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The demographic parameters (sex and age structure, fecundity, and population growth) and the main environmental factors (legal hunting and poaching, predators, weather, and food supply) affecting the structure and dynamics of the large Tartarian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus Pall.) population of Kurgan oblast were studied. The question of the conformity between the population size and the carrying capacity of its range is considered.  相似文献   

The methane concentration profile from -1.5m depth in soil to 32m height in air was measured in alpine steppe located in the permafrost area. Methane concentrations showed widely variations both in air and in soil during the study period. The mean concentrations in atmosphere were all higher than those in soil, and the highest methane concentration was found in air at the height of 16m with the lowest concentration occurring at the depth of 1.5m in soil. The variations of atmospheric methane concentrations did not show any clear pattern both temporally and spatially, although they exhibited a more steadystable state than those in soil. During the seasonal variations, the methane concentrations at different depths in soil were significantly correlated (R^2〉0.6) with each other comparing to the weak correlations (R^2〈0.2) between the atmospheric concentra- tions at different heights. Mean methane concentrations in soil significantly decreased with depth. This was the compositive influence of the decreasing production rates and the increasing methane oxidation rates, which was caused by the descent soil moisture with depth. Although the methane concentrations at all depths varied widely during the growing season, they showed very distinct temporal variations in the non-growing season. It was indicated from the literatures that methane oxidation rates were positively correlated with soil temperature. The higher methane concentrations in soil during the winter were determined by the lower methane oxidation rates with decreasing soil temperatures, whereas methane production rates had no reaction to the lower temperature. Relations between methane contribution and other environmental factors were not discussed in this paper for lacking of data, which impulse us to carry out further and more detailed studies in this unique area.  相似文献   

Meteorological elements and CO2 fluxes over alpine meadow ecosystem were observed continuously from 2004 to 2005in Damxung Alpine Meadow Flux Station,China Flux Network.Based on the eddy covariance CO2 fluxes and meteorological data obtained,the relationships among the CO2 fluxes,the cloud amount,and the meteorological factors in alpine meadow ecosystem were explored and analyzed.Some conclusions can be drawn from the discussion with previous researches as following:(1)the cloud amount can affect the net ecosystem CO2 exchange(NEE)of alpine meadow on Tibetan Plateau;(2)the soil temperature sensitive to the cloud amount,is a major environmental controlling factor for NEE,and closely relates to the maximum of NEE.In the morning period with large cloud amount,the NEE reaches its maximum when the clearness index ranges from 0.5 to 0.7; yet in the afternoon it comes to the maximum with the index from 0.2 to 0.35.The span of soil temperature covers from 12 to 15℃ as the NEE at its highest;(3)the scatterplots between NEE and photosynthetic available radiation(PAR)was a significant inverse triangle in the clear day,two different kinds of concave curves in the cloudy day,and strongly convergent rectangular hyperbola in the overcast day.These differences were controlled by the changes of light radiation and soil temperature.  相似文献   

Alpine areas in northwestern Yunnan, China possess globally significant levels of biodiversity and are important locally for livelihood activities such as livestock grazing and medicinal plant collection. Because local land use has important impacts on alpine conditions and communities have significant capacity to manage alpine resources, we emphasized local collaboration during the initial stages of conservation planning. Our collaboration with local communities investigated how livelihood strategies affect the condition of alpine resources in northwestern Yunnan and how future conservation efforts can be compatible with local livelihoods. We sampled three livestock herding sites, each within a different alpine sub-region, using open-ended interviews and maximum variation sampling. According to interviewees, livestock grazing within the alpine zone currently does not appear to be negatively impacting the availability of forage. Medicinal plant collection, however, is showing unsustainable trends. Tourism is as yet a nascent industry, but is seen as having great potential by those interviewed. It is clear that with increases in population, access to regional markets, and tourism, northwestern Yunnan’s rich alpine resources will require careful management. In addition to the data collected, we found that the methodology used may be widely applicable to organizations with limited resources that wish to engage local communities during the formative stages of regional-level conservation planning.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Ecology - Analysis of hunting samples of the Kamchatka sable population for 2001–2013 has revealed changes in the reproductive parameters of females over the period from...  相似文献   

破碎化改变了生态系统的结构和功能,限制了其服务价值发挥,不同破碎化因子对生态系统服务价值的作用效应及其相互关系仍有待揭示。以苏州为案例地,基于多时相遥感影像数据和镇域单元尺度,探究了1995~2015年不同时段生态系统服务价值、破碎化的时空特征,重点借助地理探测器方法揭示了破碎化因子及其相互之间对生态系统服务价值的作用效应。结果表明:(1)生态系统服务价值稳中趋减,空间分布由高值与低值的极化趋势逐渐趋向相对均衡;(2)破碎化日益加剧,空间分布表现为“相互独立→集聚→高度集聚→集聚”的演化规律;(3)破碎化因子对生态系统服务整体及各类型的作用力和解释水平趋弱,斑块密度、聚集度在各项服务中均表现出较强且持续的作用力;(4)因子之间为非线性、线性增强的交互作用方式,破坏与保护效果均较为显著;(5)斑块密度与其他因子的交互作用增效强度、风险区域、生态差异均为最强,是保护优化的重点和突破点。关键因子、作用方式及风险识别对生态系统服务价值的影响机制具有一定丰富,可为生态系统的高效保护和规划政策制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Permafrost degradation is prevalent on the Qinghai-Ti-bet Plateau. This may lead to changes in water and heat transition in soils and thus affect the structure and function of ecosystems. In this paper...  相似文献   

基于湖北省沙洋县农地细碎化治理经验,分析了在“三权分置”改革背景下,开展农地细碎化治理的社会路径及其效果、效益。研究结果显示:(1)农民对农地细碎化治理的需求较强,“三权分置”改革可以增强农民的土地获得感和土地调整能力,使他们既作为农地细碎化治理结果的“受益者”,又作为农地细碎化治理过程的“主导者”;(2)借助“承包权”和“经营权”的分离,稳定农户的“承包权”,调整细碎耕地的“经营权”,使“承包者”与“经营者”都可以获取合理的产权预期;(3)地方政府和村集体在土地调整过程中发挥着协调与整合的重要作用,它们通过如理性计算与长远规划等具有地方特色的策略,能够有效提高农地细碎化治理的执行效率。研究发现:农地细碎化治理的社会路径可以实现较好的治理效果,并具有显著的经济效益和社会效益,有助于维护农村的社会稳定与可持续发展。研究建议:伴随农地确权工作进程,当前是实现农地细碎化治理的较好契机。全国其它地区可以结合村庄实际、地方资源与农民需求,选择诸如“经营权”流转、互换等多种适宜的土地调整形式,有效破解农地细碎化困境,进一步提高我国农地资源配置效率。  相似文献   

人口问题是我国的基本问题,人口老龄化是人类的必然发展过程。随着人口老龄化的加剧,关注老年人、发展老龄产业逐渐成为社会发展的焦点。与此同时,互联网的普及使人们对电子商务由陌生到熟知,互联网已不再成为年轻人的专利,越来越多的老年人也加入到网民的行列。随着社会的进步和科技的发展,人口老龄化与电子商务作为两种必然趋势,备受人们关注。人口老龄化与电子商务之间究竟有什么关系,它们怎样相互影响的?本文将通过建立二者的关系模型,从定性的角度对此问题进行分析。  相似文献   

1 BACKGROUND OF FLOATING POPULATIONIN CHINAChina's urbanization process was influenced mainly bythe government interventions before the adoption of thesocial and economic reform started in 1978. Since thefoundation of the People's Republic of China, thegovernment had strictly controlled the internal migration,especially from rural to urban areas. The ability of thegovernment to make a strong impact on the migrationand urbanization was realized by the household registrationsyste…  相似文献   


Floating population is a special population group in China resulting from the implementation of household registration system. This paper uses a set of floating population survey data, population censuses data and statistical data to analyze the increase and influence of floating population on the urban population situations in Beijing. It is found that Beijing has experienced a rapid increase of floating population since the 1990s and that the increase of this group has become the key factor of the current population expansion in the city. Its distribution in the urban regions intensified and extended the suburbanization process of the capital. In addition, the population structures of sex, age, education and employment in Beijing have changed to some extent due to the influx of floating population.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Ecology - Patterns of interaction of an oligophagous insect, black-veined white Aporia crataegi L., with host plants in years with a low density of its natural population are...  相似文献   

研究1990—2004年上海户籍人口分布变动情况。发现1993年上海人口分布变动出现拐点。1994年人口分布变动与郊区化明显活跃。通过建立模型进行模拟。对上海人口郊区化的经济影响因素分析。得出以下结论:人均GDP、城市基础设施投资和住宅投资这三个经济因素对上海城市人口郊区化产生重要影响;上海人均GDP恰好为2000美元时,上海城市人口郊区化明显活跃。这与西方发达国家在人均GDP3000美元时人口郊区化活跃形成对比。  相似文献   

我国劳动力流动伴随着经济发展和区域经济差异呈现出特殊的流动特征和趋势:改革开放以来大量的劳动力流向东南沿海。本文利用我国31个省份1997-2009年的人口总抚养负担系数、从业人员比重以及地区生产总值数据,构建省际面板数据模型,分析总人口中不同年龄阶段的人口对区域经济的影响,分别对东部12省、中部9省以及西部10省的人口弹性进行研究,结果表明我国人口抚养负担的下降对1997-2009年各地区经济增长均表现出促进作用,但中部地区人口弹性最大、东部次之、西部地区人口弹性最小。分析其原因在于:人口年龄结构的变化和经济社会发展水平的差异,使得各地区在吸引劳动力和有效利用劳动力方面差异扩大,反之落后。区域劳动力的大量流出减弱了抚养负担下降对本地的经济促进作用。本文提出,未来将更多的人力资本和教育资源投向西部,是引导劳动力资源合理配置,促使经济均衡增长、产业顺利转移、解决结构性失业等问题的关键所在。  相似文献   

面对人口老龄化对经济发展的影响.应以养老和健康保障为先导.逐步加大对社会保障基金的投入.充实基本养老保险和医疗保险基金.建立和完善与生产力发展水平相适应的社会保障制度.继续推进社会保障社会化和产业结构调整的力度.建议政府应大力发展老龄产业。政府必须从实际出发.坚持科学发展观.逐步建立和完善老年社会养老制度和福利制度.根据老年消费市场状况.规范、引导投资.调整、优化产业结构用产业化、市场化、社会化的新运行机制.推进安老、养老产业的发展.根据老年人的不同需求,有计划的发展老龄产业、开发老年用品.增设老年服务项目.满足老年人在物质和文化方面的发展需要.以促使人口老龄化与经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

The population dynamics of moose, wild boar, and roe deer in the Middle Urals and changes in the proportion of females among the animals taken by hunters were analyzed. For all the three species, a tendency toward selective hunting for females was revealed. In this situation, the proportion of females in a population decreases with time, and its reproductive potential is impaired.  相似文献   

土地细碎化与农村劳动力转移研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着农村剩余劳动力告罄,迫切需要转变农业生产技术与经营方式来释放更多农村劳动力。作为中国农业经营的主要特征之一,土地细碎化是否阻碍了劳动力转移呢?为回答这个研究疑问,本文从理论层面系统地分析了土地细碎化影响农村劳动力转移的各种可能路径及其依据的条件,在此基础上利用农村固定观察点数据进行实证测度。数据描述表明,纵向来看中国耕地细碎化和种植多样化的程度一直在降低,与此同时非农就业持续增加,意味着两者的负相关关系。然而,横向分组对比来看,参与非农就业的农户或劳动力其土地细碎化程度更高。为了控制其他因素的影响进行了计量模型估计。农户非农劳动供给的double-hurdle模型结果表明,土地细碎化不仅降低了农户参与非农劳动供给的概率,还降低了劳动供给时间。劳动力就业选择的Mprobit模型结果表明,土地细碎化既降低劳动力兼职型从事非农就业的概率,也降低了全职型从事非农就业的概率,且对后者的作用更大。随着客观形势的变化,土地细碎化的不利一面正越来越突出;现在土地细碎化已经成为农村劳动力转移的障碍因素。近年来可以观察到一些涌现出来的削减土地细碎化的措施,例如,集体土地重新分配中新规则、通过土地租赁市场的置换合并或整片流转等。政府可以为上述转变提供相应的政策支持,也可以补贴或直接投资农村的土地整理项目。目前正在推广的承包地确权制度倾向于固化土地细碎化产权,后确权时代如何削减细碎化有待进行政策讨论。  相似文献   

基于DEM与1995、2005、2015年土地利用数据,通过InVEST模型、GIS空间分析方法评估长江中游经济带生境质量的时空分异特征,并采用回归分析、地形位指数研究生境质量的地形梯度效应。结果表明:(1)长江中游经济带生境质量空间分布差异较大,整体上水平较高。高质量生境主要分布于山地丘陵区及水域,低质量生境分布于农业城市区;(2)1995~2015年,境内高质量生境存在向低质量退化的趋势,平均生境质量略有下降;(3)生境质量变化水平呈现"北部及东部提升-中部及南部下降"的空间格局,江汉平原和江西省东部地区的生境质量有所提升,生境质量下降区域主要位于中部重要城市连接成的环形带上;(4)生境质量存在显著的地形梯度效应,随着地形位提升,高等级生境质量的县级单元数量逐渐增加,平均生境质量相应提升。1995~2015年,1等地形位的生境质量提升,其余等级地形位的生境质量表现为下降趋势。研究结果有助于揭示长江中游经济带生境质量的时空变化过程,可为长江中游经济带生物多样性保护和土地利用规划提供理论支持。  相似文献   

青海省限制开发区人口容量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对主体功能区划分后,必然会由此突现一些问题,其中合理的人口容量就是亟待解决的关键问题之一。青海省地处青藏高原东北部,是连接青藏高原,西北地区及华中地区的重要区域,其区域内有三江源等重要的生态功能区,该区域的生态建设和经济发展具有很重要的意义。尤其是在青海省内限制开发区面积较大,其发展更有着举足轻重的作用。本文以青海省主体功能区的划分为基础,借鉴相关的研究成果,利用适度人口容量的PRE预测方法,预测并讨论青海省限制开发区的适度人口容量,分析了适度人口容量和该地区可持续发展的关系,提出了人口迁移的意见,将对青海省主体功能区的形成和发展有一定的借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

In this paper, an approach to simulate the spatial distribution of urban population is proposed using urban land use and population statistical data through the geographical information systems (GIS). Then, the spatial population distribution of Urumqi as a case is simulated by the approach mentioned above and its varying patterns are analyzed by the raster population surface. As a result, producing raster population surface is more accurate and natural than the traditional choropleth map of population density. Concerning the spatial population distribution of Urumqi, the population density declines from south to north and the population distribution mainly presents' "T-type", the population distribution presents multicentre agglomeration and the population distribution of the districts shows different features. The population density varies significantly with the increase in the distance from central business district (CBD). Finally, it is found in this paper that the development history of districts, terrain and traffic road are main factors that have an influence Urumqi's population distribution. This paper tries to provide more accurate population data for the plan and management of urban land, traffic and public facilities in order to enrich the researches on urban population distribution.  相似文献   

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