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挥发性有机物(VOCs)是石化行业的特征污染物,油品装车栈桥的VOCs无组织挥发是石化企业重要的VOCs排放源,因此对大型石化企业油品装车栈桥区域的VOCs进行治理减排具有十分重要的意义。以西北某石化公司油品装车栈桥VOCs无组织挥发治理项目为例,通过源强核算、削减方案确定,利用AERMOD模式对栈桥区域环境空气质量改善情况进行预测分析,进而对VOCs治理方案的环境收益进行讨论,以期为同类油品装车栈桥改造项目提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

对青岛市重点工业行业橡胶制造业、塑料制造业、化学品制造业、涂料制造业、石油加工业、金属制品业、制鞋业、包装印刷业、铁路船舶制造业、汽车制造业的挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放浓度开展了调研,探讨了其对二次污染物O3和二次有机气溶胶生成的贡献,并评价了非致癌风险。结果表明,青岛市各重点工业行业排放VOCs浓度总体较低,石油加工业和化学品制造业VOCs排放浓度占比较大,而金属制品业、铁路船舶制造业、汽车制造业等行业排放的废气VOCs对二次污染物生成的贡献较高。化学品制造业、包装印刷业和汽车制造业排放的废气VOCs的非致癌风险总和略超过了风险阈值1,主要是由芳香烃类引起的,普通人群不会直接接触工业行业排放的废气,基本处于安全水平,一线工人可能存在一定潜在危害,应加强防护。对工业企业进行VOCs治理,除控制排放总量外,更应该针对行业类型、VOCs来源及组分进行有的放矢的管控。  相似文献   

简要介绍了挥发性有机物(VOCs)的来源以及常用治理技术,着重介绍了活性炭吸附工艺和转轮吸附工艺治理VOCs的工艺流程。对两种治理工艺的特点进行了研究分析,从不同角度阐述了两种治理工艺的适用场合以及经济性。  相似文献   

化学原料药制造行业是挥发性有机废气(VOCs)排放重点监管行业。原料药生产过程中VOCs排放具有排放节点多、成份复杂等特点。在阐述典型原料药生产过程中VOCs产生环节的基础上,分析了制药企业VOCs治理普遍面临的治理技术缺乏针对性、无组织废气收集不足、企业废气自行监测能力不足等难点问题,并对制药企业VOCs治理提出了加强有机废气成分溯源监测和规范废气收集等前瞻性建议,以期为提高该行业的VOCs治理效果并促进制药行业的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

石化行业是中国大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)的重要来源。以中国某新建典型石化企业为例,综合采用不同核算方法估算并比较了石化企业典型排放环节VOCs的排放结果;并在此基础上计算了石化企业典型排放环节本地化排放系数。结果表明,典型石化企业各环节VOCs排放量贡献分别为:储罐50.4%、废水收集与处理29.0%、火炬8.3%、装卸5.2%、设备密封点3.4%、循环冷却水2.4%、燃烧烟气0.8%、工艺废气0.5%;在装卸、设备密封点、废水收集与处理、循环冷却水环节,不同核算方法造成核算结果差异较大,排放系数法核算结果为本研究方法核算结果的数倍,其中装卸过程为4.2倍(无回收设施)和16.4倍(含回收设施),设备密封点为4.4倍(泄漏筛分法)和55.4倍(相关方程法),废水收集与处理为2.1倍,循环冷却水为2.1倍;《大气挥发性有机物源排放清单编制技术指南》中石油炼制企业的VOCs排放系数为本研究1.8倍,因此石化企业在建立排放清单时应开展本地化研究,建立本地化系数;研究结果对于中国建立石化企业VOCs排放清单提供了一定支撑。  相似文献   

为更好地管控和治理绍兴市柯桥区工业园区的挥发性有机物(VOCs),利用柯桥区现有的两工业园区VOCs监测站点(园区1站、园区2站)2019年3月至2020年2月的监测数据分析柯桥区工业园区VOCs污染特征并进行溯源.结果表明:园区1站每月VOCs质量浓度平均值为125μg/m3,园区2站为137μg/m3,都呈现出3月...  相似文献   

在调研长三角典型区域83家玻璃钢制品企业生产工艺、挥发性有机物(VOCs)控制技术的基础上,分析了玻璃钢制品生产过程中VOCs的来源及组分,并为玻璃钢制品企业VOCs控制提供建议。结果表明,玻璃钢制品行业VOCs主要来自于不饱和聚酯树脂等原辅料在物理加工生产过程中的易挥发组分,首要污染物为苯乙烯,其质量分数达到54.63%~86.42%,应作为玻璃钢制品行业VOCs管控的首要控制指标。长三角典型区域的玻璃钢制品生产工艺仍以手工糊制为主,建议采用机械化加工和真空导入代替手工糊制并研究降低组合工艺的成本。长三角典型区域玻璃钢制品企业采用的VOCs末端治理工艺以活性炭吸附及其组合工艺为主,处理效率虽略低于燃烧,但仍是目前该行业VOCs控制技术的最佳选择。  相似文献   

梳理了中国排污权有偿使用与交易价格体系现状及存在问题。以建立科学合理的污染治理回报机制为目标,基于市场供给和需求双方的决策博弈构建了博弈定价模型。实证研究表明,浙江省石化行业挥发性有机物(VOCs)污染治理平均成本为8 744元/(t·a),模型计算所得排污权最优定价为33 500元/(t·a)。在最优定价情形下,排污权交易政策能同时促进VOCs排放量的减少与污染治理技术的提升。研究结果对建立反映市场供求、减排激励和最优效益的排污权价格机制,深入推动中国排污权市场机制建设具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在调研北京市家具制造业涂料使用现状的基础上,采用排放因子法,分别自上而下计算北京市家具制造业挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放量,自下而上计算重点家具制造企业VOCs排放量,并采用情景分析法对未来北京市家具制造业VOCs排放情况进行预测。结果表明,2015年北京市家具制造业VOCs排放量约为1.37×10~4 t;重点企业VOCs排放量占比约29.4%。通过优化涂料品质使其达到欧美发达国家20世纪末期平均水平,且要求新建企业安装废气末端治理设施,该行业VOCs排放量可控制在1.15×10~4 t;进一步将涂料改进到欧美发达国家先进水平,且规模企业安装废气末端治理设施,该行业VOCs排放量可控制在8.80×10~3 t。对比分析两种控制措施的减排效果,提升涂料品质是控制VOCs排放的最有效措施。  相似文献   

选取某湿法熄焦焦化厂,通过苏玛罐采样、气质联用(GC/MS)分析,研究了各工段挥发性有机物(VOCs)的排放特征,并对臭氧生成潜势(OFP)进行了计算.结果表明:炼焦工艺过程中脱硫入口、装煤排放口、焦炉烟囱、袋式除尘出口、焦炉顶5个采样点共检测出59种VOCs,总挥发性有机物(TVOCs)分别为7228.5、2634....  相似文献   

The sorption and desorption of Cu and Cd by two species of brown macroalgae and five species of microalgae were studied. The two brown macroalgae, Laminaria japonica and Sargassum kjellmanianum, were found to have high capacities at pHs between 4.0 and 5.0 while for microalgae, optimum pH lay at 6.7. The presence of other cations in solution was found to reduce the sorption of the target cation, suggesting a competition for sorption sites on organisms. Sorption isotherms obeyed the Freundlich equation, suggesting involvement of a multiplicity of mechanisms and sorption sites. For the microalgae tested, Spirulina platensis had the highest capacity for Cd, followed by Nannochloropsis oculata, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Platymonas cordifolia and Chaetoceros minutissimus. The reversibility of metal sorption by macroalgae was examined and the results show that both HCl and EDTA solutions were very effective in desorbing sorbed metal ions from macroalgae, with up to 99.5% of metals being recovered. The regenerated biomass showed undiminished sorption performance for the two metals studied, suggesting the potential of such material for use in water and wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

The kinetic and structural relationships of eight electrophoretically pure mammalian serum and liver serine carboxylesterases (CE) and cholinesterases (ChE) have been studied. Eight CE's and ChE's, which were fully resolved but only partially purified, provided additional information. Five of the electrophoretically pure esterases were monomeric, and of these, four belonged to a new and widely distributed class. These four monomeric esterases hydrolyzed choline esters, but at widely differing rates. Thus two were termed monomeric butyrylcholinesterases, mBuChE I and II, and two were monomeric CE's (mCE). The rabbit liver mCE was not a subunit of the oligomeric CE (oCE), although the oCE also hydrolyzed choline esters at a very low rate. The complex kinetics of the mCE's, mBuChE's, oCE's, and of the oligomeric BuChE's of horse and human serum could be interpreted according to a single reaction scheme involving an allosteric site and the equation derived from it. Thus activation and inhibition at high substrate concentrations, together with sigmoidal activity versus substrate concentration plots, all of which characterize the reactions of these esterases, could be interpreted by a single scheme and equation. Structural and kinetic comparisons showed a progressive transition of properties from the oCE's through the mCE's to the oBuChE's. One of the purified mCE's was from horse serum, and it exhibited physical and kinetic properties unlike those of the liver mCE's or oCE's.  相似文献   

The persistence and dissipation kinetics of trifloxystrobin and tebuconazole on onion were studied after application of their combination formulation at a standard and double dose of 75 + 150 and 150 + 300 g a.i. ha?1. The fungicides were extracted with acetone, cleaned-up using activated charcoal (trifloxystrobin) and neutral alumina (tebuconazole). Analysis was carried out by gas chromatograph (GC) and confirmed by gas chromatograph mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The recovery was above 80% and limit of quantification (LOQ) 0.05 mg kg?1 for both fungicides. Initial residue deposits of trifloxystrobin were 0.68 and 1.01 mg kg?1 and tebuconazole 0.673 and 1.95 mg kg?1 from standard and double dose treatments, respectively. Dissipation of the fungicides followed first-order kinetics and the half life of degradation was 6–6.6 days. Matured onion bulb (and field soil) harvested after 30 days was free from fungicide residues. These findings suggest recommended safe pre-harvest interval (PHI) of 14 and 25 days for spring onion consumption after treatment of Nativo 75 WG at the standard and double doses, respectively. Matured onion bulbs at harvest were free from fungicide residues.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Hydrocarbon is a primary source of energy in the current urbanized society. Considering the increasing demand, worldwide oil productions are declining...  相似文献   

The bioavailability of pollutants, pesticides and/or their degradation products in soil depends on the strength of their sorption by the different soil components, particularly by the clay minerals. This study reports the sorption-desorption behavior of the environmentally hazardous industrial pollutants and certain pesticides degradation products, 3-chloroaniline, 3,4-dichloroaniline, 2,4,6-trichloroaniline, 4-chlorophenol, 2,4-dichlorophenol and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol on the reference clays kaolinite KGa-1 and Na-montmorillonite SWy-l. In batch studies, 2.0 g of clay were equilibrated with 100.0 mL solutions of each chemical at concentrations ranging from 10.0 to 200.0 mg/L. The uptake of the compounds was deduced from the results of HPLC-UV-Vis analysis. The lipophilic species were best retained by both clay materials. The most lipophilic chemical used in the study, 2,4,6-trichloroaniline, was also the most strongly retained, with sorption of up to 8 mg/g. In desorption experiments, which also relied on HPLC-UV-Vis technique, 2,4,6-trichloroaniline was the least desorbed from montmorillonite. However, on kaolinite all of the compounds under study were irreversibly retained. The experimental data have been modelled according to the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. A hypothesis is proposed concerning the sorption mechanism and potential applications of the findings in remediation strategies have been suggested.  相似文献   


The bioavailability of pollutants, pesticides and/or their degradation products in soil depends on the strength of their sorption by the different soil components, particularly by the clay minerals. This study reports the sorption-desorption behavior of the environmentally hazardous industrial pollutants and certain pesticides degradation products, 3-chloroaniline, 3,4-dichloroaniline, 2,4,6-trichloroaniline, 4-chlorophenol, 2,4-dichlorophenol and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol on the reference clays kaolinite KGa-1 and Na-montmorillonite SWy-l. In batch studies, 2.0 g of clay were equilibrated with 100.0 mL solutions of each chemical at concentrations ranging from 10.0 to 200.0 mg/L. The uptake of the compounds was deduced from the results of HPLC-UV-Vis analysis. The lipophilic species were best retained by both clay materials. The most lipophilic chemical used in the study, 2,4,6-trichloroaniline, was also the most strongly retained, with sorption of up to 8 mg/g. In desorption experiments, which also relied on HPLC-UV-Vis technique, 2,4,6-trichloroaniline was the least desorbed from montmorillonite. However, on kaolinite all of the compounds under study were irreversibly retained. The experimental data have been modelled according to the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. A hypothesis is proposed concerning the sorption mechanism and potential applications of the findings in remediation strategies have been suggested.  相似文献   

畜禽养殖业污染与循环经济   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
解决畜禽养殖业的污染问题要以充分利用资源为根本出发点,通过对污染全过程控制及废物综合利用,达到畜禽粪便的减量化、无害化、资源化,走循环经济的发展道路。  相似文献   

Isocyanatocyclohexane and isothiocyanatocyclohexane are becoming relevant compounds in urban and industrial air, as they are used in important amounts in automobile industry and building insulation, as well as in the manufacture of foams, rubber, paints and varnishes. Glass multi-sorbent tubes (Carbotrap, Carbopack, Carboxen) were connected to LCMA-UPC pump samplers for the retention of iso- and isothiocyanatocyclohexanes. The analysis was performed by automatic thermal desorption (ATD) coupled with capillary gas chromatography (GC)/mass spectrometry detector (MSD). TD-GC/MS was chosen as analytical method due to its versatility and the possibility of analysis of a wide range of volatility and polarity VOC in air samples. The method was satisfactory sensitive, selective and reproducible for the studied compounds. The concentrations of iso- and isothioisocyanatocyclohexanes were evaluated in different urban, residential and industrial locations from extensive VOC air quality and odour episode studies in several cities in the Northeastern edge of Spain. Around 200–300 VOC were determined qualitatively in each sample. Higher values of iso- and isothiocyanatocyclohexane were found in industrial areas than in urban or residential locations. The concentrations ranged between n.d.−246 and n.d.−29 μg m−3 for isocyanatocyclohexane and isothiocyanatocyclohexane, respectively, for industrial areas. On the other hand, urban and residential locations showed concentrations ranging between n.d.−164 and n.d.−29 μg m−3 for isocyanatocyclohexane and isothiocyanatocyclohexane, respectively. The site location (urban or industrial), the kind and nearness of possible iso- and isothiocyanatocyclohexane emission activities (industrial or building construction) and the changes of wind regimes throughout the year have been found the most important factors influencing the concentrations of these compounds in the different places.  相似文献   

Chemical synthesis and physical properties of two mercapturic acids suggested as urinary metabolites of m- and p-xylenes ace described. These compounds may be used for the identification and quantivative determination by high-performance liquid chromatography of the corresponding mercapturic acids in urine.  相似文献   

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