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Bailey JS  Deng Y  Smith RV 《Chemosphere》2001,42(2):141-151
Information about temporal changes in soil organic carbon (C) pools may be obtained indirectly from changes in input-output budgets of organically combined nutrients such as sulphur (S). Sulphur budgets were therefore evaluated for Northern Ireland (NI) for the period 1940-1990, inclusive. These budgets indicated that the land or soil had acted first as a sink but then as a source for S, and that reserves of soil S built up between 1940 and 1965 were totally depleted by the mid-1980s. Pooled data from six long-term soil-monitoring sites on undisturbed grassland suggested that negative S budgets from the late-1970s onwards had been due to the net mineralization of soil organic matter and thus were indicative of net losses of organic C from surface soil horizons. There was some evidence that the decline in rainfall and fertiliser S inputs from the mid-1960s may have precipitated the breakdown of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Soil phosphorus (P) quantity-intensity (q-i) relationships, based on common extraction methods, may potentially be used to estimate the risk of P loss in overland flow and subsurface drainage water. Some workers have used nonlinear q-i relationships to derive thresholds in soil test P (STP; a quantity factor) above which the risk of P loss increases, while others find linear relationships and no threshold. We present here a simple modelling exercise (based on Langmuir adsorption theory) along with data from literature to explain the behaviour of q-i relationships, and to give an explanation for this apparent discrepancy. The data indicate that q-i relationships are dependent upon the soil to solution ratio of the P intensity parameter, adsorption capacity (Qmax) and strength (K) of the soil, and the total range in STP. In turn, this affects the calculation of a threshold in STP. The q-i relationship tends towards linearity under conditions of a narrow total range of STP and/or when using a wide soil to solution ratio for estimating the P intensity parameter. Under such conditions, a threshold is difficult to detect, and uncertain. We conclude that the sensitivity of thresholds to experimental conditions and soils needs to be considered if thresholds are to be successful in environmental management to decrease P loss to surface waters.  相似文献   

复合垂直流人工湿地除磷正交试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确定复合垂直流人工湿地的流程、水力负荷、pH、COD对TP去除率的影响和提高除磷效果,选择了美人蕉和风车草构建的复合垂直流人工湿地试验系统,开展除磷的正交试验研究。采用SPSS13.0软件对正交试验结果进行方差分析,确定各因素显著性及优选条件。结果表明,复合垂直流人工湿地流程、水力负荷、pH、COD对除磷效果均有影响,其中流程对TP去除率影响显著,COD对TP去除率影响不显著。各因素对TP去除率的影响程度依次为:流程水力负荷pHCOD。除磷优选条件:COD为225mg/L,pH为8,流程为1100mm,水力负荷为181.25L/(m2.d)。  相似文献   

Dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in the ecosystem of the Lagoon of Venice were studied, in order to provide a general picture of conditions in the lagoon in terms of contamination by persistent organic pollutants (POPs). We present here novel data on atmospheric deposition, water, sediment and clam samples collected in the lagoon during the period January 2001-December 2004. Atmospheric deposition was sampled monthly at six sites located both close and far from large industrial and urban sources. Water samples were collected monthly from fifteen stations, and twenty-five samples of sediments and clams (Tapes philippinarum) were collected in four areas where clams are farmed and harvested inside the lagoon. All samples were analysed for PCDD/Fs, PCBs and HCB by HRGC/HRMS in the same laboratory. All samples examined (atmospheric deposition and water) substantially confirmed the spatial pattern reported in previously published data on sediments and atmospheric deposition: the zone surrounding the Porto Marghera petrochemical plant always had the highest levels of POPs (i.e., PCDD/Fs: atmosphere approximately 6 pg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalents (I-TE) m(-2)d(-1); water 0.37 pg I-TEl(-1); sediment: 300 ng kg(-1); clam 2.8 pg I-TE g(-1)), and the minima were found at points on the margins of the lagoon (PCDD/Fs: atmosphere approximately 1 pg I-TEm(-2)d(-1); water 0.05 pg I-TEl(-1); sediment: approximately 5 ng kg(-1); clam approximately 0.2 pg I-TE g(-1)). Intermediate values were often encountered in the historical city centre of Venice and in the central part of the lagoon. To confirm this, new data on correlation between levels of PCDD/F in sediments and clams are reported, both for absolute values and for the PCDD/F "fingerprint". There is always a clear fingerprinting signature (PCDF/PCDD>1) for samples collected near Porto Marghera, and the opposite (PCDF/PCDD<1) in the rest of the lagoon.  相似文献   

This study investigated the forms of soil P released to solution, accuracy of their determination, and influence of colloids on P sorption/desorption dynamics. A Hagerstown silt loam, amended with dairy and poultry manure or superphosphate at five rates (0, 25, 50, 100, and 200 kg P ha(-1)), was extracted at two soil:solution ratios (1:5 and 1:100) and filtered at three pore sizes (0.8, 0.45, and 0.22 microm). Results showed that relative to the proportion of dissolved organic P (DOP, determined as the difference between total dissolved P [TDP] and P detected by ion chromatography), DRP increased with amendment rate. Relative to Mehlich-3 extractable P, DRP exhibited a power relationship with a much greater potential for soil P release at concentrations in excess of ca. 50 mg Mehlich-3 P kg(-1). Concentrations of DRP, determined by the acid molybdate method, were on average 12.5% greater than P detected by ion chromatography indicating P was solubilised during colorimetric determination. A linear relationship was found between total Al and DRP, which could indicate acid mediated hydrolysis of A1-humic-P substances, although acid mediated desorption of P from colloids cannot be discounted. No difference in solubilised P was found between solutions filtered at 0.22 and 0.45 microm, but was found between 0.8 microm and smaller filter sizes. Organic P extracted from manured soils was more recalcitrant than that extracted from soils amended with superphosphate, the later attributed to its accumulation in more labile pools. The sorption/desorption of P by colloids in solution were greatly affected by the rate of amendment and the soil:solution extraction ratio. More P was sorbed by superphosphate solutions compared to dairy manure amended soil solutions and was attributed to the saturation of colloidal P sorption sites by organic matter. In order to minimise the effects of colloids on P dynamics and the potential for hydrolysis in solution, filtration to at least 0.45 microm is required. However, soils with a lesser aggregate stability may require additional filtration.  相似文献   

A treatability test of phytostabilization was carried out on two soils sampled downstream a mining Italian area with Lolium italicum and Festuca arundinacea. Beside chemical content of Pb and Zn in aerial parts and in roots, also some physical parameters were determined at the end of the growth cycle of plants. Particle size distribution was analysed with a laser granulometer while cracking patterns and porosity were determined by means of image analysis. Compost, used at two rates (10%, and 30% v/v) in order to improve soil physical characteristics, always raised biomass with similar effects for both doses. The concentration of Pb and Zn in aerial parts and in roots of L. italicum and F. arundinacea decreased more than five times in presence of compost. A general lack of clear effects of both plants on soil physical parameters was noticed. Formation of more water stable aggregates, a rise of the area occupied by cracks, and new porosity formed by elongated and irregular pores were found in soil samples treated with compost.  相似文献   

Tyler G 《Chemosphere》2002,48(3):343-349
The partitioning of P among major chemical forms was studied in 110 non-fertilized, semi-natural grassland soils of southeastern Sweden, comprising a wide range of soil acidity and other chemical properties. The P fractions bound to Ca and Fe were closely related to soil acidity, expressed as pH-KCl, especially when calculated as % of the total pool of mineral P. The relationship was inversely linear for log10P-Fe, whereas it was strongly positively curvilinear for log10P-Ca, with a sudden decrease of this fraction below pH-KCl 4.5. Phosphate bound to Al was inversely related to pH-KCl, but the variability accounted for was rather low. Easily exchangeable phosphate, interpreted as the most labile form of P-Al, was more closely related to soil acidity, with very low values at pHg-KCl > 5.5. Soil concentration of organic P was mainly a function of its contents of organic matter. Data were treated by PCA and stepwise regression analysis.  相似文献   


Roxarsone (ROX), a widely used feed organoarsenic additive, occurs as itself and its metabolites in animal manure that is commonly land used as fertilizer. Soil property impacts arsenic (As) speciation and bioavailability. Fourteen soils across China were used to conduct culture experiments to investigate As uptake by garland chrysanthemum (ChrysanthemumL coronarium), with the soils fertilized with chicken manure bearing ROX and its metabolites. The results show As(III) was the sole As form in garland chrysanthemum shoots, and As(III) and As(V) occurred in roots. Only inorganic As was detected in all soils when the plants were harvested. Stepwise regression analysis shows soil-exchangeable Ca predominated shoot As(III) concentration (shoot As(III) = 1.60030 soil Ca, R 2 = 0.8832***). Therefore, ROX is transferred into the human food chain finally as inorganic As in plants. Application of animal manure bearing ROX and its metabolites is not recommended in Ca-rich soils to avoid excess inorganic As dietary exposure.


Wang K  Zhang Z  Zhu Y  Wang G  Shi D  Christie P 《Chemosphere》2001,42(2):209-214
A long-term randomised block field experiment was established in 1997 to study the dynamics of total P and dissolved P in the surface waters of rice fields receiving two application rates of fertiliser P and one rate of combined fertiliser and manure P. Preliminary results from the first two crops show that concentrations of both total P and dissolved P in the surface waters increased significantly following P application, especially during the first 2 weeks after application. P concentrations subsequently declined sharply within about 10 days, then declined steadily and remained almost constant from about 1 month after application. The initial increase in P concentration of surface waters was higher with increasing rate of fertiliser P, and the P concentration at the highest fertiliser rate peaked within about 1 week of application. The elevated P concentrations following fertiliser P application declined more rapidly than those following the combined application of fertiliser and manure P. When fertiliser and manure P were applied together, about 7 days later the surface water P concentrations were significantly higher than when the same rate of P (or double) was applied as fertiliser only. Disturbance of the surface soil by hand harrowing further increased the P concentrations in surface waters, with a subsequent decline to a steady value after about 1 week. Application of P fertiliser to the high P status soil in this experiment gave no crop yield response and may have increased the risk of pollution of adjacent surface waters through drainage from heavy rainfall events during the rice growing season. Therefore, fertiliser P should not be applied to such soils. If, however, fertiliser or manure P is applied, the application should be made during the dry winter to reduce P losses. Manure should be applied with particular care because of the higher risk of P losses to surface water arising from the relatively long period of high P concentrations in surface waters and the potential for greater release of P to field surface waters from the soil. Hand harrowing should also be avoided during wet weather to protect water quality.  相似文献   

黄磷尾气中总磷及磷化氢的测定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
电炉法生产黄磷的过程中会产生大量的尾气,其主要成分是CO(85%~95%).还有磷、硫、氟、砷、CO2、N2、H2等杂质。黄磷尾气中的磷主要以P4、PH3、P2O5等形式存在。一般尾气经过水洗后.P2O5大部分被水吸收,尾气中主要是P4、PH3。采用分光光度法分析总磷和气体检测管测定磷化氢,效果良好。  相似文献   

沉积物中磷形态及影响其释放的环境因素研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
磷是控制水体富营养化最关键的营养物质,在外源磷得到控制之后,内源磷通过各种复杂过程再次进入水体,成为水体富营养化的主要磷污染源。目前,国内外对底泥磷的相关研究已非常多,但缺乏系统的整理和总结。从底泥磷的形态和影响其释放的环境因素2个方面进行了系统总结,介绍了底泥磷的主要形态、释放机制,分析了环境因素对于底泥磷释放的影响。  相似文献   


Background, goal, and scope

Natural radioactivity in phosphate rock (PR) is transferred to phosphate fertilizer (PF) during the manufacturing process of the PF. The continuous addition of the PF to the cultivated soil accumulates the radionuclides in the land and increases the level of radioactivity in the soil. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the enhanced level of accumulated radioactivity due to the continuous addition of the PF in the farmlands of Nuclear Institute of Agriculture and Biology (NIAB) at Faisalabad in Pakistan. The selected study area consisted of the highly fertilized farmlands and an unfertilized barren land of the NIAB.


The understudy area is very fertile for the growth of various types of crops; therefore, four agricultural research institutes have been established at Faisalabad and NIAB is one of those. The NIAB has developed various research farmlands at different places in Pakistan. The crop yield has been increased by adding various fertilizers in the farmlands. The addition of the PF accompanied with the radionuclides enhances radioactivity in the fields. Human being is exposed directly or indirectly to this radiological hazard. A prolong exposure may become a cause of health risk.

Materials and methods

The area of study consisted of three types of lands: the land under cultivation for the last 40 and 30?years called Site 1 and Site 2, respectively, and the barren land was called Site 3. A total of 75 soil samples were collected within the crop rooting zone (up to 25?cm deep) of the soil of the NIAB farms. The samples were dried, pulverized to powder, sealed in plastic containers, and stored to achieve equilibrium between 226Ra and 222Rn. Activity concentrations of the radionuclides 238U (226Ra), 232Th, and 40K in soil samples were determined by using a high resolution gamma ray spectrometry system, consisting of an high purity germanium detector coupled through a spectroscopy amplifier with a PC based MCA installed with Geni-2000 software.


The measured activity concentration levels of 40K were 662?±?15, 615?±?17, and 458?±?20?Bq?kg?1, 226Ra were 48?±?6, 43?±?5, and 26?±?4?Bq?kg?1, and that of 232Th were 39?±?5, 37?±?5, 35?±?5?Bq?kg?1, respectively, in the soil of the Sites 1, 2, and 3. Gamma dose rate 1?m above the soil surface was 55, 51, and 40?nGy?h?1 from Sites 1, 2, and 3, respectively. External dose rates in the rooms constructed of the bricks made of the soil from Sites 1, 2, and 3 were 161, 149, and 114?nGyh?1, respectively.


Activity concentration values of 40K and 226Ra in the soil of Sites 1 and 2 were higher than that in the soil of Site 3. The relative rise of 40K was 43?% and 34?% and that of 226Ra was 85?% and 65?% respectively in these sites. Activity concentrations of 232Th in all these sites were in the background range. Gamma dose rate 1?m above soil surface of Sites 1 and 2 was 40?% and 30?% respectively higher than that from the soil of Site 3. The rise in activity of 40K and 226Ra and gamma dose from the Site 1 was greater than that from the Site 2. The least activity and dose were observed from the Site 3. Gamma dose in the dwellings made of fertilized soil bricks of Site 1 and Site 2 were respectively calculated to be 41?% and 32?% higher than that in the abodes made of unfertilized soil bricks of Site 3.


Activity concentrations of 226Ra and 40K were observed to be enhanced in the fertilized farmlands of the NIAB. Outdoor and indoor gamma dose as radiological hazard were found to be increasing with the continuous addition of PF in the understudy farmlands.


It is recommended that naturally occurring radioactive metal should be removed during the process of manufacturing of the PF from the PR.


The rise in radioactivity in the farmlands due to the addition of the PF can be a source of direct or indirect exposure to radiation that may enhance cancer risk of the exposed individuals.  相似文献   

Sewage sludge is rich in essential plant nutrients, but its use is restricted for crop production due to the pollutants it contains, such as metalloids and heavy metals. Sludge is also very sticky and compact. Therefore, the objectives of this work were to evaluate (1) the impact of various amounts of sludge on bioenergy crop productivity and quality and (2) the use of peat as an adjuvant to reduce the stickiness, density and nutrient richness of the sludge. Three different applications of sludge were examined, high, low (50% of high) and low mixed with an equal volume of peat. The sludge-peat mix increased significantly leaf area and biomass accumulation of maize and hemp. High sludge and sludge-peat mix applications increased significantly the leaf area and biomass accumulation as well as the net photosynthesis of oilseed rape. High sludge application resulted in the highest heavy metal and metalloid accumulation in maize and hemp. Sludge-peat mix resulted in the highest heavy metal and metalloid accumulation in oilseed rape. However, the sludge-peat mix application provided the best feedstock quality in all three crops, since chloride, silicon and sulfur concentrations and ash content in plant material were the lowest of the three sludge treatments.  相似文献   

In 2000, the European Union adopted the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) (European Commission, 2000). The WFD focuses on increasingly stringent nutrient standards including ultra low nitrogen (< 2.2 mg N-total/L) and phosphorus concentrations (< 0.15 mg total phosphorus/L) in receiving surface waters and in relevant point sources like wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent. Expansion of WWTPs with advanced post-treatment processes, like effluent filtration, is widely proposed to meet possible future effluent discharge standards. When combining biological nitrate-nitrogen and chemical phosphorus removal in one filter, phosphorus limitation in the denitrifying process may occur. This study investigated where in the filter bed and under which conditions phosphorus limitation occurs. Profile measurements for nitrate, nitrite, and orthophosphorus (PO4-P) combined with chemical oxygen demand (COD) and 02 were conducted. Results showed that the required PO4-P/NOx-N ratio is approximately 0.006 mg/mg after phosphorous precipitation and flocculation. Profile measurements have proven to be an applicable and useful tool. It showed how nitrate and orthophosphorus are removed through the filter bed based on the PO4-P/NOx-N ratio. When orthophosphorus is removed more rapidly and efficiently compared to nitrate, the PO4-P/NOx-N ratio decreases. When PO4-P/NOx-N ratio thresholds are approximately 0.006 mg/mg for a certain period of time and water temperatures varied significantly, orthophosphorus limitation may occur. Changing the filter-bed configuration or decreasing the coagulant dosage can prevent limitation of the denitrifying process because of a phosphorous shortage.  相似文献   

The 1981 VISTTA field study characterized the composition and appearance of particle-rich plumes from three different sources. This paper compares the VISTTA observations with the predictions of two plume visibility models. Observations and predictions are analyzed from the perspective of exact solutions to the equations of radiative transfer for a somewhat idealized atmosphere. These solutions, which explicity relate plume/sky contrast to the composition of plume and background and the geometry of sun, plume and observer, are shown to be consistent with the VISTA observations. The simplified relationships are used as the basis for budgeting radiative transfer by the plume and background, and for analyses of the sensitivity of plume appearance to individual variables.The optics predictions of the two models are less accurate for plumes dominated by particle scattering than they are for plumes dominated by NO2 absorption. Inaccurate prediction of plume particle size distributions can be identified as an important source of error. Inaccurate prediction of background sky radiance is suspected as another.  相似文献   

反硝化聚磷一体化设备中的聚磷菌   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
研究了新型生物脱氮除磷新工艺反硝化聚磷一体化设备中反硝化厌氧池活性污泥的兼性厌氧微生物组成,数量及其在该除磷系统中功能,结果表明,稳定运行期反硝化厌氧池内活性污泥混合液的兼性厌氧微生物总数大大多于启动期,稳定期和启动期分离的兼性厌氧微生物有假单胞菌属,副球菌属和肠杆菌科,通过对三种纯菌株进行吸放磷研究,三种菌都有不同程度的聚磷功能,说明反硝化菌也具有聚磷作用。  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition of trace metals and metalloids from anthropogenic sources has led to the contamination of many European peatlands. To assess the fate and behaviour of previously deposited arsenic and lead, we constructed catchment-scale mass budgets for a degraded peatland in Northern England. Our results show a large net export of both lead and arsenic via runoff (282 ± 21.3 gPb ha(-1) y(-1) and 60.4 ± 10.5 gAs ha(-1) y(-1)), but contrasting controls on this release. Suspended particulates account for the majority of lead export, whereas the aqueous phase dominates arsenic export. Lead release is driven by geomorphological processes and is a primary effect of erosion. Arsenic release is driven by the formation of a redox-dynamic zone in the peat associated with water table drawdown, a secondary effect of gully erosion. Degradation of peatland environments by natural and anthropogenic processes has the potential to release the accumulated pool of legacy contaminants to surface waters.  相似文献   

污水中磷的回收和利用途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了近年来污水中磷回收的主要技术方法,重点针对磷酸铵镁结晶法,对磷酸铵镁的形成、用途及该方法的可行性做了详细的介绍与评述.同时,阐述了利用磷酸盐溶解微生物,实现磷产品肥效的回收.并对今后磷回收、回用工作的开展,提出了建议.  相似文献   

We calculated farm, land, and soil N-budgets for countries in Europe and the EU27 as a whole using the agro-economic model CAPRI. For EU27, N-surplus is 55 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in a soil budget and 65 kg N2O–N ha−1 yr−1 and 67 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in land and farm budgets, respectively. NUE is 31% for the farm budget, 60% for the land budget and 63% for the soil budget. NS values are mainly related to the excretion (farm budget) and application (soil and land budget) of manure per hectare of total agricultural land. On the other hand, NUE is best explained by the specialization of the agricultural system toward animal production (farm NUE) or the share of imported feedstuff (soil NUE). Total N input, intensive farming, and the specialization to animal production are found to be the main drivers for a high NS and low NUE.  相似文献   

Heavy metal concentrations in soil and earthworms in a floodplain grassland   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We determined accumulated heavy metal concentrations (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn) of earthworms in moderately contaminated floodplain soils. Both soil and mature earthworms were sampled before and after flooding and earthworm species were identified to understand species specific differences in bioconcentration. Accumulated metal concentrations in floodplain earthworms differed before and after flooding. Differences in uptake and elimination mechanisms, in food choice and living habitat of the different earthworm species and changes in speciation of the heavy metals are possible causes for this observation. Regression equations taken from literature, that relate metal accumulation by earthworms in floodplains as a function of metal concentration in soil, performed well when all species specific data were combined in an average accumulation, but did not address differences in accumulation between earthworm species.  相似文献   

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