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Ramessur RT 《Environment international》2004,30(8):1039-1044
Cr, Zn and Pb were quantified using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) from urban and rural estuarine sediments collected along the western coast of Mauritius during the period July 2002-January 2003. The mean concentration of Cr (225.4 mg kg(-1)), Zn (107.0 mg kg(-1)) and Pb (27.0 mg kg(-1)) in sediments along the six estuaries can be considered below those from contaminated estuarine sediments. Zn and Pb were significantly higher in urban sediments downstream St. Louis River compared to a rural estuary at Tamarin at 5% significance level. Zn was also significantly lower in Tamarin compared to Petite Riviere Noire estuary. Cr was however not significantly different in sediments from the six estuaries and could be considered of basaltic origin and were correlated to neither lead nor zinc. The concentration of Zn and Pb were greatest in the more urbanised upper and lower reaches of the St. Louis estuary during the period of study and were also significantly positively correlated in the estuarine sediments indicating that the cycling of Pb and Zn were linked indicating a common source for Pb and Zn. The potential sources of Pb and Zn in the urban estuarine sediments were considered to arise from road runoff causing significant quantities to be trapped. At present, compared to contaminant levels found in the UK and elsewhere, Mauritius still looks relatively uncontaminated but there is growing concern about heavy metal contamination in urban estuaries. There is therefore a need for long-term studies in estuarine management to involve integrated strategies in which water-sediment interactions in estuaries need to be considered and international standards for sediment quality developed. Such studies undertaken in the future would further the understanding of the biogeochemical processes of estuarine systems in Mauritius which could then be used in environmental development schemes and effective coastal zone management. 相似文献
Heavy metal contamination of brown seaweed and sediments from the UK coastline between the Wear river and the Tees river 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
Giusti L 《Environment international》2001,26(4):275-286
The concentration of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cr, Cd, and Ag were determined in the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus and intertidal surface sediments from coastal locations of northeast England. Levels of heavy metals similar to those of polluted areas of the British coastline were detected. There is evidence of contamination (especially with Zn and Pb) in sediments from sites affected by colliery spoil and from the Wear estuary. The pelitic fraction ( < 63 microm) is usually more enriched in heavy metals, but it represents a very small percentage of the bulk samples. The fine-grained sand is a very important repository of contaminants especially where particles of colliery spoil, secondary mineral, and amorphous phases are present. Aqua regia-extracted Zn, Cu, and Pb in sediments are significantly correlated with those in seaweed. Despite the closure of all base metal and coal mines, and the cessation of many industrial activities in the region, sediments and brown algae are contaminated with heavy metals. The control site (Holy Island) and the Tees estuary appear to be the least affected. 相似文献
A major fraction of trace metals transported by rivers is associated with sediments, especially during flooding, when erosion and resuspension increase sediment loads. Upon contact with seawater in estuaries, changes in ionic strength and pH may remobilise trace metals from sediment surfaces into more bioavailable forms. The objective of the present work was to investigate time-dependent interactions between trace metals and freshwater sediments and their potential remobilisation upon contact with seawater. Two river sediments (one organic and one inorganic) were labelled with 109Cd2+, 65Zn2+ and 54Mn2+ radioactive tracers for periods up to 6 months. Sorption of tracers occurred rapidly (> or = 80% sorption, < 1 h), followed by a slower approach to pseudoequilibrium. Kd(6 months) were estimated as 460, 480 and 2200 ml/g (inorganic sediment) compared to 5300, 4000 and 1200 ml/g (organic sediment) for 109Cd, 65Zn and 54Mn, respectively. Remobilisation of tracers from labelled sediments was studied using sequential extractions. Artificial seawater extracts simulated an estuarine environment. Subsequent extractions provided information about more strongly sorbed tracer fractions within sediments. Remobilisation of 109Cd by seawater was significant (> 65%) and least affected by sediment type or freshwater labelling time. Redistribution of Cd to strongly bound phases was minimal (4% and 1% of 109Cd in strongly oxidisable fractions). Seawater remobilisation of 65Zn was significantly greater from the organic sediment (54%) compared to the inorganic sediment (8%), where a large fraction of 65Zn (14%) became irreversibly bound. Similarly, more 54Mn was remobilised by seawater from the organic sediment than the inorganic sediment (66% and 3% remobilised, respectively), i.e., 54Mn became more strongly bound in the inorganic sediment. A simple three-box model, based on first-order differential equations, was used to describe the interaction between tracers in spiked freshwater and two operationally defined sediment fractions ("seawater exchangeable" and "seawater unexchangeable") up to 6 months of freshwater labelling. Model simulations were fitted to experiment data and apparent rate constants were calculated using numerical optimisation methods. Sorption ratios from modelling data (i.e., k1/k2) were greater for organic compared to inorganic sediments, while fixation ratios were higher in inorganic sediments. In conclusion, trace metals can be remobilised from sediments on contact with seawater in estuaries. High organic content in sediments increased initial sorption of tracers but inhibited redistribution to more strongly bound fractions over time, resulting in greater remobilisation of tracers when in contact with seawater. 相似文献
Profiles of enzymatic activity in earthworms from zinc, lead and cadmium polluted areas near Olkusz (Poland) 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
Łaszczyca P Augustyniak M Babczyńska A Bednarska K Kafel A Migula P Wilczek G Witas I 《Environment international》2004,30(7):901-910
The aim of the study was to determine whether there are signs of adaptation of soil fauna to a gradient of heavy metal contamination. Earthworms Aporrectodea caliginosa, Lumbricus terrestris and Eisenia fetida were collected during the spring and summer of 2000 and 2001 from meadow sites situated between 2 and 32 km from the Bukowno-Olkusz complex of zinc-lead ore mines and smelters. The heavy metal content in the soil near smelters reaches 10,500 mg/kg (d.w.) for Zn, 2600 mg/kg for Pb and 81.9 mg/kg for Cd. The sites differ with respect to species composition of earthworm community, with A. caliginosa being dominant. Complete data was obtained only for A. caliginosa, since other species were not abundant at all investigated sites during the whole period of investigation. The body burdens of Zn, Pb, Cd and Cu in A. caliginosa reached 1500, 100, 220 and 10 microg/g, respectively, in the vicinity of the smelter (2-4 km), and decreased to 400, 2, 36 and 6 microg/g at the most distant site (32 km). Cadmium and lead content was significantly elevated in the whole body of L. terrestris collected at the site 2.5 km distant from the smelters when compared to more distant sites, while in E. fetida only the body burden of cadmium was elevated at the nearest site compared to the next site of transect. Activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPX; EC against hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or cumene hydroperoxide (cumOOH), glutathione reductase (GR; EC, glutathione S-transferase (GST; EC and catalase (CAT; EC were assayed in postmitochondrial supernatant obtained from whole body homogenates. Seasonal and annual variations of enzyme activity were reflected by higher GPX activity in the late summer of 2001 in comparison with the spring and summer of 2000. This may reflect severe drought in the spring and summer of 2000. The activity of both GPX isozymes, GR and GST in A. caliginosa and L. terrestris increased with increasing distance from the smelters and reached maximum at sites III and IV (4 and 8 km from the smelters, respectively) and then it decreased in the animals from site V (32 km). These may be the effects of antagonism between the enzyme inducing and enzyme inhibiting action of smelter emissions, a phenomenon known as a hormetic effect. It is postulated here that this effect is of diagnostic value for metal pollution biomonitoring. 相似文献
Spatial variations of heavy metals contamination in sediments from Odiel river (Southwest Spain) 总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25
The presence of heavy metal concentrations was examined in surface sediments from 27 sites within the Odiel river in the southwest Spain suffering inputs from industrial and mining activities. The interest is specially focused on the final delta located in the Odiel Natural Park, which constitutes a feeding ground of international importance for migrating birds. The behavior of 10 heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr, Mn, Ni, Fe, Hg) is conditioned by chemical properties of sediments such as acidity and carbonate or the presence of sulfate Very acidic sediments in the medium course of river contribute to the lower presence of metal as a consequence of leaching process. However, tidal action raises the pH in the marshes of the delta with correlative metal accumulation. In accordance with the Müller [Umschan 79 (1979) 133-149] scale for geoaccumulation index, the entire watercourse could be considered polluted by Zn and Pb, while Cu exhibits a high presence in the delta marshes of the river. 相似文献
The response of an aquatic environment to the decrease of phosphate discharges from a technologically improved transhipment terminal, situated at the Croatian Adriatic coast in the port of Sibenik, has been assessed based on uranium activity and concentration in sediment, seawater and mussels Mytilus sp. The highest 238U activities (485+/-16Bqkg(-1) dry weight) were found in the sediment sample collected from the sampling site closest to the terminal. The maximum concentrations in the sediment samples are above the natural ranges and clearly indicate the harbour activities' influence. The 238U/226Ra activity ratios in sediment samples demonstrate the decreasing trend of phosphate ore input. Mussel samples showed levels of 238U activities in the range from 12.1+/-2.9 to 19.4+/-7.2 Bqkg(-1) dry weight, thus being slightly higher than in normally consumed mussels. Only the seawater, taken just above the bottom sediment at the sampling site closest to the terminal, shows a slightly higher uranium concentration (3.1+/-0.2 microgL(-1)) when compared to the samples taken in upper seawater layers (2.1+/-0.2 microgL(-1)) but is in the range of the concentration level of uranium in natural seawater. Since the transhipment terminal in the port of Sibenik was modernised in 1988, discharge of phosphate ore into the seawater was drastically reduced and, consequently, uranium concentration levels in seawater have decreased. However, enhanced uranium activity levels are still found in deeper sediment layer samples and in mussel. 相似文献
Suresh G Ramasamy V Meenakshisundaram V Venkatachalapathy R Ponnusamy V 《Journal of environmental radioactivity》2011,102(4):370-377
The natural radiation level has been determined for the sediment samples of Ponnaiyar River, India with an aim of evaluating the radiation hazard. The average activity concentrations are within the world and Indian average values although some extreme values have been determined. The magnetic susceptibility measurement has been carried out to know the magnetization nature of the sediments. More downstream (mouth) of the river has quite higher magnetic susceptibility values. The mineralogical characterizations of the sediments have been carried out using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic and XRD technique. The minerals such as quartz, microcline feldspar, orthoclase feldspar, kaolinite, calcite, gibbsite, montmorillonite, smectite, palygorskite and organic carbon are identified from FTIR analysis. Few minerals like zircon, monazite and hornblende are identified only in XRD analysis. The relative distribution of major minerals is determined by calculating extinction coefficient. The calculated values show that the amount of quartz is greater than microcline feldspar and very much greater than kaolinite in all the sites. The content of quartz and microcline feldspar is decreases, and kaolinite gradually increases towards the river mouth. Multivariate Statistical analyses were carried out between the parameters obtained from radioactivity analysis and other analyses to know the existing relations. Obtained results are discussed and suggested that the natural radioactivity level of the present sediments is mainly controlled by clay content and lesser extent to magnetic susceptibility. 相似文献
Distributions of zinc, copper, cadmium and lead in a tropical ultisol after long-term disposal of sewage sludge 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
Heavy metals present in soils constitute serious environmental hazards from the point of view of polluting the soils and adjoining streams and rivers. The distribution of heavy metals in a sandy Ultisol (Arenic Kandiustult) in south eastern Nigeria subjected to 40 years disposal of sewage wastes (sludge and effluents) was studied using two profile pits (S/NSK/1 and S/NSK/2) sited in the sewage disposal area and one profile pit (NS/NSK) sited in the non-sewage disposal area. Soil samples were collected in duplicate from these soil horizons and analyzed for their heavy metal contents. The mean concentrations of Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb in the top- and sub-soil horizons of sewage soil were 79.3, 32, 0.29 and 1.15 mg/kg, respectively. These levels were high enough to constitute health and phytotoxic risks. All the metal levels were much higher in the AB horizon in the sewage than in the non-sewage soil profile, but Pb and Cu contents were also high down to the Bt1 horizon, indicating their apparent relatively high mobility in this soil. There was a significant correlation between organic matter (OM) and Zn (r=0.818**), and between OM and Cd (0.864**) in the sewage soil. The high OM status of the sewage sludge, together with its corresponding low pH, might have favoured metal-OM complexation that could reduce heavy metal mobility and phytotoxicity in this soil. 相似文献
《Journal of environmental radioactivity》1986,3(4):249-271
The concentrations of 238Pu, 239,240Pu, 241Am and 244Cm were determined in sediment samples from five streams and two ponds on the Savannah River Plant (SRP) and in four sediment samples from the Savannah River above and below the plant site. The following concentration ranges were determined: 238Pu, 0·07–386 fCi g−1; 239,240Pu, 0·37–1410 fCi g−1; 241Am, 0·1–4360 fCi g−1; 244Cm, <0·01–392 fCi g−1. Comparisons of the elemental and isotopic ratios of the sediments show that the majority of the sediments studied have been impacted upon by plant operations and that sediments outside the plant boundary in the Savannah River have only been influenced by aerial releases. Atom ratios of 240Pu/239Pu indicate that up to 86% of the Pu in these sediments is derived from plant operations. However, comparisons of the concentration data with values for other impacted sediments near nuclear facilities indicate that the levels are relatively small. Finally, <13% of the Pu, Am or Cm in pond sediments is associated with humic or fulvic acids, indicating that little of the material should be remobilized in oxic environments through organic complexation. 相似文献
The fresh water alga Scenedesmus was cultured in graded concentration of Cu, Cd, Ni, Zn, and Pb to evaluate the effect of these cations on the growth response of Scenedesmus. The effective concentration of metal which depressed the Scenedesmus growth for Cu was 0.5 mg l−1, for Cd 0.5 mg l−1, for Ni 2 mg l−1, and for Zn 2 mg l−1. The alga exhibited tolerance for high Pb concentrations up to 30 mg l−1. Exposure of a Scenedesmus cell to each metal revealed anatomical changes and chloroplast disruption especially at high metal concentrations. 相似文献
J. L. Fernndez-Turiel A. Lpez-Soler J. F. Llorens X. Querol P. Aceolaza F. Durand J. P. Lpez M. E. Medina J. N. Rossi A. J. Toselli J. Saavedra 《Environment international》1995,21(6)
This work discusses trace elements studied beneath the semiarid endorheic region of the Famatina Range (La Rioja, NW Argentina). The results obtained in 27 control sites allow the determination of five distinct geochemical patterns in the Famatina Range. Pattern 1 reflects the composition of underlying Paleozoic and Tertiary bedrock (background level: water pH, 7.5–9; specific conductance, 0.2–0.7 mS cm−1), which is influenced by mineralization. Pattern 2 exhibits water pH, 6; specific conductance, 0.7 mS cm−1; high contents of Cu, Cd, Rb, Zn, Sn, and Be in waters; and high contents of Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb, Cr, Sb, Ag, Be, Co, Ni, Bi, Rare Earth Elements (REE), Li, Ba, Cs, and Sr in sediments. Pattern 3 exhibits water pH, 3–4; specific conductance, 1.0 mS cm−1; high contents of Pb, Co, Be, Au, As, Cr, Hg, Th, Ba, Cs, Rb, Sb, Y, Zr, REE, and Hf in waters; high contents of Cd, Zn, Mo, and As in sediments). Pattern 3 is also modified by the input of elements from a source external to the Famatina Range. Pattern 4 exhibits water pH, 7–8; specific conductance, 1.5–2.3 mS cm−1; high contents of B, Li, Ba, Sr, and Zn in waters; high contents of Li, Cr, Sr, Ni, and Cs in sediments. Finally, Pattern 5 is developed on the red sandstones from De la Cuesta Formation (water pH, 8; specific conductance, 2.5–5.0 mS cm−1; high contents of Sr, Mo, U, B, Li, Rb, and Hf in waters; high contents of B, Ba, Cs, Li, and Rb in sediments). The mobility of above-mentioned elements is mainly related to water pH changes and evaporation processes. 相似文献
Song M Xu Y Jiang Q Lam PK O'Toole DK Giesy JP Jiang G 《Environment international》2006,32(5):676-681
Sediments from two rivers in China, the Haihe and Dagu Rivers, were examined for estrogenic activity using an estrogen receptor (ER)-mediated in vitro bioassay system. ER-active compounds were isolated from sediments by Soxhlet extraction, and the crude extracts were fractionated using a florisil column into three fractions. The estrogenic activity of each extract was detected by measuring luciferase activity in the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7 transfected with a luciferase receptor gene. Significant estrogenic activity was observed in each total extract. The 17beta-estradiol equivalents (E2-EQs) ranged from 8.24 to 95.28 ng E2 g(-1) dw. As a result, the relative estrogenic potencies of three fractions in this study descended in the order of Fraction 3>Fraction 2>Fraction 1. The results of the bioassay analysis indicated the heavy pollution status of these sites with estrogenic contaminants. In this study, five selected chemicals, the natural estrogens 17beta-estradiol (E2) and estrone (E1), and the xeno-estrogens 4-octylphenol (OP), 4-nonylphenol (NP), and Bisphenol A (BPA) were also analyzed using the in vitro bioassay. The estrogenic activity of these chemicals were E2>E1>NP>OP>BPA. 相似文献
Lead in paddy soils and rice plants and its potential health risk around Lechang lead/zinc mine, Guangdong, China 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
As part of a project on phytoextraction of lead (Pb) in paddy soils around a lead/zinc (Pb/Zn) Mine in Lechang of Guangdong Province, South China, the concentration distribution of Pb in paddy soil-rice system was investigated, and its potential health risk to animal/human was evaluated. Total and diethylenetetraminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable Pb in soils averaged 1486 and 268 microg/g, respectively. According to sequential extraction procedure, soil Pb occurred primarily in the residual, carbonate and exchangeable fractions (30.2%, 26.7% and 19.1%, respectively). Lead extracted by the gastric juice simulation test (GJST) was 1068 microg/g and accounted for 75.4% of the total concentration. Mean Pb concentrations of 419 microg/g in rice root, 69.1 microg/g in whole straw, 51.0 microg/g in part straw (without two leaves near above the root), 44.9 microg/g in stalk, 21.9 microg/g in hull, 13.2 microg/g in grain with hull and 4.67microg/g in grain without hull (namely, unpolished rice) were found. Lead concentrations in both soil and rice plant were far above the corresponding tolerable levels. Lead daily intakes by local residents were 2.6 mg for adults and 1.2 mg for children, which were much higher than the allowable level. Thus, Pb in this area might pose a potential health risk to the local population. 相似文献
A big fertilizer industrial complex and a vast extension of phosphogypsum piles (12 km2), sited in the estuary formed by the Odiel and Tinto river mouths (southwest of Spain), are producing an unambiguous radioactive impact in their surrounding aquatic environment through radionuclides from the U-series. The levels and distribution of radionuclides in sediments from this estuarine system have been determined. The analyses of radionuclide concentrations and activity ratios have provided us with an interesting information to evaluate the extension, degree and routes of the radioactive impact, as well as for the knowledge of the different pathways followed for the radioactive contamination to disturb this natural system. The obtained results indicate that the main pathway of radioactive contamination of the estuary is through the dissolution in its waters of the radionuclides released by the industrial activities and their later fixation on the particulate materials. Tidal activity also plays an important role in the transport and homogenization along the estuary of the radioactivity released from the fertilizer plants. 相似文献
《Journal of environmental radioactivity》1986,3(2):85-102
The microbial oxidation of Mn and the microbial binding of 241Am to a lacustrine sediment were five times greater than the binding effects of abiotic adsorption. In contrast, the microbial enhancement of Cu and 137Cs binding were far less pronounced, resulting in only a doubling of the effects of adsorption. The microbial binding of trace metals or radionuclides could not be adequately expressed in terms of adsorption coefficients. Instead, binding rates were determined as a more accurate index of short-term processes at work in the sediment. 相似文献
Radioactive markers are useful in dating lead deposition patterns from industrialization in peat archive. Peat cores were collected in an ombrotrophic peat bog in the Great Hinggan Mountains in Northeast China in September 2008 and dated using 210Pb and 137Cs radiometric techniques. The mosses in both cores were examined systematically for dry bulk density, water and ash content. Lead also was measured using atomic emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-AES). Both patterned peat profiles were preserved well without evident anthropogenic disturbance. Unsupported 210Pb and 137Cs decreased with the depth in both of the two sample cores. The 210Pb chronologies were established using the constant rate of supply model (CRS) and are in good agreement with the 137Cs time marker. Recent atmospheric 210Pb flux in Great Hinggan Mountains peat bog was estimated to be 337 Bq m−2 y−1, which is consistent with published data for the region. Lead deposition rate in this region was also derived from these two peat cores and ranged from 24.6 to 55.8 mg m−2 y−1 with a range of Pb concentration of 14-262 μg g−1. The Pb deposition patterns were consistent with increasing industrialization over the last 135-170 y, with a peak of production and coal burning in the last 50 y in Northeast China. This work presents a first estimation of atmospheric Pb deposition rate in peatlands in China and suggests an increasing trend of environmental pollution due to anthropogenic contaminants in the atmosphere. More attention should be paid to current local pollution problems, and society should take actions to seek a balance between economic development and environmental protection. 相似文献
Radioactive and radiogenic isotopes in sediments from Cooper Creek, Western Arnhem Land 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Frostick A Bollhöfer A Parry D Munksgaard N Evans K 《Journal of environmental radioactivity》2008,99(3):468-482
Protection of the environment post-mining is a key objective of rehabilitation, especially where runoff and erosion from rehabilitated mine sites could potentially lead to contamination of the surrounding land and watercourses. As part of an overall assessment of the success of rehabilitation at the former Nabarlek uranium (U) mine, an appraisal of stable lead (Pb) isotopes, radionuclides and trace metals within sediments and soils was conducted to determine the off site impacts from a spatial and temporal perspective. The study found localised areas on and adjacent to the site where soils had elevated levels of trace metals and radionuclides. Lead isotope ratios are highly radiogenic in some samples, indicating the presence of U-rich material. There is some indication that erosion products with more radiogenic Pb isotope ratios have deposited in sediments downstream of the former ore body. However, there is no indication that the radiogenic erosion products found on the mine site at present have significantly contaminated sediments further downstream of Cooper Creek. 相似文献
Merrill Heit Catherine S. Klusek Herbert L. Volchok John C. Burke 《Environment international》1980,4(3):229-237
Eighteen trace elements were analyzed in sections from a 50 cm long sediment core from Standley Lake, Colorado. The core was dated by the use of bomb-produced 137Cs. Ten of the elements measured (Ag, Cd, Cu, Ga, Hg, Pb, Se, Sn, Tl, and Zn) appear to be enriched in this sediment; seven (Al, As, Be, Co, Cr, Ni, and V) are probably of local geological origin; and Te was not detected. Several of the constituents increase with depth in the sediment, and the concentrations of some compare to levels in lake sediments near highly industrialized centers. Based upon comparisons with other work, fluxes, enrichment factors, benzo(a)pyrene concentrations, and other evidence we conclude that the primary source of the “excess” elemental concentrations is local stream pollution. 相似文献
The acid-forming potential of lead/zinc (Pb/Zn) mine tailings at Lechang City of Guangdong Province was studied using both net acid generation (NAG) and acid-base accounting (ABA) methods. The pyritic and total sulfur contents of the tailings were 12.6% and 18.7%, respectively. The mean acid neutralization capacity (ANC) was 63.5 kg H2SO4/t while three oxidized tailings samples had an ANC less than zero. The NAG and net acid production potential (NAPP) values were 220 and 326 kg H2SO4/t, and both the NAG and NAPP results indicated that the tailings had a high acid-forming potential. NAG was more accurate than NAPP in predicting acid-forming potential of the tailings due to uncompleted oxidization of pyritic sulfur. Analysis of samples from two profile tests indicated that acidification mainly occurred at the surface (0-20 cm) and had little effects at deep layer of the tailings. Total concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cu, and Cd were increased greatly with depth at the acidified tailings profile, while heavy metal concentrations at different depths of nonacidified tailings profile were similar. The results indicated that depletion of heavy metals at the acidified surface was due to acidification. The diethylenetetramine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable Pb, Zn, Cu, and Cd concentrations of acidified tailings surface (0-20 cm) were significantly higher than those of nonacidified tailings, which further revealed that acidification enhanced the mobility of heavy metals in the tailings. 相似文献
Australian guidelines recommend that tailings materials from uranium (U) mining and milling be contained without any detrimental impact on the environment for at least 1000 years. Natural analogue sites are being investigated to determine if they can provide data on the rates of natural erosion processes which occur over these timescales, for input into predictive geomorphic computer models. This paper presents radionuclide, metal and stable lead (Pb) isotope data from sediment cores and surface soils in the vicinity of two mineralised areas in the Alligator Rivers Region.Surface scrapes from the natural Anomaly #2, south of the Ranger mineral lease, exhibit radiogenic 206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/207Pb ratios, and elevated U and metal concentrations typical for a near surface U anomaly. In contrast, samples taken from the Koongarra mineral lease (KML) show radionuclide activity and metal concentrations similar to natural areas elsewhere in the Alligator Rivers Region and Pb isotope ratios are closer to present day average crustal ratios (PDAC), as the orebodies at KML are covered by surficial sand. A sediment core collected from Anbangbang Billabong, downstream of KML, exhibits small variations in Pb isotope ratios that indicate that approximately 1% of the upper sediments in the sediment core may be derived from material originating from the U anomaly at Koongarra. 相似文献