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众所周之,国外尤其是发达国家,职业防护领域的个体防护装备非常完善,并且拥有细致而配套的各项防护标准。本文将集中介绍工业防护手套的欧洲标准,包括。  相似文献   

绝缘防护手套是电力行业必不可少的防护用品,通常与绝缘靴、绝缘棒、绝缘夹钳等配合使用。在使用绝缘棒停送高压令克、刀闸、开关及直接停送低压石板闸刀、空气开关等电气设备时,必须使用绝缘手套,以防止  相似文献   

分析了橡胶绝缘个体防护制品在设计、生产及使用中存在的问题,提出了解决的建议。  相似文献   

个体防护装备是安全生产工作中的一个重要组成部分,它既是安全生产的第一道防线,又是安全生产的最后一道防线。当采取技术措施仍不能消除生产中的危险和有害因素,或者不能采取技术措施时,佩戴个体防护装备就成为防御外来伤害,保证个人安全和健康的唯一手段。  相似文献   

正1前言我国工业生产蓬勃发达,人们关注作业环境、保护自身安全与健康的意识有了新的认识和提高。特别是一些重工业生产企业,从业人员的双手与钢、铁等硬性材质接触的频率较高,容易受到伤害。因此,研究和正确选择高性能防切割手套是非常必要的。目前,我国配戴普通手套或戴多层纱线手套,代替防切割手套的现象还比较普遍。应该正确选择  相似文献   

1前言CO是一种极毒的有害气体,当人中毒后,会出现头晕、恶心、呕吐、剧烈头痛、心跳加快、四肢无力等症状。如中毒较重会很快出现神志不清,呼吸困难,以至窒息而死。在CO含量为4.6mg/L的环境下,1h内就可致人死亡。CO气体不仅毒性强,而且潜在的危险环境比较广。煤矿井下发生瓦斯、煤尘爆炸、着火事故、汽车尾气等都会产生CO。在军事领域的炮兵阵地、导弹发射现场、潜水艇内部也都存在CO中毒的危险。CO的防护技术历来受到世界各国的关注。早在20世纪初期各国科学家就致力于常温下转化CO催化剂的科研开发,一批高效的贵金属催化剂相继问世,…  相似文献   

1引言个体防护装备,又称劳动防护用品,是指直接佩戴在人体、保护劳动者个人机体的局部或全身免受外来侵害的健康安全装备或者用品。工矿企业的职业危害因素较多,不同岗位的个体防护装备也有所不同。如何选择、购置、佩戴、淘汰个体防护装备,是职业健康管理的重要环节与内容,也是工矿企业(特别是安全主管部门)面临的安全管理问题。本文简单介绍个体防护装备及其应用,抛砖引玉,旨在引起个体防护装备的重视、提高工  相似文献   

1前言 人体皮肤温度受皮肤内血液循环和外界气温的影响,一般规律是躯干比四肢高,四肢近心端比远心端高,血液循环较丰富的头、面及掌跖处皮温也较高,最低的是耳壳、鼻尖及指端。  相似文献   

目前市场中工业防护手套种类繁多,如何正确选择成为很多安全管理人员关心的问题。下面将简要介绍如何正确选用化学防护手套。  相似文献   

This article presents a study on the effect of different protective gloves (which are commercially available and commonly used in the cold) on manual dexterity in cold environments. The experiments compared statistically four different types of gloves and two different types of gloving (outer or double) at +19 °C and -10 °C. Performance was determined both objectively and subjectively using two manual dexterity tasks: bolt-nut and pick-up tasks. The response measured was the time of performing each task. Statistical analysis showed that all independent factors such as glove type, participant, object size, and temperature had significant effects on the hand cooling reaction. A significant difference in the performance between the gloves was found in the bolt-nut task. It was also found that outer-inner combination gloving may be an approach to use for precision tasks.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍安全网的检查和使用。安全网是建筑工程施工中的安全防护措施,是使建筑工程实现安全、高效,防止安全亊故发生的重要环节。  相似文献   

此标准规定了使用抗化学品/微生物防护手套的要求及常用术语。  相似文献   

此标准明确规定了防护手套抗化学品/微生物穿透的检测方法。  相似文献   

本文通过综合比较现行安全技术规范、标准对叉车“安全保护与防护装置”的要求,分析叉车“安全保护与防护装置”的检验范围及内容,对其中争议较大项目的检验要求和方法提出建议.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍国家标准GB/T 29512—2013的实施背景以及防护手套的选择、使用和维护指南,并提出标准实施的建议。  相似文献   

Because they cause burns that are difficult to heal, acids are dangerous, and steps should be taken to ensure that the human skin does not come into contact with them. For this purpose safety gloves are generally used by workers who have to handle acids. Such gloves need to be tested to ensure that they are acid resistant. Standard EN 374 (European Committee for Standardization [CEN], 1993c) specifies a method of testing the permeation of liquid chemicals, on a molecular level, through glove material, but it may be difficult to ensure the fitness of the joints of a two-compartment cell, when gloves are lined with jersey. To deal with this a simple pH-meter method to test the permeation of acid and alkali solutions through safety gloves has been developed. The permeation of H2S04, HCI, HN03, and CH3COOH through gloves made from neoprene, nitrile, and PVC was tested. This method seems to be simple and economical.  相似文献   

Dental personnel manually handle methacrylate-based restorative materials, which can cause skin irritation and allergies. The protection given by different types of medical gloves is not well known. Breakthrough time (BTT, min) was used as a measure of protection according to a European standard, using 2 test mixtures consisting of respectively 3 and 5 monomers. Fourteen gloves representing natural rubber latex, synthetic rubber, and synthetic polymeric material were tested. The BTT ranged from some minutes to more than 2 hrs for the 4 monomers with a molecular mass less than 300. The longest protection was recorded for Nitra Touch (nitrile rubber), Tactylon (synthetic rubber), and Metin (PVC).  相似文献   

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