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在过去的25年中,世界铝土矿和氧化(?)的产业结构发生了重大变化。世界铝土矿生产国已开发出了新的铝土矿资源,建立了新的氧化铝工厂,使其数量和质量也发生了巨大变化。本文分析了过去25年全世界铝土矿和氧化铝的生产状况,展望了未来25年全世界铝土矿和氧化铝的发展趋势。过去25年,全世界铝土矿年均生产量仅为3000万 t,而目前已超过1亿 t。1965年,全世界铝土矿的主要生产国为牙买加,其产量占世界总产量的1/3  相似文献   

攀枝花市资源开发与经济持续发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
攀枝花市是我国西部重要的能源、原材料生产基地和资源开发型城市,矿产、水能和农业自然资源是其最具开发优势的资源。从20世纪60年代中期以来大规模的资源开发促进了现代钢铁工业基地和城市社会经济的快速发展,但同时也带来了严重的生态环境问题:地质灾害、环境污染与生态破坏。针对攀枝花市资源开发利用中存在的资源开发结构单一、资源综合利用程度低、生态环境问题突出等问题,作者提出了实现资源合理开发与经济持续发展的相应措施。  相似文献   

当前,随着一系列扶贫项目的实施,一些地区已率先搞下“贫困帽”,搭上“富康车”。然而,在贫困区的经济取得发展的同时,环境的污染、资源的破坏也成了扶贫中严重的问题。一些贫困区的环境污染和资源的破坏随着经济的发展在逐步加剧。今年年初颁布的烟家八七扶贫攻坚计划》,将对全国最贫困、最落后的地区实行扶贫攻坚,据此,作为现在既是基层政府职能部门,也是国家环境法规执行机关的环境管理机构和管理干部,如何把握扶贫区环境问题的新特点、新要求,保证脱贫致富、环境保护齐头并进的势头.使扶贫区人民生活水平快速提高,笔者拟做…  相似文献   

张军  徐期勇  刘海 《四川环境》2001,20(4):37-39
资源开发利用产生的环境问题作为资源产业发展中的负产品,已成为资源产业能否可持续发展的关键。本文运用经济学理论,通过对资源开发利用地区环境容量和资源开发利用经济行为的分析,指出资源开发利用环境问题的实质是外部不经济性。为了实现在生态环境不被破坏的前提下资源开发利用经济效益最大化,需主动进行环境治理并取适当的经济手段。  相似文献   

民矿为国家开采回收零散有价金属和其它资源,为社会主义四化建设服务,这无疑是正确的。但是随之带来的水土流失、河床淤积、水源污染、生态破坏等环境问题却未引起人们的普遍重视。  相似文献   

世界人口的迅猛增长,以及人类不合理的生产方式,给地球环境造成了严重的破坏,各种资源被严重浪费。如何保护我们的环境已成为当今世界所面临的一个急需解决的问题。人是生产力中最活跃的因素,因此,提高人口的环境意识,特别是提高青少年的环境意识显得更为重要。为此我校开展了环境教育实践研究——环境状况调查,目的是探讨如何通过一系列的环境实践活动,树立学生的环境危机感,增强学生的环境意识,进而促使学生主动投身环保事业。  相似文献   

解析假日旅游   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国假日旅游产业的不断发展壮大,假日旅游已经成为我国新的经济增长点,但是它带来的负面效应也逐渐显现——服务质量下降、对旅游资源的破坏等问题,已经成为我国假日旅游产业进一步发展的严重阻碍因素。文章试从政府和旅游企业两方面探讨了解决以上问题的途径。  相似文献   

环境污染、生态破坏、资源耗竭已成为严重制约经济可持续发展、危害人类健康的重大问题。面对日益严重的环境问题,政府不断强化环境规制,引导企业进行绿色经营。企业应如何适应规制、采取何种环境战略,使其在绿色经营中发挥作用已成为政府和企业亟待解决的问题。采用问卷调查的形式对环境规制下重污染企业实施主动型环境战略的阻力与动因进行研究,明确了企业实施主动型环境战略的主要阻力及主要驱动因素,分析了其中的内在机理,为相关研究提供了第一手资料。  相似文献   

吴宇 《环境教育》2008,(6):41-42
在当今社会,随着工业化发展和物质文明的推进,人类赖以生存的地球遭到越来越严重的环境污染,给人类的生存造成了严重的威胁。因此近年来,国际上对环境质量的恶化与生态平衡的失调十分关注,世界各国对环保问题都极为重视,在“我们只有一个地球”的事实下,环保问题已成为本世纪人们极为关注的焦点。全球资源的掠夺性开发和伴随工业化发展而产生的大量“三废”排放,已经对人类的生存环境造成了严重的破坏,威胁着人类的生存和健康,人类正面临有史以来最严重的环境危机。  相似文献   

编者按我国环境污染治理和生态保护任务十分艰巨,目前国家投入的大量治理资金还远不能满足需要,可是投入的资金却由于种种原因,其投资效益十分低下。本文除分析了造成的原因外,还特别就其中的环境工程设计、施工管理中存在的问题提出了解决的对策建议。很值得有学部门参考。一、问题分析和对策要点互.问题分析:近期的环境公报表明,全国环境状况从总体上看,资源浪费、环境污染和生态破坏相当严重。城市为中心的环境污染趋势在发展,并向农村蔓延;生态破坏的范围在扩大,程度在加重。在一些地区,环境问题已成为制约经济发展的重要因…  相似文献   

The bauxite-aluminium industry structure is reviewed to illustrate the character of the threat posed by the formation of the International Bauxite Association (IBA). Bauxite price is a transfer price internal to vertically integrated firms, but Caribbean governments' fiscal revenue needs provoked a consistent tendency towards price increases. Australia is not interested in this or in a bauxite cartel, but rather in developing smelting capacity, exploiting its energy resources, and the elimination of barriers to Australian aluminium imports. Some elasticity estimates previously presented for demand and supply, together with their estimation method and policy implications, are strongly criticized.  相似文献   

水资源的可持续开发与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水是一切生物生存环境的最重要支撑,只有可持续地开发利用水资源,才能创造一个可持续发展的社会和生存环境。针对日趋严重的淡水资源危机,本文以水资源的可持续存在为基础,从整体的角度出发,而不是就水论水,探讨了可持续开发、利用水资源的五个途径:经济向生态效益型转向、可持续开发水资源、建立水资源核算体系、建立水资源政策分析机制、人人参与水资源管理,从而实现环境完整性、经济效率和平衡三个基本目标。  相似文献   

The magnitude of the ‘economic rent’ and its distribution among producing countries, mineral exploitation companies and consumers has become a dominant issue in national and international policy formulation, but the difficulties in measuring the rent add to the problems of determining its equitable distribution. This paper examines the nature of the rent and estimates its incidence in bauxite, copper, iron ore, phosphate rock, tin and petroleum. Rents were found to be low for bauxite and iron ore. Bauxite, phosphates and petroleum producers have increased their share of the rent, though this trend now seems to be reversing for bauxite and phosphates. Only in tin, and to a lesser extent petroleum, have the exporting countries captured significant shares in total rent. Otherwise, the rent is largely concentrated at the processing stage, which suggests that processing plant would have to shift to the producing countries if they are to claim a larger share.  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》1986,12(1):40-46
Institutional arrangements (formal governmental policies) are the key to many resource problems. However, few efforts have been made to explain changes in natural resource policy over time. This paper traces the changing pattern in US resource policy during the 20th century. Trends in natural resource institutions since 1900 are divided into three distinct periods. Each period is characterized in terms of the criteria used to evaluate policy, the management tools used to implement policy, the role of government in resource policy, and distributional issues of the day. The paper ends with speculation about the source of fundamental changes in resource policy and the role of economists in the policy-making process.  相似文献   

The possibility of exploiting multiple resources is usually regarded as positive from both the economic and the environmental point of view. However, resource switching may also lead to unsustainable growth and, ultimately, to an equilibrium condition which is worse than the one that could have been achieved with a single resource. We developed a dynamic model where users exploit multiple resources and have different levels of preference among them. In this setting, exploiting multiple resources leads to worse outcomes in both economic and ecological terms than the single resource case under a wide range of parameter configurations. Our arguments are illustrated using two empirical situations, namely oil drilling in the North Sea and whale hunting in the Antarctic.  相似文献   

页岩气开发中应关注的环境问题   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
李佳  王驰  田慧颖 《油气田环境保护》2012,22(6):42-43,68,88
我国页岩气开发处于探索阶段,具有资源赋存情况不清楚、水平井及分段压裂等关键技术有待突破、页岩气富集区地形条件复杂、地面建设条件较差、资源管理机制不完善等特点。对于页岩气开发这一新兴产业,在开发过程中需要关注生态影响、水资源消耗及环境风险等环境问题,并应尽快开展相关工作的研究,制定评价标准、导则、污染防治技术政策等相关文件,以规范页岩气开发的环保工作。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water resource scientists face complex tasks in evaluating aspects of water projects, but relatively few assessment procedures have been applied and accepted as standard applications. Decision-makers often rely on environmental assessments to evaluate the value and operation of projects. There is often confusion about scientists' role in policy decisions. The scientist can affect policy-making as an expert withess, an advocate or a surrogate. By understanding the policy process, scientists can make their work more “policy relevant.” Using the Terror Lake hydro project in Alaska as a guide, three lessons are discussed: (1) not all problems are able to be solved with technology; (2) policy-relevant technology is rarely imposed on a problem; and (3) the scientist need not just react to the policy process, but can have an impact on how that process unfolds.  相似文献   

本文试图从区域、自然资源本身和资源的外部条件出发,通过分析区域优势自然资源的概念,选择建立了衡量区域优势自然资源的6项标准体系,并以河南省黄河两岸地区为例,借助与高层次区域的比较研究,确定了该区域的优势自然资源是:铝土矿为第一优势资源,天然气为第二优势资源,以下资源次序为石油、煤、金矿、水泥灰岩、耐火粘土和水资源等。这为合理开发区域优势自然资源提供了重要科学依据.  相似文献   

西气东输塔里木气源工程的开发建设行为势必对该地脆弱生态环境下的各类生物尤其是对植被产生较大影响。过去的很多研究表明该地的植被对土地资源的保护功能是极其重要的。因此,评价油气田开发对植被的影响也是开发前期必须的工作。  相似文献   

Practicing natural resource management with a policy orientation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
All natural resource managers want to contribute to successful conservation programs. Having and applying an explicit policy orientation is indispensable. The policy sciences are described and a case is made that, if natural resource managers utilize this set of conceptual and applied tools in their natural resource work, their effectiveness could be enhanced. The policy sciences offer a contextual, problem-oriented, and multimethod approach to meeting complex problems. Two kinds of knowledge are needed to solve problems—substantive knowledge about the resource and process knowledge about the decision and policy processes used to derive courses of management action. The interplay of science, analysis, and politics are examined. The wildlife management community is used to illustrate many points, including the important role implementation plays in the overall policy process.  相似文献   

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