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通过分析2010年全国333个县级以上城市卫星遥感的NO2对流层年均柱浓度与地面实际观测浓度之间的相关性,发现两者具有一定的线性相关性(r=0.54,n=333),并建立了NO2"遥感柱浓度"与"地面观测浓度"之间的关联方程,通过该方程反演了中国0.125°分辨率近地面NO2污染分布特征。结果表明,全国近地面NO2浓度超过《环境空气质量标准》(GB 3095—2012)要求的年均浓度二级标准(0.04 mg/m3)的区域约为5.95万平方千米,超标地区主要集中在华北平原、长三角地区、四川盆地和珠三角地区,这些地区NO2污染水平远高于333个城市的年平均值(0.028 mg/m3)。NO2污染极不平衡,以大中型城市为中心的区域污染特征显著。NO2人口加权浓度分析结果表明,NO2人口加权浓度高值区主要集中在能源消费量大、机动车保有量大及人口密集的地区,全国约5.7%的人口暴露在NO2超标区域。  相似文献   

基于Aura卫星臭氧监测仪(OMI)数据,分析了2011—2018年中国东部地区对流层NO2柱浓度的时空分布规律,以广泛而客观地验证NO2减排成效。结果表明:进入"十二五"以来,中国东部地区对流层NO2柱浓度快速下降,高值区域范围快速收缩甚至消失;华北平原、长江中下游平原污染相对严重,同时这些地区污染程度正在得到较快速的缓解;京津冀、长三角、珠三角是中国东部地区对流层NO2柱浓度相对最高、下降速度最快的典型区域;中国东部地区NO2减排取得的成效与产业转型升级、能源结构调整及严控移动源排放等政策措施密不可分。  相似文献   

A workshop on analytical quality control (AQC) of ambient air quality measurement methods for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) was conducted by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) for officials involved in National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (NAAQM) in India. Concentrations of NO2 and SO2 were generated by dynamic dilution system under laboratory conditions at low and high levels and measured using static dilution system and wet chemical methods laid down by CPCB under section 16(2)(h) of the air act 1981. CPCB provided the measured values as reference values for comparing the means obtained by the officials participated from thirteen organizations. A tolerance limit of ±15% of the reference values was specified to accept the results. Generated concentrations, which were unknown to the participants, were measured using gaseous sampling assembly (Envirotech APM 411, New Delhi, India), and wet chemical methods laid down by CPCB i.e. the same methodology which is used by the organizations to generate the data of NO2 and SO2 in ambient air. Simultaneously, concentrations were checked by CPCB using automatic analyzers as a check on reference concentration. It is observed that results of automatic analyzers for NO2 and SO2 were within a tolerance of ±5% with %RSD below 3. On the other hand, results of most of the participants showed variability in the measurements with %RSD ranging between ±0.8 and ±88.6 and exceedences of means from the tolerance limit with bias ranging between 1.4 and −59%. To check the cause of high variability in the measurements obtained under identical conditions, duplicate sampling was performed by one of the participants for SO2 at low concentration level. In this study, results of wet chemical methods, automatic analyzers and results of duplicate sampling are analysed statistically to assess the cause of high variability in the measurements. Analysis of t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed highly significant results for NO2 and SO2 at high concentration levels (α 0.05) and for SO2 at both the levels (α 0.01) respectively indicating some bias is existing either in the sampling or in analytical technique. Duplicate sampling performed to check precision in parallel measurements showed high %RSD indicating the presence of systematic error in sampling technique as the same calibration factor (CF) was used to measure the concentration of duplicate samples. Statistical analysis of flow rates of duplicate sampling showed that the sampling assembly could not maintain the constant flow rate within the ±10% with that measured at the start of the sampling. This resulted in high %RSD and deviation from the reference values for the results of most of the participants, even after accepting ±15% tolerance limit. There is a need to improve and evaluate this gaseous sample collection device under laboratory conditions to generate reliable database of NO2 and SO2 in ambient air.  相似文献   

将2001—2010年的主要能源材料消耗、主要污染物变化及主要行业分布进行了相关性分析,结果表明:兰州市大气4种主要污染物中除烟尘呈下降趋势外,废气总量、SO2、NOx仍呈上升趋势;主要污染源为燃煤,主要污染行业为电力、蒸汽热水产供业;废气和SO2排放总量与燃煤和燃气呈强正相关,而NOx排放只与燃气呈强正相关。建议发挥兰州地域优势,加大以水电供应为主的能源结构调整,对改善当地空气质量有重要价值。  相似文献   

为研究宁波市大气污染状况及其影响因素,利用2013—2018年宁波市国控站点实时监测污染物数据以及气象数据,探讨分析了宁波市大气污染特征以及所受气象因素的影响概况。结果表明:宁波市颗粒物污染和O3污染呈现典型的季节性特征,颗粒物浓度冬季最高,O3最大滑动8 h平均质量浓度春、秋季最高。宁波市O3污染问题越来越突出,且呈现出春、秋季O3超标天数最多的季节变化特征。O3小时质量浓度与气温和太阳辐射成正相关关系,NO2和颗粒物浓度与气温成负相关关系。NO2与O3浓度成负相关关系,与颗粒物浓度成正相关关系。  相似文献   

台州市酸雨污染现状及其对策分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对近十年来的酸雨监测资料的收集分析,结合同期台州市大气环境中二氧化硫和氮氧化物的监测数据,采用秩相关系数法,对酸雨污染趋势和成因进行分析和讨论,并提出针对性措施,以期为台州市以及类似地区的大气污染、酸雨污染等防治工作提供政策参考。  相似文献   

为了解石家庄市NO2时空分布特征及影响因素,结合GIS和相关性分析,对2018年环境空气自动监测站监测数据、气象数据和社会经济数据进行统计分析。结果表明:261个乡镇NO2年均质量浓度范围为11~68μg/m3,超标率为47.9%,仅有49个乡镇NO2日均质量浓度达到国家二级标准。主城区NO2质量浓度高于周边县(市、区),NO2总体呈圆环形带状分布。月变化方面,1—3月、10—12月污染较重,峰值出现在1月。NO2日变化呈“高-低-高”的变化趋势,区域差异明显。NO2与温度、湿度、风速呈负相关,与大气压呈正相关,气象条件的月际差异是导致NO2月差异的重要因素,NO2空间分布主要受地形、人口密度和机动车排放等因素影响。研究结果提示秋冬季是NO2治理的关键时期,主城区为重点防控治理区域。  相似文献   

分析了COVID-19疫情初期河南省空气质量指数(AQI),并探讨了2项重要污染物(PM2.5和NO2)分布状况和变化趋势,发现疫情管控后AQI总体趋势向好,MODIS载荷反演PM2.5浓度下降了22.7%,TropOMI卫星反演NO2柱浓度同比下降61.95%,环比下降70.25%。另外,对NO2日遥感监测结果按照"前-中-后"3个时段进行周尺度归一化社会经济活动指数SSEI计算,结果显示疫情管控措施对社会经济活动有明显的抑制作用,在疫情得到基本控制后,大部分地区的工业热源企业虽已逐步有序恢复生产,但经历了缓慢的恢复过程。河南省的经济活动恢复水平在春节后第1周至第5周处于渐进式增长状态,第6周有所回落,第7周继续攀升。  相似文献   

根据佛山市高明区2007—2012年环境空气监测数据资料,分析该区近6年来空气污染物的变化趋势和影响因素。结果表明,2007—2012年该区空气污染呈现由单一型污染向复合型污染转变,综合污染指数总体上升,污染物以SO2、PM10为主。SO2、NO2浓度呈逐年增长,PM10则呈平稳状态。三者污染浓度最高值均在每年第4季度出现。该区的SO2浓度主要受工业污染源影响;NO2也受工业影响显著,与机动车数量呈正相关;PM10与烟粉尘排放量呈正相关,与降水量呈负相关。因此,改善该区环境空气应着重从控制工业污染源、扬尘污染、机动车排气污染3大方面开展工作。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that in relation to air quality impacts, roads with low (<20 000 vpd) traffic flow need not be consideredas significant. This study examines this suggestion more closelyby comparing real-time monitoring of traffic related pollutants (NO2, PM10 and PAH) at two sites (including a `canyon-street') in Falmouth, Cornwall in relation to traffic flow. For comparison, real-time monitoring data for NO2 and PM10 is also taken from a well ventilated site in Camelford, Cornwall. The data obtained suggest that roads with traffic flow considerably lower than 20 000 vpd can give rise topollutant levels which have implications for human health. The application of simple linear regression techniques to the datasuggests that under certain conditions simple estimates can be made in relation to likely traffic-related air quality effects in canyon-like streets.  相似文献   

Faecal contamination is a major causative factor for incidence of water borne infectious diseases. Certain hydrogen sulfide (H2S) producing enteric bacteria such as Salmonella sp. and Citrobacter sp., assosiated with coliforms, have been considered for rapid detection of recent faecal contamination in water. The basic H2S test medium, modified by adding 0.25 gm/L of L-cystine HCl, was examined for its efficiency with 90 water samples collected from 40 pipe supplies, 20 open wells, 15 hand pumps and 15 different surface water bodies (river, streams and ponds). Sterilized modified culture medium in glass vials was inoculated with 100 mL of each sample and incubated at 20, 25, 30, 35 and 44 C for 18, 24, 42, 48, 66 and 72 h. Blackening of content in incubated vials was considered positive. For comparison, most probable number (MPN) of coliform and faecal coliform per 100 mL was also estimated in each sample by multiple tube fermentation (MTF) method. H2S positive result was exhibited by 78% of samples. Coliform (> 10) and faecal coliform/100 mL were also detected in 59% of samples. Maximum H2S positive results (100%) were found with well and surface water samples incubated at 30, 35 and 44 C for 18 h. Coliform (> 10) and faecal coliform/100 mL were also detected in most of these samples. Pipe supplies (60%) and hand pumps (73%) also exhibited considerable H2S production. Coliforms and faecal coliforms were also found in significant number of these samples. Thus, the modified H2S test may prove a useful alternative indicator of faecal contamination for water quality surveillance and screening of large number of water samples in short duration, particularly during any outbreak of water borne disease among rural population.  相似文献   

Passive diffusion samplers were employed in San Miguel(Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area) for a preliminary airpollution monitoring. The highest loads were observedin downtown, compared with an urban background site.Total suspended particulate matter (TSPM) varied from0.257 to 0.033 mg cm-2 month-1; dust was examinedfor particle nature and size distribution. A similartrend was observed for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) andTSPM spatial distribution, suggesting that traffic isthe major pollution source. Sulphur dioxide (SO2)values were low and rather homogeneous. Levels for theinvestigated pollutants are below EPA's guide linevalues. Geographic (flat area, near to Rio de LaPlata) and climatologic factors (rainfalls andvariable wind directions) contribute to disperse pollutants.  相似文献   

“十一五”时期乌鲁木齐市大气污染特征及影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为全面了解"十一五"时期(2006—2010年)乌鲁木齐市大气污染状况,评估污染源治理及气象条件对空气质量变化的影响,利用2001年1月—2010年12月主要大气污染物浓度数据和同期地面气象资料,总结"十一五"时期乌鲁木齐市大气污染变化特征,重点分析其变化原因。结果表明:"十一五"时期PM10和SO2年均浓度分别比"十五"下降1.7%和10.3%,采暖季降幅最明显,分别达到2.2%和21.9%;而NO2年均浓度比"十五"升高8.9%,非采暖季增幅最大,为11.7%。2006—2010年PM10、SO2年均浓度整体呈下降趋势,NO2浓度有升高趋势。5年中非采暖季各污染物浓度均达标,采暖季PM10和SO2超标倍数逐年减小,煤烟型污染特征仍然典型。污染源管控(特别是减排工程实施)是"十一五"时期SO2和PM10浓度下降的重要原因,气象条件作用相对有限。NO2浓度升高主要与机动车保有量逐年增加和氮氧化物治理启动滞后有关。  相似文献   

An ambient air quality study was undertaken in two cities (Pamplona and Alsasua) of the Province of Navarre in northern Spain from July 2001 to June 2004. The data were obtained from two urban monitoring sites. At both monitoring sites, ambient levels of ozone, NOx, and SO2 were measured. Simultaneously with levels of PM10 measured at Alsasua (using a laser particle counter), PM10 levels were also determined at Pamplona (using a beta attenuation monitor). Mean annual PM10 concentrations in Pamplona and Alsasua reached 30 and 28 μg m−3, respectively. These concentrations are typical for urban background sites in Northern Spain. By using meteorological information and back trajectories, it was found that the number of exceedances of the daily PM10 limit as well as the PM10 temporal variation was highly influenced by air masses from North Africa. Although North African transport was observed on only 9% of the days, it contributed the highest observed PM10 levels. Transport from the Atlantic Ocean was observed on 68% of the days; transport from Europe on 13%; low transport and local influences on 7%; and transport from the Mediterranean region on 3% of the days. The mean O3 concentrations were 45 and 55 μg m−3 in Pamplona and Alsasua, respectively, which were above the values reported for the main Spanish cities. The mean NO and NO2 levels were very similar in both sites (12 and 26 μg m−3, respectively). Mean SO2 levels were 8 μg m−3 in Pamplona and 5 μg m−3 in Alsasua. Hourly levels of PM10, NO and NO2 showed similar variations with the typically two coincident maximums during traffic rush hours demonstrating a major anthropogenic origin of PM10, in spite of the sporadic dust outbreaks.  相似文献   

利用常州市6个环境空气质量评价点PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2、CO和水溶性离子数据,结合后向轨迹、激光雷达探空资料、气象资料等,分析了2018年1月29日—2月2日长三角区域一次持续重污染过程。结果表明,重度污染时次高达94 h,PM2.5最高值达235 μg/m3,由外来输送污染物与本地排放的污染物叠加而成,在不利气象条件影响下,污染物在长三角区域长时间滞留;重污染期间,污染物日变化规律显示,PM2.5受外来源影响更显著,而SO2、NO2受本地污染源影响更显著,水溶性粒子组分与常州市本地源存在较大差异,其中NO3-、NH4+、K+、Mg2+和SO42-值增加最为明显,较污染前分别增加了9.1,5.9,4.3,4.2和4.1倍;K+值升高较快,说明污染期间也受到了生物质燃烧的影响。此外,NO3-和SO42-在空气质量较好时,在水溶性离子中的占比日变化幅度较大,而在重污染期间,NO3-和SO42-日变化幅度明显减小。  相似文献   

This investigation presents the assessment of ambient air quality with respect to suspended particulate matter (SPM), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NOX) at four sites (RGC, SRS, BBC and BCC) in the Raniganj-Asansol area in West Bengal, India. Ambient air was monitored with a sampling frequency of twenty four hours (3 × 8 hours) at each site on every alternate day (3 days a week) covering a period of one year. A total of 429 samples were collected from RGC, 429 from SRS and 435 each from the BBC and BCC sites. Meteorological parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, wind-speed and wind-direction were also recorded simultaneously during the sampling period. Monthly and seasonal variation of these pollutants have been observed and recorded. The annual average and range values have also been calculated. Results of the investigation indicates that the 95th percentile values of SPM levels exceed the limits (200 g m-3) at RGC, SRS and BBC sites and is within the limit of 500 g m-3 at the BCC sites. The 95th percentile values of SO2 levels did not exceed the reference level at any of the monitoring stations. The 95th percentile values of NOX are found to be exceeding the limit (80 g m-3) at RGC, SRS and BBC sites but is within the prescribed limit of 120 g m-3 at the BCC site. Further, it has been observed that the concentrations of the pollutants are high in winter in comparison to the summer or the monsoon seasons. Results of the investigation indicates that industrial activities, indiscriminate open air burning of coal by the local inhabitants for cooking as well as coking purposes, vehicular traffic, etc. are responsible for the high concentration of pollutants in this area.  相似文献   

上海臭氧及前体物变化特征与相关性研究   总被引:4,自引:15,他引:4  
于2010年1~12月期间,在上海城区内采用在线连续观测,分析该地区近地臭氧与其前体物的季节变化规律及相关性,探讨了臭氧浓度与OX和NO2光解速率之间的关系。结果表明,观测期间,上海地区O3总超标天数为13天,超标率为3.56%。O3浓度变化呈现明显的秋冬低、春夏高的季节变化。O3浓度日变化规律呈典型单峰变化,O3各前体物呈双峰形分布,冬季O3与NOX的相关性最强。对OX的贡献中,秋冬以NO2为主,春夏以O3为主;夜间以NO2为主,白天以O3为主。臭氧浓度与OX和NO2光解速率变化规律基本一致。  相似文献   

在中国华北地区,二氧化氮污染仍旧不容忽视,尤其是在机动车辆密集和工业生产相对集中的京津冀城市群。运用小波分解(WD)和长短期记忆(LSTM)神经网络建立了W-LSTM组合模型,用于预测未来京津冀地区二氧化氮日均浓度和分指数。使用2014年1月—2018年5月主要大气污染物数据对组合预测模型进行训练试验,在获得最优模型参数后,使用2018年6月—2019年6月数据进行模型预测性能测试试验。结果表明,相较于传统的LSTM预测模型,W-LSTM组合预测模型具有更好的预测性能,预测结果的平均绝对百分误差为9.21%。在此基础上,使用最优预测模型对京津冀城市群2019年7月—2020年12月二氧化氮日均浓度进行了预测,并描绘了时空分布图用以表征其时空变化特征。  相似文献   

纳米氧化铝是应用非常广泛的一类人工纳米材料。当它被释放到水环境中后,会与环境中原有的重金属发生相互作用并对其毒性产生影响。文章研究了不同亲疏水性质的纳米氧化铝存在下铜对斜生栅藻的毒性效应,测定了藻细胞的生长抑制、金属积累及超氧化物歧化酶、谷胱甘肽、丙二醛等生化指标的变化。结果表明,纳米氧化铝显著降低了铜离子对藻细胞的生长抑制,藻细胞内铜的积累量及氧化损伤降低。但不同亲疏水性质的纳米氧化铝之间并不存在显著差别。这可能是由于纳米氧化铝对水中的铜离子发生了吸附,间接降低了藻液中的不稳态铜的浓度,从而减轻了铜对藻细胞的毒害。而纳米氧化铝的不同亲疏水性质对吸附水中铜离子的能力没有显著的影响。  相似文献   

2001年~2008年及奥运会期间天津市大气污染特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据天津市大气质量监测数据,对2001年~2008年及奥运会期间天津市大气污染特征和主要大气污染物的变化规律进行了分析。结果表明,2001年~2008年天津市的PM10、SO2和NO2污染总体呈下降趋势,但质量浓度仍相对较高。2008年8月奥运会期间天津市PM10和SO2质量浓度达到国家空气质量二级标准,NO2质量浓度达到国家空气质量一级标准,空气质量良好。天津市PM10污染相对稳定,SO2和NO2的污染分布呈现明显的季节性,时间上表现为冬强夏弱。气象条件对污染物浓度影响明显,沙尘、大雾等天气可使污染物浓度急剧升高。  相似文献   

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