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The remediation of inactive hazardous waste sites frequently involves a protracted negotiation with the respective state or federal agency and the entity responsible for creating the site and paying the costs. At orphaned sites, decisions are made almost exclusively by agency staff. Most of remedial decisions are made with little input or participation by the interested public. The public usually receives information in a highly technical and difficult-to-understand format after decisions are made. This ineffective form of communication can lead to mistrust and delays or changes in the remediation process. Effective public participation requires multidirectional modes of communication that provide for active and full involvement by all interested parties. At the present time, most agencies pay minimal attention to the needs of the interested public, often leaving area residents suspicious and dissatisfied with the overall program. There is an opportunity to significantly improve the public participation component of the federal Super-fund program through reauthorization. Subtle changes in the program can result in a significant increase of the public's sense of participation and overall satisfaction.  相似文献   

Hazardous waste remediation technologies are rapidly evolving, and it is a challenge for environmental consultants and those working in the government and public sectors to remain current with those technologies. Fortunately, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), through a variety of programs and initiatives, has been a leader in providing information on hazardous waste remediation technologies. This article provides an overview of EPA remediation programs and guides the reader through valuable EPA information sources including publications, databases, and on-line services.  相似文献   

With increasingly stringent federal, state, and local regulations, reliable operation of environmental remediation systems is critical. Most environmental systems are required to operate continuously—night and day—and to be closely monitored for performance and reporting. For the owners of these systems, the cost associated with their long-term operation and monitoring is a growing concern. This article describes a cost-effective solution to control and monitor these systems, both locally and from remote locations. Two case studies are provided.  相似文献   

Determining the appropriate criteria and designs for hazardous waste landfill covers has spawned much discussion within the environmental remediation arena. Very little reliable comparison of various technologies exists. Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory studied the relative hydrologic performance of four landfill cover designs—two capillary barrier designs, one modified EPA RCRA design, and one control cover. Monitoring the fate of natural precipitation for nearly four years showed that the covers with barrier layers more effectively reduced deep percolation than the control cover. Although none entirely eliminated deep percolation, the RCRA cover, incorporating a clay hydraulic barrier, most effectively controlled it. The two capillary barriers reduced deep percolation, but significant amounts were still produced. Over 90 percent of all percolation through the covers, and lateral flow within the covers, occurred during February through May each year, primarily as a result of snowmelt, early spring rains, and low evapotranspiration. The study also showed that gravel mulch surface treatments (70- to 80-percent ground cover) reduced runoff and erosion. Despite additional shrubs planted on one, the two plots receiving the gravel mulch treatments exhibited equally enhanced amounts of evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

The size and the health significance of the hazardous waste problem are reviewed. Proper engineering and management practice are discussed, including the elimination, if possible, reduction, changing processes and product lines, treatment and reuuse, and disposal by landfill and incineration. Exports should be drasti cally reduced, also using complex administrative measures. International organizations concerned should encourage good national and international management practices. A siting for collection, treatment and disposal, remote from human habitation, and established under an international agreement, would release countries from managing a difficult problem within their own national borders.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the construction of steel pipe sheet pile (SPSP) cutoff walls for promoting remediation of water-soluble toxic substances and containment of water-soluble toxic substances at landfill sites in order to maintain and ensure the environmental safety of waste landfill sites over time. It investigates environmental safety at coastal waste landfill sites by applying water cut-off and remediation promotion techniques to the joint sections of SPSP water cut-off walls that provide shore protection for waste landfills. Results from the research herein show that the construction of SPSP water cut-off walls with features such as the containment of water-soluble toxic substances and remediation promotion is possible by applying water cut-off and remediation techniques to H–H joints, which are structural joint components of SPSP walls. In addition, they show that the performance of remediation in H–H joints can be controlled by adjusting the water cut-off efficiency of the H–H joint flange.  相似文献   

We give an overview of the management systems of household hazardous waste (HHW) in Japan and discuss the management systems and their risks. To get basic information, we conducted a survey of consumers to discover their behavior and awareness of HHW items throughout the entire life cycle, which is made up of the purchase, use, and disposal of a product. The results showed that many people hold end-of-life batteries, fluorescent lamps, empty spray cans, and others in their houses after use. Also, the results showed that a lot of such waste items were discarded in waste streams different from those stipulated by local governments. In particular, many people do not remove NiCd batteries inside products such as shavers or cordless phones before discarding. On the other hand, people’s knowledge of and concern regarding the risks, collection, and recycling of HHW were high. When information about the risks was specifically presented in the questionnaire, people tended to show a more positive intention to participate in a collection and recycling system compared to those who were not presented with such information. Our studies on NiCd batteries and fluorescent lamps showed that it is important to collect and recycle HHW to control the domestic and international flows of cadmium and mercury.  相似文献   

Residents who lived within 50 miles of one of six major US Department of Energy nuclear waste sites were asked in 2005 and again in 2010 to rate environmental management options. Respondents expressed strong preference for continuously sampling the air and water, monitoring worker health, and providing training and equipment to local responders. They strongly supported some site restrictions, such as making sure that the federal government owns the site until no more hazards are present, keeping visitors and recreational users off the site, and requiring government officials to report information to community representatives. The public was much more equivocal about other options, such as restricting new nuclear‐related activities and requiring site managers to live near sites. The authors summarize factors that lead to these public preferences and discuss five population types encountered at these and perhaps other waste management sites. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Applications of risk assessment techniques to hazardous waste management are briefly discussed in terms of selecting appropriate waste management technologies, assessing operating sites, setting priorities for clean up of problem sites, determining the appropriate level of clean up and planning new facilities. A specific case history involving risk assessment for the siting of a waste management facility in the Province of Ontario, Canada is described in more detail. Risk estimates are provided for exposure via inhalation and ingestion of potentially contaminated local water, crops, meat and milk. The predicted risk are compared to risks of death from selected voluntary and involuntary exposures.  相似文献   

Bagasse is mostly utilized for steam and power production for domestic sugar mills. There have been a number of alternatives that could well be applied to manage bagasse, such as pulp production, conversion to biogas and electricity production. The selection of proper alternatives depends significantly on the appropriateness of the technology both from the technical and the environmental points of view. This work proposes a simple model based on the application of life cycle assessment (LCA) to evaluate the environmental impacts of various alternatives for dealing with bagasse waste. The environmental aspects of concern included global warming potential, acidification potential, eutrophication potential and photochemical oxidant creation. Four waste management scenarios for bagasse were evaluated: landfilling with utilization of landfill gas, anaerobic digestion with biogas production, incineration for power generation, and pulp production. In landfills, environmental impacts depended significantly on the biogas collection efficiency, whereas incineration of bagasse to electricity in the power plant showed better environmental performance than that of conventional low biogas collection efficiency landfills. Anaerobic digestion of bagasse in a control biogas reactor was superior to the other two energy generation options in all environmental aspects. Although the use of bagasse in pulp mills created relatively high environmental burdens, the results from the LCA revealed that other stages of the life cycle produced relatively small impacts and that this option might be the most environmentally benign alternative.  相似文献   

 Rapid social and economic development in China has caused the amount of hazardous wastes being generated to increase drastically. The necessary regulations and systems regarding the management of hazardous wastes are currently still not in place. Based on an analysis of the characteristics of hazardous waste pollution and pollution trends in China, this paper reports on China's current status regarding hazardous waste management, and introduces the main difficulties to be faced. The principles and objectives, and the action plan for hazardous waste pollution control in China are also explained in detail. These principles and objectives have been stipulated in the Technological Policies on Hazardous Waste Pollution Control, which is issued by China State EPA, State ETC, and the Science and Technology Ministry. Received: April 30, 2002 / Accepted: October 17, 2002  相似文献   

自2006年青岛市工业产业结构调整以来,城市经济快速发展与人民生活水平日益提高,商品消费量不断增加,由此导致工业危险废物的产生量与排放量加速增长,且废物种类繁多、性质复杂、产生源数量分布广泛,管理难度大,因而带来了极大的环境安全隐患.在调查和分析2005-2007年青岛市工业危险废物产生现状的基础上,指出:(1)产生量最大危险废物类别为无机氰化物、无机氟化物、含铬废物和染料涂料等4大类;(2)产生量大小排序依次为平度市、莱西市和李沧区.同时,在分析废物产生特性和污染特性的基础上,提出青岛市在工业危险废物管理过程中存在的问题已成为青岛绿色经济发展的严重壁垒.针对工业经济发展规划和废物产生特征,提出了相关的管理对策和建议,对青岛市工业危险废物的有效管理和促进循环经济的发展具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

The debate on different waste management practices has become an issue of utmost importance as human activities have overloaded the assimilative capacity of the biosphere. Recent Italian law on solid waste management recommends an increase in material recycling and energy recovery, and only foresees landfill disposal for inert materials and residues from recovery and recycling. A correct waste management policy should be based on the principles of sustainable development, according to which our refuse is not simply regarded as something to eliminate but rather as a potential resource. This requires the creation of an integrated waste management plan that makes full use of all available technologies. In this context, eMergy analysis is applied to evaluate three different forms of waste treatment and construct an approach capable of assessing the whole strategy of waste management. The evaluation included how much investment is needed for each type of waste management and how much "utility" is extracted from wastes, through the use of two indicators: Environmental yield ratio (EYR) and Net eMergy. Our results show that landfill is the worst system in terms of eMergy costs and eMergy benefits. Composting is the most efficient system in recovering eMergy (highest EYR) from municipal solid waste (MSW) while incineration is capable of saving the greatest quantity of eMergy per gram of MSW (highest net eMergy). This analysis has made it possible to assess the sustainability and the efficiency of individual options but could also be used to assess a greater environmental strategy for waste management, considering a system that might include landfills, incineration, composting, etc.  相似文献   

The planning and design of regional hazardous waste management system (RHWMS) involves selection of treatment and disposal facilities, allocation of hazardous wastes and waste residues from generator to the treatment and disposal sites and selection of the transportation routes. An improved formulation based upon multi-objective integer programming approach is presented to arrive at the optimal configuration of RHWMS components. This formulation addresses important practical issues like unique characteristics of the hazardous wastes reflecting on waste–waste and waste–technology compatibility. A utility function approach is presented to integrate both cost and risk related objectives. An illustrative case example is presented to demonstrate the usefulness of the improved formulation as a tool which can be used by environmental planning agencies in regional planning for hazardous waste management.  相似文献   

The use of Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) was investigated in an exercise using a panel of local residents and stakeholders to assess the options for managing waste paper on the Isle of Wight. Seven recycling, recovery and disposal options were considered by the panel who evaluated each option against seven environmental, financial and social criteria. The panel preferred options where the waste was managed on the island with gasification and recycling achieving the highest scores. Exporting the waste to the English mainland for incineration or landfill proved to be the least preferred options. This research has demonstrated that MCDA is an effective way of involving community groups in waste management decision making.  相似文献   

This paper presents an application of the ELECTRE III decision-aid method in the context of choosing a sustainable demolition waste management strategy for a case study in the city of Lyon, France. This choice of waste management strategy takes into consideration the sustainable development objectives, i.e. economic aspects, environmental consequences, and social issues. Nine alternatives for demolition waste management were compared with the aid of eight criteria, taking into account energy consumption, depletion of abiotic resources, global warming, dispersion of dangerous substances in the environment, economic activity, employment, and quality of life of the local population. The case study concerned the demolition of 25 buildings of an old military camp. Each alternative was illustrated with different waste treatments, such as material recovery, recycling, landfilling, and energy recovery. The recommended solution for sustainable demolition waste management for the case study is a selective deconstruction of each building with local material recovery in road engineering of inert wastes, local energy recovery of wood wastes, and specific treatments for hazardous wastes.  相似文献   

Mixed metal-containing waste, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) containing capacitors, printed circuit boards, steel mill dust and metal sludge were among the most common wastes exported from Taiwan. Before the implementation of the self-monitoring model programme of the Basel Convention (secretariat of the Basel Convention 2001) in the Asia region, Taiwan conducted a comprehensive 4-year follow-up project involving government authorities and the waste disposal facilities of the importing countries. A total of five countries and nine plants were visited in 2001-2002. The following outcomes can be drawn from these investigations. The Chinese government adopts the strategies of 'on-site processing' and 'relative centralization' on the waste management by tightening permitting and increasing site inspection. A three-level reviewing system is adopted for the import application. The United States have not signed the Basel Convention yet; the procedures of hazardous waste import rely on bilateral agreements. Importers are not required to provide official notification from the waste exporting countries. The operation, administration, monitoring and licensing of waste treatment plants are governed by the state environmental bureau. Finland, France and Belgium are members of the European Union. The procedures and policies of waste import are similar. All of the documents associated with transboundary movement require the approval of each government involved. Practically, the notification forms and tracking forms effectively manage the waste movement.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Hazardous waste management (HWM) in chemical industrial parks is an important issue related to sustainable development. Previous researches...  相似文献   

A beautiful and clean environment is the desire of every society. Malaysia is facing an uncontrolled increase in municipal solid waste (MSW) generation due to population growth, economic advancement, and industrialization, but the current, most common waste disposal practice of landfilling is not sustainable. The increasing standard of living also saps more energy from the power generation systems in which fossil fuels are the major source of fuel for the plants. Malaysia generates about 0.5–1.9 kg/capita/day of MSW; a total of about 25,000 tonnes/day of MSW is currently generated and is estimated to exceed 30,000 tonnes/day by 2020. Malaysian MSW is mainly composed of 45 % food waste, 24 % plastic, 7 % paper materials, 6 % metal, 4 % wood and 3 % glass, which are commingled, and is thus characterised by 52–66 % moisture content. Currently, 80–95 % of collected MSW is landfilled and 5 % is recycled, while composting and energy recovery are rarely practiced. This paper reviews the solid waste practice in Malaysia and looks into alternative management options for sustainability. Malaysia MSW represents recyclable power and energy potential if properly sorted. This study considered the practice of sorting at the source and the use of combustible MSW components as fuel to generate heat for a hybrid solar, flue gas, chimney power plant.  相似文献   

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