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Rates of net photosynthesis and nocturnal respiration by individual blades of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh in southern California, were determined in situ by measuring oxygen production in polyethylene bags during spring/summer of 1983. Mature blades from different depths in the water column exhibited different photosynthetic characteristics. Blades from the surface canopy (0 to 1 m depth) exhibited higher photosynthetic capacity under saturating irradiance and higher photosynthetic efficiency at low irradiances than blades from 3 to 5 or 7 to 9 m depths. Saturating irradiance was lower for canopy blades than for deeper blades. Canopy blades showed no short-term photoinhibition, but photosynthetic rates of deeper blades were significantly reduced during 1 to 2 h incubations at high irradiances. Results of 1 to 2 wk acclimation experiments indicated that differences between photosynthetic characteristics of blades from different depths were primarily attributable to acclimation light conditions. Vertical displacement of blades within the kelp canopy occurred on a time-scale of 1 min to 1 h. Blades continually moved between the unshaded surface layer and deeper, shaded layers. Vertical movement did not maximize photosynthesis by individual blades; only a small proportion of blades making up a dense surface canopy maintained light-saturated photosynthetic rates during midday incubations. The relatively high photosynthetic rates exhibited by canopy blades over the entire range of light conditions probably resulted from acclimation to intermittent high and low irradiances, a consequence of vertical displacement. Vertical displacement also reduced the afternoon depression in photosynthesis of individual canopy blades. The overall effect of vertical displacement was optimization of total net photosynthesis by the kelp canopy and, therefore, optimization of whole-plant production.  相似文献   

Exudation of phlorotannins (polyphenolics) was measured in situ from the sublittoral kelp Ecklonia radiata at two locations near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia during 1992–1993. Minimally disruptive techniques were used in which individual plants were enclosed within clear plastic bags in order to concentrate exudates. Rates of exudation from E. radiata were low relative to most previous studies, with a mean rate (averaged across four seasons and two sites) of 5.5 g g (dry wt)-1 h-1. Exudation was greatest in summer and least in winter at one site, but there were no seasonal differences at a second, more protected site. There was no measurable diurnal variation in exudation rates. Exudation after a period of heavy storms was not significantly different from exudation during calm weather, but severe physical damage to the kelp did increase exudation. Our results suggest that exudation of phlorotannins in temperate Australian waters may be less ecologically important than has been suggested for coastal systems in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Point sources of pollution (e.g. industrial and municipal outfalls) may produce ecological impacts at distant locations if pollutants affect dispersive propagules. We used laboratory experiments to determine how water-column exposure to produced water (=the aqueous fraction of oil and gas production that is typically discharged into coastal waters) influences the colonization potential of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) zoospores on the bottom. Zoospores were maintained in suspension at relatively low densities in 18-liter containers and exposed to one of five concentrations of produced water for varying amounts of time. Zoospore swimming generally decreased with increasing produced-water concentration and exposure duration; however, the specific pattern of decrease differed between experimental trials done on different dates. The effect of exposure duration on the ability of swimming zoospores to attach to plastic dishes placed on the bottom varied with produced-water concentration. Zoospores placed in produced-water concentrations of 1 and 10% showed a steady decline in their ability to attach with increased exposure; lower concentrations of produced water had no such effects. The percentage of zoospores that germinated after attachment varied tremendously with exposure duration and date of experimental trial. Zoospores that settled during the first 12 h after release had very poor rates of germination, indicative of a short precompetent period. Surprisingly, exposure of suspended zoospores to high concentrations of produced water during the first 12 h reduced this precompetent period and greatly improved germination success on the bottom. The magnitude of this enhancement, however, varied among dates. The results suggest that adverse effects of discharging produced water on planktonic zoospores of giant kelp would most likely be limited to the immediate vicinity of the outfall.  相似文献   

The relationship between release of organic substances by phytoplankton and their utilization by heterotrophic bacteria has been measured by means of differential filtration in parallel Steemann Nielsen and Parsons and Strickland incubations. In Southampton Waters (UK), between March and September, the values for bacterial production measured in the above manner varied between 1 and 30%, the total primary production being taken as 100%. Even when low bacterial production occurs during the light period of incubation, a significant increase takes place during the following dark period. Thus, a close correlation between primary algal and the resultant bacterial production can be demonstrated. Quantitative data on bacterial production may be obtained from the conventional productivity experiments by simple double filtration.  相似文献   

Rates of NO 3 - uptake by individual blades of Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh were measured at different flow rates in the laboratory. Dissolution rates of hemispherical, plaster buttons attached to the blade surface provided a relative measure of flow rates over blades used in uptake experiments and also over intact blades of adult kelp plants in situ (Laguna Beach, California, USA; 1981). Laboratory results indicated that uptake was saturated at a flow rate equivalent to 2.5 cm s-1 current velocity. Flow rates over intact blades in situ always exceeded this uptake saturation level. Wave surge and movement of plant surfaces relative to the surrounding water provided sufficient flow to saturate uptake, even in a dense kelp canopy during low-current and calm sea-state conditions.  相似文献   

Spores of five Laminariales from Arctic Spitsbergen were exposed in the laboratory to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR; 400–700 nm), PAR+UVA radiation (UVAR; 320–400 nm) and PAR+UVAR+UVB radiation (UVBR; 280–320 nm). Subsequently, germination was monitored over periods of 3, 6 and 9 days. The investigated species were the upper sublittoral Saccorhiza dermatodea, the upper to mid-sublittoral Alaria esculenta and Laminaria digitata, the mid-sublittoral L. saccharina and the lower sublittoral L. solidungula. The germination capacity decreased sharply after 16 h exposure to PAR+UVAR+UVBR in all species. However, S. dermatodea was able to recover from the damaging effects of UVBR. There was also a small increase in percentage germination of A. esculenta 6–9 days after the treatment. No recovery was evident in the other species. After 8 h exposure to PAR+UVA+UVB, L. digitata recovered completely, and L. saccharina and L. solidungula, partially. The only species susceptible to PAR+UVAR was L. solidungula. One prominent cytological feature of UVR-exposed spores was the enlargement of phenolic vesicles (physodes) (particularly seen in S. dermatodea and A. esculenta), which may have a protective function against UVR. Pilot experiments under natural irradiance conditions indicate that the PAR component of solar radiation exerts an additional stress. Overall the data show that zoospores of the species from the upper sublittoral are less sensitive to UVR or have the capacity to recover from UV stress in contrast to species from deeper waters, probably due to their UV protective and repair capabilities.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Concentrations of thallium in phytoplankton (0.02 to 0.8 g g–1), zooplankton (0.03 to 0.5 g g–1) and ichthyoplankton (0.1 g g–1) from the central Pacific were comparable , as were the atomic ratios of thallium to calcium (3x10–6) and to potassium (1x10–6) in those organisms. These relatively constant ratios, plus the biounlimited ocean profile of thallium, indicate that it is rapidly cycled through plankton in the same manner as potassium, its principal biogeochemical analogue. The higher atomic ratios of thallium to potassium in pelagic clays (6x10–6) and ferromanganese nodules (4x10–3) suggest that both biological transport processes and abiotic transport processes influence this trace element's oceanic cycle.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of kelps and other food sources to the diet of consumers in shallow coastal communities has been hotly debated in recent years. It has been suggested that considering proxies instead of phytoplankton isotopic signatures can lead to an overestimation of kelp contribution through isotopic mixing models. We analysed spatial patterns in carbon isotopic ratios of the dominant primary sources and consumers at two subtidal sites in Brittany (France) prior to the anticipated 2011 phytoplankton bloom to determine which of kelp and phytoplankton is the dominant food source in Laminaria hyperborea forests. We found simultaneous spatial variations for consumers, kelps and deposited particulate organic matter, suggesting that kelp-derived organic matter is a key component of associated food webs for at least part of the year.  相似文献   

Day-night differences in abundance and biomass of demersal zooplankton in the water column were determined by trapping these animals as they emerged from the sand substrate in a kelp forest (Macrocystis pyrifera) ecosystem off Santa Catalina Island, California, USA. The day and night sampling periods of the 24 June 1979 new moon each lasted 12 h. Abundance and biomass of total demersal zooplankton were significantly higher in night samples. A mean of 2,425±1,168 demersal zooplankton m-2 24 h-1 migrated over a diel cycle; 97% of these animals were crustaceans. The mean biomass of demersal zooplankton was 94.2±27.6 mg ash-free dry wt m-2 24 h-1. No significant differences were found in either the abundance or biomass of demersal zooplanktion collected in low and high traps, suggesting that most animals collected 25 cm off the bottom can sustain swimming to at least 75 cm and that both traps give comparable estimates of the amount of demersal zooplankton available to planktivorous predators.  相似文献   

The specific activity of 55Fe in plankton increased from below detectable limits at 20°N to a maximum of 130 nCi/g Fe at 20°S and then decreased to 5 nCi/g Fe at 50°S. Along an east-west track near 15°S a peak of 90 nCi/g Fe occurred at 135°W. It is suggested that this maximum is the result of fallout from French nuclear tests at Mururoa Atoll (22°S; 139°W). The increase in 55Fe at high latitudes observed in previous studies in the North Atlantic Ocean and North Pacific Ocean did not occur in the South Pacific Ocean which supports the suggestion that belts of high tropospheric fallout accounted for the increase in the Northern oceans.  相似文献   

The feeding mechanisms of 15 whitefish Coregonus lavaretus (Lin.) from the Gulf of Bothnia near Holmsund were studied. The fishes were very susceptible to infection. Different preparation and anaesthesia methods were tested. Careful dissections revealed a vestigial epibranchial organ extending from the dorsal part of the fifth gill slit. It is suggested that this little sac receives and accumulates plankton organisms which may then be carried to the oesophagus via a special pharynx groove. In this way the whitefish could effectively use small plankton as a complementary food source to larger food particles.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid ligand-less in situ surfactant-based solid phase extraction method for preconcentration of silver from water samples is developed. In this method, a cationic surfactant containing a proper alkyl group (n-dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide) is dissolved in the aqueous sample and then a proper ion-pairing agent (ClO4?) is added. Due to the interaction between surfactant and ion-pairing agent, solid particles are formed and used for adsorption of silver carbonate. After centrifugation, the sediment is dissolved in 2.0 mL 1 M HNO3 in ethanol and then aspirated directly into the flame atomic absorption spectrometer. Variables affecting the extraction efficiencies such as pH, concentrations of surfactant and CO32?, ion pair concentration, and extraction time, are optimized. Under such conditions, the calibration curve is linear from 3 to 700 μg L?1. Detection limit is 1.1 μg L?1 with an enrichment factor of 37. The relative standard deviation for eight replicate measurements of 100 μg L?1 is 2.1%. The method has been applied for the determination of silver in water samples.  相似文献   

The study was carried out in the neritic and estuarine waters of Porto Novo, Coromandel Coast, Bay of Bengal, India during the period January, 1960 to December, 1967. The average displacement volume of plankton usually varied between 2 and 4 c2/m2. During summer, with a season of high plankton productivity, the average plankton displacement volume rose to 8 c2/m3. Generally speaking, the average zooplankton density (standing crop) was usually between 80,000 and 100,000 organisms/m3, of which copepods alone comprised usually between 70,000 and 90,000 organisms/m3. The average copepod density per sample varied from 30,000 to 50,000 organisms/m3. However, in the summer months, the copepod density was usually not less than 100,000 organisms/m3; in some years this was even higher (from 125,000 to 170,000 organisms/m3). Copepods comprised between 80 and 95% of the zooplankton population. The maximum non-copepod population in the zooplankton seldom reached 30%, was ofter below 25%, and usually less than 20%. During the period March to October (in some years as early as February, and in some years up to November), either an increasing or a steady trend of plankton production was evident. It would appear that salinity and rainfall determine the occurrence and distribution of plankton in Porto Novo.Contribution No. 189 from the Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Marine Biological Station of Annamalai University, Porto Novo, Tamilnadu, India.  相似文献   

Plankton samples were collected from different parts of the Liguro-Provençal Basin during 1979 and 1980 (nearshore and open waters, respectively). Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicium, aluminium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, cadmium and mercury concentrations have been determined in these samples. The species composition of plankton has been studies. The results indicated that species composition as well as sampling dates and location are factors of great importance when considering the chemical composition of plankton. Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations display variations, but their ratios appear to be almost constant in the various samples. The other elements, except zinc, seem to be less concentrated in plankton from open waters than from coastal waters. The concentrations found are in good agreement with those reported in the literature by various authors.  相似文献   

In batch experiments exposing individual plankton constituents to Aroclor 1254 PCB, the rate at which the organism approaches partitioning equilibrium appears to be partly size-dependent while the extent of PCB accumulation is species-specific. The sorptive desorptive kinetics of PCB in these experiments can be described mathematically by a first-order expression. Employing this expression in a model plankton food web permits examination of the role of feeding and sorptive processes in determining PCB body burden under various environmental conditions. When ingestion rates exceed desorption and excretion rates, a consuming organism accumulates PCB above levels predicted by equilibrium partitioning relationships. Feeding-induced oscillations in PCB body burden could thus obscure the reduction of soluble PCB concentration which determine a “baseline” PCB body burden. Unless referenced to a specific set of biological and environmental conditions, the importance of direct partitioning from water vs. food uptake appears to be a moot topic.  相似文献   

Growth of the two zoeal stages of Tanner crabs, Chionoecetes bairdi and C. opilio, was estimated by changes in total dry weight of individuals sampled from plankton of the southeastern Bering Sea during the springs of 1977, 1978, 1980 and 1981. Since the age of larvae within a stage cannot be determined, approximate beginning and end weights of each stage were used. Epidermal retraction, conspicuous under low magnification of a dissecting microscope, was used to identify larvae presumed to be in advanced stages of growth (biomass) for their respective larval stage. This assumption was corroborated by holding retracted larvae that subsequently molted on board ship, by comparison of dry weight measurements from extensive field sampling, and by the low proportion of larvae showing such conspicuous retraction. An exponential growth model was used to calculate the average daily growth rate based on estimates of stage duration in the field. The adequacy of this model for describing the average rate, rather than the pattern, of growth is discussed. Carbon-specific rates of respiration from discrete measurements and of growth averaged for each zoeal stage indicate average net growth efficiencies comparable to laboratory results for other species. The method used to estimate growth should be applicable to other larval decapods and offers the advantage of estimating this parameter from data gathered from natural populations.Contribution No. 652 of the School of Fisheries, University of Washington  相似文献   

A case study in an experimental pond was performed to evaluate the ecotoxic effects of Trichloroethene (TRI) upon the population density and productivity of phyto‐ and zooplankton. TRI was continuously released into two pond enclosures over 11 weeks (mean concentrations 1.5 and 7.5 mg/l). The chronic chemical treatment showed distinctive toxic influences upon the biota. Following the high TRI concentration, the phytoplankton density slightly increased; the productivity per single cells, however, was significantly reduced compared to the controls and the low TRI concentration. Cryptophyceae were the most sensitive algae taxa. The density and reproductivity of Daphniae and Phyllopodae decreased by the high TRI concentration. Most of the Rotatoriae were not negatively influenced. With increasing TRI concentrations two different bacteria forms showed a mass development. Small amounts of Trichloroacetic acid were detected in both enclosures as a conversion product of TRI (~3 μg/l after 80 days treatment).  相似文献   

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