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广州城市旅游吸引方面的建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
广州的地理位置优越,历史悠久,是华南山水商都,有着丰富的旅游资源。文章分析了广州市旅游资源具有北雄南秀的特点,阐述了积极开发广州山水商都文化旅游资源,加强旅游吸引方面的建设,加大文化旅游宣传力度和搞好旅游线路的设计等发展广州山水商都文化旅游的观点;指出发展广州山水商都文化旅游,将对城市建设和环境、经济、社会等方面都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

随着国际大都市的建立和奥运会的举办,北京旅游业将迎来新一轮的快速发展,北京旅游环境承载力问题也更加受到重视。构建了由资源、经济设施、生态环境、文化心理及社会管理组成的旅游环境综合承载力指标体系,评价分析了北京旅游环境承载力及其区域差异,提出了提升旅游环境承载力的建议。结果表明,北京旅游环境承载力即将达到饱和;北京旅游环境承载力的区域差异十分明显,其限制性因素具有显著的区域特色。今后应加强旅游规划来进一步开发旅游资源,建立克服或回避限制性因素的可操作性旅游计划,加强区域统筹安排和生态规划,进行合理的旅游分流,实现旅游人数的区域调控,从而提升旅游环境的承载水平。  相似文献   

四川天台山自然与人文旅游资源丰富,丹霞地貌地质旅游资源突出,独具特色。丹霞地貌因其独特的色彩和丰富的造型,是一种观赏价值极高的地貌类型。从区域地质背景、景观发育特征及形成机制等方面对天台山丹霞地貌景观进行调查与分析,对四川天台山丹霞地貌地质资源进行定量和定性评价后提出深度的保护性开发意见,以促进四川天台山地区地质地貌资源的保护与开发。  相似文献   

素有"中国东海明珠"之称的浙江和台湾两地,拥有丰富的海洋旅游资源、旺盛的市场需求和较好的海洋旅游发展基础,逐渐成长为中国海洋旅游的国际目的地。梳理国内外对浙江、台湾两地海洋旅游资源、海洋旅游产品等方面研究发现:1浙江、台湾两地海洋自然旅游资源大同小异,但海洋人文旅游资源差异很大;2台湾在开发海洋旅游产品时更注重对海洋生态的保护,倡导永续生态文化旅游模式;3两地的海洋旅游开发正热,但都未深入开发,多停留在"观光"阶段。分析了浙江、台湾两地海洋旅游合作优势、现状与困境,探讨浙江、台湾两地开展海洋旅游合作新路径与政策机制创新,提出浙、台两地海洋旅游发展的优化合作环境建议。  相似文献   

胡文海 《资源开发与市场》2007,23(10):942-944,951
从旅游资源、交通区位、旅游产业基础3个方面分析了池州旅游产品开发条件,指出了池州旅游产品开发存在着旅游产品结构单一、文化内涵挖掘不够、市场营销乏力、旅游产品空间布局不合理等问题,构建了两大品牌、八大系列、六条特色旅游线路的多层次旅游产品体系,最后提出了池州旅游产品开发的思路:规划先行,优化布局;科学定位,错位开发;区域联动,借力开发。  相似文献   

文化自信为旅游业发展提供了价值导向和精神动力。黑龙江省湿地资源丰富,孕育了独特的生态文化和生态文明。以高纬度寒冷湿地为依托,黑龙江省湿地旅游在宣传力度、联合发展、产品升级、综合效益等方面取得了很大进展,但也存在着产品单一、文化内涵挖掘不足、破坏环境、旅游适游期短等问题。因此,以历史文化、少数民族民俗文化、北大荒文化、饮食文化、候鸟文化、乡愁文化为线索,以"一带、两湖、三网、两边"为总体构架,以文化自信为底气和底蕴,以特色文化助推黑龙江省湿地旅游发展,在传播湿地文化、讲述湿地故事、建设湿地形象中,展现黑龙江省湿地旅游独有的诗情和意境。  相似文献   

文化自信为旅游业发展提供了价值导向和精神动力。黑龙江省湿地资源丰富,孕育了独特的生态文化和生态文明。以高纬度寒冷湿地为依托,黑龙江省湿地旅游在宣传力度、联合发展、产品升级、综合效益等方面取得了很大进展,但也存在着产品单一、文化内涵挖掘不足、破坏环境、旅游适游期短等问题。因此,以历史文化、少数民族民俗文化、北大荒文化、饮食文化、候鸟文化、乡愁文化为线索,以"一带、两湖、三网、两边"为总体构架,以文化自信为底气和底蕴,以特色文化助推黑龙江省湿地旅游发展,在传播湿地文化、讲述湿地故事、建设湿地形象中,展现黑龙江省湿地旅游独有的诗情和意境。  相似文献   

海岛旅游发展再一次成为海洋旅游业发展的新突破口.以湄洲岛为代表的文化型海岛凭借其深厚的文化内涵和优质的海滨旅游资源成为海洋旅游业发展的生力军.从解读文化型海岛内涵及特征入手,全面剖析了湄洲岛的优势条件,从文化价值、文化需求、文化生态、文化形态等方面深入挖掘湄洲岛所含文化特性,以此构建起湄洲岛善行旅游发展的“四和四共一发展”的互动效应,探寻出一条具有文化型海岛特点的湄洲岛善行旅游发展之路.  相似文献   

三峡工程竣工后库区面临着移民安稳致富与生态文明建设的双重压力,文化旅游业是化解这一难题的优势产业.在分析屈原故里文化旅游资源开发的重要意义、有利因素及现存问题的基础上,针对性地提出了文化旅游资源的开发策略,将秭归县整体建设成为屈原故里文化旅游区,把文化旅游业培育成为国民经济的生态富民型支柱产业.  相似文献   

近些年来,乡村旅游成为都市生活中的旅游消费者的新宠。乡村旅游借助于乡村地区内的自然资源、民俗资源和独特的乡土文化、乡土气息吸引着众多游客慕名而来。乡村旅游红红火火发展起来的同时,也带来了负面影响,原生态的环境遭到了破坏,景观受到损坏,乡村环境遭到污染等,基于以上的种种表现,开发乡村旅游时应依托于政府的管理,树立正确的乡村旅游发展观念,引导乡村走生态化旅游发展路线,完善乡村旅游的服务设备、设施,促进乡村旅游健康有序的发展。  相似文献   

张家界溶洞旅游资源价值评价与开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴昊 《资源开发与保护》2012,(9):847-850,F0004
溶洞是重要的旅游资源,开发得当可获得良好经济效益,否则便会造成不可逆的资源破坏。以张家界溶洞资源为研究对象,在对溶洞资源基本情况进行调查的基础上,对溶洞的景观价值进行定量评价,并提出溶洞开发措施,为张家界市溶洞旅游的可持续开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The active management of air-filled cave systems is virtually non-existent within the karst landscape of west-central Florida. As in every karst landscape, caves are important because they contain a wide variety of resources (e.g., biota, speleothems) and can act as direct connections between surface and subsurface hydrological processes, potentially exacerbating the pollution of groundwater. Before sound management policies can be drafted, implemented, and enforced, stakeholders must first have knowledge of the management requirements of each cave. However, there is an informational disconnect between researchers, stakeholders, and the recreational caving community. Here, we present a cave inventory system that simplifies the dissemination of resource knowledge to stakeholders so that cave management and protection policies can be drafted and implemented at the state and local level. We inventoried 36 caves in west-central Florida, located on both public and private land, and analyzed cave resource data to provide insights on cave sensitivity and disturbance using two standardized indices. The data revealed that both public and private caves exhibit a wide range of sensitivity and disturbance, and before management strategies can be drafted, the ownership of each cave must be considered. Our inventory geodatabase serves as a link between researchers, landowners, and the public. To ensure the conservation and protection of caves, support from county or state government, combined with cave inventory data, is crucial in developing sound management policy.  相似文献   

自然保护区生态旅游可持续发展的对策分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
张光生 《资源开发与市场》1999,15(4):244-245,249
本文对自然保护区发展生态旅游的积极作用和消极影响进行了较全面的分析,提出了要确保自然保护区生态旅游的持续发展,必须制定全国自然保护区生态旅游发展战略,编制各级生态旅游规划,建立全国自然保护区生态旅游信息服务网络体系,以及加强自然保护区生态旅游管理工作等措施。  相似文献   

基于1981—2010年云南省腾冲县基础气候的数据分析,建立了适用于腾冲县的旅游适宜度指数。结果显示,腾冲县全年的旅游适宜度指数变幅为16.5—24.0,表明全年的气候都适合旅游,其中每年的10月至次年的3月最适宜旅游,4—9月适宜旅游。此外,对合理开发气候旅游资源进行了有针对性的探讨,为地方旅游产业发展规划提供了气象依据。  相似文献   

宜宾饮食文化资源的旅游开发研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
饮食文化对旅游业发展有着不可忽视的促进功能,饮食文化旅游资源的开发已越来越被旅游业所重视。宜宾饮食文化源远流长,具有浓郁的地方特色,但对宜宾饮食文化资源的旅游开发尚处于起步阶段。在分析宜宾饮食文化资源旅游开发现状的基础上,就如何把宜宾饮食文化资源的开发与旅游业的发展相结合,做大做强宜宾旅游美食文化产业提出了一些开发对策和建议。  相似文献   

旅游文化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近20年来,随着旅游业的迅猛发展,文化在旅游业的作用越来越重要,现代旅游业越富有文化特色,就越有内动力和竞争力。旅游文化研究已经成为旅游学研究的重要组成部分,不论是从理论上还是从开发的实际运用操作上都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

会展旅游产品附加值高,盈利能力强。德国会展旅游闻名世界,其中尤以东部城市汉诺威最为著名。被称为“世界会展之都”。介绍了德国汉诺威作为“世界会展之都”的基本情况,分析了其成功经验,并在此基础上探讨了成都会展旅游的基础,提出了发展对策。  相似文献   

In mountainous landscapes with high climatic and geomorphic variability, how do rural land uses and exurbanization alter hydrology and water quality? We evaluated effects of rural land use and exurbanization on streamflows, suspended sediment concentrations and loads, specific conductance, and summer water temperatures in 12 streams and rivers within the Upper Little Tennessee River basin in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Eleven streams featured low levels of development (>61% forest cover) but differed in land use patterning, basin size, annual precipitation, and watershed morphology. One urban stream, located within the largest town in the basin, provided the high development comparative endpoint. Even low levels of rural development and exurbanization were associated with substantial increases in suspended sediment concentrations, sediment loads, and summer stream temperature daily maxima and diurnal variation. Observed summer temperature increases were much larger than would be expected due to global climate change over the next century. Specific conductance was idiosyncratic among the smaller streams. These water quality changes were not accompanied by streamflow changes that were discernible amid the high natural variation in precipitation and geomorphology. The water quality findings suggest the need for applying the best management practices, including riparian buffers, to even low levels of rural development.  相似文献   

安徽省民俗文化旅游资源初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄薇薇 《资源开发与市场》2006,22(3):295-296,300
民俗文化旅游资源是人文旅游资源的重要组成部分,是旅游从业人员应该掌握的文化知识。安徽省是一个具有悠久传统习俗的省份,文化底蕴深厚。通过对该省民俗旅游区的划分,探讨了安徽民俗文化旅游资源的类型和特点,提出了民俗旅游的开发思路,为安徽旅游业的发展开拓了新的方向。  相似文献   

Caves can be difficult to navigate and often require physical modification to allow easy access for visitors. Single entrance caves double the access impact of each visitor. Visitors in tourist caves have direct physical effects such as the introduction of concrete and steel structures; transport of mud, dust, and nutrients; installation of lights and the exhalation of water vapour and carbon dioxide into the air. Indirect physical effects include alteration of the microclimate, both through physical modifications that change the ventilation regime and through the presence of visitors leading to changes in temperature, humidity and CO2 within the cave environment. Anthropomorphic changes to cave physical environments to aid access or to reduce backtracking can have adverse effects on the internal microclimate of cave systems with subsequent changes to the cave environment affecting the quality of decorations and cave art and the diversity of cave fauna. Although often stated that caves operate at or near a constant temperature, closer examination indicates that cave temperatures are neither static nor constant. The degree of variation depends largely on the structure and physical characteristics of the cave. Air temperature and humidity gradients between the inside and outside cave environment can result in air density differences, which create airflow, which will in turn affect the cave microclimate. As part of the development of a management framework for King Solomons Cave, Tasmania, a study of the microclimate was carried out on behalf of Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service. Analysis of the variables showed significant differences in air temperature within each site and between sites. These differences range from 4 degrees C variation at one site to 0 degrees C at another site. The data were used to model potential airflow between the cave and the external environment. Results indicate that part of the cave is dominated by airflow between the chimney and the cave entrance leading to microclimatic fluctuations, while stable climatic conditions occur at the end of the cave. Future management strategies that propose a passage from the chamber to the surface via the current end zone would create a potential for airflow induced microclimatic change, leading to a change in both the temperature and moisture regimes, necessitating the construction of an airtight double door system.  相似文献   

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