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An evaluation was made of the acoustic environment generated by an urban highway using in situ measurements. Based on the data collected, a mathematical model was designed for the main sound levels (L eq, L 10, L 50, and L 90) as a function of the correlation between sound levels and between the equivalent sound pressure level and traffic variables. Four valid groups of mathematical models were generated to calculate daytime sound levels, which were statistically validated. It was found that the new models can be considered as accurate as other models presented in the literature to assess and predict daytime traffic noise, and that they stand out and differ from the existing models described in the literature thanks to two characteristics, namely, their linearity and the application of class intervals.  相似文献   

Overwhelmed plastic waste has been gradually appreciated as a global problematic issue. Scientific efforts either dedicated to comprehending its distribution and detrimental impacts on the environment or management measures to contain it. However, there is a concern asymmetry between the knowledge of detrimental impacts of plastic waste and corresponding mitigation measures. Microplastics in the marine ecosystem is the foremost research hotspot in terms of plastic waste's detrimental impacts. Recycling plastic waste is the utmost research topic in terms of plastic waste management. Plastic pollutants derived from plastic waste contaminates the environment and ultimately threatens human health. Current measures aimed at reducing the plastic waste ended in the environment via recycling, and emphasised its retention of material value via circular economy. However, these measures did not prioritise taking direct action to mitigate the threats to human health. This review aims to bridge these two research ends of plastic waste that provides a holistic view of this problematic issue.The keywords analysis function in VOSviewer is adopted in this study to map out the state-of-the-art of existing research in plastic waste. Four research mainstreams are highlighted: (1) Environmental concerns of plastic waste in aquatic ecosystems; (2) Potential threats to human health; (3) Plastic waste reduction options and recycling methods; (4) Plastic waste thermochemical treatment. Consequently, a future research agenda is proposed.  相似文献   

A variety of decision models have been formulated for the optimal selection of nature reserve sites to represent a diversity of species or other conservation features. Unfortunately, many of these models tend to select scattered sites and do not take into account important spatial attributes such as reserve shape and connectivity. These attributes are likely to affect not only the persistence of species but also the general ecological functioning of reserves and the ability to effectively manage them. In response, researchers have begun formulating reserve design models that improve spatial coherence by controlling spatial attributes. We review the spatial attributes that are thought to be important in reserve design and also review reserve design models that incorporate one or more of these attributes. Spatial modeling issues, computational issues, and the trade-offs among competing optimization objectives are discussed. Directions for future research are identified. Ultimately, an argument is made for the development of models that capture the dynamic interdependencies among sites and species populations and thus incorporate the reasons why spatial attributes are important.  相似文献   

Climate policy analysis has come to rely heavily on large‐scale numerical simulation models of increasing complexity, posing a challenge to policy‐makers and other non‐specialists who must interpret and apply the models. This paper provides a “user's guide” to economic models used in climate analysis. We review basic features, underlying design issues, and basic research questions bearing on the models' foundations. We also provide an overview of five such global or world models currently in use.  相似文献   

The SITES reserve selection system: A critical review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous models have been put forth to help with the growing demand for the establishment of biodiversity reserves. One site selection model that has been used in several recent studies is SITES [S.J. Andelman, I. Ball, F.W. Davis and D.M. Stoms, SITES V 1.0: an analytical toolbox for designing ecoregional conservation portfolios, Unpublished manual prepared for the nature conservancy, 1999, 1–43. (available at )]. SITES includes two heuristic solvers: based on Greedy and Simulated Annealing. We discuss the formulation of the SITES model, present a new formulation for that problem, and solve a number of test problems optimally using off-the-shelf software. We compared our optimal results with the SITES Simulated Annealing heuristic and found that SITES frequently returns significantly suboptimal solutions. Our results add further support to the argument, started by Underhill [L.G. Underhill, Optimal and suboptimal reserve selection algorithms, Biol. Conserv. 70 (1994) 85–87], continuing through Rodrigues and Gaston [A.S.L. Rodrigues and K.J. Gaston, Optimization in reserve selection procedures – why not?, Biol. Conserv. 107 (2002) 123–129], for greater integration of optimal methods in the reserve design/selection literature.  相似文献   

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) systems are under pressure in many countries, driven by a call for efficiency and streamlining. Such a phenomenon is particularly clear in Brazil, where, in the past few years, a number of influential associations put forward documents proposing significant changes to environmental licensing and impact assessment regulations. So far, there is no publicly available information about any initiative towards scrutinizing those proposals. The objective of this study was to critically review the merits and drawbacks of the changes proposed in those documents. The analysis triangulated content analysis, focus group and online survey data. The focus group included ten seasoned Brazilian EIA specialists; the survey, based on Likert-scale and open-ended questions, resulted in 322 valid responses from EIA professionals. Results show that the proposals generally agree that the current EIA system, while playing a key role in mitigating impacts and enhancing project design, needs many changes. Nonetheless, the proposals neither offered solutions to overcome political, technical and budget barriers, nor established a sense of priority of the most urgent issues. Findings from the focus group and the survey signaled that a number of proposed actions might face public outcry, and that those changes that do not depend on legislative action are more likely to be implementable. Previous studies about EIA reform focused mostly on the context of developed countries after changes had taken place. This study, while addressing the perspective of a large developing country in a “before-reform” stage, shows that capacity-building is a key requirement in EIA reform.  相似文献   

A critical review of building environmental assessment tools   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since the field of environmental assessment tools for buildings is vast, the aim of this study is to clarify that field by analysing and categorising existing tools. The differences between the tools are discussed and the current situation within the tools is critically analysed. However, the comparison of the tools is difficult, if not impossible. For example, the tools are designed for assessing different types of buildings, and they emphasise different phases of the life cycle. In addition to environmental aspects, sustainable building includes economic and social aspects. The shift from green building to sustainable building and the future requirements are challenging for building environmental assessment tools. Furthermore, the benefits of using the tools should be analysed — how the tools and their results have affected decision making?  相似文献   

Walking is necessary for experiencing urban space, but pedestrians are seriously disturbed by traffic noise. This study aimed to clarify spatial variations in soundscape evaluation in pedestrian spaces used solely for walking, including traffic noise annoyance, the dominance of various sound sources, and the perceptual dimensions of the soundscape. Three traffic noise level areas, at various distances from the road, were evaluated in a typical pedestrian space in China, using a questionnaire survey in an on-site study. The results reveal that, first, the soundscape evaluations in the high-noise area (70 dBA) and middle-noise area (60 dBA) are more similar, but present a larger difference with the low-noise area (50 dBA). The latter is more complicated, and more subjective evaluations in this area are required than for higher sound-level areas. Second, the correlation between the soundscape evaluations of the middle-noise area and the low-noise area demonstrates more similarity, but presents a larger difference with the high-noise area, meaning the effectiveness in the high-noise area may differ from lower sound level areas even with the same soundscape improvement measures. Finally, the relationship of the dominance of natural sound with other soundscape evaluations become weaker as the distance from the road increases; this means that deliberately increasing natural sound might be an effective method to improve the soundscape quality in the high-noise area. These findings can provide a reference for soundscape evaluations and landscape design in pedestrian spaces where traffic noise is a problem.  相似文献   

There is an established evidence that exposure to high levels of road traffic noise is associated with elevated risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). The results however have been heterogeneous and mostly inconclusive. The present investigation aimed to examine this association in adult subjects, with a secondary aim of identifying potentially vulnerable sub-populations. Similar studies have never been reported from Indian population. For exposure assessment, the time-weighted road traffic noise indicator, L den, was used as a continuous and categorical predictor. A cross-sectional study was designed, and sociodemographic and lifestyle- and health-related characteristics were recorded for 909 (533 females and 376 males) subjects aged 18–80 years. The respondents living in areas with L den?<?60 dB(A) were designated as the reference group. Odds for self-reported CHD in relation to traffic noise exposure were estimated by univariate and multifactorial logistic regression with adjustments for potential confounders and effect modifiers. The adjusted odds ratio (OR) for self-reported CHD was 1.72 (95 % CI 1.36–2.19) per 5 dB(A) increase of L den (range 55–80 dB(A)). A gender-related risk difference was observed among male (OR 1.47 (1.07–2.02)) and female (OR 1.83 (1.27–2.65)) respondents. A stronger effect for subjects in the age group 55–64 years old was found, with age, residence period, body mass index, and self-reported stress being significant confounders. This study suggests epidemiological evidence that exposure to road traffic noise of L den?>?65 dB(A) may be associated with occurrence of CHD in adult subjects. A trend was observed indicating increasing risk with higher exposure levels. The study results are also suggestive of higher risk of outcome among those with other chronic ailments (diabetes, pulmonary, or renal issues) and residing in the same location in excess of 15 years. Orientation of bedroom windows was identified as a significant effect modifier.  相似文献   

平原高速公路交通噪声对两侧敏感区域影响的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前平原高速公路交通噪声影响两侧敏感区域的状况,环评预测结果偏差过大的问题,应用声学传播理论,对交通噪声的衰减结果进行计算,并用实测数据进行验证。其结果对平原高速公路交通噪声的管理与治理提供相应的参考。  相似文献   

Neighborhood sustainability assessment tools have become widespread since the turn of 21st century and many communities, mainly in the developed world, are utilizing these tools to measure their success in approaching sustainable development goals. In this study, seven tools from Australia, Europe, Japan, and the United States are selected and analyzed with the aim of providing insights into the current situations; highlighting the strengths, weaknesses, successes, and failures; and making recommendations for future improvements. Using a content analysis, the issues of sustainability coverage, pre-requisites, local adaptability, scoring and weighting, participation, reporting, and applicability are discussed in this paper. The results of this study indicate that most of the tools are not doing well regarding the coverage of social, economic, and institutional aspects of sustainability; there are ambiguities and shortcomings in the weighting, scoring, and rating; in most cases, there is no mechanism for local adaptability and participation; and, only those tools which are embedded within the broader planning framework are doing well with regard to applicability.  相似文献   

To reduce environmental and human health risks of contaminated sites, having a comprehensive knowledge about the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) removal processes is crucial. PAHs are contaminants which are highly recognized to pose threats to humans, animals, and plants. PAHs are hydrophobic and own two or more benzene rings, and hence are resistant to structural degradation. There are various techniques which have been developed to treat PAH-contaminated soil. Four distinct processes to remove PAHs in the contaminated soil, thought to be more effective techniques, are presented in this review: soil washing, chemical oxidation, electrokinetic, phytoremediation. In a surfactant-aided washing process, a removal rate of 90% was reported. Compost-amended phytoremediation treatment presented 58–99% removal of pyrene from the soil in 90 days. Chemical oxidation method was able to reach complete conversion for some PAHs. In electrokinetic treatment, researchers have achieved reliable results in removal of some specific PAHs. Researchers’ innovations in novel studies and advantages/disadvantages of the techniques are also investigated throughout the paper. Finally, it should be noted that an exclusive method or a combination of methods by themselves are not the key to be employed for remediation of every contaminated site but the field characteristics are also essential in selection of the most appropriate decontamination technique(s). The remedy for selection criteria is based on PAH concentrations, site characteristics, costs, shortcomings, and advantages.  相似文献   

Despite decades of scientific research and policy actions to control mercury, exposure to toxic methylmercury continues to pose risks to humans and the environment. This article critically reviews the linkages between scientific advancements and mercury reduction policies aimed at reducing this risk, focusing on the challenges that mercury poses as an issue that crosses both spatial and temporal scales. Scientific aspects of the mercury issue at various spatial and temporal scales are reviewed, and policy examples at global, national and local scale are analysed. Policy activity to date has focused on the mercury problem at a single level of spatial scale, and on near-term timescales. Efforts at the local scale have focused on monitoring levels in fish and addressing local contamination issues; national-scale assessments have addressed emissions from particular sources; and global-scale reports have integrated long-range transport of emissions and commercial trade concerns. However, aspects of the mercury issue that cross the political scale (such as interactions between different forms of mercury) as well as contamination problems with long timescales are at present beyond the reach of current policies. It is argued that these unaddressed aspects of the mercury problem may be more effectively addressed by (1) expanded cross-scale policy coordination on mitigation actions and (2) better incorporating adaptation into policy decision-making to minimize impacts.  相似文献   

Noise level monitoring and its reduction with different width and height of vegetation belt were studied in the Varanasi city. Noise level monitoring of the Varanasi city revealed the fact that area category A (without vegetation) was highly polluted as compare to area category B (with vegetation) having less fluctuation of traffic load. Four plant species Putranjeva roxburghi, Cestrum nocturnum, Hibiscus rosasinensis and Murraya peniculata were tested for noise reduction study at different frequencies. Experiment revealed the fact that H. rosasinensis reduced noise highest at both low and high frequencies (100-500 Hz, 22 dB and 2.5-6.3 KHz 26 dB), followed by M. peniculata (100-500 Hz, 18 dB and 2.5-6.3 KHz 20 dB), P. roxburghi (100-500 Hz 15 dB and 2.5-6.3 KHz 17 dB) and C. nocturnum (100-500 Hz 9 dB and 2.5-6.3 KHz 14 dB). Significance of vegetation belt in noise reduction was established with multiple regression models.  相似文献   

地铁车辆段平台居住小区振动与噪声污染控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合北京市八王坟地铁车辆段平台上居住小区建设项目环境影响评价 ,对地铁车辆段振动与噪声对平台上的传播过程和影响进行了理论分析和类比监测 ,对控制其影响提出了探讨性建议。  相似文献   

Mathematical models are utilized to approximate various highly complex engineering, physical, environmental, social, and economic phenomena. Model parameters exerting the most influence on model results are identified through a sensitivity analysis. A comprehensive review is presented of more than a dozen sensitivity analysis methods. This review is intended for those not intimately familiar with statistics or the techniques utilized for sensitivity analysis of computer models. The most fundamental of sensitivity techniques utilizes partial differentiation whereas the simplest approach requires varying parameter values one-at-a-time. Correlation analysis is used to determine relationships between independent and dependent variables. Regression analysis provides the most comprehensive sensitivity measure and is commonly utilized to build response surfaces that approximate complex models.  相似文献   

PAH and PCB in soils of Switzerland--status and critical review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The surface soil concentrations (0-20 cm) of the Swiss soil monitoring network (NABO) with 105 observation sites representing all major land use types ranged for the sum of 16 EPA PAH (PAH(16)) from 32 to 8465 microg kg(-1) (median 163 microg kg(-1)), for benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) from 0.5 to 1129 microg kg(-1) (median 13 microg kg(-1)) and for the sum of seven IRMM PCB (PCB(7)) from 0.5 to 12 microg kg(-1) (median 1.6 microg kg(-1)). The legal guide values of Switzerland were exceeded for PAH(16) at only three and for BaP at two sites. The PCB(7) concentrations were clearly below any assessment value. The concentration ranges were overlapping between all land use types. Tendencies for higher concentrations were observed at urban and viticulture sites. The overall measurement precision at repeatability conditions ranged from 1 to 37% RSD for PAH(16), BaP and PCB(7). The median bias for the chemical analysis was around zero for PAH(16), +5% for BaP and -5% for PCB(7) with spreads ranging from less than -20% up to more than +30%. The PAH profiles were clearly dominated by phenanthrene. Stratification by land use revealed a prevalence of benzo[a]pyrene at urban and naphthalene at conservation sites. For PCB, the general congener rank order was PCB no. 153 > 138 > 101 > 180. From a broad correlation screening only PAH(16)/BaP (r = 0.88**) were relevant for practical soil protection. The extensive comparison with other studies was severely biased by the lack of harmonisation, especially concerning sampling depth, sampling support, analytical method and the sum calculation procedure.  相似文献   

The major objective of the investigation was to evaluate the road traffic noise and its likely impacts on the local community of Asansol city (West Bengal, India) by monitoring and modeling. The attitudinal response of local population due to existing vehicular noise is presented in the paper. Noise and Attitudinal Survey was conducted at 25 locations. A total of 869 individuals were surveyed. The relationship between traffic noise levels and annoyance was studied using correlation, linear and multiple linear regressions analysis. The average L(dn) value was 73.28 +/- 8.51 dB(A) (55.1-87.3); The Traffic Noise Index (TNI) was 80.62 +/- 15.88 dB(A) (49.4-115.8). The mean value of percent of population Highly Annoyed (%HA) due to road traffic noise was 26.50 +/- 3.37 (19.44-33.2), whereas the mean dissatisfaction score (MDS) was 2.96 +/- 0.90 (1.04-4.45). Annoyance modeling was also performed based on field data. It can be said that Noise values gives desirable annoyance predicting values in comparison to vehicular data.  相似文献   

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