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Chai X  Shimaoka T  Cao X  Guo Q  Zhao Y 《Chemosphere》2007,69(9):1446-1453
Humic acids (HA) and fulvic acids (FA) extracted from refuse in a landfill at different landfill ages were characterized by elemental composition, GPC, FTIR, and (13)C CP/MAS NMR. The elemental composition analysis revealed high O/C and low H/C ratios in the FA, indicating a high proportion of O-alkyl and carboxylic acids in the FA. The M(w) and M(n) values and M(w)/M(n) ratios indicated that the HA had a higher molecular weight and were more homogeneous with respect to molecular weight. FTIR spectra showed that the FA had relatively more intense bands assigned to aliphatic structures and were abundant in oxygen-containing function groups. The analytical results of (13)C CP/MAS NMR suggested that there were more oxygenated aliphatic carbons and fewer aromatic carbons in the FA than in the HA. All the results demonstrated that the degree of humification increased with landfill age.  相似文献   

Spectral absorption coefficients and fluorescence quantum efficiencies were determined for humic substances from a variety of sources. Specific absorption coefficients kh, for humic substances at wavelengths λ from 300 to 500 nm can be closely described by the relation AeB(450-λ), where A and B are constants. When the kh values are in units of liter (mg organic carbon)?1meter?1 and wavelength λ is in nanometers, mean values of A and B for aquatic humus in the 12 water bodies studied were 0.6±0.3 and 0.014±0.001, respectively. Spectral absorption coefficients of dissolved organic matter in blackwater rivers, of the “yellow substance” in the sea, and of fulvic acids extracted from soils are very similar. Fluorescence quantum yields of humic substances were low and more variable than the absorption coefficients, ranging from 0.0005 to 0.012 with excitation at 350 nm (average of 0.0045±0.0038 for 6 waters). Fluorescence spectra for the humic substances were remarkably similar with maximum emission at 430 to 470 nm. Results of this study can be used to compute photolysis rates of pollutants as a function of depth in natural water bodies.  相似文献   

The interactions of a range of actinide elements (Th, U, Np, Pu, Am) with humic substances from the Needle's Eye natural analogue site were studied by gel permeation chromatography. Bulk humic substances were isolated by ammonia extraction, followed by dialysis against distilled water and freeze-drying. The gel permeation results suggest that Needle's Eye humic substances can be fractionated into three incompletely resolved fractions with average molecular weights determined by analytical ultracentrifugation around 49 000 for Fraction 1, around 14 700 for Fraction 2 and around 8000 for Fraction 3. Although there are significant differences between the organic matter elution patterns in individual gel permeation experiments, presumably due to differences in column packing, these are much smaller than the differences between metal ions. The uranium that is naturally present in these humic substances is largely bound in the late-eluting fraction. Spikes of the early actinides, including Np and Pu in controlled valency states, have been added to the humic substances, and gel permeation of the spiked humic substances shows that the three humic fractions vary greatly in their effectiveness and selectivity as ligands for early actinides.  相似文献   

Humic substances are shown to photosensitize transformations of several types of synthethic chemicals that do not photoreact when exposed to sunlight in distilled water. In most cases, photoproducts were the same in colored natural waters and in solutions of soil-derived humic substances, including those obtained commercially. Kinetic studies in sunlight indicated that the efficiencies of the reactions photosensitized by humic substances of various origins were the same within a factor of 2.  相似文献   

Effects of pollution on humic substances   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To assess effects of industrial and environmental pollution on analytical characteristics of humic substances, we isolated humic acids (HA's) and fulvic acids (FA's) from unpolluted and polluted soils and sediments. Following purification, the HA's and FA's were characterized by elemental (C, H, O, N, S) and functional group (CO2H, phenolic OH, total acidity) analyses, infrared (IR) spectrophotometry, differential thermal analysis (DTA) and by metal (Fe, Al, Cu, Mn, Pb, Ni, Co, Zn, Cr, Cd, Hg, Ca and Mg) analyses. Si was also determined in all samples. Polluted HA's and FA's contained more N and S but less O and were richer in all metals and Si than were unpolluted ones. IR spectra showed that polluted humic materials were enriched in COO- groups, secondary non-cyclic amides and possible also in SO3H groups. DTA curves indicated that polluted HA's and FA's were more thermostable than unpolluted HA's and FA's. Unusually high N, S, Cu, Cr, Zn and Hg contents of humic materials appear to be useful indicators of soil and sediment pollution.  相似文献   


To assess effects of industrial and environmental pollution on analytical characteristics of humic substances, we isolated humic acids (HA's) and fulvic acids (FA's) from unpolluted and polluted soils and sediments. Following purification, the HA's and FA's were characterized by elemental (C, H, O, N, S) and functional group (CO2H, phenolic OH, total acidity) analyses, infrared (IR) spectrophotometry, differential thermal analysis (DTA) and by metal (Fe, Al, Cu, Mn, Pb, Ni, Co, Zn, Cr, Cd, Hg, Ca and Mg) analyses. Si was also determined in all samples.

Polluted HA's and FA's contained more N and S but less 0 and were richer in all metals and Si than were unpolluted ones. IR spectra showed that polluted humic materials were enriched in COO groups, secondary non‐cyclic amides and possible also in SO3H groups. DTA curves indicated that polluted HA's and FA's were more thermostable than unpolluted HA's and FA's. Unusually high N, S, Cu, Cr, Zn and Hg contents of humic materials appear to be useful indicators of soil and sediment pollution.  相似文献   

Humic substances (HS) were for decades regarded as inert in the ecosystems with respect to their possible toxicity. However, HS have been recently shown to elicit various adverse effects generally attributed to xenobiotics. In our study, we used MVLN and H4IIE-luc cell lines stably transfected with luciferase gene under control of estrogen receptor (ER) and Ah receptor (AhR; receptor connected with so-called dioxin-like toxicity) for assessment of anti/estrogenic and AhR-mediated effects of 12 commercially available humic substances. Out of those, five humic acids were shown to induce AhR-mediated activity with relative potencies related to TCDD 2.6 x 10(-8)-7.4 x 10(-8). Organic extracts of HS solutions also elicited high activities what means that lipophilic molecules are responsible for a great part of effect. However, relatively high activity remaining in extracted solution suggests also presence of polar AhR-agonists. Contribution of persistent organic compounds to the observed effects was ruled out by H(2)SO(4) treatment. Eight out of twelve HS elicited significant antiestrogenic effects with IC(50) ranging from 40 to 164 mg l(-1). The possible explanations of the antiestrogenic effect include sorption of 17-beta-estradiol (E2) on HS, changes in membrane permeability for E2 or another specific mechanism.  相似文献   

Competitive complexation of metal ions with humic substances   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Zhou P  Yan H  Gu B 《Chemosphere》2005,58(10):1327-1337
The surface complexation model was applied to simulate the competitive complexation of Ni, Ca and Al with humic substances. The presence of two types of binding sites in humic acid, carboxylic and phenolic functional groups, were assumed at both low and high pH conditions. Potentiometric titrations were used to characterize the intrinsic acidity constants of the two binding sites and their concentrations. It was found that the diffuse-layer model (DLM) could fit the experimental data well under different experimental conditions. Ni and Ca ions strongly compete with each other for reactions with the humic acid but Al showed little influence on the complexation of either Ni or Ca due to its hydrolysis and precipitation at pH approximately 5. The surface complexation constants determined from the mono-element systems were compared with those obtained from the multiple-element system (a mixture of the three metal ions). Results indicate little changes in the intrinsic surface complexation constants. Modeling results also indicate that high concentrations of Ca in the contaminated groundwater could strongly inhibit the complexation of Ni ions whereas an increase in pH and the humic concentration could attenuate such competitive interactions. The present study suggests that the surface complexation model could be useful in predicting interactions of the metal ions with humic substances and potentially aid in the design of remediation strategies for metal-contaminated soil and groundwater.  相似文献   


The data presented in this paper emphasize that the behavior and fate of pesticides in the environment is influenced by humic substances. Various methods most frequently used for the characterization of humic substances are discussed. Both humic acid and fulvic acid can solubilize in water certain organic compounds and are important carriers of some pesticides in soil. Humic substances have the potential for promoting the nonbiological degradation of many pesticides. Several methods of bleaching humus color from drinking water, including chlorination, ozonation, and UV‐radiation, are described. Finally, the photochemical stability to UV‐radiation of certain pesticides in aqueous fulvic acid solution is discussed.  相似文献   

通过一系列试验对混凝去除水中的腐殖质的影响因素进行了评价。结果表明 ,pH值是影响水中腐殖质去除效果的一个关键因素 ,当水中腐殖质浓度为 10 .0mg L ,铝盐作混凝剂时 ,去除腐殖质的最佳pH值在 6.2— 6.6范围内 ;腐殖质浓度升高时 ,最佳pH值向酸性方向偏移。强化混凝调节pH值虽然增加了酸碱费用 ,但是它可以减少混凝剂投量 ,减轻污泥处理负担 ,其总体进行费用并没有增加 ,可认为是一种可行的运行方式  相似文献   

The ability of the natural zeolited Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT) enriched with calcium ions to remove humic acids from water was evaluated by batch adsorption equilibrium tests and dynamic experiments carried out by percolating humic acid solutions through a small NYT column (breakthrough curves). Under the experimental condition explored, the sorption capacity increases with the ionic strength and has the highest value at pH 7.4. The partition coefficient for a low concentration of humic acid ([humic acid] --> 0), at pH 7.4 in 0.01 M sodium chloride, was approximately 1000 L/kg, versus the value of approximately 100 L/kg in the absence of the alkaline metal salt. Therefore, after humic acids have been adsorbed in a column filled with the calcium-ion-enriched tuff, a reduction of the salt concentration in the ongoing solution enhances the release of the adsorbed material. These findings show that NYT can be used for the removal of humic acids from water.  相似文献   

The present work investigated the direct and indirect photolysis of pesticide residues (atrazine, imazaquin, iprodione), in aqueous solutions and under UV-visible radiation (280-480nm). Different kinds of humic substances (HS) were added to samples in order to evaluate their behaviour as possible photocatalysts and their effect on the photolysis of pesticides. The fulvic acids were purchased from the International Humic Substances Society, and they were added to samples in concentrations ranging from 1 to 150 mgl(-1). Titanium dioxide was used as the photocatalyst, in concentration ranging from 10 to 150 mgl(-1). Pesticides photolysis were measured by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and differential pulse polarography with all used pesticides, reaching total degradation after 2h of irradiation, thus indicating a fast direct photolysis. Photocatalysis by TiO(2) could increase the pesticides photolysis rate up to 40%. This effect, however, was not observed for imazaquin photolysis. Again, except for imazaquin, HS presence showed a positive effect in increasing pesticide degradation, but only within specific concentration ranges (below 10mg l(-1) for iprodione and about 30mgl(-1) for atrazine). Above these ranges HS induce a decrease in the pesticides photolysis rate. Spin-trapping measurements by electronic paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, using the spin-trap DMPO, showed that HS are able to photogenerate hydroxyl radicals, increasing the pesticides molecule degradation. However, the HS also react with the photogenerated hydroxyl radical, influencing the pesticide photolysis, leading to a decrease in the photolysis rate and causing it to be strongly dependent on the nature and concentration of residues in the water to be treated.  相似文献   

The photochemical oxygenation of 2,5-dimethylfuran (DMF) in water was studied under a variety of reaction conditions employing various humic substances as photosensitizers. As predicted by theory, the reactions at low DMF concentrations were first order with respect to DMF, and the reaction rate constants were directly proportional to the average light intensity and to the concentration of humic substance. The rate of oxygenation photosensitized by the humic matter from a river was independent of hydrogen ion activity in the pH 5 to 9 range. Wavelength studies indicate that oxygenations photosensitized by humic substances are induced by ultraviolet and blue radiation. Rate constants computed for this photosensitized reaction in sunlight were in close agreement with experimental values. Calculations also show that the ratio of the sunlight rate constants to total visible solar irradiance (400 to 700 nm) is approximately constant. Therefore, it may be possible to calibrate rate constants for photosensitized reactions in terms of commonly measured units of visible light intensity such as foot candles.  相似文献   

Photodegradation of chlorothalonil was studied in different natural waters (sea, river and lake) as well as in distilled water under natural and simulated solar irradiation. The effect of dissolved organic matter (DOM) such as humic and fulvic substances on the photodegradation rate of chlorothalonil was also studied in simulated sunlight. The presence of DOM enhanced the photodegradation of chlorothalonil with the exception of seawater. The kinetics were determined through gas chromatography electron capture detection (GC/ECD) and the photodegradation proceeds via pseudo-first-order reaction in all cases. Half-life ranged from 1 to 48 h. In natural and humic water chlorothalonil photodegradation gave rise to two different intermediates compared to distilled water demonstrating that the transformation of chlorothalonil depend on the constitution of the irradiated media and especially from DOM. The byproducts identified by GC/MS techniques were: chloro-1,3-dicyanobenzene, dichloro-1,3-dicyanobenzene, trichloro-1,3-dicyanobenzene and benzamide.  相似文献   

Klavins M  Babre K 《Chemosphere》2002,49(6):685-689
Humic substances (HSs) can substantially influence velocity of reactions in the environment as shown on example of decarboxylation and alkaline colour (e.g., malachite green and crystal violet) fading reactions. In colour fading and decarboxylation reactions of 6-nitrobenzisoxazole-3-carboxylic acid HS act as inhibitors, but additions of surfactants change the pattern of reaction. The inhibitory activity of HSs much depends on their origin. The velocity of studied reactions depends also on pH, temperature and concentration of HS used. Possible micellar catalysis mechanism has been suggested.  相似文献   

Natural humic surface water (pH 5.9), ion exchanged samples of the same water (pH 5.5), and aqueous solutions of isolated humic substances at pH 4.5, 5.5 and 6.5, respectively, were ultrafiltered (15°C, 0.5 bar) using hydrophobic polysulfone membranes (GR51) in a cross-flow flat sheet module. The used membrane did not completely retain natural organic matter from the surface water and the addition of complexing metals did not affect the retention any further. The changes which were induced in the membranes during each filtration run were studied by simultaneous streaming potential and flux measurements in 0.01 M KCl solutions. Zeta potentials were calculated based on the streaming potentials and the results showed changes towards more negative values for all the samples due to adsorption of organic matter onto the surface of the membrane pores. Humic acid affected the membrane charges more than fulvic acid. High ionic strength and low pH enhanced flux reduction and fouling. Filtration of natural waters caused more pore plugging and flux reduction than filtration of solutions of the isolated humic substances.  相似文献   

A. Piccolo  R. Rausa  V. Calemma 《Chemosphere》1989,18(9-10):1927-1933
Dipolar aprotic solvents (DMSO, DMF and Acetone) in mixtures with dilute HCl extract humic substances by an intermolecular H-bonds disruption mechanism. FT-IR spectra of extracts and difference spectra of unpurified and purified material and thermogravimetric analysis showed that dipolar aprotic solvents produce humic substances with low contents of inorganic impurities and structurally different from common extractants. DMSO and Acetone extract humus particurally rich in aliphatic and proteinaceous components as compared to common extractant.  相似文献   

Zhan M  Yang X  Xian Q  Kong L 《Chemosphere》2006,63(3):378-386
The photodegradation of endocrine disrupter bisphenol A (BPA) in the presence of natural humic substances (HS) under simulated solar irradiation was studied. BPA underwent slow direct photolysis in neutral pure water, but rapid photosensitized degradation in four kinds of HS, following pseudo-first-order reaction. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) formed from HS were determined, including OH, (1)O(2) and H(2)O(2). The enhancement of BPA degradation by adding Fe(III) was primarily attributed to the oxidation of OH produced from photo-Fenton-like reaction. And the joint effects of HS and nitrate ions coexisting on BPA degradation appeared to depend on respective concentration levels. The effects of dissolved oxygen suggested that the energy transfer between excited state of SRFA and NOFA likely occurred, while the abstraction of phenolic hydrogen atom to reactive triplet state of NOHA possibly took place. Based on the structural analyses of main intermediates and degradation products of BPA detected by GC-MS, the possible photodegradation pathways were proposed, involving the alky cleavage, alkyl oxidation and OH addition. This study gave a better understanding for the photochemical transformation of BPA induced by ROS generated from natural water composition under sunlight irradiation.  相似文献   

The influence of dissolved humic substances on the transport of (4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy) acetic acid (MCPA) in a sandy soil with a low organic carbon content was studied in a column experiment. Soil columns were eluted with aqueous solutions containing different fractions of humic substances. More than 70% of the applied compound was found in the leachate in all sandy soil experiments, but distinct differences were obtained depending on the composition of the eluent. The addition of both humic and fulvic acids to the eluent affected the leaching behaviour of MCPA. While the presence of humic acids increased and accelerated the movement of MCPA in the investigated sandy soil, fulvic acids caused the opposite effect: increased retention was observed relative to the control. We concluded that a possible carrier transport or retention strongly depends on the composition of the dissolved organic matter. Thus, changes in the composition of dissolved organic matter may affect MCPA movement into deeper soil layers.  相似文献   

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