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Adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, N = 179) from six Fraser River populations (British Columbia) were intercepted in continental shelf waters ∼215 km from the Fraser River mouth, gastrically implanted with acoustic transmitters, non-lethally biopsied for blood biochemistry, gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity and somatic energy density and then released. Migration behaviour and travel times to the river mouth and into the river were monitored by underwater telemetry receivers positioned at the river mouth and in the river. Post-release survival of salmon was excellent, with 84% (N = 150) of fish reaching the furthest receiving station ∼85 km upriver. Fish from Late-summer run populations (Adams and Weaver Creek) averaged a migration rate of ∼20 km day−1 through the marine area and held at the river mouth and adjacent areas for 7–9 days before entering the river. Summer-run populations (Birkenhead, Chilko, Horsefly and Stellako) had a migration rate ∼33 km day−1 and held for only 1–3 days. Once in river, similar patterns were observed: Late-run populations migrated at ∼28 km day−1 and Summer-run populations at ∼40 km day−1. From point of release to the river mouth, males migrated faster than females, but once in river migration rates did not differ between sexes. Among all females, a correlation was discovered between levels of circulating testosterone and river entry timing. This correlation was not observed among males. Plasma K+, Cl, glucose, lactate and osmolality were also correlated with entry timing in both sexes.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) accumulation in fishes is a serious threat for food security because mercury induces dieseases. Here we studied the total mercury content in four species of Pacific salmon (pink, chum, sockeye and chinook), caught in the Sea of Okhotsk, the Bering Sea, and the Kuril oceanic waters. Results show that the lowest concentration of mercury was found in the pink salmon, and the highest was 5–6 times higher in sockeye. Hg concentrations exceed several times those in other species of Pacific salmon from the North Pacific  相似文献   

Abstract: Captive rearing and translocation are often used concurrently for species conservation, yet the effects of these practices can interact and lead to unintended outcomes that may undermine species’ recovery efforts. Controls in translocation or artificial‐propagation programs are uncommon; thus, there have been few studies on the interacting effects of these actions and environmental conditions on survival. The Columbia River basin, which drains 668,000 km2 of the western United States and Canada, has an extensive network of hydroelectric and other dams, which impede and slow migration of anadromous Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) and can increase mortality rates. To mitigate for hydrosystem‐induced mortality during juvenile downriver migration, tens of millions of hatchery fish are released each year and a subset of wild‐ and hatchery‐origin juveniles are translocated downstream beyond the hydropower system. We considered how the results of these practices interact with marine environmental conditions to affect the marine survival of Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha). We analyzed data from more than 1 million individually tagged fish from 1998 through 2006 to evaluate the probability of an individual fish returning as an adult relative to its rearing (hatchery vs. wild) and translocation histories (translocated vs. in‐river migrating fish that traveled downriver through the hydropower system) and a suite of environmental variables. Except during select periods of very low river flow, marine survival of wild translocated fish was approximately two‐thirds less than survival of wild in‐river migrating fish. For hatchery fish, however, survival was roughly two times higher for translocated fish than for in‐river migrants. Competition and predator aggregation negatively affected marine survival, and the magnitude of survival depended on rearing and translocation histories and biological and physical conditions encountered during their first few weeks of residence in the ocean. Our results highlight the importance of considering the interacting effects of translocation, artificial propagation, and environmental variables on the long‐term viability of species.  相似文献   

The plight of the Snake River sockeye salmon presents a challenging genetic puzzle for conservation biologists. Although the Snake River sockeye has been declared endangered, assessment of captive breeding strategies are complicated because a healthy non-migratory strain of O. nerka (kokanee) resides in Redfish Lake, Idaho—the same lake the anadromous fish return to for spawning. The migration of 1-year-old fish (outmigrants) from the lake each year and the observation of non-migratory fish spawning in areas previously used by the sockeye further complicate the issue. We estimated the relatedness of these strains by direct examination of their genetic similarity. Mixed DNA fingerprint analyses suggested that the outmigrants were more closely related to the anadromous sockeye than to the kokanee. Closer analysis using a probe, One-HO.8, to examine allele frequencies at a single locus revealed polymorphism in a number of O. nerka populations. Within the Redfish Lake populations this probe detected an allele present at 0.21 frequency in the kokanee (n = 43), 0.01 (n = 324) in the outmigrants, and absent among 13 anadromous fish. These results support a close genetic relationship of the outmigrants to the anadromous sockeye and the probable utility of the outmigrants in a captive breeding program to restore the anadromous strain.  相似文献   

Summary This paper documents differences in seasonal time of river ascent and descent, and instream behavior of adult wild and sea-ranched Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) of the Norwegian River Imsa stock during the period 1981–1989. Wild fish use River Imsa as a nursery, and at an age of 2 years most of them migrate to the sea as smolts. The sea ranched fish are hatchery reared offspring of the River Imsa stock and are released as smolts at the mouth of the river. They are thus deprived of juvenile river life and a downstream smolt migration. Wild and sea ranched salmon feed for 1 or more years in the Norwegian Sea before homing as spawners. Both groups returned simultaneously to coastal Norway, but sea ranched fish ascended the river later and descended sooner after spawning than wild fish. All wild females and almost all wild males (96.2%) spawned in the river, whereas 13.5% and 36.7%, respectively, of the mature sea-ranched females and males left the river unspawned. The annual number, but not the proportion, of unspawned fish increased with increasing density of adult salmon in the river. Unspawned females were medium sized and small (45–70 cm); unspawned males were medium sized and large (50–90 cm). Independent of the density of spawners in the river, sea ranched fish moved up- and downstream the river more often than wild fish. More than 20% of the sea-ranched salmon and less than 1% of the wild salmon passed a trap 100 m above the river outlet more than once in each direction during the same spawning reason. Moreover, sea-ranched salmon were about twice as often seriously injured during spawning as wild fish. Lack of juvenile experience from the river may be the main reason for the behavioral differences between sea-ranched and wild fish. Offprint requests to: B. Jonsson  相似文献   

The timing of migration from feeding to breeding areas is a critical link between the growth and survival of adult animals, their reproduction, and the fitness of their progeny. Commercial fisheries often catch a large fraction of the migrants (e.g., salmon), and exploitation rates can vary systematically over the fishing season. We examined daily records of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the Egegik and Ugashik management districts in Bristol Bay, Alaska (USA), for evidence of such temporally selective fishing. In recent years, the early migrants have experienced lower fishing rates than later migrants, especially in the Egegik district, and the median migration date of the fish escaping the fisheries has been getting progressively earlier in both districts. Moreover, the overall runs (catch and escapement) in the Egegik district and, to a lesser extent the Ugashik district, have been getting earlier, as predicted in response to the selection on timing. The trends in timing were not correlated with sea surface temperature in the region of the North Pacific Ocean where the salmon tend to concentrate, but the trends in the two districts were correlated with each other, indicating that there may be some common environmental influence in addition to the effect of selection. Despite the selection, both groups of salmon have remained productive. We hypothesize that this resilience may result from representation of all component populations among the early and late migrants, so that the fisheries have not eliminated entire populations, and from density-dependent processes that may have helped maintain the productivity of these salmon populations.  相似文献   

This article proposes a hierarchical multivariate conditional autoregressive model applied to a compositional response vector. We particularly focus on situations when the composition is discrete occurring when observations are based on small multinomial counts. We address drawbacks that exist in current modeling approaches for such data. Our hierarchical model will be demonstrated with data used to help manage a commercial sockeye salmon fishery in the Fraser River of British Columbia.  相似文献   

We use relationships between modern Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) escapement (migrating adults counted at weirs or dams) and riparian tree-ring growth to reconstruct the abundance of stream-spawning salmon over 150-350 years. After examining nine sites, we produced reconstructions for five mid-order rivers and four salmon species over a large geographic range in the Pacific Northwest: chinook (O. tschwatcha) in the Umpqua River, Oregon, USA; sockeye (O. nerka) in Drinkwater Creek, British Columbia, Canada; pink (O. gorbuscha) in Sashin Creek, southeastern Alaska, USA; chum (O. keta) in Disappearance Creek, southeastern Alaska, USA; and pink and chum in the Kadashan River, southeastern Alaska, USA. We first derived stand-level, non-climatic growth chronologies from riparian trees using standard dendroecology methods and differencing. When the chronologies were compared to 18-55 years of adult salmon escapement we detected positive, significant correlations at five of the nine sites. Regression models relating escapement to tree-ring growth at the five sites were applied to the differenced chronologies to reconstruct salmon abundance. Each reconstruction contains unique patterns characteristic of the site and salmon species. Reconstructions were validated by comparison to local histories (e.g., construction of dams and salmon canneries) and regional fisheries data such as salmon landings and aerial surveys and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation climate index. The reconstructions capture lower-frequency cycles better than extremes and are most useful for determination and comparison of relative abundance, cycles, and the effects of interventions. Reconstructions show lower population cycle maxima in both Umpqua River chinook and Sashin Creek pink salmon in recent decades. The Drinkwater Creek reconstruction suggests that sockeye abundance since the mid-1990s has been 15-25% higher than at any time since 1850, while no long-term deviations from natural cycles are detected for salmon in the Kadashan River or in Disappearance Creek. Decadal-scale cycles in salmon abundance with periods of 25-68 years were detected in all of the reconstructions. This novel approach provides river-specific, long-term perspectives on salmon abundance and cycles. Additionally, it provides a new frame of reference for maintaining and rebuilding individual stocks and for striking a balance between societal demands and the limited, always-changing salmon resource.  相似文献   

Organisms can control movements of nutrients and matter by physically modifying habitat. We examined how an ecosystem engineer, sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), influences seasonal fluxes of sediments, nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) in streams of southwestern Alaska. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether salmon act as net importers or net exporters of matter and nutrients from streams and how these roles change as a function of salmon population density. We measured discharge and concentrations of suspended sediments and total N and P every 7-14 days for up to four summers in 10 streams spanning a gradient in salmon densities. We statistically allocated whole-season fluxes to salmon activities, such as excretion and bioturbation, and to export by hydrologic discharge. In addition, we used counts of spawning salmon to estimate nutrient and matter imports by salmon to streams. Large seasonal pulses of suspended sediments, P, and N were associated with salmon spawning activities, often increasing export an order of magnitude higher than during pre-salmon levels. Years and streams with more salmon had significantly higher levels of export of sediments and nutrients. In addition, years with higher precipitation had higher background export of P and N. Salmon exported an average of the equivalent of 189%, 60%, and 55% of total matter, P, and N that salmon imported in their bodies. The relative magnitude of export varied; salmon exported more than their bodies imported in 80%, 20%, and 16% across all streams and years for sediments, P, and N, respectively. A bioassay experiment indicated that the P exported by salmon is directly available for use by primary producers in the downstream lake. These results demonstrate that salmon not only move nutrients upstream on large spatial scales via their migration from the ocean and subsequent death, but also redistribute matter and nutrients on finer spatial scales through their spawning activities.  相似文献   

Quantifying long-term size-selective harvest patterns is necessary for understanding the potential evolutionary effects on exploited species. The comparison of fishery selection patterns on the same species subject to different gear types, in different areas, and over multi-decadal periods can reveal the factors influencing selection. In this study we quantified and compared size-selective harvest by nine Alaskan sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) fisheries to understand overall patterns. We calculated length-specific linear selection differentials (the difference in average length of fish before vs. after fishing), which are produced by different combinations of exploitation rates and length-selectivity values, and nonlinear standardized differentials, describing disruptive selection, across all years for each fishery. Selection differentials varied among years, but larger fish were caught in 73% of years for males and 84% of years for females, leaving smaller fish to spawn. Disruptive selection was observed on female and male fish in 84% and 92% of years, respectively. Linear selection was stronger on females than males in 77% of years examined, and disruptive selection was stronger on males in 71% of years. Selection pressure was influenced by a combination of factors under and beyond management control; analyses using mixed-effects models indicated that fisheries were less size selective in years when fish were larger than average and had lower exploitation rates. The observed harvest of larger than average sockeye salmon is consistent with the hypothesis that size-selective fishing contributes to decreasing age and length at maturation trends over time, but temporal variability in selection and strong disruptive selection suggests that the overall directional pressure is weaker than is often assumed in evolutionary models.  相似文献   

The fishing practices in the oligotrophic Lake Toya, Hokkaido, Japan, have profound implications in the ecosystem sustainability. The status of the sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) population has become a serious concern among the lake managers and policy makers during the last decades. While the decline of the sockeye salmon population has been well documented in Lake Toya, there is considerable uncertainty with regards to the impact on the broader system dynamics. In this study, our objective is to address this knowledge gap by undertaking a synthesis of the Lake Toya food web using the mass-balance modeling software Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE). Our primary research question is to examine the repercussions of the declining sockeye salmon population on the trophic dynamics of the lake. Namely, we assess if there are any competing species that might have benefited from the decrease of sockeye salmon standing biomass and to what extent do these changes propagate through the Lake Toya food web? Our analysis pinpoints the critical role of the Japanese smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus nipponensis) in the system, which demonstrates a wide range of effects on several functional groups at both higher and lower trophic levels in Lake Toya. In particular, being a substantial portion of the masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) and adult sockeye salmon diets, the Japanese smelt has a positive impact on the top predators of the system. Amphipods, insects, and shrimp strongly benefit from the autochthonous and allochthonous organic matter in the system, while the tight coupling between phytoplankton and zooplankton seems to be particularly critical for the integrity of the Lake Toya food web. Whereas the values of the different ecosystem attributes (e.g., primary production/biomass, biomass/total throughput, system omnivory index, amount of recycled throughput, Finn's cycling index) provide evidence that Lake Toya is an immature system, we note that the internal redundancy and the system overhead estimates suggest that the lake possesses substantial reserves to overcome external perturbations. We also examined the effects of a variety of fishing policies on the biomass of masu salmon and adult sockeye salmon, which verify the belief that the adult sockeye population is quite fragile with high likelihood to collapse. Our analysis also predicts that sockeye will not rebound unless the fishing pressure exerted is substantially reduced (>50% of the reference levels used). Masu salmon seems to benefit under all the scenarios examined indicating that the intensity of the current fishing activities is significantly lower than its biomass accumulation rate in the system.  相似文献   

Stocking Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. in the Meuse river system is unsuccessful, since hardly any adults return upstream. To investigate problems during seaward migration, individual salmon smolts were tracked in the Dutch part of the river Meuse, using the Nedap Trail® system. The study included a comparison for two seasons, one with high (2010) and one with low (2011) discharge conditions. Cultivated smolts (Loire-Allier strain, n = 100 per year) were implanted with telemetry tags and released in the tributary Roer in March, at the beginning of the natural smolt run. The study area was split into four river sections each characterized by different conditions: tributary Roer, main river Meuse extensively dammed, main river Meuse free flowing and the estuary. Mortalities differed considerably between sections. In the free flowing river Meuse the mortalities were relatively low (10 and 25 %). Mortalities were high in the tributary (44 and 45 %), the dammed river (46 and 49 %) and in the estuary (89 and 90 %). Only 2 and 3 % of the smolts escaped into the North Sea. Results are discussed in relation to environmental factors light and discharge and the presence of man-made obstacles: weirs, hydropower plants and a sea lock. A lack of current and delays at man-made obstacles result in disorientation of fish, a higher risk of predation and disturbance of the smolt run timing. Mortality causes must decrease for sustaining a salmon population in the Meuse.  相似文献   

Abstract: Although there are many indicators of endangerment (i.e., whether populations or species meet criteria that justify conservation action), their reliability has rarely been tested. Such indicators may fail to identify that a population or species meets criteria for conservation action (false negative) or may incorrectly show that such criteria have been met (false positive). To quantify the rate of both types of error for 20 commonly used indicators of declining abundance (threat indicators), we used receiver operating characteristic curves derived from historical (1938–2007) data for 18 sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) populations in the Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada. We retrospectively determined each population's yearly status (reflected by change in abundance over time) on the basis of each indicator. We then compared that population's status in a given year with the status in subsequent years (determined by the magnitude of decline in abundance across those years). For each sockeye population, we calculated how often each indicator of past status matched subsequent status. No single threat indicator provided error‐free estimates of status, but indicators that reflected the extent (i.e., magnitude) of past decline in abundance (through comparison of current abundance with some historical baseline abundance) tended to better reflect status in subsequent years than the rate of decline over the previous 3 generations (a widely used indicator). We recommend that when possible, the reliability of various threat indicators be evaluated with empirical analyses before such indicators are used to determine the need for conservation action. These indicators should include estimates from the entire data set to take into account a historical baseline.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The endangered population of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Cultus Lake, British Columbia, Canada, migrates through commercial fishing areas along with other, much more abundant sockeye salmon populations, but it is not feasible to selectively harvest only the latter, abundant populations. This situation creates controversial trade-offs between recovery actions and economic revenue. We conducted a Bayesian decision analysis to evaluate options for recovery of Cultus Lake sockeye salmon. We used a stochastic population model that included 2 sources of uncertainty that are often omitted from such analyses: structural uncertainty in the magnitude of a potential Allee effect and implementation uncertainty (the deviation between targets and actual outcomes of management actions). Numerous state-dependent, time-independent management actions meet recovery objectives. These actions prescribe limitations on commercial harvest rates as a function of abundance of Cultus Lake sockeye salmon. We also quantified how much reduction in economic value of commercial harvests of the more abundant sockeye salmon populations would be expected for a given increase in the probability of recovery of the Cultus population. Such results illustrate how Bayesian decision analysis can rank options for dealing with conservation risks and can help inform trade-off discussions among decision makers and among groups that have competing objectives.  相似文献   

Flow regulation and fragmentation of the world's rivers threaten the integrity of freshwater ecosystems and have resulted in the loss or decline of numerous fish species. Pelagic-spawning fishes (pelagophils) are thought to be particularly susceptible to river regulation because their early life stages (ichthyoplankton) drift until becoming free-swimming, although the extent of transport is largely unknown. Transport velocity and distance were determined for passively drifting particles, which mimicked physical properties of ichthyoplankton, in two large, regulated rivers (Rio Grande and Pecos River) of the arid Southwest United States. Particle drift data were incorporated into celerity-discharge equations (r2 > 0.90; P < 0.001), and reach-specific transport velocity was modeled as a function of discharge. Transport velocities of particles exceeded 0.7 m/s in all river reaches during typical spawning flows (i.e., reservoir releases or rainstorms) and were greatest in highly incised and narrow channel reaches. Mean transport distance of particles released in the Pecos River during sustained reservoir flows (141.1 km; 95% CI = 117.0-177.5 km) was significantly longer than during declining reservoir flows that mimicked a natural rainstorm (52.4 km; 95% CI = 48.8-56.5 km). Mean transport distance of particles in the Rio Grande during sustained reservoir flows was 138.7 km (95% CI = 131.0-147.2 km). There are 68 dams and 13 reservoirs that fragment habitats and regulate flow in the Rio Grande Basin (Rio Grande and Pecos River) in areas historically occupied by pelagophils. While the basin historically provided 4029 km of free-flowing riverine habitat, reservoir habitat now represents > 10% of the longitudinal distance. Only five unfragmented nonreservoir reaches > 100 km remain in the Rio Grande, and two remain in the Pecos River. Pelagophils were extirpated from all reservoirs and from nearly all short, fragmented reaches (< 100 km) of the Rio Grande Basin, but at least some fraction persisted in all longer reaches (> 100 km). The recovery and long-term persistence of pelagophils in regulated rivers, including those in this study, will likely depend on reestablishment and protection of long unfragmented reaches coupled with mimicry of the natural flow regime.  相似文献   

Osmoregulatory ability of mature chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) during spawning migration was examined by following the changes in gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity and in the distribution and morphology of chloride cells. Mature chum salmon caught in Otsuchi Bay, northern Honshu Island, Japan, died within 5 d in seawater (SW) in association with a marked increase in plasma osmolality, whereas the fish transferred to fresh water (FW) maintained plasma osmolality efficiently. Gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity decreased in both SW-maintained and FW-transferred fish. Well-developed chloride cells, identified by immunocytochemical staining specific for Na+, K+-ATPase, were present mainly in the filament epithelium of immature fish caught in the ocean. In mature fish caught in the bay, however, additional chloride cells were also found in the lamellar epithelium. The number of filament chloride cells decreased markedly in the mature fish both in SW and in FW, whereas the number of lamellar chloride cells was maintained. These results suggest that the loss of hypoosmoregulatory ability in mature chum salmon may be attributable to the decrease in filament chloride cells and associated decrease in gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity, and also that appearance of lamellar chloride cells may be preparatory to the forthcoming upstream migration. Received: 14 April 1997 / Accepted: 5 May 1997  相似文献   

The ratios of rubidium to caesium were investigated in juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and benthic and limnetic sticklebacks (Gasterosteus) as a means of separating zooplankton consumers from benthic prey consumers. Only benthic and limnetic sticklebacks had Rb to Cs ratios that were influenced by diet. Ratios were higher in limnetic stickleback whose diet consists mainly of zooplankton compared with benthic stickleback which consume benthic prey. Ratios in juvenile sockeye appeared to be influenced by the concentrations of rubidium and caesium in the egg yolk during the early period of growth. in three-spine stickleback that inhabited both the littoral and limnetic zone of the same lake, results suggested that fish must occupy each area for several months before rubidium to caesium ratios in tissues reflect concentrations in prey.  相似文献   

Habitat heterogeneity can generate intraspecific diversity through local adaptation of populations. While it is becoming increasingly clear that population diversity can increase stability in species abundance, less is known about how population diversity can benefit consumers that can integrate across population diversity in their prey. Here we demonstrate cascading effects of thermal heterogeneity on trout-salmon interactions in streams where rainbow trout rely heavily on the seasonal availability of anadromous salmon eggs. Water temperature in an Alaskan stream varied spatially from 5 degrees C to 17.5 degrees C, and spawning sockeye salmon showed population differentiation associated with this thermal heterogeneity. Individuals that spawned early in cool regions of the 5 km long stream were genetically differentiated from those spawning in warmer regions later in the season. Sockeye salmon spawning generates a pulsed resource subsidy that supports the majority of seasonal growth in stream-dwelling rainbow trout. The spatial and temporal structuring of sockeye salmon spawn timing in our focal stream extended the duration of the pulsed subsidy compared to a thermally homogeneous stream with a single population of salmon. Further, rainbow trout adopted movement strategies that exploited the multiple pulses of egg subsidies in the thermally heterogeneous stream. Fish that moved to track the resource pulse grew at rates about 2.5 times higher than those that remained stationary or trout in the reference stream with a single seasonal pulse of eggs. Our results demonstrate that habitat heterogeneity can have important effects on the population diversity of dominant species, and in turn, influence their value to species that prey upon them. Therefore, habitat homogenization may have farther-reaching ecological effects than previously considered.  相似文献   

Large animals are severely depleted in many ecosystems, yet we are only beginning to understand the ecological implications of their loss. To empirically measure the short-term effects of removing large animals from an ocean ecosystem, we used exclosures to remove large fish from a near-pristine coral reef at Palmyra Atoll, Central Pacific Ocean. We identified a range of effects that followed from the removal of these large fish. These effects were revealed within weeks of their removal. Removing large fish (1) altered the behavior of prey fish; (2) reduced rates of herbivory on certain species of reef algae; (3) had both direct positive (reduced mortality of coral recruits) and indirect negative (through reduced grazing pressure on competitive algae) impacts on recruiting corals; and (4) tended to decrease abundances of small mobile benthic invertebrates. Results of this kind help advance our understanding of the ecological importance of large animals in ecosystems.  相似文献   

Clarke LM  Munch SB  Thorrold SR  Conover DO 《Ecology》2010,91(12):3526-3537
Patterns of connectivity are important in understanding the geographic scale of local adaptation in marine populations. While natural selection can lead to local adaptation, high connectivity can diminish the potential for such adaptation to occur. Connectivity, defined as the exchange of individuals among subpopulations, is presumed to be significant in most marine species due to life histories that include widely dispersive stages. However, evidence of local adaptation in marine species, such the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia, raises questions concerning the degree of connectivity. We examined geochemical signatures in the otoliths, or ear bones, of adult Atlantic silversides collected in 11 locations along the northeastern coast of the United States from New Jersey to Maine in 2004 and eight locations in 2005 using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and isotope ratio monitoring mass spectrometry (irm-MS). These signatures were then compared to baseline signatures of juvenile fish of known origin to determine natal origin of these adult fish. We then estimated migration distances and the degree of mixing from these data. In both years, fish generally had the highest probability of originating from the same location in which they were captured (0.01-0.80), but evidence of mixing throughout the sample area was present. Furthermore, adult M. menidia exhibit highly dispersive behavior with some fish migrating over 700 km. The probability of adult fish returning to natal areas differed between years, with the probability being, on average, 0.2 higher in the second year. These findings demonstrate that marine species with largely open populations are capable of local adaptation despite apparently high gene flow.  相似文献   

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