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介绍了生活垃圾焚烧过程中二恶英的产生机理、对人体的危害及控制措施,以某生活垃圾焚烧发电厂环境影响评价为例,提出了二恶英对人体健康风险评价方法,同类项目环境影响评价提供借鉴。  相似文献   

与填埋、堆肥处理相比,生活垃圾焚烧处理在减量化和资源化方面有着巨大的优势,在未来将成为大城市生活垃圾的主要处理方式。采用生命周期评价方法,对不同余热利用和尾气处理方式下的生活垃圾焚烧处理方案对环境的影响进行评价。结果表明,在尾气处理系统中,干法、湿法、半干法3种酸性气体处理方式中,湿法处理的环境影响潜值最小,但是其资源耗竭系数最大。添加SNCR脱氮系统可以在酸性气体净化基础上将环境影响潜值降低70%左右,而资源耗竭系数变化不大。在单纯供热、供电和热电联供3种余热利用方式中,单纯供电的热利用效率最低,直接供热的热利用效率最高。  相似文献   

生命周期评价新发展与工业应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从国际生命周期小组的统计和国内外的案例,综述了新世纪生命周期评价(LCA)的发展和工业应用现状,对存在的问题进行探讨,就如何进一步改进提出建议。  相似文献   

利用生命周期评价(LCA)工具对城市固体废弃物管理(MSWM)的环境影响进行定量评价,能够帮助城市管理者寻找到环境成本和经济成本最小的处理方式,国内外研究者为此做了大量的研究.就生命周期评价标准(2006)的研究领域和规模、功能单位、系统边界、相关软件与数据库等方面,对国内外研究文献进行对比分析后发现:现有研究存在较大差异;缺乏透明性、规范性将制约LCA广泛应用;政府、学术组织以及团体应在数据的可获得性、完整性、研究标准的统一等方面努力,并根据本区域的资源禀赋、地理差异选择最优的废弃物管理方式.  相似文献   

生命周期评价(LCA)被誉为21世纪最有潜力的环境管理工具,它充分考虑了时间因素.环境影响评价(EIA)在我国已经发展起来,它作为企业或项目实施必需的一个环节,充分考虑了空间因素.通过对生命周期评价定义、发展的介绍,将其与环境影响评价相比较,提出将两种方法发展成为一种四维的、新的、更加全面的环境管理和评价方法.  相似文献   

梨园杀虫剂的环境风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐敬春  尤宏  孟宪林 《化工环保》2002,22(5):301-305
评价了某雪花梨栽培试验园区施用的杀虫剂对周围环境的风险性。其中包括;利用化学物质排毒系数评价法对梨园杀虫剂进行初步风险识别;非突发性水环境污染风险分析。采用瞬时点源一维河流模型对杀虫剂因事故性泄漏水体造成的风险进行预测;简要说明了杀虫剂进入土壤的途径及其对施药区和非施药区土壤的危害;采用高斯烟团模式,通过大气取样,对杀虫剂超常量喷施进入大气捕捞浓度分布进行统计分析,测算出杀虫剂在不同浓度范围出现的相对频率,从而鉴别其对居民点空气质量的危害几率。  相似文献   

田祎  叶旌  王玉晶  田宇  赵静  菅小东 《化工环保》2018,38(4):481-486
通过解析《关于汞的水俣公约》的管理对策及措施,分析了我国重金属污染防治管理中存在的问题及开展对策研究的必要性。以重金属污染防治管理战略、基础研究、政策法规和标准体系建设、信息管理体系建设、技术研发和推广、监督管理能力建设、协调机制建设等领域为切入点,分析得出了各领域存在的关键问题并提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

石化企业环境风险评价初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
曹淑艳  张卫 《化工环保》2004,24(Z1):469-471
石化企业环境风险评价是对石化企业环境影响的不确定性及其环境后果进行调查和确定的过程,具有复杂性、综合性和不确定性3大特征.评价的核心是识别风险和后果计算,桥梁是风险分析和风险评价,最终目的是降低风险.此外,在改进石化企业环境风险评价程序基础上,就环境风险评价方法和评价标准进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

曾科  于鲁冀 《化工环保》1998,18(3):173-175
用危险指数法对氯化亚砜生产过程各单元的风险性进行了评价,预测了制备锅爆炸事故的环境影响范围和程度。  相似文献   

介绍了产品全生命周期和循环经济的概念,提出了产品的资源循环模型.对干电池全生命周期的生命过程及阶段进行了划分,并分析了干电池的材料组成,提出了可应用于实践的干电池回收循环利用模型,计算出3种类型回收材料各自所占比重,为我国干电池回收业提供了决策理论和实践指导.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the risk of exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) through a study of activity patterns in the Korean industrial city, Ulsan. The daily life cycle patterns(LCPs) of 331 people in Ulsan were surveyed and the average LCPs in Ulsan were obtained by statistical analysis. Nine to twelve personal air samples of VOC exposure at the breathing zones were collected at each LCP. This included hours for sleeping,cooking and eating, going to and from work, working, participating in field or outdoor activities, reading, watchingTV, and shopping. The components and concentrations of the collected VOCs were identified by a Gas Chromatography-MassDetector (GC-MS). The overall reproducibility of all GC analytical procedures of the simultaneously collected duplicatesample pairs represented a mean of percent differences rangingfrom about 9 to 13%. For the general population of Ulsan, thecarcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risk of exposure to theVOCs during the LCPs was evaluated. The carcinogenic riskwas analyzed using both the chronic daily exposure orlifetime average daily exposure (CDI) and the cancerpotency factor. The non-carcinogenic risk was analyzedusing both the CDI and the chronic reference dose.The major chemical forms of the identified VOCs were oxidized forms (43%), aliphatic alkanes (29%) and aromatics (15%). Even though the highest total exposure strength per unit time of each activity was observed during shopping, the highest totalamount of exposure to VOCs was identified as the exposure duringwork. The total carcinogenic risk of exposure to the carcinogenicVOCs through daily life cycle in Ulsan was 2.0 × 10-4which is substantially exceeding the permissible carcinogenicrisk level, 10-5 10-6. The carcinogenic riskduring most of the life cycle activities, except forreading, mainly performed indoors, was higher than that ofthe activities performed outdoors. The carcinogenic risk bybenzene exposure was about 56% (time weighted average) ofthe total carcinogenic risk by the exposure to thecarcinogenic VOCs. During cooking and eating, shopping andout door activities, however, the carcinogenic risk by theexposure to chlorinated compounds like chloroform exceededthe exposure to benzene. The overall hazard index (non-carcinogenic risk) by a chronic exposure to carcinogenicand non-carcinogenic VOCs through daily life cycle in Ulsanwas evaluated as 3.91 × 10-1, which is much less than1.0 considered as a hazard level to human health, and thusit seems likely not to produce a severe health hazard.  相似文献   

张以飞  陆朝阳  姚琪 《化工环保》2014,34(4):371-375
针对专项工业规划环境影响评价中环境风险评价应用尚不成熟的现状,建立了一套专项工业规划环境风险评价方法,并将其应用到江苏省农药行业总体规划环境影响评价分析中。从环境风险角度分析行业发展方向、强度和布局的合理性,提出规划调整和行业风险管理的建议,以降低事故发生的概率和影响,保障行业的健康稳定发展。通过对江苏省农药行业规划明确的产品结构、产业组织结构、创新体系和技术发展目标等进行风险识别、分析和评价,得出生产和使用光气的定点企业、使用液氯的企业、产生硫化氢的企业的环境风险防护距离(以生产装置为起点)应至少设置为1 000,500,250 m。  相似文献   

用事故树分析法进行炼厂油罐爆炸事故的环境风险评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
龙军  俞珂 《化工环保》1996,16(2):113-119
论述了风险、风险评价、环境风险评价的概念及其主要内容,说明利用事故树分析法进行工程环境风险评价的程序和方法。并运用这种方法对某炼厂油罐爆炸事故进行了大气环境风险评价。  相似文献   

CO2地质封存中单井源泄漏风险的   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过模拟某废弃井CO2泄漏事故,对CO2泄漏事故进行风险评估。利用高斯模型得到不同大气条件下泄漏事故的影响范围及CO2浓度分布特征,并采用信息扩散法对模拟结果进行评价。研究结果可为利用钻井封存CO2项目的安全规划及风险防控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The pesticide impact rating index (PIRI) has been integrated with a Geographic Information System (GIS) to enable regional assessment of pesticide impact on groundwater and surface water resources. The GIS version of PIRI (PIRI-GIS) was used to assess the impact of pre-planting atrazine use in the pine plantations on the Gnangara Mound, Western Australia. The impact on groundwater was found to be spatially variable, mainly dependent on soil type and depth to groundwater, because land use variables were spatially constant. Areas with the greatest impact on groundwater were those where the soil had a low sorption capacity for atrazine. Knowledge of the spatial distribution of the sorption coefficient based on organic carbon (K oc) for atrazine was found to significantly improve the results from PIRI-GIS. Average values for K oc (i.e. based on overseas data) were too low for most of the local soil types, resulting in a general overestimation of pesticide impact on groundwater resources, but an underestimation of impact in areas that should be of greatest concern (i.e. where the soil has a low sorption capacity for atrazine).  相似文献   

Life cycle analysis (LCA) of limonene plasticized poly(lactic acid) (PLA) films containing cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) extracted, by acid hydrolysis, from Phormium tenax leaf fibres, was assessed and compared with the results of acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC) plasticized PLA films, having equivalent mechanical properties, containing organo-modified montmorillonite (OMMT). Eco-Indicator 99 tool has been adopted as the main method for life cycle assessment. Results indicated that, despite CNC are biobased fillers obtained by natural sources, the related chemical extraction leads to a large environmental footprint and a relatively relevant energy expense. LCA characterization of these films demonstrated that the environmental impact of PLA/limonene film reinforced with 1% in weight of CNC (PLA/CNC/limonene) is comparable to the environmental impact of polylactic acid films reinforced with OMMT and plasticized with a petroleum based plasticizer (ATBC) (PLA/OMTT/ATBC). A “cradle to gate” approach has been considered for both the film typologies.  相似文献   

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