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Sea ice continues to decline across many regions of the Arctic, with remaining ice becoming increasingly younger and more dynamic. These changes alter the habitats of microbial life that live within the sea ice, which support healthy functioning of the marine ecosystem and provision of resources for human-consumption, in addition to influencing biogeochemical cycles (e.g. air–sea CO2 exchange). With the susceptibility of sea ice ecosystems to climate change, there is a pressing need to fill knowledge gaps surrounding sea ice habitats and their microbial communities. Of fundamental importance to this goal is the development of new methodologies that permit effective study of them. Based on outcomes from the DiatomARCTIC project, this paper integrates existing knowledge with case studies to provide insight on how to best document sea ice microbial communities, which contributes to the sustainable use and protection of Arctic marine and coastal ecosystems in a time of environmental change.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-021-01658-z.  相似文献   

The drifting sea ice has been suggested as important in the transport and concentration of organic matter and pollutants in the Arctic. We collected sea ice-associated amphipods in the marginal ice zone north of Svalbard and in the Fram Strait in September 1998 and 1999 to assess contaminant accumulation in ice-associated organisms. Organochlorine concentrations increased from the more herbivorous Apherusa glacialis to the more carnivorous Gammarus wilkitzkii and the more necrophagous Onisimus spp. The relative contribution of compound classes to the sum of organochlorines differed between the amphipod families, with a higher relative contribution of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) in A. glacialis. The composition of the compound classes HCHs. chlordanes and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) was similar between the amphipod families, whereas the profiles of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) differed. The occurrence of organochlorines differed spatially, with higher alpha-HCH concentrations in amphipods from the Fram Strait in comparison with amphipods collected north of Svalbard. This could be related to the sea ice drift route, since sea ice in the Fram Strait had a drift route across the central Arctic Ocean, while the sea ice north of Svalbard had a western drift route to the sampling stations. Even though marine invertebrates have direct uptake by passive diffusion of contaminants across their gills. our results imply that the species' ecology such as diet is important in the bioaccumulation process of organic pollutants. In addition, the results show that sea ice drift route influences the concentrations of organochlorine pollutants in ice-associated organisms.  相似文献   

Here we investigate the photodegradation of structurally similar organophosphorus pesticides; methyl-parathion and fenitrothion in water (20 °C) and ice (−15 °C) under environmentally-relevant conditions with the aim of comparing these laboratory findings to limited field observations. Both compounds were found to be photolyzed more efficiently in ice than in aqueous solutions, with quantum yields of degradation being higher in ice than in water (fenitrothion > methyl-parathion). This rather surprising observation was attributed to the concentration effect caused by freezing the aqueous solutions. The major phototransformation products included the corresponding oxons (methyl-paraoxon and fenitroxon) and the nitrophenols (3-methyl-nitrophenol and nitrophenol) in both irradiated water and ice samples. The presence of oxons in ice following irradiation, demonstrates an additional formation mechanism of these toxicologically relevant compounds in cold environments, although further photodegradation of oxons in ice indicates that photochemistry of OPs might be an environmentally important sink in cold environments.  相似文献   

It is shown that the 11–18 March 1983 Arctic haze episode observed at Barrow, Alaska, was caused by air pollutants being rapidly transported from Eurasia industrial sources across the Arctic. These sources emitted pollutants into an air mass forming during anticyclonic synoptic conditions. On the basis of potential temperatures observed in the haze layers over Barrow, it is hypothesized that aerosols and gases in the different layers originated from different Eurasian source regions. The Arctic haze episode at Barrow existed as long as there was a meridional large-scale circulation pattern of the Arctic atmosphere and ceased when the circulation became zonal in character.  相似文献   

Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) concentration measurements were made during the Alert 2000 campaign in Alert, Nunavut, Canada, between February and May 2000. GEM exhibits dramatic mercury depletion events (MDE) concurrently with ozone in the troposphere during the Arctic springtime. Using a cold regions pyrolysis unit, it was confirmed that GEM is converted to more reactive mercury species during the MDEs. It was determined that on average 48% of this converted GEM was recovered through pyrolysis suggesting that the remaining converted GEM is deposited on the snow surfaces. Samples collected during this campaign showed an approximate 20 fold increase in mercury concentrations in the snow from the dark to light periods. Vertical gradient air profiling experiments were conducted. In the non-depletion periods GEM was found to be invariant in the air column between surface and 1–2 m heights. During a depletion period, GEM was found to be invariant in the air column except at the surface where a noticeable increase in the GEM concentration was observed. Concurrent ozone concentration profiles showed a small gradient in the air column but a sharp decrease in ozone concentration at the surface. Other profile studies showed a 41% average GEM concentration difference between the interstitial air in the snow pack and ∼2 m above the surface suggesting that GEM is emitted from the snow pack. Further profile studies showed that during MDEs surface level GEM exhibits spikes of mercury concentrations that were over double the ambient GEM concentrations. It is thought that the solar radiation may reduce reactive mercury that is deposited on the snow surface during a MDE back to its elemental form which is then increasingly released from the snow pack as the temperature increases during the day. This is observed when wind speeds are very low.  相似文献   

A significant share of the world’s undiscovered oil and natural gas resources are assumed to lie under the seabed of the Arctic Ocean. Up until now, the exploitation of the resources especially under the European Arctic has largely been prevented by the challenges posed by sea ice coverage, harsh weather conditions, darkness, remoteness of the fields, and lack of infrastructure. Gradual warming has, however, improved the accessibility of the Arctic Ocean. We show for the most resource-abundant European Arctic Seas whether and how a climate induced reduction in sea ice might impact future accessibility of offshore natural gas and crude oil resources. Based on this analysis we show for a number of illustrative but representative locations which technology options exist based on a cost-minimization assessment. We find that under current hydrocarbon prices, oil and gas from the European offshore Arctic is not competitive on world markets.  相似文献   

A box model calculation is used to make preliminary estimates of the springtime fluxes of carbon and sulfur particles into the Arctic troposphere. These fluxes are large and can only be accounted for by major sulfur and soot sources. Comparison of these fluxes with the amount of fuel burned in various latitude bands indicates that the Arctic haze cannot be due to Arctic sources and strongly suggests that the dominant source regions are below 60°N latitude. Comparisons of Arctic sulfur fluxes with sulfur emissions on a regional and global basis indicate that significant fractions enter the Arctic.  相似文献   

Climate change alters species distributions by shifting their fundamental niche in space through time. Such effects may be exacerbated by increased inter-specific competition if climate alters species dominance where competitor ranges overlap. This study used census data, telemetry and stable isotopes to examine the population and foraging ecology of a pair of Arctic and temperate congeners across an extensive zone of sympatry in Iceland, where sea temperatures varied substantially. The abundance of Arctic Brünnich’s guillemot Uria lomvia declined with sea temperature. Accessibility of refugia in cold water currents or fjords helped support higher numbers and reduce rates of population decline. Competition with temperate Common guillemots Uria aalge did not affect abundance, but similarities in foraging ecology were sufficient to cause competition when resources are limiting. Continued warming is likely to lead to further declines of Brünnich’s guillemot, with implications for conservation status and ecosystem services.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-021-01650-7.  相似文献   

In order to establish a baseline for proxy-based reconstructions for the Young Sound–Tyrolerfjord system (Northeast Greenland), we analysed the spatial distribution of primary production and sea ice proxies in surface sediments from the fjord, against monitoring data from the Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring Programme. Clear spatial gradients in organic carbon and biogenic silica contents reflected marine influence, nutrient availability and river-induced turbidity, in good agreement with in situ measurements. The sea ice proxy IP25 was detected at all sites but at low concentrations, indicating that IP25 records from fjords need to be carefully considered and not directly compared to marine settings. The sea ice-associated biomarker HBI III revealed an open-water signature, with highest concentrations near the mid-July ice edge. This proxy evaluation is an important step towards reliable palaeoenvironmental reconstructions that will, ultimately, contribute to better predictions for this High Arctic ecosystem in a warming climate.  相似文献   

Measurements of NO and NO2 were made at a surface site (55.28 °N, 77.77 °W) near Kuujjuarapik, Canada during February and March 2008. NOx mixing ratios ranged from near zero to 350 pptv with emission from snow believed to be the dominant source. The amount of NOx was observed to be dependent on the terrain over which the airmass has passed before reaching the measurement site. The 24 h average NOx emission rates necessary to reproduce observations were calculated using a zero-dimensional box model giving rates ranging from 6.9 × 108 molecule cm?2 s?1 to 1.2 × 109 molecule cm?2 s?1 for trajectories over land and from 3.8 × 108 molecule cm?2 s?1 to 6.6 × 108 molecule cm?2 s?1 for trajectories over sea ice. These emissions are higher than those suggested by previous studies and indicate the importance of lower latitude snowpack emissions. The difference in emission rate for the two types of snow cover shows the importance of snow depth and underlying surface type for the emission potential of snow-covered areas.  相似文献   

The microbiological quality of urban wastewaters presents important environmental, sanitary, and political challenges. However, the variability of untreated wastewater quality is seldom known when it comes to microbial parameters. This study aims to evaluate the variability of microbiological quality in wastewater influents from different wastewater treatment plants connected to combined and partially separate sewer networks in the Parisian area and to evaluate the impact of this variability on the treatment efficiency and on the accuracy of wastewater effluent monitoring. The densities of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB), Escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci, and their partitioning on settleable particles were analyzed at the inlet of two wastewater treatment plants during dry weather (130 composite samples and 7 days sampled every 2 hours) and storm events (39 composite samples, and 7 rain courses) from 2008 to 2012. The results showed that fecal indicator densities vary according to the network characteristics and according to the meteorological conditions. During storm events, a significant dilution of E. coli and enterococci was observed, as well as a decrease in the settleable fraction of E. coli during the maximal impact of the storm. However, storm events did not significantly impact the regular FIB monitoring. FIB removals by primary and secondary treatment were significantly correlated with FIB densities in influent wastewater; however, meteorological conditions also influenced the removal of FIB.  相似文献   

This study focused on the occurrence and behaviour in wastewater and surface waters of several phenolic endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) including parabens, alkylphenolic compounds, phenylphenol (PhP) and bisphenol A (BPA). Analytical procedures using solid-phase-extraction and LC-MS/MS techniques were applied to samples of influents and effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) discharging into the Glatt River (Switzerland) as well as to river water samples. A mass flow analysis provided insight into the main sources and the fate of these contaminants during different weather conditions. Concentrations in influents were in the low μg/L range for most analytes. Removal of parabens in the WWTPs was mostly above 99%. Nonylphenol polyethoxylates (A9PEO) removal amounted to 98%, but in some cases nonylphenoxy acetic acid (A9PEC) or nonylphenols (NP) were formed. In effluents, concentrations were highest for the A9PEC, A9PEO and NP. Concentrations in river water were in the high ng/L range for alkylphenolic compounds and in the low ng/L range for BPA, PhP and the parabens. During the sampling period, in which several rain events occurred, both water flows and mass flows varied strongly. Mass flows in WWTP effluents and in the river increased with increasing water flows for most compounds indicating that higher water flows do not lead necessarily to a proportional dilution of the pollutants. Throughout the low water flow period, mass flows predicted from the known inputs were similar to the actual mass flows at the end of the river for most analytes. For none of the EDCs, significant in-stream removal could be observed. In the periods with high water flows, mass flows in the river were much higher than can be explained by the initially defined sources. Discharge of untreated wastewater influent into the river was assessed as an additional source. Adding this source improved the mass balance for some, but not all of the analytes.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the results of a specific experiment carried out in a deep pedestrian canyon in Athens, Greece. The air flow inside and outside the canyon as well as the air and surface temperatures inside the canyon are measured for a period of seven continuous days during the whole day and night period. The air flow characteristics inside the canyon are analyzed. For perpendicular wind speeds, the air flow inside the canyon is characterized by either a circulatory vortex driven by the ambient air flow or a double vortex flow where the upper one is driven by the ambient air flow and the lower one is driven in the opposite direction by the circulation above. When the ambient air blows parallel to the canyon, the measured wind data inside the canyon indicate a flow in the same direction. When the air flows at a certain angle to the canyon axis, the measured data indicate that a spiral vortex is induced along the canyon length. The spatial and temporal variation of the surface and air temperature distribution inside the canyon is analyzed. The heat island intensity in the canyon is estimated based on measurements from a reference station.  相似文献   

An empirical approach for simulating the infection and progress of leaf rust (caused by Puccinia triticina) during stem elongation on winter wheat was analysed for the 2000 to 2006 growing seasons. The approach was elaborated based on night weather conditions (i.e., air temperature, relative humidity and rainfall) and leaf rust occurrences. Data from three consecutive cropping seasons (2000–2002) at four representative sites of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg were used in the set-up phase. The capability to correctly simulate the occurrence expression of P. triticina infections on the upper leaf layers was then assessed over the 2003–2006 period. Our study revealed that the development of leaf rust required a period of at least 12 consecutive hours with air temperatures ranging between 8 and 16 °C, a relative humidity greater than 60 % (optimal values being 12–16 °C and up to 80 % for air temperatures and relative humidity, respectively) and rainfall less than 1 mm. Moreover, leaf rust occurrences and infections were satisfactorily simulated. The false alarm ratio was ranged from 0.06 to 0.20 in all the study sites. The probability of detection and critical success index for WLR infection were also close to 1 (perfect score).  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study aimed to investigate the impact of weather conditions on the daily incidence of the COVID-19 pandemic in late spring 2021 in Taiwan, which...  相似文献   

Weather condition is one of the most important factors affecting spatial and temporal distributions of air pollutants, especially for short-term air dispersion. Abnormal weather conditions might lead to higher or lower ambient air concentrations than they would be under normal weather conditions. Therefore, testing for normality of weather conditions during the air monitoring period is an essential step for evaluating ambient air monitoring results. In this paper, a distance method was used to select a most representative weather station from the available candidates. An array of meteorological elements were identified that affect air dispersion and transportation. A statistical method was used to determine whether the weather conditions during the air monitoring period were significantly different from that of previous years. Using methyl bromide ambient air monitoring as a case study, this paper documents the methods, procedures, and results of weather analysis for Monterey, Santa Cruz, and Kern Counties during ambient air monitoring periods for methyl bromide in the year 2000. With a few exceptions, the meteorological elements and atmospheric stability factors, such as wind speeds, wind directions, and stability classes, during the monitoring period were in the normal range. Although there were higher frequencies of stable atmospheric conditions in Monterey/Santa Cruz Counties than in Kern County, weather conditions during the monitoring period were not significantly different from normal local weather conditions of previous years. Consequently, the subchronic air concentrations observed during the ambient air monitoring periods for methyl bromide in the year 2000 was taken under typical weather conditions of those areas at that time of the year.  相似文献   

Recent data collected in the Arctic have demonstrated the transport of atmospheric aerosol of anthropogenic origin into that region. Concern over the radiative effect of the highly-absorbing soot component of this aerosol has resulted in a variety of atmospheric sampling efforts aimed at assessing the climatic impact of this component. However, little attention has been given to the measurement of soot deposited on the Arctic snowpack and the resulting perturbation of snow albedo, snowmelt rates and radiative transfer. Here we report measurements of light-absorbing material in the Arctic snowpack for longitudes from 25 E to 160 W. The contributions to light absorption due to natural crustal and soot aerosol are identified by their wavelength dependence. Reductions in Arctic snow albedo of one to several percent appear probable for the soot/ice mass fractions obtained to date. Estimates of the impact of this reduced albedo on the Arctic radiation budget over a season are shown to approximately equal that of the Arctic haze itself. The absorption of shortwave radiation by the springtime snowpack is estimated to be 5–10 % higher than that of soot-free snow for this data.  相似文献   

Firn core methanesulphonic acid (MSA) stratigraphy from Talos Dome (East Antarctica) was compared with anomalies of the satellite-measured sea ice extent (1973–1995) in the Ross Sea and Wilkes Land oceanic sector. In spite of the sparseness of sea ice data, the MSA maxima fit with many positive sea ice anomalies in the Ross Sea. This evidence suggests that marine biogenic activity enhanced by large sea ice cover is an important, but not exclusive, factor in controlling MSA concentration in snow precipitation at Talos Dome. Other than source intensity, differences in regional atmospheric transport mechanisms affect the arrival of MSA-rich aerosol at Talos Dome. To clarify the role of transport processes in bringing biogenic aerosol to Talos Dome, a spectral analysis was applied to the MSA, SOI (South Oscillation Index), and SAM (Southern Annular Mode) record. Synchronicity or phase shift between the chemical signature and atmospheric circulation modes were tested. The variations in the MSA profile have a periodicity of 6.9, 4.9, 3.5, and 2.9 years. The 6.9 and 2.9 year periodicities show a strong positive correlation and are synchronous with corresponding SOI periodicity. This variability could be related to an increase in MSA source intensity (by dimethylsulphide from phytoplanktonic activity) linked to the sea ice extent in the Ross Sea area, but also to an increased strength in transport processes. Both of these factors are correlated with La Niña events (SOI positive values). Furthermore, SAM positive values are related to an increased sea ice extent in the Ross Sea sector and show two main periodicities 3.3 and 3.8 years. These periodicities determine the MSA variability at 3.5 years. However, the effect of intensification of the polar vortex and the consequent reduction in transport process intensity, which reduce the delivery of air masses enriched in MSA from oceanic areas to Talos Dome, make the effect of the SAM on the MSA concentration at Talos Dome less active than the SOI. In this way, snow deposition at the Talos Dome records larger MSA concentration by the combined effects of increased source emissions and more efficient transport processes. The MSA record from Talos Dome can therefore be considered a reliable proxy of sea ice extent when the effect of changes in transport processes in this region of Antarctica is considered. Over the previous 140 years, these conditions occur with a periodicity of 6.9 years.  相似文献   

Hein CL  Ohlund G  Englund G 《Ambio》2012,41(Z3):303-312
Novel communities will be formed as species with a variety of dispersal abilities and environmental tolerances respond individually to climate change. Thus, models projecting future species distributions must account for species interactions and differential dispersal abilities. We developed a species distribution model for Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus, a freshwater fish that is sensitive both to warm temperatures and to species interactions. A logistic regression model using lake area, mean annual air temperature (1961-1990), pike Esox lucius and brown trout Salmo trutta occurrence correctly classified 95?% of 467 Swedish lakes. We predicted that Arctic char will lose 73?% of its range in Sweden by 2100. Predicted extinctions could be attributed both to simulated temperature increases and to projected pike invasions. The Swedish mountains will continue to provide refugia for Arctic char in the future and should be the focus of conservation efforts for this highly valued fish.  相似文献   

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