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科学构建化工园区安全生产长效机制的关键要素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对我国化工园区的发展现状和存在的问题,结合本质安全等现代先进安全管理理念,系统地分析了强化化工园区安全生产长效机制关键要素的手段和措施,为提高化工园区和相关行业的安全管理现状提供了科学依据。指出当前强化园区总体规划和布局论证以及严格执行园区准入制度的重要性;阐明建设项目本质安全化是重要关键所在,应通过在项目构建的不同阶段,分步实施本质安全化设计策略;考虑到园区重大事故多米诺效应概率显著增加,理论研究确定了爆炸和火灾触发多米诺效应的概率和临界距离;特别强调重大危险源的控制和管理是核心问题,提出了园区重大危险源的三级安全管理模式和园区应急资源评估模式。  相似文献   

While process safety regulations and standards have been in place in western countries for more than two decades, China has only recently started to officially embrace these issues with the adoption of its Process Safety Management (PSM) regulation AQ/T 3034-2010 (SAWS, 2010). However, compliance with this regulatory framework requires substantial resources and may therefore appear too complex to be efficiently implemented by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the chemical sector. This is of particular relevance as about 99% of chemical companies in China are SMEs, accounting for more than 80% of all chemical accidents. To address this issue, additional local regulations and planning activities related to process safety have been implemented in China, including the establishment of hundreds of chemical industry parks. Some of the process safety problems faced by chemical industry parks are identified and discussed in this paper. To help solve these problems, UNEP's “Responsible Production approach for Chemical Hazards Management along the Value-Chain” is introduced in this paper and suggested as a simplified PSM approach targeted specifically at SMEs which, regardless of handling hazardous chemicals in their daily operations, may not have the knowledge or capacity to efficiently implement PSM and may not fall in the scope of the PSM regulation AQ/T 3034-2010. By introducing PSM to SMEs in a more manageable way, relevant steps can be progressively implemented by companies towards full compliance with the current regulatory framework, contributing to increased safety in chemical industry parks in China.  相似文献   

化工园区安全规划方法与程序研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
针对我国化工园区急剧发展,且无统一的安全规划方法指导的现状,分析了化工园区安全规划的目的、指导思想与一般原则;对国外常用的"基于安全距离"、"基于后果"和"基于风险"等3种安全规划技术方法进行比较研究,给出基于区域性定量风险评价方法的化工园区安全规划技术思路;进而提出了化工园区安全规划应至少包括化工园区工厂选址与土地使用安全规划、化工园区安全管理模式研究和化工园区应急体系建设及应急预案编制等3项内容,并给出了化工园区安全规划的基本程序。笔者建议,将化工园区安全规划的内容纳入化工园区的总体规划,在化工园区规划、开发和建设过程中编制化工园区安全规划。  相似文献   

Three accidents occurred in east China's Jiangsu Province in March and April 2019. These accidents sounded the safety alarm for the management of industrial hazardous waste in the “heavy industry” era. This paper explored the internal causes of these accidents through the current situation of the generation, disposal and comprehensive utilization of industrial hazardous waste in China. The results of the analysis showed that the enterprises management systems of hazardous waste had serious problems at the current stage, leading to many potential risks. The chief problem resided in the fact that these systems failed to take full account of safety and environmental protection. Finally, suggestions for improvement were proposed concerning the above problems.  相似文献   

基于临水区域化工园区的整体安全研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对临水区域化工园区的生产特点及在整体安全方面存在的普遍问题,提出在临水区域化工园区内要进行合理布局,做到功能分区明确;同时需建立园区安全生产管理、监测预警及应急处置系统,主要是由固定危险源和移动危险源动态安全管理子系统、安全生产监测预警系统、突发事故应急处置平台等所组成;坚持安全监控信息化与标准化,对化工园区的整体安全性的提高将发挥巨大的作用,为建设"平安园区"打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

随着工业化进程加快,我国化工园区呈现出数量逐年递增且集中分布的态势,增加了跨区域重大突发事件的风险,如何实现跨区域的应急协作成为化工园区安全规划所面临的重点与难点问题之一。基于此,搜集近15 a全国化工园区的安全事故,采用自组织特征映射神经网络分类方法与多元回归模型研究全国范围内化工园区安全事故的空间分布规律及影响因素,进而从风险分布与应急协作需求的匹配性角度讨论我国现有应急协作机制存在的潜在问题。研究结果表明:我国化工园区整体空间布局呈现出以区域优势为导向的趋势,其选址大多忽略了化工园区集中区域的高风险与应急能力不足的问题,这种布局的失衡使得政府无法形成高效的跨区域应急协作体制;化工园区数量上的增加并非是导致危机事故的主要原因,强调了化工园区自身特征与危机事故严重程度的相关性,区域间应急联动协作在化工园区危机应对过程中的重要作用;最后,从空间布局、跨区域协作角度提出化工园区区域应急协作的相应政策建议。  相似文献   

指出当前我国化工园区开发建设过程中面临的突出问题,分析目前我国化工园区安全监管的运作模式和存在问题,提出化工园区安全监管应遵循的原则,分析解决化工园区复杂的安全监管问题的有效途径,提出建立化工园区综合安全管理体系的新思路,最后对化工园区安全监管过程中存在的问题提出解决对策.  相似文献   

Several safety characteristics of dusts are determined in the 20-L-sphere (also known as SIWEK Chamber) according to international standards. Dust cloud ignition is carried out using pyrotechnical igniters. Due to various disadvantages of such igniters the need for alternative ignition sources arises again and again. An alternative could be an ignition source which is known as “exploding wire” or “fuse wire”. The paper presents test results of a comparative study between both ignition sources for the determination of the safety characteristics “Maximum Explosion Pressure” and “Maximum Rate of Explosion Pressure Rise” of five selected dusts in the 20-L-sphere. In addition to that the ignition mechanisms of both ignition sources were analyzed by high speed camera recordings and the ignition energy was determined with electric and calorimetric recordings. The paper shows results of measurements of the ignition energy of both ignition sources as well as sequences of the flame propagation.  相似文献   

生态工业园区建设理论探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
资源和环境问题是我国面临的严重的生态安全和环境安全问题 ,也是制约我国经济可持续发展的问题。生态工业是与环境协调发展的环境友好的工业体系。生态工业园是实现生态工业的理想的生态系统 ,通过工业园区内物质流、能量流、信息流和正确设计来模拟自然生态系统 ,形成企业间的共生网络 ,从而解决工业发展与资源和环境保护之间的相互制约的关系。随着我国工业化进程的推进 ,生态工业园区的建设步伐也在加快。笔者对生态工业园区建设的总体思路、建设指标以及建设过程中存在的主要问题等内容进行了理论探讨。以期抛砖引玉 ,促进生态工业园区的理论研究 ,推动生态工业园区在我国的实践。  相似文献   

建筑业人身意外伤害保险探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建筑业是伤害事故多发的行业 ,实行建筑业人身意外伤害保险 ,在《中华人民共和国建筑法》和《中华人民共和国安全生产法》里有明确规定 ,也是一项国际惯例。建筑业实施人身意外伤害保险 ,对促进建筑市场和保险市场的发育、减轻企业风险和维护社会稳定意义重大 ,同时有利于建筑业的安全管理以及与国际惯例接轨。目前 ,我国由于企业风险意识薄弱、法规不完善、保险公司不能提供优良的服务以及缺乏保险中介等原因 ,使得意外伤害保险的推行情况不甚理想。为大力推动我国建筑业人身意外伤害保险的发展 ,需要加强风险和保险的宣传、完善配套法规、采取强制与服务并重的措施并扶植我国工程保险中介组织的发展  相似文献   

为使各高校能有效应对工程教育与应急管理的新一轮发展,在新工科建设与应急管理部成立背景下研究安全与应急管理专业学科的现状与发展趋势。阐述专业建设与学科建设的联系、区别和作用,在此基础上分析安全与应急管理专业学科发展现状、凝练专业建设核心4要素、完善安全学科体系、总结应急管理一级学科体系构建思路,分别提出基于“现在完成进行时”与“将来完成进行时”状态的安全、应急管理专业学科发展趋势。结果表明:安全专业发展趋势分行业安全与“大安全”2类,安全学科仍需完善学科体系和科学分支;应急管理的长远发展趋势是设立一级学科,从而推动应急管理专业高质量创新型发展。  相似文献   

当前我国危化品行业事故频发,特别是危险源高度聚集的化工园区,风险因素的复杂性和事故后果的不确定性要求更高标准的应急救援力量为园区提供保障。提出了“企办政助”的社会化应急救援队伍建设模式,以大亚湾石化应急管理公司为实践主体,对危化品应急救援队伍建设机制和装备配备分析阐述,并对有偿性应急救援服务的开展进行了探索,初步形成了危化品“队伍培训-应急救援-有偿服务”的业务模式,为各级安全监管部门制定应急相关政策和标准提供了实践支持,亦对其他危化品应急救援队伍建设和培训有一定的借鉴参考价值。  相似文献   

危险化学品生产是当前的高危行业和安全管理的重点领域。面对事故频发的严峻形势,如何开展好危险化学品生产企业的安全管理,建立事故预防系统防止事故的发生非常关键。“纵深防御”原则作为核电厂实现核安全的一项基本原则,为核电厂长期稳定安全的发展奠定了坚实的基础,对危化企业提升事故预防能力,建立事故预防系统有较强的借鉴意义。借鉴“纵深防御”原则,文章分析危化企业应用“纵深防御”原则预防和减少事故发生的必要性,结合生产特点建立了事故纵深防御系统,对企业提高安全管理水平,预防事故的发生有重要的意义。  相似文献   

化工园区安全规划主要内容探讨   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
随着我国经济的高速发展,各地先后建设了大量化工园区。近几年一些化工园区也陆续开展了园区整体安全评价与安全规划的试点工作。但由于对于化工园区安全规划的内容目前并无统一的标准,致使各化工园区安全规划的内容不尽相同,甚至差异很大。本文提出了化工园区安全规划的基本程序,并详细论述了化工园区安全规划的主要内容。  相似文献   

重大突发事件情景构建是近年在我国兴起的支撑应急准备能力建设的一种方法和思路,广泛应用于公共安全领域的预案体系管理、应急演练设计、应急体系规划等应急准备行动。但是,随着相关研究和应用的逐年深入,如何将其进一步总结、凝练,进而发展成为突破层级和业务领域的标准化风险管理方法是当前应急管理领域急需解决的问题之一。首先,从重大突发事件情景构建的重要性与必要性入手,总结回顾目前国内外情景构建相关的研究与应用现状;其次,在情景构建理论体系和应用实践总结的基础上,围绕“综合风险评估和专家观点的情景主题筛选”“基于专业知识和真实案例支撑的‘故事化’表达”“基于通用应急任务清单支撑的任务梳理”和“基于任务驱动的风险沟通机制”4个核心理念进行深入分析和讨论;最后,结合目前我国应急管理机构改革的情况,从情景构建标准体系的建立和基于标准的情景构建实践工作出发,提出针对性建议。研究结果可为重大突发事件情景构建标准体系的建立与推广提供理论基础和参考借鉴。  相似文献   

In Dutch external safety policy, the acceptance of risk for the population in areas surrounding hazardous substances establishments is based on a limit value for individual risk (IR). Additionally, changes to societal risk (SR) must be justified. A specific software program (SAFETI-NL) with the associated Reference Manual Bevi Risk Assessments (RIVM, 2009) is legally required for the calculation of IR and SR. This prescribed “Bevi calculation method” forms the basis for decisions with important consequences for industry, land use planning and the protection of citizens. It is important that the outcome of calculations made with the prescribed method can be relied upon when making decisions about land use planning that affects both industry and population. This is the subject of this paper.The prescribed calculation method has been evaluated by performing a case study. The evaluation focussed on risk modelling of a Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion (BLEVE) at an LPG filling station, an incident type that plays a significant role in Dutch external safety. The risk modelling of the BLEVE with the prescribed calculation method was found to have a number of serious deficiencies. It is concluded that the prescribed calculation method yields no reliable perspective on the safety of production, use and storage of hazardous substances, nor of possibilities to increase safety.Decision making should not only depend on quantification of IR and SR. Improving the safety-relevance of the prescribed calculation method requires an increase of the number of dimensions of the outcome of risk calculations in order to make feedback possible. It is recommended to incorporate additional, safety-relevant information into planning and decision-making processes. It is envisaged that a more far-reaching change of Dutch QRA practice is needed (medium to long term). In this context, a number of interesting elements have been noticed in decision-making procedures in other EU Member States.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2004,42(7):569-586
Construction is one of the most hazardous industries due to its unique nature. Measured by international standards, construction site safety records in China are poor. This paper aims to examine the status of safety management in the Chinese construction industry, explore the risk-prone activities on construction sites, and identify factors affecting construction site safety. The findings reveal that the behavior of contractors on safety management are of grave concern, including the lack of provision of personal protection equipment, regular safety meetings, and safety training. The main factors affecting safety performance include ‘poor safety awareness of top management’, ‘lack of training’, ‘poor safety awareness of project managers’, ‘reluctance to input resources to safety’ and ‘reckless operations’. The study also proposes that the government should play a more critical role in stricter legal enforcement and organizing safety training programs.  相似文献   

In recent years, hazardous chemicals road transport accidents have occurred frequently, causing huge casualties and property losses, and accident risk assessment has become the focus of researchers' research. To predict the risk probability value of hazardous chemical road transport accidents, first, we compiled data on road transportation accidents of hazardous chemicals in China in the past five years. And the nine nodes in the Bayesian network (BN) structure were defined in combination with relevant classification standards. The optimal Bayesian network structure for hazardous chemical road transport accidents was determined based on the K2 algorithm and the causalities between the nodes. Second, the node conditional probabilities were derived by parameter learning of the model using Netica, and the validity of the model was verified using the 5-fold cross-validation method. Last, the Bayesian network model of hazardous chemical road transport accidents is used to analyze accident examples, and the accident chain of “rear-end-leakage” is predicted, and the accident is most likely to be disposed of within 3–9 h. The study shows that the derived accident prediction model for hazardous chemical road transportation can reason reasonably about the evolution of accident scenarios and determine the probability values of accident risks under different parameter conditions.  相似文献   

为了研究机械制造行业综合危险性,应用系统动力学理论和方法,结合层次分析法(AHP)、预先危险性分析-作业条件危险性评价法(PHA-LEC)、模糊综合评价法以及安全检查表法(SCL)等评价技术,利用仿真技术构造机械行业危险性整体框架,研究机械制造行业突发事故的危险程度,并以"8·2昆山粉尘爆炸事故"作为具体实例,综合评价突发事故的危险性。  相似文献   

如何认识和解决我国事故高发问题始于20世纪90年代,至今仍未得到很好地解决,已成为社会广泛关注的焦点。笔者以探索事故高发的管理根源为目的,对我国目前事故高发问题即“安全管理的困惑”从不同方面、不同层次上的具体表现进行了分析,将其寓于我国社会经济变革的大背景进行认识,从安全管理的哲学层次和我国社会经济变革的发展中研讨“事故高发、频发”的管理根源,分别从安全科学理论、世界社会经济发展的历史以及安全管理层次及其相互联系的角度,对我国事故高发问题进行了全面论述,提出了哲学文化层次带来的问题是产生“管理困惑”的源头。从整体上来看,我国事故高发、频发的管理根源在于:社会经济变革条件下产生的,由价值缺陷导致的“管理失灵”。“管理失灵”是问题的表现形式和结果,社会经济变革产生的“价值缺陷”是问题的核心。  相似文献   

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