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21世纪是世界城市化高度发展的世纪,更是中国加速城市化进程的世纪。城市是发展现代化不可或缺的重要指标,由城市化高速发展而引发的城市特有的环境侵权正日益突显并极可能在不久的将来集中爆发,法律作为最为有效的制度手段,应该也必须为解决这一问题作出积极的回应。通过分析城市化所引发的环境侵权以及考察城市环境侵权救济的现状,对这一现状的形成原因进行探讨,并对城市化背景下如何完善我国环境侵权救济制度提出可行性建议。  相似文献   

我国突发环境事件应急法制法律原则的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋林 《四川环境》2008,27(6):129-132
法律原则对法律制度的建立、发展和完善起着尤为重要的指导作用。我国突发环境事件应急法制还处于起步阶段,相关法律研究也存在欠缺和不深入的问题。本文在比较几种相关概念的法律原则的基础上,总结环境应急法制法律原则的特征,试提出我国环境应急法制所要遵循的几条法律原则。  相似文献   

清洁发展机制是应对气候变化国际法律制度之下的补充性履约措施。通过阐述清洁发展机制的渊源、清洁发展机制的实质内涵和基本特征,总结中国清洁发展机制项目实践,揭示中国应用清洁发展机制的偏差,预测清洁发展机制发展方向,指出中国将被迫退出清洁发展机制,提出中国面向清洁发展机制的具体对策。  相似文献   

河北省的环境角色定位在于对外实现环境的自主性,对内实现环境的恢复和可持续性。而这一定位的难题是环境与经济如何兼得,具体来说就是河北省环境与自身经济、与京津发展、与一体化如何协调。破解经济与环境的博弈,河北省需要把握住自身的主体性,进而实现环境的自主性,规划一体化下的产业格局,促进产业结构的转型,发展低碳经济,最终实现发展模式的更新,而这一定位的最终实现则需要法制的落实和保障。  相似文献   

我国部分地方规定了水污染物排放许可证制度,由于此类法律文件法律效力的低层级性,制约着水污染防治的司法与执法实践。提高设定该制度法律文件效力位阶,不仅可以解决调整该制度法制不统一状况,而且为其进行法律规制提供了直接、具体的法律依据。对促使排污主体科学、合理排污将起到积极作用。  相似文献   


China is a developing country experiencing rapid economic growth. In recent years, increased urbanization has caused a tremendous rise of the energy consumption of buildings, and a corresponding need is to save this energy. In this article, the technologies and laws relative to building energy saving in China were presented which include building construction, the compound building energy system, policies, and the law etc. In order to fulfill the three stages of energy saving plan in building construction in China, the principal methods for developing building energy saving are introduced.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water resources professionals should be engaged actively in revisiting state water rights law. During the past four years, sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers with cooperation of other water resources organizations, over a hundred engineers, hydrologists, geographers, lawyers, administrators, educators, water users, and other persons interested in water law have been preparing a Model State Water Rights Code. Preliminary drafts of the Model Code have been considered in four states, and its provisions will be disseminated nationally to state legislators and other policy makers upon formal publication in September 1994. The Model Code gathers the best provisions from state water laws into comprehensive regulated riparian and prior appropriation provisions, includes commentaries explaining how its textual sections address water resources planning and management issues, and references similar language in current state water statutes. The goal of the Code Project is to provide materials which will assist legislators so they can enact effective, efficient, and equitable water laws. In the future, the Code drafting group will expand its efforts to develop legal guidelines for allocating shared transboundary water resources, water quality law, federal water statutes, and other water resources legal issues.  相似文献   

论我国环境教育体系构建的思路、原则与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着可持续发展日益成为人类社会发展的大势所趋,实施以环境保护与可持续发展为主要内容的全民终身环境教育已日趋必要与紧迫。本文运用环境保护理论及教育学的基本原理,从世界与我国环境教育的形成与历史演变着手,论述了我国环境教育体系构建的目标、思路、原则及其主要内容,最后提出了建议与对策。  相似文献   

本文在中国高等教育和环境保护的大背景下,分析了中国高职环境教育的迫切性与重要性,探讨了高职环境教育的中国特色及其内涵,并指出了中国环境管理干部学院如何走中国特色的高职环境教育发展之路。  相似文献   

等离子气化技术在垃圾处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
等离子气化技术已经在国外成功应用多年,其用于解决日益增多的垃圾问题,可将废物转化成有用的资源。本文介绍了等离子气化技术的优点、经济性,以及其在垃圾处理中的应用。  相似文献   

以四川藏区农村的环境公害问题为引入对象,结合先进国家和地区的农村生态环境法制管理救济机制和应对机制,从现行相关程序法和实体法的法理角度,初步阐释适合我国农村生态环境法制实现的救济处理机制和救济途径,从而在一定程序上构建起我国的环境救济法体系。  相似文献   

金融危机对中国发展碳金融的影响及对策分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冒晓立 《四川环境》2009,28(6):123-126,135
2007年以来,席卷全球的金融危机已经对世界各国的金融体系造成了或大或小的影响,这对于全球碳金融市场——这个刚刚起步并稍显呈现欣欣向荣之势的市场无疑是一个利空消息。本文总结了国际碳交易市场在金融危机来袭时的表现,着重分析了中国通过清洁发展机制参与国际碳金融市场并受金融危机影响的表现,探讨了在金融危机的大环境中,中国作为发展中国家如何在危机中寻求生存并发展。  相似文献   

在我国,环境执法主要是在强制理念的指导下进行,但是从执法效果来看,缺乏长期性、稳定性,因此,有必要借鉴新兴的环境管理理念和美国环境执法的经验,建立起以服务为理念的环境执法体系。首先应该确定服务对象,其次应当明确服务内容,最后应该建立环境执法中的服务体系,从而通过服务使得环境执法机关与企业、公民获得环保共识,减少环保执法压力,促进社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

This article develops a practical proposal for progress on sustainable development law. It examines the prospects for an international sustainable development law to provide a framework for more effective, coherent governance. Sustainable development law is briefly defined and an analytical framework is provided. Different degrees of integration between economic, social and environmental law are described. Certain principles of international law related to sustainable development are also highlighted. It is argued that these principles may serve to guide law‐makers and jurists where social, economic and environmental law and policy conflict or overlap. Continuing, underlying questions of sustainable development governance are addressed and its global frameworks analysed. The article also focuses on the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, held in Johannesburg in August‐September 2002, and its specific mandate for the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) to take related legal developments into account. The article advances a proposal: that governments, economic, social and environmental intergovernmental organizations and other actors establish a ‘network of inquiry’ with members from relevant groups, including legal and academic organizations, and other expert groups, in order to follow, research, analyse and debate legal developments in a balanced way.  相似文献   

论我国保护森林资源刑事立法的完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前我国破坏森林资源的犯罪仍处于高发阶段,且形式多样.虽然我国刑法确立了非法采伐、毁坏正规林木罪等罪名,但不足以遏制此类犯罪的发展势头,因此,进一步完善此类犯罪的刑罚体系及其相关制度应成为刑事立法的重点.  相似文献   

The current Mexican environmental law provides the legal basis for comprehensive land-use planning. Under the law, development of natural ecosystems must combine goals, policies, and practices towards the sustainable use of natural resources and the protection of biological diversity. Thus, ecosystem manipulation must be able to counter fragmentation of natural ecosystems and isolation of natural reserves, while providing for human needs. Assessment of the potential of natural ecosystems and management impacts are required. Multiple-resource simulation is an assessment and land-use planning tool that permits managers and decision makers to comply with the law, providing a flexible, user-oriented system that can meet the needs of managers, conservationists, and researchers. A multiple-resource model and an example of how it can be applied to meet planning needs is presented for discussion.  相似文献   

本文以我国行政诉讼法和环境保护法规为根据,就环境行政诉讼的目的,适用程序。当事人的诉讼地位等问题,从理论和实践的结合上进行了深入的研究和有益的探讨。  相似文献   

随着工业文明的发展,环境污染成为了一个世界性问题。环境公益诉讼从制度层面上找寻出了解决环境案件的措施,在实践中已经得到了欧美等发达国家的验证,然而我国并没有建立环境公益诉讼制度。首先对环境公益诉讼制度进行了全面的概述,对其概念及特征进行了分析;其次介绍了国外有关环境公益诉讼的规定,以此来完善我国法律中有关环境公益诉讼的规定,弥补环境公益诉讼制度的缺失。  相似文献   

Based on the theory of the politics of international law and the hermeneutic theory for international relations, this paper aims to demonstrate how the history and contextual changes within the Columbia River Basin have affected the underlying principles of the Columbia River Treaty with those of international water law.  相似文献   

《海域使用管理法》对中国海洋法制建设具有重要意义。该法施行以来,我国海域使用管理配套法规体系日趋完善,海洋功能区划、海域有偿使用等制度日臻成熟。《海域使用管理法》实施已逾15年,我国经济社会生活发生了巨大变化,中国特色社会主义法律体系不断完善,该法暴露出来的问题日益增多,亟待修订:首先,立法理念应由"重发展,轻保护"向"海域资源和海洋环境保护优先"变革。其次,应完善海域使用权制度,突出海域使用权的物权性,强化该法的私权色彩,将海域使用权的成立时间修改为"完成登记之日"。在围填海管理方面,应理顺围填海建设项目的审批程序,提高行政效率;建立填海造地指标管理制度。最后,在法律责任方面,应明确"恢复原状"的适用条件;修改罚款的计算方法,对于具有持续性的严重海域违法行为可以引入"按日处罚"制度;增加刑事责任条款;赋予海洋行政执法机构必要的行政强制手段。  相似文献   

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