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Guenther A 《Chemosphere》2002,47(8):837-844
From November 1998 to October 2000, measurements of soil respiration were performed on the Spanish plateau for two patches of non-irrigated barley, one managed with conventional tillage (CT) and the other with reduced tillage (RT). Soil CO2 flux showed seasonal variation on both patches, with an increase from March to October, peaking in May, and a decrease during the winter period by a factor of around 2. The mean value for both combined years was 2.03 and 1.70 micromol m(-2) S(-1), in the CT and RT patches, respectively. In order to analyse the influence of RT on soil CO2 flux, two tests were performed. The first one was the Kruskal-Wallis test to compare whether the differences between the medians in both patches were statistically significant. The results obtained revealed statistically significant differences during the second year, at a 85% and 95% significance level, use being made of annual data and that recorded during the period of maximum interest, March-October, respectively. The decrease in soil respiration in the RT patch was around 24%. The second test was aimed at describing and comparing the influence of soil temperature on soil CO2 flux. By using the data of both patches recorded during the first year, an empirical equation on 10-cm soil temperature was fitted and tested on the data corresponding to the second year in each of the patches. Then, a comparison between the medians of the differences between the estimated and observed values was again performed by means of the Kruskal-Wallis test. The over-prediction of the model in the RT patch, statistically significant at a 90% significance level, was roughly 23%, confirming again the decrease in soil respiration one year after this agricultural management practice had been implemented.  相似文献   

The authors used a global High Resolution Biosphere Model (HRBM), consisting of a biome model and a carbon cycle model, to estimate the changes of carbon storage in the major pools of the terrestrial biosphere from 18 000 BP to present. The climate change data to drive the biosphere for 18 000 BP were derived from an Atmospheric General Circulation Model. Using the AGCM anomalies interpolated to a 0.5 degrees grid, the HRBM data base of the present climate was recalculated for 18 000 BP. The most important processes which influenced the carbon storage include (1) climate-induced changes in biospheric processes and vegetation distribution, (2) the CO(2) fertilization effect, (3) the inundation of lowland areas resulting from the sea level rise of 100 m. Two scenarios were investigated. The first scenario, which ignored the CO(2) fertilization effect, led to total carbon losses from the terrestrial biosphere of -460 x 10(9) t. Scenario 2, which assumed that the model formulation of the CO(2) fertilization effect as used for preindustrial to present could be extrapolated to the glacial 200 microl litre(-1) (ppmv, parts per million per volume), gave a carbon fixation in the terrestrial biosphere of +213 x 10(9) t. The two scenarios were compared with CO(2) concentration data and isotopic ratios from air in ice cores. The results of Scenario 1 are not in agreement with the data. Scenario 2 gives realistic delta(13)C shifts in the atmosphere but the biospheric carbon storage at the end of the glacial period seems too large. The authors suggest that the low atmospheric CO(2) concentration may have favoured the C-4 plants in ice age vegetation types. As a consequence the influence of the low CO(2) concentration was eventually reduced and the glacial carbon storage in vegetation, litter, and soil was increased.  相似文献   

Terrestrial carbon modelling shows that the Goudriaan and Ketner and Esser simulations fit historical data well, but the results are sensitive to the decomposition rate coefficient of old sediment carbon. Modification of this rate constant over time, weighted by emission increases or linear increases, changes the model results to fit historic ice core data. Very old sediment carbon decomposition has an effect on the model postdictions only when the rate constant is 10 times greater than that predicted from sediment studies. Future estimates show that a maximum change from agriculture to forest has a small effect on abating emission increases. Controlling emission rates at 5.1 x 10(15) g C/a will result in almost a 50% increase in atmospheric CO(2) in 200 years, and reducing emission rates to 1960 levels (approximately 2.5 x 10(15) g C/a) immediately will still result in an increase in atmospheric CO(2).  相似文献   

This paper documents a technique for investigating one-dimensional airflow in the vadose zone. Variations in pore gas pressures resulting from barometric cycles were measured at depths as great as 180 m in several gas monitoring wells. The data were transformed to the frequency domain, enabling comparison with closed-form analytic expressions of one-dimensional pressure transport in layered porous media. The data reveal evidence for vertical fracture flow that was not apparent from in situ measurements of permeability. The data also reveal that the basalt underlying the site at depths greater than 100 m has permeability exceeding 1000 darcies, and is vented to the atmosphere at an estimated distance of a few kilometers from the site.  相似文献   

Hsueh HT  Chu H  Yu ST 《Chemosphere》2007,66(5):878-886
Carbon dioxide mass transfer is a key factor in cultivating micro-algae except for the light limitation of photosynthesis. It is a novel idea to enhance mass transfer with the cyclic procedure of absorbing CO(2) with a high performance alkaline abosorber such as a packed tower and regenerating the alkaline solution with algal photosynthesis. Hence, the algae with high affinity for alkaline condition must be purified. In this study, a hot spring alga (HSA) was purified from an alkaline hot spring (pH 9.3, 62 degrees C) in Taiwan and grows well over pH 11.5 and 50 degrees C. For performance of HSA, CO(2) removal efficiencies in the packed tower increase about 5-fold in a suitable growth condition compared to that without adding any potassium hydroxide. But ammonia solution was not a good choice for this system with regard to carbon dioxide removal efficiency because of its toxicity on HSA. In addition, HSA also exhibits a high growth rate under the controlled pHs from 7 to 11. Besides, a well mass balance of carbon and nitrogen made sure that less other byproducts formed in the procedure of carboxylation. For analysis of some metals in HSA, such as Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, related to the photosynthesis increased by a rising cultivated pH and revealed that those metals might be accumulated under alkaline conditions but the growth rate was still limited by the ratio of bicarbonate (useful carbon source) and carbonate. Meanwhile, Nannochlopsis oculta (NAO) was also tested under different additional carbon sources. The results revealed that solutions of sodium/potassium carbonate are better carbon sources than ammonia carbonate/bicarbonate for the growth of NAO. However, pH 9.6 of growth limitation based on sodium was lower than one of HSA. The integrated system is, therefore, more feasible to treat CO(2) in the flue gases using the algae with higher alkaline affinity such as HSA in small volume bioreactors.  相似文献   

上海市与东京市陆地碳汇核算与比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球气候的变化激发了人们对现有的和潜在的碳汇的研究兴趣.结合上海市和东京市的基本状况,分析了上海市和东京市主要的陆地碳汇类型,根据相关文献研究和当地的基本情况确定碳汇参数,研究了不同陆地碳汇类型的碳汇量,进而估算出陆地总碳汇量.在此基础上,从不同的角度对比分析了2个城市的陆地碳汇能力,并提出了加强湿地保护工作、加强园林绿化建设工作、保护耕地等增强上海市陆地碳汇能力的对策.  相似文献   

Intensive human exploitation of the Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) in its primary population centre on sub-Antarctic South Georgia, as well as on other sub-Antarctic islands and parts of the South Shetland Islands, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries rapidly brought populations to the brink of extinction. The species has now recovered throughout its original distribution. Non-breeding and yearling seals, almost entirely males, from the South Georgia population now disperse in the summer months far more widely and in higher numbers than there is evidence for taking place in the pre-exploitation era. Large numbers now haul out in coastal terrestrial habitats in the South Orkney Islands and also along the north-east and west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula to at least Marguerite Bay. In these previously less- or non-visited areas, the seals cause levels of damage likely never to have been experienced previously to fragile terrestrial habitats through trampling and over-fertilisation, as well as eutrophication of sensitive freshwater ecosystems. This increased area of summer impact is likely to have further synergies with aspects of regional climate change, including reduction in extent and duration of sea ice permitting seals access farther south, and changes in krill abundance and distribution. The extent and conservation value of terrestrial habitats and biodiversity now threatened by fur seal distribution expansion, and the multiple anthropogenic factors acting in synergy both historically and to the present day, present a new and as yet unaddressed challenge to the agencies charged with ensuring the protection and conservation of Antarctica’s unique ecosystems.  相似文献   

Size-segregated aerosol samples were taken during 2 winter pollution periods and in clean summer air at different remote locations in the European Arctic > 74°N. By means of a newly developed integrating sphere photometer these filter samples have been analysed for aerosol light absorption coefficients and particulate elemental carbon (PEC). The relatively high PEC concentrations in winter confirm other findings about the Arctic winter atmosphere having an aged continental aerosol burden. In summer very low light absorption coefficients of 4.5 × 10−8 m−1 were measured, similar to upper tropospheric background values. For the climatically important months of March-May the key optical aerosol properties (extinction coefficient, single scattering albedo and absorption to backscatter ratio) were determined. Based on the approach of J.M. Mitchell (1971, in Man's Impact on Climate. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA) the Arctic haze aerosol is found to contribute to atmospheric heating, even in the summer. A first PEC size distribution was determined in a clean polar summer air. The results show systematic variations in the PEC size distribution from urban to remote locations and seasonal variations in the sink region which may be exploited to quantify aerosol removal process in long distance transport studies.  相似文献   

Temperate forests can contain large numbers of wetlands located in areas of low relief and poor drainage. These wetlands can make a large contribution to the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) load of streams and rivers draining the forests, as well as the exchange of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) with the atmosphere. We studied the carbon budget of a small wetland, located in Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia, Canada. The study wetland was the Pine Marten Brook site, a poor fen draining a mixed hardwood-softwood forest. We studied the loss of DOC from the wetland via the outlet stream from 1990 to 1999 and related this to climatic and hydrologic variables. We added the DOC export information to information from a previously published model describing CH4 and CO2 fluxes from the wetland as a function of precipitation and temperature, and generated a new synthesis of the major C losses from the wetland. We show that current annual C losses from this wetland amount to 0.6% of its total C mass. We then predicted that under climate changes caused by a doubling of atmospheric CO2 expected between 2040 and 2050, total C loss from the wetland will almost double to 1.1% of total biomass. This may convert this wetland from what we assume is currently a passive C storage area to an active source of greenhouse gases.  相似文献   

The biosphere is a major pool in the global carbon cycle; its response to climatic change is therefore of great importance. We developed a 5 degrees x 5 degrees longitude-latitude resolution model of the biosphere in which the global distributions of the major biospheric variables, i.e. the vegetation types and the main carbon pools and fluxes, are determined from climatic variables. We defined nine major broad vegetation types: perennial ice, desert and semi-desert, tundra, coniferous forest, temperate deciduous forest, grassland and shrubland, savannah, seasonal tropical forest and evergreen tropical forest. Their geographical repartition is parameterized using correlations between observed vegetation type, precipitation and biotemperature distributions. The model computes as a function of climate and vegetation type, the variables related to the continental biospheric carbon cycle, i.e. the carbon pools such as the phytomass, the litter and the soil organic carbon; and carbon fluxes such as net primary production, litter production and heterotrophic respiration. The modeled present-day biosphere is in good agreement with observation. The model is used to investigate the response of the terrestrial biosphere to climatic changes as predicted by different General Circulation Models (GCM). In particular, the impact on the biosphere of climatic conditions corresponding to the last glacial climate (LGM), 18 000 years ago, is investigated. Comparison with results from present-day climate simulations shows the high sensitivity of the geographical distribution of vegetation types and carbon content as well as biospheric trace gases emissions to climatic changes. The general trend for LGM compared to the present is an increase in low density vegetation types (tundra, desert, grassland) to the detriment of forested areas, in tropical as well as in other regions. Consequently, the biospheric activity (carbon fluxes and trace gases emissions) was reduced.  相似文献   

In the mid-1800s, the agricultural chemist Justus von Liebig demonstrated strong positive relationships between soil nutrient supplies and the growth yields of terrestrial plants, and it has since been found that freshwater and marine plants are equally responsive to nutrient inputs. Anthropogenic inputs of nutrients to the Earth's surface and atmosphere have increased greatly during the past two centuries. This nutrient enrichment, or eutrophication, can lead to highly undesirable changes in ecosystem structure and function, however. In this paper we briefly review the process, the impacts, and the potential management of cultural eutrophication in freshwater, marine, and terrestrial ecosystems. We present two brief case studies (one freshwater and one marine) demonstrating that nutrient loading restriction is the essential cornerstone of aquatic eutrophication control. In addition, we present results of a preliminary statistical analysis that is consistent with the hypothesis that anthropogenic emissions of oxidized nitrogen could be influencing atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide via nitrogen stimulation of global primary production.  相似文献   

The ecotoxicology of manufactured nanoparticles (MNPs) in estuarine environments is not well understood. Here we explore the hypothesis that nanoTiO2 and single walled nanotubes (SWNT) cause sublethal impacts to the infaunal species Arenicola marina (lugworm) exposed through natural sediments. Using a 10 day OECD/ASTM 1990 acute toxicity test, no significant effects were seen for SWNT up to 0.03 g/kg and no uptake of SWNTs into tissues was observed. A significant decrease in casting rate (P = 0.018), increase in cellular damage (P = 0.04) and DNA damage in coelomocytes (P = 0.008) was measured for nanoTiO2, with a preliminary LOEC of 1 g/kg. Coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering microscopy (CARS) located aggregates of TiO2 of >200 nm within the lumen of the gut and adhered to the outer epithelium of the worms, although no visible uptake of particles into tissues was detected.  相似文献   

Organochlorine (OC) contaminants are transported to the Polar Regions, where they have the potential to bioaccumulate, presenting a threat to the health of wildlife and indigenous communities. They deposit onto snowpack during winter, and accumulate until spring, when they experience prolonged solar irradiation until snowmelt occurs. Photochemical degradation rates for aldrin and dieldrin, in frozen aqueous solution made from MilliQ water, 500 μM hydrogen peroxide solution or locally-collected melted snow were measured in a field campaign near Barrow, AK, during spring-summer 2008. Significant photoprocessing of both pesticides occurs; the reactions depend on temperature, depth within the snowpack and whether the predominant phase is ice or liquid water. The effect of species present in natural snowpack is comparable to 500 μM hydrogen peroxide, pointing to the potential significance of snowpack-mediated reactions. Aldrin samples frozen at near 0 °C were more reactive than comparable liquid samples, implying that the microenvironments experienced on frozen ice surfaces are an important consideration.  相似文献   

Terrestrial isopods (woodlice) may show trade-offs in life history parameters when exposed to toxins. We have shown previously [Jones and Hopkin (1996) Functional Ecology 10, 741-750] that woodlice which survive to reproduce in sites heavily polluted with metals from an industrial smelting works do not alter their reproductive allocation. This study investigates whether there are differences in the survival and body size of Porcellio scaber from these same populations. Specimens were collected from eight sites at different distances from the Avonmouth smelter, UK. The sites represented a gradient of concentrations of Zn, Cd, Pb and Cu in the woodlice, from background levels to a grossly contaminated sites close to the smelter. In laboratory trials, the number of days survived by starved males showed a significant decline with increased concentrations of Zn in those animals. The maximum size of both sexes declined significantly from the least to the most polluted sites. The most polluted sites had significantly fewer large animals. The cost of detoxifying assimilated metals appears to be reduced energy reserves and smaller body size.  相似文献   

实验在常压下将黑液酸化、过滤后直接用于制备木素磺酸盐,旨在为中小型企业提供一种经济可行的黑液资源化途径。该工艺取消了木素的纯化过程,流程短而且设备简单、成本低,但磺化产率偏低。本文主要讨论了反应时间、温度、磺化剂加入量和pH对磺化产率的影响。  相似文献   

To interpret the distribution of hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in various organisms, we measured the concentrations and diastereomer and enantiomer profiles of HBCDs in 21 different species of limnic and marine cohorts from Tianjin, China. The concentration ranges of HBCDs in limnic and marine organisms were 64.3–1111 ng g−1 lw and 85.5–989 ng g−1 lw, respectively. Living habitat and feeding habits had important impacts on HBCD diastereomer distribution. Most of the species appeared to preferentially select (+)-α-, (−)-β- and (−)-γ-HBCD. There is a tendency that the total and α-HBCDs were magnified as trophic level increased with trophic magnification factors (TMFs) around 2. The concentrations of HBCDs in the limnic and marine fishes were highest in the liver, followed by the gill, skin, and muscle. In terrestrial plants, the highest concentrations of HBCDs were observed in the leaf, followed by the root and the rhizosphere soil. Plants showed enantioselectivity for HBCD enantiomers, which varied with plant species and organs (leaf vs. root) of the same plant. Higher estimated daily intakes (EDIs) of HBCDs were observed from fish than from wheat.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Marine biofouling has gnawed both mobile and non-mobile marine structures since time immemorial, leading to the deterioration of designed operational...  相似文献   


In recent years, using semiconductor photocatalysts for antibiotic contaminant degradation under visible light has become a hot topic. Herein, a novel and ingenious cadmium-doped graphite phase carbon nitride (Cd-g-C3N4) photocatalyst was successfully constructed via the thermal polymerization method. Experimental and characterization results revealed that cadmium (Cd) was well doped at the g-C3N4 surface and exhibited high intercontact with g-C3N4. Additionally, the introduction of cadmium significantly improved the photocatalytic activity, and the optimum degradation efficiency of tetracycline (TC) reached 98.1%, which was exceeded 2.0 times that of g-C3N4 (43.9%). Meanwhile, the Cd-doped sample presented a higher efficiency of electrical conductivity, light absorption property, and photogenerated electron-hole pair migration compared with g-C3N4. Additionally, the quenching experiments and electron spin-resonance tests exhibited that holes (h+), hydroxyl radicals (?OH), superoxide radicals (?O2?) were the main active species involved in TC degradation. The effects of various conditions on photocatalytic degradation, such as pH, initial TC concentrations, and catalyst dosage, were also researched. Finally, the degradation mechanism was elaborated in detail. This work gives a reasonable point to synthesizing high-efficiency and economic metal-doped photocatalysts.


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