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Seasonal changes in abundance of nitrifiers (ammonia-oxidizing and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria) in surface and bottom water of freshwater ponds were examined with respect to temperature, DO, pH as well as concentration of ammonia and nitrite. The most probable number (MPN) of ammonia-oxidizers in different ponds varied from 1297 +/- 3.6 to 1673.23 +/- 0.36 ml(-1) in bottom and 720.5 +/- 8.1 to 955.3 +/- 10.8 ml(-1) in surface water during the rainy season while the MPN ranged from 1074 +/- 1.07 to 1372.17 +/- 4.6 ml(-1) in bottom and 515 +/- 10.1 to 678 +/- 11.8 ml(-1) in surface water in winter. However, the MPN were greatly reduced in summer and ranged from 435.05 +/- 15.7 to 547.54 +/- 2.12 ml(-1) in bottom and 218.7 +/- 7.3 to 368.4 +/- 9.32 ml(-1) in surface water. Similar seasonal trends were also observed in MPN of nitrite-oxidizers. Among all the physico-chemical parameters, abundance of nitrifiers was more positively correlated with ammonia and nitrite concentration in all the seasons. The abundance of nitrifiers in surface and bottom water was highest in rainy season followed by winter and modest in summer. The potential nitrification activities and oxidation rates were shown to be linear and activity of ammonia-oxidizing and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria was highest during rainy season.  相似文献   

The zooplankton and physicochemistry of Ehoma lake were studied from March 2005 to August 2006 in order to evaluate seasonal trend in species composition and abundance in relation to water quality. Forty two (42) species of rotifers dominated by Keratella tropica tropica were encountered. Species richness declined by nearly 50% from dry season values during the rainy season. Species richness was higher in the littoral zone during the dry season, the reverse was the case during the rainy season. Species abundance followed similar trend as species richness. Abundance was closely associated with dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand and width of the lake and these in turn varied significantly between seasons. Shannon-Weaver diversity varied from 2.2 to 3.8 bit ind(-1) and significantly between seasons (p<0.05). Anuraeopsis navicula navicula and Euchlanis dilatata dilatata Ehrenbreg were the only species gained during the flood periods.  相似文献   

The perennially ice-covered, closed basin lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys respond rapidly to environmental changes, especially climate. For the past 15 years, the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long-Term Ecological Research (MCM-LTER) program has monitored the physical, chemical and biological properties of the lakes in Taylor Valley. In order to better assess the physiochemical controls on the biological process within one of these lakes (Lake Hoare), we have used vertical profile data to estimate depth-dependent correlations between various lake properties. Our analyses reveal the following results. Primary production rates (PPR) are strongly correlated to light (PAR) at 12-15 m and to soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) at 8-22 m. Chlorophyll-a (CHL) is also positively correlated to PAR at 14 m and greater depths, and SRP from 15 m and greater. This preliminary statistical analysis supports previous observations that both PAR and SRP play significant roles in driving plant growth in Lake Hoare. The lack of a strong relationship between bacterial production (BP) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is an intriguing result of the analysis.  相似文献   

To investigate the seasonal variations of microbial ecology in grassland of Tatachia forest, soil properties, microbial populations, microbial biomass, and 16S rDNA clone library analysis were determined. The soil had temperatures 6.6–18.4°C, pH 3.6–5.1, total organic carbon 1.11–10.68%, total nitrogen 0.18–0.78%, and C/N ratios 3.46–20.55. Each gram of dry soil contained bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, cellulolytic, phosphate-solubilizing microbes, and nitrogen-fixing microbes 4.54 × 104 to 3.79 × 107, 3.43 × 102 to 2.17 × 105, 5.74 × 103 to 3.76 × 106, 1.97 × 103 to 1.34 × 106, 8.49 × 102 to 5.59 × 105, and 3.86 × 102 to 3.75 × 105 CFU, respectively. Each gram of soil contained 117–2,482 μg of microbial biomass carbon, 23–216 μg of microbial biomass nitrogen and 9–29 μg of DNA. The microbial populations, microbial biomass, and DNA decreased stepwise with the depth of soil, and they had low values in winter seasons. The microbial populations, microbial biomass carbon, microbial biomass nitrogen, and DNA at the BW2 horizon were 8.42–17.84, 19.26–64.40, 16.84–61.11, and 31.03–46.26% of those at the O horizon, respectively. When analyzing 16S rDNA library, members of Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, candidate division TM1, candidate division TM7, Gammatimonadetes, and Verrucomicrobia were identified. Members of Proteobacteria (44.4%) and Acidobacteria (33.3%) dominated the clone libraries. Within the phylum Proteobacteria, α-, β-, and γ-Proteobacteria were most numerous, followed by δ-Proteobacteria.  相似文献   

Most marine benthic macroinvertebrate species reproduce via a larval phase but attempts to explain the occurrence of different larval strategies (feeding or non-feeding, pelagic or benthic) in different habitats have been largely inconclusive. There have been very few year-round surveys of meroplankton at any latitude and in consequence fundamental data on the diversity, abundance, and timings of larval life history phases are lacking. There has been considerable debate regarding the viability of pelagic larvae in cold waters with highly seasonal primary production but there has been only one year-round study of meroplankton in the Southern Ocean, and that was outside of the Antarctic Circle. We present data from the first year-round survey of meroplankton assemblages at a location within the Antarctic Circle. We surveyed abundances of meroplanktonic larvae over 1.5 year at Rothera Point, West Antarctic Peninsula (67°34′S, 68°07′W). Larvae were collected in monthly diver-towed net samples close to the seabed at 20 and 6 m total water depths at each of three locations and were identified and counted live immediately after sampling. A total of 99 operationally defined taxonomic types representing 11 phyla were recorded but this is likely to be an underestimate of true diversity because of inherent difficulties of identification. Larvae were present in all months of the year and although planktotrophic larvae were more abundant in summer, both feeding and non-feeding types were present in all months. Comparisons of seasonal larval abundances with data from a settlement study at the same sites and from the literature show that larvae of mobile adults settle in summer regardless of developmental type, whereas sessile taxa settle in all seasons. We suggest that this is a consequence of differences in the food requirements of mobile and sessile fauna and that the availability of food for post-larval juveniles is more critical for survival than factors affecting the larval stage itself.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of heavy metals in sediment of Lake Ulansuhai,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sediment samples were collected from 10 sites in Lake Ulansuhai during summer and winter 2009 to reveal seasonal variations in sediment heavy metal levels. The geoaccumulation index (GI) was calculated to assess the severity of metal pollution. The GI values suggest that, in winter, the lake sediments were polluted slightly with Cu (GI=0.66–1.34), Zn (GI=0.59–1.35), Cr (GI=0.49–0.82) and Pb (GI=0.60–0.96), and moderately with Cd (GI=1.03–4.23). The degree of pollution was higher in winter than in summer. By contrast, the degree of pollution was higher in summer than in winter for Hg and As. Correlation analysis can be used to identify factors influencing seasonal variations in heavy metals. The concetrations of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr and Cd were negatively correlated with water temperature and hydrodynamic conditions, but positively correlated with organic matter concentration in the sediments and with a sediment particle size of<63 μm (p<0.01). Meanwhile, Hg and As concentrations were affected by redox state and salinity. Among the metals tested, Hg and Cd posed a more serious pollution risk.  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal variations in diversity, biomass and abundance of bathyal invertebrates (excluding decapod crustaceans, which have been analysed elsewhere) from the North-western Mediterranean margin are described. The upper canyon (∼450 m), middle slope (∼650 m) and lower slope (∼1,200 m) habitats were investigated throughout the year. The first two sites are visited daily by a specialised commercial fisheries’ fleet, while the deeper site has not been impacted by fishing activities. A total of 140 species from 12 phyla were collected from the 3 study areas. Of these, the Mollusca, Echinodermata, Polychaeta and Cnidaria were the most speciose groups. The patterns of species diversity (H′) and evenness (E) were similar in time and space. The upper canyon and middle-slope sites were dominated by echinoderms and molluscs, while the lower-slope site was dominated by cnidarians and sponges. Multifactorial ANOVA showed significant spatio-temporal differences in the biomass and/or abundance only in echinoderms, molluscs, cnidarians and polychaetes. The faunal differences observed were explained by habitat type, but not by season. The role of submarine canyons and commercial fishing on shaping the diversity and biomass of bathyal Mediterranean invertebrates is discussed. Luis Dantart: Deceased March 2005  相似文献   

To adequately describe seasonal rhythms in habitat utilization by fish communities, observations are needed that occur at a relatively high frequency and over large temporal windows. For the first time, images collected from a cabled video-observatory (the western Mediterranean expandable SEAfloor OBservatory; OBSEA) were utilized to examine habitat utilization by coastal fishes. Over the course of a year, hourly digital images of the water column and an artificial reef were obtained during daylight hours. For each image, the total number of species, an estimate of the abundance of individuals, and the Shannon Diversity Index were quantified. A total of 22 fish species commonly associated with nearshore western Mediterranean habitats were identified, and significant spatial (water column vs. artificial reef), seasonal (spring, summer, autumn, and winter), and daily (morning, midday, and sunset) differences in habitat utilization occurred. Four species (Diplodus vulgaris, Diplodus cervinus, Diplodus sargus, and Scorpaena porcus) were associated with the artificial reef, while one species (Pagrus pagrus) chiefly occurred in the water column. Chromis chromis and Diplodus annularis occurred at the site more frequently in the winter and autumn, respectively, while 14 other species utilized the site more frequently in either the spring (8 spp) or summer (6 spp). In addition, Dentex dentex and Spicara maena occurred more frequently at sunset, while D. cervinus displayed a crepuscular rhythm (occurring more frequently in the morning and at sunset). Species diversity was highest in the summer and lowest in the winter. If not taken into account when planning in situ sampling, such seasonal and/or diel differences may lead to spurious estimates of population sizes and biodiversity. We suggest that cabled video-observatories offer a non-invasive and reliable technology for faunistic sampling and population assessment in coastal water of the Mediterranean and likely elsewhere.  相似文献   

高振美  赵中华  张波  张路 《生态环境》2011,(6):1063-1067
采用高效液相色谱法对太湖梅梁湾水体中微囊藻毒素的质量浓度进行春、夏、秋、冬4个季节的监测,分析了梅梁湾水体中微囊藻毒素(MC-RR,MC-YR,MC-LR)质量浓度的季节变化特征及其与水体中总氮、总磷、CODMn和浮游藻类等富营养化指标的相关关系。分析结果表明:MCs夏季(8月份)质量浓度最高,为(0.78±0.99)μg.L-1,其次为春季(5月份)和秋季(11月份),分别为(0.43±0.96)和(0.50±1.12)μg.L-1,冬季(2月份)质量浓度显著降低,为(0.14±0.27)μg.L-1;水体中MCs的检出质量浓度与常规水化学指标之间相关性分析表明:MC-LR的质量浓度与TP的质量浓度呈极显著正相关与TN/TP呈极显著负相关(P〈0.01),与CODMn呈显著正相关(P〈0.05);水体中MCs的检出质量浓度与浮游藻类生物量相关性分析表明:水体中MCs的检出质量浓度与微囊藻及蓝藻生物量有显著相关关系,太湖梅梁湾的藻毒素主要由微囊藻属(Microcystis)产生。  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱法对太湖梅梁湾水体中微囊藻毒素的质量浓度进行春、夏、秋、冬4个季节的监测,分析了梅梁湾水体中微囊藻毒素(MC-RR,MC-YR,MC-LR)质量浓度的季节变化特征及其与水体中总氮、总磷、CODMn和浮游藻类等富营养化指标的相关关系。分析结果表明:MCs夏季(8月份)质量浓度最高,为(0.78±0.99)μg.L-1,其次为春季(5月份)和秋季(11月份),分别为(0.43±0.96)和(0.50±1.12)μg.L-1,冬季(2月份)质量浓度显著降低,为(0.14±0.27)μg.L-1;水体中MCs的检出质量浓度与常规水化学指标之间相关性分析表明:MC-LR的质量浓度与TP的质量浓度呈极显著正相关与TN/TP呈极显著负相关(P<0.01),与CODMn呈显著正相关(P<0.05);水体中MCs的检出质量浓度与浮游藻类生物量相关性分析表明:水体中MCs的检出质量浓度与微囊藻及蓝藻生物量有显著相关关系,太湖梅梁湾的藻毒素主要由微囊藻属(Microcystis)产生。  相似文献   

The sponge Tetilla sp. (Tetractinomorpha: Tetillidae) is a common species in the eastern Mediterranean. This sponge inhabits four different habitat types differing in wave impact and irradiance levels. Two of these habitats (a shallow cave and deep water) are characterized by relatively calm water, whereas the other two (shallow exposed site and tide pools) are in turbulent water with high energy flow. The present study examined the influence of physical (depth, illumination and water motion) and biotic factors on morphology, skeletal plasticity and reproductive traits among the four spatially separated populations. Sponges from tidal pools had significantly larger body volume than sponges from deep water and from shallow caves (ANOVA: tidal-deep P<0.0001; tidal-shallow caves P<0.05). Sponges from exposed habitats were significantly larger than deep-water sponges (ANOVA: P=0.01). In addition, individuals from tide pools and from the exposed habitat had a significantly higher proportion of structural silica than sponges from the calmer deep water and from the cave sites. Oxea spicules in sponges from the calm habitats were significantly shorter than in those from the tidal pools and the exposed habitats. The percentage of spicules out of a sponges dry weight in individuals transplanted from deep (calm) to shallow (turbulent) water significantly increased by 21.9±12.9%. The new spicule percentage did not differ significantly from that of sponges originally from shallow water. Oocyte diameter differed significantly between habitats. The maximal size of mature eggs was found in deep-water sponges in June (97±5 m). In the shallow habitats, a smaller maximal oocyte diameter was found in the cave, in May (56.5±3 m). Furthermore, oocyte density in shallow-water sponges was highest in May and decreased in June (with 88.2±9 and 19.3±9 oocytes mm–2, respectively). At the same time (June), oocyte density of deep-water sponges had just reached its maximum (155±33.7 oocytes mm–2). The difference in oocyte size and density between deep- and shallow-water individuals indicates an earlier gamete release in the shallow sponge population. The results suggest that plasticity in skeletal design of this sponge indicates a trade off between spicule production and investment in reproduction.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Zooplankton abundance and distribution are of ecological importance, as they are very sensitive to change, therefore zooplankton make ideal indicators of aquatic ecosystem. This study carried out on the abundance of rotifer, cladoceran, cyclopoid-copepod and ostracod zooplankton groups and biomass of total zooplankton were studied every month for one year. It is interesting and noteworthy to note that Calanoid and Harpacticoid zooplankton groups and free carbon dioxide were completely absent in all the four sampling sites throughout the study year. About 53% of the variation in the abundance of Cladoceran, 55% of variation in the Cyclopoid-copepod, 39% of variation in the ostracod and 53% of variation in the abundance of total zooplankton were mainly due to pH. Interestingly, negative relationship was found between the total zooplankton and concentration of phosphate as in this lake 67% decrease in wet biomass was mainly because of phosphate, where as 47% of dry biomass of total zooplankton was positively correlated with conductivity.  相似文献   

Barnett A  Beisner BE 《Ecology》2007,88(7):1675-1686
While empirical studies linking biodiversity to local environmental gradients have emphasized the importance of lake trophic status (related to primary productivity), theoretical studies have implicated resource spatial heterogeneity and resource relative ratios as mechanisms behind these biodiversity patterns. To test the feasibility of these mechanisms in natural aquatic systems, the biodiversity of crustacean zooplankton communities along gradients of total phosphorus (TP) as well as the vertical heterogeneity and relative abundance of their phytoplankton resources were assessed in 18 lakes in Quebec, Canada. Zooplankton community richness was regressed against TP, the spatial distribution of phytoplankton spectral groups, and the relative biomass of spectral groups. Since species richness does not adequately capture ecological function and life history of different taxa, features which are important for mechanistic theories, relationships between zooplankton functional diversity (FD) and resource conditions were examined. Zooplankton species richness showed the previously established tendency to a unimodal relationship with TP, but functional diversity declined linearly over the same gradient. Changes in zooplankton functional diversity could be attributed to changes in both the spatial distribution and type of phytoplankton resource. In the studied lakes, spatial heterogeneity of phytoplankton groups declined with TP, even while biomass of all groups increased. Zooplankton functional diversity was positively related to increased heterogeneity in cyanobacteria spatial distribution. However, a smaller amount of variation in functional diversity was also positively related to the ratio of biomass in diatoms/chrysophytes to cyanobacteria. In all observed relationships, a greater variation of functional diversity than species richness measures was explained by measured factors, suggesting that functional measures of zooplankton communities will benefit ecological research attempting to identify mechanisms behind environmental gradients affecting diversity.  相似文献   

Variations in mortality of a coral-reef fish: links with predator abundance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
S. D. Connell 《Marine Biology》1996,126(2):347-352
The mortality rates of a pomacentrid Acanthochromis polyacanthus were examined in relation to the abundance of large predatory fish (>200 mm total length, TL) at two spatial scales. Survivorship was negatively related to patterns of predator abundance at a large spatial scale (hundreds of metres) over 3 yr, but not at a small spatial scale (tens of metres) over 2 yr. On the large scale, mortality was consistently greater (14 to 30%) in locations where there were greater numbers of predators, and lower in locations where predators occurred in smaller numbers. Among these locations, spatial differences in rank abundance of surviving juveniles were primarily due to mortality, whereas temporal differences in rank abundance were primarily due to initial juvenile abundance. These data suggest that impacts of large predatory fish were likely to have been greater in space than time and at the large spatial scale than the small spatial scale.  相似文献   

The Australian temperate pomacentrid fish Parma microlepis Gunther maintains permanent, interspecifically defended territories. Breeding occurs in late spring (October to December), and juveniles after a pre-settling period of 4 to 6 weeks take up territories in the adult habitat. P. microlepis feed in their territories on benthic algae and invertebrates. Density of fish is significantly correlated with the availability of suitable shelter. There is a variation in the territorial response directed at different species, and a significant correlation exists between intensity of response to a species and its similarity to P. microlepis in use of living space. No significant correlation exists between intensity of response and dietary similarity. P. microlepis defends larger areas in the breeding than in the non-breeding season against those species which represent a possible threat to its breeding success. It shows a reduced tendency to attack juvenile conspecifics at the time of year when they would be settling from the plankton. Responses to species not likely to interfere with breeding success do not vary through the year. P. microlepis is thus seen to have complex territorial responses, specific to the species of intruder and time of year. In this it is quite similar to other territorial pomacentrids (chiefly tropical) for which information exists.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in settlement and spiculation of sponge larvae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A settlement study, based in the Hauraki Gulf, Auckland, New Zealand, has revealed 3 different seasonal reproductive patterns among Demospongiae. Species which settled on our substrates can be divided into summer settlers, winter settlers, or all-year-round settlers. The composition of these groups is given, and the affinities and habitats of the constituent species are commented on. Variation in aspects of the spicule complement have been observed and discussed for three species: Mycale macilenta, Microciona coccinea and Ectyomyxilla kerguelensis.  相似文献   

For marine macrobenthic communities, a shift from higher biomass dominance with increasing levels of disturbance can be determined by the abundance/biomass comparison (ABC) method. This response results from (i) a shift in the proportions of different phyla present in communities, some phyla having larger-bodied species than others, and (ii) a shift in the relative distributions of abundance and biomass among species within the Annelida (specifically Polychaeta) but not within any of the other major phyla (Mollusca, Crustacea, Echinodermata). The shift within polychaetes reflects the substitution of largerbodied by smaller-bodied species, and not a change in the average size of individuals within a species. In most instances the phyletic changes reinforce the trend in species substitutions within the polychaetes, to produce the overall ABC response, but in some cases they may work against each other. Indications of pollution or disturbance detected by this method should be viewed with caution if the species responsible for the polluted configurations are not polychaetes. These observations provide an aid to interpretation of the ABC plots, especially in some situations where they have been deemed to give a false impression of the disturbance status of a community.  相似文献   

Li  Yanbo  Zhou  Zhiwei  Chen  Ning  He  Li  Zhou  Muke 《Environmental geochemistry and health》2019,41(5):2113-2130

Stroke was demonstrated to correlate with seasonal variation. However, the relevant studies were incongruous. To better understand the rules of seasonal impact on ischemic stroke (IS) patients, we performed this meta-analysis. We systematically searched relevant observational studies in Pubmed, Web of science and Embase from January 1, 1980, to November 1, 2017, in English. Patients included in this study were adults who suffered from IS. Stata version 12.0 software was used to pool useful data and calculate incidence rate ratios (IRRs) and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs). We also performed heterogeneity and sensitivity analyses and evaluated publication bias. Thirty-three observational studies involving 234,196 participants were incorporated into the meta-analysis. Summer and December were regarded as reference, respectively. The IRRs were calculated showing: IRRWinter 1.05 (95% CI 1.04–1.07), IRRAutumn 1.03 (95% CI 1.02–1.04), IRRSpring 1.02 (95% CI 1.01–1.03). No obvious difference existed among 12 months. Stratified analyses on Köppen classification were also conducted. Between-study heterogeneity was discovered; however, predefined stratified analyses and meta-regression could not reduce this heterogeneity. Our meta-analysis has revealed very little seasonal variation in the overall study. Both cold and hot months may be high risky for IS after stratified by Köppen Climate Classification. Thus, a rationale to environmental setting of risky patient management could be provided. More studies with specific assessments are warranted for further comprehensive investigation.


Summary Symphodus tinca is a common near-shore Mediterranean labrid fish in which females may sometimes spawn their eggs over hundreds of square meters, or alternatively spawn into well-defined algal nests. Eggs spawned in either manner are fertilized, but widely scattered eggs receive no parental care, whereas eggs spawned into nests are usually guarded by the male until they hatch. Here, I report weight changes of individual marked fish that engaged in a variety of different reproductive behaviors during three breeding seasons. Males gained weight at 0.15% per day outside the spawning season, and added 29–78% to their overall body weight between reproductive seasons, even following substantive weight losses in a spawning season (up to 20% among nesting males). Nesting and nest-guarding males lost an average of 0.32% and 0.41% of their body weight per day in 1986 and 1987. This cost is four times greater than reproduction for nonnesting males, which registered a 0.03% daily weight gain. Actively spawning females lost 0.06% of their body weight daily during the spawning season. While long-term growth rates did not appear to be substantially affected by reproduction in either sex or by parental care in males, present work does not exclude the possibility that such long-term effects may exist.  相似文献   

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