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泉州市政府制定了《危险化学品重特大安全事故救援预案》。《预案》分总则、适用范围、事故应急救援原则、重大危险源分布状况及分类、事故应急救援的组织机构与职责、应急级别和应急行动等级划分、危险化学品事故应急救援处理程序、协调演练等九大部分。《预案》的制定,能够及时有效地开展该市危险化学品事故的应急救援工作,  相似文献   

城市危险化学品事故应急救援预案的研究   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
通过分析城市危险化学品的基本情况和典型事故引发的严重后果,借鉴、总结城市危险化学品应急救援演练和事故现场应急救援的实践经验,参考城市危险化学品潜在危险性评估的结果,笔者提出危险化学品事故的类别及其3种紧急情况的应对方法;阐述了制定危险化学品事故应急救援预案的目的、依据、指导思想和原则;指出城市危险化学品事故应急救援预案应包括的主要内容和构成要素,即应急救援的策划、应急响应机制、应急救援的机构与职责、任务与形式、应急响应程序、预案管理与评审改进等;提供了制定城市危险化学品事故应急救援预案的方法。  相似文献   

为了加强对危险化学品事故的有效控制,最大限度地降低事故危害程度,保障人民生命、财产安全,保护环境,根据《中华人民共和国安全生产法》和国务院《危险化学品安全管理条例》,制定本应急救援预案。  相似文献   

1 范围 本导则规定了危险化学品事故应急救援预案编制的基本要求。一般化学事故应急救援预案的编制要求参照本导则。 本导则适用于中华人民共和国境内危险化学品生产、储存、经营、使用、运输和处置废弃危险化学品单位(以下简称危险化学品单位)。主管部门另有规定的,依照其规定。  相似文献   

2006年10月1总则1.1目的进一步增强应对和防范危险化学品事故风险和事故灾难的能力,最大限度地减少事故灾难造成的人员伤亡和财产损失。1.2工作原则(1)以人为本,安全第一。危险化学品事故灾难应急救援工作要始终把保障人民群众的生命安全和身体健康放在首位,切实加强应急救援人员的安全防护,最大限度地减少危险化学品事故灾难造成的人员伤亡和危害。(2)统一领导,分级管理。国家安全生产监督管理总局(以下简称安全监管总局)在国务院及国务院安全生产委员会(以下简称国务院安委会)的统一领导下,负责指导、协调危险化学品事故灾难应急救援工作…  相似文献   

近日,应急管理部办公厅正式印发由国血家安全生产应急救援中心组织制定的《危险化学品企业生产安全事故应急准备指南》(下称《指南》),指导危险化学品企业加强生产安全事故应急准备,提高应急管理工作水平,有效防范和应对危险化学品事故。《指南》适用于危险化学品生产、使用、经营、储存单位依法实施生产安全事故应急准备工作,也可作为各级政府应急管理部门和其他负有危险化学品安全生产监督管理职责的部门依法监督检查危险化学品企业生产安全事故应急准备工作的工具。  相似文献   

一、演练目的为贯彻执行国务院《关于进一步加强安全生产工作的决定》、《中华人民共和国安全生产法》、国务院《关于重特大安全事故行政责任追究的规定》、《危险化学品安全管理条例》、《广西壮族自治区实施<危险化学品安全管理条例>办法》等安全生产法规。按照《柳州市重特大安全事故应急处理预案》开展事故应急救援演练。促进我市重特大事故的防范工作。检验我市处理突发重特大事故的应变和救援水平,考核我市应急救援队伍的实战能力。通过应急救援演练,树立市政府应急处理工作领导小组的权威,加强政府各部门的联动与配  相似文献   

黄菊:坚决遏制危化品事故多发势头在近日召开的全国安全生产电视电话会议上,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理、国务院安全生产委员会主任黄菊强调,当前安全生产工作要狠抓控制考核指标的落实,继续深化事故多发行业和领域的安全专项整治,加大安全生产投入,强化监督管理,进一步做好基层和基础工作。特别是要认真贯彻《危险化学品安全管理条例》等有关法律法规,采取综合治理和防范措施,确保危险化学品生产安全。要立即开展危险化学品安全专项检查,加大危险化学品生产经营单位的安全技术改造力度,制定和完善危险化学品事故应急救援预案,加强对重大危险源的监控,及早消除安全隐患。加强职业技能教育培训,提高应急反应和处置能力,依法严格追究危险化学品安全事故责任。  相似文献   

程云书 《劳动保护》2003,(10):20-22
化学事故应急救授预案是针对特定化学危险源而预先制定的在危险状态下的应急救援行动方案,目的是为了在发生化学事故时能以最快的速度发挥最大的效能,有序地实施救援,尽快控制事态发展,降低事故危害,减少事故损失。各地、各企业在制定化学事故应急救援预案中,针对不同的化学危险源,在救援技术上需要得到科学,权威的指导。为此,国家安全生产监督管理局安奎监管二司、国家化学品登记注册中心和本刊联合举办《化学事故应急救援知识讲》,旨在普及化学品应急救援知识,对一些常用的危险化学品的应急救援颓案提供技术上的指导。  相似文献   

王鑫 《安全》2016,37(8)
分析目前危险化学品的安全管理现状,呈现出缺乏健全的危险化学品的管理体系,企业缺乏完善的危险化学品登记制度、高素质的管理人员及操作人员和危险化学品管理应急能力。针对以上现象提出:健全安全监管体系,完善危险化学品登记制度,加强安全教育培训,健全危险化学品事故应急救援预案和应急救援体系的措施。  相似文献   

城市生命线系统城市安全的标志   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金磊 《劳动保护》2005,(9):36-38
完善的城市生命线系统是城市安全的标志.但纵观国内外城市诸多事故与灾害,城市生命线系统现状总是脆弱的. 一、必须重视城市生命线系统的事故与灾祸 所谓城市生命线系统是指公众日常生活必不可少的,城市或联合企业的交通、通讯、供电、供水、供气等系统工程而言的.它由各种建筑物、构筑物、管路等组成,还包括容易引起次生灾害的易燃、易爆、有放射性或有毒的工程设施等.其显著特点是:生命线工程造成的次生灾害严重;生命线系统包括多种多样的结合类型,情况复杂难以统一处理;生命线系统都由若干环节组成,其中任一环节破坏都可能会影响到整个系统的功能,城市生命线系统或在草坪下,但更多的穿越楼宇、桥梁、地铁等设施;生命线系统中的许多构件的破坏,一方面是由于地面强运动和传播波造成的,另一方面对地基变形、失效十分敏感.  相似文献   

Objectives: Pedestrian crashes are a critical problem in Latin American countries. However, little research has been published about pedestrians and even less about their behaviors in a naturalistic context. The objective of the present research was to explore risky pedestrian crossing behaviors in traffic intersections in an argentine city (Ushuaia). It is focused in different stages of the crossing process, traffic code violations, and other potentially risky behaviors such as distractions. A high frequency of risky behaviors among pedestrians was expected. Moreover, according to previous findings, it was hypothesized that men and younger pedestrians would show riskier behaviors.

Methods: Participants were 802 pedestrians (53.9% females) observed at several intersections (with and without traffic lights) in the city of Ushuaia. Behaviors were codified following a standardized observation protocol. Observers documented information on behavior previous to, during, and after crossing. Gender and age were also registered. Data were gathered through video recording. Frequency analyses of observed behaviors were conducted for the total sample, as well as by gender and by age group. A general crossing risk index was calculated to facilitate comparisons between the genders and age groups. We conducted an analysis of variance to evaluate gender and age differences for this index.

Results: A high proportion of risky behaviors were observed among pedestrians. The majority of pedestrian waited in the street (as opposed to on the sidewalk) before crossing, did not comply with traffic lights, or crossed outside the crosswalk. A large number of pedestrians were distracted while crossing. Men presented higher scores on risky behaviors than women. No differences were observed by age group.

Conclusions: The high level of risk behaviors during the different stages of street crossing is worrisome and reinforces the idea that pedestrians are responsible for many of the conflicts with motorists. Many of the risky behaviors seem to be associated with gender, which is in line with the previous literature showing more risk behaviors among men than among women. No differences were found for age group. Findings are interpreted considering some features of the Argentine road culture.  相似文献   

魏巍  金龙哲 《安全》2004,25(3):12-14
城市的特殊功能使其成为国家防灾、减灾的中心和重点;建立集政策、法规、技术、管理为一体的城市安全系统,对于增加城市安全保障能力,应付意外事故及突发自然灾害,具有重要意义.  相似文献   

改进GM(1,1)模型在城市环境噪声预测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文从传统GM(1,1)预测模型构造原理出发分析其存在的不足,指出模型适用于具有较强指数规律的序列,只能描述单调变化过程,而且预测数据序列中出现连续两个相等值时将使得a等于0,会使预测数据发散致使预测失效.文中通过采用平均斜率的概念计算a(k)序列,并利用MATLAB编程实现数据处理.广州市环境噪声污染数据的计算表明,新方法有满意的拟合和预测效果,从而为提高建模精度提供了新的途径.  相似文献   

广东汕头市农业土壤和蔬菜铅含量及健康风险评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重金属元素铅的危害已经引起人们的广泛关注,为了得到汕头市土壤及蔬菜铅污染的状况,选取了该市115个土壤样品及34个蔬菜样品进行铅含量分析.研究发现,汕头市土壤样品铅含量差异较大,最高含量为110mg/kg,最低含量则为12.1mg/kg,极差达到97.9mg/kg.56.52%的土壤样品铅含量超过国家土壤环境质量标准,表明该市土壤铅污染存在普遍性,且各区(县)土壤铅含量极不均匀.汕头市蔬菜样品铅含量全部超过国家食品卫生标准(GB 14935-94),不同蔬菜品种对铅的富集能力均较强,蔬菜样品铅最低含量为5mg/kg,最高含量为85mg/kg,分别为国家标准限值的5倍和425倍.经分析认为,该市铅污染源主要来自工业"三废"排放、大量含铅农药的使用、汽车尾气排放以及大气沉降等.还对汕头市民通过食用蔬菜而导致的铅暴露进行了健康风险评估,结果表明该市居民使用蔬菜存在较大的健康风险.  相似文献   

关于城市公共安全管理的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨艺文 《安全》2005,26(1):7-11
社会管理和公共服务是现代政府的主要职能.保障公共安全是政府履行管理与服务职能的重要组成部分.特别是目前我国正处于社会转型、经济转轨、社会矛盾凸显、国际斗争形势复杂时期,处理好公共安全管理与经济社会发展的关系,不仅是树立科学发展观的必然要求,也是贯彻"三个代表"重要思想、落实四中全会精神、提高党的执政能力的具体体现.借鉴2003年处理"非典"的经验教训,市委、市政府2004年以来制定发布了一系列有关公共安全的文件和行政规定,针对我区公共安全管理的现状,旨在建立科学的管理防范机制,努力消除各种安全隐患,保障人民群众生命、健康和财产安全,推动经济和社会持续协调健康发展.今年初我们与北京市科学技术研究院合作对东城区范围内公共安全现状进行了调查研究,并运用先进的公共安全理念和评价技术对调查资料进行系统分析,编写了"北京市东城区公共安全研究报告",被专家和媒体称为本市第一个本地化的公共安全方案.但是我们深知从定方案到抓落实、见实效还有一个艰苦的过程,伴随着全国各地重大安全事故的不断发生,促使我们对党委政府维护公共安全的责任有一个再认识和再思考.  相似文献   



This article compares observed driving behavior in a city, a town, and a village.


Unobtrusive observations were made at intersections in each residential type. Five violation types were observed: (a) not wearing a seat belt (seat belt violation); (b) not using a safety seat for a child (safety seat violation for children); (c) not using a speaker while speaking on the phone (on-phone violation); (d) failing to comply with a ‘give way’ sign (‘give way’ sign violation); and (e) stopping in an undesignated area (undesignated stop violation). It was expected that in accordance with the anonymity hypothesis that the bigger residential areas' rate of traffic violations would be higher. The effects of the residential type, drivers' gender, and age were assessed using the multiple regression model. The stepwise method of evaluation was employed. The model converged on step 3 (Adjusted R square = 0.039). Residential type and gender contributed significantly to the model. Results: Consistent with prior research, male drivers committed more violations than female drivers. Chi-square analyses were used to test the distribution of violations by the settlement types. Overall, more drivers committed violations in the two small residential areas than in the city, with 30% of city drivers, 43% of town drivers, and 51% of village drivers committing at least one violation (χ2 (2) = 37.65, p < 0.001). Moreover, in the town and the village, a combination of one or more violations was committed more often than in the city (χ2 (1) = 34.645, p < 0.001). Accordingly, more drivers committed violations in the two small settlements (48.4%) than in the city (30.6%). Possible explanations for the observed results were provided in the Discussion section.

Impact on Industry

The conclusions of this paper are that drivers in small villages tend to disobey traffic laws. Therefore, efforts have to be made in companies to take this issue in consideration while running fleets in companies located in small places far from the center.  相似文献   



All employees in health care settings handling needles or other sharps are at risk for needle stick and sharps injuries (NSSIs). Health care workers in under developed countries are at greater risk of infection from blood borne pathogens because of the lack of safety devices and the high prevalence of these pathogens.


The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of NSSIs and associated factors among health care workers in government health institutions in Gondar city, Ethiopia.


Institution based cross sectional study was conducted from May-December, 2010. The study included 344 health care workers who were selected from the source population using simple random sampling technique. Data were collected through interviews using structured and pre-tested questionnaire and the collected data were entered and analyzed using SPSS version 16.0.


The prevalence of NSSIs among health care workers in the preceding 12 months was 106 (30.8%), of which 58 (54.7%) was reported by females. Lack of training on occupational health and safety, working more than 48 h/week, dissatisfaction with work environment and work culture, greater than 10 years of work experience and having low and moderate perception of risk were found to be significantly associated with NSSIs.


The study found high prevalence of NSSIs among health care workers. Effective training, ongoing awareness on the risk of hazards, preventive measures such as engineering control, and post-exposure prophylaxis following NSSIs are essential to reduce the risk of such injuries.  相似文献   

城市电磁辐射污染的产生与危害   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孟超  高燕  于淼  葛庆昆  朱琨 《安全》2005,26(5):29-33
随着科学技术的迅猛发展,电磁辐射污染问题越来越受到人们的重视和关注,它已经被称为"第五大环境污染".本文重点论述了电磁辐射的危害,国内外电磁辐射的标准,城市电磁辐射污染的来源及特点,以及北京市区电磁辐射污染现状.  相似文献   

城市安全文化研究探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁辉 《安全》2002,23(1):4-6
随着改革与开放的深入,经济社会迅速发展,城市化进程加快.城市化的发展与其工业化,知识化紧密相关.其中:城市工业化水平主要依赖于科技化水平,知识化水平取决于城市人口的具有较高素质的文化水平.城市扩大化和人口结构发生变化的结果是:产业结构调整,新兴产业诞生,职业品种增加,教育与再教育机会增加,城市人口增加,因此城市环境与安全任务加重.  相似文献   

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