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目前我国的废旧冰箱已进入了一个报废高峰期,且大量废旧冰箱塑料的处理问题已成为当今地球环境保护的热点问题,而我国又是一个人均资源占有量很低的国家,因此,对废旧冰箱塑料进行回收与再生利用则具有极其重要的意义.介绍了废旧冰箱塑料的物理再生利用、化学再生利用、生物降解、能源回收利用的技术和方法.  相似文献   

家电使用寿命有2~10年,以中国16亿人口基数计算,产生的废家电塑料数量是惊人的.废家电塑料作为城市矿山的一部分,其具有资源和污染两方面的特性对废家电塑料进行再生利用可以降低废塑料随意堆放对环境的影响,以达到节约资源的目的。总结国外废家电塑料再生利用情况,结合国内再生利用前沿研究并对比分析,预测国内废家电塑料再生领域的发展趋势。  相似文献   

论述了国内外塑料废弃物回收再生技术的发展现状及各种回收再生方法的原理和特点,并分析了回收再生技术的主要发展方向和前景.  相似文献   

山东省莱州市再生塑料行业起步较早,近年来发展迅速。从分析莱州废旧塑料回收行业发展的历史、现状及存在的问题入手,指出目前莱州该行业发展面临的机遇和挑战,并从政府和企业两方面提出了解决问题所应采取的措施,指明莱州废旧塑料回收利用的发展方向。  相似文献   

在目前举办的第九届中国海峡项目成果交易会上,来自日本的废玻璃再生利用技术吸引了18家企业签订合作意向合同。  相似文献   

肖宝钧  谢继华 《化工环保》1990,10(3):141-149,153
本文以酸碱化学处理为基础,采用浮选法再生净化葡萄糖母液失活的粉状废活性炭。试验结果表明,此法工艺过程简单,操作简便,再生炭质量较好,成本低,适于中小型葡萄糖厂就地再生。  相似文献   

综述了显像管的结构、材料组成、再生利用途径以及为再利用而开发的各种废显像管的分离技术,重点介绍了采用金属丝(带)加热冷却切割分离废显像管屏锥玻璃的工艺及试制的废显像管切割机.  相似文献   

プラスチクッスエ-ジ(日),2014,60(1):33日本夏普公司与关西再生技术委员会(KRSC)共同开发出采用独有方法将回收的液晶电视塑料材料聚碳酸酯(PC)-丙烯腈(ABS)树脂恢复成与新材料具有同等特性的再生技术。夏普公司自2001年以来一直致力于将洗衣机、冰箱、空调及电视等4种家电产品进行回收处理。但液晶电视的框架大多使用刚性、耐冲击性及阻燃性高的PC和ABS树脂。由于长期使用,产品  相似文献   

概述了我国废聚酯(PET)瓶的回收现状,总结了化学法和物理法回收废PET瓶的方法,介绍了欧美国家研究开发的废PET瓶再生利用新技术,分析了我国废PET瓶再生利用存在的问题。建议政府职能部门充分发挥自己的作用,通过制定相关的政策和法规,鼓励企业用循环经济的思维来开展废PET瓶的再生利用工作。  相似文献   

以循环经济思想为指导,对建筑垃圾分类及再生利用技术进行分析,建议从源头控制建筑垃圾的产生量,强化全社会对建筑垃圾再生利用的环保意识.提高全社会对再生资源的认识.  相似文献   

Recycling of WEEE plastics: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electric and electronic equipment (EEE) is swiftly growing in volume, level of sophistication, and diversity. Also, it evolves briskly, moved by innovation and technical change, and draws on numerous and at times rare resources. Waste EEE (WEEE) has evolved into an important societal problem. Recycling and treating WEEE implies occupational as well as environmental hazards that are still incompletely documented. Still, second hand EEE has been exported and treated in Africa, China, and India in a precarious informal context. In developed countries, EEE recycling has been sustained by a wide range of initiatives and motives, such as sustainability, creating jobs, and the value of precious or rare metals. Current EU Directives require a steep reduction of WEEE plastics (WEEP) going to landfill. Mechanical, thermal, and feedstock recycling of WEEP are analysed and some options confronted. Plastics recycling should be weighed against the eventual risks related to their hazardous ingredients, mainly legacy brominated fire retardants and heavy metals. Another paper is related to a somewhat similar problem, yet involving a different mix of plastics: recycling plastics from automotive shredder residue.  相似文献   

总结了再生、降解、焚烧及填埋等几种废旧塑料处置方式的特点,指出对于品种单一、老化程度低的废旧塑料应优先选择再生利用.重点介绍了废旧聚氯乙烯塑料、聚乙烯塑料、聚丙烯塑料、氯化聚氯乙烯塑料的再生及其在制管行业中的利用情况进展.  相似文献   

Automotive shredder residue (ASR) is an inevitable by-product of car recycling, i.e. removal of all liquids and hazardous or valuable components from the car and shredding of the hulk, followed by the recovery of steel, iron, and non-ferrous scrap. The European Union (EU) ELV Directive requires attaining higher recovery and recycling rates, resulting in a reduction of the amount of ASR going to landfill. The most plausible methods to achieve a considerable reduction of ASR are as follows: either recycling of separated materials and dismantled bulky parts, such as bumpers, dashboards, cushions, and front and rear windows, or else systematic sorting of the commingled and size-reduced materials, resulting from shredding. After a brief comparison of the actual situation in the EU, the USA, and Japan, the characteristics of actual ASR are reviewed, as well as some of the most prominent efforts made to separate and recycle specific fractions, such as polyolefins, ABS, or polyurethane. Attention is paid to some major players in the EU and to some of the pitfalls that besiege these ventures.  相似文献   

介绍了日本“容器包装再生法”的相关规定和实施过程,以及日本容器包装废塑料的回收、再生利用状况,并借鉴其先进经验,结合我国实际情况,指出发展我国废塑料循环利用的重要性,并提出具体建议措施。  相似文献   

To develop a new method for the chemical recycling of plastics, we examined the formation of recycled polymers from the recovered monomeric materials of solubilized waste fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP) under supercritical alcoholic conditions. Treatment of waste FRP with supercritical MeOH resulted in the formation of monomeric organic compounds that mainly contained dimethyl phthalate (DMP) and propylene glycol. The presence of these materials was confirmed by gas chromatography and nuclear magnetic resonance analyses and they were mixed with new DMP and glycols in various ratios to form unsaturated polyesters. The polymerization progressed successfully for all mixing ratios of the recovered and new DMP. Hardness tests on these recycled polymers indicated that the polymer made from a 1:1 mixture of recovered and new dimethyl phthalate had almost the same level of hardness as the polymers made from new materials. We also examined the formation of recycled FRP by using glass fibers and monomeric materials recovered through the present depolymerization method. Chemical Feedstock Recycling & Other Innovative Recycling Techniques 6  相似文献   

Composting is a preferred treatment strategy for biodegradable plastics (BDPs). In this sense, the collection of BDPs together with organic household wastes is a highly discussed possibility. Under the aspect of the behaviour of BDPs in composting facilities, a telephone survey was carried out with selected composting facility operators. They were interviewed with respect to treated wastes, content of impurities, processes for impurity separation, experiences with biodegradable plastics and assumptions to the behaviour of biodegradable plastics in their facility. Forty percent of the facilities had some experiences with BDPs due to test runs, and also since the occurrence of BDPs in their waste was known. The majority of the operators expressed apprehension regarding an increase of impurities resulting from a combined collection of biowaste and BDPs. In the facilities, measures for the impurity separation from the biowaste were used in common practice - in 33% of the cases, separation of disturbing plastics was done before composting, in 33% after composting, and in 13% before and after composting. The most important separation processes for conventional plastics were sieving and manual sorting. In two cases air classification was also used. When asked about the separation possibility of the conventional but not of the biodegradable plastics in their facilities, the majority of operators were not in a position to comment or they replied that it was not an option. No problems were seen in most cases if the impurity separation follows composting. If impurity separation takes place before composting it was often assumed that the BDPs are mainly separated by sieving. In conclusion, in more than half of the cases, BDPs would not be composted if delivered to a composting facility. Under the actual conditions regarding the collection and the treatment/disposal possibilities, an application of BDPs seems to only be reasonable for clean (i.e., source separated on their own) fractions of BDPs.  相似文献   

蔡凯武  刘春 《化工环保》2021,40(6):567-572
本文在持续跟踪环保型塑料产业动态的基础上,从原料开发、产品设计、废弃物回收利用等方面,综述了生物基和石油基环保型塑料产业的最新进展,旨在为塑料研发人员和相关产业工作者开拓思路。指出:环保型塑料是未来塑料产业发展的重要方向,非环保型塑料的市场份额将逐步被环保型塑料占据,最后稳定在较低的水平上。  相似文献   

塑料制品因其具有质量轻、外观美、加工方便、经济实用等特点而颇受人们青睐,广泛用于各行各业和日常生活用品中,但塑料制品的大量使用也给环境造成了严重污染,消除塑料污染的最积极的办法是对废旧塑料进行回收再利用.塑料种类繁多,不同类别的塑料性质和用途都不相同.介绍几种塑料分类的简易方法,以利于废旧塑料的回收利用.  相似文献   

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