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The influence of visitors on macroinvertebrates of rocky intertidal shores was investigated in southern coasts of the Qeshm Island, the Persian Gulf, Iran. Qeshm Island located at the Strait of Hormuz, with an area of 1,491 km2, is the largest island in the region. This island consists of a number of important natural habitat types including creeks, mangroves, corals, and sandy, muddy, and rocky shores that accommodate diverse marine flora and fauna communities. Two rocky shores were selected at the touristic beaches being visited regularly, and further two control locations selected at pristine shores. Intertidal macroinvertebrates were collected from six microhabitats including rock platforms, cobbles, boulders, crevices, sea walls, and rock pools during two different periods representing high and low tourist seasons. Species richness, density, and assemblage structure in heavily visited shores were compared with that of control locations. Striped barnacles (Balanus amphitrite) were present on platforms of all locations, thus the changes in their size were used as the obvious contrast associated with visitor’s impact. A total of 70 macroinvertebrate species from 11 phyla were recorded. Significant differences were detected in taxonomic richness, density, and assemblage structure of macroinvertebrates between heavily visited and pristine shores, suggesting that macroinvertebrates were adversely affected by visitors’ impact at heavily visited shores. The test of changes in species richness, density, and assemblage structure from high to low seasons yielded mixed results. The significant changes in density and assemblage structure from high to low seasons were only observed in one heavily visited shore. A significant reduction in size of striped barnacles was observed only in one heavily visited shore. The opportunistic or fugitive species (e.g., small macroalgae and barnacles) were dominant macroinvertebrates on heavily visited shores indicating early succession stage. The results presented here showed that macroinvertebrates were adversely affected by human activities in subtropical rocky shore.  相似文献   

We used variance components to assess allocation of sampling effort in a hierarchically nested sampling design for ongoing monitoring of early life history stages of the federally endangered Devils Hole pupfish (DHP) (Cyprinodon diabolis). Sampling design for larval DHP included surveys (5 days each spring 2007–2009), events, and plots. Each survey was comprised of three counting events, where DHP larvae on nine plots were counted plot by plot. Statistical analysis of larval abundance included three components: (1) evaluation of power from various sample size combinations, (2) comparison of power in fixed and random plot designs, and (3) assessment of yearly differences in the power of the survey. Results indicated that increasing the sample size at the lowest level of sampling represented the most realistic option to increase the survey’s power, fixed plot designs had greater power than random plot designs, and the power of the larval survey varied by year. This study provides an example of how monitoring efforts may benefit from coupling variance components estimation with power analysis to assess sampling design.  相似文献   

于2011年3、6、8、10、12月在昌邑海洋生态特别保护区内对潮间带大型底栖动物进行采样,共采集到潮间带动物55种,以多毛类、软体动物和甲壳动物为主。各潮带间密度、生物量及多样性指数(H')差异极显著(P0.01),月份间差异均不显著。Bray-Curtis相似性聚类分析显示,该潮间带大型底栖动物可划分为3个群落(P0.01),潮汐与季节是影响大型底栖动物分布的主要因子。  相似文献   

A mathematical model is used to examine the effects of choosing various units of sampling distance of a spiral acoustic survey on the adequacy of reconstructing patchy distribution fields. The model simulates fish or plankton patches (or gaps) of different shapes and spatial orientations, and an acoustic survey by a spiral of Archimedes along which a unit of sampling distance is set. For comparison, surveys are imitated by parallel transects along which the same unit of sampling distance is set. Adequacy of the reconstructed fields to those originally generated is evaluated by calculating their correlations (r). In the case of a spiral survey, the mathematical experiments conducted show that an immovable field can be reconstructed properly (r 2 > 0.70) if the ratio of the units of sampling distance to the autocorrelation radius for the field averaged in various directions d/R av < 1.0–1.5. Regarding immovable fields, the spiral surveys ensure, practically speaking, the same adequacy of the field reconstruction as do surveys by parallel transects with the same unit of sampling distance. In regard to movable fields, a comparison of the results of spiral surveys with those of surveys by parallel transects indicates that the former may ensure even higher adequacy of the field reconstruction than do the latter, provided that the units of sampling distances in these surveys are equal to each other.  相似文献   

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR), with support from the U.S. EPA, conducted an assessment of wadeable streams in the Driftless Area ecoregion in western Wisconsin using a probabilistic sampling design. This ecoregion encompasses 20% of Wisconsin’s land area and contains 8,800 miles of perennial streams. Randomly-selected stream sites (n = 60) equally distributed among stream orders 1–4 were sampled. Watershed land use, riparian and in-stream habitat, water chemistry, macroinvertebrate, and fish assemblage data were collected at each true random site and an associated “modified-random” site on each stream that was accessed via a road crossing nearest to the true random site. Targeted least-disturbed reference sites (n = 22) were also sampled to develop reference conditions for various physical, chemical, and biological measures. Cumulative distribution function plots of various measures collected at the true random sites evaluated with reference condition thresholds, indicate that high proportions of the random sites (and by inference the entire Driftless Area wadeable stream population) show some level of degradation. Study results show no statistically significant differences between the true random and modified-random sample sites for any of the nine physical habitat, 11 water chemistry, seven macroinvertebrate, or eight fish metrics analyzed. In Wisconsin’s Driftless Area, 79% of wadeable stream lengths were accessible via road crossings. While further evaluation of the statistical rigor of using a modified-random sampling design is warranted, sampling randomly-selected stream sites accessed via the nearest road crossing may provide a more economical way to apply probabilistic sampling in stream monitoring programs.  相似文献   

A probability-based sample of 48 of the 152 lakes in the Sawtooth Wilderness, Idaho was conducted in summer 1988. Results from this sample were compared to the Environmental Protection Agency's 1985 probability survey of lakes throughout the western United States, which included 17 lakes in the Sawtooth Wilderness. Although methods differed in several respects, including year, season, sampling location within the lakes, holding times, and sample size, general characterization of lake chemistry for the population of lakes in the wilderness based on the two surveys was very similar. The results indicate that general lake characterization in difficult-to-access wilderness areas of the West can be achieved with a modest investment in resources with the use of volunteers. However, accurate measurement of some non-conservative and low-level analytes such as NO 3 ,NH 4 + , total P, and aluminiun in the lakes probably requires more rigorous attention to sampling protocols and holding times. A two-stage sampling strategy employing extensive use of conductivity on a large number of lakes and intensive detailed chemical characterization on a smaller number of lakes offers an alternative design for describing large populations of wilderness lakes. The relatively high concentrations of fluoride and sulfate in many of the study lakes reflect the weathering of minerals not usually identified on geologic maps. These natural sources of acid anions violate the assumptions in commonly employed empirical models of acidification.  相似文献   

States may protect coral reefs using biological water quality standards outlined by the Clean Water Act. This requires biological assessments with indicators sensitive to human disturbance and regional, probability-based survey designs. Stony coral condition was characterized on a regional scale for the first time in the nearshore waters of the US Virgin Islands (USVI). Coral composition, abundance, size, and health were assessed at 66 stations in the St. Croix region in fall 2007 and at 63 stations in the St. Thomas and St. John region in winter 2009. Indicators were chosen for their sensitivity to human disturbance. Both surveys were probability-based (random) designs with station locations preselected from areas covered by hardbottom and coral reef substrate. Taxa richness was as high as 21 species but more than half the area of both regions exhibited taxa richness of <10 species in the 25 m2 transect area. Coral density was as high as 5 colonies m?2 but more than half the area of both regions had <2 colonies m?2. Both regions showed similar dominant species based on frequency of occurrence and relative abundance. Because of large colony sizes, Montastrea annularis provided more total surface area and live surface area than more abundant species. The surveys establish baseline regional conditions and provide a foundation for long-term regional monitoring envisioned by the USVI Department of Planning and Natural Resources. The probabilistic sampling design assures the data can be used in Clean Water Act reporting.  相似文献   

我国流域水生态完整性评价方法构建   总被引:16,自引:11,他引:5  
流域水生态完整性评价是指通过对水生态系统中不同水生态指标(生物和非生物)的监测以及由数学方法综合形成的综合评价指数,来反映水生态系统完整性状况。近年来,世界各国水环境管理政策发生了变化,开始强调生态保护,重视水体的生态质量。中国现行的常规理化监测指标(如COD、氨氮、BOD5)很难满足水环境管理的需求,难以全面准确地反映水环境质量变化的趋势。因此,在借鉴欧美发达国家流域水生态完整性评价方法的基础上,结合中国目前监测现状以及流域水环境管理需求,构建了包括物理生境指标、理化指标、水生生物指标在内的流域水生态完整性监测与评价方法,以期为中国流域水质目标管理技术体系的业务化运行提供可资借鉴的技术支撑,实现从单一的化学指标监测转向综合的水生态系统监测,实现流域水生态完整性的监测与评价。  相似文献   

A multivariate approach was used to test the value of intertidal communities as a bioindicator of environmental conditions at Algeciras Bay, southern Spain. The study area is located in the Strait of Gibraltar and it is subjected to a variety of anthropic impacts. Eight localities (5 inside and 3 outside the bay) were selected, and four transects were undertaken in each locality to characterise the fauna and flora. The spatial distribution of the intertidal species reflected the physico-chemical conditions of Algeciras Bay. The stations located outside the bay, characterised by high hydrodynamism and dissolved oxygen and low sedimentation and turbidity, had a higher diversity and species richness than the inner stations. According to the BIO-ENV procedure and CCA, water turbidity was the factor which best correlated with the intertidal assemblages. SIMPER showed that the molluscs Chtamalus stellatus, Mytilus cf edulis, Littorina neritoides and Balanus perforatus, and the algae Gelidium pusillum, Corallina elongata, Asparagopsis armata, Colpomenia sinuosa and Fucus spiralis were the species that most contributed to the dissimilarity between internal and external sites. The present study, based on the spatial distribution of intertidal taxa, yielded similar results to those previously obtained in the area with costly physico-chemical analysis based on complex matrices of subtidal epifaunal communities. Consequently, the intertidal sampling method proposed in this study is presented here as a quick, effective alternative strategy, and can be useful in environmental monitoring programs, since these communities are easily accessible and amenable to sample, and the sessile nature of the majority of the species makes future, long-term monitoring relatively simple.  相似文献   

Between 2000 and 2006, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and the University of New Hampshire collected water quality samples at 25 to 40 stations per year in a 56.5-km2 estuary as part of the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Coastal Assessment program. Due to the high density of stations, probabilistic statistics for the estuary could be calculated with low uncertainty. The proportions of the estuary exceeding thresholds in each year were calculated for temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a, nitrogen as nitrate and nitrite, nitrogen as ammonium, phosphorus as orthophosphate, total suspended solids, and fecal coliform bacteria. These values were tested for trends over time and correlations with climate variables. The same statistical tests were applied to monthly grab sample data from a representative station in the estuary. The outcomes of the statistical tests on the two datasets were compared to determine if they provided similar information to coastal managers. Trends and correlations were equally likely to be detected using the probability-based data and the fixed station data, but the results were different for the two datasets. The differences were likely due to the distributed nature of the probability-based sampling design, which places stations in all sections of the estuary. In addition, expressing the probabilistic datasets as estimated proportions reduced variability in volatile parameters, such as bacteria, relative to the grab sample dataset. It will be important to develop tools to rectify trends from probability-based surveys with fixed station monitoring to provide clear information to managers.  相似文献   

The Clean Water Act presents a daunting task for states by requiring them to assess and restore all their waters. Traditional monitoring has led to two beliefs: (1) ad hoc sampling (i.e., non-random) is adequate if enough sites are sampled and (2) more intensive sampling (e.g., collecting more organisms) at each site is always better. We analyzed the 1,500 Maryland Biological Stream Survey (MBSS) random sites sampled in 2000–2004 to describe the variability of Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) scores at the site, reach, and watershed scales. Average variability for fish and benthic IBI scores increased with increasing spatial scale, demonstrating that single site IBI scores are not representative at watershed scales and therefore at best 25% of a state’s stream length can be representatively sampled with non-random designs. We evaluated the effects on total taxa captured and IBI precision of sampling for twice as many benthic macroinvertebrates at 73 MBSS sites with replicate samples. When sampling costs were fixed, the precision of the IBI decreased as the number of sites had to be reduced by 15%. Only 1% more taxa were found overall when the 73 sites where combined. We concluded that (1) comprehensive assessment of a state’s waters should be done using probability-based sampling that allows the condition across all reaches to be inferred statistically and (2) additional site sampling effort should not be incorporated into state biomonitoring when it will reduce the number of sites sampled to the point where overall assessment precision is lower.  相似文献   

The study assesses the ecological impact caused by the El Salvador untreated (1975–1990) and treated (1991–1994) copper mine tailings on rocky intertidal communities in and around the dumping site at Caleta Palito, northern Chile. Ecological changes are monitored for 16 years in polluted and unpolluted sites within a geographical area of 90 km. Copper concentration levels in water and the intertidal Chlorophyta E. compressa are presented. The results confirm a notorious reduction in the number of species and significant differences between polluted and unpolluted intertidal communities. At polluted sites, following the initiation of the disposal, all species of invertebrates and algae disappeared and primary space (rock) was partially or completely dominated by E. compressa along more than a decade. Its persistence in these sites supports the view that this taxon is a sentinel species resisting high levels of copper pollution. During the past four years, following the steps given to treat the tailings, at polluted sites there are preliminary indications showing increases in the number of species of algae and invertebrate. The need for future monitoring to elucidate ecosystem restoration processes is discussed.  相似文献   

Intertidal ecosystems are being damaged by anthropogenic activities, particularly in the developing countries. In this study, the load of heavy metals was determined in water, fish, shrimp, and crab collected from four intertidal ecosystems, including coral reef, rocky shore, mangrove forest, and muddy habitat along the Persian Gulf coasts. Generally, the sequence of metal accumulation in the water of coral reef and mangrove forest was Ni > Pb > V > Cd > As > Hg, whereas in muddy habitats and rocky shores, the sequence was Ni > Pb > V > Cd > Hg > As and Ni > V > Pb > As > Hg > Cd, respectively. Water of the coral reef had the highest level of Ni (97.44 μg l?1), Pb (3.92 μg l?1), V (10.42 μg l?1), Cd (3.92 μg l?1), As (1.87 μg l?1), and Hg (0.74 μg l?1). For the most part, the highest concentrations of the studied metals were found in the liver and the gills of Johnius belangerii and the hepatopancreas of Portunus pelagicus and Metapenaus affinis collected from the coral reef ecosystem.  相似文献   

A mathematical model was used to examine the effects of choosing various units of sampling distance of an interleaved (two-pass) acoustic survey on the adequacy of reconstructing patchy distribution fields. The model simulates fish or plankton patches (or gaps) of different shapes and spatial orientations, and an interleaved survey by parallel or zigzag transects, along which a unit of sampling distance is set. The efficiency of a survey is determined by the adequacy of a reconstructed field to that originally generated, which is evaluated by calculating their correlations (r). Regarding immovable fields, the experiments conducted indicate that a patchy field can be reconstructed properly (r 2 > 0.70) if the distance between transects D < (1.5–2.0)R and the unit of sampling distance d < (1.5– 2.0)R p. As, for regular surveys d < (1.0–1.5)R p, it may be concluded that interleaved surveys are more efficient than regular ones because of the factor studied. In regard to movable fields, a comparison of the results of interleaved surveys with those of regular surveys directly indicates that the former may ensure a more adequate field reconstruction than the latter do. This fact confirms the previous conclusion that an interleaved survey is expedient in cases where there is no preference regarding the position of a vessel for further work.  相似文献   

This project was designed to establish baseline aquatic biological community structure and physical habitat conditions in select wadeable streams within the California Central Valley. A secondary objective was to evaluate possible water quality differences between site types and seasons. Two agricultural and two urban streams were monitored in spring and fall for two consecutive years beginning in the fall of 2002. Bioassessment sampling was conducted according to modified US EPA methods. The study included physical habitat assessment, water and sediment chemical analysis and characterization of the benthic macroinvertebrate community at each site. Water samples were analyzed for selected organophosphate insecticides, pyrethroid insecticides and herbicides, while sediment samples were analyzed for pyrethroids only. All sites had substantial physical habitat and water quality impairments, and the absence of pollution intolerant macroinvertebrates and dominance of pollution tolerant macroinvertebrates were indications of biological impairment. Due to the limited amount of water quality and pesticide data collected, it was not possible to definitively demonstrate any cause and effect relationships between BMI community structure and water quality or pesticide concentrations. Though most physical habitat parameters were similar and EPA physical habitat scores revealed on no significant differences between urban and agricultural sites (P? = ?0.290), a significant difference was seen in substrate embeddedness (P? = ?0.020). Dominant taxon found at all sites were chironomids, amphipods, and oligochaetes. Benthic macroinvertebrate metrics were significantly different between both types of sites (P? = ?0.001) and seasons (P? = ?0.014). Chironomidae taxon and those of the functional feeding group scrapers were greater at urban sites, while those of the functional feeding group filterers were greater at agricultural sites. In addition, the metric groups Chironomidae, filterers, and predators were found in greater numbers in the spring than the fall.  相似文献   

The three largest sewage outfalls serving Sydney, New South Wales, Australia are to be moved several kilometres offshore in 1991–2. Changes in their environmental impact due to these moves are likely, but detection relies on a good understanding of the present impacts on the natural environment. Biological surveys in 1986–8 of rocky intertidal sites located directly at the present cliff outfalls have been compared to several (2) other shores some distance away (which serve as controls). This technique of multiple control sites is recommended as a way of including natural variability in the data set. By comparing the community structure at the point of impact to the range among control sites, it is theoretically possible to be more sure of whether purported impacts represent a response out of the ordinary. Effects detected in this way include gross reductions in species diversity, with complete dominace of rocky shore biota by ephemeral green algae and the absence of animals. Zonation disappears close to outfalls. These striking effects were, however, very localised. Denudation experiments suggested great recruitment and productivity of these algae, but the community as a whole is held at an early stage of succession. Such clear alterations attributable to sewage pollution suggests that this ecosystem would be a good indicator of any changes occurring once outfalls are moved offshore. Continued monitoring including multiple control sites is recommended.  相似文献   

A mathematical model was used to examine the effects of a spiral survey design on the adequacy of reconstructing patchy distribution fields. The model simulates fish or plankton patches (or gaps) of different shapes and spatial orientations, and acoustic surveys by a spiral of Archimedes; for comparison, surveys by parallel or zigzag transects are imitated. Adequacy of the reconstructed fields to those originally generated was evaluated by calculating their correlations (r). The mathematical experiments conducted showed that spiral surveys ensure, practically speaking, the same adequacy of field reconstruction (both in cases of immovable or movable patches) as do surveys by parallel or zigzag transects with greater sampling effort (overall path). In the case of a spiral survey, a patchy field can be reconstructed properly (r2 = 0.70) if the overall survey path is not less than S/Rav = 20–30, where Rav is the autocorrelation radius averaged for various directions. Thus, the results obtained allow us to conclude that a spiral survey design is expedient in cases that the minimal duration of a survey is a decisive factor for its conduction and there is a priori information that no onshore-offshore gradients of fish density exist in a region under study.  相似文献   

The estimation of coverage, i.e., the proportion of the total area in a study region covered by a given target class, is essential to many aspects of environmental monitoring. We analyze and compare the efficiency of different sample-based approaches for the estimation of coverage of different land cover classes from aerial imagery in a case study in Lower Saxony, Germany on the basis of the estimated standard errors. A complete delineation of vegetation classes in n?=?279 aerial photo plots of 400 × 400 m thrown onto the study region of 1,117.7 km2 in accordance with a systematic grid is compared to different configurations of line intercept sampling and clusters of points. The observation designs under study are characterized by different complexity and total size of the observation units and therefore also to the efforts related to yield a single observation. Especially for those classes that cover a relatively large proportion of the sampling frame, our results show that difference in performance between the different designs are negligible. A cluster of four transects of 200 m each allows estimating the area of land cover classes with high coverage with nearly similar precision as a complete mapping of fixed area plots of 16 ha each. Clusters of points show unexpected high precision for the estimated coverage of land cover classes with relatively high coverage.  相似文献   

Wildlife conservationists design monitoring programs to assess population dynamics, project future population states, and evaluate the impacts of management actions on populations. Because agency mandates and conservation laws call for monitoring data to elicit management responses, it is imperative to design programs that match the administrative scale for which management decisions are made. We describe a program to monitor population trends in American beaver (Castor canadensis) on the US Department of Agriculture, Black Hills National Forest (BHNF) in southwestern South Dakota and northeastern Wyoming, USA. Beaver have been designated as a management indicator species on the BHNF because of their association with riparian and aquatic habitats and its status as a keystone species. We designed our program to monitor the density of beaver food caches (abundance) within sampling units with beaver and the proportion of sampling units with beavers present at the scale of a national forest. We designated watersheds as sampling units in a stratified random sampling design that we developed based on habitat modeling results. Habitat modeling indicated that the most suitable beaver habitat was near perennial water, near aspen (Populus tremuloides) and willow (Salix spp.), and in low gradient streams at lower elevations. Results from the initial monitoring period in October 2007 allowed us to assess costs and logistical considerations, validate our habitat model, and conduct power analyses to assess whether our sampling design could detect the level of declines in beaver stated in the monitoring objectives. Beaver food caches were located in 20 of 52 sampled watersheds. Monitoring 20 to 25 watersheds with beaver should provide sufficient power to detect 15–40% declines in the beaver food cache index as well as a twofold decline in the odds of beaver being present in watersheds. Indices of abundance, such as the beaver food cache index, provide a practical measure of population status to conduct long-term monitoring across broad landscapes such as national forests.  相似文献   

Quantitative inference from environmental contaminant data is almost exclusively from within the classic Neyman/Pearson (N/P) hypothesis-testing model, by which the mean serves as the fundamental quantitative measure, but which is constrained by random sampling and the assumption of normality in the data. Permutation/randomization-based inference originally forwarded by R. A. Fisher derives probability directly from the proportion of the occurrences of interest and is not dependent upon the distribution of data or random sampling. Foundationally, the underlying logic and the interpretation of the significance of the two models vary, but inference using either model can often be successfully applied. However, data examples from airborne environmental fungi (mold), asbestos in settled dust, and 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorobenzene (TeCB) in soil demonstrate potentially misleading inference using traditional N/P hypothesis testing based upon means/variance compared to permutation/randomization inference using differences in frequency of detection (Δf d). Bootstrapping and permutation testing, which are extensions of permutation/randomization, confirm calculated p values via Δf d and should be utilized to verify the appropriateness of a given data analysis by either model.  相似文献   

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