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Few studies have examined predator-prey relationships in diverse communities such as those found on coral reefs. Here we examined patterns of spatial and temporal association between the local abundance of predator and prey fishes at Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. We predicted that the nature of this association would have implications for patterns of prey-fish mortality. Strong positive relationships between prey and piscivore abundance were found throughout the study. Greater densities of predators and of prey were found on patch-reef habitats, compared with contiguous reef-slope habitats. Declines in prey-fish abundance on patch reefs were density-dependent and correlated with the densities of predators. The relative roles of recruitment and piscivore movement in determining patterns of predator and prey abundance were assessed from surveys of recruit densities and an intensive programme of tagging two species of rock-cod, Cephalopholis cyanostigma and C. boenak (Serranidae), over 2 years. Patterns of recruitment explained little of the variation in the abundance and distribution of piscivorous fish. If movement explains large-scale patterns of distribution, this was not evident from the tagging study. The two rock-cod species were highly sedentary, with individuals on patch reefs seldom moving among reefs. Individuals on reef slopes were also highly site-attached, although they moved greater distances than those on patch reefs. Although the mechanisms responsible remain to be determined, this study demonstrated strong associations between the abundance of piscivorous fish and their prey on coral reefs. This relationship appeared to be an important factor in producing density-dependent declines in the abundance of prey. Received: 30 April 2000 / Accepted: 22 September 2000  相似文献   

The Mediterranean endemic seagrass Posidonia oceanica forms beds characterised by a dense leaf canopy and a thick root-rhizome ‘matte’. Death of P. oceanica shoots leads to exposure of the underlying matte, which can persist for many years, and is termed ‘dead’ matte. Traditionally, dead matte has been regarded as a degraded habitat. To test whether this assumption was true, the motile macroinvertebrates of adjacent living (with shoots) and dead (without shoots) matte of P. oceanica were sampled in four different plots located at the same depth (5–6 m) in Mellieha Bay, Malta (central Mediterranean). The total number of species and abundance were significantly higher (ANOVA; P<0.05 and P<0.01, respectively) in the dead matte than in living P. oceanica matte, despite the presence of the foliar canopy in the latter. Multivariate analysis (MDS) clearly showed two main groups of assemblages, corresponding to the two matte types. The amphipods Leptocheirus guttatus and Maera grossimana, and the polychaete Nereis rava contributed most to the dissimilarity between the two different matte types. Several unique properties of the dead matte contributing to the unexpected higher number of species and abundance of motile macroinvertebrates associated with this habitat are discussed. The findings have important implications for the conservation of bare P. oceanica matte, which has been generally viewed as a habitat of low ecological value.  相似文献   

The conservation of wildlife requires management based on quantitative evidence, and especially for large carnivores, unraveling cause‐specific mortalities and understanding their impact on population dynamics is crucial. Acquiring this knowledge is challenging because it is difficult to obtain robust long‐term data sets on endangered populations and, usually, data are collected through diverse sampling strategies. Integrated population models (IPMs) offer a way to integrate data generated through different processes. However, IPMs are female‐based models that cannot account for mate availability, and this feature limits their applicability to monogamous species only. We extended classical IPMs to a two‐sex framework that allows investigation of population dynamics and quantification of cause‐specific mortality rates in nonmonogamous species. We illustrated our approach by simultaneously modeling different types of data from a reintroduced, unhunted brown bear (Ursus arctos) population living in an area with a dense human population. In a population mainly driven by adult survival, we estimated that on average 11% of cubs and 61% of adults died from human‐related causes. Although the population is currently not at risk, adult survival and thus population dynamics are driven by anthropogenic mortality. Given the recent increase of human‐bear conflicts in the area, removal of individuals for management purposes and through poaching may increase, reversing the positive population growth rate. Our approach can be generalized to other species affected by cause‐specific mortality and will be useful to inform conservation decisions for other nonmonogamous species, such as most large carnivores, for which data are scarce and diverse and thus data integration is highly desirable.  相似文献   

Ling Ong  Kim N. Holland 《Marine Biology》2010,157(6):1313-1323
Parrotfishes can be significant bioeroders and sediment producers on coral reefs. We quantified the bioerosion rates of two similarly sized Hawaiian parrotfishes with two different feeding modes (Scarus rubroviolaceus—a scraper and Chlorurus perspicillatus—an excavator). The results showed that feeding modes did not affect bioerosion rates but that bioerosion rates were size dependent, with largest individuals (S. rubroviolaceus 45–54 cm FL) bioeroding up to 380 ± 67 kg ind−1 year−1. The size for onset of bioerosion capabilities for both species was 15 cm. Grazing by the two species consumed 60% of the carbonate production of the fore reef area, suggesting that large parrotfishes in Hawaii are ecologically important bioeroders. As individual large S. rubroviolaceus contributed disproportionately more to bioerosion and sediment production than the equivalent biomass of smaller conspecifics, management strategies designed to retain normal reef bioerosion rates should seek to preserve the historical size structure of S. rubroviolaceus populations and to especially protect the larger size classes.  相似文献   

The present study (Ishigaki Island, Japan) explored the distance of transmission of chemical cues emitted by live versus dead coral reefs (Exp. 1: High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses with water sampling station at 0, 1, and 2 km away from the reef) and the potential attraction of these chemical cues by larval fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods (Exp. 2: choice flume experiment conducted on 54 Chromis viridis larvae, 52 Palaemonidae sp larvae, and 16 Sepia latimanus larvae). In the experiment 1, HPLC analyses highlighted that the live coral reef (and not the dead coral reef) produced different and distinct molecules, and some of these molecules could be transported to a distance of at least 2 km from the reef with a reduction of concentration by 14–17-fold. In the experiment 2, C. viridis, Palaemonidae sp, and S. latimanus larvae were significantly attracted by chemical cues from a live coral reef (sampling station: 0 km), but not from a dead coral reef. However, only C. viridis larvae detected the chemical cues until 1 km away from the live coral reef. Overall, our study showed that chemical cues emitted by a live coral reef were transported farthest away in the ocean (at least 2 km) compared to those from a dead coral reef and that fish larvae could detect these cues until 1 km. These results support the assumption of a larval settlement ineffective in degraded coral reefs, which will assist conservationists and reef managers concerned with maintaining biodiversity on reefs that are becoming increasingly degraded.  相似文献   

Along the mid-Atlantic coast of the US, the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi (Agassiz) appears to be increasing in abundance and undergoing shifts in its historical seasonal distribution. We provide new data on shifting ctenophore abundance in Long Island estuaries and its implications for top-down control of the plankton community. Peak mean biovolume estimates of M. leidyi in Long Island estuaries in 2006 revealed ctenophore abundance values that were a factor of two to five times greater than previous studies conducted two decades ago. Furthermore, peak M. leidyi densities in 2006 occurred 2–3 months earlier than previously documented, suggesting a shift in the seasonal maxima of M. leidyi. Application of daily ingestion rates to zooplankton abundance indicates that, at its highest densities M. leidyi can remove an overall average of 20–89% per day of bivalve veligers and other zooplankton taxa, including adult copepods, nauplii, and tintinnids. Increasing ctenophore abundance, especially during a period when they were not historically abundant (i.e., June) may have significant consequences for species which spawn at this time. For example, current populations of M. leidyi represent a major source of larval mortality for bivalves which may inhibit recovery of shellfish populations and reinforce their low abundance state in Long Island estuaries.  相似文献   

The associated echinoderm fauna of 125 living heads of massive microatolls of Porites spp., branched heads of Porites nigrescens Dana and small, densely packed heads of the hydrocoral Millepora exacea Forskål of a shallow sublittoral lagoon flat at Aldabra Atoll, Seychelles was examined. The weight and number of echinoderms increased with coral size in all cases. The microatolls were the largest coral heads and sheltered the most diverse, underlying echinoderm cryptofauna comprising the largest bodied species, regardless of class or family. The infauna in heads of P. nigrescens was less diverse and smaller bodied than the echinoderms under microatolls. Only with P. nigrescens did species number increase with increasing coral size. Heads of M. exacea were the smallest and provided a habitat of compact interstitial spaces for the most depauperate, smallest bodied infauna which included juveniles of larger species. Ophiuroids dominated the coral-associated echinoderm faunas whereas larger bodied classes, such as echinoids and holothuroids, were less well represented. Large bodied ophiuroids such as certain ophiodermatids occurred only under microatolls, whereas the usually small bodied ophiotrichids dominated in the heads of M. exacea. The generally ubiquitous ophiocomids were well represented in, or under all corals. Heads of M. exacea could be nursery areas for recently metamorphosed juvenile ophiuroids and echinoids which, as they grow, seek shelter in corals with larger interstitial spaces such as P. nigrescens. Significant interspecific ophiuroid associations were related to space availability for larger species under microatolls and in heads of P. nigrescens. The possibility of microhabitat partitioning in corals among some ophiuroids is suggested.  相似文献   

It is speculated that differences in coral bleaching susceptibility may be influenced by the genotype of in hospite Symbiodinium and their differential responses to bleaching stressors. Photoinhibition of photosystem II (PSII), damage to the D1 (psbA) PSII reaction centre protein and production of reactive oxygen species by in hospite Symbiodinium are likely precursors of coral bleaching. In order to assess whether photorepair rates of in hospite Symbiodinium underlie the bleaching susceptibility of their hosts, photoinhibition (net and gross), photoprotection and photorepair rates were assessed in a bleaching-‘tolerant’ coral (P. astreoides) and a bleaching-‘sensitive’ coral (M. faveolata) using non-invasive fluorometric techniques and by blocking de novo synthesis of psbA. Previous studies using such techniques have demonstrated that in vitro Symbiodinium types ‘sensitive’ to bleaching stressors had reduced rates of photorepair relative to ‘tolerant’ Symbiodinum types. Our measurements demonstrated that Symbiodinium in the more bleaching tolerant P. astreoides had higher photorepair rates than Symbiodinium in M. faveolata. Higher repair rates in P. astreoides resulted in lower net photoinhibition relative to M. faveolata, where both corals exhibited similar susceptibility to photodamage (gross photoinhibition). Photoprotective mechanisms were observed in both corals; M. faveolata exhibited higher antennae-bed quenching than P. astreoides at low-light intensities, but at and above light-saturating intensities, which are different for each coral species, P. astreoides displayed more efficient non-photochemical quenching (Stern–Volmer quenching) of chlorophyll fluorescence than M. faveolata. Increased NPQ by P. astreoides at E/E k ≥ 1 was not driven by antennae-bed quenching. The ability of in hospite Symbiodinium in P. astreoides to mitigate the effects of photoinhibition under high light conditions compared with Symbiodinium in M. faveolata, and their high repair capacity following photoinhibition, may be a key factor to consider in future bleaching studies and may underlie the relative bleaching tolerance of P. astreoides compared to M. faveolata.  相似文献   

The environmental impact of consumption and production is diverse and wide-reaching: air, water and ground pollutants are emitted during different phases of a life cycle, natural resources are overexploited and ecosystems are degraded. Changing consumption patterns in Asia forecast major impacts from increased demand for electric and electronic goods, cars and processed and protein-rich food, as well as buildings. While some countries have adopted policy at a strategic level to promote sustainable consumption and production, most countries, in particular developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region, do not have a comprehensive policy on sustainable consumption and production but would have much to gain from building on this new approach. The aim of this paper is to elaborate on current theory and practice in the area of sustainable production and consumption focusing on sustainable urban development. The paper will: 1) analyse current policy thinking in the field of regional sustainable consumption and production; 2) identify issues for regional policy development in the same fields; and 3) propose regional public policy related to sustainable consumption and production patterns, such as improved energy efficiency and use of alternative energy.  相似文献   

Six firing range soils were analyzed, representing different environments, firing conditions, and maintenance practices. The particle size distribution and lead (Pb) concentration in each soil fraction were determined for samples obtained from the backstop berms. The main factors that were found to influence Pb fragment size were the type of soil used to construct the berms and the type of weapon fired. The firing of high velocity weapons, i.e., rifles, onto highly angular soils induced significant fragmentation of the bullets and/or pulverization of the soil itself. This resulted in the accumulation of Pb in the finer soil fractions and the spread of Pb contamination beyond the vicinity of the backstop berm. Conversely, the use of clay as backstop and the use of low velocity pistols proved to be favorable for soil clean-up and range maintenance, since Pb was mainly present as large metallic fragments that can be recovered by a simple screening process. Other factors that played important roles in Pb particle size distribution were soil chemistry, firing distance, and maintenance practices, such as the use of water spray for dust suppression and deflectors prior to impact. Overall, coarse Pb particles provide much easier and more cost-effective maintenance, soil clean-up, and remediation via physical separation. Fine Pb particles release Pb more easily, pose an airborne Pb hazard, and require the application of stabilization/solidification treatment methods. Thus, to ensure sustainable firing range operations by means of cost-effective design, maintenance, and clean-up, especially when high velocity weapons are used, the above mentioned factors should be carefully considered.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are highly dynamic and productive marine ecosystems, providing habitat and refuge for an enormous number of species including fish, invertebrates and algae. With increased anthropogenic pressures and global climate change, many coral reefs are rapidly declining. Currently, there is limited knowledge on condition and community assemblage composition of shallow fringing coral reefs along the south-eastern coast of Queensland, Australia. With increased demand to determine existence of coastal fringing reefs by National Regional Management groups, a rapid cost effective method to determine reef composition and condition was required. The aim of this study was to determine the benthic structure and extent of two small coastal fringing reefs (Hummock Hill Reef and Stringers Reef) along the Southern Great Barrier Reef. Reef substrate assessments were carried out using a rapid assessment technique and a Point Intercept Method (PIM). The data were analysed and classified using a Geographic Information System (GIS). Percent substrate cover was calculated using a visual basic image analysis program. The Point intercept method showed higher accuracy over the rapid assessment technique (up to 15–40% difference) and was thus deemed a more suitable classification tool for reefs with high structural complexity and heterogeneity. This study focused on piloting a rapid, cost effective Point Intercept Technique using random point count methodology to document coral benthic habitat and extent over a commonly used rapid assessment method as a tool for reef coastal management and conservation. The two techniques were compared and substrate classification success, limitations and errors were discussed.  相似文献   

The Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis states that females choosing males with more developed secondary sexual traits, i.e. brighter males, achieve greater fitness if variability in brightness reflects heritable variation in resistance to parasites. However, several factors will affect the likelihood that parasites play a role in sexual selection in given species. Here, using simple models, we show that because of parasite aggregation on a few hosts, only few breeding males would suffer from reductions in brightness due to parasites. Only in cases where parasites are abundant and show low levels of aggregation among their hosts would there be sufficient variability in brightness among breeding males for female choice of bright, resistant males to evolve. In addition, sufficient parasite-induced variability in brightness among breeding males will only occur in host-parasite systems where pathology is linearly related to the number of parasites per host. The presence of males that are uninfected and bright but genetically susceptible to parasites will also influence the fitness advantages obtained by females choosing bright males. If genetic immunity against parasites is rare in the host population, females can probably only benefit from choosing bright males if parasites are common and little aggregated among males. These results greatly limit the generality of the Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis, and suggest that only a small fraction of host-parasite associations could promote the evolution of host mate choice for resistance based on brightness. Correspondence to: R. Poulin  相似文献   

We describe a portable, non-motorized device for delivering a tracer dye into seawater under field conditions. Dye is ejected at a constant flow rate over a period of tens of minutes. The ejector works in a wide range of ambient pressures without external energy requirements. The flow rate is adjusted simply by varying the length of the delivery tube. The dye streams permitted observations of the upcurrent and downcurrent flow regimes for a filter-feeding crinoid (Comanthus bennetti) living at a depth of 8 m on a coral reef. The results indicate that the crinoid may enhance the rate of particle capture by changing the scale of turbulence in the water passing through the mesh of the filtration fan.  相似文献   

Over 15 000 coral recruits were counted on settlement plates from three mid-shelf reefs and six fringing reefs in the northern section of the Great Barrier Reef during two summers (1986 and 1987) and one winter (1987). The density of coral recruits on some settlement plates from a fringing reef was up to 4.88 cm–2, the highest value ever reported. Mean density of recruits was greater on fringing reefs (81.1 recruits/settlement plate) than on mid-shelf reefs (15.6 recruits/settlement plate), but there was greater spatial variation in abundance of recruits between the fringing reef sites. Other differences between the mid-shelf reefs and the fringing reefs were that different taxa were dominant, and that settlement orientation differed, with mid-shelf recruits settling preferentially on horizontally oriented surfaces and fringingreef recruits preferring vertical surfaces. Of the three midshelf reefs, Green Island reef recorded the highest recruitment rate for each of the two summers, despite having a depauperate adult coral population following predation by the asteroidAcanthaster planci. This suggests that coral larvae frequently travel between reefs. In contrast with an earlier study, there was no consistent difference in abundance of recruits between forereef and backreef locations. Overall, the results indicated great spatial variation in the availability of coral larvae, both on the scale of whole reefs and within-reef habitats.  相似文献   

A differential equation model of a species with two life stages is constructed, and the behavior of the equilibria investigated when density-independent mortality is continuously imposed. With density dependence largely in recruitment, an increase in either life stage is possible even though mortality is being imposed on both life stages. The equilibrium of a given life stage can increase if density dependence is mainly in that stage.The most effective stage to attack is that which is numerically dominant. With species having a high reproductive potential the most effective way of reducing either stage is to attack the stage with the lesser natural density-independent mortality.Certain parameter values allow multiple positive steady states. Data from Lucilia cuprina appear to conform to some of the predictions of the model.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from a study which was undertaken to monitor, map and quantify salt marsh change along 440 km of shoreline within the county of Essex, south-east England, between 1973 and 1998. Results indicate that during this 25-yr period, 1000 ha of salt marsh has been lost in Essex, primarily due to coastal erosion. This figure represents ca. 25% of the total salt-marsh area originally present in Essex in 1973. The salt marshes of Essex are important nature conservation areas, with many sites designated as Special Protection Areas under the EC Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) and as Special Areas of Conservation under the EC Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). Salt marshes are also natural features which significantly dissipate wave and tidal energy, thereby playing an important role in contributing to effective coastal defence. The large-scale loss of salt marsh in Essex has, therefore, implications for both nature conservation and flood defence. Potential hypotheses for, and implications of such losses are discussed in this paper, together with the identification of potential management approaches to alleviate the losses.  相似文献   

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