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Bioremediation by reductive dehalogenation of groundwater contaminated with tetrachloroethene (PCE) or trichloroethene (TCE) is generally carried out through the addition of a fermentable electron donor such as lactate, benzoate, carbohydrates or vegetable oil. These fermentable donors are converted by fermenting organisms into acetate and hydrogen, either of which might be used by dehalogenating microorganisms. Comparisons were made between H2 and acetate on the rate and extent of reductive dehalogenation of PCE. PCE dehalogenation with H2 alone was complete to ethene, but with acetate alone it generally proceeded only about half as fast and only to cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE). Additionally, acetate was not used as an electron donor in the presence of H2. These findings suggest the fermentable electron donor requirement for PCE dehalogenation to ethene can be reduced up to 50% by separating PCE dehalogenation into two stages, the first of which uses acetate for the conversion of PCE to cDCE, and the second uses H2 for the conversion of cDCE to ethene. This can be implemented with a recycle system in which the fermentable substrate is added down-gradient, where the hydrogen being produced by fermentation effects cDCE conversion into ethene. The acetate produced is recycled up-gradient to achieve PCE conversion into cDCE. With the lower electron donor usage required, potential problems of aquifer clogging, excess methane production, and high groundwater chemical oxygen demand (COD) can be greatly reduced.  相似文献   

Cosolvent effect on the catalytic reductive dechlorination of PCE   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dror I  Schlautman MA 《Chemosphere》2004,57(10):1505-1514
Reductive dechlorination of chlorinated organic contaminants is an effective approach to treat this widespread group of environmentally hazardous substances. Metalloporphyrins can be used to catalyze reduction reactions by shuttling electrons from a reducing agent (electron donor) to chlorinated organic contaminants, thus rendering them to non-chlorinated acetylene, ethylene or ethane as major products. Iron, nickel and vanadium oxide tetraphenyl porphyrins (TPPs) were used as models of non-soluble metalloporphyrins that are common in subsurface environments, and hence may inflect on the ability to use natural ones. The effect of cosolvents on metalloporphyrins is demonstrated to switch the reduction of tetrachlorethylene (PCE) from no reaction to complete PCE transformation within 24 h and the production of final non-chlorinated compounds. Variations in product distributions for the different metalloporphyrins indicate that changes in the core metal can influence reaction rates and effective pathways. Furthermore, different cosolvents can generate varied product distributions, again suggesting that different pathways and/or rates are operative in the reduction reactions. Comparison of different cosolvent effects on PCE reduction using vitamin B12--a soluble natural metalloporphyrinogen--as the catalyst shows less pronounced differences between reactions in various cosolvent solutions versus only aqueous solution.  相似文献   

Arbeli Z  Ronen Z  Díaz-Báez MC 《Chemosphere》2006,64(9):1472-1478
This study was aimed at improving our understanding of the physiology of the microorganisms that reductively dehalogenate tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBPA). Activity was followed in contaminated sediments from a polluted streambed as well as from fracture filling material underlying the stream. Reductive dehalogenation was observed in surface sediments but not in fracture filling samples from a depth of 3m. Likewise, anaerobic microbial activity, represented by sulphate reduction, was much higher in the surface sediment. In the culture enriched from the surface sediment, optimal microbial debromination of TBBPA took place at a salinity of 2% and 3% NaCl, temperature of 30 degrees Celsius, and pH of 7-8. Ethanol, pyruvate and the combination of hydrogen with acetate were the most suitable electron donors and carbon sources for this culture. Alternative electron acceptors like Fe(3+), SO(4)(2-), SO(3)(2-), NO(3)(-) and 2,4,6-tribromophenol inhibited TBBPA debromination. The debrominating bacteria were heat sensitive (80 degrees Celsius, for 10min) but were not inhibited by bromoethanesulphonate or molybdate. This study allowed optimisation of our culturing conditions, but was also important for understanding the factors which influence TBBPA debromination in situ.  相似文献   

Bill M  Schüth C  Barth JA  Kalin RM 《Chemosphere》2001,44(5):1281-1286
Dehalogenation of trichloroethene (TCE) in the aqueous phase, either on palladium catalysts with hydrogen as the reductant or on metallic iron, was associated with strong changes in delta13C. In general, the delta13C of product phases were more negative than those of the parent compound and were enriched with time and fraction of TCE remaining. For dehalogenation with iron, the delta13C of TCE and products varied from -42/1000 to +5/1000. For the palladium experiments, the final product, ethane, reached the initial delta13C of TCE at completion of the dehalogenation reaction. During dehalogenation, the carbon isotope fractionation between TCE and product phases was not constant. The variation in delta13C of TCE and products offers a new monitoring tool that operates independently of the initial concentration of pollutants for abiotic degradation processes of TCE in the subsurface, and may be useful for evaluation of remediation efficiency.  相似文献   

Carbohydrates such as molasses are being added to aquifers to serve as electron donors for reductive dehalogenation of chloroethenes. Glucose, as a model carbohydrate, was studied to better understand the processes involved and to evaluate the effectiveness for dehalogenation of different approaches for carbohydrate addition. A simulation model was developed and calibrated with experimental data for the reductive dehalogenation of tetrachloroethene to ethene via cis-1,2-dichloroethene. The model included fermentors that convert the primary donor (glucose) into butyrate, acetate and hydrogen, methanogens, and two separate dehalogenator groups. The dehalogenation groups use the hydrogen intermediate as an electron donor and the different haloethenes as electron acceptors through competitive inhibition. Model simulations suggest first that the initial relative population size of dehalogenators and H(2)-utilizing methanogens greatly affects the degree of dehalogenation achieved. Second, the growth and decay of biomass from soluble carbohydrate plays a significant role in reductive dehalogenation. Finally, the carbohydrate delivery strategies used (periodic versus batch addition and the time interval between periodic addition) greatly affect the degree of dehalogenation that can be obtained with a given amount of added carbohydrate.  相似文献   

Habekost A  Aristov N 《Chemosphere》2012,88(11):1283-1286
Reductive dechlorination and debromination of halogenated biphenyls (PCBs) and diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) occurs efficiently at moderately elevated temperatures (350-600 °C) with zero valent iron (iron powder) in a nitrogen atmosphere. The proton donors tested were waste transformer oil, iso-octane, and n-decane. Observation of production of biphenyl and diphenyl ether and their condensation products indicates that the reaction is not simple pyrolysis, but a reduction. No halogenated organic products are observed.  相似文献   

反硝化除磷菌驯化富集方式的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以SBR反应器分别采用一段式和二段式培养方法对反硝化除磷菌进行了驯化富集.结果表明,一段式和二段式培养方法驯化完成后的活性污泥沉降性能均较好,污泥体积指数(SVI)分别约为60、50 mL/g,反硝化除磷菌占聚磷菌的比例达到了77%和71%.两种培养方法下反硝化除磷菌PO3-4-P去除率和脱氮率分别达到了97%和95%以上,缺氧结束时水中PO3-4-P质量浓度小于1 mg/L.驯化完成后污泥的含磷率最高达到了3.7%(质量分数).因此,采用一段式或二段式驯化方法均能实现反硝化除磷菌的有效富集.  相似文献   

Disappearance rate constants are reported for the reductive transformation of 17 halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons in anaerobic sediment-water samples. Statistical experimental design in combination with multivariate chemical characterization of their chemical properties was used to select the compounds. Degradation followed pseudo first-order kinetics through at least two half-lives for 15 of the 17 compounds. Of all the compounds investigated, 1,2,3-trichloropropane and dichloromethane were unique in that they were dehalogenated according to zero-order kinetics. Reductive dehalogenation was the sole transformation reaction taking place.  相似文献   

A mixed culture capable of supplying its energy requirements by the oxidation of zero-valent iron (Fe0) and concomitant reduction of chlorinated ethenes was established. The culture contained Dehalococcoides species as determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with genus specific primers. The use of a newly designed ARDRA procedure and subsequent sequencing revealed the presence of two Dehalococcoides strains, one closely related to Dehalococcoides ethenogenes strain 195, a bacterium respiring with chlorinated ethenes, and one closely related to strain CBDB1 a chlorobenzene and dioxin dehalogenating anaerobe. The mixed culture was used to study dechlorination of tetrachloroethene (PCE) to ethene in the presence of Fe0. Whereas abiotic transformation of PCE by Fe0 led to incomplete dechlorination, the mixed culture mediated fast and complete dechlorination of PCE to ethene with Fe0 as electron donor. Compared to cultures with hydrogen added as electron donor, cultures with Fe0 as electron donor showed the same or higher rates of PCE dechlorination. Growth of the Dehalococcoides strains in the mixed culture is linked to the presence of Fe0 as electron donor and PCE as electron acceptor demonstrating that Dehalococcoides spp. play a pivotal role in the dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes in Fe0 systems.  相似文献   

The variability of stable carbon isotope fractionation upon reductive dechlorination of tetra- and trichloroethene by several microbial strains was investigated to examine the uncertainties related to the in situ application of compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) of chlorinated ethenes. Carbon isotope fractionation was investigated with a set of microorganisms representative for the currently known diversity of dehalorespirers: Dehalococcoides ethenogenes strain 195, Desulfitobacterium sp. strain Viet1, Desulfuromonas michiganensis and Geobacter lovleyi sp. strain SZ and compared to the previous reports using Sulfurospirillum spp. and Desulfitobacterium sp. strain PCE-S. Carbon isotope fractionation of tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichlorethene (TCE) was highly variable ranging from the absence of significant fractionation to carbon isotope fractionation (epsilonC) of 16.7 and 3.5-18.9 for PCE and TCE, respectively. Fractionation of both compounds by D. ethenogenes strain 195 (PCE: epsilonC=6.0; TCE: epsilonC=13.7) was similar to the literature data for mixed cultures containing Dehalococcoides spp. D. michiganensis (PCE: no significant fractionation; TCE: epsilonC=3.5) and G. lovleyi sp. strain SZ (PCE no significant fractionation; TCE: epsilonC=8.5) generated the lowest fractionation of all studied strains. Desulfitobacterium sp. strain Viet1 (PCE: epsilonC=16.7) gave the highest enrichment factor for PCE.  相似文献   

Copper contaminated areas pose environmental health risk to living organisms. Remediation processes are thus required for both crop production and industrial activities. This study employed bioaugmentation with copper resistant bacteria to improve phytoremediation of vineyard soils and copper mining waste contaminated with high copper concentrations. Oatmeal plant (Avena sativa L.) was used for copper phytoextraction. Three copper resistant bacterial isolates from oatmeal rhizosphere (Pseudomonas putida A1; Stenotrophomonas maltophilia A2 and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus A6) were used for the stimulation of copper phytoextraction. Two long-term copper contaminated vineyard soils (Mollisol and Inceptisol) and copper mining waste from Southern Brazil were evaluated. Oatmeal plants substantially extracted copper from vineyard soils and copper mining waste. As much as 1549 mg of Cu kg?1 dry mass was extracted from plants grown in Inceptisol soil. The vineyard Mollisol copper uptake (55 mg Cu kg?1 of dry mass) in the shoots was significantly improved upon inoculation of oatmeal plants with isolate A2 (128 mg of Cu kg?1 of shoot dry mass). Overall oatmeal plant biomass displayed higher potential of copper phytoextraction with inoculation of rhizosphere bacteria in vineyard soil to the extent that 404 and 327 g ha?1 of copper removal were respectively observed in vineyard Mollisol bioaugmented with isolate A2 (S. maltophilia) and isolate A6 (A. calcoaceticus). Results suggest potential application of bacterial stimulation of phytoaccumulation of copper for biological removal of copper from contaminated areas.  相似文献   

Debromination of decabromodiphenyl ether (deca-BDE) by microbe and by zero-valent iron (ZVI) has been reported previously. However, no study has indicated the presence of microorganisms and their effect on ZVI-mediated reduction of deca-BDE. Synergistic degradation of deca-BDE by an enrichment culture and ZVI was studied. It was found that synergistic effects enhanced the debromination of deca-BDE as well as promoting the reduction of lower brominated products. ZVI stimulated microbial debromination by serving as an electron donor. Correlation analysis also confirmed that ZVI was capable of enhancing microbial population in the debromination of deca-BDE. Conversely, the enrichment culture produced acid which maintained pH stability and stimulated the oxidation of ZVI. The enrichment culture supplied its energy requirements by the oxidation of ZVI and concomitant reduction of deca-BDE, but incapable of growth and reduction of BDE-209 without ZVI and vice versa. Compared to the initial culture, the microbial community of the enrichment culture became dominated by several bacterial genera based on the results of 16S rRNA-gene pyrosequencing.  相似文献   

将耐盐脱氮复合菌剂投加到序批式生物反应器中,构建生物强化高盐废水处理系统(SBR1),以未投加复合菌剂系统(SBR2)作为对照,分析典型周期中氮素和溶解氧的变化趋势以及盐度冲击对脱氮效果的影响.实验表明,在曝气时间为6h时,生物强化系统脱氮率可稳定在96%以上,出水总氮浓度为3.8 mg/L左右.反应中始终无硝氮、亚硝氮积累,生物强化系统具有同步硝化好氧反硝化能力.当受到5%和7%较高盐度冲击时,生物强化系统表现出优于对照系统的抗盐度冲击能力,能够快速恢复原有活性,且出水总氮低于15 mg/L;当受到0%盐度的淡水冲击时,对照系统中耐盐污泥失活且无法恢复,而生物强化系统只需投加少量(3%)耐盐脱氮复合菌剂,即可快速恢复活性,出水总氮低于15 mg/L.本研究能够为生物强化高盐废水脱氮系统的构建和运行提供技术支持.  相似文献   

The decolorization of the azo dye Reactive Red 2 (RR2) under anoxic conditions was investigated using a mesophilic (35 degrees C) halotolerant enrichment culture capable of growth at 100 g/L sodium chloride (NaCl). Batch decolorization assays were conducted with the unacclimated halotolerant culture, and dye decolorization kinetics were determined as a function of the initial dye, biomass, carbon source, and an externally added oxidation-reduction mediator (anthraquinone-2,6-disulphonic acid) concentrations. The maximum biomass-normalized RR2 decolorization rate by the halotolerant enrichment culture under batch, anoxic incubation conditions was 26.8 mg dye/mg VSSxd. Although RR2 decolorization was inhibited at RR2 concentrations equal to and higher than 300 mg/L, the halotolerant culture achieved a 156-fold higher RR2 decolorization rate compared with a previously reported, biomass-normalized RR2 decolorization rate by a mixed mesophilic (35 degrees C) methanogenic culture in the absence of NaCl. Decolorization kinetics at inhibitory RR2 levels were described based on the Haldane model (Haldane, 1965). Five repetitive dyeing/decolorization cycles performed using the halotolerant culture and the same RR2 dyebath solution demonstrated the feasibility of biological renovation and reuse of commercial-strength spent reactive azo dyebaths.  相似文献   

应用Boyd理论研究了活性炭吸附水中四氯乙烯(PCE)的吸附速率以及超临界CO2萃取PCE饱和活性炭的解吸附速率.结果表明,在0.5~48.0 h内,吸附速率曲线具有直线相关关系,R2=0.996 0,其吸附速率可用粒内扩散系数Di表示,Di=4.00×1010cm2/s;在超临界CO2解吸附过程中,在1~5 min内,时间与解吸附率存在直线相关关系,R2=0.947 5,其解吸附速率用粒内扩散系数Di/SF表示,Di/SF=-5.19×10-5cm2/s,比Di大105倍,说明超临界流体具有优越的传输性能;用Boyd理论可粗略描述活性炭吸附-超临界CO2解吸附PCE的过程.  相似文献   

Atrazine degrading enrichment culture was prepared by its repeated addition to an alluvial soil and its ability to degrade atrazine in mineral salts medium and soil was studied. Enrichment culture utilized atrazine as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen in mineral salts medium and degradation slowed down when sucrose and/or ammonium hydrogen phosphate were supplemented as additional source of carbon and nitrogen, respectively. Biuret was detected as the only metabolite of atrazine while deethylatrazine, deisopropyatrazine, hydroxyatrazine and cyanuric acid were never detected at any stage of degradation. Enrichment culture degraded atrazine in an alkaline alluvial soil while no degradation was observed in the acidic laterite soil. Enrichment culture was able to withstand high concentrations of atrazine (110 μg/g) in the alluvial soil as atrazine was completely degraded. Developed mixed culture has the ability to degrade atrazine and has potential application in decontamination of contaminated water and soil.  相似文献   

Photolytic dehalogenation of the marine halogenated natural product Q1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gaul S  Vetter W 《Chemosphere》2008,70(9):1721-1729
The marine halogenated natural product 2,3,3',4,4',5,5'-heptachloro-1'-methyl-1,2'-bipyrrole (Q1) has been detected in high-trophic level biota throughout the world. In this study we UV-irradiated Q1 in order to produce hexahalogenated 1'-methylbipyrroles (Cl(6)-MBPs). Q1 was transformed with half-lives of <5 min. Already after 5 min, all of the five existing Cl(6)-MBPs (H1-H5) were detected in the irradiated sample. Only one Cl(6)-MBP (2,3,3',4',5,5'-hexachloro-1'-methyl-1,2'-bipyrrole (MBP-77, H2) has been previously described in the literature. H5 was identified as 2,3,3',4,4',5'-hexachloro-1'-methyl-1,2'-bipyrrole (MBP-75) by a specific fragment ion detected by GC/ECNI-MS. Fractionations of the irradiation mixture by reversed-phase HPLC followed by (1)H NMR analysis led to the structure of H4, i.e. 2,3,3',4,4',5-hexachloro-1'-methyl-1,2'-bipyrrole (MBP-74). H1 and H3 showed virtually identical (1)H NMR data. Therefore, it could not determined which of either isomers is 2,3,3',4,5,5'-hexachloro-1'-methyl-1,2'-bipyrrole (MBP-76) and which is 2,3,4,4',5,5'-hexachloro-1'-methyl-1,2'-bipyrrole (MBP-78). In addition, two pentachloro-MBPs (P1 and P3) could be traced back to MBP-62 and MBP-69. Cl(6)-MBPs were analyzed in whale blubber from Australia and skua adipose tissue from Antarctica. The marine mammals contained all Cl(6)-MBPs except for the most abundant in the irradiation experiment. The concentrations of the Cl(6)-MBPs amounted to 0.04-1.76% of the concentration of Q1. The highest concentrations of Cl(6)-MBP isomers in the biota samples were found for MBP-76, MBP-77, and MBP-78. These congeners appeared to be the most lipophilic ones owing to the highest retention time in RP-HPLC. Nevertheless, it remained unclear whether the Cl(6)-MBPs were actual halogenated natural products or environmental metabolites of Q1.  相似文献   

Microbial degradation of benzene under anaerobic conditions plays an important role in remediation of contaminated sites but the microorganisms and metabolic pathways involved remain poorly understood. In this study, we evaluated degradation of benzene by a methanogenic enrichment culture obtained from non-contaminated lotus field soil, alone and in the presence of several putative metabolic intermediates, that is, toluene, benzoate and phenol. Using stable isotope (13C) labeled substrate, benzene was shown to be degraded almost completely to equimolar concentrations of methane and carbon dioxide, without detectable accumulation of extracellular metabolites. Concurrently, toluene, benzoate and phenol were also effectively mineralized, but probably by microorganisms other than the benzene degraders. The latter included Hasda-A, which is putative benzene-degrading deltaproteobacterium present in the culture. While toluene and benzoate did not affect benzene degradation, phenol had a moderate inhibitory effect although it was not a major metabolic intermediate of benzene in our culture. Finally, 4-hydroxycoumarin was detected as a compound formed from phenol but further experiments are required to elucidate its relationship to degradation of phenol.  相似文献   

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