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ABSTRACT: The on-farm economic effectiveness of government capital grants, subsidized interest rates, and the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) delivery quota levels in terms of adoption and/or expansion of irrigation in Saskatchewan is tested. The annualized net income at 5 and 20 years of three representative farm types - a dryland grain farm, an irrigated grain farm, and an irrigated mixed farm - are used in the analysis. Tradeoffs between income levels and the risks associated with adoption/expansion of irrigation are evaluated using mean-standard deviation tradeoff and stochastic dominance. Risk differences arise due to reduced business risk through higher yields and increased financial risk through higher borrowing when adopting or expanding irrigation. Capital grants and subsidized interest rates are effective policy measures for dryland grain farms adopting irrigation because the farms are left in a similar risk position. However, these grants and interest rates are not effective policy measures in the medium run (5 years) for irrigated grain farms expanding irrigation because they lower the farm's risk efficiency. In the long run (20 years), the capital grants and subsidized interest rates need to be combined with open CWB delivery quotas before the risk position can be improved for irrigated grain farms expanding irrigation. Finally, the grants and interest rates need to be combined with increased irrigated hay production for risk efficiency to increase in both the medium and long run (5 and 20 years, respectively) on irrigated mixed farms expanding irrigation.  相似文献   

In different parts of the world, there is an urgent need for redesigning and innovating farming systems. Such a process may be supported by model-based explorations that enable ex-ante evaluation of a broad range of alternatives. Since a variety of viable patterns of farm development exists related to farm resource endowment and farmer's strategy, model-based explorations should be able to capture the existing variation in resource endowment and strategies in order to have impact on strategic farm management. In this paper, we present an overview of the model-based explorative method based on the MILP model Farm Images, applied to explore options for sustainable development of vegetable farms in Canelón Grande, Uruguay. The method is used to gain insight into the impact of current farm resource endowment on the possibilities for sustainable development and on the resource use efficiency at farm scale. We maximized farm income for 128 different farm types in an environment-oriented scenario and in an income-oriented scenario. Farm types were defined by combining 4 farm sizes, 2 labor endowments, 4 irrigation endowments, 2 soil quality combinations and 2 mechanization levels. The results demonstrate a strong impact of farm resource endowment on possibilities for sustainable development, as well as synergy between labor, land and irrigated area on resource-use efficiency at farm scale. Farms with 10ha of land or less, representing 47% of the farms in the Canelón Grande region, could only achieve a family income higher than the average income of Uruguayan families when the irrigated area was ca. 40% of the farm area. The achievement of environmental targets was less costly in terms of income on farms with a low rather than high labor availability per unit area and on farms with irrigation facilities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A number of criteria can be used in the selection of an area for the irrigation disposal of secondary treated waste water. The inherent capacity of the surface soil to retain, or at least detain, the various nutrient ions passing through the profile in the percolating waters becomes the prime consideration in regions with shallow water tables or in Karst areas such as the Missouri Ozarks where the risk of ground water supply contamination is high. A comprehensive study of the nutrient renovation potential of several soils was undertaken at a proposed effluent irrigation site along the Ozark National Scenic Riverways in south central Missouri. The surface soil hydrology was evaluated employing selected soil water parameters. Exchange equilibria studies determined the retention capacity for Ca and Mg while the concentrations of other selected ions were analyzed in the soil water to measure their retention time and net removal. The movement of a bromine tracer was monitored as an index of the renovation capacity of these soils for the more mobile anions such as nitrate. Neutron activation analysis proved to be a useful tool in the water quality analyses. All surface soil profiles demonstrated some degree of nutrient renovation for the various nutrients studied.  相似文献   

When evaluating the potential of irrigation for agricultural production one must consider more than the technical and financial potential and feasibility of the scheme. Issues of environmental and social sustainability must also be considered. The purpose of the paper is to develop a framework for assessing the sustainability of an irrigation scheme and apply it in the context of one such scheme in south eastern Nigeria. The framework for assessment is based on a comparison of differential changes in environmental quality with and without the scheme, and before and after the scheme. The author does this by using measured soil characteristics for irrigated and adjacent rain-fed plots of agricultural land; and socio-economic analysis of other environmental and social impacts of the irrigation scheme. Data were collected through a field survey of the selected irrigated and rain-fed farm plots, qualitative interviews with the farm owners and relevant secondary sources. The analyses find that the soils of the irrigated farms have been significantly degraded more than those of the rain-fed farms to the extent that precludes sustainable practice of arable agriculture on irrigated land in the study area. About 9% of the soils of the irrigated land have been degraded to the extent that they are no longer suitable for arable agriculture. Analyses of the qualitative interviews also find other bio-physical, social and economic impacts that significantly constrain long-term sustainability of arable agriculture in the study area.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A procedure to determine optimal irrigation scheduling strategies under rotational water delivery systems is presented. The methodology involves integration of water delivery amount and frequency, irrigation management strategies, evapotranspiration sequences and crop-evapotranspiration-production functions to arrive at an optimal irrigation strategy. Application of the methodology to a farm in the service area of Western Yamuna Canal (India) where a two-stage system of rotation, one among the irrigation channels and the other among the farmers, is in vogue, reveals that maximum production is obtained with water application in a rotational manner (RI) rather than with irrigation in every or alternate supply periods. Increase in mean water supply which can be effected through improvement in on-farm conveyance and application systems, has a greater effect on yield than decrease in variance of the supply. Benefit cost analyses indicates that precision land leveling is more cost effective in increasing water supply as compared to water-course lining.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Current policies for correcting the problem of irrigation return flow pollution tend to attack the symptoms of the problem, rather than its cause. The present institutional arrangement for allocating irrigation water is seen as the source of the problem. This paper examines the water quality benefits of altering the institutional arrangement to allow for irrigation water transfers through a rental market. It is conceptualized that by creating a water rental market an opportunity cost would be associated with the use of irrigation water such that profit maximizing farmers would be induced to use his water supply more efficiently and rent the surplus to other irrigators, thus reducing return flow pollution. It is shown that a water rental market could increase water quality in the Yakima River in southcentral Washington by 31 percent as well as increase farm incomes and crop production.  相似文献   

With increasing water scarcity and competing uses and users, water use efficiency is becoming increasingly important in many parts of developing countries. The lake Naivasha basin has an array of different water users and uses ranging from large scale export market agriculture, urban domestic water users to small holder farmers. The small scale farmers are located in the upper catchment areas and form the bulk of the users in terms of area and population. This study used farm household data to explore the overall technical efficiency, irrigation water use efficiency and establish the factors influencing water use efficiency among small scale farmers in the Lake Naivasha basin in Kenya. Data envelopment analysis, general algebraic and modeling system, and Tobit regression methods were used in analyzing cross sectional data from a sample of 201 small scale irrigation farmers in the lake Naivasha basin. The results showed that on average, the farmers achieved only 63 % technical efficiency and 31 % water use efficiency. This revealed that substantial inefficiencies occurred in farming operations among the sampled farmers. To improve water use efficiency, the study recommends that more emphasis be put on orienting farmers toward appropriate choice of irrigation technologies, appropriate choice of crop combinations in their farms, and the attainment of desirable levels of farm fragmentation.  相似文献   

Quantification of the effects of management programs on water quality is critical to agencies responsible for water resource protection. This research documents reductions in stream water phosphorus (P) loads resulting from agricultural best management practices (BMPs) implemented as part of an effort to control eutrophication of Cannonsville Reservoir, a drinking water supply for New York City. Dairy farms in the upstate New York reservoir basin were the target of BMPs designed to reduce P losses. A paired watershed study was established on one of these farms in 1993 to evaluate changes in P loading attributable to implementation of BMPs that included manure management, rotational grazing, and improved infrastructure. Intensive stream water monitoring provided data to calculate P loads from the 160-ha farm watershed for all runoff events during a two-year pre-treatment period and a four-year post-treatment period. Statistical control for inter-annual climatic variability was provided by matched P loads from a nearby 86-ha forested watershed, and by several event flow variables measured at the farm. A sophisticated multivariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) provided estimates of both seasonal and overall load reductions. Statistical power and the minimum detectable treatment effect (MDTE) were also calculated. The results demonstrated overall event load reductions of 43% for total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) and 29% for particulate phosphorus (PP). Changes in farm management practices and physical infrastructure clearly produced decreases in event P losses measurable at the small watershed scale.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: From 1940 to 1978, irrigated acreage in the Western United States increased by over 150 percent, irrigated acres per farm increased by 204 percent, and the number of irrigation organizations grew by 31 percent. Understanding the factors affecting these trends (in the structure of irrigated agriculture) is the key to formulating policies for efficient allocation and transfer of water in the west. Four variables that impact the composition of irrigation organizations are farm size changes, organizational efficiency, intersectoral competition for water, and governmental policies. The conclusions show that from 1940 to 1978, the total number of irrigated farms and organizations declined, and the average farm size increased, and larger management oriented organizations such as districts and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation have become more prevalent. With respect to total quantities of water delivered, districts have increased over 50 percent since the 1959 Census and over 100 percent since the 1950 Census, while unincorporated mutuals have declined by approximately 20 percent. Future organizational structure tends to be moving in the direction of more management control as opposed to user control. Changes in water use, delivery, investment, transfers, and laws will continue to change the structure of irrigation organizations and institutions in the west.  相似文献   

Climate variability and population growth have intensified the search internationally for measures to adapt to fluctuations in water supplies. An example can be found in the lower part of the transboundary Tigris‐Euphrates Basin where water shortages in 2008‐2009 resulted in high economic costs to irrigation farmers. Losses to irrigators in the lower basin have made a compelling case to identify flexible methods to adapt to water shortage. Few published studies have systematically examined ways to enhance the flexibility of water appropriation systems to adapt to water shortage. This article addresses an ongoing challenge in water governance by examining how profitability at both the farm and basin levels is affected by various water appropriation systems. Four water appropriation systems are compared for impacts on farm income under each of three water supply scenarios. Results show that a (1) proportional sharing of water shortages among provinces and (2) unrestricted water trading rank as the top two appropriation systems. The shadow price of water for irrigation rises from zero at a full water supply level to US$93/1,000 m3 when supply falls to 20% of full levels. Similar methods could be used to analyze challenges facing the design or implementation of water appropriation systems in the world's irrigated regions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A mathematical model of agricultural water use and a hydrological and economic simulation model were linked to quantify the economic and hydrological impact of deficit irrigation, increased water application efficiency, and farm storage dams when maintaining an IFR (instream flow requirement) under stochastic water supply conditions. The main finding was that a water conservation policy aimed at reducing the amount of water withdrawn from the river could bring more pressure to bear on stream flow. Water can only be saved if consumptive use is reduced. Increased water application efficiency is detrimental to other users as a result of reduced return flow. The economic cost of maintaining a specific IFR increases with the use of all three strategies as the probability of maintaining the IFR increases. Because of the control that can be exercised over the supply of water, a farm storage dam is the best strategy for minimizing the costs for irrigators. The interaction between water legislation, water policy administration, technology, hydrology, and human value systems necessitates an integrated approach to facilitate water management at catchment level and to formulate policies that will be in the interest of society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Increasing block-rate prices for irrigation water were implemented during 1989 in a 10,000-acre irrigation district in California's San Joaquin Valley. The program motivated improvements in irrigation practices that reduced the volume of water delivered to farm fields and the volume of drain water collected in on-farm drainage systems. The ratio of net crop water requirements to field deliveries increased from 0.65 in 1988 to 0.73 in 1989. The volume of drain water collected at a subset of 20 drainage systems was reduced by 351.1 acre-feet (11.5 percent). Estimated loads of salt, boron, and selenium were reduced by 2,407 tons (11.0 percent), 3.33 tons (11.0 percent), and 0.07 tons (9.2 percent).  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) runoff from manure can lead to eutrophication of surface water and algae growth. This study evaluates the impacts of alternative P reduction practices on dairy farm net returns and on potential P runoff. The P control practices include dairy herd nutrient management, crop nutrient management, and runoff and erosion control. Four farms representative of dairies in the Virginia Shenandoah Valley are simulated including dairies with and without supplementary broiler enterprises and with average and below average land area. A mathematical programming model was developed to predict farm production and net returns and the GLEAMS model was used to predict potential P runoff. The farms are evaluated under four scenarios: Scenario 1, no constraint on P runoff with access to crop nutrient, runoff and erosion control strategies but no access to dairy herd nutrient control strategies; Scenario 2, no constraint on P runoff with access to all crop and dairy herd nutrient control strategies; Scenario 3, constraint on P runoff with access to crop nutrient, runoff and erosion control strategies but no access to dairy herd nutrient control strategies; and Scenario 4, constraint on P runoff with access to all crop and dairy herd nutrient control strategies. Under Scenario 2, the herd nutrient control strategies increase milk output per cow and net returns on both farms and reduce P content of manure and P runoff. Under Scenario 3, limiting P runoff reduces farm returns by 1 and 3% on the average and small farms, respectively. Under Scenario 4, the P runoff constraint is less costly, reducing returns by less than 1% on both farms. Animal nutrient control strategies should be an important part of pollution control policies and programs for livestock intensive watersheds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The importation of water into an existing irrigated agricultural area raises many questions about farm profitability and suggests many adjustment alternatives open to farmers. In particular, how will farmers respond to a new additional water source of differing cost, availability, and quality? Mathematical programming models of representative irrigated farms in Pinal County, Arizona, were developed to project agricultural adjustments to new water from the Central Arizona Project now under construction. The techniques developed have broad application to similar water resource projects involving the conjunctive use of multiple water sources of differing qualities. Regional agricultural activities are described by defining and modeling multiple representative farms which account for economies due to size and different water sources of differing price and quality. Various management schemes can be evaluated by properly selected representative farm models.  相似文献   

Shrimp farming in mangrove areas has grown dramatically in Asia and Latin America over the past decade. As a result, demand for resources required for farming, such as feed, seed, and clean water, has increased substantially. This study focuses on semiintensive shrimp culture as practiced on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. We estimated the spatial ecosystem support that is required to produce the food inputs, nursery areas, and clean water to the shrimp farms, as well as to process wastes. We also made an estimate of the natural and human-made resources necessary to run a typical semiintensive shrimp farm. The results show that a semiintensive shrimp farm needs a spatial ecosystem support—the ecological footprint—that is 35–190 times larger than the surface area of the farm. A typical such shrimp farm appropriates about 295 J of ecological work for each joule of edible shrimp protein produced. The corresponding figure for industrial energy is 40:1. More than 80% of the ecological primary production required to feed the shrimps is derived from external ecosystems. In 1990 an area of 874–2300 km2 of mangrove was required to supply shrimp postlarvae to the farms in Colombia, corresponding to a total area equivalent to about 20–50% of the country’s total mangrove area. The results were compared with similar estimates for other food production systems, particularly aquacultural ones. The comparison indicates that shrimp farming ranks as one of the most resource-intensive food production systems, characterizing it as an ecologically unsustainable throughput system. Based on the results, we discuss local, national, and regional appropriation of ecological support by the semiintensive shrimp farms. Suggestions are made for how shrimp farming could be transformed into a food production system that is less environmentally degrading and less dependent on external support areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper examines irrigation water supply deficit and associated risk indicators due to random climate events and potential effects on irrigated food production during the period 1996 to 2025 for seven river basins in the USA, China, and India. An integrated water and food model with global scope is applied for the analysis. The global climate regime during 1961 to 1990 is used to generate 30 climatic scenarios for the time period 1996 to 2025, and these scenarios are applied to the model in order to characterize the randomness of precipitation, runoff, and evapotranspiration, which affects both irrigation water supply and demand. The risk with random climate events is represented by reliability, variability, and vulnerability from different perspectives. Regarding irrigation water supply, Colorado will bear an increasingly unstable situation although the average water supply relative to the demand will maintain at a relatively high level; selected basins in China and India indicate that significantly lower levels of reliability and more deleterious affects from drought can be expected, but under a less variable condition due to assumed water storage increase. From 1996 to 2025, the effects of water deficits on irrigated food production are characterized with a nonlinear phenomenon and food production loss will be more sensitive to irrigation water supply deficit in the future. Future work following this paper needs to consider the impact of global climate change and the water quality of the irrigation return flow and result verification by local studies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Conflicts caused through development of urban areas in proximity to irrigated agriculture in water-scarce regions can be minimized through the direct urbanization of irrigated lands. This shifts the water supply from one use to another on the same site rather than creating an additional use in an adjoining area. This condition has prevailed in the Phoenix region. In the Tucson region, the municipality is buying and retiring farmland in an adjacent agricultural area, for the purpose of acquiring the water right in order to transfer water to municipal use. This land purchase is necessitated by existing Arizona water law, which ties the water to the land. This method of transfer creates problems concerning how much water can be transferred per acre retired; what to do with the abandoned farmland; inequities to agribusiness and taxing entities; and loss of food crop production which have not been resolved. An alternative to the retirement of farms, applicable in the Tucson region, is to exchange treated municipal wastewater for irrigation water. While this method appears to be the least disruptive, it requires the resolution of certain institutional problems concerned with land and water management method.  相似文献   

The level of water demand for supplemental irrigation and the impact of such demand on water supplies were estimated, as a function of the price of corn (Zea Mays L.). The method of estimation was based on an economic analysis of irrigation practice which assumed constant irrigation costs, profit maximizing behavior on the part of irrigators, and which was deliberately structured to underestimate the level of irrigation water use. The analysis was applied to and used data from the Little Wabash basin in Illinois. No irrigation was predicted at a corn price below $3.50 per bushel. Between $3.50 and about $6.50 per bushel, irrigation was estimated to be profitable for a small region of the basin where acceptable groundwater was available. Above about $6.50 to $7.50, irrigation was found to be profitable in the remainder of the basin, where impoundment storage was required. The potential impact on the water resources of the basin is significant. For a corn price between $3.50 and about $6.50, the probability of a shortfall, defined as the event where the potential demand exceeds the supply, was estimated to be between 2 percent and 20 percent during the growing season. Above about $7.50, this probability was found to be about one-third. The development of policies to control withdrawals for irrigation and other uses is endorsed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Rapid population growth in the metropolitan area of Denver, Colorado, is causing conflicts over water use. Two cities, Thomton and Westminster, have begun condemnation proceedings against three irrigation companies to secure agricultural water rights for municipal use. This is the first condemnation proceeding against irrigation water rights for municipal use. Should the suit succeed, over 30,000 acres of presently irrigated land will lose its water supply. There are about four hundred landowners in the area; two hundred of these are commercial farmers, including truck, dairy and specialty farms. Total agricultural production amounts to about $8 million per year. About 561 jobs related to agriculture will disappear along with about $4 million in not income. Only 6.4 percent of the farmland along the Front Range is irrigated. Continued urban growth will put pressure on the water supply of much of this land. The interested parties of the region should cooperate to lessen the impact of urban growth on agricultural lands and water by forming a metropolitan water district. Such a district could share costs of development of additional municipal water and develop systems where municipalities would recycle waste water back to the irrigated lands.  相似文献   

The paper describes an approach towards optimal allocation of surface and ground water resources to three agricultural areas in the Jordan Valley under conditions of scarce water supply. The optimizing model allocates water from three main rivers, each with reservoir storage, and from two ground water sources to three irrigation regions. Productivity of irrigation water, expressed as the net present value of the regional agricultural output, but allowing for crop water deficits, is first maximized using nonlinear programming. The allocation process then adopts techniques of linear programming to determine the least cost alternative based on the unit cost of water from each resource at each destination, as it varies with time.  相似文献   

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