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A joint multidisciplinary investigation was undertaken to studythe effects of lime and wood ash applications on two Norway spruce forest Spodosolic soils. The two sites, typical for southern Sweden, were treated in 1994 with either 3.25 t ha-1 dolomite or 4.28 t ha-1 wood ash (Horröd site) or in 1984 with either 3.45 or 8.75 t ha-1 dolomite (Hasslöv site). Both sites show signs of acidification by atmospheric anthropogenic deposition and possessed low soil pH(4.3) and high concentrations of inorganic Al (35 M) in theupper illuvial soil solution. The prevailing soil conditions indicated perturbed soil processes. Following treatment with lime or wood ash, the soil conditions were dramatically altered. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) and base saturation (BS) was considerable increased after addition. Four years after application most of the added Ca and Mg was still present in the mor layer. Fifteen years after application,Mg in particular, became integrated deeper in the soil profile with a greater proportion lost by leaching incomparison to Ca. The concentrations of these ions were greatestin the mor layer soil solutions and Mg had higher mobility givinghigher concentrations also deeper in the profile. Four years after treatment, the application of wood ash and limeresulted in lower pH values and higher inorganic Al in mineral subsoil solutions compared to the untreated soil. We hypothesize that this was probably due to an increased flow of hydrogen ionsfrom the upper soil as a result of displacement by Ca and Mg ionsin the enlarged exchangeable pool. In contrast, fifteen years after lime and wood ash application, the mineral subsoil horizonspossessed a higher pH and lower soil solution Al content than theuntreated plots.Liming promoted soil microbial activity increasing soil respiration 10 to 36%. This is in the same range as net carbon exchange for forests in northern Sweden and could potentially have a climatological impact. The turnover of low molecularweight organic acids (LMWOA) by the soil microbial biomass werecalculated to contribute 6 to 20% to this CO2 evolution.At Horröd, citrate and fumarate were the predominant LMWOAs with lowest concentrations found in the treated areas. In contrast, at the Hasslöv site, propionate and malonate were the most abundant LMWOAs. Higher microbial activity in the upper soil horizons was also theprobable cause of the considerably higher DOC concentrations observed in the soil solution of ash and lime treated areas. Thelime-induced increase in DOC levels at Hasslöv could be attributed to increases in the 3–10 kDa hydrophobic size fraction. Liming also promoted nitrification with high liming doses leading to extreme concentrations of NO3 - (1 mM) in soil solution.At Hasslöv the community of mycorrhizal fungi was dramatically changed by the addition of lime, with only four of 24 species recorded being common to both control and treated areas.Many of the observed effects of lime and ash treatment can be viewed as negative in terms of forest sustainability. After fouryears of treatment, there was a decrease in the pH of the soil solution and higher concentrations of inorganic Al and DOC. Increased organic matter turnover, nitrification and NO3 -leakage were found at Hasslöv. Considering that the weathering rate and the mineral nutrient uptake by trees is mostprobably governed by mycorrhizal hyphae etchingmineral grains in the soil, it is important to maintain this ability of the mycorrhizal fungi. The lime and ash-induced changed mycorrhizal community structure may significantly affect this capability. In light of this investigation and others, as reviewed by Lundström et al. (2003), the implications ofliming on forest health are multifaceted with complex relationships occurring over both space and time.  相似文献   

Soil solution samples were taken from two sites (Horröd and Hasslöv) in the south part of Sweden to evaluate how soil solution chemistry responded to different treatmentswith dolomite and wood ash. At Horröd, samples were taken four years after application of wood ash, 4.28 ton ha-1 and dolomite, 3.25 ton ha-1. At Hasslöv dolomite, 3.45 ton ha-1 and 8.75 ton ha-1 was applied and samples were taken 15 yr later. It was found that treatment with dolomite at one site (Hasslöv) resulted in higher pH values (<2 pH units) and higher nitrification. It was also found at this site that the total Al and the inorganic Al concentrations decreased with dolomite treatment. The Ca, Mg, DOC, Fe, SO4 2- and Cl- concentrations, mainly in the topsoil, were found to be higher at both sites, following dolomite treatment; Ca and Mg concentrations were 2–8 times higher (<820 M) than in controls (<70 M). Wood ash was found to have less impact. The PO4 concentration in the O2 horizon at Hasslöv decreased due to dolomite-treatment. ANOVA (Analyse of Variance) and PLS (Partial Least Square) were used to evaluate the data from the two sites.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) fractions and different low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) were determined in soil solutions from two lime or ash treated Norway spruce sites in the south of Sweden. At Hasslöv, 3.45 t ha-1 or 8.75 t ha-1 dolomite were applied 15 years before sampling. Horröd was treated with 4.28 t ha-1 ash and 3.25 t ha-1 dolomite and sampled four years later. Propionate (7–268 M) and malonate (2–34 M) were the LMWOAsfound in the highest concentrations at Hasslöv. Two other LMWOAs dominated at Horröd, namely citrate (18–64 M)and fumarate (5–31 M). The differences in concentration of most of the determined LMWOAs at Hasslöv were significantly increased due to treatment. The LMWOAs comprised between 1.1–6.3% of the DOC at Hasslöv and 4.5–17.6% at Horröd. At Hasslöv normally 3–10% of the total acidity (TA) was due to LMWOAs and the average specific buffer capacity was 74 ± 22 mmol mol-1C.The total DOC concentration in the mor layer solution was 16 mM for the dolomite treated plots compared to 10 mM at the untreated plot. A major part of the increase in DOC at the treated plots apparently had a hydrophobic character and was of high molecular weight corresponding to 3–10 kDa. The concentration of DOC < 1 kDa in the control and treated plots was similar.  相似文献   

The effect of liming and ash treatment on pools, fluxes and concentrations of major solutes was investigated at two forestedsites (Norway spruce) in S. Sweden. One site was treated 15 yrprior to sampling (Hasslöv-Hs; dolomite: 3.45 and 8.75 t ha-1) and the other 4 yr before (Horröd-Hd; dolomite: 3.25 t ha-1; wood ash: 4.28 t ha-1). Effects of limingwere most pronounced in the O horizon solutions where higher pH,elevated Ca (120–700 M) and Mg (50–600 M) were observed as compared to control plots. The impact on the mineralsoil was more moderate. Soil solution concentrations were combined with modelled hydrological flow to calculate mass flows,which largely followed the trends of the solution composition. Liming also resulted in large increases of both exchangeable Caand Mg as well as effective cation exchange capacity (CECE;2–5 times the controls). The base saturation (BS%) was raised to 60–100% in the O horizon while in the mineral soil elevated values were only seen at the Hs site (20–60%; down to 10–15 cm depth for 8.75 t ha-1). Ash treatment did notaffect either the soil solution nor the exchangeable pool to thesame extent as lime. In general, the impact at the Hd site was less pronounced especially in the mineral soil, which might be due to shorter treatment time (4 vs. 15 yr) and also differentthickness of the O horizon. Budget calculations for Ca and Mg originating from the lime showed that a major part of the Ca (40–100%) was retained in the top 30 cm of the soil, of which30–95% was present in the O horizon. The mobility of Mg wasgreater and it was estimated that a significant part had been leached from the profile (30 and 50 cm depth) after 15 yr. Increased mass flows of NO3 - due to nitrification resulting from liming at the Hs site were calculated in the range120–350 mmol m-2 yr-1 (or 1.2–3.5 kmol ha-1 yr-1). There was significant leaching of Al (25–60 mmol m-2 yr-1), of which about 70% was inorganic, in thelower B horizon at both sites with no influence of liming.  相似文献   

Four umbric A horizons from acid forest soils were acidified in a batch type experiment and its effect in the Al pools of the solid phase analysed by means of selective dissolution methods. The results showed that Al release accounted for the consumption of 85–99% of the added protons, and causes a decrease of 2–33% of the ‘reactive’ Al pool of the soil solid phase. In these A horizons, inorganic non-crystalline Al and high stability Al-humus complexes are the main sources of the dissolved Al. The contribution of the complexes with intermediate stability only was relevant in the more acid horizon developed from phyllites (P18-A). The increase of equilibration time from 96 to 720 h did not caused significant differences in the decrease of the ‘reactive’ Al pool suggesting the acid neutralising reactions occurred in less than 96 h. In most cases the quantity of released Al is in agreement with the decrease of the different reactive Al pools of the solid phase.  相似文献   

Contents of cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb) and carbon(C) in the O, B and C horizons of podzolized forest soils inSweden were surveyed. Concentrations and storage of Cd, Hg andPb in the O and B horizons were high in southern Sweden and gradually decreased towards the north, though with considerablelocal variability. This pattern reflects the influence of anthropogenic emissions of these metals, as well as the effectsof soil-forming processes. Parent till material, as representedby the C horizon concentration of the respective metal, accountedfor little of the variation in metal concentration in the O horizon. For Cd and Pb, the correlations were not significant orslightly negative (R2 = 0.12 and 0.09 respectively) depending on region, while for Hg the correlation was not significant or slightly positive (R2 = 0.03 and 0.08). Furthermore, parent till material accounted for more of the variation in metal concentrations in the B horizons in the northern part of Sweden than in the middle and southernmost parts, where the concentration of total carbon had more influence. The correlation between the metal concentrationsin the B and C horizon was strongest for Pb (R2 = 0.63 and 0.36 in the two northernmost regions), lower for Cd (R2 = 0.19 and 0.16) and not significant for Hg. For allsoil horizons, total C concentration accounted for much of thevariation in Hg concentration in particular (O-horizon R2 = 0.15–0.69, B horizon R2 = 0.36–0.50, C horizon R2 = 0.23–0.50 and ns in one region). Ratios of metal concentrations between the B and C horizons were highest for Hg(maximum value of 30), indicating a relatively larger addition or retention of Hg compared to Cd and Pb (maximum value of 10)in the B horizon. This study indicate that factors other than parent material account for the large scale variation in O horizon concentrationsof metals but patterns correspond well with those of atmosphericdeposition of heavy metals and acidifying substances. Furthermore, the study highlights the importance of soil organicmatter and the intensity of pedogenic processes for the content and distribution of metals throughout the soil horizons.  相似文献   

Reduced emissions of acidifying pollutants have changed the acidification process, and as a result, forest soils and surface waters are slowly recovering in Sweden. However, model calculations show that some areas may never recover completely unless further measures, such as liming, are undertaken. Liming of surface waters (lakes, rivers and wetlands) has been successfully practised in Sweden since the 1970s, but repeated treatments are necessary. A full recovery of acidified lakes and streams without frequent liming is however not possible until soil acidification is reversed in the most strongly affected areas. In this study, the recovery of acidified streams was examined using ‘the total catchment approach’ i.e. treatment of both recharge and discharge areas. The aim was to compare the quantitative effect of different treatments on run off chemistry and the recovery of brown trout. Catchments in southwest Sweden were treated with a combination of 2 tons of wood ash and 4, 6 or 12 tons of crushed limestone per hectare in 1998/1999. Treatment of both recharge and discharge areas resulted in fast and significant changes in stream water quality, e.g. increased concentrations of calcium, higher pH and ANC and a decreased concentration of inorganic aluminium. The initial changes were dependent on the distribution of the applied lime between discharge and recharge areas rather than the average dose on the total catchment. Treatment of recharge areas only, resulted in smaller but still significant effects on calcium, pH and ANC in stream water. Furthermore, there was an initial leaching of nitrate but it was only minor compared with the elevated leaching that occurs after a clear-cut. As a result of the treatments, brown trout is now successfully reproducing. Olle Westling (deceased).  相似文献   

Aluminium (Al) is a key element in critical loadcalculations for forest. Here, we argue for re-evaluating theimportance of Al. Effects of two levels of enhanced Alconcentrations and lowered Ca:Al ratios in the soil solutionin a field manipulation experiment in a mature spruce stand(1996–1999) on tree vitality parameters were tested. Inaddition, Al solubility controls were tested. Various loads ofAl were added to forest plots by means of an irrigationsystem. Potentially toxic Al concentrations and criticalratios of Ca to inorganic Al were established. The ratio of Cato total Al was not a suitable indicator for unfavourableconditions for plant growth. No significant effects on crowncondition, tree growth and fine root production were observedafter three years of treatment. In 1999, foliar Mg content inthe highest Al addition treatment had declined significantly.This agreed with the known response to Al stress of seedlingsin nutrient solution experiments. No support was found forusing the chemical criterion Ca:Al ratio in soil solution,foliar and root tissue as an indicator for forest damage dueto acidification. Al solubility was considerably lower thanimplied by the assumption of equilibrium with gibbsite,particularly in the root zone. The gibbsite equilibrium iscommonly used in critical load models. Substitution of thegibbsite equilibrium with an Al-organic matter complexationmodel to describe Al solubility in soil water may have largeconsequences for calculation of critical loads. The resultsindicate that critical load maps for forests should bereconsidered.  相似文献   

Journal of Polymers and the Environment - Sericin is a sticky protein substance, which is generated by the silk-worm for holding the filaments of silk tightly. The main constituent of natural crude...  相似文献   

Lignite mining and processing has caused a pronounced impact both directly and indirectly on soils and ecosystems across large areas of the former GDR. We studied soils of pine forest ecosystems at sites affected by severe alkaline dust and sulphur deposition, stemming from lignite fired power plant emission, and at dumped sites from lignite mining. In this paper we summarize our main results and evaluate the long-term impact of lignite mining and combustion on the environment. The pine ecosystems on naturally developed soils show a clear effect of deposition history along a former deposition gradient with distinct changes in chemical properties of organic surface layers and mineral soil as well as in element turnover and cycling rates. Afforested sites on mining dumps are directly affected by the composition of the dumped substrates. Over a large area (800 km2) these substrates are dominated by Tertiary sediments with varying amounts of lignitic particles and pyrite that result in phytotoxic site conditions (pH < 3, high salt and metal contents). High amelioration doses of liming material (up to 200 t ha−1) were applied for restoration purposes. We studied the development of these sites over a period of 60 years using a false-time series approach. Beside the extreme soil conditions, element budgets of these sites are characterized by very high element release rates over decades caused by pyrite oxidation and primary mineral weathering.  相似文献   

Silicones are well-known useful materials varying in structure, reactivity, and chemical and physical properties, but they all contain a covalent bond between the silicon atom and an organic group. Most common of these polymers are those based on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) having a siloxane (Si–O–Si) repeat unit and two methyl groups on each silicon atom. All these polymers are manmade, and the organosilicon linkage is not found in nature. It was therefore erroneously assumed that these polymers do not degrade naturally in the environment. It is the purpose of this review to refute this myth and to describe the degradation processes of PDMS in the environment and any potential ecological impact on the terrestrial, aquatic, and atmospheric compartments. Although it was found that minor degradation takes place by hydrolysis of PDMS to dimethylsilandiol followed by oxidation of the methyl group to aldehyde and ultimately to CO2 by Arthobacter and Fusarium oxysporium schlechtendahl, the major degradation processes are abiotic. High molecular weight PDMS are initially depolymerized by soil hydrolysis of the siloxane bonds to yield organosilanol terminated oligomers. These organosilanols and low molecular weight linear PDMS and cyclics are evaporated into the atmosphere and are oxidized there by hydroxyl radicals to benign silica, water, and CO2.  相似文献   

There is considerable spatial heterogeneity in organic carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), and potentially mineralizable nitrogen (PMN) pools in the soils of the Turkey Lakes Watershed. We hypothesized that topography regulates the spatial pattern of these pools through a combination of static factors (slope, aspect and elevation), which influence radiation, temperature andmoisture conditions, and dynamic factors (catenary position,profile and planar curvature), which influence the transport ofmaterials downslope. We used multiple linear regression (MLR)and tree regression (TR) models as exploratory techniques todetermine if there was a topographic basis for the spatialpattern of the C, N and PMN pools. The MLR and TR modelspredicted similar integrated totals (i.e., within 5% of eachother) but dissimilar spatial patterns of the pools. For thecombined litter, fibric and hemic layer, the MLR models explaineda significant portion of the variance (R2 = 0.38, 0.23 and0.28 for C, N and PMN, respectively), however, the residuals werelarge and biased (the smallest contents were over-predicted andthe largest contents were under-predicted). The TR models (9-branch), in contrast, explained a greater portion of the variance (R2 = 0.75, 0.67 and 0.62 for C, N and PMN, respectively) and the residuals were smaller and unbiased. Based on our sampling strategy, the models suggested that static factors were most important in predicting the spatial pattern of the nutrient pools. However, a nested sampling strategy that included scales where both static (among hillslopes) and dynamic (within hillslope) factors result in a systematic variation in soil nutrient pools may have improvedthe predictive ability of the models.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of liming on fish and crustaceans in a watershed which is in a region known to have one of the highest diversity of aquatic biota in Norway. This watershed, Enningdal, is shared between Norway (1/3) and Sweden (2/3) and includes 61 lakes  >  1.0 ha in Norway. Liming started on a large scale in the 1980s. Currently, a total of 26 of lakes (43%) are limed, covering 93% of the total lake area. The mean value ± S.D. of pH and the concentration of inorganic labile Al in these lakes is 6.62 ± 0.35 and 3 ± 4 μg l−1, respectively. Historical data of fish communities have been obtained from surveys, while test-fishing and sampling of crustaceans were conducted in 24 lakes in recent years (2002–2004). The present study shows that crustaceans to a greater extent than fish has responded to improved water quality after more than 20 years of liming. Of a total of 120 fish populations, 42 (35%) have gone extinct. Only five of the lost fish populations (12%) have been re-established, all due to human re-introductions. Physical barriers are considered to be the main factor preventing fish from invading limed lakes. In contrast, crustaceans have been re-established in most limed lakes. This may be mainly due to their good spreading capacity. However, they might also have survived in refuges within the watershed, or as resting-eggs in the sediment.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of polymeric materials affect a wide range of industries, information on degradability can provide fundamental information facilitating design and life-time analysis of materials. Among the methods currently used in testing, traditional gravimetric and respirometric techniques are tailored to readily degradable polymeric materials mostly and polymer blends with biodegradable components, but they are not applicable to the new generation of engineering polymers which are relatively resistant to biodegradation. However, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) has been tested for monitoring biodeterioration of high strength materials and the technique has very high sensitivity. A wide range of materials including electronic insulation polyimides, fiber-reinforced polymeric composites (FRPCs) and corrosion protective polyurethane coatings have been successfully measured under inoculation of degradative microorganisms using EIS. In addition, the mechanism of degradation of high strength polymers is mainly due to the presence of plasticizers in the polymer matrices. The information on various methods discussed in this review is intended to illustrate a suite of methods for those who are interested in testing biodeterioration of polymeric materials under different environmental conditions and in selecting appropriate techniques for specific applications.  相似文献   

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