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Upon partial degradation of polar organic micropollutants during activated sludge treatment, transformation products (TPs) may be formed that enter the aquatic environment in the treated effluent. However, TPs are rarely considered in prospective environmental risk assessments of wastewater-relevant compound classes such as pharmaceuticals and biocides. Here, we suggest and evaluate a tiered procedure, which includes a fast initial screening step based on high resolution tandem mass spectrometry (HR-MS/MS) and a subsequent confirmatory quantitative analysis, that should facilitate consideration of TPs formed during activated sludge treatment in the exposure assessment of micropollutants. At the first tier, potential biotransformation product structures of seven pharmaceuticals (atenolol, bezafibrate, ketoprofen, metoprolol, ranitidine, valsartan, and venlafaxine) and one biocide (carbendazim) were assembled using computer-based biotransformation pathway prediction and known human metabolites. These target structures were screened for in sludge-seeded batch reactors using HR-MS/MS. The 12 TPs found to form in the batch experiments were then searched for in the effluents of two full-scale, municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) to confirm the environmental representativeness of this first tier. At the second tier, experiments with the same sludge-seeded batch reactors were carried out to acquire kinetic data for major TPs that were then used as input parameters into a cascaded steady-state completely-stirred tank reactor (CSTR) model for predicting TP effluent concentrations. Predicted effluent concentrations of four parent compounds and their three major TPs were corroborated by comparison to 3-day average influent and secondary effluent mass flows from one municipal WWTP. CSTR model-predicted secondary effluent mass flows agreed within a factor of two with measured mass flows and confidence intervals of predicted and measured mass flows overlapped in all cases. The observed agreement suggests that the combination of batch-determined transformation kinetics with a simple WWTP model may be suitable for estimating aquatic exposure to TPs formed during activated sludge treatment. Overall, we recommend the tiered procedure as a realistic and cost-effective approach to include consideration of TPs of wastewater-relevant compounds into exposure assessment in the context of prospective chemical risk assessment.  相似文献   

An anoxic biofilm involved in continuous denitrificationprocess was monitored to investigate the effect of differentconcentrations of influent dissolved oxygen (DO) or nitrite onthe biofilm. Microelectrode measurements evidenced nitrateremoval activity of biofilm. When different concentrations ofDO were applied to the reactor, generally decreasedconcentrations of DO were observed as bed depth increased fromthe bottom of the reactor. Greatest decrease of the DO wasobserved in the lower 20% of the bed depth. Nitrate removalefficiency was inversely proportional to influent DOconcentrations (8.3-11.9 DO mg L-1) or nitrite loadingrates (0-5.5 N-NO2 - kg m-3 day-1) employed in this study. Nitrite loading rates to achieve morethan 90% of nitrate removal efficiency were 1.46 N-NO2 -kg m-3 day-1 or less at pH 7.5 and 0.34 N-NO2 - kg m-3 day-1 or less at pH 6.8. Nitrate removal efficiency was 63% or more within the lower 20% of the bed depth at the nitrite loading rates that allowed more than 90% of nitrate removal efficiency of the reactor. The results of this study provide first quantitative data that nitrate removalperformance of an anoxic biofilm is inhibited by DO or nitrite,reported to be a limiting factor in the suspended biologicaldenitrification process.  相似文献   

This paper reports a comparative study of the concentration of three important environmental elements that are often found together in mineral deposits and then associated with mining activities; copper, arsenic and antimony. These elements were determined in 26 different agricultural soils from regions I, II and V in Chile, zones where the most important and biggest copper industries of this country are located. As background levels of these elements in soils have not been well established, in this study, both, impacted and non-impacted agricultural soils from different regions were considered. The relationships between the concentrations of these elements in soils were also examined. The concentration ranges for copper, arsenic and antimony were 11-530; 2.7-202 and 0.42-11 mg kg(-1) respectively. The copper concentrations in non-polluted soils from the north and central zone of Chile were similar. However, three sites from the north region have copper concentration as higher as 100 mg kg(-1), values that exceed the critical concentration for copper in soils. The concentration of arsenic and antimony in the north soils were higher than in non-impacted ones and, in the case of arsenic, greatly exceeded the world average concentration reported for this element in soils. The highest arsenic and antimony concentrations were found in Calama and Quillagua soils, two different sites in the Loa valley. The arsenic/antimony concentration ratio was higher in Quillagua soil. The high concentrations of three elements determined in impacted soils from region V (Puchuncaví and Catemu valleys) clearly shows the impact produced in this zone by the industrial and mining activities developed in their proximities. At Puchuncaví valley a clear decrease was observed in copper, arsenic and antimony concentrations in soils on the function of the distance from the industrial complex "Las Ventanas", and all concentrations exceeded the reported critical values for this matrix. Instead at Catemu valley, only the copper concentration was higher than this value. Statistically significant correlation was found for Cu-Sb in all soils; more significant Cu-As, Cu-Sb and Sb-As correlations were evaluated for soils from Puchuncaví and Catemu valleys, corroborating that high concentrations of copper, arsenic and antimony in these soils coming from the same pollution sources, the copper industry and the thermoelectric power plant.  相似文献   

The persistence of glyphosate and its primary metabolite AMPA (aminomethylphosphonic acid) was monitored in two areas in Southern Greece (Peza, Crete and Chora Trifilias, Peloponnese) with a known history of glyphosate use, and the levels of residues were linked to spray operators’ activities in the respective areas. A total of 170 samples were collected and analysed from both areas during a 3-year monitoring study. A new method (Impact Assessment Procedure - IAP) designed to assess potential impacts to the environment caused by growers’ activities, was utilised in the explanation of the results. The level of residues was compared to the predicted environmental concentrations in soil. The ratio of the measured concentrations to the predicted environmental concentrations (MCs/PECs) was >?1 in Chora the first 2 years of sampling and <?1 in the third year, whilst the MCs/PECs ratio was <?1 in Peza, throughout the whole monitoring period. The compliance to the instructions for best handling practices, which operators received during the monitoring period, was reflected in the amount of residues and the MCs/PECs ratio in the second and especially the third sampling year. Differences in the level of residues between areas as well as sampling sites of the same area were identified. AMPA persisted longer than the parent compound glyphosate in both areas.  相似文献   

At present, dynamic land use, climate change, and growing needs for fresh water are increasing the demand on the ecosystem effects of forest vegetation. Mountainous areas are at the forefront of scientific interest in European forest ecology and forest hydrology. Although uplands cover a significant area of the Czech Republic and other countries and are often covered with forest formations, they do not receive an appropriate amount of attention. Therefore, two experimental upland head micro-watersheds in the Bohemian Massif were selected for study because they display similar natural conditions, but different vegetative conditions (forest versus meadow). During the 2011 growing season, short-term streamflow measurements were carried out at the discharge profiles of both catchments and were evaluated in relation to climatic data (rainfall and temperature). The basic premise was that the streamflow in a forested catchment must exhibit different temporal dynamics compared to that in treeless areas and that these differences can be attributed to the effects of woody vegetation. These conclusions were drawn from measurements performed during dry periods lasting several days. A decreasing streamflow trend during the day part of the day (0900–1900 hours) was observed in both localities. The decrease reached approx. 44 % of the initial morning streamflow (0.24 dm3 s?1 day?1) in the treeless catchment and approx. 20 % (0.19 dm3 s?1 day?1) in the forested catchment. At night (1900–0900 hours), the streamflow in the forested catchment increased back to its initial level, whereas the streamflow in the treeless catchment stagnated or slowly decreased. We attribute these differences to the ecosystem effects of woody vegetation and its capacity to control water loss during the day. This type of vegetation can also function as a water source for the hydrographic network during the night.  相似文献   

以某大型火法铜冶炼企业竣工环保验收监测项目为例,从监测因子的选择,监测、分析过程中的质量保证,固体废物检查,周边环境质量监测等方面,对铜冶炼项目环保验收监测中发现的问题进行了分析。提出,应开展重金属元素Sb的毒理方面的研究,并出台相关排放标准;在监测项目的选择时,考虑金属元素在矿材中的伴生问题;重视验收监测中的质量控制,尤其是分析过程中的空白扣除和加标回收;对涉及重金属及As的项目,适时开展环境影响后评价及跟踪监测。  相似文献   

通过对南通市钢丝绳行业产生污泥的特征进行分析,在总结了国内外重金属污泥控制技术的基础上,结合南通市实际情况,提出了钢丝绳污泥处置方案,并进行了可行性分析.  相似文献   

新形势下地市级环境监测站转型发展初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以南京市环境监测中心站的实践为例,初步探讨了地市级环境监测站转型发展的优势和困难、总体思路和分步措施。针对转型中存在的人力不足、人才培养滞后、制度和机制与发展需求不匹配等问题,引入社会检测力量,释放人力,促进人员初步转型,并建立组织管理体系、资金管理体系和质控管理体系,试行人员持证上岗制,为顺利转型提供保障。提出强化人才转型、对外的质控与监管、对内的精细化管理、监测成果的挖掘分析,以及对区县站的扶持,进一步深化转型发展。  相似文献   

Although there is large-scale adoption of Bt cotton by the farmers because of immediate financial gain, there is concern that Bt crops release Bt toxins into the soil environment which reduces soil chemical and biological activities. However, the majorities of such studies were mainly performed under pot experiments, relatively little research has examined the direct and indirect effects of associated cover crop of peanut with fertilization by combined application of organic and inorganic sources of nitrogen under field conditions. We compared soil chemical and biological parameters of Bt cotton with pure crop of peanut to arrive on a valid conclusion. Significantly higher dehydrogenase enzyme activity and KMnO4-N content of soil were observed in Bt cotton with cover crop of peanut over pure Bt cotton followed by pure peanut at all the crop growth stages. However, higher microbial population was maintained by pure peanut over intercropped Bt cotton, but these differences were related to the presence of high amount of KMnO4-N content of soil. By growing cover crop of peanut between Bt cotton rows, bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes population increased by 60%, 14%, and 10%, respectively, over Bt cotton alone. Bt cotton fertilized by combined application of urea and farm yard manure (FYM) maintained higher dehydrogenase enzyme activity, KMnO4-N content of soil and microbial population over urea alone. Significant positive correlations were observed for dry matter accumulation, dehydrogenase enzyme activity, KMnO4-N content, and microbial population of soil of Bt cotton, which indicates no harmful effects of Bt cotton on soil biological parameters and associated cover crop. Our results suggest that inclusion of cover crop of peanut and FYM in Bt cotton enhanced soil chemical and biological parameters which can mask any negative effect of the Bt toxin on microbial activity and thus on enzymatic activities.  相似文献   

A quicklime-sulfate-based stabilization/ solidification (S/S) process for arsenic (As) and lead (Pb) immobilization was evaluated under “semi-dynamic” leaching conditions. In order to simulate aggressive leaching conditions the semi-dynamic leaching tests was modified by using 0.014 N of acetic solution instead of distilled water. Kaolinite-sand and montmorillonite-sand soil samples were artificially contaminated with As and Pb, compacted and cured for 28 days. The semi-dynamic leaching tests were then conducted for 90 days. The effectiveness of the S/S treatment was evaluated by assessing the cumulative release of As and Pb as well as by determining the diffusion coefficients (D eff) and leachability indices (LX). The release of As and Pb was greatly reduced by quicklime-sulfate treatment as compared to untreated samples. Moreover, the quicklime-sulfate treatment was more effective than the quicklime-only treatment in reducing both As and Pb release. The controlling leaching mechanisms were determined using a diffusion theory model. Upon S/S treatment, As and Pb release was diffusion controlled. The LX of all the treated samples were greater than nine, suggesting that S/S treated samples were suitable for “controlled utilization”.  相似文献   

The health risk to humans of pesticide application on minor crops, such as strawberry, requires quantification. Here, the dissipation and residual levels of three fungicides (pyraclostrobin, myclobutanil, and difenoconazole) were studied for strawberry under greenhouse conditions using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-tandem mass spectrometry after Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe extraction. This method was validated using blank samples, with all mean recoveries of these three fungicides exceeding 80 %. The residues of all three fungicides dissipated following first-order kinetics. The half-lives of pyraclostrobin, myclobutanil, and difenoconazole were 1.69, 3.30, and 3.65 days following one time application and 1.73, 5.78, and 6.30 days following two times applications, respectively. Fungicide residue was determined by comparing the estimated daily intake of the three fungicides against the acceptable daily intake. The results indicate that the potential health risk of the three fungicides was not significant in strawberry when following good agricultural practices (GAP) under greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

Earlier studies by the authors on English soils under grassland strongly supported their hypothesis that soil/plant systems have naturally evolved to conserve nitrogen (N) by having a close match between the dynamics of mineral-N production in soils and the dynamics of plant N requirements. Thus, maximum mineral-N production in soils occurred in spring when plant N requirements were greatest and were very low in mid to late summer. Low temperature and a high C:N ratio of senescing material helped to conserve N in winter, but mobile N was associated with pollution inputs. We test the hypothesis that under the much more arid conditions of Pakistan, soil/plant systems naturally have evolved to conserve mineral-N, especially over the very dry and cooler months between October and February. When soils from a grassland site were incubated at ambient temperatures after removal of plant roots and exclusion of atmospheric N inputs, there was consistent evidence of immobilization of nitrate and immobilization and possibly volatilization of ammonia/ammonium. In the wetter months of July and August, the soil at 0–10 cm depth showed no evidence of significant ammonium-N production in July and only small ammonium production at 10–20 cm depth in August, but was associated with significant nitrate-N immobilization in August. Nitrate leaching only appeared likely towards the end of the rainy season in September. The results strongly suggest that, under grass, the retention of atmospheric N inputs over the long dry periods is regulating the pools of available N in the soils, rather than the N produced by mineralization of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

燃煤锅炉烟气中CPM与水溶性离子监测方法及应用研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建立燃煤锅炉烟气可凝聚颗粒物(CPM)与水溶性离子监测采样方法,并应用于北京市典型烟气净化工艺燃煤锅炉排放监测。结果表明,北京市燃煤锅炉烟气中总颗粒物(TPM)基准排放质量浓度最高达82.4 mg/m3,最低14.0 mg/m3,其中CPM占TPM的43.5%~92.2%,水溶性离子对TPM的贡献水平为31.4%~62.2%。烟温对水溶性离子的分布形态有显著影响,进而影响TPM中可过滤颗粒物(FPM)和CPM的分配比例。颗粒物和水溶性离子的排放与烟气含湿量之间无显著相关性,而与燃煤锅炉烟气脱硫除尘净化工艺和脱硫产物的溶解度及其脱除方式密切相关。  相似文献   

利用温度反演和数值模拟的方法,对田湾核电站航天遥感测量和数值模拟结果作对比分析。结果显示:遥感监测和数值模拟结果在田湾核电站附近海域的海面温度场羽迹展布方向、不同季节大小潮型、潮态规律上都是相似的,只是在规模和数量上存在着一定差异,两者可以相互验证。  相似文献   

为全面、客观掌握工业生产热排放对大气污染的影响,利用遥感手段分析了2018—2019年秋冬季京津冀工业生产热排放及其同比变化。结果显示:2018—2019年秋冬季,京津冀地区工业热异常点数量及秋冬热异常点辐射功率(FRP秋冬)较上年同期明显增加,工业生产活动规模及强度同比有所扩大,区域PM2. 5浓度呈增长趋势。根据FRP秋冬分布特点可将京津冀工业生产分为3类,密集型、分散型和稀少型。工业生产密集型城市FRP秋冬通常 1 500 MW,较为典型的城市如唐山、邯郸,FRP秋冬可达2 000 MW以上甚至上万MW,这些城市的空气质量也相对较差;保定是工业生产分散型城市,该城市热异常点增长显著,FRP秋冬也可达2 000 MW以上,但空间分布分散;工业生产稀少型城市热异常点较少且空气质量相对较好。  相似文献   

The river Ravi, while passing through Lahore, the second largest city of Pakistan, gets highly polluted owning heavy loads of untreated municipal sewage and industrial effluents of diverse kinds. The fish, Catla catla sampled in two different seasons from three downstream polluted sites were compared with the samples of the same fish from an upstream, a less polluted site, for their physico-chemical parameters. The data were statistically analysed to study the effect of sites, seasons and their interaction on the physico-chemical parameters of waters and mineral uptake in fish muscles. Significant differences (P?<?0.001) among the sampling sites and seasons were observed. The river appeared to be polluted as indicated by the high values of total suspended solids (909 mg/l) and sulphate (964 mg/l) in comparison to the respective values of 150 and 600 mg/l being suggested as the safer values of drinking water of the National Environmental Quality Standards. Most trace and macro elements in fish muscles were increased with the increasing pollution loads from the upstream to the downstream sites of this river. The remarkable increases in the levels of all the investigated minerals in fish muscles from the polluted sites raise concerns about the long-term health of the river Ravi ecosystem and consequently the fish and its consumer’s health. The results contradict the opinion of the local population that the riverine fish are natural, more health-promoting and precious than the pond fish. Therefore, we strongly argue for the utilization of an effect-based monitoring approach to alleviate the detrimental effects of anthropogenic activities on fish and the fish consumers’ health.  相似文献   

采用常温常压催化氧化工艺处理环氧树脂生产废水,通过实验发现,采用南京博环环保有限公司开发的负载型催化剂可以获得较好的效果.在常温常压,进水pH为3.5~5.5,氧化时间为0.5h的条件下,COD的去除率可达到85%.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated ozone (O(3)) and enhanced nitrogen (N) on the growth and biomass of Cinnamomum camphora, a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved tree species, were investigated. The seedlings, supplied with N (NH(4)NO(3) solution) at 0, 30 and 60 kg ha(-1) year(-1) (simplified as N0, N30, N60, respectively), were exposed to ambient (AA) or elevated O(3) (AA + 60 nmol mol(-1) and AA + 120 nmol mol(-1), designated as AA + 60 and AA + 120, respectively) for the 2009 and 2010 growing seasons. Symptomatic leaf percentages were significantly increased with O(3) concentration. AA + 120 significantly decreased the mean leaf size and chlorophyll content of both 2009- and 2010-emerged leaves, inhibited the growth of stem height and basal diameter, and reduced biomass accumulation of all plant parts except for leaves. By comparison, only the chlorophyll content of 2009-emerged leaves and root dry weight were significantly reduced under AA + 60. Specific leaf area, total leaf area and foliar biomass were not affected even at a higher O(3) level. On the other hand, N loads, especially N60, exerted significantly positive effects on all variables except mean leaf size and shoot/root ratio. No significant interactions between O(3) and N were detected, suggesting that the N supply at ≤60 kg ha(-1) year(-1) did not significantly modify the response of C. camphora to O(3) in terms of seedling growth and biomass accumulation.  相似文献   

应用卫星遥感影像结合无人机现场核查数据,对2020年江苏省各设区市主城区工地和裸地2类扬尘源的时空分布变化和污染、管控情况开展了连续性监测,为生态环境监测部门业务化应用提供了思路和方法.研究结果显示,遥感解译精度优于95%,扬尘源数量、面积均呈上升趋势,至第4季度总数达1760个、总面积162.53 km2,总体管控情...  相似文献   

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