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随着经济的快速发展,无锡市水环境质量发生了很大的变化。由于在太湖、五里湖等湖泊周围大规模围湖造田,水域生态环境和原有水系格局被破坏,五里湖、梅梁湖水质恶化,每10年下降一个等级,太湖水质总体上呈现富营养化状态。水环境变化在一定程度上导致了地面沉降的发生,有的地区地下水位呈加速下降的趋势,有的地区已出现多个地下水位降落漏斗,后者面积达220km^2。应该加快区域供水建设步伐,调整工业结构,加强对水资源的管理和调控。  相似文献   

广东省水资源问题及可持续利用对策   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
李伟烈 《生态环境》2004,13(2):284-286
论述了广东省的水资源状况和水资源利用中存在的主要问题,提出了水资源可持续利用的对策。认为水质性缺水、水利工程老化失修、水资源浪费严重、管理体制不健全是水资源利用中存在的主要问题;应加强水污染的防治,健全防洪防旱体系,建立健全水资源统一管理运作饥制,提高全民节水观念,发展节水农业,走兴林治水之路,使水资源可持续利用。  相似文献   

分析了莱州湾地区水资源对气候波动的敏感性,旱涝频率及水资源污染等问题。主要结论有:水资源对气候波动很敏感,降水增加 10%,全区水资源总量将增加 21%;降水减少 10%,全区水资源总量将减少 28%。旱涝频繁, 30 a中共发生等级在涝以上的雨涝10次,等级在旱以上的干旱14次。在气候偏旱时期,特大旱共发生4次,而在气候偏湿时期仅发生1次特大旱;在气候偏湿时期,大涝及特大涝共发生4次,而在气候偏旱时期仅发生特大涝1次。该区水资源已受到严重污染;尤其是在海水入浸区,水污染已造成严重危害。  相似文献   

论述了当今世界水资源危机的现状,引起水资源危机的主要原因;认为发展节水农业是缓解水资源危机的重要举措,并概述了节水农业的技术现状和节水农业今后的发展趋势.  相似文献   

东北地区城市水资源环境问题及其对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对东北三省区城市水资源环境问题及其控制对策与措施进行了分析和探讨。面临的主要问题有:水资源相对短缺和供需矛盾突出、地表水环境污染严重、地下水环境受破坏和污染、尚未形成节水型的社会生产生活与管理体系等。针对区域城市水资源环境问题提出了相应的控制对策与措施。  相似文献   

黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展是国家重大战略之一,开展黄河流域湿地状况监测与分析,有助于加强黄河流域湿地保护治理,对维护流域生态安全具有重要意义.通过土地利用和调研资料对黄河流域湿地开展监测和分析,结果如下:1)2018年黄河流域湿地面积约为22708.35 km2,面积最大的为沼泽湿地,占2018年全流域湿地面积的比例...  相似文献   

污水资源化——水资源保护与开发的基本战略和对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从秦皇岛市海港区污水处理厂出水水质现状出发,分析了将此出水作为港口煤炭作业用水、生活杂项用水、市政工程用水和农田灌溉用水等方面。探索了经进一步深度处理后达标使用的可能性,对其可能带来的三大效益做了简要分析,提出了污水资源化是解决秦皇岛市水资源不足与水污染问题的基本战略与对策。  相似文献   

以合肥市的景观水体为研究对象,从景观水资源的自然属性和美学属性研究入手,探讨了城市水体的景观、环境和经济效应及美学特征,并在此基础上,应用"专家评估"与"系统调查分析"相结合的评价方法,对主要景观水体的美景度进行了综合评价。结果表明:合肥市内水景中美感度最高的是黑池坝风景区(113.3),其次是银河公园风景区(60.9),再次是雨花塘风景区(46.4),而美景度较差的是杏花公园(-27.5)和南淝河(-4.9)。  相似文献   

黄河流域农业资源环境效率时空演化特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨农业资源环境效率对于推动黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展具有重要意义。通过构建农业资源环境效率综合评价指标体系,采用超效率SBM模型和空间计量模型,对1990—2017年黄河流域9省(区)农业资源效率时空分异特征及其演变过程进行测度与刻画,并进一步探讨其影响因素。结果表明:(1)研究期间黄河流域9省(区)农业资源环境效率总体呈现缓慢波动上升趋势,且总体水平较低,山东和四川处于引领地位。(2)黄河流域农业资源环境效率总体呈现下游上游中游的空间分布格局。从空间格局演化来看,流域农业资源环境效率空间分异特征较为明显,呈现以山东和四川为核心的"双核"特征;从上、中、下游来看,则呈现"中心-外围"特征。(3)从影响因素结果分析来看,农业经济发展水平、农业生产技术水平和种植业结构对流域农业资源环境效率具有显著促进作用,而财政支农政策、工业化水平、环境规制和农业受灾率则具有一定阻碍作用。最后,提出了黄河流域强化农业科技支撑、农业生态环境保护和农业基础设施建设等方面的对策建议。  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区渔业水环境现状评价表明 ,影响本地区水域水质的主要项目有石油类、溶解氧和非离子氨 ,部分地区水域已不能满足渔业生产的要求。因此 ,本文提出了本地区渔业水环境的保护对策建议 ,希望能引起有关方面的高度重视 ,促进本地区渔业水环境的保护和治理 ,以确保本地区渔业生产的可持续发展。  相似文献   

中国农业水土环境存在的问题及对策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
成自勇  张芮 《生态环境》2006,15(6):1413-1416
中国农业水土环境问题十分严重。水土流失、土地沙漠化、水资源日显短缺、水体过度开采和污染加剧、土壤污染和次生盐渍化是水土环境恶化的根本原因。积极恢复植被、实施虚拟水土战略、对水土资源进行优化调控、构建节约型水土资源综合体系提高水土利用效率、通过国家生态税收建立生态补偿机制等,是解决农业水土环境问题的根本途径。  相似文献   

黄河水量统一调度实施前后河口三角洲生态环境变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王晓燕  张长春  魏加华 《生态环境》2006,15(5):1046-1051
全流域水量统一调度是缓解黄河断流,维护流域生态环境的重要举措。水量调度效果如何,河口生态环境变化状况是非常重要的衡量指标。文章提出了评价水量调度效果的河口生态环境对比指标,并尝试运用遥感技术、水文数据和调查资料,对比分析了水量调度前后河口三角洲生态环境变化情况。结果表明,黄河水量统一调度后,河口三角洲最小河道生态基流在非汛期基本得到满足,断流现象不再发生,径流入海率和输沙入海量有所增加,淡水湿地面积逐渐增多,物种多样性明显得到改善。这反映出黄河流域水量统一调度后,河口三角洲生态环境正逐步恢复。  相似文献   

Y. Li  B. Chen  Z.F. Yang   《Ecological modelling》2009,220(22):3163-3173
Ecological network analysis (ENA) is introduced in this paper as a promising approach to study water use systems. Information indices from ENA involving total system throughput (TST), ascendency and overhead are calculated here. Two related aspects including organization inherent in system structures and synthesized water use intensity related with sustainable development of water use systems are analyzed. The indices of ascendency and overhead are applied for analyzing and characterizing water use network organization. For comparison of sustainability of water use systems from integrated aspects of environment, society and economy and based on TST, a new indicator termed as total system throughput intensity (TSTI) is constructed incorporating parameters of land, precipitation, population, GDP and environmental flow, which can be used as a measure of sustainability in terms of synthesized water use intensity. The Yellow River Basin in China during 1998–2006 is chosen as the case study and divided into subsystems according to the six river sections as from source to Lanzhou (S1-L1), Lanzhou to Toudaoguai (L1-T), Toudaoguai to Longmen (T-L2), Longmen to Sanmenxia (L2-S2), Sanmenxia to Huayuankou (S2-H) and Huayuankou to the mouth of Bo Sea (H-B). The results show that (i) the organization levels of L1-T and H-B are better than those of S1-L1 and T-L2, with those of L2-S2 and S2-H the worst; (ii) the synthesized water use intensity has been improving, of which T-L2, L2-S2 and S2-H are at the highest levels while H-B the lowest. In addition, the comparison between TSTI and other metrics and the relationship between ascendency and TSTI are discussed, from which the importance of TSTI is reflected and the optimization criterions for sustainable development of six subsystems are derived. It can be concluded that the application of ENA in water use systems can provide new angles for water resource management to address the challenges of assessing and optimizing options to obtain more sustainable water use.  相似文献   

With an increasing population and rapid development of the economy and society of the Yellow River Basin region, the Yellow River is at crisis point. The discrepancy between supply and demand of water resources is a key issue. In 2000–2006, the mean annual discharge of the Yellow River entering the delta was 13.2 billion m3, a reduction of 18.6 billion m3 compared with the 1980s, and 9 billion m3 less than in the 1990s. The water requirements of various sectors are increasing. Large amounts of water essential to maintain the health of the delta ecosystem have been diverted for other users. The lower river channel is shrinking and the threat of flooding is becoming severe. Moreover, water pollution is increasing to a serious level; the river mouth ecosystem is subject to degradation. Due to overall decreased flow into the delta, and almost no flow into the delta for much of the year except in wet periods, biodiversity is threatened and there has been degradation of the ecological environment. In view of the water scarcity and variation in water supply, particularly in the context of climate change, measures need to be taken to realise sustainable water use in the Yellow River Delta region. In view of the lack of a complete index system for sustainable utilisation of regional water resources in China, this paper examines the major countermeasures for sustainable water use in the region. A rational adjustment mechanism for water prices is needed. Adjustment of agricultural infrastructure and water saving need to be directed by water prices, and thus the reasonable exploitation of groundwater must also be directed by water prices. Participation of the public is to be encouraged, with the development of a water user association that will become involved in formulating water rights, water allocation and water prices. Decision-making, management and supervision of this association will be done in a democratic way to promote the social management of water saving.  相似文献   

于海霞  徐礼强  张强  陈晓宏 《生态环境》2010,19(10):2515-2520
建立珠江三角洲区域一体化的水利政策法规体系是珠江三角洲国民经济社会发展和水利现代化建设的需要。从珠江三角洲地区现行水利政策法规存在的问题入手,开展珠江三角洲区域一体化的政策法规体系研究。结果表明:珠江三角洲地区现行水利政策法规体系仍很不完善,许多立、改、废工作亟待进行,2008年水政执法有效率总体较高,但很少在珠江三角洲层面开展区域一体化的联合执法,珠江三角洲水利政策法规体系建设应重点加强与水利现代化建设、水资源一体化配置、保护及管理相关的政策法规,进而建立统一协调、快速高效的区域一体化的联合执法体系。  相似文献   

Changes of streamflow reflect combined effects of climate, soil and vegetation in the basin scale. This study was conducted to investigate the response of streamflow to the climate changes/variability in different scales of the Yellow River Basin (YRB). The spatial distribution and temporal trends were explored for precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (PE) during 1961-2000 to illustrate climate change/variability and impacts of climate change/variability on streamflow were explained by investigating the relationship of precipitation, PE and streamflow in the YRB. The results presented that: (i) precipitation and PE exhibited different spatial distribution patterns and temporal trends in different regions, and most stations showed negative trends for precipitation in the basin; (ii) the relationship of streamflow with precipitation and PE showed high nonlinearity, and the magnitudes and patterns of streamflow response to precipitation and PE displayed different patterns varied with the dry conditions in different region or years; and (iii) the precipitation elasticity of streamflow (?P) was 1.80, 1.08, 1.78 and 1.95 in Lanzhou, Toudaoguai, Huayuankou and Lijin respectively, while the PE elasticity of streamflow (?ET) was −3.41, −4.40, −4.52 and −4.20 in above four scales, respectively, from which can be seen that streamflow was more sensitive to precipitation in wet region than in arid region and inversely it was more sensitive to PE in arid regions than in wet regions. Furthermore, precipitation elasticity of streamflow calculated from the partial correlation presented a reasonable result to show the combined effect of precipitation and PE on streamflow.  相似文献   

近50年来长江-黄河源区气候及水文环境变化趋势分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对长江、黄河源区12个台站近50年来的温度、降水资料分析表明,近50年来长江源区平均升温0.61℃,黄河源区平均升温0.88℃;长江一黄河源区降水量在经过上世纪80年代高峰期后90年代呈现明显下降趋势,东部地区降水量减幅大于西部地区;在总体气候向暖干变化的同时,区域内春末夏初和冬季部分月份近50年来气候朝暖湿化方向发展。径流量在上世纪90年代呈现出较强的枯水期,然而由于气候变暖加剧了冰雪的消融,以冰雪融水补给为主的河流在温度升高的气候背景下径流量出现了较大幅度的增长。伴随着温度的升高和降水量的波动变化,近50年来区域内呈现出冰川、冻土加速消融,湖泊、沼泽疏干退化加剧的趋势。  相似文献   

贺振  贺俊平 《生态环境》2012,(10):1655-1659
植被是土地覆盖中的最主要部分,是连接土壤、大气和生物等要素的自然“纽带”。植被覆盖动态变化对全球能量循环和物质循环具有重要影响,是全球变化研究的重要内容之一。黄河流域作为我国重要的粮食生产基地,其环境变化直接影响到流域经济的可持续发展。为了快速准确地提取地表植被状况,了解黄河流域生态环境,利用1998—2011年的SPOT-VGT遥感数据,结合地理信息技术,采用均值法和趋势分析法对黄河流域植被NDVI时空分布特征和变化趋势进行了动态监测。结果表明,(1)黄河流域14年NDVI均值的空间分布整体特征是东南部平原、盆地和西部山地植被状况要好于北部地区。其次,黄河流域属于干旱半干旱地区,植被发育主要依赖于水文条件,所以沿黄河干流和支流区域也具有较高的植被NDVI值。(2)黄河流域植被NDVl年均值近14年间整体呈缓慢增长趋势,1998--2000年呈现急剧减少态势,2001--2003年出现了较为快速的增长,2004--2011年又出现了较长时间的连续增长过程。(3)黄河流域植被NDVI基本不变的区域约占研究区总面积的71.13%;植被NDVI轻微改善的区域约占流域总面积的27.30%,且主要分布于流域东南部的盆地、平原和西部的山地、丘陵地区,植被NDVI退化的区域面积约占流域总面积的0.98%。黄河流域自1998年以来,植被NDVI整体在不断提高,生态环境在不断改善。  相似文献   

黄河源头生态环境变化的遥感监测及驱动因素   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用1990年、2000年和2004年的TM卫星影像数据研究表明,近10 a来,黄河源头玛多县生态环境状况变化剧烈,主要表现为沼泽、滩涂、河流、湖泊等湿地萎缩干涸,所占比例持续减少,表明水源涵养力减弱.同时,沙地、盐碱地和不宜林草荒地等劣质土地的增加使天然草地破碎化程度加大;而天然草地、林地和宜林草荒地比例持续增加,说明在21世纪初以来的暖湿化气候背景下,黄河源头-玛多县生态环境呈良性发展态势.分析认为气温、降水、蒸发、冻土等自然因素,以及超裁过牧、滥采乱挖和草地鼠害等人类活动是导致黄河源头生态环境变化的共同驱动因素,其中又以气候因子为主导,与冻土环境及水文条件相互影响.  相似文献   

施用化肥对农业生态环境的负面影响及对策   总被引:109,自引:9,他引:109  
论述了肥料的过量使用对我国的农业生态环境质量的负面影响,提出了合理施用化肥防治环境污染的对策。认为过量施用化肥引起土壤酸化和板结、重金属污染、硝酸盐污染和土壤次生盐渍化,从而导致土壤肥力下降,并且造成水体富营养化,淋溶污染地下水,致使作物品质下降,硝酸盐含量超标,并通过食物链危害人体健康。此外,认为化肥对大气环境的影响主要集中在氮肥上,氨挥发和NOx、CH4及CO2的释放,不仅能引起温室效应,而且还能够引起臭氧层的破坏。提出了相应的对策:增加科技教育的投入,提高农民的科学文化素质,提高全民的环境意识;合理施肥;结合国家的调控政策,在粮食产量与环境保护、作物产量与产品品质之间找到平衡点。  相似文献   

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