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Urban Air Quality Management Systems are software tools that combine air quality models with various software modules like geographical information systems, databases, expert systems and statistical analysis tools. Such systems try to interpret as accurately as possible the complex interactions between various atmospheric, emission, land use and topographic parameters involved in the air pollution management problem, in order to provide support for environmental strategic planning and decision making. As this process involves a huge set of parameters, some of which may only be roughly estimated, air quality management systems tend to aggregate parameters in order to simplify their analysis and make it more effective and operational. Yet, this aggregation may lead to deviations in the analysis results, as proved in this theoretical article, and thus influence the decision making and strategic planning process. According to the findings of this article, such a policy making process should focus primarily on short term measures when dealing with air pollution episode management.  相似文献   

The last decade progress in numericalweather prediction (NWP) modelling and studies of urbanatmospheric processes for providing meteorological data forurban air pollution forecasting is analysed on examples ofseveral European meteorological centres. Modern nested NWP models are utilising land-use databasesdown to 1 km resolution or finer, and are approaching thenecessary horizontal and vertical resolution suitable forcity scale. The recent scientific developments in the fieldof urban atmospheric physics and the growing availabilityof high-resolution urban surface characteristics datapromise further improvements of the capability of NWPmodels for this aim. A strategy to improve NWP data forthe urban air pollution forecasting is suggested.  相似文献   

This paper presents some recent research work that has beendeveloped for the major Portuguese agglomerations. Threemain topics are developed: the methodology used in Portugalto limit agglomerations (as they are defined by theEuropean Air Quality Framework Directive 96/62/EC), thepreliminary assessment of the air quality levels in themost densely populated agglomerations over the last fiveyears and their influence on the air quality levels acrossthe country (a requirement by Directive 96/62/EC), and theuse of an air quality index to raise public awareness aboutair quality levels. It is concluded that particulate matteris the critical pollutant in Portuguese populated urbanareas. In Lisbon and Oporto, based in 1999 data, in allmonitoring stations, the daily average limit value of 50g m-3 for particulate matter (PM10) isexceeded more times during a year period then allowed byDirective 99/30/EC. In the same areas, nitrogen dioxideconcentrations are above the annual limit value of 40g m-3 for the protection of human health set byDirective 99/30/EC, and influence pollution concentrationswithin a few tens of kilometres surrounding the urbanareas.  相似文献   

中国大气环境质量现状及趋势分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来我国经济的快速发展在引起能源消费急剧增长的同时带来了严重的环境污染问题.回顾近年来我国大气环境质量的基本状况,综合分析造成我国大气污染的主要原因,对造成我国大气污染的主要污染源火电行业的污染现状做了具体阐述,并在此基础上预测大气环境质量的变化趋势.  相似文献   

Annual ring widths of forest trees are affected from different ecologicalfactors (e.g. climate, soil, etc.) and also from air pollution. In the areas with intensive air pollution annual ring width reductions are observed. For this reason, some methods which detect the annual ring widths, in other words, the increase or decrease in diameter increments, are used to examine air pollution. Industrial establishments found in the northern part of Izmir city (Aliaga region) affect air quality of this area negatively. In this investigation, annual ring widths of 13 Pinus brutia Ten. (Calabrian pine) and 20 Pinus nigra Arnold. (Austrian pine) from 4 mountains (Karabelen, Manisa, Kemalpasa, and Yamanlar) with different altitudes and exposures around Izmir city were detected and the effects of air pollution on these trees were determined. Intensive effects of air pollution have started in 1985, for that reason, annual ring widths were examined through a reference period before this year and a study period (1985–1998) after this year and results are statistically evaluated. Annual ring widths of tree samples in the northern exposure were affected from air pollution, and some reductions were observed. These reductions increased when there is a long drought period.  相似文献   

As a first step to work out an abatement plan against air pollution, a local emission inventory with 1 hr temporal and 1 km spatial resolution in the city of Izmir and its surroundings was prepared. The study area consisted of a 200 × 170 km2 rectangle having the city of Izmir at the centre. The studied pollutants were total particulate matter (PM), sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOC) and carbon monoxide (CO). Emissions of these pollutants were determined by estimation methods making use of suitable emission factors. Emission sources were evaluated in three categories; point, area and line sources. For year 2000 total emissions in the study area on an average day were estimated as 173 tons PM, 299 tons SOx, 136 tons NOx, 68 tons VOC and 320 tons CO. At the second part of the study, calculated emissions were transformed into air quality predictions in the area by using the Industrial Source Complex – Short Term (ISCST3) dispersion model. Model results were tested with monitoring data from urban air quality stations obtained during the year 2000. Results of the past, present and future air quality estimates in the region were discussed. In order to do so, future scenarios including various control technology applications were formulated and tested to see their effect on the future air quality.  相似文献   

Planning effective strategies to combat air pollution in amajor city such as London requires integration ofinformation on atmospheric concentrations and where theyexceed prescribed air quality standards, detailed data onemissions and potential measures to reduce them includingcosts, and a good understanding of the relativecontributions of different emission sources to pollutantconcentrations plus the remaining background. The UrbanScale Integrated Assessment Model (USIAM) is designed as atool to integrate such information, and to explore andassess a variety of potential strategies for improving airquality. It is based on the same principles as theAbatement Strategies Assessment Model (ASAM) that has beenused in the UN Economic Commission for Europe. To startwith the USIAM model is being developed with respect to theparticulate PM10 only, and in particular the primaryparticulate contribution. The secondary particulate istreated as part of the background superimposed on theprimary particulate concentrations; this may need to betreated more specifically at a later stage, particularlywith respect to nitrate formation over the city. The USIAMmodel therefore sets out to examine a selection of severeepisode conditions as well as long-term annual averageconcentrations, and aims to find strategies that aresuccessful in eliminating exceedance of the prescribedtarget concentrations. By ranking different options forabatement of emissions, for example in terms of cost orease of implementation, the USIAM model can also select andprioritise different potential strategies.  相似文献   

利用第一次全国污染源普查“火力发电行业产排污系数核算”工作中现场监测得到的数据,首次采用偏相关分析的方法,对固态排渣煤粉炉中机组规模、空气过剩系数、煤中挥发分和发电负荷率等因素对NOx产生浓度的影响进行定性分析,结论:NOx产生浓度与前三种因素存在显著的相关。而与发电负荷率的关系受锅炉是否采用低氮燃烧技术的影响。空气过剩系数越大,煤的挥发分越高,NOx产生浓度越低;采用低氮燃烧装置的锅炉中,机组规模越大,产生的NOx越少,且对于同一锅炉来说,NOx产生浓度随着发电负荷率的升高而增大;未采用燃烧控制的锅炉中,机组规模越大,NOx产生浓度越高,且与发电负荷率不相关。根据分析结果,提出了控制燃煤电厂固态排渣煤粉炉NOx排放的优化措施和建议。  相似文献   

杨再鹏 《化工环保》2014,34(5):467-469
分析了化工建设项目环境影响评价工作中的热点问题。指出化工生产的环境风险是可控的;环评报告书中应将环境风险的预防作为风险评价的重点,同时要积极推进责任关怀,将企业每年度外排的各种污染物的数量及削减量如实公布,让公众了解企业在预防污染方面的进步和尚存的问题。提出了精简环评报告书的途径:编写环评报告书简化本;突出环评报告书的重点,将污染预防和治理措施作为环评报告书最重要的章节之一;评价环境影响预测的准确性等。  相似文献   

竹涛  张星  王礼锋  朱晓晶  于洋  林军 《化工环保》2019,39(4):367-372
针对钢铁行业有毒有害大气污染物(HAPs)的污染控制难题,以汞和二噁英为典型污染物,论述了钢铁行业HAPs排放特征及控制技术,介绍了HAPs的管控机制,提出了钢铁行业HAPs减排建议。  相似文献   

介绍了某电厂空预器的设计特点,该空预器运行过程中出现了一、二次风压与炉膛压力周期性波动、进出口差压偏大的问题.对该空预器实际运行情况的分析研究表明:燃用煤种含硫量超标、吹灰蒸汽带水、冬天暖风器投用不及时以及蓄热元件布置紧密是造成空预器堵灰的关键问题.通过控制入炉煤含硫量、加强吹灰、提高综合冷端温度和蓄热元件改造等措施,保证了空预器安全经济运行.  相似文献   

Urban concentration fields are extremely inhomogeneous andtheir gradients are very high. It results in specificproblems when modelling air pollution at the urban scalethat are analysed in this paper. Some examples ofmisrepresentation of the urban concentration field,computed with the use of the source-receptor type models,are given here. They can help in understanding the natureof the problems we face and reveal deficiencies of thecomputational technologies in use. Filtering of thecomputed fields is suggested as an instrument for improvingtheir quality. Its efficiency is proved on the test runs.An algorithm for refinement of the filtered fields isintroduced in this paper.  相似文献   

张传秀  袁福德 《化工环保》1998,18(6):366-372
建设项目环境影响评价中的大气监测多以短期间断监测的数据平均值来代表污染物的长期平均浓度,对这种监测结果的可靠性代表性及监测中值注意的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Air pollution has become an actual problem in Balikesir because of rapid urbanisation and increasing of the polluting sources. Air pollutionproblems occur under the unfavorable meteorological conditions which increase in frequency of occurrence in winter due to use of low quality lignite coals for heating. The `Protection of Air Quality' in Turkey dated 1986 is based on the human health criteria. But the critical limit values are lethal for the forest trees as far as SO2 is concerned. The field observations showed that leaves of the trees have yellow spots indicating acid burns in Balikesir. This study aims at determining the relationships between the SO2 concentrationsin the air under selected climatic conditions, and the effects of air pollution on forest trees in Balikesir. Samples of leaves were collected from the City Parks in Balikesir, Deirmenboaz forested area located 10 km far fromBalikesiron the Balikesir-Bursa highway, and from the forestation areas near the Balikesir-Edremit highway. Sulfur contents of the leaves were very high especially in the city (2650–5300 g m-3).Samples from other areas had values lower than this range but above the usual values (850–3612 g m-3). The diameter increments of the trees were found to be lower and these results clearly showed the adverse impacts. Negative correlations were found between these sulfur concentrations and the daily mean temperatures and wind speeds. Positive correlation was seen between these concentrations and pressures, humidities. Emission sources must be controlled in order to safeguard the forests which protects the soil, facilitate water production, assimilate carbon dioxide in air and produce oxygen. It must be considered that the problems are not only regional but have a global identity.  相似文献   

The increase of traffic and the rising energy consumption mean a challenge to the air pollution control and to environmental protection. Measures of air pollution control concentrated primarily on the reduction of gaseous pollutants. However, in the field of air hygiene in Central Europe, especially the load of near-surface atmospheric dust becomes threatening to human health. A SIMS microprobe for ultra fine feature analysis is used to image the elemental composition at the surface of submicrometer urban dust particles collected at two measurement stations in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The NanoSIMS 50 has been chosen because it creates one intensity image for each selected element in a high spatial resolution down to 50 nm. The atmospheric fine dust consists of a mixture of organic and inorganic compounds. The elemental composition at the surface of particles was studied using a global image segmentation technique to separate the signal from the background of the particles. The analysis of the binary intensity images was carried out using several shape and proximity measures. The patch shape complexity and distribution for industrial/urban particles were found to differ significantly from the solids collected from a forest site. We conclude that the methodology developed in the study is a reliable tool to differentiate between potential sources of airborne particulate matter.  相似文献   

梨园杀虫剂的环境风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐敬春  尤宏  孟宪林 《化工环保》2002,22(5):301-305
评价了某雪花梨栽培试验园区施用的杀虫剂对周围环境的风险性。其中包括;利用化学物质排毒系数评价法对梨园杀虫剂进行初步风险识别;非突发性水环境污染风险分析。采用瞬时点源一维河流模型对杀虫剂因事故性泄漏水体造成的风险进行预测;简要说明了杀虫剂进入土壤的途径及其对施药区和非施药区土壤的危害;采用高斯烟团模式,通过大气取样,对杀虫剂超常量喷施进入大气捕捞浓度分布进行统计分析,测算出杀虫剂在不同浓度范围出现的相对频率,从而鉴别其对居民点空气质量的危害几率。  相似文献   

研究了采用清洁燃料控制燃煤工业锅炉SO2的污染。研究表明,在有条件的地方及部门,首先要采用清洁燃料.这是控制燃煤工业锅炉SO2污染的最简便、最有效的措施。  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a model of the marine oil transportation in the United States. NMOTSM, the National Marine Oil Transportation System Model, is a high-level strategic decision-making tool that will be used to systematically identify causes of oil spills and prioritize oil pollution R and D needs for prevention and response. Three distinct phases in the analysis are identified, namely the formulation of the oil transport model, the risk and safety performance assessment and the evaluation of potential prevention, and response measures and approaches.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of a study undertaken to characterize dioxin and furan releases from waste incineration plants operating in Medellín-Colombia are presented. Emission and fly ash samples were collected from representative plants burning medical and industrial residues to characterize PCDD/PCDF levels. Analyses were carried out following European standards for stationary gas emissions EN-1948:1996 and US EPA 1613 (fly ashes). Final extracts were analyzed by both high resolution gas chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC-HRMS) and high resolution gas chromatography coupled to ion trap tandem mass spectrometry (HRGC-ITMS/MS). Preliminary results revealed emission levels of 1-30.3 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 depending on whether or not an air pollution control system (APCS) was installed. Fly ashes contained 8.5-68 ng I-TEQ/g. Critical issues that should be addressed in an assessment and in developing waste management plans in Colombia are discussed.  相似文献   

A life cycle assessment (LCA) is performed to make clear of the actual environment impacts from conversation of waste cooking oil (WCO) to biodiesel fuel (BDF) in Okayama. A scenario analysis is carried out based on different participation rate of residents who separate WCO from general waste, corresponding to different BDF utilisation rate in transportation system. Sub scenarios complying with different gas emission standards regarding vehicles are designed as well. Afterwards, life cycle impact assessment is conducted to focus on global warming, acidification, and urban air pollution. Overall improvement of almost all kinds of life cycle inventories is significant when diesel is replaced with BDF, demonstrating that a shift from WCO-to-incineration to WCO-to-BDF is more beneficial. Under carbon neutral, compared to base scenario (S0), about 746.05 ton CO2 emission will be reduced annually in the scenario with 100 % BDF utilisation in vehicles (S4). Meanwhile, total external cost in three environmental impacts (EI) sharply reduces by 51.90 %, showing much economic sustainability in S4. Moreover, the manufacturing cost for producing one litter WCO-to-BDF is 97.32 Yen. Sensitivity analysis shows that the gas emission standard regarding vehicles had much bigger effect on EI than BDF manufacturing process in this research.  相似文献   

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