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The optimized BCR sequential extraction procedure (proposed by the Standards, Measurements and Testing Programme (SM&T) of the European Union) was applied to seven topsoil samples from refuse dump sites for the determination of Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb and Cd. The metals were partitioned into four operationally defined chemical fractions: acid extractable, reducible, oxidizable and residual, and analysed using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry, FAAS. The results were compared with total metal concentrations obtained using HNO3, HClO4 and HF digestion procedures. Results for total metal analysis ranged from - 15.55 to 43.45 for Cu, 37.15 to 222.35 for Zn, 5.15 to 12.10 for Ni, 10.30 to 93.05 for Pb and 0.35 to 3.75 for Cd in μgg−1 dry weight. The results of the partitioning study showed that zinc prevailed in the more soluble fractions and was distributed between the acid-extractable (32.4%) and the reducible (40.3%) fractions, whereas Pb was distributed mainly in the reducible fraction. Copper and nickel were predominantly associated with the reducible and residual fractions - 53.4, 33.3 and 51.1, 24.1% respectively. The ranking of the four fractions for the partitioning of cadmium was: reducible > residual > oxidizable > acid extractable. The percentage recovery for all metals when comparing total metal concentration with the fractional sum of the optimized BCR procedure, were of the order: Zn(93%) > Pb(83%) > Cu(78) > Cd > (68%) > Ni(63%).  相似文献   

In mine water pollution abatement, it is commonly assumed that known mine waste sites are the major pollution sources, thus neglecting the possibility of significant contribution from other old and diffuse sources within a catchment. We investigate the influence of different types of pollution source uncertainty on cost-effective allocation of abatement measures for mine water pollution. A catchment-scale cost-minimization model is developed and applied to the catchment of the river Dalälven, Sweden, in order to exemplify important effects of such source uncertainty. Results indicate that, if the pollution distribution between point and diffuse sources is partly unknown, downstream abatement measures, such as constructed wetlands, at given compliance boundaries are often cost-effective. If downstream abatement measures are not practically feasible, the pollution source distribution between point and diffuse mine water sources is critical for cost-effective solutions to abatement measure allocation in catchments. In contrast, cost-effective solutions are relatively insensitive to uncertainty in total pollutant discharge from mine water sources.  相似文献   

某钢铁企业周边土壤重金属污染状况调查与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈锋  刘红瑛  曹阳 《四川环境》2010,29(2):52-54,60
通过对某钢铁企业周边土壤重金属(Cu、Pb、Cd、Ni、Hg、As)含量的调查与分析,采用重金属单项污染指数、超标倍数、污染分担率和内梅罗污染指数评价方法对土壤重金属污染状况进行评价。结果表明,该钢铁企业周边土壤主要污染物为镉,含量在1.06~2.41 mg/kg之间,超标0.8~3.0倍。通过对除尘灰中相应重金属含量分析,弄清了土壤中重金属来源。  相似文献   

This study investigated the soil nematode community structure along the Yellow River in the Lanzhou area of China, and analyzed the impact of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, and Zn) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on the nematode community. Soil samples from five locations (named A–E), which were chosen for soil analysis, showed significant differences in their heavy metal content (p < 0.01), as well as in the variety of nematodes (up to 41 genera) and families (up to 20) that were present. The different samples also differed significantly in the total PAH content (p < 0.05), as well as the six types of PAH present. Sites A–C showed the most severe contamination with heavy metals and PAHs; these sites had the lowest abundance of fungivores and omnivore/predators, but the proportion of bacteriovores was the highest (p < 0.05). Site E, in contrast, showed only minor pollution with heavy metals and PAHs, and it contained the highest abundance of plant parasites (p < 0.05). Several nematode ecological indicators were found to correlate with concentration of soil pollutants at all the sites tested: the maturity index (MI, in addition to plant parasites), plant parasite index (PPI), ΣMI (including all the soil nematodes), Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H′′), and Wasilewska index (WI). Disturbance to the soil environment was more severe when MI, ΣMI, and H′ values were lower. The results of the study show that the abundance and structure of the soil nematode communities in the sampling locations were strongly influenced by levels of heavy metals and PAHs in the soil. They also show that the diversity index H′ and the maturity index can be valuable tools for assessing the impact of pollutants on nematodes.  相似文献   

探究区域内矿区土壤重金属变化并对其进行污染评价,旨在为该区域环境保护及污染治理提供一定的理论依据,以期实现矿山地质环境保护与矿产资源开发并行的矿业绿色发展.以铅、锌、镉、砷含量为评价指标,结合《土壤环境质量标准》(GB 15618-2018),采用重金属单因子污染指数法与内梅罗综合污染指数法进行重金属污染评价,并对该区...  相似文献   

超积累植物在修复土壤重金属污染中起着重要的作用,但由于重金属复合污染的存在,许多植物并未能完全适用于实际修复中。本文通过阐述土壤重金属复合污染,参考近年来国际上对超积累植物富集机理的研究,从土壤重金属复合污染自身的交互作用,超积累植物根系活化机理,吸收和运输通道机制,金属配位体的运输与解毒作用,以及细胞分室化现象等各个阶段探讨与展望土壤重金属复合污染修复研究问题。  相似文献   

不同赋存形态重金属的环境行为和生态效应不同,水体沉积物中重金属的迁移转化及其潜在环境危害更大程度上取决于其赋存形态.本研究在西湖和东苕溪设置12个采样点采集沉积物样品,采用改进BCR分步提取法,提取了重金属污染物的4种化学形态,分别为弱酸提取态、可还原态、可氧化态及残渣态.结果表明:沉积物中Cd以弱酸提取态为主,对外界...  相似文献   

The status of combined heavy metal and organo-chlorine pesticide (OCPs; i.e. HCH and DDT) pollution was investigated and the soil environmental quality of the Taihu Lake watershed, one of the most developed regions in China, was evaluated using a fuzzy comprehensive assessment. Statistical analyses showed the presence of combined pollution in the soil. At many sampling sites, heavy metal concentrations were above corresponding background values, indicating the effects of extraneous pollutants. It has been over 20 years since China banned the use of OCPs, but they can still be found in soil samples of this region. HCH levels at all investigated sites were below the Chinese Environmental Quality Standard for Soils. Fuzzy comprehensive assessment showed that the overall soil quality in this region could be categorized as class I. Nevertheless, the high coefficients of variation for levels of DDT, Cd and Hg indicated the existence of some point-source pollution. Continuous monitoring and further studies of the region are recommended to prevent pollution of farmland from these sources.  相似文献   

Field reconnaissance of the Ebocha-8 oil spill-affected site at Obiobi/Obrikom in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria was carried out to assess the extent of damage to the terrestrial ecosystem and delimit the epicenter of oil spillage. Following three successive reconnaissance surveys, the area to be sampled was delimited (200 x 200 m2), and soil samples were collected using the grid method from three replicate quadrats at two depths, surface (0-15 cm) and subsurface (15-30 cm). A geographically similar area located 50 m adjacent to the oil-polluted area was used as a reference (control) site. Total hydrocarbon content (THC) and heavy metal concentrations were later determined in the laboratory by extraction and spetrophotemetric techniques. Generally, the THC of soils at surface and subsurface depths of the oil-polluted plots was 2.06 x 10(4) +/- 4.97 x 10(3) mg/kg and 1.67 x 10(3) +/- 3.61 x 10(2) mg/kg soil, respectively, (no overlap in standard errors at 95% confidence limit) while concentrations of heavy metals(Pb, Cd, V, Cu and Ni) were enhanced, especially at the surface. The high levels of THC and heavy metals may predispose the site, which hitherto served as arable agricultural land, to impaired fertility and possible conflagration. When concentrations of heavy metals reach the levels obtained in this study, they may become toxic to plants or possibly bio-accumulate, thus leading to toxic reactions along the food chain. While the spilled-oil may have contributed to the enhanced levels of the metals in the affected soils, physico-chemical properties of the soils, mobility of metals, and the intense rainfall and flooding that preceded the period of study may have also contributed in part to their enhanced concentrations. The presence of high hydrocarbon content may cause oxygen deprivation, which may result in the death of soil fauna by asphyxiation. There is, therefore, an urgent need to clear the affected site of these excess hydrocarbon deposits so as to enhance the rehabilitation process of the affected mat layer of soils. Other appropriate mitigating measures, such as subsequent monitoring of hydrocarbon levels at suitable intervals after the clean up activities, are also recommended, with reference to the findings of this study, for effective management of the affected area.  相似文献   

Chemical fractionation of seven heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) was studied using a modified three-step sequential procedure to assess their impacts in the sediments of the Seyhan River, Turkey. Samples were collected from six representative stations in two campaigns in October 2009 and June 2010, which correspond to the wet and dry seasons, respectively. The total metal concentrations in the sediments demonstrated different distribution patterns at the various stations. Cadmium was the only metal that was below detection at all stations during both sampling periods. Metal fractionation showed that, except for Mn and Pb, the majority of metals were found in the residual fraction regardless of sampling time, indicating that these metals were strongly bound to the sediments. The potential mobility of the metals (non-residual fractions) is reflected in the following ranking: Pb > Mn > Zn > Cu > Ni > Cr in October 2009 and Mn > Pb > Zn > Cu > Ni > Cr in June 2010. The second highest proportion of metals was bound to organic matter/sulfides, originating primarily from anthropogenic activities. Non-residual metal fractions for all stations were highest in June 2010, which may be linked to higher organic matter concentrations in the sediment samples with 1.40% and 15.1% in October 2009 and June 2010, respectively. Potential sediment toxicity was evaluated using the Risk Assessment Code (RAC). Based on RAC classification, Cd and Cr pose no risk, Cu and Ni pose low risk, Pb and Zn were classified as medium risk metals, while the environmental risk from Mn was high. In addition, based on the sediment quality guidelines (SQG), the Seyhan River can be classified as a river with no, to moderate, toxicological risks, based on total metal concentrations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was assessing Cu and Zn availabilities in soils amended with a biosolid through the determination of their sequentially extracted chemical forms and their relationship with the contents of these metals in ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) plant tissues cultivated in a greenhouse using four soils classified as Aquic Xerochrepts and Ultic Haploxeralfs representatives of potential areas for biosolids application in the central zone of Chile. The soils were treated with sewage sludge at a rate of 0 and 30 Mg ha−1. The greenhouse experiment was carried out through a completely randomized block design in a 2 × 4 (biosolid rate × soil) arrangement, considering three repetitions per treatment. The soils used in the greenhouse experiment before and after cultivation, were sequentially extracted with specific reagents and conditions in order to obtain the following fractions: exchangeable, sodium acetate-soluble, soluble in moderately reducing condition, K4P2O7-soluble, soluble in reducing condition, and soluble in strongly acid and oxidizing condition. It was established that Cu and Zn were predominantly found in soils in less available forms, associated to organic matter, oxides and clay minerals. Zinc concentration in ryegrass plants was higher than that found in subterranean clover plants in biosolid-amended soils. Zinc contents in ryegrass shoot and root correlated with the exchangeable, bound-to-carbonate, and bound-to-FeOx metal forms in control soil. Copper and Zn bioavailabilities were estimated through satisfactorily fitted multiple linear regression models, with determination coefficients from 0.77 to 0.99, which showed a positive contribution of the labile metal forms in soils, especially in relation to Zn in both plant species.  相似文献   

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