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Data from weekly global measurements of nitrous oxide from 1981 to the end of 1996 are presented. The results show that there is more N2O in the northern hemisphere by about 0.7 +/- 0.04 ppbv, and the Arctic to Antarctic difference is about 1.2 +/- 0.1 ppbv. Concentrations at locations influenced by continental air are higher than at marine sites, showing the existence of large land-based emissions. For the period studied, N2O increased at an average rate of about 0.6 ppbv/year (approximately 0.2%/year) although there were periods when the rates were substantially different. Using ice core data, a record of N2O can be put together that goes back about 1000 years. It shows pre-industrial levels of about 287 +/- 1 ppbv and that concentrations have now risen by about 27 ppbv or 9.4% over the last century. The ice core data show that N2O started increasing only during the 20th century. The data presented here represent a comprehensive view of the present global distribution of N20 and its historical and recent trends.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate long-term hydroclimatic changes and their possible relation to regional changes in climate, land-use and water-use over the twentieth century in the transboundary Sava River Catchment (SRC) in South Eastern Europe. In a hydropower dominated part of the SRC, unlike in an unregulated part, we find increase in average annual evapotranspiration and decrease in temporal runoff variability, which are not readily explainable by observed concurrent climate change in temperature and precipitation and may be more related to landscape-internal change drivers. Among the latter investigated here, results indicate hydropower developments as most closely related to the found hydroclimatic shifts, consistent with previous such indications in studies of Swedish hydropower catchments. Overall, the present results have quantitatively framed the recent history and present state of hydroclimate in the SRC, of relevance for water resources in several countries and for a majority of their populations. This provides a useful basis for further assessment of possible future hydroclimatic changes, under different scenarios of climate change and land/water-use developments in the region.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s13280-015-0641-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A snowpit in Coats Land, Antarctica, has been sampled in order to obtain a record of Cd, Cu and Zn covering the period 1923–1986. The snowpit record gives an indication of southern hemisphere (SH) pollution reaching Antarctica. For Zn, concentrations (averaging 1.5 ng kg-1) can be explained as arising from natural crustal dust (based on Zn/Al ratios). No increase is observed over the period of the record here, despite a large increase in emissions from smelting operations. The main emitters are near the equator, and this may explain the lack of response in the Antarctic record. For Cd, concentrations (averaging 0.1 ng kg-1) cannot easily be explained in terms of natural emissions, unless the volcanic input is dominant. No significant increase is seen in the snow for this metal also. For Cu, the natural input can explain only a small part of the concentration (averaging 3.5 ng kg-1) measured, and increased concentrations (factor 2) are seen in the 1970s and 1980s compared to earlier decades. This is consistent with increased emissions from Cu smelting activities, particularly in Chile, where emissions are relatively far south compared to the main part of SH landmasses. Cu thus joins Pb as a metal whose natural cycle has been significantly perturbed even in the Antarctic atmosphere.  相似文献   

This paper examines the increasingly fashionable view that vast tree plantations are a viable way of mitigating the climatic effects of industrial carbon dioxide emissions. It argues that this approach to global warming is based on bad science, enlarges rather than reduces richer societies' ecological footprint, and reinforces neo-colonialist structures of power.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Owing to rapid socio-economic development in China, trace metal emissions have increased and lakes even in remote areas have experienced marked...  相似文献   

Broman E  Wallin K  Stéen M  Cederlund G 《Ambio》2002,31(5):409-416
In the 1980s, people in Sweden frequently responded to moose (Alces alces) found dead or in poor physical condition. The number of moose submitted for routine investigations to the National Veterinary Institute (SVA) increased tenfold and the hunters in Alvsborg County were especially concerned. Later, a complex wasting syndrome was described and reports of moose suffering from the syndrome have been collected since 1991. Today, there is no definitive answer as to the underlying causel(s) of the syndrome, but there are several plausible hypotheses that can be divided into two groups: food-related and host-parasite related. The food-related hypotheses are postulated to have any of the following ultimate causes: acidification/liming, browser density/food production or pollution. Our view is that few of the hypotheses have been critically tested. Most of the hypotheses are supported by some observations, which is to be expected because these are post-hoc attempts to explain these very observations.  相似文献   

The recent regulatory actions toward a longer-term (i.e., 8-hr) average ozone standard have brought forth the potential for many rural areas in the eastern United States to be in noncompliance. However, since a majority of these rural areas have generally few sources of anthropogenic emissions, the measured ozone levels primarily reflect the effects of the transport of ozone and its precursor pollutants and natural emissions. While photochemical grid models have been applied to urban areas to develop ozone mitigation measures, these efforts have been limited to high ozone episode events only and do not adequately cover rural regions. In this study, we applied a photochemical modeling system, RAMS/UAM-V, to the eastern United States from June 1-August 31, 1995. The purpose of the study is to examine the predictive ability of the modeling system at rural monitoring stations that are part of the Clean Air Status Trends Network (CASTNet) and the Gaseous Pollutant Monitoring Program (GPMP). The results show that the measured daily 1-hr ozone maxima and the seasonal average of the daily 1-hr ozone maxima are in better agreement with the predictions of the modeling system than those for the daily 8-hr ozone maxima. Also, the response of the modeling system in reproducing the measured range of ozone levels over the diurnal cycle is poor, suggesting the need for improvement in the treatment of the physical and chemical processes of the modeling system during the nighttime and morning hours if it is to be used to address the 8-hr ozone standard.  相似文献   

Moen J  Danell O 《Ambio》2003,32(6):397-402
During the last decade, several well-publicized grazing-related incidents of vegetation degradation have helped to form an official opinion of overutilization of some mountain areas and a concern that Swedish reindeer husbandry may not be ecologically sustainable. We examine these examples in a temporal and management perspective to assess the scale of impact on summer grazing grounds in the Swedish mountains. Long-term data on population dynamics of reindeer show no trend with fluctuations around 225 000 animals for the last century. Data on grazing effects from L?ngfj?llet (Dalarna) and Mitt?kl?ppen (H?rjedalen) are discussed in detail. We compare these data to the situation in Finnmark, Norway, and in northern Finland where reindeer husbandry in recent decades does not seem to have been ecologically sustainable. We conclude that large-scale overexploitation by reindeer in the Swedish mountains is not evident. However, strong grazing and trampling effects may be found around enclosures and fences.  相似文献   

Metal pollution is a current environmental issue as a consequence of unregulated anthropic activiy. A wide range of bioremediation strategies have been successfully implemented to recover contaminated areas. Among them, bacterial bioremediation stands out as a promising tool to confront these types of concerns. This study aimed to compare and discuss worldwide scientific evolution of bacterial potential for metal bioremediation in aquatic ecosystems. The study consisted of a systematic review, elaborated through a conceptual hypothesis model, during the period from 2000 to 2016, using PubMed, MEDLINE, and SciELO databases as data resources. The countries with the largest number of reports included in this work were India and the USA. Industrial wastewater discharge was the main subject associated to metal contamination/pollution and where bacterial bioremediations have mostly been applied. Biosorption is the main bioremediation mechanism described. Bacterial adaptation to metal presence was discussed in all the selected studies, and chromium was the most researched bioremedied substrate. Gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosas and the Gram-positive Bacillus subtilis bacteria were microorganisms with the greatest applicability for metal bioremediation. Most reports involved the study of genes and/or proteins related to metal metabolism and/or resistence, and Chromobacterium violaceum was the most studied. The present work shows the relevance of metal bacterial bioremediation through the high number of studies aimed at understanding the microbiological mechanisms involved. Moreover, the developed processes applied in removal and/or reducing the resulting environmental metal contaminant/pollutant load have become a current and increasingly biotechnological issue for recovering impacted areas.  相似文献   

Leif Kullman 《Ambio》2010,39(2):159-169
Alpine plant life is proliferating, biodiversity is on the rise and the mountain world appears more productive and inviting than ever. Upper range margin rise of trees and low-altitude (boreal) plant species, expansion of alpine grasslands and dwarf-shrub heaths are the modal biotic adjustments during the past few decades, after a century of substantial climate warming in the Swedish Scandes. This course of biotic landscape evolution has reached historical dimensions and broken a multi-millennial trend of plant cover retrogression, alpine tundra expansion, floristic and faunal impoverishment, all imposed by progressive and deterministic neoglacial climate cooling. Continued modest warming over the present century will likely be beneficial to alpine biodiversity, geoecological stability, resilience, sustainable reindeer husbandry and aesthetic landscape qualities. These aspects are highlighted by an integrative review of results from long-term monitoring of subalpine/alpine vegetation in the Swedish Scandes. This forms the basis for some tentative projections of landscape transformations in a potentially warmer future. Notably, these results and projections are not necessarily valid in other regions and differ in some respects from model predictions. Continued monitoring is mandatory as a basis for generation of more realistic vegetation and ecosystem models.  相似文献   

随着各项环保措施的深入实施,北京市大气环境质量进一步改善的难度逐渐加大。对北京市"十二五"时期的大气污染物排放总量控制工作进行了经验总结,并分析了"十三五"时期大气污染物的排放形势和减排压力。在此基础上,从6个方面提出了北京市"十三五"期间大气污染物排放总量控制的基本思路。  相似文献   

In order to compare the abilities of arctic and temperate fish to accumulate PCBs we conduct a metabolic analysis to determine how process rates in a mathematical fish contaminant model change with temperature. We evaluate the model by applying the original and adapted models to estimate PCB concentrations in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Trout Lake, Ontario, Canada, and in arctic char (Salvelinus alphinus) in Lake ?yangen, in the Norwegian high arctic. Modeled concentrations are, for the most part, within 50% of mean measured values and are comparable to the error associated with the fish data. In order to evaluate differences in fish bioaccumulation processes, the model is applied to hypothetical arctic and temperate systems, assuming the same contaminant input values in water and diet. The model predicts that temperate salmonids are able to biomagnify PCBs 6-60% more than arctic salmonids. For all congeners, the lower BMF(MAX) of arctic fish contribute to their lower concentrations. For congeners with log K(ow) < 6.0, the lower concentrations in arctic fish are also attributed to faster loss due to gill ventilation. Faster growth rates for temperate fish reduce the difference in bioaccumulation for congeners with log K(ow) > 7.0. These processes are controlled by the influence of lipid in the fish and their diet as well as the dependence of growth on temperature. We suggest that fish models originally calibrated for temperate systems may be directly applied to arctic lakes after accounting for the lipid content of the fish and their diet as well as water temperature.  相似文献   

High levels of species richness and endemism make Myanmar a regional priority for conservation. However, decades of economic and political sanctions have resulted in low conservation investment to effectively tackle threats to biodiversity. Recent sweeping political reforms have placed Myanmar on the fast track to economic development—the expectation is increased economic investments focused on the exploitation of the country’s rich, and relatively intact, natural resources. Within a context of weak regulatory capacity and inadequate environmental safeguards, rapid economic development is likely to have far-reaching negative implications for already threatened biodiversity and natural-resource-dependent human communities. Climate change will further exacerbate prevailing threats given Myanmar’s high exposure and vulnerability. The aim of this review is to examine the implications of increased economic growth and a changing climate within the larger context of biodiversity conservation in Myanmar. We summarize conservation challenges, assess direct climatological impacts on biodiversity and conclude with recommendations for long-term adaptation approaches for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Three blends formed by: (i) food processing waste (CP(FP)), (ii) waste water sewage sludge (CP(WW)), and (iii) their mixture (CP(FP+WW)), blended with tree pruning as bulking agent, were composted over 3 months. During composting the blends were monitored for the main physical-chemical characteristics: temperature, oxygen saturation level (O(2)%), pH, total and volatile solids, total organic carbon, and organic nitrogen (N(org)). In addition to the main parameters, the dissolved organic carbon (DOC), the inorganic nitrogen and the Oxygen Uptake Rate (OUR) were monitored. All the mixtures easily reached a peak temperature around 70°C, related to the lowest O(2)%. After 90 d, CP(FP), CP(FP+WW), and CP(WW) showed an organic matter mineralization of 43%, 35% and 33%, respectively; CP(FP) fitted an exponential model while both CP(FP+WW), and CP(WW) fitted a logistic model. During composting an OUR reduction of 79%, 78% and 73% was registered in CP(FP), CP(FP+WW), and CP(WW), respectively; the OUR successfully fitted the adopted exponential model and well reflected the stabilization process in time. The N(org) recovery at the end of the process was positive only in CP(WW) (11.6%). The DOC significantly decreased during the composting process but did not successfully fit any model. The mineral nitrogen did not follow the typical pattern with NH(4)(+) disappearance and NO(3)(-) accumulation. Strong NO(3)(-) losses were evident in all blends, while NH(4)(+) accumulations were detectable only in CP(FP), and CP(FP+WW). The NH(4)(+)/NO(3)(-) ratio did not satisfactorily reflect the composting process over time. The comparison of the first order (exponential) and logistic (sigmoidal) models applied to the OUR and OM course highlights the role of mineral nitrogen as limiting factor during composting of the more stabilized sludge.  相似文献   

Precipitation chemistry from different regions of the Continental United States is characterized in terms of a graph of annual mean μ (+) vs μ(−), where μ (+) = Ca2+ +Mg+2 + NH+4 + K+ and Na+,and σ (−) = SO2−4 + NO 3 + Cl; concentrations are given in μeq. ℓ−1. Sites receiving acid precipitation (pH < 4.5) tend to lie below a slope of 0.5 on such a graph, whereas sites that receive a (H+) < 31.6 μeq. ℓ−1 (i.e pH > 4.5) tend to cluster near a line of slope one. Four regions. North Central (Minnesota, Wisconsin), Midwest (Illinois, Ohio), East Central (North Carolina, Virginia), and North East (Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine) are presented as areas in terms of minimum and maximum μ (+) and μ (−) values. Seasonal variations of μ (+) and σ (−) tend to occur along lines of constant slope within these regions. The results from the last decade have been compared with the few measurements from the 1950s. Although one possible interpretation from this comparison is that σ(−) has increased in one or more of the regions considered, this view is tempered by the inherent difficulty in comparing single sites with regions.  相似文献   

Risks can be characterised by several parameters. A risk is commonly defined to be the product of the extent of damage and the probability of its occurrence. But there are several other characteristics to be taken into account: degree of certainty in determining extent and probability, persistency, ubiquity, irreversibility, delay effect and mobilisation potential. As potential risks of genetically modified plants (GMPs), resistance to antibiotics, impact on non-target organisms, spread of genes and GMOs, and secondary consequences, e.g. on cultivation practice, are discussed in detail. Risks of GMPs are, in general, characterised by high uncertainty of the magnitude and probability of damage, a high mobilisation potential and a delay effect.  相似文献   

Disruption of the global nitrogen cycle by humans results primarily from activities associated with food and energy production. Since the middle of the twentieth century, human activities have more than doubled inputs of nitrogen to the Earth’s ecosystems. This new nitrogen is in chemically and biologically active forms (reactive N) and moves through the environment causing an array of health and environmental problems. Research published in Ambio for the past three decades has been documenting this major global-scale problem and has catalyzed the formation of a science-led initiative, the International Nitrogen Initiative (INI), which has informed policies to manage the global nitrogen cycle. Currently, gaps and opportunities in nitrogen pollution policies still exist and require new interdisciplinary science to help to place the nitrogen management challenge in the context of the other environmental grand challenges of our time including climate change and biodiversity loss because their solutions will be interconnected.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence suggests that short episodes of high exposure to air pollution occur while commuting. These events can result in potentially adverse health effects. We present a quantification of the exposure of car passengers and cyclists to particulate matter (PM). We have simultaneously measured concentrations (PNC, PM2.5 and PM10) and ventilatory parameters (minute ventilation (VE), breathing frequency and tidal volume) in three Belgian locations (Brussels, Louvain-la-Neuve and Mol) for 55 persons (38 male and 17 female). Subjects were first driven by car and then cycled along identical routes in a pairwise design. Concentrations and lung deposition of PNC and PM mass were compared between biking trips and car trips.Mean bicycle/car ratios for PNC and PM are close to 1 and rarely significant. The size and magnitude of the differences in concentrations depend on the location which confirms similar inconsistencies reported in literature. On the other hand, the results from this study demonstrate that bicycle/car differences for inhaled quantities and lung deposited dose are large and consistent across locations. These differences are caused by increased VE in cyclists which significantly increases their exposure to traffic exhaust. The VE while riding a bicycle is 4.3 times higher compared to car passengers. This aspect has been ignored or severely underestimated in previous studies. Integrated health risk evaluations of transport modes or cycling policies should therefore use exposure estimates rather than concentrations.  相似文献   

A pilot study was conducted to evaluate the performance and agreement of several commercially available black carbon (BC) measurement instruments, when applied to the quantification of BC in light-duty vehicle (LDV) exhaust. Samples from six vehicles, three fuels, and three driving cycles were used. The pilot study included determinations of the method detection limit (MDL) and repeatability. With respect to the MDL, the real-time instruments outperformed the time-integrated instruments, with MDL = 0.12 mg/mi for the AE51 Aethalometer, and 0.15 mg/mi for the Micro Soot Sensor (MSS), versus 0.38 mg/mi for the IMPROVE_A thermal/optical method, and 0.35 mg/mi for the OT21_T Optical Transmissometer. The real-time instruments had repeatability values ranging from 30% to 35%, which are somewhat better than those of the time-integrated instruments (40–41%). These results suggest that, despite being less resource intensive, real-time methods can be equivalent or superior to time-integrated methods in terms of sensitivity and repeatability. BC mass data, from the photoacoustic and light attenuation instruments, were compared against same-test EC data, determined using the IMPROVE_A method. The MSS BC data was well correlated with EC, with R 2 = 0.85 for the composite results and R2 = 0.86 for the phase-by-phase (PBP) results. The correlation of BC, by the AE51, AE22, and OT21_T, with EC was moderate to weak. The weaker correlation was driven by the inclusion of US06 test data in the linear regression analysis. We hypothesize that test-cycle-dependent BC:EC ratios are due to the different physicochemical properties of particulate matter (PM) in US06 and Federal Test Procedure (FTP) tests. Correlation amongst the real-time MSS, PASS-1, AE51, and AE22 instruments was excellent (R2 = 0.83–0.95), below 1 mg/mi levels. In the process of investigating these BC instruments, we learned that BC emissions at sub-1 mg/mi levels can be measured and are achievable by current-generation gasoline engines.

Implications: Most comparison studies of black carbon (BC) measurement methods were carried out in the ambient air. This study assesses the agreement among various BC measurement instrument in emissions from light-duty gasoline vehicles (LDGVs) on standard test cycles, and evaluates applicability of these methods under various fuel types, driving cycles, and engine combustion technologies. This research helps to fill in the knowledge gap of BC method standardization as stated in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2011 Report to Congress on Black Carbon, and these results demonstrate the feasibility of quantification of BC at the 1 mg/mi PM standard in California Low Emission Vehicle III regulations.  相似文献   

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