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ABSTRACT: Driven by increasing concerns about bacterial pollution from agricultural sources, states such as Virginia have initiated cost sharing programs that encourage the use of animal waste best management practices (BMPs) to control this pollution. Although a few studies have shown that waste management BMPs are effective at the field scale, their effectiveness at the watershed scale and over the long term is unknown. The focus of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of BMPs in reducing bacterial pollution at the watershed scale and over the long term. To accomplish this goal, a 1,163 ha watershed located in the Piedmont region of Virginia was monitored over a ten‐year period. Fecal coliforms (FC) and fecal streptococci (FS) were measured as indicators of bacterial pollution. A pre‐BMP versus post‐BMP design was adopted. Major BMPs implemented were manure storage facilities, stream fencing, water troughs, and nutrient management. Seasonal Kendall trend analysis revealed a significant decreasing trend during the post‐BMP period for FC concentrations at the watershed outlet, but not at the subwatershed level. Implementation of BMPs also resulted in a significant reduction in the geometric mean of FS concentrations. FC concentrations in streamflow at the watershed outlet exceeded the Virginia primary standard 86 and 74 percent of the time during pre‐BMP and post‐BMP periods, respectively. Corresponding exceedances for the secondary standard were 50 and 41 percent. Violations decreased only slightly during the post‐BMP period. The findings of this study suggest that although BMP implementation can be expected to accomplish some improvement in water quality, BMP implementation alone may not ensure compliance with current water quality standards.  相似文献   

E. coli O157:H7 is a pathogen that can be present in sewage contaminated waters. This organism poses a health risk for humans who come in contact with these waters via drinking, swimming, or shellfish consumption. A risk assessment model is needed to evaluate or quantify this risk. One possibility is the use of a computer model to simulate the fate and transport of E. coli O157:H7 downstream from a discharge point [e.g., a separate sanitary sewer overflow (SSO)]. However, this computer model would require input data regarding characteristics of this organism, which have not been previously available. One necessary input parameter is the rate at which die off of this organism occurs in a stream or river environment. Several studies were conducted to evaluate the die‐off rate of E. coli O157:H7 in an SSO impacted stream. Indicator bacteria (total coliforms, E. coli, and enterococci) were evaluated simultaneously. The results suggest that E. coli O157:H7 is not persistent — decay rates are high relative to the indicator bacteria. However, the decay plots suggest a biphasic response: initial decay is rapid, followed by an attenuated, slower decay. Hence traditional simulation methods using a single, first‐order decay rate may be inaccurate.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Two water‐quality studies were done on the outskirts of the Detroit metropolitan area to determine how recent residential development has affected ground‐water quality. Pairs of monitor and domestic wells were sampled in areas where residential land use overlies glacial outwash deposits. Young, shallow waters had significantly higher median concentrations of nitrate, chloride, and dissolved solids than older, deeper waters. Analysis of chloride/bromide ratios indicates that elevated salinities are due to human activities rather than natural factors, such as upward migration of brine. Trace concentrations of volatile organic compounds were detected in samples from 97 percent of the monitor wells. Pesticides were detected infrequently even though they are routinely applied to lawns and roadways in the study area. The greatest influence on ground‐water quality appears to be from septic‐system effluent (domestic sewage, household solvents, water‐softener backwash) and infiltration of storm‐water runoff from paved surfaces (road salt, fuel residue). No health‐related drinking‐water standards were exceeded in samples from domestic wells. However, the effects of human activities are apparent in 76 percent of young waters, and at depths far below 25 feet, which is the current minimum well‐depth requirement.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, enterococci, and somatic coliphages were detected in samples from 31 sites on streams draining urban and agricultural regions of the Puget Sound Basin Lowlands. Densities of bacteria in 48 and 71 percent of the samples exceeded U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's freshwater recreation criteria for Escherichia coli and enterococci, respectively, and 81 percent exceeded Washington State fecal coliform standards. Male‐specific coliphages were detected in samples from 15 sites. Male‐specific F+RNA coliphages isolated from samples taken at South Fork Thornton and Longfellow Creeks were serotyped as Group II, implicating humans as potential contaminant sources. These two sites are located in residential, urban areas. F+RNA coliphages in samples from 10 other sites, mostly in agricultural or rural areas, were serotyped as Group I, implicating non‐human animals as likely sources. Chemicals common to wastewater, including fecal sterols, were detected in samples from several urban streams, and also implicate humans, at least in part, as possible sources of fecal bacteria and viruses to the streams.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Characterizing ecological indicators such as water quality is necessary to effectively manage human-dominated systems such as the New Jersey Pinelands. Pinelands surface waters are naturally acidic and low in nutrients and other dissolved substances. Water quality for 14 Pinelands stream sites monitored by the U.S. Geological Survey was characterized in relation to land use. A gradient of increasing pH, specific conductance, and concentration of dissolved calcium, dissolved magnesium, total nitrite + nitrate-nitrogen, total ammonia-nitrogen, and total phosphorus was associated with a watershed disturbance gradient of increasing land use intensity and waste water flow. These two parallel gradients emphasized the significant effect that watershed disturbance can have on natural water chemistry in the Pinelands. The results of this study can be applied to planning and regulatory programs in the Pinelands.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate fecal coliform bacterial concentrations, including Escherichia coli (E. coli), characteristically vary by several orders of magnitude, depending on the hydrology of storm recharge and discharge. E. coli concentrations in spring water increase rapidly during the rising limb of a storm hydrograph, peak prior to or coincident with the peak of the storm pulse, and decline rapidly, well before the recession of the storm hydrograph. This suggests E. coli are associated with resuspension of sediment during the onset of turbulent flow, and indicates viable bacteria reside within the spring and stream sediments. E. coli inoculated chambers were placed in spring and stream environments within the mantled karst of northwest Arkansas to assess long term (> 75 days) E. coli viability. During the 75‐day study, a 4‐log die‐off of E. coli was observed for chambers placed in the Illinois River, and a 5‐log die‐off for chambers placed in Copperhead Spring. Extrapolation of the regression line for each environment indicates E. coli concentration would reach 1 most probable number (MPN)/100 g sediment at Copperhead Spring in about 105 days, and about 135 days in the Illinois River, based on a starting inoculation of 2.5 × 107 MPN E. coli/100 g of sediment. These in situ observations indicate it is possible for E. coli to survive in these environments for at least four months with no fresh external inputs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In 1996, the State of Oregon adopted a water quality standard based on Escherichia coli (E. coli), recognizing E. coli as an indicator of pathogenic potential. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) began analysis for E. coli that same year. The Oregon DEQ continued collection and analysis of fecal coliform (a prior indicator organism) for data input to bacterial loading models and the Oregon Water Quality Index (OWQI). The OWQI is a primary indicator of general water quality for the Oregon DEQ and the Oregon Progress Board. The objective of this study was to develop a regression relationship between fecal coliform and E. coli. This relationship would fill data gaps and extend water quality models and indicators. Water quality policy is better informed by the ability of these extended water quality models to determine whether water quality meets present or would have met past bacterial standards. Monitoring resources spent on dual bacterial analyses could be conserved. This study also showed that changes to OWQI values (as a result of changing bacterial indicators) were minimal, and corresponded to improved characterization of water quality with respect to pathogenic potential.  相似文献   

In Massachusetts, the Charles River Watershed Association conducts a regular water quality monitoring and public notification program in the Charles River Basin during the recreational season to inform users of the river's health. This program has relied on laboratory analyses of river samples for fecal coliform bacteria levels, however, results are not available until at least 24 hours after sampling. To avoid the need for laboratory analyses, ordinary least squares (OLS) and logistic regression models were developed to predict fecal coliform bacteria concentrations and the probabilities of exceeding the Massachusetts secondary contact recreation standard for bacteria based on meteorological conditions and streamflow. The OLS models resulted in adjusted R2s ranging from 50 to 60 percent. An uncertainty analysis reveals that of the total variability of fecal coliform bacteria concentrations, 45 percent is explained by the OLS regression model, 15 percent is explained by both measurement and space sampling error, and 40 percent is explained by time sampling error. Higher accuracy in future bacteria forecasting models would likely result from reductions in laboratory measurement errors and improved sampling designs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Central Nebraska Basins is one of 60 study units in the National Water-Quality Assessment Program of the U.S. Geological Survey. The study unit includes the Platte River and two major tributaries, the Loup and Elkhorn Rivers. Agriculture is the predominant land use in the study unit, with only eight urbanized communities exceeding a population of 10,000. Water samples were collected from selected streams in the study unit during 1993–1995. The data were used to assess the distribution of nitrogen compounds and phosphorus in the streams and to relate the concentrations of these constituents to environmental settings. This article focuses on dissolved nitrate and orthophosphate. Dissolved nitrate concentrations were highest (90th percentiles were less than 7.0 milligrams per liter as nitrogen) in areas with extensive cropland and pasture, where chemical fertilizers are intensively applied. Synoptic measurements conducted in March and August 1994 indicate that relatively little residual fertilizer, as nitrate, applied during a single crop-growing season enters streams. Dissolved nitrate concentrations showed a seasonal pattern, being highest during winter months and lowest during the late spring and summer. Dissolved orthophosphate concentrations tended to be low across the study unit, 90 percent of all analyses did not exceed 1.7 milligrams per liter as phosphorus.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Attitudinal surveys of residents living near four small residential lakes were conducted to determine how they perceived the advantages and disadvantages associated with the lakes. The survey results indicate that lakes can be used as a tool for land development creating a variety of benefits and problems. Most people felt that lakes have a positive economic impact on the value of their home, are a positive factor in their decision to purchase a home, and provide them with some benefits. They were also aware that lakes create continual maintenance and water quality problems but were willing to pay for the maintenance if they had access to and could utilize the facilities associated with the lakes. Based on the results of the surveys, recommendations are formulated pertaining to the planning development and utilization of residential lakes.  相似文献   

Sejkora, Patrick, Mary Jo Kirisits, and Michael Barrett, 2011. Colonies of Cliff Swallows on Highway Bridges: A Source of Escherichia coli in Surface Waters. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(6):1275–1284. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00566.x Abstract: Animals, such as birds, are a source of fecal indicator bacteria and pathogens in the environment. Our objective was to determine whether a colony of cliff swallows nesting underneath a bridge would yield a measurable increase in fecal indicator bacteria (specifically Escherichia coli) in the underlying creek. When the swallows were absent, dry‐weather concentrations of E. coli upstream and downstream of the bridge (in Austin, Texas) were below the Texas contact recreation criteria. When the swallows were present, dry‐weather geometric‐mean E. coli concentrations increased significantly from upstream (43 most probable number [MPN]/100 ml) to downstream (106 MPN/100 ml) of the bridge. One exceedance and one near‐exceedance of the Texas single‐sample contact recreation criterion were observed during the swallows’ nesting phase. When the swallows were present, the downstream E. coli geometric‐mean concentration in storm events (875 MPN/100 ml) was significantly higher than the upstream concentration (356 MPN/100 ml), suggesting that runoff flushes swallow feces from the ground into the creek. Although the loading of E. coli from cliff swallows nesting under bridges can be significant (e.g., dry‐weather loading of 3.1 × 108 MPN/day/nest), the zoonotic potential of the cliff swallow must be examined to determine the risk to human health from contact recreation in waters contaminated with cliff swallow feces.  相似文献   

Abstract: The two main rivers of southeast Texas: Guadalupe and San Antonio have shown high temporal increase in bacteria concentration during the last decade. The SPAtially Referenced Regression On Watershed (SPARROW) attributes model, developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), has been applied to predict the fluxes and concentrations of contaminants in unmonitored streams and to identify the sources of these contaminants. This model identifies every reach as a basic network unit to distribute the sources, delivery, and attenuation factors. The model is data intensive and implements nonlinear regression to solve the parsimonious relations for describing various watershed processes. This study explored watershed and hydrological characteristics (land uses, precipitation, human and animal population, point sources, areal hydraulic load and drainage density, etc.) as the probable sources and delivery mechanisms of waterborne pathogens and their indicator (Escherichia coli [E. coli]) in the Guadalupe and San Antonio River basins. The effect of using various statistical indices for model selection on the final model’s ability to explain the various E. coli sources and transport processes was also analyzed.  相似文献   

Abstract: The processes affecting the fate and transport of Escherichia coli in surface waters were investigated using high‐resolution observation and modeling. The concentration patterns in Boston’s Charles River were observed during four sampling events with a total of 757 samples, including two spatial surveys with two along‐river (1,500 m length) and three across‐river (600 m length) transects at approximately 25‐m intervals, and two temporal surveys at a fixed location (Community Boating) over seven days at hourly intervals. The data reveal significant spatial and temporal structure at scales not resolved by typical monitoring programs. A mechanistic, time‐variable, three‐dimensional coupled hydrodynamic and water quality model was developed using the ECOMSED and RCA modeling frameworks. The computational grid consists of 3,066 grid cells with average length dimension of 25 m. Forcing functions include upstream and downstream boundary conditions, Stony Brook, and Muddy River (major tributaries) combined sewer overflow (CSO) and non‐CSO discharge and wind. The model generally reproduces the observed spatial and temporal patterns. This includes the presence and absence of a plume in the study area under similar loading, but different hydrodynamic conditions caused by operation of the New Charles River Dam (downstream) and wind. The model also correctly predicts an episode of high concentrations at the time‐series station following seven days of no rainfall. The model has an overall root mean square error (RMSE) of 250 CFU/100 ml and an error rate (above or below the USEPA‐recommended single sample criteria value of 235 CFU/100 ml) of 9.4%. At the time series station, the model has an RMSE of 370 CFU/100 ml and an error rate of 15%.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The transmission of disease in ground water is a topic of great concern to government agencies, ground water specialists, and the general public. The purpose of this study was to compare the temporal variability in storm flow of fecal coliform bacteria densities and Cryptosporidium parvum oocyst densities in agriculturally impacted karst ground water. Cryptosporidium parvum oocyst densities ranged from 0 to 1,050 oocysts/1, and mean storm densities ranged from 3.5 to 156.8 oocysts/1. Fecal coliform densities ranged from less than 1 CFU/100ml to more than 40,000 CFU/100ml, and geometric mean storm densities ranged from 1.7 CFU/100ml to more than 7,000 CFU/100ml. Fecal coliform densities correlated well with flow during storms, but Cryptosporidium oocyst densities exhibited a great deal of sample to sample variability and were not correlated with flow. Fecal coliform densities did not correlate positively with Cryptosporidium oocyst densities. Fecal coliform densities were greatest at storm peaks, when sediment loads were also greatest. Multiple transport mechanisms for fecal coliform bacteria and C. parvum oocysts may necessitate various agricultural land management and livestock health maintenance practices to control movement of pathogens to karst ground water.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ninety‐one sediment oxygen demand (SOD) samples from six designated sites along the stretch of Lower Rapid Creek, South Dakota, were conducted using an in‐situ SOD chamber. Inside the chamber, readings of dissolved oxygen (DO), water temperature, pH, and specific conductance were recorded every minute for more than one hour using the Datasonde 3 Hydrolab. Initial readings of such parameters were recorded for the overlaying water before the deployment of the SOD chamber. Characteristics of the stream conditions, air temperature, barometric pressure, average flow velocity of the stream, depth of the stream, and the flow velocity by the chamber were recorded. Single and multiple linear regression analyses on all parameters indicated that the velocity of the stream is the least critical parameter for SOD in shallow streams.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The primary objective of this study was to perform a cost‐benefit analysis of maintaining the current level of water quality in the Catawba River basin. Economic benefits were estimated using a stated preference survey method designed to value respondents' willingness to pay for a management plan to protect water quality in the Catawba basin over time. From the surveys conducted with 1,085 area residents, we calculated an annual mean willingness to pay of $139 for the management plan, or more than $75.4 million for all taxpayers in the area. Over the five‐year time horizon in which respondents were asked to pay for the management plan, this resulted in a total economic benefit of $340.1 million. The Watershed Analysis Risk Management Framework model was used to estimate the amount of management activities needed to protect the current level of water quality in the basin over time. Based on the model results, the total cost of the management plan was calculated to be $244.8 million over a ten‐year period. The resulting cost‐benefit analysis indicated that the potential benefits of this management plan would outweigh the costs by more than $95 million.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Rainfall, stream flow and groundwater have been sampled systematically throughout Nebraska since 1970 and analyzed for mineral N and P and the character of any sediments contained. Fallout N and P in rainfall ranges from 5–14 pounds N and 1 pounds P/A/yr, increasing from west to east across the state with increasing rainfall. The amount of NH4-N is essentially double that of NO3-N. The mean concentration of 2ppm N in rainfall is four times the mean N concentration of streams, demonstrating a substantial depolluting action of soils and growing crops. Where nutrient levels of streams are elevated, cause can usually be traced especially to industrial, sewage or livestock waste intrusion and not to crop production practices. The only significant quantity of nutrient N and P induced by cultivation is that accompanying sediments from eroded fields. The P content of Nebraska groundwater has remained essentially constant during the past 10 years while average NO3-N has increased slightly, a period during which farmer fertilizer use quadrupled. During the same time, irrigation acreage has increased by 50%, livestock numbers by 30%, with corresponding growth in human population and attendant industries. Indications are that irrigation practice has contributed more than any other factor to the small increase in groundwater NO3-N recorded. Individual cases do exist where groundwater NO3-N has increased substantially, especially in areas of intensive irrigation agriculture on very sandy soils and elsewhere with irrigation development in the proximity of ancient NO3-N deposits in mantlerock above the water table.  相似文献   

A study was made to determine the impact on water quality due to water resource development in a large river basin in a semi-arid region of West Africa. Mathematical modeling and the examination of case histories were used to project impacts. The impacts associated with changes in water quality were shown to be slight assuming that modern basin and agricultural management practices are adopted. Analytical techniques normally implemented in studies of more highly developed basins are useful for analysis of water quality impacts in relatively undeveloped basins.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Illinois data from 168 months (1986–1999) were investigated to determine the responses of surface‐water and ground‐water resources to precipitation. Such responses were generally within the month of occurrence or one to two months later, with recovery being reached another one to three months into the future, depending on season of the year. Although the drought of 1988 immediately impacted surface‐water and ground‐water resources, the time of recovery was substantially longer compared to those of individual dry months, generally continuing for several months. The extremely wet summer of 1993 resulted in elevated responses in water resources almost immediately, but in this instance continued through the following fall and winter, into the spring of 1994.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Pond‐cypress, a deciduous conifer, is a dominant canopy species in depressional wetlands of the southeastern Coastal Plain (SCP). Extensive premature decline and death of pond‐cypress trees in central Florida have been attributed to hydroperiod alterations due to excessive withdrawals of ground water from the Floridan aquifer. One factor identified in the decline process is basal decay, which may be related to the presence of Botryosphaeria rhodina and Fusarium species (nonaggressive, facultative fungal pathogens). These fungi have been cultured from sapwood tissue of declining pond‐cypress associated with ground water mining, but not from pond‐cypress away from ground water mimng areas. In this experiment, differences in soluble (nonstructural) carbohydrate composition of branch tips were evaluated for one‐and two‐year old, nursery‐grown (unsheltered) pond‐cypress, following a year of growth under treatment conditions (control, fungal inoculation, water stress, and fungal inoculation plus water stress) in a growth chamber. Results from two methods of wet chemical analysis were compared (trimethylsilyl methylglycoside‐Method A, and alditol acetate ‐ Method B). Three pentoses (arabinose, rhamnose, and xylose) and three hexoses (galactose, glucose, and mannose) were identified in branch tips from both age classes. A fourth hexose (fucose) also was identified in samples from the younger trees. The acidic sugar, galacturonic acid, was identified in both age classes using Method A. Results suggest that prolonged water stress is correlated with greater relative concentrations of the neutral soluble sugars rhamnose (P = 0.02), xylose (P = 0.02), and galactose (P = 0.02), in addition to the acidic sugar galacturonic acid (P = 0.01), for Method A, and arabinose (P = 0.02) for Method B. These results also suggest that in the absence of water stress, the fungal pathogen B. rhodina does not penetrate to the sapwood of the trees, and that inoculation with this fungal pathogen is not correlated with differences in relative concentrations of nonstructural, soluble carbohydrates, based on Method A analysis. Empirical evidence suggests that pond‐cypress trees in depressional wetlands respond similarly to anthropogenic perturbations of ground water, but not to natural periods of drought in the absence of such perturbations. Therefore, pond‐cypress appear to be integrators of groundwater perturbations. Greater concentrations of the soluble sugars identified in this study in pond‐cypress branch tips may be hydroecological indicators of such anthropogenic perturbations as unsustainable yield from the regional aquifer and adverse impacts from aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) activities in the SCP.  相似文献   

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