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洪泽湖溧河洼水生植物体内重金属调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对洪泽湖溧河洼区域的水生植物进行了Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr和Cd等重金属元素的污染调查与监测分析,结果表明:水生植物对重金属元素的吸收与积累反映了环境中的重金属污染水平,不同水生植物对各种重金属元素的吸收富集状况具有相对一致性,即Zn>Cu>Cr>Pb>Cd。水生植物对各种重金属元素的平均富集系数大小顺序为:Cd>Cu>Zn>Cr>Pb,这与各元素迁移性强弱的顺序也是相一致的,Cd、Cu、Zn等各元素较易为植物所吸收,而Pb的移动性较差。大部分水生植物根部的重金属含量比茎叶部分高。研究表明:可以从中筛选出具有高富集作用的植物,作为修复水体或土壤重金属污染的实验植物,为植物修复作用的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Scirpus littoralis is a wetland plant commonly found in Yamuna flood plains of Delhi, India. The ability of Scirpus littoralis to take up and translocate five metals- Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb from fly ash dosed and metal spiked soils were studied under waterlogged and field conditions for 90 days. Scirpus littoralis accumulated Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb upto a maximum of 494.92, 56.37, 144.98, 207.95 and 93.08 ppm dry wt., respectively in below ground organs (BO) in 90 days time. The metal content ratios BO/soil (B/S) were higher than shoot/soil ratios (T/S) for all the metals, the highest being for Ni. Metal ratios BO/water (B/W) were also higher than shoot/water (T/W) ratios but the B/W ratio was maximum for Zn. The changes in nutrient status (N, P) in soil water and plants were also studied at interval of 30 days. The Pearson's correlation between metal uptake and N, P uptake were calculated. All the metals except Ni showed negative correlation with nitrogen but they were all non-significant. However, P uptake showed positive correlations with all the metals and all were significant at 1% confidence limit.  相似文献   

Competitive Retention of Lead and Cadmium on an Agricultural Soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lead and cadmium contamination of an agricultural soil has been studied using batch and column experiments. Thermodynamics of theretention phenomena may be represented by a Langmuir isotherm foran aqueous metal concentration up to 100 mg L-1. First order kinetics with respect to the solid phase yield good predictabilityfor both batch and column experiments. Kinetics and thermodynamics of lead retention predominate over those ofcadmium. As a consequence, lead is preferentially retainedand can even displace sorbed cadmium. In the event of anspill involving both metals, cadmium would move further inthe soil and its aqueous concentration downstream could beeven higher than that of the influent solution, increasingpotential risks. A two-region model has been used to fit all the experimental results. Satisfactory predictions for column experiments are obtained with parameters which are consistent with those obtained for the batch experiments, for which sorption is described by a Langmuir isotherm including competitive retention.  相似文献   

微波消解-ICP法测定土壤中重金属元素的不确定度评定   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
对微波消解-电感耦合等离子发射光谱法测定土壤样品中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cr、Ni的不确定度进行评估,在测定过程中,对样品称量、消解、定容体积、标准溶液的配制、曲线拟合、仪器测量重复性等影响不确定度的分量进行分析,按《测量不确定度评定与表示》(JJF 1059—1999)的规定进行合成,最终给出扩展不确定度,为电感耦合等离子发射光谱法测量土壤中重金属元素的实验室质量控制和不确定度评定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

奎屯市污灌区蔬菜重金属含量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对奎屯市污灌区蔬菜基地进行调查及对6种重金属元素含量的监测分析与评价,结果表明,所监测的7个地块蔬菜样品中的Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、As均未超标,仅个别蔬菜样品中Hg轻微超标。另外,叶菜类中6种重金属含量均高于茄果类和根茎类。  相似文献   

对南通市51个沉积物样品中重金属Cu、Pb、Cr、Hg、As、Cd的质量浓度进行了测试,并用地积累指数法评价了河流沉积物的重金属污染。结果表明:南通市沉积物重金属基本上未受污染,只有元素As受到轻度污染。  相似文献   

挺水植物化感作用抑制藻类生长的机理与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据国内外挺水植物化感作用抑制藻类的研究,对菖蒲等15科20种挺水植物化感抑制水华鱼腥藻等18种水华藻类的作用予以评述;归纳了挺水植物化感作用在影响藻细胞亚显微结构、酶体系活性、呼吸作用、光合作用、细胞膜和细胞内小分子物质的含量等6方面的抑制藻类生长的机理;对移植栽种植物共培养、从植物中提取化感物质和直接施加化感物质等3种类型抑制藻类的应用方式进行概述;结合当前中国水华频发、抑藻和除藻任务繁重的现状,指出存在的主要问题并提出今后研究和应用化感作用抑制藻类的展望。  相似文献   

We grew leek (Allium porrum) in soils of two shooting ranges heavily contaminated with heavy metals in the towns of Zuchwil and Oberuzwil in Switzerland as a bioassay to test theactivity of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in these soils.Soil samples were taken from (1) front of the shooting house(HOUSE), (2) the area between house and target (FIELD) and (3) the berm (BACKSTOP). Samples of Ribwort plantain (Plantagolanceolata) growing naturally within the shooting ranges werealso collected and the colonization of its roots by mycorrhizalfungi was measured. The number of AM spores in the soils wassignificantly reduced concomitant with the increase in thedegree of soil contamination with metals. In Zuchwil,mycorrhizal fungi equally colonized roots of Ribwort plantainsampled from BACKSTOP and HOUSE. In Oberuzwil, however, plantsfrom BACKSTOP had lower colonization when compared with thosesampled from HOUSE. Colonization of leek was strongly reducedin the BACKSTOP soil of Zuchwil and slightly reduced in theBACKSTOP soil of Oberuzwil when compared with plants grown inrespective HOUSE soil. Concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb andZn in the leaves of leek grown in the BACKSTOP soil was withinthe range considered toxic for human consumption. This pointsto the high degree of bio-availability of these metal in thesesoils. Significant decrease in the number of mycorrhizal sporesin the BACKSTOP soils in Zuchwil and the low colonization ofleek roots grown in these soils point to possible changes inthe species diversity of mycorrhizal fungi in these soils.  相似文献   

采用可见分光光度法,通过构筑16-5-4多目标神经网络模型实现同时测定溶液中Cd2+、Pb2+、Cu2+、As3+的含量。实验以4-(2-吡啶偶氮)-间苯二酚(PAR)作为显色剂,采用"多因素多水平可视化设计法"设计样本,在4种组分可见吸收光谱严重重叠的390~480 nm范围内,选取16个特征波长处的吸光度作为输入信号,应用"留二法"原则训练BP网络。网络准确预测了结果,Cd2+、Pb2+、Cu2+、As3+的平均回收率分别为100.10%、100.03%、100.09%、99.99%,测定结果的相对标准偏差分别为0.18%、0.12%、0.26%、0.13%,达到了4种组分含量同时测定的目的。  相似文献   

南通地区很多钢丝绳企业采用酸洗磷化工艺,产生大量含铅、铁、锌等重金属离子的酸性废液,造成区域特征性环境污染.选用山东天维膜技术有限公司的扩散渗析阴膜进行钢丝绳酸性废液处置实验.结果表明:该膜能有效地将酸、盐分离,酸的回收率达到90%以上,铅截留率达到70%以上,铁截留率达到80%以上.但实验中出现氯化铅晶体析出,堵塞处...  相似文献   

采用二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠(NaDDC)为螯合剂,对Cu(Ⅱ)、Hg(Ⅱ)、Pb(Ⅱ)、Zn(Ⅱ)、Cd(Ⅱ)、Cr(Ⅵ)六种重金属离子进行了螯合萃取分离体系的方法研究,用HPLC方法建立了上述金属离子的最佳分离条件及定性定量分析方法.结果表明,用C18反相柱(5μm,150×4.6mmi.d.)和流动相(V(乙腈):V(甲醇):V(水)=55:15:30)能有效分离上述重金属离子,最低检测限在0.1~1.6ng范围内,线性范围及线性关系满足定量分析要求.  相似文献   

电镀企业产生的漂洗水中含有大量的重金属,处理后生成的电镀重金属污泥属于危废,国家有相关的处置规定,若处置不当,会对环境造成二次污染,并且造成重金属的流失。介绍了利用离子交换法、电解法、膜分离技术、电去离子法等相关方法回收电镀漂洗废水中重金属的国内外的研究进展;从源头抓起,减少了电镀企业重金属元素的排放量,同时对废水的合理回用提供一些可行性方案。  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to integrate plant architectural modeling or “visualization modeling” and “mechanistic” or physiologically based modeling to describe how a real plant functions using a virtual crop. Virtual crops are life-like computer representations of crops based on individual plants and including the representation of the substrate on which the plants grow. The integration of a three-dimensional expression and the mechanistic model of plant development and growth requires the knowledge of the position of the organs along the different plant axes (the topology), their sizes, their forms, and their spatial orientation. The plant simulation model simulates the topology and organ weight or length. The superposition of spatial position and the topology produces the architecture of the plant. The association between sizes and organs creates what we refer to as the plant morphological model. Both components, the architectural model and the morphology model, are detailed in this paper. Once the integration is complete, the system produces a movie-like animation that shows the plant growing. The integrated model may simulate one or several plants growing simultaneously (in parallel). Visual capabilities make the proposed system very unique as it allows users to judge the results of the simulation the same way a farmer judges the situation of the crops in real life, by visually observing the field.  相似文献   

阳极溶出伏安法快速测定地表水中镉   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
利用阳极溶出伏安法原理,采用PDV 6000型重金属快速分析仪测定地表水中的镉。在1.25μg/L~40.0μg/L范围内,质量浓度与阳极溶出峰电流和峰面积呈良好的线性关系,方法检出限为0.001 mg/L,水样平行测定的RSD为8.9%,加标回收率为80.5%~118%,与石墨炉原子吸收光谱法的测定结果基本一致。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to integrate agent-based modeling and geographic information systems (GIS) for examining how interactions within forest management lead to patterns of land-cover change. Specifically, this study evaluates how management agents behave in the presence of variable timber prices, harvesting costs, and accessibility to timber and how their actions influence the spatial characteristics of the forest landscape over time. The GIS calculates the average harvested patch size, number of patches, and total harvested area as measures of emergent patterns resulting from agent actions. The results from the agent-based GIS model reveal that good economic conditions lead to few but large harvested patches, while deteriorating conditions will see more patches of smaller size if forest companies have access to high-quality timber. This study emphasizes the need for a complex systems approach to forest management as the model illustrates how system elements interact in a manner to produce emergent spatial patterns over time.  相似文献   

The use of low-cost and environmental safety amendments for the in situ immobilization of heavy metals has been investigated as a promising method for contaminated soil remediation. Natural materials and waste products from certain industries with high captive capacity of heavy metals can be obtained and employed. Reduction of extractable metal concentration and phytotoxicity could be evaluated and demonstrated by the feasibility of various amendments in fixing remediation. In this review, an extensive list of references has been compiled to provide a summary of information on a wide range of potentially amendment resources, including organic, inorganic and combined organic-inorganic materials. The assessment based on the economic efficiency and environmental risks brought forth the potential application values and future development directions of this method on solving the soil contamination.  相似文献   

葫芦岛市近岸海域水生动物重金属污染状况的监测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
参考国内外有关生物残毒研究理论 ,对葫芦岛市沿岸海区 ,包括东起笊笠码头 ,西至绥中芷锚湾海滨海水中现存动物体重金属污染状况进行监测和评价。  相似文献   

对固城湖水生植被现状和动态变化进行研究,为水生植被控制和恢复提出针对性的意见,同时也为长江中下游流域中的类似湖泊提供沉水植被科学管理的依据。  相似文献   

海河干流(市区段)表层沉积物重金属污染及变化趋势分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据1990—2006年监测资料,对海河干流(市区段)沉积物中重金属的现状和变化趋势进行了分析,采用地积累指数和Hakanson危害指数对海河干流(市区段)沉积物重金属富集现状和对水生生物危害进行评估。结果显示:海河干流(市区段)表层沉积物除Zn外,均呈现污染下降趋势。海河干流(市区段)沉积物中重金属对生物潜在危害顺序为Cd〉Hg〉As〉Cu〉Pb〉Cr〉Zn,各项指标对生物潜在危害性上游大于下游。  相似文献   

洪泽湖鱼体内重金属含量调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对洪泽湖鱼体中的Pb、Cd、Cu、Cr、Zn等5种重金属进行了测定,分析了不同重金属在鱼的组织器官中的含量分布情况,并重点探讨了重金属在鱼体内的富集规律。结果显示:同一类组织器官中重金属的含量、同一金属在不同组织器官中的分布、不同鱼类对同种金属元素的吸收积累存在显著差异,5种重金属的含量以肌肉中的含量最低;均值型指数法显示,鱼样中肌肉组织残毒污染较小,属于微污染到轻污染级别;污染负荷比说明洪泽湖鱼体残毒的主要污染因子是铅、镉。  相似文献   

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