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烟气脱硫菌株的筛选与烟气脱硫效率的影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了寻找烟道气中SO2的微生物转化方法,为微生物脱硫技术的工业化应用提供一定的技术依据,进行了烟气脱硫菌株的筛选和影响烟气脱硫效率有关因素的实验研究,结果表明,单一菌株中,5-2-1菌株的脱硫效率最高.培养12 d后,脱硫率达67.20%,与单一菌株相比,混合菌株有更好的脱硫能力;重金属、有机物、氟化物质对菌株脱硫能力的影响结果表明,在菌液中添加Fe3 、Mn2 不仅能促进菌株生长,还能提高生物菌株的脱硫能力;通过正交实验得出,影响生物菌株脱硫能力大小的因素顺序为:Fe3 >Mn2 >联苯>SO2 浓度>Cr3 >pb2 >pH,通过F显著性检验得知,Fe3 、Mn2、联苯的作用是显著的.  相似文献   

Some investigations into the pollution by cadmium around smelters have been reviewed. The areas discussed include Japan, the United Kingdom, North America, and Australia. The account describes the various types of investigation carried out. Cadmium levels in soils and in vegetation at various distances from smelters in a number of locations are given. From the results considered, a number of conclusions can be drawn, for example, contamination is mostly aerial and particulate. The extent of pollution from this type of aerial fallout is very dependent upon meteorological conditions and local topography, and generally decreases with distance from the smelter stack.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to determine the mangrove area water quality, mangrove diversity and density at Minnie Bay, Lalaji Bay and Aerial Bay (Andaman Islands, India). The physicochemical parameters such as salinity, nitrate, inorganic phosphate and total phosphorus varied significantly. Mangrove diversity was high at Minnie Bay while density at Aerial Bay. Rhizophora mucronata dominated at all three sites during the study period. Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H′?=?2.261) and Pielou’s evenness (J′?=?0.8348) were high at Minnie Bay. The higher species density cover (5.679 Nos./m2) was recorded at Aerial Bay. Bray-Curtis cluster analysis showed 63.35 % similarity and formed two clusters. Though uplift and subsidence of coastal land due to the Mw 9.3 Sumatra earthquake in 2004 has affected the mangrove vegetation, its rejuvenation was observed in the newly formed inter-tidal areas due to changes in coastal geomorphology. The comparative study on physicochemical parameters, mangrove coverage and conservation are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市大气中SO2的灰色预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据灰色系统理论,联系乌鲁木齐市大气环境的实际状况,建立了精度检验为一级的灰色预测模型,并对大气中的SO2值进行了预测分析,结果表明,该预测模型具有较高的准确性、合理性和可信度.  相似文献   

脱硫脱硫弧菌去除SO2的工艺条件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从太原污水处理厂分离到1株硫酸盐还原菌,对其进行形态学观察及生理生化特征测定,鉴定为脱硫脱硫弧菌(Desulfovibriodesulfuricans).该菌株在pH=7、温度30℃、搅拌速度270r/min时生长最好,处理SO2的能力最强.当二氧化硫进口浓度小于10334mg/m3,SO2-3累积浓度小于87.31mg/L时,菌体生长良好,碱液流加速率较小,但当二氧化硫进口浓度达到11582mg/m3,SO2-累积至124.06mg/L时,菌体生长受到抑制,系统被破坏.图6参11  相似文献   

为探讨红花荷(Rhodoleia championii)等12种园林植物抗SO2和NO2污染能力,以1~2年生实生苗为材料,通过人工气候室的盆栽实验,研究不同SO2和NO2混合气体胁迫对园林植物苗木光合参数和相对叶绿素含量的影响,并利用隶属函数法及系统聚类分析法对其抗SO2和NO2污染能力进行了综合评价。结果表明,植物叶片净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率和相对叶绿素含量基本上随着SO2和NO2胁迫的加剧而逐渐降低,但水分利用效率受净光合速率和蒸腾速率变化的影响规律不明显。综合隶属函数和聚类分析可知,红花荷和红千层(Callistemon rigidus)抗污染能力强,杜鹃红山茶(Camellia azalea)和粉红羊蹄甲(Bauhinia blakeana)抗污染能力较强,红花银桦(Grevillea robusta)和无忧树(Saraca divespierre)抗污染能力中等,大叶紫薇(Lagerstroemia speciosa)、金花风铃木(Tabebuia chrysantha)和腊肠树(Cassia fistula)抗污染能力较弱,而本地火焰木(Spathodea nilotica)、复羽叶栾树(Koelreuteria bipinnata)和樱花(Prunus serrulata)抗污染能力弱。研究结果为火电厂、陶瓷厂、钢铁厂、石化厂等重度酸污染地区植物选择提供参考。  相似文献   

介绍苯和苯甲醇在环境友好型催化剂硫酸亚铈的催化下合成二苯甲烷,研究了催化剂用量、反应时间对该傅克反应的影响.实验结果表明,该催化剂具有良好的催化活性,实验过程简单,无腐蚀,无废水污染.表1,参4.  相似文献   

为了探索二氧化硫(SO2)作为调节血管张力的细胞气体信号分子的可能性,采用SO2衍生物(亚硫酸钠和亚硫酸氢钠混合物,在中性液体中二者的摩尔比约为3:1)温育大鼠离体胸主动脉血管环的方法,观察SO2及其衍生物对血管环张力的影响.结果发现,SO2及其衍生物在低浓度(<1.35mmol·L-1)下可引起大鼠离体胸主动脉血管环收缩而不引起舒张;在高浓度(>1.35mmol·L-1)下先引起血管环收缩、后引起舒张;且这些变化均与血管内皮无关.这表明不同作用浓度相和不同作用时相,该化学物对血管张力的作用完全相反.由此得出结论:1)低浓度SO2及其衍生物是血管收缩因子;2)高浓度SO2及其衍生物对血管张力的影响是双相-双向性的.内源性的SO2及其衍生物的前体SO/SO2在体内的生理浓度比本研究的低浓度还要低1~2个数量级,其对血管张力的生理作用及其他的生物学作用尚需进一步研究.  相似文献   

利用全细胞膜片钳技术研究了硫酸镁(MgSO4)对SO2衍生物刺激大鼠海马神经元电压门控性钠通道的调节作用.结果表明,MgSO4对SO2衍生物增大大鼠海马神经元钠电流的效应具有抑制作用,此作用随着SO2衍生物浓度的增加而减弱,随着MgSO4浓度的增加而增强.不同时间加入MgSO4均会显著抑制SO2衍生物增大钠电流的效应,说明MgSO4不仅对SO2衍生物增大钠电流的效应具有抑制作用,而且可即时和延效性地抑制此损伤效应的发生.研究结果提示,硫酸镁对SO2衍生物刺激大鼠海马神经元钠通道具有抑制作用,这可能是MgSO4对SO2引发的中枢神经系统损伤具有防护和治疗作用的机制之一.图4参14  相似文献   

SO2胁迫对拟南芥抗氧化酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王磊  仪慧兰 《生态环境》2007,16(6):1612-1614
SO2是一种常见的全球性大气污染物,对人类健康和生态系统有严重的危害。多数植物在SO2胁迫时不能正常生长发育,因此研究SO2对植物的影响、分析植物逆境生理过程,对损伤和抗逆机理研究具有重要意义。文章以3周龄的拟南芥(Arabidopsis thalianal L.)植株为实验材料,对幼苗进行SO2(2.5、10、30mg·m-3)连续熏气,定时(8、56、104、152h)检测地上部分抗氧化酶活性和可溶性蛋白质含量的变化。结果表明,SO2熏气前期超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性诱导性增高,其中SOD活性增加最快,8h后即显著高于对照,并具有浓度效应,POD活性在SO2暴露8h后略有增高,56h、104h时明显增加;熏气152h后,SOD和POD活性显著降低。处理组和对照组的过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性和可溶性蛋白质含量在熏气前期略有增高,152h后有所降低。研究结果表明,环境中较高浓度的SO2对植物细胞具有氧化胁迫作用,并可能产生氧化损伤效应。  相似文献   

The abundance of organic aggregates is reported for a variety of coral-reef sites and surrounding waters. There is no net increase of aggregates forming from dissolved organic matter and streaming off the reefs into the lagoons, though the organic components and the aeration of this water might be conducive to aggregate formation. Also, although the waters flowing from the surrounding oceans across the reefs and into the lagoons contribute organic components, the concentration of organic aggregates in the latter habitats is not in excess of quantities in surrounding oceanic waters.  相似文献   

An efficient method for prediction in the capture of SO2 from flue gas by imidazolium ionic liquids was reported, where the concentration of SO2 is 2000 ppm. On the basis of quantitative calculations through a combination of Langmuir simulation, theoretical calculation and quantum chemical method, SO2 absorption and desorption performance from flue gas by twelve kinds of imidazolium ionic liquids with different anions were designed and predicted. Then, among them, five kinds of imidazolium ionic liquids were chosen and prepared to investigate their behavior of SO2 absorption capacity, desorption residue, and available absorption capacity. The results indicated that the experimental values were in good agreement with the predicted values. Thus, an ideal ionic liquid [Emim][Tetz] was obtained through the predictive method for the capture of SO2 of 2000 ppm, which showed high available absorption capacity of 0.24 g SO2 per g ionic liquid and excellent reversibility.  相似文献   

中国城市空气污染问题已经引起广泛关注。目前相关研究很多,但是以空间位置为拟合参数,对空气质量进行回归模拟的研究较少。以2010年中国地级以上城市SO2年均质量浓度为因变量,分别应用普通线性回归和地理加权回归(GWR)模型模拟SO2年均质量浓度,其中地理加权回归方法考虑了空间位置的影响并以此作为回归参数。回归的自变量指标体系包括气象要素(多年平均温度、光照、降水)、植被覆盖(NDVI)、地形要素(坡度、坡向、起伏度)、人为因素(GDP、能源消费)几个方面。由于各指标之间存在较强的相关性,用主成分分析方法计算得到温度、日照、降水、NDVI表征的气象植被综合指标,高程、坡度、起伏度表征的地形综合指标,和GDP、能源消费表征的人为因素综合指标。用3个综合指标值作为自变量进行回归模拟。普通回归结果较差,其r^2为0.11,矫正的r^2为0.10;GWR模型模拟结果相对较好,其拟合优度显著提高,r^2为0.66,矫正的r^2为0.47。因此,地理加权回归适合进行此类拟合,普通线性回归不适合。通过对比地理加权回归模拟的各个城市的拟合优度,发现年均质量浓度数值较高的地区拟合效果较差,这些地区主要集中在中国华北和南部部分地区。与基于机理的模型相比,GWR 模型和其各具优缺点,GWR 的优势主要表现在数据及其格式化要求低,计算机软硬件条件要求低,运算速度快等。  相似文献   

SO2的危害及其流行病学与毒理学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
二氧化硫(SO2)是大气中最常见的污染物之一.SO2的大量排放使城市空气污染不断加重,对环境和人类健康造成了极大的危害.大量的流行病学研究表明SO2不仅可以引起呼吸系统疾病,而且对心血管系统,甚至生殖系统都会产生影响;毒理学研究也表明SO2对人和动物多种组织器官均有毒性作用,有些毒作用甚至比肺组织的改变还要严重,SO2是一种全身性毒物.而通过产生各种自由基引起器官组织发生氧化损伤作用可能是SO2毒作用的一种主要机制.  相似文献   

在对云南省钢铁行业现状分析的基础上,通过现场调研的方式,以2009年为基准年,收集其4季度生产年平均数据,采用实测法与物料衡算相结合的方法,核算得出云南省钢铁冶炼行业烧结工序综合排放系数为2.24-3.29kg-SO2/t烧结矿;球团工序综合排放系数为0.30~0.34kg—SO2/t球团矿;高炉工序综合排放系数为0.31~0.90kg—SO2/t铁水。通过各工序产排污系数,得出云南省钢铁行业SO2综合产排污系数为3.51-4.85kg—SO2/t粗钢。在系数核算的基础上,将本研究核算所得系数与第一次全国污染源普查系数、总量减排核算系数(16kg—SO2/t粗钢)进行比较,认为云南省铁矿石含硫量低(0.1%)是导致产排污系数偏低的主要原因。  相似文献   

北京大气中SO2、NOx、CO和O3体积分数变化分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了探讨北京市大气污染物的污染水平和变化特征,2004年8月—2005年7月对北京大气中SO2、NOx、O3和CO体积分数进行了连续观测,并对比分析不同季节的变化特征。结果表明,SO2体积分数呈双峰曲线日变化,在08:00和23:00出现峰值。SO2采暖季日振幅明显高于非采暖季日振幅,采暖季SO2体积分数要比非采暖季高出3倍以上。NOx、CO体积分数在早晨07:00和傍晚20:00左右出现峰值,NOx体积分数最大值可达130×10-9,而CO体积分数最大值可达3300×10-9。NO有明显的日变化和季节变化,而NO2白天夜晚都维持在同一水平,且季节变化也不大。O3体积分数夏季远远高于冬季,日变化均呈单峰型分布,午后14:00—15:00出现峰值。  相似文献   

A soil washing process was applied to remediate arsenic (As)-contaminated stream sediments around an abandoned mine in Goro, Korea. Laboratory scale soil washing experiments for As-contaminated stream sediments were performed under various washing conditions in order to maximize As removal efficiency. Stream sediments were taken from two sites (S1 and S5) along the main stream connected to an abandoned mine. Stream sediments at the two sites were divided into two groups (≥0.35 and <0.35 mm in diameter), giving four types of sediments, which were thereupon used for soil washing experiments. The results of soil washing experiments involving various pH conditions suggested that As removal efficiency is very high in both strongly acidic and basic solutions (pH 1 and 13), regardless of sediment type. Removal efficiencies for fine sediments from S1 and S5 were >95% after 1 h of washing with 0.2 M citric acid (C6H8O7). When using 0.2 M citric acid mixed with 0.1 M potassium phosphate (KH2PO4), the As removal efficiency increased to 100%. When recycled washing solution was applied, As removal efficiency was maintained at a level greater than 70%, even after eight recycling events. This suggests that the recycling of washing solution could be successfully applied as a means of decreasing the cost of the washing process. Results from the experiments suggest that soil washing is a potentially useful process for the remediation of As-contaminated stream sediments around abandoned mines.  相似文献   

Cadmium, zinc and lead concentrations in soils and plants near a smelter at Avonmouth are reported for samples collected in May 1979 and in May 1980. The total metal soil concentrations fall as distance from the smelter increases and decrease rapidly with depth for cadmium and zinc. The concentrations of these two metals are highly correlated at all depths. Near the smelter, where the carbon content and pH values of the soils are lowest, almost all the cadmium, as measured by EDTA extraction, is available. Concentration of metals in plants also decrease with distance from the smelter, with concentrations being lower in samples collected in 1980. This is possibly due to a seasonal variation in biomass, producing a dilution effect. We conclude that uptake of cadmium and that of zinc by grass species have different relationships to the carbon content of the soil.  相似文献   

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