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ABSTRACT: Incised channels are caused by an imbalance between sediment transport capacity and sediment supply to the stream. The resulting bed and bank erosion alter channel morphology and stability. Geomorphological models of incised channel evolution can provide guidance in the selection of engineering design alternatives for incised channel rehabilitation. This paper describes how incised channel evolution models may be coupled with a dimensionless stability diagram to facilitate evaluation of rehabilitation alternatives. In combination, the models provide complementary views of channel processes from geomorphic and engineering perspectives.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The at-a-station hydraulic geometry of stream channels can serve as a predictor of alluvial stream channel behavior. This geometry is the empirical relations describing changes in water surface width, mean depth, and mean velocity with changing discharge. The exponent values are correlated with channel morphology and behavior such as scour and fill, flow resistance, bank resistance, and competence. Channel behavior and morphology are apparently related, but some causes for effects are uncertain. Several studies, using empirical and theoretical bases, are reviewed here to illustrate the relation between hydraulic geometry and channel behavior, but the relations are not always consistent. Hydraulic geometry variables are easy to measure and readily available, but they do not always reflect what may be more important ones such as turbulence, the velocity distribution profile, and distribution and cohesion of sediment particles. This paper illustrates some of these problems, provides some solutions, and addresses need for more work to better predict stream channel behavior from hydraulic geometry  相似文献   

Lithology is one of many factors influencing the amount, grain size distribution, and location of fine sediment deposition on the bed of mountain stream channels. In the Oregon Coast Range, 18 pool-riffle stream reaches with similar slope and intact riparian area and relatively unaffected by logjams were surveyed for assessment of fine sediment deposition. Half of the streams were in watersheds underlain by relatively erodible sandstone. The other half were underlain by a more resistant basalt. Channel morphology, hydraulic variables, particle size, relative pool volume of fine sediment (V*), and wood characteristics were measured in the streams. A significantly higher amount of fine sediment was deposited in the sandstone channels than in the basalt channels, as indicated by V*. Grab samples of sediment from pools also were significantly finer grained in the sandstone channels. Geographic information systems (GIS) software was used to derive several variables that might correlate with fine sediment deposition. These variables were combined with those derived from field data to create multiple linear regression models to be used for further exploration of the type and relative influence of factors affecting fine sediment deposition. Lithology appeared to be significant in some of these models, but usually was not the primary driver. The results from these models indicate that V* at the reach scale is best explained by stream power per unit area and by the volume of wood perpendicular to the flow per channel area (R2 = 0.46). Findings show that V* is best explained using only watershed scale variables, including negative correlations with relief ratio and basin precipitation index, and positive correlations with maximum slope and circularity.  相似文献   

Complex relationships between stream functions and processes make evaluation of stream modification projects difficult. Informed by vague objectives and minimal monitoring data, post‐construction project evaluations can often be a subjective attribution of success or failure. This article provides a simple framework to rapidly describe the degree of damage in stream modification projects performed in constrained settings. Based on widely accepted evaluations of physical habitat quality and stream stability, the damage states framework describes a continuum of damage in multiple categories that relate natural stream functions to the often desired state of static equilibrium. Given that channel form is closely related to stream function, it follows that changes to the channel form result in changes in function. The damage states focus on damage to flow hydraulics, sediment transport and channel equilibrium, hydraulic, and geomorphic parameters that describe basic stream functioning and support higher level functions in the modified channel. The damage states can be used in decision making as a systematic method to determine the need for repair and design adjustments.  相似文献   

Channelization is one of the most common solutions to urban drainage problems, despite the fact that channelized streams are frequently morphologically unstable, biologically unproductive, and aesthetically displeasing. There is increasing empirical and theoretical evidence to suggest that channelization may be counterproductive unless channels are designed to prevent the bank erosion and channel silting that often accompanies stream dredging. Many of the detrimental effects of channelization can be avoided, with little compromise in channel efficiency, by employing channel design guidelines that do not destroy the hydraulic and morphologic equilibria that natural streams possess. These guidelines include minimal straightening; promoting bank stability by leaving trees, minimizing channel reshaping, and employing bank stabilization techniques; and, emulating the morphology of natural stream channels. This approach, called stream restoration or stream renovation, is being successfully employed to reduce flooding and control erosion and sedimentation problems on streams in Charlotte, North Carolina.  相似文献   

Densmore, Roseann V. and Kenneth F. Karle, 2009. Flood Effects on an Alaskan Stream Restoration Project: The Value of Long‐Term Monitoring. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 45(6):1424‐1433. Abstract: On a nationwide basis, few stream restoration projects have long‐term programs in place to monitor the effects of floods on channel and floodplain configuration and floodplain vegetation, but long‐term and event‐based monitoring is required to measure the effects of these stochastic events and to use the knowledge for adaptive management and the design of future projects. This paper describes a long‐term monitoring effort (15 years) on a stream restoration project in Glen Creek in Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska. The stream channel and floodplain of Glen Creek had been severely degraded over a period of 80 years by placer mining for gold, which left many reaches with unstable and incised streambeds without functioning vegetated floodplains. The objectives of the original project, initiated in 1991, were to develop and test methods for the hydraulic design of channel and floodplain morphology and for floodplain stabilization and riparian habitat recovery, and to conduct research and monitoring to provide information for future projects in similar degraded watersheds. Monitoring methods included surveyed stream cross‐sections, vegetation plots, and aerial, ground, and satellite photos. In this paper we address the immediate and outlying effects of a 25‐year flood on the stream and floodplain geometry and riparian vegetation. The long‐term monitoring revealed that significant channel widening occurred following the flood, likely caused by excessive upstream sediment loading and the fairly slow development of floodplain vegetation in this climate. Our results illustrated design flaws, particularly in regard to identification and analysis of sediment sources and the dominant processes of channel adjustment.  相似文献   

Abstract: The hydrological simulation program – FORTRAN (HSPF) is a comprehensive watershed model that employs depth‐area‐volume‐flow relationships known as the hydraulic function table (FTABLE) to represent the hydraulic characteristics of stream channel cross‐sections and reservoirs. An accurate FTABLE determination for a stream cross‐section site requires an accurate determination of mean flow depth, mean flow width, roughness coefficient, longitudinal bed slope, and length of stream reach. A method that uses regional regression equations to estimate mean flow depth, mean flow width, and roughness coefficient is presented herein. FTABLES generated by the proposed method (Alternative Method) and FTABLES generated by Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) were compared. As a result, the Alternative Method was judged to be an enhancement over the BASINS method. First, the Alternative Method employs a spatially variable roughness coefficient, whereas BASINS employs an arbitrarily selected spatially uniform roughness coefficient. Second, the Alternative Method uses mean flow width and mean flow depth estimated from regional regression equations whereas BASINS uses mean flow width and depth extracted from the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). Third, the Alternative Method offers an option to use separate roughness coefficients for the in‐channel and floodplain sections of compound channels. Fourth, the Alternative Method has higher resolution in the sense that area, volume, and flow data are calculated at smaller depth intervals than the BASINS method. To test whether the Alternative Method enhances channel hydraulic representation over the BASINS method, comparisons of observed and simulated streamflow, flow velocity, and suspended sediment were made for four test watersheds. These comparisons revealed that the method used to estimate the FTABLE has little influence on hydrologic calibration, but greatly influences hydraulic and suspended sediment calibration. The hydrologic calibration results showed that observed versus simulated daily streamflow comparisons had Nash‐Sutcliffe efficiencies ranging from 0.50 to 0.61 and monthly comparisons had efficiencies ranging from 0.61 to 0.84. Comparisons of observed and simulated suspended sediments concentrations had model efficiencies ranging from 0.48 to 0.56 for the daily, and 0.28 to 0.70 for the monthly comparisons. The overall results of the hydrological, hydraulic, and suspended sediment concentration comparisons show that the Alternative Method yielded a relatively more accurate FTABLE than the BASINS method. This study concludes that hydraulic calibration enhances suspended sediment simulation performance, but even greater improvement in suspended sediment calibration can be achieved when hydrological simulation performance is improved. Any improvements in hydrological simulation performance are subject to improvements in the temporal and spatial representation of the precipitation data.  相似文献   

Abstract: Over the past 10 years the Rosgen classification system and its associated methods of “natural channel design” have become synonymous to some with the term “stream restoration” and the science of fluvial geomorphology. Since the mid 1990s, this classification approach has become widely adopted by governmental agencies, particularly those funding restoration projects. The purposes of this article are to present a critical review, highlight inconsistencies and identify technical problems of Rosgen’s “natural channel design” approach to stream restoration. This paper’s primary thesis is that alluvial streams are open systems that adjust to altered inputs of energy and materials, and that a form‐based system largely ignores this critical component. Problems with the use of the classification are encountered with identifying bankfull dimensions, particularly in incising channels and with the mixing of bed and bank sediment into a single population. Its use for engineering design and restoration may be flawed by ignoring some processes governed by force and resistance, and the imbalance between sediment supply and transporting power in unstable systems. An example of how C5 channels composed of different bank sediments adjust differently and to different equilibrium morphologies in response to an identical disturbance is shown. This contradicts the fundamental underpinning of “natural channel design” and the “reference‐reach approach.” The Rosgen classification is probably best applied as a communication tool to describe channel form but, in combination with “natural channel design” techniques, are not diagnostic of how to mitigate channel instability or predict equilibrium morphologies. For this, physically based, mechanistic approaches that rely on quantifying the driving and resisting forces that control active processes and ultimate channel morphology are better suited as the physics of erosion, transport, and deposition are the same regardless of the hydro‐physiographic province or stream type because of the uniformity of physical laws.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Stream channel development is a complicated process involving many factors. A major goal of research in fluvial geomorphology is to develop an understanding of the relations between channel form, water discharge, and sediment discharge characteristics. The concept of thresholds has been introduced as an element in fluvial processes, with the implication that the factors involved in a process might change in some way as threshold boundaries are passed. This study is focused on the extent to which a particular regional boundary represents a threshold in the process of stream channel development. Twenty-four alluvial stream channels from the Great Plains region and 24 from the Central Lowlands region are compared with regard to the distributional form, central tendency and dispersion characteristics, and correlation structure of ten variables, including indicators of discharge, channel sediment, and channel morphology. The results suggest that these aspects of the data are very similar between the regions, except for certain differences in central tendency characteristics, which are assumed to reflect underlying differences between the regions in geology and climate. In general, the results support the idea that this regional boundary is not an effective threshold with respect to the stream channel development process, and that, therefore, stream channels develop in these environmentally distinct regions by way of a similar process.  相似文献   

Chen, Li, Rina Schumer, Anna Knust, and William Forsee, 2011. Impact of Temporal Resolution of Flow‐Duration Curve on Sediment Load Estimation. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(1): 145‐155. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00602.x Abstract: Estimates of a channel’s annual sediment transport capacity typically incorporate annualized flow‐duration curves. Average daily flow data, commonly used to develop flow‐duration curves, may not adequately describe sediment‐transporting flows in arid and semiarid ephemeral streams. In this study, we examined impacts of varied temporal resolution flow data on annual sediment load estimation. We derived flow‐duration curves for eight sites in the Southwestern United States based on both 15‐min and daily‐averaged flow data. We then estimated sediment loads for both flow‐duration curves using the Sediment Impact Analysis Method, implemented in HEC‐RAS. When average daily flow is used to generate flow‐duration curves, sediment load estimation is lower by up to an order of magnitude. This trend is generally unaffected by uncertainty associated with sediment particle size or hydraulic roughness. The ratio of sediment loads estimated by 15‐min versus daily‐averaged flow‐duration curves is strongly correlated with channel slope, being greater on steep‐slope channels. Sediment loads estimated by the two types of flow‐duration curves are closely correlated, suggesting possible relationships for improving predictions when high‐temporal resolution data are unavailable. Results also suggest that the largest flow contributes significantly to total sediment load, and thus will greatly impact ephemeral stream geomorphology in arid and semiarid regions.  相似文献   

Effects of channel incision on base flow stream habitats and fishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Channel incision is a widespread phenomenon that results in stream and riparian habitat degradation. Fishes and physical habitat variables were sampled at base flow from three incised stream channels and one reference stream in northwest Mississippi, USA, to quantify incision effects on fish habitat and provide a basis for habitat rehabilitation planning and design. Incised channels were sampled in spring and autumn; the reference channel was sampled only in the autumn. Incised channel habitat quality was inferior to the reference channel despite the presence of structures designed to restore channel stability. Incised channels had physical habitat diversity levels similar to a nonincised reference channel, but contained fewer types of habitat. At base flow, incised channels were dominated by shallow, sandy habitats, moderate to high mean local Froude numbers, and had relatively little organic debris in their beds. In contrast, the reference stream had greater mean water depth, contained more woody debris, and provided more deep pool habitat. Fish assemblages in incised channels were composed of smaller fishes representing fewer species relative to the reference site. Fish species richness was directly proportional to the mean local Froude number, an indicator of the availability of pool habitat.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Urbanization, farming, and other watershed activities can significantly alter storm hydrographs and sediment erosion rates within a watershed. These changes routinely cause severe economic and ecological problems manifested in the form of increased flooding and significant changes in channel morphology. As the activities within a watershed influence the hydrologic, hydraulic, and ecological conditions within a river, interdisciplinary approaches to predict and assess the impacts that different land uses have on streams need to be developed. An important component of this process is ascertaining how hydrologic changes induced by specific watershed activities will affect hydraulic conditions and the accompanying flood levels, sediment transport rates, and habitat conditions within a stream. A conceptual model for using spatially explicit (two‐dimensional) hydraulic models to help evaluate the impacts that changes in flow regime might have on a river is presented. This framework proposes that reproducing and quantifying flow complexity allows one to compare the hydraulic conditions within urban, urbanizing, and non‐urban streams in a more biologically and economically meaningful way. The justification, advantage, and need for such a method is argued through the results of one‐ and two‐dimensional hydraulic model studies. The implementation of this methodology in watershed urbanization studies is described.  相似文献   

Hawley, Robert J., Brian P. Bledsoe, Eric D. Stein, and Brian E. Haines, 2012. Channel Evolution Model of Semiarid Stream Response to Urban‐Induced Hydromodification. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(4): 722‐744. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00645.x Abstract: We present a novel channel evolution model (CEM) that qualitatively describes morphologic responses of semiarid channels to altered hydrologic and sediment regimes associated with urbanization (hydromodification). The CEM is based on southern California data from 83 detailed channel surveys, hundreds of synoptic surveys, and historical analyses of aerial photographs along 14 reaches. Channel evolution sometimes follows the well‐known sequence described by Schumm et al. (Incised Channels: Morphology, Dynamics, and Control, Water Resources Publications, Littleton, Colorado, 1984) for incising, single‐thread channels; however, departures from this sequence are common and include transitions of single thread to braided evolutionary endpoints, as opposed to a return to quasi‐equilibrium single‐thread planform. Thresholds and risk factors associated with observed channel response are also presented. In particular, distance to grade control and network position emerged as key controls on channel response trajectory. The CEM and quantitative extensions provide managers with a framework for understanding channel responses and rehabilitation alternatives, and may be transferable to other semiarid settings. It also offers insights regarding channel susceptibility to hydromodification, highlights key boundary conditions for high‐risk channels, and underscores critical knowledge gaps in predicting the complex, discontinuous response trajectories that are highly prevalent in urbanized watersheds.  相似文献   

Natural channel design (NCD) and analytical channel design (ACD) are two competing approaches to stable channel design that share fundamental similarities in accounting for sediment transport processes with designs based on hybrid fluvial geomorphology and hydraulic engineering methods. In this paper, we highlight the linkage between ACD's capacity/supply ratio (CSR) and NCD's sediment capacity models (FLOWSED/POWERSED), illustrating how ACD and NCD have reached a point of convergent evolution within the stream restoration toolbox. We modified an existing CSR analytical spreadsheet tool which enabled us to predict relative channel stability using both conventional bed load transport equations and regional sediment regression curves. The stable channel design solutions based on measured data most closely matched the Parker (ACD) and/or Pagosa good/fair (NCD) relationships, which also showed the greatest CSR sensitivity in response to channel alterations. We found that CSR differences among the transport relationships became more extreme the further the design width deviated from the supply reach, suggesting that a stable upstream supply reach may serve as the best design analog. With this paper, we take a step toward resolving lingering controversy in the field of stream restoration, advancing the science and practice by reconciling key differences between ACD and NCD in the context of reach scale morphodynamics.  相似文献   

This paper recounts our predictions of channel evolution of the Black Vermillion River (BVR) and sediment yields associated with the evolutionary sequence. Channel design parameters allowed for the prediction of stable channel form and coincident sediment yields. Measured erosion rates and basin‐specific bank erosion curves aided in prediction of the stream channel succession time frame. This understanding is critical in determining how and when to mitigate a myriad of instability consequences. The BVR drains approximately 1,062 km2 in the glaciated region of Northeast Kansas. Once tallgrass prairie, the basin has been modified extensively for agricultural production. As such, channelization has shortened the river by nearly 26 km from pre‐European dimensions; shortening combined with the construction of numerous flow‐through structures have produced dramatic impacts on discharge and sediment dynamics. Nine stream reaches were established within three main tributaries of the BVR in 2007. Reaches averaged 490 m in length, were surveyed, and assessed for channel stability, while resurveys were conducted annually through 2010 to monitor change. This work illustrates the association of current stream state, in‐channel sediment contributions, and prediction of future erosion rates based on stream evolution informed by multiple models. Our findings suggest greater and more rapid sedimentation of a federal reservoir than has been predicted using standard sediment prediction methods.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Channel instability and aquatic ecosystem degradation have been linked to watershed imperviousness in humid regions of the U.S. In an effort to provide a more process‐based linkage between observed thresholds of aquatic ecosystem degradation and urbanization, standard single event approaches (U.S. Geological Survey Flood Regression Equations and rational) and continuous hydrologic models (HSPF and CASC2D) were used to examine potential changes in flow regime associated with varying levels of watershed imperviousness. The predicted changes in flow parameters were then interpreted in concert with risk‐based models of channel form and instability. Although low levels of imperviousness (10 to 20 percent) clearly have the potential to destabilize streams, changes in discharge, and thus stream power, associated with increased impervious area are highly variable and dependent upon watershed‐specific conditions. In addition to the storage characteristics of the pre‐development watershed, the magnitude of change is sensitive to the connectivity and conveyance of impervious areas as well as the specific characteristics of the receiving channels. Different stream types are likely to exhibit varying degrees and types of instability, depending on entrenchment, relative erodibility of bed and banks, riparian condition, mode of sediment transport (bedload versus suspended load), and proximity to geomorphic thresholds. Nonetheless, simple risk‐based analyses of the potential impacts of land use change on aquatic ecosystems have the potential to redirect and improve the effectiveness of watershed management strategies by facilitating the identification of channels that may be most sensitive to changes in stream power.  相似文献   

River channel geometry is an important input to hydraulic and hydrologic models. Traditional approaches to quantify river geometry have involved surveyed river cross sections, which cannot be extended to ungaged basins. In this paper, we describe a method for developing a synthetic rating curve to relate flow to water level in a stream reach based on reach‐averaged channel geometry properties developed using the Height above Nearest Drainage (HAND) method. HAND uses a digital elevation model (DEM) of the terrain and computes the elevation difference between each land surface cell and the stream bed cell to which it drains. Taking increments in water level in the stream, HAND defines the inundation zone and a water depth grid within this zone, and the channel characteristics are defined from this water depth grid. We apply our method to the Blanco River (Texas) and the Tar River (North Carolina) using 10‐m terrain data from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) dataset. We evaluate the method's performance by comparing the reach‐average stage‐river geometry relationships and rating curves to those from calibrated Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System (HEC‐RAS) models and USGS gage observations. The results demonstrate that after some adjustment, the river geometry information and rating curves derived from HAND using national‐coverage datasets are comparable to those obtained from hydraulic models or gage measurements. We evaluate the inundation extent and show our approach is able to capture the majority of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 100‐year floodplain.  相似文献   

The methods used to simulate flood inundation extents can be significantly improved by high‐resolution spatial data captured over a large area. This paper presents a hydraulic analysis methodology and framework to estimate national‐level floodplain changes likely to be generated by climate change. The hydraulic analysis was performed using existing published Federal Emergency Management Agency 100‐year floodplains and estimated 100‐ and 10‐year return period peak flow discharges. The discharges were estimated using climate variables from global climate models for two future growth scenarios: Representative Concentration Pathways 2.6 and 8.5. River channel dimensions were developed based on existing regional United States Geological Survey publications relating bankfull discharges with channel characteristics. Mathematic relationships for channel bankfull topwidth, depth, and side slope to contributing drainage area measured at model cross sections were developed. The proposed framework can be utilized at a national level to identify critical areas for flood risk assessment. Existing hydraulic models at these “hot spots” could be repurposed for near–real‐time flood forecasting operations. Revitalizing these models for use in simulating flood scenarios in near–real time through the use of meteorological forecasts could provide useful information for first responders of flood emergencies.  相似文献   

Hummel, Ryan, Jennifer G. Duan, and Shiyan Zhang, 2012. Comparison of Unsteady and Quasi‐Unsteady Flow Models in Simulating Sediment Transport in an Ephemeral Arizona Stream. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(5): 987‐998. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00663.x Abstract: Hydrodynamic and sediment transport models are useful engineering tools for predicting unsteady flood flow and sediment transport. Many models such as HEC‐RAS, HEC‐6, and IALLUVIAL apply quasi‐unsteady flow model, whereas others apply the unsteady flow model. It remains unknown if a quasi‐unsteady flow model is sufficiently accurate for simulating sediment transport in rapidly varied unsteady flood events, especially in ephemeral rivers in arid and semiarid regions. This study compared the quasi‐unsteady HEC‐RAS 4.1 model with one‐dimensional (1D) Finite Volume Method (FVM) based model in simulating flood flow and sediment transport in the Pantano Wash, a dryland river in the state of Arizona. The objective is to determine which sediment transport method is appropriate in predicting bed elevation changes in an ephemeral stream, Pantano Wash, and if an unsteady model is more accurate than a quasi‐unsteady flow model in predicting sediment transport. Results showed that the quasi‐unsteady HEC‐RAS model and the 1D FVM yielded similar results of bed degradation and aggradation for this dryland stream, although the FVM model predicted better flood hydrographs. Among the seven sediment transport formulas embedded in HEC‐RAS, Yang’s and Engelund‐Hansen’s equations gave the best matches with the field measurements for this particular case study.  相似文献   

This paper reviews sediment transport and channel morphology in small, forested streams in the Pacific Northwest region of North America to assess current knowledge of channel stability and morphology relevant to riparian management practices around small streams. Small channels are defined as ones in which morphology and hydraulics may be significantly influenced by individual clasts or wood materials in the channel. Such channels are headwater channels in close proximity to sediment sources, so they reflect a mix of hillslope and channel processes. Sediment inputs are derived directly from adjacent hillslopes and from the channel banks. Morphologically significant sediments move mainly as bed load, mainly at low intensity, and there is no standard method for measurement. The larger clastic and woody elements in the channel form persistent structures that trap significant volumes of sediment, reducing sediment transport in the short term and substantially increasing channel stability. The presence of such structures makes modeling of sediment flux in these channels — a potential substitute for measurement — difficult. Channel morphology is discussed, with some emphasis on wood related features. The problem of classifying small channels is reviewed, and it is recognized that useful classifications are purpose oriented. Reach scale and channel unit scale morphologies are categorized. A “disturbance cascade” is introduced to focus attention on sediment transfers through the slope channel system and to identify management practices that affect sediment dynamics and consequent channel morphology. Gaps in knowledge, errors, and uncertainties have been identified for future research.  相似文献   

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