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对典型道路扬尘进行采样,分析夏季北京市西城区、海淀区、门头沟区不同类型道路积尘负荷和PM_(2.5)粒度乘数(K_(2.5),g/(km·辆)),并对高峰与非高峰期K_(2.5)进行统计分析,通过计算得到了PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)排放因子和排放强度。结果表明:除北营房中街和阜外大街以外的积尘负荷总体表现为支路次干道主干道快速路,门头沟区海淀区西城区。不同道路类型PM_(10)排放因子表现为主干道次干道支路快速路(西城区除外),PM_(10)排放强度表现为快速路主干道次干道支路。K_(2.5)的分析结果表明,K_(2.5)表现为快速路主干道次干道支路,西城区海淀区门头沟区,高峰期K_(2.5)普遍比非高峰期大,其中午高峰最大。此外,北营房中街积尘负荷为0.681g/m~2,PM_(10)排放因子和排放强度分别为1.04g/(km·辆)和8.43kg/(km·d),明显小于其他区支路;阜外大街积尘负荷为0.724g/m~2,PM_(10)排放因子和排放强度分别为1.28g/(km·辆)和44.74kg/(km·d),明显小于其他区主干道;这可能与两条道路的日平均洒水次数较多有关。研究结果可为北京市道路扬尘排放清单的构建提供数据参考。  相似文献   

采用改进的移动式铺装道路积尘采样方法于夏季采集天津市城区不同类型道路各车道的道路积尘样品,计算出积尘负荷,并分析积尘负荷的变化规律。结果表明:天津市区外环线、快速路、主干道、次干道和支路的路面积尘负荷分别为0.06、0.10、0.21、0.22和0.28 g·m-2,天津市道路路面积尘污染强弱顺序为支路 >次干道 >主干道 >快速路 >外环线;对于次干道与支路,不同车道路面积尘负荷差异不大;对于外环线(1车道除外)、快速路和主干道,越接近道路中央积尘负荷越小,且4车道(即慢车道)积尘负荷与其他各车道积尘负荷之间存在线性关系。  相似文献   

为探究不同采样方法对积尘负荷结果的影响,使用样方采样法和以克论净车采样法采集2018年夏季样品的数据,对北京市3个行政区的11条道路扬尘样品进行现场监测,计算不同道路类型及不同车道的积尘负荷,并对积尘负荷的变化规律进行分析。结果表明:基于样方采样法和以克论净车采样法的北京市夏季不同道路类型积尘负荷从大到小顺序依次为次干道(0.46 g·m−2、0.99 g·m−2) >支路(0.31 g·m−2、0.88 g·m−2)>主干道(0.24 g·m−2、0.78 g·m−2);2种采样方法所得积尘负荷差异的检验结果具有显著性(P=0.00<0.05)且存在线性关系;北京市夏季道路积尘负荷(0.34 g·m−2)稍高于天津市(0.24 g·m−2),低于石家庄市(1.06 g·m−2)、乌鲁木齐市(0.96 g·m−2)和西安市(0.70 g·m−2);基于样方采样法和以克论净车采样法采集的不同城区道路积尘负荷水平排序为大兴区(0.39 g·m−2、1.83 g·m−2)>朝阳区(0.38 g·m−2、1.00 g·m−2)>东城区(0.26 g·m−2、0.92 g·m−2),朝阳区、东城区和大兴区积尘负荷差异的检验结果均不具有显著性(P>0.05);基于样方采样法的机动车慢车道与机动车快车道积尘负荷分别为0.04~1.30 g·m−2和0.02~1.08 g·m−2;慢车道积尘负荷略高于快车道,但二者差异的检验结果不具有显著性(P=0.51>0. 05)。本研究成果可为遴选道路扬尘采样方法、构建北京市道路扬尘排放清单和制定管控措施提供参考。  相似文献   

对渭南主城区道路积尘负荷进行了实测,并计算了2018年不同道路类型和不同车型的交通扬尘颗粒物排放量。结果表明:渭南主城区支路积尘负荷最大,为1.79g/m~2,高速积尘负荷最小,为0.05g/m~2,洒水作业能有效降低积尘负荷;渭南主城区道路交通扬尘PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)的年排放量分别为1 149.65、4 751.88t;小型客车引起的交通扬尘颗粒物排放在城市道路(包括主干道、次干道、支路)和国省道(包括国道和省道)上的分担率最高,分别为59.49%、41.46%,重型货车在高速上的分担率最高,为63.35%;城市道路交通扬尘颗粒物排放有明显的双峰日变化规律,而国省道和高速不明显。  相似文献   

典型石油城市道路积尘重金属污染及健康风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从新疆典型石油城市克拉玛依市采集52个道路积尘样品,测定其中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb和Hg 6种重金属元素的含量,采用地质累积指数法与美国环境保护署(USEPA)推荐的健康风险评价模型,分析了道路积尘重金属污染及潜在健康风险。结果表明,克拉玛依市道路积尘中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb、Hg的平均值分别为新疆土壤背景值的1.62、1.75、0.99、1.50、1.24、2.94倍,道路积尘中6种重金属元素的地质累积指数(I_(geo))平均值排序为HgAsCuPbCrCd。其中,Hg处于轻度污染,其他5种元素均处于无污染水平。总体上,As、Cu、Hg的I_(geo)从西北向东南呈减小趋势;Cd的I_(geo)空间分布较为离散,出现两个同心圆状分布格局;Pb、Cr的I_(geo)呈现均匀分布格局。健康风险评价结果表明,克拉玛依市道路积尘中重金属元素的非致癌风险及致癌风险均处于安全范围内,主要暴露途径为手-口摄入,儿童受到的健康风险高于成人,As是克拉玛依市道路积尘中最主要健康风险元素。  相似文献   

道路扬尘是大气细颗粒物的来源之一,道路清扫保洁可以降低道路积尘量和道路扬尘排放。收集北京市2015年道路尘土残存量(d≤2 mm)数据,采用道路积尘湿式采样器采集秋季道路积尘量(d≤180 μm),分析道路积尘的空间和道路类型分布特征,道路积尘中有机物和无机物含量等,并与瑞典斯德哥尔摩城市道路积尘特征进行比较。结果表明:春、夏、秋、冬和年均值道路尘土残存量分别为26.1、15.7、14.9、15.0和17.9 g·m-2,4类城市功能区的道路尘土残存量分别为13.8、15.0、24.8和20.6 g·m-2;秋季首都功能核心区和城市功能拓展区道路积尘量分别是道路尘土残存量的3.2和2.5倍,是斯德哥尔摩市道路积尘量的5.3和3.9倍;道路积尘量主要来自车辆遗撒、车轮带泥、非铺装路肩风蚀水蚀和大气降尘等无机物,无机物约占道路积尘量的(86.8±5.1)%,最高可达95.8%。建议严格控制渣土车遗撒和车轮带泥等污染源,并加强道路清扫保洁。  相似文献   

西安道路尘中元素分布特征及其来源分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009年1月对西安空间范围的道路尘进行采样,分析了其元素含量和空间分布特征。结果表明,道路尘中Si、Al、Fe、Mg、V、Mn、Ni、Rb的来源基本没有受到人为活动的影响,Ca、Na、K、Ti、Co、Zr的来源受到了人为活动的轻微影响,Cr、Ba、As、Sr、Cu、Zn、Pb的来源则明显受到了人为活动的影响;非(轻)污染元素中Si、K、Rb、Zr、Ti在空间上分布较为一致,且相关性较好,其来源主要受黄土地区粉尘沉降的影响,Ca、Fe、Mn等来源复杂,在一定区域的道路尘中其含量受到人为活动的轻微影响;重污染元素中Pb与As的相关性较好,且空间分布较为一致,主要来源于燃煤和农用机动车尾气排放,Ba与Sr、Cu的相关性也较好,但空间分布特征并不完全相同,显示了其来源以及源排放类型的空间差异;道路尘是一种复杂的环境介质,用单一的源、或者源类型来代表整个城市范围内道路尘元素(无论是地壳元素或是污染元素)的来源是不科学的,应该结合每种元素分布状态在空间上客观存在的差异来进行分析。  相似文献   

利用快速检测法(TRAKER)实时监测石家庄夏季铺装道路机动车道PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)的背景浓度和在机动车行驶过程中车轮扬起的PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)浓度,分析车速对PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)排放特征的影响,并得到不同类型道路积尘负荷、排放因子和排放强度。结果表明:车轮扬起的PM_(2.5)浓度随车速变化不大,而PM_(10)起伏较大;车速相同时,快速路、主干道、次干道、支路的PM_(2.5)质量浓度分别为0.046、0.110、0.160、0.097mg/m~3,表现为次干道主干道支路快速路,与积尘负荷的强弱顺序一致;不同类型道路排放因子表现为次干道快速路支路主干道,排放强度表现为快速路次干道主干道支路。研究结果可为石家庄道路交通扬尘排放清单的构建以及扬尘的治理提供数据支撑和参考。  相似文献   

采用移动式采样法,于2014年秋季、冬季和2015年春季、夏季采集了石家庄4种道路类型(快速路、主干道、次干道和支路)两侧的快、中、慢车道的积尘,分析了不同季节、不同道路类型、不同速度车道以及不同方向车道的积尘负荷分布特征。结果表明:4个季节的平均积尘负荷为秋季0.111g/m~2、冬季0.027g/m~2、春季0.055g/m~2、夏季0.046g/m~2;不同道路类型的平均积尘负荷为快速路0.084g/m~2、主干道0.038g/m~2、次干道0.043g/m~2、支路0.048g/m~2;不同速度车道平均积尘负荷为快车道0.039g/m~2、中车道0.048g/m~2、慢车道0.079g/m~2;不同方向车道积尘负荷差别不大,且大体上显著相关,说明主导风向对道路积尘的影响不大,而车流量的影响较大。  相似文献   

北京道路降尘排放特征研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
道路扬尘是城市大气颗粒物主要来源之一,本研究采用降尘法监测北京道路扬尘并分析降尘排放特征。对北京不同类型道路共40条,每条道路布置2个降尘监测点,并对背景降尘值进行了监测,道路降尘(DFr)与背景降尘(DFb)的差值作为道路自身降尘(ΔDF)。结果显示,快速路、主干道、次干道和支路的ΔDF分别为18.9、13.9、9.9和9.7 t/(km2.30 d),降尘值比例为100∶74∶52∶51,单辆车引起的降尘比例为1.00∶2.55∶5.20∶5.67;夏季道路降尘量最大,其次为冬季。以一年为周期,道路月均降尘为ΔDF,则1~4月份交通降尘量为0.72~0.94ΔDF,5~8月份降尘量为1.10~1.30ΔDF,9~12月份月降尘量为0.96~0.99ΔDF;不同类型道路ΔDF数据均呈偏态分布,道路降尘不同季节也均为偏态分布。道路降尘量与车流量呈正线性相关。  相似文献   

The factors that influence the increase or decrease of silt loadings on paved roadways have not been fully quantitatively investigated. They were identified in this study based on the quarterly silt loading sampling data collected from 20 sites by the Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management in Southern Nevada for the period from 2000 to 2003. The silt loading and associated data collected over these years at one sampling site may inherently possess site-specific characteristics that can be better incorporated by using panel data models. The factors that are identified as significant are the presence of curbs and gutters, shoulder type, pavement conditions, and the presence of construction activities in the vicinity of roadways. The presence of curbs and gutters, stabilized shoulders, and good pavement conditions would result in decreased silt loadings. Conversely, the presence of construction activities within the immediate vicinity of sampled areas would result in increases of silt loadings on the roadway surfaces. Based on the analysis of the results, it was recommended that constructing curbs, gutters and stabilized shoulders, preventing or reducing construction track-out from construction activity, and improving pavement conditions be the preferred control measures to reduce silt loading on paved roadways.  相似文献   

This study is considered the first attempt to apply a mobile monitoring system to estimating silt loading on paved roads in a mega-city such as the Seoul metropolitan area. Using a mobile monitoring system developed in 2005, we estimated silt loadings on representative paved roads in the Seoul metropolitan area, including the city of Incheon, over a period of 3 yr. The temporal and spatial characteristics of silt loading were investigated for the carefully selected roads that may reflect the characteristics of the cities of Seoul and Incheon. In this study, changes in the average silt loading values were investigated in terms of land use, the temporal resolution of data acquisition (i.e., seasonal, daily, three-hour scale), the road width or number of lanes, and rainfall, which may affect the characteristics of the average silt loading significantly. It was found that the advantages of using the mobile monitoring system are its ability to obtain a large quantity of silt loading data in a short period of time and over a wide area and its ability to create a silt loading map showing the relative magnitude of silt loading in relation to a specific location, which makes it possible to easily locate hot spots.

Implications: This study may be considered the first practical application of a mobile monitoring system to obtain the silt loading data on paved roads in a mega-city such as Seoul. It was found that the advantages of using the mobile monitoring system are its ability to obtain a large quantity of silt loading data in a short period of time and over a wide area and its ability to create a silt loading map showing the relative magnitude of silt loading in relation to a specific location, which makes it possible to easily locate hot spots to be cleaned cost-effectively by city officials.  相似文献   

This study is considered the first attempt to apply a mobile monitoring system to estimating silt loading on paved roads in a megacity such as the Seoul metropolitan area. Using a mobile monitoring system developed in 2005, we estimated silt loadings on representative paved roads in the Seoul metropolitan area, including the city of Incheon, over a period of 3 yr. The temporal and spatial characteristics of silt loading were investigated for the carefully selected roads that may reflect the characteristics of the cities of Seoul and Incheon. In this study, changes in the average silt loading values were investigated in terms of land use, the temporal resolution of data acquisition (i.e., seasonal, daily, three-hour scale), the road width or number of lanes, and rainfall, which may affect the characteristics of the average silt loading significantly. It was found that the advantages of using the mobile monitoring system are its ability to obtain a large quantity of silt loading data in a short period of time and over a wide area and its ability to create a silt loading map showing the relative magnitude of silt loading in relation to a specific location, which makes it possible to easily locate hot spots.  相似文献   

基于车载式排放测试系统(PEMS),对混合动力轿车进行典型城市道路行驶工况下的排放测试,对比分析实验车辆速度、加速度和比功率区间下的排放特性。混合动力轿车在车速低于50 km/h时,发动机处于关闭状态无排放,温度也下降,会降低NOx排放。主干道上NOx排放最少,快速路上NOx排放较高,高速公路上NOx排放最多。车速超过50 km/h时发动机再起动,产生CO和HC排放峰值。主干道上CO和HC排放峰值最频繁,总平均排放因子最高;快速路上排放峰值稀少,总平均排放因子居中;高速公路上没有很大的排放峰值,总平均排放因子最低。  相似文献   

为了掌握进口再生纸浆中重金属分布特征,选取3种典型进口废纸(编号为1#、2#、3#)为研究对象,研究了典型进口废纸在碎浆、脱墨、漂白等阶段的重金属含量.结果表明:1#、2#、3#废纸原纸中重金属总量分别为21.62、30.15、40.48 mg/kg,碎浆阶段重金属总量分别为17.76、26.01、33.38 mg/k...  相似文献   

有机负荷对膜-生物反应器硝化性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用厌氧动态膜-生物反应器(AnDMBR)组合自养膜-生物反应器(MBR)工艺,研究冬季低温条件下系统的硝化效果以及TP的去除效果,并与单级MBR工艺进行对比。结果表明:(1)AnDMBR对COD的去除率基本保持在50%~60%,AnDMBR组合自养MBR工艺对COD的去除率为80%~85%;单级MBR工艺对COD的去除率为80%左右。(2)总体上,AnDMBR组合自养MBR工艺对NH4+-N的去除率大于95%;单级MBR对NH4+-N的去除效果比AnDMBR组合自养MBR工艺差。(3)AnDMBR组合自养MBR工艺中,出水NO2--N与NO3--N均有积累;单级MBR工艺中,出水NO2--N积累不明显。(4)相对于亚硝酸盐氧化菌(NOB),氨氧化菌(AOB)对有机负荷更敏感,当有机负荷高时,AOB更易受到异养菌活动的抑制;当有机负荷降低、异养菌活性减弱时,AOB活性明显增强,系统的硝化效果得到明显改善。(5)AnDMBR组合自养MBR工艺对TP的去除率高于80%,单级MBR工艺稳定后对TP的去除率仅为20%~30%。(6)从呼吸速率和硝化速率可知,自养MBR的硝化效果优于单级MBR。  相似文献   

PM10 and PM2.5 emissions from roadways are currently estimated using the silt loading on the road surface as a surrogate for the emissions potential of road dust. While the United States Environmental Protection Agency prescribes this method in AP-42, there is considerable cost associated with silt loading measurements; it is feasible to sample only a small portion of a roadway network. A new approach for measuring the concentration of suspendable PM10 above road surfaces has been developed to obtain a more spatially representative estimate of a road's potential to emit dust. The Testing Re-entrained Aerosols Kinetic Emissions from Roads (TRAKER) system uses real-time aerosol sensors mounted on a vehicle to measure the concentration of dust suspended from the road while the vehicle is in motion. When coupled with a Global Positioning System (GPS) instrument, TRAKER can be used to efficiently survey the changes in suspendable particles due to varying road conditions over a large spatial domain.In a recent study on paved roads in Las Vegas, the TRAKER system was compared with collocated silt loading measurements. The TRAKER system was also used to survey the relative amounts of suspendable road dust on approximately 300 miles of paved roads. The system provides a unique perspective on road dust sources and their spatial distribution.Results of this study indicated that the difference of the PM10 concentrations measured behind the tire and on the hood is exponentially related to vehicle speed. This was an interesting finding because current AP-42 road dust emissions estimation methods do not include vehicle speed as a factor in the emissions calculations. The experiment also demonstrated that the distribution of suspendable material on roadways is highly variable and that a large number of samples are needed to represent road dust emissions potential on an urban scale for a variety of road and activity conditions.  相似文献   

在多年六氯苯生产车间及周围布设采样点,采取不同深度的土壤进行分析,研究持久性有机污染物(POPs)污染场地中六氯苯的空间分布规律.结果表明,生产车间附近污染严重,六氯苯的最高质量浓度为25 911.95 mg/kg,平均为4 944.07 mg/kg,在风力作用下六氯苯浓度向东南方向扩散;-3 m土层(以表土层为基准,表土层以下的土层深度为负值)中六氯苯最高质量浓度为369.63 mg/kg.平均为54.77 mg/kg,六氯苯浓度较表土层迅速下降,六氯苯污染中心位置与表土层对应;-5 m土层由于土壤类型为黏土或淤泥质黏土,六氯苯浓度相对于- m土层反而升高.平均质量浓度为92.13 mg/kg.纵观整个污染场地六氯苯的污染分布情况,污染中心位置向南移动,且六氯苯在垂直方向的迁移和浓度与土壤有机质含量相关.  相似文献   

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