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The concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, nickel, lead and zinc in surface sediments collected from the east coast of peninsular Malaysia, along the South China Sea, were measured by two methods instrumental neutron activation analysis and inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy. The obtained results were use to determine the areal distribution of the metals of in the east coast of peninsular Malaysia and potential sources of these metals to this environment. The geochemical data propose that most of the metals found in the east coast of peninsular Malaysia constitute a redistribution of territorial materials within the ecosystem. Then, the metal concentrations can be considered to be present at natural background levels in surface sediments.  相似文献   

The present study was performed under natural environment to assess levels of different heavy metals in soil and Abelmoschus esculentus plants along with soil microbial population irrigated with five rates of distillery effluent (DE) viz. 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 % concentration in comparison with control (Bore well water). Results revealed that among various concentrations of DE, irrigation with 100 % DE significantly (P < 0.001) increased Zn (+63.46 %), Cu (+292.37 %), Zn (+3763.63 %), Cd (+264.29 %), Ni (+48.39 %) and Cr (+815.74 %), while decreased total bacteria (?45.23 %), fungi (?17.77 %) and actinomycetes (?42.57 %) in the soil. Enrichment factor of various heavy metals for soil was in the order Ni > Cr > Cd > Zn > Cu, and for A. esculentus plants, it was in the order Ni > Cr > Cu > Cd > Zn after irrigation with distillery effluent. The enrichment factor value was found maximum for Ni in comparison to other metals at 100 % DE concentration as compared with BWW. However, the values of these metals were below the recommended permissible limit.  相似文献   

This study analyses the pedological environment of the area near a municipal waste incinerator that has been operating in the south-east district of Pisa for approximately 20?years. There are many other industrial activities in the area besides the incinerator, which represent possible sources of pollution, as well as heavy road traffic. The study area was defined by a 0-4-km zone around the site with a population of approximately 12,000 residents. The study included the physical and chemical characterisation of 100 samples of soil and an analysis of trace metals such as Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn, Hg, As and Cd. The samples were grouped into soil use categories. The results showed Zn, Pb and Hg correlated with their potentially mobile fractions, and suggested an anthropic contribution to their presence in the soil. Ni, Cr and As showed values attributable to a lithological origin. This was consistent with the PCA results. The aim was to define the environmental state of the soil of the area in order to create a reference for future research and to verify the possible presence of pollution from other sources (local industrial activities and traffic).  相似文献   

Assessment of seasonal changes in surface water quality is an important aspect for evaluating temporal variations of lentic ecosystem (lakes and reservoirs) pollution due to industrial effluent discharge. In this study, nine metals and 15 physicochemical parameters, collected from four sampling sites in a tropical lake receiving the discharge from thermal power plant, coal mine, and chloralkali industry, during the years from 2004 to 2005, were analyzed. For greater efficacy in monitoring of heavy metals, particle-induced X-ray emission has been used during present investigation. Different statistical techniques like analysis of variance, Pearson correlation, principal component analysis, and factor analysis were employed to evaluate the seasonal correlations of physicochemical parameters. Most of the metals and physicochemical parameters monitored in the present study exhibited high spatial and temporal variability. Pertaining to metal pollution, the most polluted site was Belwadah, i.e., waters and sediments had the highest concentration of all the relevant metals. The reference site was characterized by the presence of low concentrations of metals in waters and in sediments. Based on the high metal concentration recorded in lake ambient, drinking, bathing, and irrigation water should not be used by the local people at the effluent discharge points.  相似文献   

It is increasingly being recognised and environmental measurements have demonstrated that Platinum (Pt) (and potentially Rhodium (Rh) and Palladium (Pd)) is released with the ageing of catalytic converters. Platinum is a particular concern as it has a known mutagenic and toxic effect, even at exceedingly low concentrations, in urban air (affecting human health) and urban water (affecting ecosystem health). In the context given above and given the still keen lack of reliable experimental data on the levels of Pd, Pt and Rh in water and sediment, this study determined the concentration of such elements in water and sediment of the Pra estuary in the Western Region of Ghana where it is estimated that more than two thousand cars pass over the bridge under which the river flows to join the sea each day. Elevated concentrations of platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd) and Rhodium (Rh) were found to be associated with water and soils from areas of high traffic densities (Beposo) suggesting that vehicles also contribute heavy metals (PGMs) to the environment. The result showed elevated levels of these metals in river bank, waterbed and in the water. There is therefore the tendency of possible accumulation of these metals in plant and animals along these areas.  相似文献   

Arsenic(III), selenium(IV), copper(II), lead(II), cadmium(II),zinc(II) have been determined in sea water, sediments, algae andclams by differential pulse cathodic (DPCSV) and anodic (DPASV)stripping voltammetry. The voltammetric measurements are carriedout using a conventional three-electrode cell and the ammonia-ammonium chloride buffer pH 9.2 as supporting electrolyte.The analytical procedure has been verified by the analysisof the standard reference materials (Estuarine SedimentBCR-CRM 277, Ulva Lactuca BCR-CRM 279 and Mussel Tissue BCR-CRM278). The precision and the accuracy are less than 5%. Thisprocedure is utilized for the monitoring of heavy metals inthe Po river mouth area (Italy).  相似文献   

Comparison of USEPA digestion methods to heavy metals in soil samples   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of appropriate analytical methods is of paramount importance for risk assessment and monitoring of potentially toxic metals in soils. In this sense, the objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of two sample digestion methods, recommended by the Brazilian legislation for the management of contaminated areas (CONAMA 2009), aiming at the determination of environmentally available metal concentrations (USEPA 3050B, USEPA 3051A), as well as a total digestion method (USEPA 3052). Samples from 10 classes of soils were analyzed for Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni, and Hg. The results showed that the USEPA method 3051A is more efficient than the USEPA method 3050B in the extraction of levels considered environmentally available of Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, and Ni. Besides providing a higher recovery of these elements, the method requires shorter digestion time, lower consumption of acids, and reduced risk of contamination. The USEPA method 3051A showed greater efficiency in Hg extraction in soils with higher clay content. Therefore, it is suitable for situations where a wide range of soils with different mineralogical characteristics are analyzed or in order to decrease the losses due to volatilization of the element in open systems.  相似文献   

The concentration of heavy metals in the bottom sediment and interstitial water collected from two reservoirs in Singapore was found to be enriched. A distribution coefficient,K d , was used to assess the chemical stability of heavy metals in the sediments. Numerical models were used to assess (1) the redistribution of heavy metals in a changing environment, and (2) long-term self clean-up capabilities of a reservoir.  相似文献   

The Croatian part of the Danube River extends over 188 km and comprises 58 % of the country’s overall area used for commercial freshwater fishing. To date, the heavy metal contamination of fish in the Croatian part of the Danube has not been studied. The main purpose of this study was to determine heavy metal levels in muscle tissue of sampled fish species and to analyze the measured values according to feeding habits of particular groups. Lead ranged from 0.015 μg?1 dry weight in planktivorous to 0.039 μg?1 dry weight in herbivorous fish, cadmium from 0.013 μg?1 dry weight in herbivorous to 0.018 μg?1 dry weight in piscivorous fish, mercury from 0.191 μg?1 dry weight in omnivorous to 0.441 μg?1 dry weight in planktivorous fish and arsenic from 0.018 μg?1 dry weight in planktivorous to 0.039 μg?1 dry weight in omnivorous fish. Among the analyzed metals in muscle tissue of sampled fish, only mercury exceeded the maximal level (0.5 mg kg?1) permitted according to the national and EU regulations determining maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs, indicating a hazard for consumers of fish from the Danube River.  相似文献   

Fuels like coal and rubber are frequently used for brick burning. However, both coal and rubber contain heavy metals. These heavy metals may elutriate in the wake of fly ash or may adsorb or absorb in the product. The present work deals with the analysis of heavy metals in some samples collected from brick burning industries located in the vicinity of a metropolitan city, Peshawar, Pakistan. Samples from raw clay, product, chimney scale and fossil fuel & rubber were collected and leached with acid mixture. The leachates were concentrated and analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer for the determination of chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and antimony (Sb). It was observed that heavy metals are present in clay, brick and chimney scale. However, significant amount of these metals was observed in chimney scale. It is inferred that such emanations laden with heavy metals are accompanying the stack gases which are being dumped in to the environment. In order to avoid environmental problems, strict environmental regulations shall be enforced and a constant check on these emanations to the environment must be made to ensure clean air act.  相似文献   

Heavy metal mobility was studied in overbank sediments of the Grote Beek river in Central Belgium. The geochemical signature of heavy metals in fine-scale sampled overbank sediments was compared with data on heavy metal emission into the river. The influence of acidification, organic and inorganic complexation on heavy metal mobility in overbank sediments was studied by single and sequential extractions and leaching tests. As confirmed by these tests, the elevated CaCl(2) content of the river water significantly enhanced the mobilisation of especially Cd, while Zn was mobilised to a lesser extent. The mobilisation of As on the other hand decreased in the presence of elevated CaCl(2) concentrations. Based on the results of single extractions, two highly contaminated zones with a different Cd mobility were observed in one of the overbank profiles. A detailed investigation of Cd leaching behaviour in the zone of Fe-accumulation during pH(stat) leaching tests, suggested that it was related to the association of Cd with Fe-oxides, while adsorption was the dominant binding form of Cd in the clay-rich part of the overbank sediment profile.  相似文献   

Sediments affect the water quality substantially. The metal concentrations in sediments often reflect the degree of pollution of the aquatic environment. The sediments of Thane Creek near Bombay were analyzed for nine metals Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn on twenty stations. The average metal concentrations in the sediments were 2.29, 37.25, 39.89, 103.38, 69825.0, 860.15, 105.08, 54.08, and 169.60 g g-1 dwt respectively. The metal concentrations at certain stations were relatively higher than those of uncontaminated sediments, possibly due to industrial activity in the former area.  相似文献   

Irrigation with polluted water from the upper Yellow River (YR) channel of Northwest China has resulted in agricultural soil being contaminated by heavy metals (HMs). This causes major concerns due to the potential health risk to the residents in this area. The present study aims to assess the efficiency of constructed wetland (CW) in reducing the heavy metal contamination in irrigation water and food crops, thus in reduction of potential health risk to the residents. The associated risk was assessed using hazard quotient (HQ) and hazard index (HI). The results showed a potential health risk to inhabitants via consumption of wheat grain irrigated with untreated water from YR. However CW could greatly reduce the human health risk of HMs contamination to local residents through significantly decreasing the concentrations of HMs in wheat grain. In theory, the reduction rate of this risk reached 35.19% for different exposure populations. Therefore, CW can be used as a system to pre-treat irrigation water and protect the residents from the potential HMs toxicity.  相似文献   

Lead,cadmium, arsenic and zinc in the ecosystem surrounding a lead smelter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A lead smelter has been operating at Belledune in the province of New Brunswick, in eastern Canada, since 1966. This paper presents data on the concentrations of the four primary metals emitted from the smelter — lead, cadmium, arsenic and zinc — which were measured in the terrestrial environment near the smelter and the concentrate transport route. Deposition of these metals to the snowpack and the uptake by grass forage are discussed in relation to non-regulatory guidelines, toxicity and atmospheric emissions. A 1992 snowpack transect survey extending 0.5–40 km northwest, southeast and south of the smelter revealed lead concentrations of 2–3193 ppb, cadmium <0.10–49.7 ppb, arsenic <3.0–72.0 ppb, and zinc 3–401 ppb. Deposition estimates within this zone for lead were between 0.046 and 20.1 kg/ha/yr, cadmium <0.007 and 313 g/ha/yr, arsenic <0.016 and 453 g/ha/yr and zinc 0.020 and 2.52 kg/ha/yr. Concentrations of these metals in the snowpack were highest within 3 km of the smelter and were detectable at greater distances SE of the smelter. Lead was dispersed greater distances from the smelter than cadmium or arsenic. Snowpack samples collected within 5–20 m of the railway contained 140–7270 ppb of lead, 0.4–36.9 ppb of cadmium, <3.0–72.0 ppb of arsenic and 41–13100 ppb of zinc. Grass forage sampled within 0.6–16 km of the smelter contained lead 5–152 ppm, cadmium 0.10–4.1 ppm, and zinc 22–154 ppm. Highest concentrations of lead, cadmium and zinc in grass forage were found were found within 2.2 km of the smelter. Grass forage collected within 10–70 m of the railway contained lead 13–288 ppm, cadmium 0.4–1.3 ppm and zinc 98–831 ppm.  相似文献   

重庆市菜地土壤和蔬菜中Hg、Pb的污染特征及相关性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对重庆市菜地土壤和蔬菜 Hg、Pb的含量分析 ,发现土壤 Hg含量远远大于背景值 ,并且土壤 Hg的含量与菜地周围的环境密切相关 ;土壤 Pb的含量同背景值相差不大。Hg、Pb在土壤和蔬菜中的污染特征表现为主城区 >近郊区 >远郊区 ;并且不同蔬菜品种中 Hg、Pb的含量差异较大 ,在不同蔬菜种类表现为叶菜类 >果菜类 >根菜类。相关性分析表明同一菜地土壤和蔬菜中 Hg、Pb含量无相关性 ;不同菜地土壤和蔬菜 Hg、Pb含量不具有相关性。  相似文献   

土壤中重金属形态的化学分析综述   总被引:45,自引:2,他引:45  
土壤中重金属的赋存形态决定其在土壤中的迁移性、生物可利用性以及毒性.土壤中重金属形态的化学分析法是依据不同浸取能力的提取剂分别提取出与土壤颗粒有着不同结合力的化学形态并测定其浓度而建立起来的.文章对土壤重金属形态分析中选用的提取试剂以及分析流程进行了综述,比较了各种试剂和方法的优缺点.同时对形态分析的土壤样品的前处理方式进行了简要概述.  相似文献   

The present research study investigates bioremediation potential of biostimulated microbial culture isolated from heavy metals waste disposal contaminated site located at Bhayander (east), Mumbai, India. The physicochemical and microbial characterization including heavy metal contaminants have been studied at waste disposal site. The microorganisms adapted at heavy metal-contaminated environment were isolated, cultured, and biostimulated in minimal salt medium under aerobic conditions in a designed and developed laboratory bioreactor. Heavy metals such as Fe, Cu, and Cd at a selected concentration of 25, 50, and 100?μg/ml were taken in bioreactor wherein biostimulated microbial culture was added for bioremediation of heavy metals under aerobic conditions. The remediation of heavy metals was studied at an interval of 24?h for a period of 21?days. The biostimulated microbial consortium has been found effective for remediation of Cd, Cu, and Fe at higher concentration, i.e., 100?mg/l up to 98.5%, 99.6%, and 100%, respectively. Fe being a micronutrient was remediated completely compared to Cu and Cd. During the bioaccumulation of heavy metals by microorganisms, environmental parameters such as pH, total alkalinity, electronic conductivity, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, etc. were monitored and assessed. The pilot scale study would be applicable to remediate heavy metals from waste disposal contaminated site to clean up the environment.  相似文献   

Abstract Industrial development and consumption of petroleum products leads to increase air pollution levels especially in urban and industrial areas. Heavy metal components associated with air pollutants have far reaching effects with respect to economic and ecological importance of pollens. The pollens are male reproductive organs of the plant and travel through air from flower to flower for pollination purpose. During this period they are exposed to air pollutants. Present investigation thus pertains to study of effect of air pollutants on pollens especially biosorption and bioaccumulation of heavy metals. The pollens of three commonly occurring plants namely Cassia siamea, Cyperus rotundus, Kigelia pinnata have been studied from the NH-6 of Nagpur city, India. The pollens exposed to polluted air showed the presence of higher concentrations of Ca, Al and Fe as compared to unexposed pollens. Higher concentration of these metals was observed in Cyperus rotundus followed by Cassia siamea and Kigelia pinnata. These results indicate that pollens act as good indicator of air pollution giving results in short time of exposure of 5–10 h. Apart from this, it is also reported that some of these metals play crucial role in the metabolic activity in pollens for example Calcium is necessary for growth of pollen tube and other metabolic activities in pollens. The presence of these metals in pollens may also enhance the allergenicity of the pollens. Similarly accumulation of heavy metals may also deteriorate the quality of pollen for their economical use. The viability of pollen is also affected by these pollutants in sensitive species leading to impairment of their fertility.  相似文献   

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