbial products such as mycotoxins, endotoxins and glucans. When allergens and microbial products are suspended in the air, local air quality will be influenced adversely. In addition, when the particle size is small enough to pass through the respiratory tract entering the human body, the health of the local population is also threatened. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to attempt to understand the concentration and types of bacteria and the bacteria numbers for various particle size ranges during a study period of June 2005 to February 2006 in Taichung City, Central Taiwan. The results indicate that the total average bacterial concentration by using NA medium incubated for 48 h were 8.0 × 102, 1.4 × 103, 2.4 × 103 and 1.3 × 103, 1.9 × 103, 3.5 × 103 cfu/m3 for CMES, TRIPS and RFS sampling sites during the daytime and nighttime period of June 2005 to February 2006. Moreover, the total average bacterial concentration by using R2A medium incubated for 48 h were 8.5 × 102, 1.5 × 103, 2.2 × 103 and 1.2 × 103, 1.7 × 103, 2.5 × 103 cfu/m3 for CMES, TRIPS and RFS sampling sites the daytime and nighttime during the same sampling period. The total average bacteria concentration was the same in either NA or R2A medium for the same sampling times or sites. The total average bacterial concentration was higher in daytime period than that of nighttime period for CMES, TRIPS and RFS sampling sites. The high average bacterial concentration was found in the particle size range of 0.53–0.71 mm (average bioaerosol size was in the range of 2.1–4.7 μm) for each sampling site. Also, 20 kinds of bacteria exceeded levels for each sampling site and were classified as according to shape: rod, coccus and filamentous.  相似文献   

During periods of two weeks in February and June 2010 the performance of portable air treatment units (PATUs) was evaluated in a primary school classroom using indicators of indoor air quality. Air samples were collected in an undisturbed setting on weekend days and in an occupied setting during teaching hours. In the first week PATUs were turned off and in the second week they were turned on. On weekend days PATUs reduced indoor levels of PM-10 by 87% in February and by 70% in June compared to weekend days when PATUs were turned off. On schooldays, indoor PM-10 was increased by 6% in February and reduced by 42% in June. For PM-2.5 reductions on weekend days were 89% in February and 80% in June. On school days PM-2.5 was increased by 15% in February and reduced by 83% in June. Turning on the PATUs reduced total VOC by 80% on weekend days and by 57% on school days (but not in June). No influence on formaldehyde, NO(2), O(3) and molds was observed. PATUs appeared to be less effective in removal of air pollutants when used in an occupied classroom compared to an unoccupied setting. Our study suggests that such devices should be tested in real-life settings to evaluate their influence on indoor air quality.  相似文献   

The analysis of pollution data was the support for the proposed remodelation of the network and allowed an estimation of the Air Quality evolution since 1968.The most important pollution sources in Oporto area are the motor traffic, one oil refinery and one petrochemical complex.Strong acidity levels are generally small, but black smoke concentrations are similar to that observed in several European cities.The interpretation of the temporal evolution of network yearly averages, is sometimes not reliable, in consequence of not being possible to get the mean validation of every sites for all years.The network should be increased installing stations in the oldest commercial areas where sulfur dioxide, black smoke, nitrogen oxides, hidrocarbons, carbon monoxide, lead and ozone should be measured. Sulfur dioxide and black smoke should be measured too, in six more areas of the metropolitan Oporto.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the level and composition of bacteria and fungi in the indoor air of an Italian office building equipped with a heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Airborne bacteria and fungi were collected in three open-space offices during different seasons. The microbial levels in the outdoor air, supply air diffusers, fan coil air flow and air treatment unit humidification water tank were used to evaluate the influence of the HVAC system on indoor air quality (IAQ). A medium–low level of bacterial contamination (50–500 CFU/m3) was found in indoor air. Staphylococcus and Micrococcus were the most commonly found genera, probably due to human presence. A high fungal concentration was measured due to a flood that occurred during the winter. The indoor seasonal distribution of fungal genera was related to the fungal outdoor distribution. Significant seasonal and daily variation in airborne microorganisms was found, underlining a relationship with the frequency of HVAC system switching on/off. The results of this monitoring highlight the role of the HVAC system on IAQ and could be useful to better characterise bacterial and fungal population in the indoor air of office buildings.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing concern given to air quality in urban and industrial areas in recent years, particular emphasis on regulation, control, and reduction of air pollutant emissions is still necessary to fully characterize the chain emissions–air quality–exposure–dose–health effects, for specific sources. The Estarreja region was selected as a case study because it has one of the largest chemical industrial complexes in Portugal that has been recently expanded, together with a growing urban area with an interesting location in the Portuguese coastland and crossed by important road traffic and rail national networks. This work presents the first air quality assessment for the region concerning pollutant emissions and meteorological and air quality monitoring data analysis, over the period 2000–2009. This assessment also includes a detailed investigation and characterization of past air pollution episodes for the most problematic pollutants: ozone and PM10. The contribution of different emission sources and meteorological conditions to these episodes is investigated. The stagnant meteorological conditions associated with local emissions, namely industrial activity and road traffic, are the major contributors to the air quality degradation over the study region. A set of measures to improve air quality—regarding ozone and PM10 levels—is proposed as an air quality management strategy for the study region.  相似文献   

The epiphytic lichen Parmelia caperata (L.) Ach. was used as bioaccumulator of the heavy metals Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn in the environs of the town of Pistoia (central northern Italy). The concentrations of Cd, Cr, Ni, Hg and Pb were comparable with those found in areas not subject to atmospheric pollution. Copper and especially Zn were found in rather high concentrations. Fertilizers and pesticides were the main source of atmospheric contamination.  相似文献   

Following restoration changes in Antoninek Reservoir physico-chemical and biological processes in the water column and bottom sediments were measured to outline mechanisms of changes in nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter concentrations during water flow through this reservoir. Intensive mineralisation of organic matter in the shallow sediments stimulated primary production and influenced increasing ammonia and nitrite nitrogen concentrations. Two main factors affected concentrations of phosphorus: (1) its presence in the external loads of river waters entering the reservoir, more important in the colder seasons as the water discharge was higher and (2) from the internal loads coming from bottom sediments. The quality of the river water during its flow through this reservoir improved for most parameters and seasons. However, concentrations of nutrients were still high in waters flowing out from the reservoir and in some months they were higher in the outflow than in waters entering the reservoir.  相似文献   

兰州市空气质量预报系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从潜势预报、统计预报、数值预报三方面介绍了兰州市空气质量预报系统的研究方法和结构特点,并检验分析了2001年4~10月兰州市空气质量预报,结果表明,此系统具有较强的预报能力,适用于兰州市空气质量预报业务。  相似文献   

The spatially and temporally varying environmental quality of a metropolitan area is described by means of empirically derived environmental indices. The approach is based on the principles of benefit analysis and consists of a number of logical steps including the selection, the measurement and determination of the spatial distribution, and the normalization (scaling) of the selected environmental indicators. To derive composite indices, the normalized indicators are weighted, based on the Delphi technique and subsequently aggregated. The results are given by means of isopleths, including single and composite index isopleths plotted by computer on common maps.World Health Organization  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal characteristics and impact of ambient air-quality attributed to open burning of rice straw were analyzed and estimated with measured data. Two multivariate analytic methods, factor analysis and cluster analysis, were adopted to analyze the temporal and spatial impact on ambient air-quality during the rice straw burning episode. Temporal features of three scenarios were cited to compare the concentrations for ambient air-quality between the rice straw burning episode and non-episodes over two typical stations by factor analysis. Factor analysis demonstrated that the first rotational component, identified as being highly correlated to the open burning of rice straw, accounts for about 40% of the concentration variance for ambient air-quality. In typical air-quality stations, the average hourly incremental concentrations between the episode and non-episodes were greater than 300 μg m(-3) for PM(10), 1.0 ppm for CO and 35 ppb for NO(2) during the impact of rice straw burning. Factor analysis presented that the first rotated component was highly correlated with several primary pollutants (NO(2), NMHC, PM(10) and CO) during the rice straw burning episode, while every component was only highly correlated with a unique air pollutant during non-episodes. The delineation isopleths indicated that factor analysis could serve as a better method than cluster analysis and provides cross-county cooperation for local governments located in the same separated district during the rice straw burning season. The results of factor analysis revealed that CO is the best index to demonstrate the impact of rice straw burning than the other six air pollutants measured during the episode. Backward trajectory analysis supplied a cause-effect relationship between measured stations and specific rice planted regions during the rice straw burning episode.  相似文献   

Water quality of least-impaired lakes in eastern and southern Arkansas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A three-phased study identified one least-impaired (reference) lake for each of four Arkansas lake classifications: three classifications in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) ecoregion and a fourth classification in the South Central Plains (SCP) ecoregion. Water quality at three of the least-impaired lakes generally was comparable and also was comparable to water quality from Kansas and Missouri reference lakes and Texas least-impaired lakes. Water quality of one least-impaired lake in the MAP ecoregion was not as good as water quality in other least-impaired lakes in Arkansas or in the three other states: a probable consequence of all lakes in that classification having a designated use as a source of irrigation water. Chemical and physical conditions for all four lake classifications were at times naturally harsh as limnological characteristics changed temporally. As a consequence of allochthonous organic material, oxbow lakes isolated within watersheds comprised of swamps were susceptible to low dissolved oxygen concentrations to the extent that conditions would be limiting to some aquatic biota. Also, pH in lakes in the SCP ecoregion was <6.0, a level exceeding current Arkansas water-quality standards but typical of black water systems. Water quality of the deepest lakes exceeded that of shallow lakes. N/P ratios and trophic state indices may be less effective for assessing water quality for shallow lakes (<2 m) than for deep lakes because there is an increased exposure of sediment (and associated phosphorus) to disturbance and light in the former.  相似文献   

In recent years, a significant part of the studies on air pollutants has been devoted to improve statistical techniques for forecasting the values of their concentrations in the atmosphere. Reliable predictions of pollutant trends are essential not only for setting up preventive measures able to avoid risks for human health but also for helping stakeholders to take decision about traffic limitations. In this paper, we present an operating procedure, including both pollutant concentration measurements (CO, SO2, NO2, O3, PM10) and meteorological parameters (hourly data of atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, wind speed), which improves the simple use of neural network for the prediction of pollutant concentration trends by means of the integration of multivariate statistical analysis. In particular, we used principal component analysis in order to define an unconstrained mix of variables able to improve the performance of the model. The developed procedure is particularly suitable for characterizing the investigated phenomena at a local scale.  相似文献   

An atmospheric pollution survey was carried out at 13 sites in Karachi, Pakistan, simultaneously from 0600 h to 2100 h for 15 consecutive days in May 1990 which also included meteorological measurements. The monitoring sites were included along the prevailing wind patterns in Karachi. Carbon monoxide levels in the ambient air were found to reach 9–10 ppm along the busy urban streets whereas CO2 level exceeded 370 ppm in these areas. Our survey indicates that NO2 levels were exceeding U.S. ambient air quality standards. Maxmum NO2 concentrations were observed (0.3–0.5 ppm) during the daytime from 0600 h to 2100 h. The surface ozone maximum around noon at the inland sites reached the levels of 40 ppb and 50 ppb respectively compared to upwind coastal Sites 1 level of 25 ppb. The Pb concentrations were approximately 3- to 7-fold higher than average, which corresponded well to urban air. Fossil fuel SO4 (excess) and NO3 were apportionally based on the assumption that these two anions were present as (NH4)2SO4, and NH4NO3 in the aerosols. In the eastern part of the city atmospheric sulphate (SO4) shows the combustion of coal as its source from the vicinity and downwind of a steel manufacturing plant.  相似文献   

The effect of fireworks on air quality was assessed from the ambient concentrations of various air pollutants (SO2, NO2, PM10 and TSP) during Diwali festival in Hisar city (India), in November 1999. The extensive use of fireworks was found to be related to short-term variation in air quality. During the festival the concentration of SO2 was observed to be increased approximately 10-fold at few sites, whereas the concentrations of NO2, PM10 and TSP increased 2-3 times, compared to the data collected on a typical winter day in December 1999. The maximum NO2 concentration was observed a day after the festival. The diurnal pattern of the above pollutants showed a slight increase in the night. The levels of these pollutants observed during Diwali were found to be moderately high, which can be associated with serious health impacts.  相似文献   

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