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为解决传统行为安全管理实践中存在的决策信息匮乏、管理结构固化的问题,寻求行为安全管理的新模式。首先,探讨传统模式中各环节存在的缺陷;其次,引入循证安全管理新方法,确定循证视角下的行为安全管理的4个基本要素及3个实施步骤,在此基础上构建循证行为安全管理新模式,划分并定义5级行为安全管理环节;对新模式的特点及要求做扼要阐述,最后以某生产加工企业为例对新模式进行简单应用说明。  相似文献   



Comprehensive interventions that address public-health concerns invariably include behavior-change strategies. In occupational safety and health, behavioral safety is an approach designed to improve safety performance directly through peer observations of safe behaviors, goal setting, performance feedback, and celebrations or incentives for reaching safety goals. Although the basic components of behavioral safety processes have been studied and widely documented, the current safety literature reveals several gaps in knowledge. These gaps are associated mostly with wide practice variations among the common process elements and uncertainty about the influence of organizational and other external factors.

Impact to Industry

A major objective of this paper was to highlight not only key topic areas that warrant further research, but also to propose a list of research questions that are tied to uncertainties about various intervention practices. If only a portion of these topic areas and research questions are addressed through systematic reviews, field interventions, surveys, and laboratory-based studies, then the knowledge gained will significantly improve the delivery and effectiveness of behavioral safety interventions and thus their impact on worker health and safety.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: While smoke alarm installation programs can help prevent residential fire injuries, the costs of running these programs are not well understood. METHOD: We conducted a retrospective cost analysis of a smoke alarm installation program in 12 funded communities across four states. Costs included financial and economic resources needed for training, canvassing, installing, and following-up, within four cost categories: (a) personnel, (b) transportation, (c) facility, and (d) supplies. RESULTS: Local cost per completed home visit averaged 214.54 dollars, with an average local cost per alarm installed of 115.02 dollars. Combined state and local cost per alarm installed across all four states averaged 132.15 dollars. For every 1% increase in alarm installation, costs per alarm decrease by 1.32 dollars. CONCLUSIONS: As more smoke alarms are installed, the average installation cost per alarm decreases. By demonstrating effective economies of scale, this study suggests that smoke alarm programs can be implemented efficiently and receive positive economic returns on investment.  相似文献   

非煤矿山是典型的高危行业。为了规范作业人员的不安全行为,预防和减少生产事故,基于杜邦STOP系统及行为安全理论,通过行为观察、行为聚类,构建了非煤矿山不安全行为管理模型。对某大型非煤地下矿山的14类工种作业为期70天跟踪观察,收集统计生产作业中的不安全行为,通过分类整理,形成不同类别的不安全行为比例变化趋势图。结果表明:动力设备类、防护坠落类和其它类的不安全行为有明显的降低趋势;生产工艺类、常识危险类和供电系统类的不安全行为改善不明显。实例表明,基于杜邦STOP系统及行为安全理论的非煤矿山不安全行为研究具有实效性。  相似文献   

G. D. Edkins   《Safety Science》1998,30(3):275-295
A number of recent and highly publicised fatal aircraft accidents, within the Australian regional airline industry, has highlighted the need for operators of regular public transport aircraft to be more proactive in identifying and addressing aviation safety hazards. Despite this need, there are currently few proactive safety management programs that are practical, simple, cost effective and which reliably demonstrate improvements in airline safety performance. This paper outlines a new proactive airline safety program called INDICATE (Identifying Needed Defences In the Civil Aviation Transport Environment) that has been applied within the Australian regional airline industry. To evaluate the INDICATE program, a major Australian regional airline agreed to implement the program in one of its operational bases while another base was used as a control group. Five evaluation criteria were applied to determine whether the program would have a positive influence on the airline's safety performance. These criteria included airline safety culture, staff risk perception of aviation safety hazards, willingness of staff to report safety hazards, action taken on identified safety hazards and staff comments about safety management within the airline. Results from the trial suggest that the program can have a positive influence on airline safety performance, specifically: improving staff confidence in how safety is managed, increasing staff willingness to report safety hazards and incidents, improving organisational safety culture and reducing staff perceptions of the severity and likelihood of safety hazards occurring within the airline. The success of the trial has resulted in a number of Australian and International airlines adopting the program.  相似文献   

事故的共性原因及其行为科学预防策略   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
任何事故都是有原因的,事故的原因可分为人和物两个方面,事故的严重度与事故频率间存在三角形分布规律.运用这三条安全科学基本原理和案例分析方法,分析多起不同类型事故.结果表明,事故的共性直接原因是安全知识、安全意识和安全习惯所引起的组织成员个体的不安全行为和物的不安全状态.用行为科学方法和系统化安全管理理论,制订了一个由规范组织成员个体安全行为的安全管理方案、个人行为纠正方法和安全培训组成的通用事故预防路线图,并阐述了路线图实施时所需要的组织行为分析、个人行为纠正和安全培训方法研究的最新进展.  相似文献   

Over the years, a number of high-profile laboratory accidents involving severe injuries, fatalities, and economic losses have been reported, prompting a significant increase in efforts towards laboratory safety. However, the dominant safety measures rely excessively on add-on safeguards such as sprinklers and respirators and pay little attention to reducing the hazardous factors at their sources. This study introduced the inherent safety concept to minimize laboratory hazards and developed a dedicated implementation tool called Generic Laboratory Safety Metric (GLSM). The Traditional Laboratory Safety Checklist (TLSC) was first used to represent the safety indicators, and then the Precedence Chart (PC) and Bayesian Networks (BN) methods were used to reconcile the safety indicators to develop the GLSM. The developed GLSM was subsequently demonstrated through a case study of a university laboratory. The results revealed that the safety level increased from 2.44 to 3.52 after the risk-based inherently safer retrofitting, thus creating laboratory conditions with a relatively satisfactory safety level. This work presented a set of generic solutions to laboratory retrofitting towards inherent safety with a novel GLSM as the implementation tool. The proposed GLSM would contribute to risk quantification and identification of key risk factors for assigning targeted and fundamental safety measures to achieve inherently safer laboratories.  相似文献   

在分析安全法规符合性评估现状和存在问题的基础上,提出基于Web的安全法规符合性评估系统的技术框架.通过将辨识的安全法规按要素分类、给出量化评估指标体系,构建基于web的安全法规符合性评估系统,实现法规数据库检索、指标体系的计算机辅助定量评估、多人联评、移动终端现场评估、自动生成报告等功能.并以某测井企业为例,开发了安全法规符合性评估系统并已投入使用.应用结果表明,基于web的设计和移动终端的应用使得该系统表现出较好的现场应用性,该系统可提高企业安全法规符合性评估效率,是提高企业安全生产保障能力及满足政府监管要求的有效途径.  相似文献   

一种基于层次分析法的危险化学品源安全评价综合模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
危险化学品源的安全评价是安全生产管理中的一项重要内容.目前用于危险化学品源安全评价与分级的常用方法有后果分析法、道指数法、蒙德指数法以及使用临界系数判别重大危险源的方法等.在实际应用中,单独使用某一方法时,由于存在各种片面性问题而得不到满意的评价结果; 几种方法同时使用时,其评价指标、评价结果以及结果的形式又会互相冲突.为解决上述问题,建立了基于层次分析法的综合评价模型.首先,根据安全评价要求构建3层次的评价体系,在各层次中构造判断矩阵,并计算4种常用方法相对综合评价模型的置信度; 其次,对各方法统一危险分级标准,均采用危险分数划定危险级别,并取各危险分数的加权平均值--综合危险分数作为综合评价模型下的危险源分级标准.采用综合评价模型可消除单一方法进行评价时的片面性和偏差,同时,评价结果的一致化使得判断危险化学品源的危险级别以及由此采取相应级别的管理措施成为可能,将更有利于实际安全生产管理指导.  相似文献   

IntroductionWith the development of industries and increased diversity of their associated hazards, the importance of identifying these hazards and controlling the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) risks has also dramatically augmented. Currently, there is a serious need for a risk management system to identify and prioritize risks with the aim of providing corrective/preventive measures to minimize the negative consequences of OHS risks. In fact, this system can help the protection of employees’ health and reduction of organizational costs. Method: The present study proposes a hybrid decision-making approach based on the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM), and Multi-Objective Optimization on the basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) for assessing and prioritizing OHS risks. After identifying the risks and determining the values of the risk assessment criteria via the FMEA technique, the attempt is made to determine the weights of criteria based on their causal relationships through FCM and the hybrid learning algorithm. Then, the risk prioritization is carried out using the MOORA method based on the decision matrix (the output of the FMEA) and the weights of the criteria (the output of the FCM). Results: The results from the implementation of the proposed approach in a manufacturing company reveal that the score at issue can overcome some of the drawbacks of the traditional Risk Priority Number (RPN) in the conventional FMEA, including lack of assignment the different relative importance to the assessment criteria, inability to take into account other important management criteria, lack of consideration of causal relationships among criteria, and high dependence of the prioritization on the experts’ opinions, which finally provides a full and distinct risk prioritization.  相似文献   

Contractor selection is one of the major concerns of industry managers such as those in the oil industry. The objective of this study was to determine a contractor selection pattern for oil and gas industries in a safety approach. Assessment of contractors based on specific criteria and ultimately selecting an eligible contractor preserves the organizational resources. Due to the safety risks involved in the oil industry, one of the major criteria of contractor selection considered by managers today is safety. The results indicated that the most important safety criterion of contractor selection was safety records and safety investments. This represented the industry’s risks and the impact of safety training and investment on the performance of other sectors and the overall organization. The output of this model could be useful in the safety risk assessment process in the oil industry and other industries.  相似文献   

OCI Nitrogen wants to gain knowledge of (leading) indicators regarding the process safety performance of their ammonia production process. This paper answers the question whether indicators can be derived from the barrier system status to provide information about the development and likelihood of the major accident processes in the ammonia production process.The accident processes are visualized as scenarios in bowties. This research focuses on the status of the preventive barriers on the left-hand side of the bowtie. Both the quality – expressed in reliability/availability and effectiveness – and the activation of the barrier system give an indication of the development of the accident scenarios and the likelihood of the central event. This likelihood is calculated as a loss of risk reduction compared to the original design. The calculation results in an indicator called “preventive barrier indicator”, which should initiate further action. Based on an example, it is demonstrated which actions should be taken and what their urgency is.  相似文献   

Process plants such as petrochemical units have been continuously trying to improve Health, Safety, Environment and Ergonomics (HSEE) programs. This study proposes an adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) for assessment of HSEE programs in a petrochemical plant. The proposed neuro-fuzzy approach is applied to a set of operators in the petrochemical unit to show its applicability and superiority. To achieve the objectives of this study, standard questionnaires with respect to HSEE are completed by operators. The average results for each category of HSEE are used as inputs and accomplishment of HSEE programs is used as output for the algorithm. Moreover, this algorithm is used to rank operators performance with respect to HSEE. Finally, the algorithm identifies efficient operators with respect to HSEE. This is the first study that introduces an intelligence algorithm for assessment and improvement of HSEE program in a petrochemical plant.  相似文献   

The performance assessment of safety barriers is essential to find vulnerable elements in a safety barrier system. Traditional performance assessment approaches mainly focus on using several static indicators for quantifying the performance of safety barriers. However, with the increasing complexity of the system, emerging hazards are highly uncertain, making it challenging for the static indicators to assess the performance of safety barriers. This paper proposes a resilience−based performance assessment method for safety barriers to overcome this problem. Safety barriers are classified according to their functions first. The dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) is then introduced to calculate the availability function under normal and disruption conditions. The ratio of the system's availability, when affected by the disruption, to the initial availability, is used to determine the absorption capacity of the system. The ratio of the quantity of availability recovery to the total quantity of system represents the adaptation and restoration capacity of the system. The system's resilience is represented by the sum of absorption, adaptation, and restoration capacities. The wax oil hydrogenation process is used to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

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